I Want to Cry...

UPDATED: Tuesday, June 6, 2006 05:16
VIEWED: 6389
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Sunday, June 4, 2006 4:52 PM


Forgive me for being the bearer of bad news..I was poking around on the SciFi Channel web sites and found this video interview with Joss. I don't know how recent it is, and I've read the same elsewhere, but it sucks hearing it from him...Check out the link here, and pass the tissues...

"We're still flyin..."


Sunday, June 4, 2006 5:06 PM


Yes, it is sad, but as long as we keep hope alive and hold the line, we'll prevail again.

Remember, "we've done the impossible and THAT makes us mighty!" - Joss

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Self appointed Forsaken! Been on the list for a while now!


Sunday, June 4, 2006 5:15 PM


That's okay, Shinyfly! You just have yerself a good cry.
Here's a nice fresh hankie a bit of mudders milk.

That's right, get it all out.

Now, when yer done, you get yerself straightened up a bit, reload your rifle and get back on the line!
Because we are NOT giving up.

If Universal isn't calling our Joss, then we need to MAKE them CALL! If our Nathan is giving up hope, we need to GIVE him hope all over again!

Sure, Adam, Gina and Alan are all onto new projects, shiny things in their lives, but that doesn't mean that if we manage to do it, if we manage to push the button, that they won't come straight home!


Sunday, June 4, 2006 5:48 PM


amen... praise the ship and pass the ammunition.. we are holding until Mal gets back.. and he will get back...

Chindi in for the long haul


Sunday, June 4, 2006 6:07 PM


That interview happened a long time before I kidnapped Joss's puppy. He was talking a lot of non-sense back then, but he's better now.

They say I am a sinner and seducer, they try to put the blame on me, but I don't give a fuck for the way they see

Stand up and you'll win, surrender and you'll lose, it's heads or tails, you have to choose.

Heads or tails, which way will you choose? Die or live, surrender or fight? Wild and free, together we'll stand, strong and proud, we will claim our right.


Sunday, June 4, 2006 6:28 PM


Hey, hey now! I didn't hear him say "no". Joss hasn't given up yet, so you better hold 'til Mal gets back!

Jayne: I once hit a guy in the neck from 500 yards with a bent scope. Don't that count upstairs?
Book: Oh, it'll be taken into consideration.
Jayne: You made that sound kind of ominous.


Sunday, June 4, 2006 10:28 PM


DOUBTFUL...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! I can be reasonable and even realistic, sometimes, and I grasped the "financial" situation of Serenity; but I just didn't want to hear Joss say anything that final sounding for a long time to come...I feel sick . I really should not have seen this tonight, no peaceful, happy, puppy, fluffy dreams for me. (Goes to find kleenex for Shinyfly and myself)

I don't know if it's the late hour or my state of mind, but I am finding it exceedingly depressing that I live in a world where people don't seem to appreciate the Serenifly verse. OK, I'm going to back away slowly from the keyboard before I start to scare everyone else - sorry a tad over-emotional here. I guess at least I have someone to have a good, albeit virtual, cry with over this sad state of affairs.

Really, really hate FX.


Sunday, June 4, 2006 10:44 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Will... not... break... line!
*cocks gun*



Sunday, June 4, 2006 11:09 PM


No one ever said being a browncoat was easy, if it was then we wouldn't appreciate this 'verse half as much as we do.

"We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... 'This Land'."


Monday, June 5, 2006 1:00 AM


Don't get down and out. As long as we're all still here, and there are new Browncoats comin' in there's hope. We got this much ground with Serenity, didn't we? The impossible's been done. Meaning it can be done again.


Monday, June 5, 2006 1:04 AM


our strength is in numbers and our passion. Keep introducing people to the verse and dont lose your love for the verse and we will get what we want.

"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."


Monday, June 5, 2006 1:07 AM


looks like the interview was around when king kong was in the theatres, i have seen other interviews after that and he was a bit more upbeat.

"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."


