Life Onboard Serenity- Into the Black II

UPDATED: Sunday, June 4, 2006 07:21
VIEWED: 18209
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Wednesday, May 31, 2006 11:02 PM


With Fly's help, Jayne is hauled to the infirmary by JR. "Gorramitt Wolfe!" he yells down the corridor. "We ain't always gonna have this armor on! You and I are gonna have words peaceful-like, or mano-a-mano, whichever you prefer!" The last boarding party firefight had caught JR napping, all his weapons in various stages of cleaning except the scatter gun, which was quite useless in that predicament. He's put the shotgun, HK and Glock back together, loaded them all up, and starts to hone the blade of the mini-machete. Wash's voice comes over the com, "JR, incoming wave for you from Sir Warrick. I'll pipe it down to your bunk." "Well, 'bout time Mr. Harrow," JR mutters to himself.

Everyone dies alone.


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 11:31 PM


OoC: wha?, I swear, my internet connection conks out for a few hours, and now I'm all confuzzled
-try it out, I dare you


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 11:37 PM


well glad your back


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 11:42 PM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
NO! 13! You mean you didn't rescue XIII? Oh no!

o.k slow down here!, is 13 the same as XIII?

if yes does this meen that 13 is dead?


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 11:45 PM


The vidscreen in JR's bunk flickers to life. Sir Warrick and his daughter Sybil are in the picture. JR says, "Ohh, uhh hello....uhh Sybil. And Sir Warrick, uhh, yes sir, how may I help you?" Sir Warrick says, "Hello JR. It's good to see you. And I'm sure Sybil feels the same." "Well, Sir Warrick, I am somewhat taken aback you callin' for me sir," JR says. Sir Warrick continues, "Well, "orders" from my daughter, she is the person who runs things 'round here. I'll let her take it from here. Sybil?" Sybil steps closer. "Thank you, father. Hello JR." JR feels his knees growing weaker. "Hello Sybil. It's great to see you again. How may I help you?" "My contacts on Londinium have come across something of a shortage of meat, like the one you're carrying in your cargo hold. They are very good friends of Daddy's, and they don't care to eat any of that processed protein. He has told them that half of that cargo is theirs, for a hefty price, of course. We would like to ask if you can deliver half to the original stop at New Canaan, then the other half to Londinium's main cargo receiving station at New Peking. If you can make the trip, my father will double your fee for the shipping. I can also tell you that I will be at Londinium in about four days, and you and your crew are invited to stay as my guests in my summer home there. Please, JR, talk to Captain Reynolds as soon as you can. Goodbye, and hope to see you soon."
"Holy sh*t! Double the fee??? Gotta find the Cap'n," JR says.

Everyone dies alone.


Thursday, June 1, 2006 2:28 AM


* jr runs into the bridge where mal and wash are talkng.*

jr" sir its warrick, he offering double pay to deliver the meat to new canaan and londinium."

mal" double pay!, damn!, wash, you heard the man, thats where were goin!"

jr" syble also syas we can stay at her summer home there for a while, she'll be there in a few days."

wash" good, good, (to mal) thats good right?"

mal" absolutly it is! it'll do the crew some good to have there feet on the ground for a few days, plus we can space out again. we are cramped as hell."

jr" maybe jayne and the pup can keep outa each others way for a while. to cool off."

mal" yeah, good idea, but if wolf tries anything else, i WILL leave him here."

jr" ok i'll go tell the crew."


so, what are we doing about bluemask/grimjack?


Thursday, June 1, 2006 3:18 AM


(Everyone thinks XIII is 13, but he isn't. They used to run their own ship, that got semi-blowed up in a previous thread. But, now he's dead, removing a sub-plot and killing a recurring character!)

(Yeah, 13 was a murderer!!! Didn't see that coming, did you!? Gotta go to school now, so, no posting till I get back!)



Thursday, June 1, 2006 5:36 AM


We'd actually already killed XIII, but then he wanted a way back into the game, and I though 13 had figured it out. But ... I guess not.
We still have to deliver the first half of the cargo to New Canaan, and we can't go anywhere until we've perfected our cover-up of the Alliance massacre. You can't conveniently slaughter an entire Alliance cruiser and then conveniently forget it happened!

Ertia, annoyed at the flaming creation of subplots, messes, disasters and simply ignorant problem creating of the other coauthors, pulls Pain to her for a long kiss before hitting the com button and hollering, "BREAKFAST IS SERVED. GET YER BUTTS IN HERE AND EAT IT!"

