Faolin's Crew

UPDATED: Thursday, June 8, 2006 16:18
VIEWED: 14723
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Thursday, June 1, 2006 11:19 AM


"Okay crew lets get there we need to get paid. I'm assuming Darren's got some repairs to think of as well" The Captains voice boomed over the com. "I'll show you your rooms once we break atmo"
To Puro: Fly as straight as you can avoid alliance the usual. Captain walks to the galley. "Shanti spect you can workwith what I got standard supply." Captain walks to infirmary. "Doc anything you need write it down I'll get it with some of the pay on the next job." Now to engine room "so Darren ever workwith a ship like this"



Thursday, June 1, 2006 11:42 AM


"I mostly worked on shuttles and Wren class transports, but I'm sure I'll get ta know this bird in no time." He put the catalyzer he was tinkering with down and continues to say. "Also the harmonic stabilizer on the engine feels like it's out of sync by .05 degrees. I can probably fix it but you'll be needin' a new one within a few months. That's unless of course ya don't mind the engine ripping itself ta shreds."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 1, 2006 11:50 AM


"After this cargo drop we should hav ea healthy amount of money to look into that any other parts I have are through that closet there and when you get the chanch, check out shuttle two" "Your room is through the one on the left going toward the infirmary in this hall here" Walk to infirmary "Doc your room is on the left headin toward the engine room"

P.S. Crew e-mail me and I'll reply with a diagram of the ship (

Captain Faolan


Thursday, June 1, 2006 11:57 AM



P.S. Crew e-mail me and I'll reply with a diagram of the ship (

Scratch that program i was going to use can't be e-mailed

Captain Faolan


Thursday, June 1, 2006 12:18 PM


Darren nods and says "Yes sir Cap'n I'll get on that as soon as I'm done with the engine." He puts the catalyzer in the left side pocket of his jumpsuit and walks over to his black metal multi-drawer tool box. He picks it up by the handle and heads towards the engine room.

Out of Character: So does that mean we (i.e. the crew) won't be able to get a diagram of the ship's layout?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 1, 2006 12:36 PM



Out of Character: So does that mean we (i.e. the crew) won't be able to get a diagram of the ship's layout?

You will but it will take a while I'll have to do it on I'll do a description though.

The ship is two stories. the outside is a giant cylinder with for long "wings" jetting out with thruster things on teh end. The topfloor has the bridge at the nose of the ship followed by a hallway with four rooms. (from bridge) Left: Pilot Right: First Mate Far Left: Captains FAr Right: Cook's at the end of the hall is the galley there are a couple of nook's of the galley and a stairway leading outside infirmary. Through the gallry is a room for some part storage and it leads to two hailways leading to th efour shuddles. In this room is a stairway leading to the cargo bay/airlock. A door hear lead to outside infirmary plaze with two passenger dorms and the infirmary. Then another hallway with two mor epassenger dorms adn the doc and mechanic quarters. finnaly we have the engine room below the bridge. The large room leading to the shuttle can open to let down som vehicles stored there to the airlock.

Captain Faolan


Thursday, June 1, 2006 12:58 PM


Shanti drops her rucksack unceremoniously on the galley table and runs a hand through her short blond hair, leaving it sticking up everywhere.

With a satisfied grin, she looks around herself.

The galley looks pretty standard, as do the rudimentary supplies. For a while, she putters about, turning on the stove, checking the cooler unit, and making note of what groceries and staples are on hand.

She makes a note to ask the mechanic... what was his name again?... to take a look at the oven unit when he gets a chance.

Food to eat, a crew to fly with, and a ship to get her into the Black and away from Alliance patrols. Nothing better in the 'verse!


Thursday, June 1, 2006 1:00 PM


"Shanti you room is the first one to the right going toward the bridge we getting a meal today" The captain through this all at her while walking to his bunk. He left without waiting for an aswer

Captain Faolan


Thursday, June 1, 2006 1:36 PM


In the Engine Room......