Monday, June 5, 2006 1:15 AM


'Kay, it's a new day and time to buck up (I saw that interview right before I went to bed last night..) but thanks for reminding me that "We've done the impossible and that makes us mighty." (Every Browncoat needs to hear it again every now and then!) I'll be holding till Mal gets back. And if I was really lucky, I'd be holding Mal...

"I'm sorry, are you tetchy cuz' I got myself a bride, or cuz' I don't intend to keep her?"


Monday, June 5, 2006 1:39 AM


It's mornin' Browncoats and we are on the same line that we were before we heard that interview.
We already knew it was not going to be easy. We already knew we might be fighting a losing battle.
We're known for that right? Hell, we're known for winning despite it being a losing battle!

So, our numbers are increasing, our plans for the summer are growing... it ain't over yet!

We just do what we have in mind to do and we make it impossible for Universal not to call Joss on the phone.
Keep spreading the word...bring in new folks.. involve yourself in a Serenity Now/ Equality Now screening or buy a DVD or hell, maybe two on Serenity Day and then involve yourself on the line all Summer of Serenity long. We are mighty and they ARE gonna see this comin'!

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Monday, June 5, 2006 3:34 AM


Hang in there, we are always the underdogs.. but we are just too damn pretty to die.

Look at whats coming, a Serenity Ornament, a FIrefly visual companion (2 VOlumes!!!!), another set of comics, no we are not outta gas yet, in fact I don't think the suits at 'versal or fox have seen anything yet, June 23 I think they will be pleasantly surprised.

FOlks worried about our crew moving onto other shows and movies, Firefly and Serenity had something different, something special, the cast and crew Loved and still LOVE being a part of it. I think they are all waiting for that red button to call them home.
Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Monday, June 5, 2006 3:41 AM


I posted this over on the "Fading Hopes" thread, thought it would work over here, too...sorry to quote myself, but:

Joss' own words, "We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty". I heard those words, and I believe in the message they carry. I,too, have only been a fan since Serenity came out, but I am not going to give up. I spread the word when I can, tell people about this shiny 'verse, and try to keep on top of the news where Firefly is concerned. There are fans on this board, still posting, that have been here since the beginning. Their hope has not flagged, and that renews the hope in me. I will not wishing, waiting, and doing my part until either Firefly comes back, or there are more movies...hopefully both

Hold the line!



Monday, June 5, 2006 3:57 AM



Keep the faith fellow browncoats. I'm with you and keeping it as well. There is someone somewhere that gets the FF verse. It's just a matter of time and a waiting period we must go through.The money will begin to flow again.



Monday, June 5, 2006 4:05 AM



Originally posted by onthedrift:

I don't know if it's the late hour or my state of mind, but I am finding it exceedingly depressing that I live in a world where people don't seem to appreciate the Serenifly verse.

Dude, just remember that almost ALL of Joss' projects have had limited acceptance, Buffy being the most popular, but even the numbers on that were always on the edge. Got cancelled once, too.

Joss doesn't make 'Star Wars' fluff. Go ahead, analyize it; Star Wars had a great story buried beneath all the toys, the Ewoks, the flashy swordfights- all the stuff of mass marketing.
Joss is more interested in the characters and story.
Be GLAD that Serenity is slow to see a sequel; if sequels were in heavy demand, it would be a series and movie loaded with extranious alien/blaster/giant spaceship garbage, and we don't want that for our BDH's, right?

The 'Verse is unfolding just as it should.

Have Faith Chrisisall


Monday, June 5, 2006 5:40 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by shinyfly:
Forgive me for being the bearer of bad news..I was poking around on the SciFi Channel web sites and found this video interview with Joss. I don't know how recent it is, and I've read the same elsewhere, but it sucks hearing it from him...Check out the link here, and pass the tissues...

"We're still flyin..."

Even though I've not watched the interview yet, there's one thing I do know.

June 23rd commeth!

You hold. YOU HOLD!