Hanging up the com, she shrugs at Pain, as she scoops up a pile of hot biscuits, "I've got 50 cargo labels to re-create for the destination change, all new registry numbers to forge, a new registration plate to create, not to mention a whole new forged manifest that puts us way the hell out of this quadrant!
I'll be in..."

She remembers she doesn't have a bunk... "I'll be in Jayne's bunk! If he's in the infirmary he's not using it!"

As she stalks to the door, she yells back over her shoulder, "AND SOMEONE DO SOMETHING ABOUT BLUEMASK, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!"

Pain watches her go with frown, "Go se. And I thought Mal was grumpy!"


Thursday, June 1, 2006 5:42 AM


OoC: still all confuzzled so, while I try figure out somtin' to post I'll be MIA for a while
-try it out, I dare you


Thursday, June 1, 2006 6:16 AM


*Pain walked over to where the dishes were and grabbad a plate. He walked over to the skillet, laid the plate down next to it, and shoveled some of it's contents onto the plate. With the plate still near the skillet, Pain scooped up a couple of biscuits and plopped them on his plate. Pain then picked up some untensils, grabbed his plate of food, and sat down at the table to eat. Pain looked up and saw everyone who was capable of walking enter the galley. He smiled at Fly as she took a seat next to him with a plate of her own food. Fly smiled back as she placed a napkin on her lap and said to Pain*

So what do you have planned for today?

*Pain swallows some food and replies*

Well I still got those crates of weapons that I still need to unload other than that nothing much. I'd appreciate it if'n someone would help me with those seein' as I'm a little disabled for the time being.

*Fly smiles and says as people start to sit down at the table*

Sure Pain I'll help you.

*Pain grins at Fly and continues to eat his food.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 1, 2006 6:16 AM


Guy, just get to the galley and eat some breakfast. Ertia didn't cook just for the heck of it! :D


Thursday, June 1, 2006 7:56 AM


*walks into gally*

wolf" does anyone know where mal is?"

pain" sure mate he's on the bridge."

wolf" thanks"

*wolf went into the infermary to apologize to jayne*

jayne" what do you want?"

simon" i'll just leave then, jayne your chest is fine, its just a bruise."

*simon leaves*

wolf" i'm sorry, i was completely out of order."

jayne" yeah, damn right you gorram psyco!"

wolf" look, i'm apologizing here!, something i normaly never do!"

jayne" fine if you wanna make up i will, but stay the hell outa my way! between you and me, it does feel good to know you can out speed me in a firefight, it meens i can trust you in a tussel."

wolf" i'm glad thats out of the way."

* wolf and jayne walk out talking, thus removing a surplus side-story.*

* they walk into the gally where zoe is having a heated argument with pain about the smg's taking up space.*


Thursday, June 1, 2006 8:40 AM


OoC: okay, okay

*walks into the galley, and grabs some food, still confuzzled about the recent events
-try it out, I dare you


Thursday, June 1, 2006 8:44 AM


*Pain says to Zoe as Jayne and Wolf walk in*

Alright geez I was goin' to put them away after I ate.

*Zoe continues*

And does that include the crates in the empty passenger dorm too?

*Pain replies*


*Zoe grins her "If you don't do it I'll kill you" grin and says*

See that you get those weapons put away before we land on Londinium or you'll be on latrine duty for the rest of your life.

*Zoe walks off to the bridge as Pain looks at Fly and says*

Well looks like we should get to work.

*Fly nods her head as they get up. She says to him as they out away their plates*

Yeah guess we should.

*They stick their plates in the sink and head off to the cargo bay to unload the crates of weapons.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 1, 2006 1:21 PM


Location: Cargo Bay

*Pain and Fly carry some cases of ammo to the weapons locker. Fly says to Pain as she sets of the cases down in the locker*

Well looks like you made out like a bandit with all the stuff you bought at your Uncle's.

*Pain smiles and says*

Aww it ain't nothin'. Just family helping family you know.

*Fly nods as Pain hands her another case of ammo. She says to him*

So you and Ertia seem to be hitting it off pretty well.

*Pain almost drops a box of clips as Fly said that and replies*

Maybe. You goin' to give me the "Shipboard Romance" speech?

*Fly responds as she puts away a couple boxes of clips*

No I'm just saying that I'm happy for you. You two seem right for each other and I wish you two well.

*Pain hands her the two cases of computerized scopes and says*

Uh huh. Are we goin' to talk about this or are we goin' to finish puttin' this stuff away?

