Life Onboard Serenity- Into the Black II

UPDATED: Sunday, June 4, 2006 07:21
VIEWED: 18260
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Saturday, June 3, 2006 2:45 PM


I dunno. I'm tempted to space him my ownself, but figure just in case Jack wants to come back, maybe we should leave him drugged up and shackled in the infirmary for a bit?

"Best to leave him sit where he is for a spell." Shepherd Book suggests as he fills a bowl for himself. "He may have answers for us yet."

Ertia stands up, weaving just a tad from the sake, and fills Shipscat's bowl. "There you are! You been hiding from mean old Jayne?"

Then she glances around the table, "And what was he on about, anyway? 'All the time'? Twice, as I recall it, and I thought we were pretty quiet the last time!"

Pain just shrugs, an amused smile on his face.

Shepherd Book speaks up again about the problem that's on everyone's mind, "If we could just borrow a ship to make the partial delivery to New Canaan, Lord Warick and his daughter can get us safely onto Londinium, I'm sure."

"I can fly anything built." Wolf reassures, dumping more stew into his bowl and grabbing a roll.

"Hope so." Pain answers, reaching for what's left of the sake.

Ertia slides her hand across his shoulder-blades on her way to drop her bowl into the sink, "I'm going to check on Fly. See ya all later."

She makes her way to Fly's bunk and knocks. "Fly? You finish dinner? I can take your bowl back up if you want."

There's silence, then a sound like a choked whimper.

"Fly? You okay?" Ertia waits another moment before pushing on the hatch. It's locked.

She shakes the handle, tries again, "Fly, girl, answer me!"

A low moan sounds from inside the bunk.


Saturday, June 3, 2006 4:46 PM


*she tries to answer, her mouth dry... Im ok, Im ok

she wants to make her way to the hatch, she can't....tries....she makes her way to the floor, vomit exiting her mouth as she lays in pain, holding her stomack. She collects her,,,help, yeah,,,Ertia,,,,yeah,,,,she makes her way to the hatch and opens it. After which, she collapses on the floor with drool exiting her mouth to the floor.....she whispers, "p l e a s e " and crunches in another fetal position.

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Saturday, June 3, 2006 4:57 PM


*Pain grabbed the bottle of sake, noticing it only had nothing more than a couple of swigs left in it. He stood up chugged some sake down and left the galley, he saw Ertia banging on Fly's hatch and was about to ask what was wrong, when Mal opened the hatch to the bridge and motioned for Pain to join him. Pain gave Ertia a reassuring glance and walked onto the bridge closing the hatch behind him. Mal turned to Pain and said*

I just got off the Cortex with your uncle. I've made the deal with him. He'll be piloting a Titan class Cargo Hauler named Genghis and will be docking with us in a few days.

*Pain smiled and said*

That's great news sir. Is there anything you need me to do?

*Mal smirked and said*

Only that you make sure anyone he brings with him doesn't try anything crazy like. Dong ma?

*Pain nodded in understanding and said*

Is that all Cap?

*Mal replied*

That's all Pain.

*Pain smiled and headed out into the front hall closing the hatch behind him. He sees Fly on the floor in a fetal position and Ertia trying to coax her awake. Pain rushes over and says*

Ai ya!

*Pain hits the com button and says*

Will the Doc please come to the front hall ma shong you have a patient in need!

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, June 3, 2006 5:07 PM


*wolf walks up to the bunk*

pain" you ain't the doc'!"

wolf" no whats goin on?"

simon" coming through, coming through! wheres the patiant?"

pain" down there."

simon" go se! its the pills! quick i need to get her up to the infermary!"

wolf" whats going on!"

pain" I DON'T KNOW!"

*wolf is surprized at the suddun anger, but then he realized something inara said about them dating, and he felt immeadeatly sorry.*

wolf" i'll help"

* wolf, pain and simon lift fly out and into th infermary, ertia conferting her all the way.*


Saturday, June 3, 2006 5:11 PM


Editing- wolf beat me to it.


Saturday, June 3, 2006 5:17 PM


lol oh and i see you met my sister


Saturday, June 3, 2006 5:25 PM


In the Infirmary, Simon pushes everyone out and closes the door.

Through the window, they watch him start an IV drip, pumping fluids into the dehydrated body. Fly continues to thrash, forcing Simon to tape down her IV arm.

"What's happened to her?" Ertia asks, confused.

Pain is pacing, his face hard.

"Maybe she picked up some virus when we were planetside?" Wolf suggests, "Did everybody get inocced last time?"

"It's the wild." River murmurs. She's curled on one end of the couch, knees drawn up to her chin, "She rode the quiet too long and now it's turned wild. She has to get it all out."


Saturday, June 3, 2006 5:29 PM



Originally posted by bigwolf18:
lol oh and i see you met my sister

Yup! She's come to play in Faolin's Crew! YAY! I'm not the only woman onboard. *phew*

Oh, River's references are from Clannad's song "The Wild Cry". Should give credit where credit's due.