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, June 5, 2006 5:42 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Listen at yourselves. Are you browncoats or what?!?

So the situation looks grim. Looks like we might not be getting a sequel at the moment. So what?!? We've been on the short end of things since the beginning people. We've been fighting an uphill battle since the day Fox shelved the "Serenity" episode pilot for Firefly and made Joss write "Train Job" as our pilot. We have fought a bad time slot, tv execs that didn't have a clue, the stereotyping sci fi shows get, preempting for sports, etc, etc.

Short of it is that the odds have been stacked against us all along. The thing that sets browncoats apart from other fans is that WE DON'T GIVE UP!!! When someone tells us it can't be done, that we're finished, we fight all that much harder to show them we can do it.

I been here a long time. Longer then most, not as long as some. Most of the vets just read and lurk now. Things have always looked bad and we have always kept flying. We went from a show that everyone scorned and laughed at when we refused to just let it go. We got a BDM, comics, cards, action figures, fan made merchandise, books, and other shiny stuff on the way. So who was wrong? Us for refusing to quit, or them for doubting our resolve.

I don't know about the rest of you, but it ain't over until Joss comes on here and says he ain't letting another thing be done because he's quitting. Then I will tell him to quit whinging and get back on the line.

Keep flyin' browncoats! It's what we do best.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Monday, June 5, 2006 6:03 AM


I agree... if things are looking so grim, why do we get a new, highly motivated Browncoat about EVERY HOUR, on this board alone? It's apparent that Serenity "failed" because there wasn't a broad enough audience. Not enough of US.
And our numbers are growing rapidly, which is amazing for a supposedly "dead" franchise, and with the SN/EN screenings and S-Day and the Summer Campaign and the 'Versary coming up, we can reach out to a whole lot of new people who don't know what they're missing. 2006 is a shiny year to be a Browncoat.
Eventually, our numbers will have grown so big and we're gonna have spent so much money on the franchise that it will be a safe business decision to greenlight a sequel.
Just don't. give. up.

It would make for a nice statistic to see the numbers of registered members on message boards for different TV shows and compare.

Proud Member of the Event Team
Department of All Things Insane

Serenity Now/Equality Now screenings / Serenity Day (unrelated):
June 23rd
Serenity Summer Campaign:
June 23rd - Sept 30th
Serenity 'Versary:
September 30th
Be there or be a purple-belted poop head. (<- not the official slogan)


Monday, June 5, 2006 6:09 AM


We'll pass through the storm soon enough :)

We're Browncoats. We hold. That's what we do :P

If it takes a hundred thousand years, and we have to ressurect Joss's corpsified body to make a sequel with nothing but Summer's mummified feet and a plaster cast of Nathan's buttocks, we'll see this thing through.

Joss ever says he's quitting on the 'verse, we'll know it's an evil android created by George Lucas and deal with it accordingly.

You can take my Browncoat when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers. (Or if Kaylee asks me nicely...)


Monday, June 5, 2006 6:22 AM



Originally posted by Agatsu:
if things are looking so grim, why do we get a new, highly motivated Browncoat about EVERY HOUR, on this board alone? It's apparent that Serenity "failed" because there wasn't a broad enough audience. Not enough of US.
And our numbers are growing rapidly, which is amazing for a supposedly "dead" franchise, and with the SN/EN screenings and S-Day and the Summer Campaign and the 'Versary coming up, we can reach out to a whole lot of new people who don't know what they're missing. 2006 is a shiny year to be a Browncoat.

Exactly. I am new to these here parts and I've got several other new converts notched on my belt. And they're all comin' with me to the Raleigh screening of the BDM. I even have a couple people who have never seen Firefly or the BDM coming to the screening.

The fanbase is most definitely growing. Look at the amazon reviews of the firefly dvd. It's now over 2500 reviews that average out to 5 stars. I think there is a new review posted every day, which is pretty amazing for a dvd set released 2 1/2 years ago of a cancelled tv show. Any other similar sets that get similar almost daily reviews? I don't think so.