*Fly puts her hands in the air and says*

Alright I'll stop pestering you. Besides if I want the dirt I'll talk to Ertia.

*Pain rolls his eyes, shakes his head, smiles and says*

Uh huh I'm sure you will. Ok these pistols, these two cases of ammo, and box of clips for the pistols go to my room.

*Pain puts his good hand on Fly's shoulder and says*

Now would you be a good friend and take them to my bunk? I'll wait for you in the vacant passenger dorm with the rest of the stuff.

*Fly smiles and nods her head as she takes the items and heads off to Pain's bunk. Pain sighs and thinks to himself*

Everyone's gotta be in my business.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 1, 2006 1:25 PM


if theres an empty dorm why has ertia got no bunk?


Thursday, June 1, 2006 1:47 PM


(It was XIII's fault. He blowed it up a while back, before the suicide..God, my sub-plot was depressing. Anyway, I think I'll revert to brooding!)

*13 is patent-brooding in his bunk, still churning over the Dying Angel, wondering why he didn't just kill Orphan. He'd killed people before..*

(Yes, but not from necessity. Remember the firefight, saving Fly? Oh, that tortured heroism...a mere excuse to see blood on yourself, taste the copper in the air..)

Shut up, shut up, shut up...

(Do they know? How can you trust Guy?)

He was..*is* my friend.

(So was Fly. She shot you down, nonetheless. Apparently you weren't good enough to her...there is always a final solution to that, isn't there? You know that they don't trust you, so why bother staying? Take the shuttle and leave. Better yet, run the ship into a moon, or take it as your own...)

She knew what she had to do. I couldn't have been stopped, I would've killed them.

(And what's wrong with that? They would have killed you eventually. People always fear the unknown, and what is more frightening than something that best a human in every way?)

Stop asking questions with no answers!

(They are already answered. You just refuse to accept them. Someday, they will turn on you again, and shut you down forever. Box you up...)

Maybe that would be best.

(That is another disappointing trait you have developed. Always putting yourself at the end of the line, suffering so others can reap the benefits. What happened to turn you so far away from the truth? You want, you take, you have.)

(It was fear, wasn't it? Fear of being shunned, rejected. You could have her, take her for your own, nothing could stop you! And yet you sit here, wallowing, your life draining away. It is a disappointment, what you've become. You're more a corpse now than after that first bullet pierced your heart.)

Don't talk about her.

(Why not? Are you frightened? Afraid that she would shun you, send you crawling away, tail dragging a trail in the dust? She couldn't stop you, not if you really wanted her...)

Shut up! *13 screams, hurling something into the wall, listening curiously to the shatters. He approachs it, seeing his own reflection twisted into infinite pieces. With rising fury, he stomps each shard into powder, eyes arcing with blue electricity. The blades on his arms shoot out, stunted but still laser-sharp. He continues to stomp the ground, face blank but for the bright eyes, until his footprint is cratered into the bunk floor.*

(Nothing can stop you...)



Thursday, June 1, 2006 1:48 PM


Ya know, I asked that question myself a while back... We had to double up when we took on the spare crew from High Charity, then Pain found an empty bunk. I assumed it was actually Guy's room we'd put the guns in.

Ertia drags herself from Jayne's bunk, hauling her equipment and the finished work along with her. Good thing, too. Jayne's bunk smells... doesn't that man wash his socks? Ever?

The first person she bumps into is Mal and she hands him the revised cargo papers and waits while he thumbs through them.

"Looks good. How about the manifest?"

She manages to look nonchallant. "Having some trouble getting a new protocol code, Captain. I'm gonna see if Inara will let me use her Cortex link."

Mal narrows his eyes. Clearly, he's still none too happy today. "Right. The sooner the better. We're dropping half this cargo at New Canaan tomorrow, and we better have a manifest to show when we land."

"Yessir." She slinks past on her way to Inara's shuttle. Maybe she can just hide in there for a while.


Thursday, June 1, 2006 2:02 PM


*sighs*, i sleep in a small storage room.


Thursday, June 1, 2006 3:53 PM


Don't worry Pain and Fly will have the room cleaned out before bedtime.

*Pain waited in the vacant dorm for Fly. He looked down at the floor and saw Ertia's torn shirt laying on the floor. Pain chuckled, picked it up and threw it in the trash recepticle as Fly walked in. She said to him*

Ok I put your stuff on your table next to your weapons that you left on it. So what's in the crates?