Darren was laying underneath the engine, the rythmic hum was soothing to him. He pulled out a powered screwdriver from his belt tool kit and proceeded to unscrew the panel on his right. After catching all the screws he opened a small drawer in his tool box and placed the screws in the drawer. Darren then placed the panel off to the side and inspected the harmonic stabilizer. He said to himself "Yep jus' like I thought it's out of sync by .05 degrees." He slid out from under the engine and opened his tool box and selected the appropiate tool for the job. He smiled as he slid back underneath the engine and whistled while he worked.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 1, 2006 1:53 PM


-the Galley;

"Thanks, Captain!" Shanti called to his departing back.

Her own bunk! She was starting to really like this job. Happily, she pulled out pots and pans and ingredients and got dinner started. All of them just arriving and all, who knew when anyone had a chance to eat last?


Thursday, June 1, 2006 1:53 PM


Thsi crew must have there secrets Faolin thought to himself while lying in his bunk. Maybe I'm just paranoid but the mechanics working dilegently the doc ready the cook hasn't complained about th ekitchen supplies or the broken oven the pilot was flying smooth and the mercenary wasn't crude or attempting mutiny. What were they hiding.

"Thsi is Shanti dinner's ready for any that want it." Only now did he realised how hungry he was it was a long day. Foalin climbed to the galley and perpared for his first sit down meal with his crew.

Captain Faolan


Thursday, June 1, 2006 2:11 PM


Darren had heard the call for dinner over the com. He finished up his work, slid out from underneath the engine, and put away his tools. He took out the stained rag from his back pocket and wiped his hands off the best he could and headed for the galley. Once there he saw the Captain and the hot looking Cook. "What was her name?" Darren wondered to himself. He shrugged off that thought as he took a plate and sat down. The Captain said to Darren "So did you fix the engine?" Darren turns to the Captain and says "Yes sir I did. I'll go ta work on the #2 shuttle after I eat." Captain Faolin nods and says "Good good see that you do." Darren smiles and scoops some food onto his plate. He hadn't even bothered to clean off the grease stains on his face.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 1, 2006 2:14 PM


(Who don't love Captain Faolan? A stupid, that's who. Anyway, I want a way in. Please, help!)

(BTW: Hiya Pain, Ertia. I ran into Bigwolf on another ship...err...thread too. Coincidence? I think not!



Thursday, June 1, 2006 2:19 PM



Shanti piled food onto the table and watched in satisfaction as everyone starts to eat. The mechanic eats like he's half starved!

She dropped into her own seat next to the doctor. "So, Captain, how long have you owned this bird? She's got so much more room than I'm used to!"


Thursday, June 1, 2006 2:31 PM


Got her about two mounths ago by the way we have a mercenary meeting us at Beaumonde. I know Gail you enough of a gun but we could always use another hand. This business is a whirlwind. Darren, Shanti, you'll be responsible for showing him his shuttle, #3 and Gail you'll be with me and my mate Doc you got that list done yet?



Thursday, June 1, 2006 2:36 PM


(What mercenary might this be? Cause I already got a character's Banner. Davies Banner.)

(Oh yeah.)



Thursday, June 1, 2006 2:41 PM


Shanti shifts uncomfortably at the idea, but nods, "Ai ai, captain! We'll see him settled in just fine. Is there any chance we can pick up some foodstuffs on Beaumonde? We've got staples, but I'd sure love some spices."


Thursday, June 1, 2006 3:09 PM


I'll get a little guys name is Banner he should come to you



Thursday, June 1, 2006 3:09 PM


I'll get a little guys name is Banner he should come to you



Thursday, June 1, 2006 3:23 PM


*Initiating Banner persona...coming to you program engaged...sorry, shaking off the 'cyborg' thing...alright..)