I just have to believe that something will come our way one of these days.

Remember what Book told Mal in the BDM? "I don't care what you believe. Just believe it."

I believe this 'verse will be alive and kickin' for quite some time.


Monday, June 5, 2006 1:20 PM



Originally posted by nuclearday:

If it takes a hundred thousand years, and we have to ressurect Joss's corpsified body to make a sequel with nothing but Summer's mummified feet and a plaster cast of Nathan's buttocks, we'll see this thing through.

We have a plaster cast of Nathan's buttocks?!?!?!?!?!
I wanna pet it! :D
(Actually, wonder if we could get him to do that for a charity auction for Equality Now? )


Monday, June 5, 2006 1:50 PM


Hey Raleighbrowncoat-where's the sceening ? I know it's Thursday night and I live in Washington and even if I can't get Friday off I'll be there someway and somehow and be back to work at 8 a.m.Friday morning.

Everyone else-HOLD THE LINE! A slight delay in greenlighting the sequal will only make it better! Our numbers will be more and the third movie will follow. Just believe!

BTW where is that plaster cast of Nathan's buttocks?

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, June 5, 2006 1:51 PM



Originally posted by SameErtia:

We have a plaster cast of Nathan's buttocks?!?!?!?!?!
I wanna pet it! :D
(Actually, wonder if we could get him to do that for a charity auction for Equality Now? )

I think that's a great idea, and I think he might be up to it. I mean, getting your butt cast in plaster to help charity, who wouldn't like to do that? What a nice piece of a...rt to hang above the fireplace!
Seriously, that thing would go for a high price, considering the female affection he gets on this board.
Then again, a plaster cast of Summer's feet would be worth something to me, too. Not that I'm a foot fetishist, but that would be wicked shiny! And signed on the corner, too! Wheeeeeeeee...

Proud Member of the Event Team
Department of All Things Insane

Serenity Now/Equality Now screenings / Serenity Day (unrelated):
June 23rd
Serenity Summer Campaign:
June 23rd - Sept 30th
Serenity 'Versary:
September 30th
Be there or be a purple-belted poop head. (<- not the official slogan)


Monday, June 5, 2006 2:30 PM


Ok, let me ask a question.

Who here was a fan when Firefly was cancelled?

Raise your hand if you were.

*Raises hand*

Ok, everyone who has their hand up along with me ask yourself something, when we heard there was no chance in hell of Firefly coming back in any form, that a movie was not doubtful, or insane, or stupid, but instead IMPOSSIBLE did you personally give up?

We'll you're here now so I’m betting on no.

We've done the impossible, and that means we're stubborn asses who don’t back down. We hold. That's what we do, even if it isn't intellegent or sane.

Now, everyone who was not around back then, you're here, you're the reason we will get more, you're proof we will get more. The fact that you came to us after the show was off the air, the fact that you came to us at all is all the proof you need that we have reason to hope.

You came here even though the series was canceled and the movie wasn't a huge hit. People like you will keep on coming to us, and that is why we can get more.

More to the point look around, I'll bet you that most people don't have their hands up, and each one with a hand down is one more reason hope for more is justified.

Keep on believing, and keep on spreading the word, and remember that no one ever did the impossible by giving up.


Monday, June 5, 2006 2:43 PM



Originally posted by christhecynic:
Ok, let me ask a question.

Who here was a fan when Firefly was cancelled?

Raise your hand if you were.

*Raises hand*

Ok, everyone who has their hand up along with me ask yourself something, when we heard there was no chance in hell of Firefly coming back in any form, that a movie was not doubtful, or insane, or stupid, but instead IMPOSSIBLE did you personally give up?

We'll you're here now so I’m betting on no.

We've done the impossible, and that means we're stubborn asses who don’t back down. We hold. That's what we do, even if it isn't intellegent or sane.

Now, everyone who was not around back then, you're here, you're the reason we will get more, you're proof we will get more. The fact that you came to us after the show was off the air, the fact that you came to us at all is all the proof you need that we have reason to hope.