*Pain said to her*

Well there's rockets in the big one. Those go in my weapons locker. That one has six HK G36K assault rifles. They go in the common weapons locker. This one here has six FN P90 SMGs. Four of them go in the common weapons locker, one goes in my room, and you can have the other one. Last but not least is the crate with six XM25 bullpup grenade launchers. Again four of them go in the common weapons locker, one goes in my room, and the other is yours.

*Fly takes in the information and smiles as she learns that she gets to have two new weapons. She says to him*

Ok then lets get this stuff put away.

*Pain nods and opens the crates containing the grenade launchers, and SMGs. He takes two of the grenade launchers and SMGs and slings them around his shoulder. Pain then closes the crates and pushes them with Fly's help out the door and to the entrance to the cargo bay. From there he pushes them against the wall as Fly takes out a couple of the rifles and starts to stock the ship's weapons locker.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 1, 2006 4:32 PM


Ertia makes her way to Inara's shuttle but stops when she hears loud banging from 13's bunk.

Tentatively, she taps on his hatch, "13? Is that you?"

"I'm fine!" The familiar voice yells back, but it's cold, hungry with some darkness.

"You don't sound fine."

The hatch opens and she can just see 13 in the darkness, his claws extended, his eyes sparked with blue against the black. "Leave off, E. You don't want to know."

Startled, she takes a half step back. "I... you..."

He shakes his head, reaches up and slams the hatch back down.

"Lord preserve us, this entire ship is going insane." She murmurs before remembering her mission and making her way directly to Inara's shuttle.


Thursday, June 1, 2006 5:10 PM


Pain and Fly had finished up unloading the crates. They had decided to split up one of the cases of grenades and ammo for the SMGs. Pain said to Fly as she took her grenade launcher and SMG from him*

Hey Fly where's my rocket launcher? The last time I saw it we were on Zenith and you had it.

*Fly blushes, lowers her head and says*

Oh sorry Pain I sorta took it. It's been in my room since then. I'll go get it after we put this stuff away.

*Pain smiles and says as Fly picks up the 30lb crate of rockets with her new toys on the top of it*

It's ok I know how you are with my weapons. You always try to sneak off with them.

*They both laugh as they head for Pain's bunk to split up the ammo and store the rockets in his weapoins locker.*

Ten minutes later.....

*After they had split up the ammo and Fly had put away Pain's stuff, Fly climbed out of his bunk to retrieve his rocket launcher. Pain sat on his bed which was messed up from his and Ertia's lovemaking. He heard the sound of his hatch opening and saw Fly climb down the ladder with a familiar piece of weaponry. Pain smiled and said*

Ah there's my baby.

*Fly smiled, handed Pain his rocket launcher, and said*

Thanks for the new toys. They should be enough of a payback for me helping you.

*He smiled as she hugged him. He watched her leave and walked to his weapons locker. He opened the door and put away his rocket launcher. Pain closed the door and walked over to his desk. He opened a drawer and took out one of the cigars from the humidor. He climbed out of his bunk, stuck the cigar in his mouth, lit it, and headed for the cargo bay.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, June 2, 2006 7:41 AM


Ertia knocks lightly on Inara's doorframe and hears her gentle trademark greeting.

"Inara, do you mind if I use your cortex link? I need a little more power than my handheld is giving me."

The Companion smiles and gestures to her screen. "So, I see you and Pain are getting along well."

Dear buddha! Ertia feels the blush creep over her cheeks. "Yah, Just having some fun."

She listens to Inara's pleased response with one ear while routing through one of Mr Universe's substations, and then through a Blue Sun interference filter before hacking into the Alliance mainframe.

Numbers flash, and her eyes follow the ones and zeros in growing dismay. "Oh go se, Inara. I think we're humped!"

Quickly, she reroutes, tries a different port, reroutes again, her fingers flying across the keyboard.

Finally, she screams in frustration and bangs her head against the screen.

"They've tagged ALL Firefly class transports for station-only renewal. We can't recode automatically!" Ertia pushes to her feet in panic, "I need to find Mal!"

She barely remembers to thank the Companion as she runs down the corridor, calling Mal's name.


Friday, June 2, 2006 10:22 AM


OoC: that's bad, isn't it
-try it out, I dare you


Friday, June 2, 2006 11:00 AM


I'm experiencing computer problems again which means I'm at the library and I won't be able to post as much...again.

*Pain heard and saw Ertia running down the corridor and decided to follow. He blew out a puff of smoke from his cigar and yelled to Ertia*

Hey wait up!

*She slows down long enough for him to catch up. Pain says to her, cigar still in his mouth*

What in the ruttin' hell are ya screamin' about?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, June 2, 2006 11:13 AM


Oh no! Pain! that sucks! I thought you just got it all fixed?