*Davies Banner is standing in the crowds of the Beaumonde docks, taking in the street smells and street sights, watching the ship's come and go with boredom and anxiety. Finally, the droids...I mean ship, that he's looking for docks, and he walks up to it with a smile. A blond haired woman-girl is revealed as the ship opens. Davies walks forward, a sharp and wide grin on his face.*

"Name's Banner," the mercenary says to the girl-woman, extending a dark, hairy hand. Shinti eyes it trepidously, giving Davies the up and down.

Davies is a pretty muscly-looking bloke, sporting a ragged set of muttonchops. A thick, graying mop of hair nests above thick, curly eyebrows. His eyes themselves are an unusual shade of gold, flecked with blue. Heavy, chapped lips, shaded by a bushy mustache. A grain of rice is caught in it. He's broad-shouldered, bowlegged, and thick of the biceps.

Davies is caught off-guard by the wary Shinti, trying a slightly different tact.

"Davies Banner, matter o'fact. Best shot this side o' Beaumonde, former gunner fo' the Dying Angel. 'Eard your cap'n got a job for me." His voice is distinctly Cockney, and Shinti smiles at the almost comical thickness of the accent.


13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Thursday, June 1, 2006 3:27 PM


Hey 13

Darren almost chokes on his food as he heard the Captain say that him and Shanti would have to show the merc they were picking up around. He scarfs down the rest of his food, wipes off his mouth and takes his plate to the sink. He's about to leave for the #2 shuttle when Shanti says "Um Darren is it?" Darren replies "Yes miss that's my name don't wear it out." "Could you take a look at the stove. I think there's something wrong with it." Shanti says to Darren blowing off his comment. He smiles and says "Yeah sure I'll take a look at it." Darren leaves the galley before Shanti could thank him and headed for the engine room to pick up his tools before going to the #2 shuttle. Darren whistles the tune he always whistles when he's about to go to work.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 1, 2006 3:35 PM


*Banner enters the ship, callused hands pocketed. Shinti begins to show him around, but he chuckles, raising quieting hand.*

"Listen, now, luv, your cap olready sen'me a schematic," *he struggles to pronounce* "an' Oy think Oy can manage ma' way round here." *He claps his hands together.*

"Although, you can 'elp me get introduced to the rest o' the crew?"


13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Thursday, June 1, 2006 3:49 PM


This is not how this was supposed to happen The captain thouh. He and Gail were tied upin some guys house and he had left the money in the room. He pulled a needle out of his back pocket and started undoing the rope. When finished he untied Gail. "Puro ournew guy on board" "Yeah Captain prep her as soon as we get back we're leaving." "Gail when I pick this money up alarms will sound and we will run, shiny" "Ready captain" Sure enough alarms sounded He and Gail twisted their way through lasers and closing doors. Gail was limber too what did eh need the Banner guy for They shot back at the guards running after them Gail was an alful running shot that's why They made it to the mule and zoomed back to the ship. "Take her up" Banner looked at his new employer with a blank face. "Welcome aboard"



Thursday, June 1, 2006 4:00 PM


Shanti watched the new merc closely. Captain had said make him welcome and show him his shuttle. He hadn't said how welcome she was supposed to make him and found herself glad for that fact.

He didn't seem to much want her help anyway.

The roar of the mule tearing up the cargo ramp made her leap out of the way. She managed to hit the button to close the door and seal the airlock.

"Uh, Captain? I take that didn't quite go as planned?"


Thursday, June 1, 2006 4:05 PM


"Why is it that naughty men can't smuggle cargo deliver it and get paid without gettin' tied up these days"
"But we did get paid" Darren asked

"Yep but couldn' get your spices or Doc's supplies or a new job. Head to Persephone I need to give Rogers his cut"

"Could send it tohim but No had to get tied up" "I'll be in my bunk"

The captain left in a huff



Thursday, June 1, 2006 4:20 PM


Darren (who apparently was more greasier than before) watched as the Captain stormed off. He turned to Shanti and said "So is this goin' ta be happenin' a lot. Cause if it is this bird's goin' ta be driftin' sooner than later." Shanti smiled and said "Relax I'm sure you won't let that happen." Darren shrugs and says running a grease stained hand through his shaggy brown hair "Yeah I guess ya right but still I'd like ta be able ta have the parts ta fix her." At that Darren heads for the galley carrying his tool box, hoping that whatever was wrong with the stove wouldn't reqiure a complete tear down.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 1, 2006 4:52 PM


Shanti leaned over the counter, watching the mechanic work. "See, it's only heating on the one side. I could work around it, but..."