You came here even though the series was canceled and the movie wasn't a huge hit. People like you will keep on coming to us, and that is why we can get more.

More to the point look around, I'll bet you that most people don't have their hands up, and each one with a hand down is one more reason hope for more is justified.

Keep on believing, and keep on spreading the word, and remember that no one ever did the impossible by giving up.

Thanks Christhenotsocynicalasyou'dhaveusbelieve. I needed that wake-up call/hope. I myself am a browncoat who couldn't raise their hand, I didn't discover the verse until well after cancellation. So everything is always shinier in the daytime. And thanks to all the Browncoats leaving such inspiring posts I feel the will to hold has returned with new fervor. Intelligence and sanity be damned - I'll stay with the Browncoats who simply BELIEVE.

Just give me something to aim at in the meantime, just a wee bit of pent up frustration.


Monday, June 5, 2006 2:57 PM


Hey, Xero's back.


Why is he obsessed with bullwhips?

Compensation? Physical weakness? Mentally disturbed?

More later.


13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Monday, June 5, 2006 3:15 PM



Originally posted by XeroGravityAdvanced:
Joss's not going to write another movie for u because he's got better things to do with his life than feed a bunch of lily-livered, cross-dressing, forum trolls.

I'm not going to ask why you think we're lily-livered, or why you think we're trolls when we don't meet the description, but I have to ask ... cross-dressing?

Where did that come from?

Is it this thread?

I didn't mean it literally ... honest. When I talked about letting out the little crazy psychic girl inside I meant it figuratively.


Do I win the randomness award? Is there a randomness award?


Monday, June 5, 2006 3:24 PM



I'll be in my bunk.

*Scoots away*

No crying, or my soul will wither away and die.


13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Monday, June 5, 2006 3:38 PM



Originally posted by ncbrowncoat:
Hey Raleighbrowncoat-where's the sceening ? I know it's Thursday night and I live in Washington and even if I can't get Friday off I'll be there someway and somehow and be back to work at 8 a.m.Friday morning.

It's at the Raleighwood Cinema Grill on Falls of Neuse Road in North Raleigh. It's one of those movie theaters where you can order steaks, mudder's milk, and the like. :)

Here is the link to the shindig:

It sounds like ticket sales are going strong and I think there's a good chance it will sell out. I was just up in your neck of the woods this past weekend -- you can do the drive in 4 or 4 1/2 hours.


Monday, June 5, 2006 6:52 PM


SHINYFLY, don't be downhearted. I went to the link you posted and watched the interview with Joss and came away with a rather good feeling.

If the truth were known I'm sure he is pretty tired of being asked about FF/Serenity all the time. I felt that he is still very ready to put energy into his love of that show. Hes only waiting for the go-ahead from someone or some company. THAT, I think he will get in time.Right now he must focus on the work at hand.

When will the VERSES numbers be big enough for the green light for a sequel? Time will tell. We must stay the path.

"I know but I like to hear you say it." River



Monday, June 5, 2006 6:58 PM


Here's something to contemplate, fellow BCs... Just finished season 1 of Battlestar Galactica and realized two things: 1) Ronald D. Moore is the Joss Whedon of the BG 'verse, even though Glen Larson gets a Consulting credit. I'm betting that all Glen is consulting is his navel, cuz THIS version of BG is very engaging, well-written, etc. Kinda soap opera-y, but what the hey. Keeps yer attention. Then I realized 2) that from 1978-79 to 2003 is 25 years. What's to stop Firefly from getting "resurrected" in 10 or 15 or 20 years from now based on the cult status and all the loyal fans the show generated and who kept buying the DVD boxset, T-shirts, Serenity DVD, going to cons, etc. And remember this also: we fans keep the show alive just by writing Fan-Fics. Also, if we keep "holding the line" and spending our hard-earned cashy money of FF stuff, the cumulative $$$$$ will eventaually get someone's attention. Good news is, it's already happened cuz they made a movie from a cancelled TV show hardly anyone saw cuz it only ran for 3 friggin months, right? As more and more people catch the 'Verse fever, they'll keep buying the DVD boxset, the BDM, renting it from Netflix, etc. So in another 3-5 years, the brain-dead studio types will open their eyes to the profit potential of more FF stuff on TV or on the big screen, and then we'll get it. Doesn't even have to be Joss behind it, just like BG -- just fans of the original series who love and know the characters as well as he does. Face it, folks. As Browncoats, it's only gonna get bigger and better for us. You watch.