Ertia tries to calm herself down. "It's bad, babe. Really really bad! The Alliance must have tagged us back there when we destroyed the cruiser. I can't get us a new registry code!"

Pain is still looking at her blankly. "So, that means ...what?"

"It means that Serenity is a marked fugitive. We can't change our Ident Codes, can't change our paperwork. All Firefly class ships are being required to re-register flight numbers in person at the nearest Alliance Fed Base."

"So...we're humped, yer sayin?" He pulls the cigar from his mouth and looks down at her.

"We're humped." She sighs. "One simple ten digit code and I can't get my friggin' hands on it! I've messaged MrUniverse, maybe he can help, but..."

Mal speaks up from behind her, "But until then, we got an entire verse full of Alliance lookin' to track us down?"

"That's about the sum of it, sir." Ertia frowns, holding her com-unit against her chest. "Unless we can change ships, or disguise Serenity as a JayHawk 211, we're humped."


Friday, June 2, 2006 11:36 AM


Yeah I thought so too but when I tried to get on this afternoon I got a "modem not functioning" message (which ironically is an Error 666). *Sighs* Things never go smooth.

*Pain ponders their situation and what Ertia said. He puffs on his cigar and says*

I think I might persuade my Uncle to help us.

*Mal and Ertia look at him. Mal says to Pain in a stern voice*

Go on.

*Pain replies*

Well I told you my Uncle owns a courier business on Persephone that's a front for his black market dealings yes?

*Ertia and Mal nod as Pain continues*

Well when I was there he had about half a dozen ships sitting there collectin' dust. Most of them were Wren class Transports but there was a couple of bigger vessels I think they were some kind of cargo vessels I don't know what class they were. Also there was an Alliance ASREV in the warehouse I don't know if that means anything to you Captain, but I can wave him on a secure channel if you'd like.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, June 2, 2006 12:04 PM


(Oh no. Maybe I'll die again and resurface once all this trouble is solved...I've done it before! ;)

*13 is still brooding in his bunk, pacing while his blades retract and extend erratically. He is murmuring something to himself, shaking his head.*

I won't do it, won't do it...

(Yes you will...just give it time, and you'll see things more clearly...)

*13 drives a claw into the claw in desperation, trying to drown out the voice with action. The blade breaks, and 13 sinks to the floor, curled into a quivering ball.*

(Weep. It will do nothing. You don't even produce tears, there is no point.)

Don't, please don't...

(OoC: What does it all mean? Find out, next time!)

EDITED TO ADD: Loud banging? Is that some kind of euphemism?

13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Friday, June 2, 2006 1:13 PM


*wolf pops his head out of the newly emptied bunk*

wolf" wats goin on?"

*river runs by*

river" we cant be helped, we're stuck in the mud."

wolf" what?!"

* river makes an annoyed sound and walks off mumbeling something about nobody unerstanding.*

wolf" weird kid."

*wolf runs up to the bridg but hears grinding sounds from 13's bunk, like blades hitting stone.*

wolf" hey, 13?"

*he lowers himself into 13's bunk0

*in the darkness wolf saw 13's electric blue eyes glowing omniously*

13" get out." ( through gritted teeth)

* he runs at wolf, but wolf jumps on to the ladder and up out as fast as he could.*

*wolf continues into the bridge where ertia and mal are talking*

wolf" whats goin' on with 13, he just tried to attack me, is he tripping? why was i here... oh yeah WHAT IN THE NAME OF EARTH THAT WAS IS GOING ON! theres people shoutin' and i just had a 17 year old girl gabble at me about mud."

*the crew just stare at him, looking like he's crazy*

wolf" anyway i'm just a little bit confuzzled as guy would say"

ertia" o.k, anyway we can't get out of it, we can't get re-papered!"


Friday, June 2, 2006 1:14 PM


Don't you dare, 13! You've spent enough time around here bein' dead! Now quit feeling sorry for your robot self and go do something about BlueMask, even if it's just tossing him out an airlock!
And no euphemism...that time! LOL

Wolf stands there, panting, eyes wild. "Serious! I think 13 tried to kill me!"

"Wouldn't be the first time he's tried to kill us all." Pain grunts, unconcerned.

Ertia shakes her head. She'd seen 13 earlier and knew he didn't look good, but she pulls herself back to the problem at hand, and Pain's suggestion of contacting his uncle.