Saturday, June 3, 2006 5:32 PM


wolf" what do you meen river? is there something she's been supresing?"

pain" don't listen to her, its just gibberish."

wolf" i have some...expeiriance with readers and they often see strait to the heart of matters."

pain" sounds like gibberish to me."

wolf" like i said, i have some ...expeiriance with readers and this is not unusual."

*simon, having finaly managed to sedate fly, came out of the infermary.*

simon" its not good"


Saturday, June 3, 2006 6:07 PM


*13 finally stops brooding, and leaves his bunk to an almost as confused place. Everyone is rushing, helter skelter in a summer swelter, and 13 has no clue of what's going on. So he asks:*

13: Sorry, I've just been *he shakes his head, thinking of black whispers and shattered glass*...Wolf, what's going on?
Wolf: It's Fly. She's...

*Before Wolf can finish, 13 is already half-way to the infirmary, shoving everyone out of his way frantically, eyes wide in panic. He arrives at the infirmary, forgetting everything but here.*

*As he sees her lying motionless, everything slides to a stop, his breathing coming in short, panic breaths. He rushes to her side, collapsing on her prone body.*

*A lone tear trickles down his cheek.*

(OoC: YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Ahem. That was excessive.)


I believe a hug is in order.

*Commences hugging.*


Saturday, June 3, 2006 6:24 PM


*Eyes burning with teary rage, 13 shakily walks to the drugged and dazed BlueMask, venting his fury. He grabs the ninja by the throat, hoisting him into the air.*

What did you do to her?! *He hurls the BlueMask into the infirmary wall, hearing a sickening crunch. Dismissing this, he returns to Fly's side.*

It's alright, you can't die...that's my job, remember? *He smooths her hair and smiles weakly, voice cracking as he tries to console.*

Just give it time, you'll get better..just don't leave me again...please..?


13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Saturday, June 3, 2006 6:26 PM


Simon sighs, "Pain, give me a hand, please."

Together they lift 13 off of Fly's prone body, careful to untangle him from the IV line. Simon gives him a little shake, "Look, 13..." He pronounces the name crisply, THirTeeN, "She needs rest now. Just rest. Come on."

They pull him out, even as he clings to her hand. "No! It's my fault! She can't die! CANNOT DIE!"

As 13 says the last words, he whirls on Simon, who is already closing the door of the infimary behind him.

"Listen to me, all of you." They manage to fall silent, except for River, who is softly crooning under her breath. Simon drops a hand on her shoulder and she quiets. "Fly isn't sick. Her body is going through some trauma right now. We just need to keep her hydrated and resting quietly."

"Not sick?" Pain asks, his concern clear, "Then what's wrong?"

"I'm not at liberty to say, Pain. Doctor-patient privelege still means something, even out here." Now the doctor shrugs, "I'll keep her as comfortable as I can, but she'll just have to ride this out."

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I think my other patient may have just suffered a fatal incident."

Simon sighs again, and goes back into the infirmary, leaving them all staring at his calm acceptance of 13s violent attack on BlueMask.


Saturday, June 3, 2006 6:34 PM


*Pain's mind is racing. A part of him wants to beat the doc senseless and the other completely understanding that what the doc said was right. Pain muttered something in Chinese and stormed out of the infirmary, heading to his bunk.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, June 3, 2006 6:38 PM




Saturday, June 3, 2006 6:41 PM


*13 is pacing outside of the infirmary doors, gnawing his fingernails. His eyes are blue lightbulbs, illuminating a haggard and tortured face.*

Christ...what've I done? To her, to everyone...

*River calmly walks to the 'bot, placing a delicate hand on his arm.*

"It's not too late to make it right. You can still help her, whether she knows or not." 13 pauses, eyes stopping their glow.

"She has to know. About what you've been trying to say. Don't listen to him, he only seeks to prevent what you want. Just be there for her, not anyone else."

13 chuckles hollowly, saying, "Pretty coherent, huh? It's harder than it sounds.." His voice breaks, and he says through tight lips, "If you knew what had been happening, what has happened, you wouldn't be saying those things."

"But I do. And I said them. What does that say about yourself?"

*River walks away, leaving a silent, slowly comprehending 13.*


13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Saturday, June 3, 2006 7:14 PM


Ertia watches Pain go, understanding his anger, but unable to help.

Wolf is just looking in the window of the infirmary, pondering River's words. He's known readers, understands them a bit. Slowly he starts to dissect what she said, trying to to puzzle it out.

Inside the Infirmary, Simon has lifted Blue Mask onto the counter, inserted IV and placed an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose. From the grim look on his face, Ertia can tell it isn't good at all, but Simon is honor bound to do his best.

She sighs, curls her arms around her knees. She should go wash the dishes, clean up, maybe even take a shower and scrub some of the ink from the cargo labels off her hands, but she's too damn tired.

'I'll go upstairs in a minute', she thinks, her eyes blurring wearily as she watches Simon work.


Saturday, June 3, 2006 7:25 PM


*Quickly, calmly, and quietly, 13 enters the infirmary, Simon's back turned.*

"Simon?" 13's voice is placid, and unnervingly flat.

"I told you not to come in her.."

"Shut up. I know what to do."