"Have it right in a jiffy." Darren answered her absentmindedly. He brushed a hand over his forehead adding a streak of black stove charcoal to the grease already there.

"Thanks." She heaved herself up to sit on the counter as he worked. "What do you think of the crew? I like the Doc. Captain seems uptight... but I guess getting shot at does that. And Gail... glad he's on our side!"

"Uh huh." Darren did something that made a horrible grinding sound. "Just a loose element. Try that."

"HOOOOOOYA! It works!" Shanti stood back as Darren stood up and gathered his tools. "I'm gonna start the bread dough rising before I turn in then. Fresh baked bread can do wonders in the black."


Thursday, June 1, 2006 5:27 PM


Darren closed his toolbox and said to Shanti "I'll be lookin' forward ta that Miss. That was a mighty fine meal ya cooked up."

Shanti holds back a laugh and says to him "Why thank you. Perhaps you should consider getting cleaned up. You're slightly on the dirty side."

She takes out a small mirror to show him. Darren looks at himself and laughs. He says to her "Yeah perhaps I am. I'll go put away my tools and look for the shower."

He bids farewell to Shanti and heads off to the cargo bay to fetch the medium sized foot locker containing his personal stuff.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 1, 2006 7:13 PM


Bread dough kneaded and rising, Shanti took one last look around the kitchen, ensuring that everything was in in it's place.

Finally, satisfied, she ran her hand once more though her short blond locks, and turned for her bunk. The first day over.

Absentmindedly, she thinks about the rest of the crew, the rough and tumble new merc, sturdy reliable Fred Gail, the steady hardworking mechanic, the quiet Doc. She'd hardly seen the pilot at all. Captain, too, for that matter.

She was used to being the only woman, but out in the black, sometimes that mattered more than it aught. Rubbing the dark tattoo hidden under her shirtsleeve, she stepped into her bunk and smiled at its spaciousness.

She dug in her rucksack and pulled out the one luxury she carried; Jeddy the Teddy; and curled up on her bunk with a sigh. This place would be home soon enough.


Thursday, June 1, 2006 7:15 PM


Shanti: Life and Love, but never Free


Thursday, June 1, 2006 8:28 PM


Awww your character looks so cute in that pic.

Darren had stashed his footlocker in his bunk and had finally found the common shower room after a half an hour of wandering around. He entered the room, closed the door, set the clean set of clothes down near his towel on the counter, and turned on the water. Once the water was to his liking he stripped off his gear and clothes and stepped into the shower. Darren spent ten minutes washing and singing to himself letting the water carry away all the grease and gunk that had accumulated on him.

Darren shut off the water and stepped out, walking over to grab his towel, and dry himself off. After he completed that task, he donned his clean clothes and hung the tool belt and jumpsuit over his right arm, along with his towel. He stepped out of the room refreshed and ready for what tomorrow would bring. Darren then headed to his bunk, opened the hatch, climbed down the ladder, hung his tool belt on a wall hook, hung his jumpsuit next to it, and climbed into bed, turning the lights off as he fell asleep.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, June 2, 2006 2:22 AM


Suddenly the ship grumbled and the power went out.

The captain was up in a jiffy (sleep never came much anymore anyway) and ran to the engine room Darren was already there and under the engine.

"What'd you do to my bird?"



Friday, June 2, 2006 3:52 AM


Just as the power cut out, the doc was entering the galley. The red emergency lights came on, and as he squinted to see who else was in there with him, he stumbled and nearly fell.