Ertia glances hopefully at Pain. "It can't hurt, Captain. If Universe can't help us, I'm out of ideas."

Mal nods slowly. "I'll tell Wash to get us off the radar. I'm bettin' Wolf might have some ideas about that, too, if he's as good a pilot as he claims."

"I'm sorry, Captain. I've never had this kind of trouble before." Ertia feels terribly guilty, and for some reason, responsible.

Mal shakes his head, "We've got to deal with things as they come. Lets get to New Canaan, unload some of this cargo, then maybe we can lay low in Londinium while we get things sorted."

edited to fit in with Wolf's post.


Friday, June 2, 2006 1:28 PM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
No problem! Hey...whatdya mean 'not real'? .

thank you Ertia!!!!!

*Fly tips her hat*

*feels herself,,,,I think I'm real*
*am I real?*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Friday, June 2, 2006 1:32 PM


FLY!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you're home!!!!!


Friday, June 2, 2006 1:36 PM


Whoo hoo!!! Yay you're back!!! *Gives Fly the biggest bestest bear hug in the verse*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, June 2, 2006 1:42 PM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
FLY!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you're home!!!!!

Thank you Ertia,,,,,good to be home girl,,,,,,good to be home!!!!!!

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Friday, June 2, 2006 1:50 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Whoo hoo!!! Yay you're back!!! *Gives Fly the biggest bestest bear hug in the verse*

Thank you Pain,,,,,,returns the bestest bear hug in the verse

thank you guys for keeping me alive and well....I really appreciate much you have no idea

no idea

ok, cool beans, let's rock and roll!!!

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Friday, June 2, 2006 1:51 PM


Opps Double post,,,,,un, welcome, uh, wolfie


Friday, June 2, 2006 2:01 PM


*oh Wait,,,,lemme finish reading lol*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Friday, June 2, 2006 4:32 PM



Originally posted by bigwolf18:

Originally posted by SameErtia:
NO! 13! You mean you didn't rescue XIII? Oh no!

o.k slow down here!, is 13 the same as XIII?

if yes does this meen that 13 is dead?

(OOC,,,uhemmm,,,,sorry,,,,AHAHHHAHHHAHAHAHHAHH, oh yeah, that felt good )
too funny

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Friday, June 2, 2006 5:49 PM


*There is so much going on aboard Serenity she wonders if this is a good time to.......No, she means yes, uh, yea, a good time to...... She makes wer way back to the Infirmary to see Simon....she walks in, sees Simon and proceeds to take the bottle out of her pocket,,,,

Fly: Simon. *he turns to look at her* I uh, want to return these,,,I think I've been out of it long enough. I need to get myself back. Back in to shape mentally and physically.
Simon: You sure about this Fly.
*after all the turmoil she had been through with Jack dying and 13...*she closes her eyes and tilts her head to one side* She needed something to, what she felt at the time, would keep her sane. They kept her sane but numb as well.
Fly: I am. I uh,,,,think it's time
Simon: Fly there is that one thing we discussed about the pills you've been on.
*she looks from her hand in his with the pills now placed in his palm firmly*
Fly:I know Simon. I can't forget.
Simone: You can't be alone tonight. There is at least one night of withdrawal sypmptoms. I can, uh, me and Kaylee can,,,*she stops him in mid sentence.
Fly:I'll be fine Simon. I always have and will be.....Fine....*she closes his hand around the pills and leaves for her bunk. She knows it's gonna be a hard night. But to be a part of this crew again, this is something she has to do.

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Friday, June 2, 2006 6:42 PM


YAY! She's back!

Ertia sighs, re-reading the encoded message on her handheld. To most, it's a pleasantly invitation to a used electronics auction on Boros. To one of her circle, it's a near unbreakable code and the message from MrUniverse imbedded in it reads simply, "404".

She makes her way back to the galley, where most of the crew has gathered as they make their way to New Canaan and leans on the back of Pain's chair. "Time to call your uncle."

"No luck with Mr U, then?" Wash asks from the kitchen, and Ertia has to shake her head.

Rummaging in the cupboard she comes up with a bottle of sake, and a chipped cup. She pours half a cup of sake into the bottom of a pot, adds rice, chicken, water and vegetables, and slaps a lid on it.

Then she pours a generous measure of sake into the cup and drinks it in one swallow before sitting glumly at the table and announcing to the population in general, "Dinner in half an hour."