*He pushes Simon away, taking care not to use his full strength. Opening a cabinet, he draws an adrenaline needle, quickly prepping it. After that, he slices the tip of his left index finger off, revealing a blue volt of electricity.*

"What do you think you're doing?" Simon says angrily, trying to take the adrenaline from 13.

"She OD'd, didn't she?" Simon is silent, then nods almost impercetibly. "I've seen it often enough. Hell, used to happen to me once a month. Now, just be quiet while I do this, and try to stop me again, I'll turn your arm into dust."

*13 walks over to the prone Fly, adrenaline needle raised high. He plunges it directly over her heart, injecting it into the pump. Working quickly, he places his mutilated finger over the needle, electricity flowing into her.*

"Come on, come on..."

*Fly's eyes open, and 13's smile is genuine.*


13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Saturday, June 3, 2006 7:30 PM


errr... actually, 13, she was in withdrawals. Between wolf sedating her and you adrenalin jacking her, you would have just killed her.


Saturday, June 3, 2006 8:04 PM


Meanwhile in Pain's Bunk....

*Pain sat on his bed, a half empty bottle of whiskey from his private stash in his hand. He thought to himself, anger radiating from him*

Twenty gorram years!! I've known Fly for twenty years and we were involved for fifteen of them and this was the first time she's held somethin' back from me!!

*Pain slammed some more whiskey down his throat and got up. He felt the effects of the alcohol as he set the bottle down on the footlocker, walked over to the wall, and swung his fist into the vid screen. He drew his fist back and looked at the broken monitor and the splotch of blood in the center of the broken screen. He lowered his bleeding fist, walked over to the foot locker, grabbed the bottle of booze, and slumped down near the broken glass on the floor. He took another swig from the bottle before throwing it across the room and watching it shatter against the ladder. Pain sat there, back against the wall, tears streaking down his cheeks.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, June 3, 2006 9:12 PM


OoC: yay, Fly you're back! * dances the happy dance of returning friends* sorry I've been gone for so long, but my SODDING INTERNET CONNECTION conks out every time we make a phone call. can't think of anything now, just wanted to let you know I'm still here, and don't kill me, please
-try it out, I dare you


Sunday, June 4, 2006 4:35 AM



Originally posted by Guywhowantsafireflyofhisown:
OoC: yay, Fly you're back! * dances the happy dance of returning friends* sorry I've been gone for so long, but my SODDING INTERNET CONNECTION conks out every time we make a phone call. can't think of anything now, just wanted to let you know I'm still here, and don't kill me, please
-try it out, I dare you

Thank you my friend,,,,good to be back!!!!

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Sunday, June 4, 2006 4:51 AM


*The first thing she sees is 13 smiling at her. Is this a dream......All of a sudden she starts convulsing again and her heart stops.

Simon: 13! She didn't OD. She didn't OD. *He grabs the cortical electrodes and shocks her*
Common Fly, common. *He shocks her one more time* Fly! Fly!

13:What did I do. What did I do. I just wanna make things right. I just want to tell her, I just want.....

Simone: She's got a pulse. *He looks at thirteen, please, I do believe you are trying to help her but just stay over there for now.

*Befor 13 leaves Fly's side, he wipes her mouth of the dripping phlegm that expelled from her body then goes to stand by the window*

Simon:Fly? Fly? Can you hear me? Fly?
Fly: Caughs and moves a little hand over her mouth. Simon?
Simon: Yeah Fly...Fly *She is asleep again. He checks her vitals. Looks over to the window where Wolf is standing. Gives him a "I'm not sure look" and continues to goes to work on BlueMask*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Sunday, June 4, 2006 6:01 AM


"Ertia, girl, what's goin' on?" Zoe's voice pulls Ertia from her bleary-eyed stupor. Behind the warrior, Mal is looking into infirmary, but he turns back and waits for her answer.

"Fly... she got sick. Simon said...She needed rehydration and rest. But then 13... I think he's killed the BlueMask.... He tried something on Fly. But it didn't work. Simon had to use the cardoivascular stimulator." Ertia stammers out through the layer of worry and stress that clouds her mind. "The Doctor isn't too happy right now."

"He's right to be angry." River murmurs. "The wilds go, but burns don't mend."

"Ching-wah tsao duh liou mahng!" Mal's hand slams against the steel beam, "I have about had it with that jumped up heap of steel messin'
with things on my boat! If Fly dies, I'm spacing him!"

Mal spins on his heel and storms out, leaving Ertia gazing up at Zoe, who says finally, "Where's Pain? If Fly is sick, shouldn't he be here?"

Wolf turns back from the window, "I think he's angry. Doc wouldn't say what was wrong."

Ertia pushes slowly to her feet. "I'll check on him."

we about ready for a new thread?


Sunday, June 4, 2006 6:12 AM


YAY,,,,a new thread.....It's good to be back....


"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Sunday, June 4, 2006 6:38 AM


yeah i think so


Sunday, June 4, 2006 7:12 AM


OoC: yeah, new thread, also Ertia, have we applied the cortical electrodes?
-try it out, I dare you


Sunday, June 4, 2006 7:21 AM


We applied those cortical electrode thingees!
New thread on the way!

And here she is!

Come to Into the Black Part III






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