Gail and Banner, the new merc, turned and watched him from where they sat at the table. It was immediately apparent to them both that the doc was highly intoxicated.

The mercs watched in amusement as the doc struggled to make it the few meters from the doorway to the table without falling, where he unceremoniously plopped himself into a chair.

Grinning at them like a fool, the doc's eyes finally focused on Gail and, although slurred and off-key, the doc bust into a song.

DR LUAP: (Any similarity to a well known verse song is purely intentional)
"Gaaaaail! The man they call Gaaaaail!
Likes to speeeeend his nights in jaaaaail!
With his butt in the air, he has narry a care.
He'll bend over double, at the first hint of trouble.
Keeps his abs like a rock, and his lips on a co... *WHAM*

Gail has punched him squarely in the jaw, knocking the doc right over the back of the chair. The doc drops to the floor like a sack of dirt, and as he hits the deck, already unconscious, a bottle of pills rolls out of his pocket. And a flask. And a syringe. And a rolled up baggie.

What's up with this guy? (Nudges the doc with his toe)

Don't know. But he's been itchin' ta pick a fight with me ever since he got on board.

Well, he sure seems to be stocked up with pharmaceuticals!

He's some sorta city-slicker doc-ter, or somethin'.

No! It couldn't be? Did he say what his name is? Was it Nagap Luap? (Gail nods) I've read about this guy! He's been kicked out of over a dozen hospitals on the core worlds! It seems he has a weakness for his own medicines.

You tellin' me we gotta gorram druggie for a doc-ter?

Oh he's actually a pretty good doctor, but only when he's sober. If I remember it correctly, he was on duty, and high as a kite, when there was a major ship crash on Persephonie. He gave a bunch of people the wrong meds and they nearly died. That's when they told him he couldn't practice medicine on any of the core worlds ever again.

So the Alliance sent him out here to practice on us?

Seems to be.

DR LUAP (muffled and still face down on the floor)
Gaaaaail's a guy who likes maaaaales... he he he!

Gail kicks him none too softly in the ribs and the doc shuts up again

He's apparently a bit of a homophobe, also.

Yeah, I rekon, but I aint no homo just cause my name's Gail, and I'll prove it! HEY LOVE SLAVE! Shanti! Git yer pretty little butt down here!

To be continued...

* - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - *
流口水的婊子和猴子的 笨儿子。
Liou coe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-tze duh bun ur-tze.
"Stupid son of a drooling whore and a monkey."


Friday, June 2, 2006 4:03 AM


After hearing the crash from the galley The captain prayed that Darren knew what he was doing and walked to the galley just in time to see Gail holding a firearm to the Doc head.
"Gail off and I'll have no using of our cook. So my docs on drugs perfect." To Banner "Get them off of each other and get him to the infirmary if something explodes Me and Darren might need him."



Friday, June 2, 2006 5:53 AM


Post moved to below, where it makes more cronological sense.


Friday, June 2, 2006 5:54 AM


Shanti made her way into the galley in the dim red emergency lighting, quickening her pace when she heard her name yelled.

She entered just in time to hear the Captain's voice, "Gail off and I'll have no using of our cook."

Leaning on the doorframe, she watched Banner yank Doc Laup to his feet before turning to the captain, and saying softly, "Thank you, Captain. But I 'spect now the whole crew knows, won't be long before I'm doing double duty."

She doesn't sound resentful, just resigned, and is surprised when Captain Faolin frowns at her, "Not on my ship. How about seein' to some breakfast?"

"Aye aye, sir!" Shanti gives a salute and a smile before hurrying into the kitchen. She looks sadly at the bread dough, risen and ready to bake. "No fresh bread, though, unless our Darren can get the power back up."


Friday, June 2, 2006 6:04 AM


Darren was about to answer the Captain's question when Faolin ran off to the galley. Apparently some of the crew were fighting but that didn't bother Darren. He took out a DataPad, hooked it up to the ship's computer and downloaded the schematics of the engine. He unplugged the device (about the size of an iPod) and looked over the schematics.