Saturday, June 3, 2006 7:48 AM


*At Ertia's insistance that he call his Uncle, Pain got up from his seat and headed for his bunk. Once in his bunk he went to the vid screen and turned it on. He opened a secure channel and proceeded to wave his uncle. Pain's Uncle came into view with a chipper look on his face. He said to Pain*

Howdy Pain didn't expect you to wave so soon what's happening?

*Pain replied in a serious tone*

Nothin' good I can tell you. My Captain's ship has been tagged by the Alliance. There's a pretty good chance that if we make it into Alliance space we'd be blown up or taken into custody.

*Pain's Uncle took in the information and replied*

And what do you need me to do my boy?

*Pain responded*

Well our attempts to change our ships sig have failed. I was wonderin' if'n you still had one of those cargo vessels available.

Pain's Uncle nods his head and says*

I'll go check but what you're asking me is going to cost you a few favors from you and your Captain.

*Pain nods his head and replies*

I understand Uncle. I'll inform my Captain of what you told me and I'll have you wave him.

*Pain's Uncle smiles and says*

Good good I'll be glad to talk with your Captain.

*One of his Uncle's gun hands whispers something into his ear, his Uncle's face lights up as he tells Pain*

Pain tell your Captain that I have one of the vessels ready for loan. It ain't much and it could use some engine work but it's flyable.

*Pain replies*

Xie xie Uncle. It was good to talk with you.

*Pain's Uncle replies*

It was good to talk with you too son.

*Pain smiles and ends the transmission. He turns off the screen and makes his way up to the galley. Ertia looks to see Pain enter the galley and says*

So Pain? What did your Uncle say?

*Pain smiles, walks over to her and kisses her. He looks into her eyes and says*

It's a deal. My Uncle will give us a ship but in return he wants the Captain to do a few jobs for him.

*She looks into his eyes and says*

Well I'm sure the Captain won't mind the work or the good news.

*Pain smiles and heads off to the bridge to tell Mal.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, June 3, 2006 8:16 AM


*Instead of Fly heading back to her bunk, she thought it might be a good idea for her to eat someting. She heads to the galley and passes Pain on his way to see the captain*

Pain: Hey Fly. You ok?
Fly:Yeup, good to go Pain.
*He looks at her kinda confused, but lets it go. She makes her way in the galley.
Fly:Hey Ertia,,,,whats cooking
*When no one can see her, she extends her right hand a little, it's starting to tremble she makes a fist puts her hand in her pocket.*
Ertia: Heya Fly. Stew should be done, check it out.
Fly:OK Ertia, sure smells good *she goes to the stove, takes spoon and tastes the mixture* Hmmmm sure is done Ertia. I'll set the table

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Saturday, June 3, 2006 9:16 AM


Ertia breaks out the last of the dinner rolls and digs up some processed cheese. Something bothers her and she watches Fly closely as the other woman samples the stew and proclaims it good.

"Nothing special. Just a recipe from the One Pot Spaceship Cookbook." Ertia grins. Wash had given her his copy, figuring that now he had Zoe he wouldn't need it anymore.

She's almost ready to dismiss her concerns about Fly, when there's a clatter as a pile of spoons falls from her hand, just missing the edge of the table.

"Oops." Fly tries to brush it off with an embarrassed grin as Kaylee swoops in to help pick them up.

"The wild cry out." River whispers from the doorway, her gaze fierce, "I see the changing of the faces."

"At least it was spoons and not grenades." Jayne grumps from behind River. He's still holding his bruised chest where Wolf shot him.


Saturday, June 3, 2006 10:46 AM


*Fly walks over to Jayne, lays her hands on the table and leans in close to him and says*

'Don't you ever, ever, judge my ability to performe in battle when needed....I've backed up many a men...and will back up many men till I die......*she leans in closer her eyes right in his* and trust me, many a men will back me up......and by the way Jayne,,,*she pushes him in the chest, lightly with her index finger of her right hand* You better be careful casue it may not be just a flesh wound you sport on that chest of yours....

*she grabs a bowl of stew and says* Ertia, you may not think this is anything specail but tis very friend,,,,this is good....very. I'll take this to my bunk ifn't you don't mind.

*She leaves to her bunk....In her bunk her hands are shaking wondering if this was the worst thing to do, to stop taking the pills that Simon gaver her. But tis better to be back as a whole than nothing at all....she tries to eat the stew...little sips at first....then she grabs the bowl and trys to suck it down....

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Saturday, June 3, 2006 11:13 AM


Astounded at Fly's outburst and her following stammering, Ertia watches her go.

Jayne sits down at the table and fills his own bowl, rubbing where Fly had poked his bruise. "What's got her in a hornets nest?"