Jonathan M.A.Ghaffar - Your Firefly/Serenity MP3 Ringtone Smuggler!
Free MP3 uploader program (PC) at:
Website for free ringtone downloading:


Monday, June 5, 2006 8:00 PM



Originally posted by shinyfly:
Forgive me for being the bearer of bad news..I was poking around on the SciFi Channel web sites and found this video interview with Joss. I don't know how recent it is, and I've read the same elsewhere, but it sucks hearing it from him...Check out the link here, and pass the tissues...

"We're still flyin..."

There is still good reason for hope...


"Well, I don't know if we made the kind of money that entails sequels or any such thing... uh, I sit by my phone..."

"Um, I would certainly love to. We're gonna do another comic, but that doesn't let me work with the actors, which is what I really want to do."

"Um, I never rule it out... I always keep my hope alive. But the fact of the matter is, right now, it's doubtful."


Sure, in the last sentence he expresses some doubt about continuing... but he's talking about "right now". We are in a lull because the box office returns for Serenity weren't blockbuster numbers, so future plans got put on the back burner. However, Serenity made its money back and the DVDs continue to sell well. Sometimes things have to sit for a bit so people can regroup. Also, Joss was obligated to fulfill contractual work, and he needed to get working on scripts and other projects. Doesn't mean he left Serenity behind forever, just that he had to get working on other things. He always has tons of ideas and he loves to keep busy.

Anyway, the other parts of the interview are pretty clear, and he's used the term before, he's "sitting by his phone"... meaning he is still quite open to making more Serenity. But now it's a case of he needs to be the one approached. He fought very hard to get Serenity made. Now the next incarnation must be in the form of an offer to him. I'm thinkin' he's gonna let the fandom and DVD sales speak for themselves, one way or the other.

Joss also said that doing a Serenity comic is not the same thing as working with the actors... and I quote him, "... which is what I really want to do."

I don't know how much clearer he can be. He still really wants to create more Serenity with the original cast.

The people who made Serenity want to do more, and the fans want more. If we don't give up then there will be more from the 'Verse.

Keepin' the faith, and still holdin'

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~

Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~


Monday, June 5, 2006 10:13 PM


So, any word on that much-anticipated plaster cast of Nathan's buttocks?

Keep spreading the word! And buying Firefly goodies, when ya can afford it. Just today I ran into a coworker that I hadn't seen in several months. I mentioned Firefly over drinks way back when and she finally got around to seeing the series. Another convert! I don't think she's seen Serenity yet, so I better let her know that she has the wicked opportunity of actually seeing it in the theater.

Can't stop the signal!


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 5:00 AM


WE are all never giving up, but it may be time to resort to strategy. Ok all find 5 people and get them hooked, then they find five people, etc... if that doesn't work we go with the large gun pointed at head convert or die plan. Once they've seen it there's no way they won't love it. If all else fails we release the monkey with a gun in the Universal studios corporate offices.

You're only young once, but you can be immature any time!


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 5:16 AM


You DID hear about the stuff in my sig, didn't you?

Proud Member of the Event Team
Department of All Things Insane

Serenity Now/Equality Now screenings / Serenity Day (unrelated):
June 23rd
Serenity Summer Campaign:
June 23rd - Sept 30th
Serenity 'Versary:
September 30th
Be there or be a purple-belted poop head. (<- not the official slogan)






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