"Ai ya whoever designed this engine was operatin' on fumes." Darren swore under his breath.

He scanned the schematic and located the compression coil assembly. He opened his tool box and went to work.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, June 2, 2006 9:27 AM


The light hurt as Nagap forced his eyes to open. He knew from experience that if he looked in the mirror they’d be bloodshot to a comic point. Comic if only it didn’t hurt so much.

He sat up, immediately regretted it, and lay back down. He couldn’t quite decide which hurt more – his aching head, his eyes, or his jaw. His jaw? That meant he’d probably mouthed off to someone and gotten himself punched out again. It happened often, during one of his “episodes” when his self-loathing and self-destructive tendancies were at their worst and he wanted someone to beat the crap out of him, but he couldn’t remember any of the details this time. He hoped he hadn't made any new enemies aboard the ship, especially among the mercs. He tried to think back and put the pieces together.

He’d taken a new job on the Dragonfly class ship Polythemus… was it really only yesterday? It felt to him like a lot longer than that. Usually it was days or weeks before he could no longer resist the blessed oblivion that the drugs brought on. He knew that now he’d be able to resist them for at least a little while, now that his system was polluted with them, but eventually the memories would return, and once again he’d turn to the chemicals to silence them. Either that or to a pistol, but he knew he was too weak for that way out.

He sat up again and this time the pain was manageable. He looked around, and as his eyes began to focus he realized that he was in the medical bay, not in his bunk. The main lights were out, and the emergency illumination was all he could see by. The red floodlights made it appear that all of the equipment was coated in a thin layer of blood. Blood everywhere. Just like back on…

He pushed the thought away, and focused on the present. Someone might have gotten hurt. There might be work to be done.

* - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - *
流口水的婊子和猴子的 笨儿子。
Liou coe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-tze duh bun ur-tze.
"Stupid son of a drooling whore and a monkey."


Friday, June 2, 2006 9:36 AM


Banner watches Darren repair the engine, a heavy black cigar dangling from his mouth, spouting dark gray smoke. He's about to light another when Darren speaks up.

"Could you not smoke in here? Ain't good for the engine."

"Why not? It was smokin' before!"

Darren shakes his head, and orders the big merc out, grumbling loudly and ditching his stogie.

"Damn mechanic..."


13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Friday, June 2, 2006 9:37 AM


Banner watches Darren repair the engine, a heavy black cigar dangling from his mouth, spouting dark gray smoke. He's about to light another when Darren speaks up.

"Could you not smoke in here? Ain't good for the engine."

"Why not? It was smokin' before!"

Darren shakes his head, and orders the big merc out, grumbling loudly and ditching his stogie.

"Damn mechanic..."


13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Friday, June 2, 2006 9:45 AM


Giving up on the power coming back up any time soon, Shanti digs up some flavored protien and some dried fruit and oatmeal.

Using the white-gas unit she heats water for coffee and makes up a pot of hot porridge with apples and pears. Slicing the protien into thin wafers, she gives one last sad look at the bread dough. Woulda been nice to have fresh bread with it all.

Slapping the com button, she calls, "This is Shanti. There's some breakfast-stuff on the table."

Gail strides in and heaps food in his bowl as she backs away from the table. "Ya know I didn't mean anything, earlier, right?"

"Yah." She answers quietly, "Yah, you did. It doesn't matter, sir."


Friday, June 2, 2006 9:58 AM


Dr. Nagap Luap
(for now, anyway)

* - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - *
流口水的婊子和猴子的 笨儿子。
Liou coe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-tze duh bun ur-tze.
"Stupid son of a drooling whore and a monkey."


Friday, June 2, 2006 10:17 AM


The captain was eating breakfast when the power finally came on. I think that mechanic's starting to know my boat. At least that's one good thing. Gail had gotten Shanti mad, Banner did the same to Darren. And oh yeah his doc was either insane high or drunk. Maybe all three. After eating the captain made his way to the bridge and sat with Puro. it was pretty quiet with him, he liked that. Puro just did his job and didn't argue. The quiet lulled Faolin to sleep.

he was back at the academy they had needles in his head they poked they prodded and made him skilled with anything as if it were a weopen. Then he could use their needles against them...