"The wild cry." River whispers again, her eyes wide as she drops gracefully down the step, "They cry out loud in her."

Kaylee and Ertia exchange a helpless glance. Ertia swirls her dinner to cool it. "Let me eat and I'll go check on her."

She pours a generous measure of sake for herself, taking a deep swig, then slides the bottle over to Jayne.


Saturday, June 3, 2006 12:39 PM


*Just as she finishes the soup in the bowl she sits on the floor and puts the bowl down. She sits rocking on the floor not knowing why. But then again she does. She feels the hyperventalation starting. She feels sick to her stomach. She starts to sweat as she continues to rock on the floor, back and forth. There is a rush of heat and cold through her body. She feels the food working it's way back up the way it came. She runs to her sink and expels the half digested food. She wipes her mouth with her hand, runs the cold water, washes her face and rinses her mouth, panting at the sink like a sick dog. Somehow, she finds her way to her bed curled up in a fetal position.

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Saturday, June 3, 2006 12:40 PM


Location: Bridge

Mal said to Pain as Pain relayed what his Uncle told him*

So your Uncle's gonna give us the cargo ship in return for us doin' some jobs for him?

*Pain says to Mal*

That's right sir. I expect the jobs would mostly be of the illegal smugglin' kind and the like. My Uncle's a good man sir he wouldn't turn on his own family.

*Mal replies*

I don't reckon he would Pain but I'd like to speak to him my ownself if you don't mind.

*Pain nods his head, gives Mal the wave number, and says*

Yes sir Captain I fully understand.

*Pain leaves the bridge and enters the galley. He sees Jayne, Ertia, and Kaylee sitting down and eating, while River just stared quizical at the contents of her bowl. He grabs himself a bowl, sets it down, and pours some of the piping hot food into it, trying not to spill too much. He picks up a spoon and napkin, grabs his bowl and sits down next to Ertia. She smiles at him and says*

So what'd Mal say Pain? Is he going to take your Uncle's offer?

*Pain spoons some of the soup into his mouth, swallows and says*

Don't know yet Captain said he wanted to speak with him in private.

*Ertia responds*

Oh ok then. Well I hope everything goes shiny otherwise we'll be humped.

*Jayne snorts and says*

Like ya two haven't already.

*Everybody gives Jayne a scournful look as he says*


*Kaylee smacks Jayne in the arm and says*

Why you always gotta be so mean Jayne? Jus' cuz you ain't got anyone doesn't mean you have ta take it out on everyone.

*Jayne gets up and says*

Cause like the Cap'n said, Shipboard romances tend to complicate things and because I hate havin' to listen to them ruttin' all the time.

*Jayne leaves the galley with his bowl before anyone could say anything.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, June 3, 2006 12:59 PM


*after mal goes*

wash" ok wolf, got any ideas on how to fly under the radar of about a hundred ships?"

wolf" actually yes, i had to do this once on my old ship, the heart of haven, could you leave please this is an old family secret."

*wash walks out*

* wolf flicks three switches and slides under neath the panel, he fidles with some wires and comes back out, he takes hold of the controls and as wash comes inthey smoothly dissapear off of all radar screens for 2 sectors*

wolf" there we go, i just made us slide under the radar like a well oiled snake."

wash" hahaha, same old wolfie, always full of ideas in flight class, how bout you fly shotgun?"

wolf" sure."

* he sits in the other chair. at that moment mal walks in*

mal" so wash you fixed our radar problem?"

wash" nope my old buddy wolf did."

mal" old buddy? gorramit, how come everyone else knows this guy, and i don't."

wolf" i worked with almost everyone on this ship at some point or another, exept for you, zoe and the cyborg."

mal" ..."

* he walks out*


Saturday, June 3, 2006 1:25 PM


A hiss, the skitter of small claws on deckplates and Jayne's exasperated "Gorram cat! Dunno why no one ain't spaced you yet!" coming from the corridor announces the little grey tabby as she bolts into the galley.

She looks behind her nervously -as if she expects Jayne to follow her back- her tail puffed out and ears flat. When the big merc continues on his way, she sits down and licks casually at one paw, regaining her dignity.

Looking pointedly at her empty bowl then up at the people around the table, she cocks her head and meows plaintively.


Saturday, June 3, 2006 1:32 PM


good to see you back kitty!

*wolf walks into the gally*

wolf" well hey there kitty cat, *reaches down and strokes shipscat* what are we gonna do about bluema... i mean jack? should i space him?"

it would be fun and remove a troublesome sub-plot






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