The Captain awok with a start as they broke atmo on Persephone. He might just have to go talk to Badger...



Friday, June 2, 2006 10:29 AM


"Okay crew Were gonna have to deal with a dirty man called Badger. He's a dirty business man and will play us" The Captain addressed the crew in the galley. "Gail Banner your with me, No shooting less we have to. Choo take the Doc, Shanti and Darren planet side get them what they need Puro you can watch the boat."

"Aye, Aye captain"

'i think those are the first word Puro's said since he's been onboard' The captain thought



Friday, June 2, 2006 10:54 AM


OoC: I'm having some problems with my computer so I'll be using the ones at the library. Which means I won't be posting as much.

Darren ran to his room to change out of his jumpsuit. He was happy that he finally got the ship running. He entered his room, kicked off his boots, unlatched the leg strap on his holster, took of his belt, and quickly changed into some worn jeans to compliment the worn TG Freight T-shirt. He put his belt back on, relatched his holster's leg strap, and headed back to the cargo bay. This was one of the rare days that he actually wore decent (in his mind) clothes.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, June 2, 2006 11:01 AM


Shanti smiled at the laconic pilot when he finally spoke. He had a nice voice. She pulled on her jacket and grabbed her shoulder bag before she followed Darren and the Doctor down the ramp.

Persephone. She'd never been here before, and looked around wide-eyed at the bustle and fury of the hustling space-port. It was bright, and dusty, and stank of oil, spilled fuel, burnt meat, and sweat.

A slim body brushed against her, and she ducked away as Choo caught the skinny teen-ager in an iron clasp and growled, "Go steal from someone else."

Doctor Laup leaned close to her, his voice dry, "Well, this is a lovely town."


Friday, June 2, 2006 11:14 AM



"Faolin, you finally got away from that Reynolds bugger"

"No need to discuss that now got's me a crew that needs a job."

"With someone of your compacity could think this through. But it's on a central planet"

"Bring it on"



Friday, June 2, 2006 12:14 PM


(OoC: Where the hell do you find those pics? I've already described my character, but DAMN those are sweet!)

Banner shifts uncomfortably as Faolin talks with the short bowler-hatted man, trying to hide his face in shadow. He and Badger both came from the same colony, and Banner knew that Badger'd strike up a conversation 'bout it.

Davies had always let others do the talking; he was basically a human wrecking ball, although he could do the talking if he wanted.

As Faolin and Badger discussed business, Davies wondered exactly who was piloting their ship, and how the next job would pay, staring at his socks-and-sandal clad feet.

(OoC: Yes, Davies Banner wear's socks with sandals, the compleat tourist.)


13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Friday, June 2, 2006 12:44 PM


Back on the ship the captain went to his bunk to think. Soon enough he'd get a question about Reynolds. Not a person in teh 'verse hadn't heard of him and for a while he had been captain to Faolin. But there was a more pressin' matter at hand. He needed a plan. Most people on this boat couldn't afford being caught by the Alliance and this job was on Osiris. Classic job to could be fun. The Captain smiled and looked at the map on his lap.

They were going to rob a bank.



Friday, June 2, 2006 1:01 PM


I make all my characters at doll makers. They're kind of short on good guy figures, but they are really improving, always adding new heads and stuff.

Shanti finishes up her business in the market, under Darren's watchful eye. She banters with the spice seller in Hindi, making a good deal on the basil, rosemary, tamarind, and saffron.

"Captain's back at the ship, crew. We gotta get ready to fly." Choo's voice calls them back out of the marketplace.

"Fir milenge!" Shanti calls in farewell, and the seller waves goodbye. She grins at Darren, "That was fun! What do you need for parts?"






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