Moonlightrising event......Nathan was awsome!!!!!!!!

UPDATED: Thursday, June 15, 2006 18:13
VIEWED: 14796
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Sunday, June 4, 2006 12:29 PM


Just returned from MOONLIGHT RISING CON where our captain entertained and delighted everyone with his uncanny ability to find humor in just about everything. Funny, funny guy!!! Very down to earth and approachable.
I had the opportunity to sit at his table for the Saturday night banquet. I asked him if he thought a SERENITY sequal was being worked up,
but his answer was somewhat discouraging. He talked about the money thing[box office]and said that a sequal was improbable.
We also talked about SERENITY DAY and he said he hadn't been on the internet for awhile and was hearing about this for the first time. He seemed to appreciate the efforts of the fans,and said he was going to be "looking into" the Serenity Day activities. I suggested he visit this website for more info....maybe he'll visit!!
Also got to meet KAELE and JANESBUNKMATE....good people!
Adam Baldwin was a last minute no-show....lots of disappointed fans, male and female. The promoters managed to fill his slot with Jonathan Woodward[TRACEY from THE MESSAGE]who was alot of fun and real cute. All in all it was a fun time.
Meeting NATHAN was a real treat for me, an event I'll remember for the rest of my life.


Sunday, June 4, 2006 12:35 PM


I was also at the Moonlight Rising Con. I had a blast, particularly meeting Nathan and Jonathan Woodward. Nathan was hilarious and drew all over my tattoo and then signed it, so my arm was my autograph book for a while. (I got one on a poster later). Jonathan was really cool, and made it a point to be out circulating with the people. Although the event was ridiculously unorganized, I had fun, and meeting Nathan was amazing.

***Never judge a book by its movie***


Sunday, June 4, 2006 12:57 PM


Yay! Congrats to the congoers!

Adam had said a few days ago that he wouldn't be able to attend, so I'm glad Jonathon stood in so that fans weren't too devestated.

Shame that it really sounds like the hopes for a sequel are fading.


Sunday, June 4, 2006 3:16 PM


whooo hoo !! Thanks for the info.. could we please ahve more?????

Tell us more more more!!!

We want evey detail you can pull out of your very tired but happy brain!



Sunday, June 4, 2006 3:18 PM


I have to agree with the thread title; I have been to a lot of cons and the Q&A with Nathan and Jonathan was the most entertaining one I have ever attended. The guests were very approachable and friendly, and we weren't rushed through the autograph like like cattle. I would go to see him again in a minute.

Sex and violence on the big screen, where it belongs.


Sunday, June 4, 2006 3:59 PM


Nathan seems to be a pretty cool guy, every time someone writes about an con he's been at, or from the vids I've seen of them, he seems to be down to earth and funny. He definately looks like he makes a mark on any convention he appears at

Hope I get to see him myself some day

"Also, I can kill you with my brain"

>> <<<


Sunday, June 4, 2006 4:03 PM


I agree with NF being awesome! That man has one of the best smiles I have ever seen. Jonathon Woodward as well.

I had him sign my Buffy/Angel poster on Saturday, and he told me that he auditioned for the part of Angel. It's hard to picture him as's hard to picture him as anyone other than Cap'n Reynolds. ;) I just thought that was interesting.

I met all of the second tier guests at last year's MR, but it was nice to see how well everyone interacted with each other, especially during the Jossverse Q&A today...which was A-MAZING!

Here's my photo op with NF:

(No my hair isn't green...stupid green screen It's worth it, though!)



Sunday, June 4, 2006 4:07 PM


beautiful photo...thank you for sharing!
I do hope to meet some of our BDHs someday...
(actually I did get to meet Summer Glau at one of the pre-screenings last year)

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse
have you checked out this thread?:

and listen to 'I'm Going To See Serenity':


Sunday, June 4, 2006 4:09 PM


Thank you all for sharing!
It's nice to know that Nathan Fillion is down-to-Earth. I am sorry about Adam Baldwin, but I would not have minded meeting Jonathan Woodward...I liked his role.

Again, thank you for sharing...lucky!



Sunday, June 4, 2006 4:31 PM



Originally posted by dalilaba:
We also talked about SERENITY DAY and he said he hadn't been on the internet for awhile and was hearing about this for the first time. He seemed to appreciate the efforts of the fans,and said he was going to be "looking into" the Serenity Day activities. I suggested he visit this website for more info....maybe he'll visit!!

Thanks for posting about your great time at the

When you say you mentioned SERENITY DAY, do you mean you just mentioned Buying DVDS or the whole summer thing or did you mention that BROWNCOATS around the world are arranging Serenity Charity Screenings????

Current Status As Of June 3, 2006:
43+ Cities In 5 Countries On 3 Continents
Planning June Charity Serenity Screenings

31 Screenings Confirmed As Of June 3, 2006

Can't Stop The Serenity

The Press release
"Thousands of Film Goers Seek Gender Equality"

For list of cities, links to theaters, BUY NOW link, and FAQ on arranging your own Serenity Charity Screening

Cities like in
Edmonton AB (Canada) - Cineplex Odeon South Edmonton Common
Vancouver BC (Canada) - Pacific Cinematheque
Los Angeles CA (USA) - Laemmle's One Colorado

I bet Nathan doesn't know that replaced the old Universal Browncoat Board. His old login won't work. Everyone had to get new logins. Universal couldn't release the logins because of privary rights issues. But Gossi was able to get an archive of the original and a link to the new board on (Universal's Serenity movie promotion site) Under the Join the Browncoats link.


Sunday, June 4, 2006 8:23 PM


Oh, man...Jonathan came to our Shindig on Friday night and I knew right then and there that we were gonna have one hell of a weekend. I was in my Mal costume, so I stepped up to say hi and he said, "What's up, Cap'n!" The evening just got awesomer from there - Jonathan and I became tighter than I expected over the weekend.

Especially when he and Camden Toy were MSTing 'The Message' and I was running back and forth to stand next to each of them during the cargo-bay scene, and he said, "Brotha, you've got a lot of heart!"

I'll post a blog about the whole experience (RUTTING AWESOME AS IT WAS) later on.

'Eta Gorram Na Smech!'
(That's gorram ridiculous!)


Monday, June 5, 2006 12:31 AM



When you say you mentioned SERENITY DAY, do you mean you just mentioned Buying DVDS or the whole summer thing or did you mention that BROWNCOATS around the world are arranging Serenity Charity Screenings????

Both the mass purchasing of DVDs and the screenings were mentioned during his and Woodward's Q&A. It seemed like Woodward knew a little about the whole plan, but Fillion seemed clueless when it was first mentioned. But he was also very flattered by the persistence and generosity of the Browncoats.

Fillion also mentioned that his father is always in contact with the webmaster of this site (I forget his/her name right now, sorry). The one photo that pops up in the upper left hand corner of the just the dining table was taken by NF himself and his father sent it in.

I'll post more when I get my wits about me

And thanks for the compliments on my photo. I also have one with "Clem," but I did't know if you all wanted to see that one or not. If you do, I'll post that as well.



Monday, June 5, 2006 2:19 AM


Just returned from MOONLIGHT RISING CON where our captain entertained and delighted everyone with his uncanny ability to find humor in just about everything. Funny, funny guy!!! Very down to earth and approachable. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
what she said, and more! we apologise to everyone who missed the pajama party. :-( it was so much fun we repeated it the next nite without pj's! next year mary and i are hoping to get a bigger room, so we can have more people. we were disappointed by adam's no show, but jonathon more than made up for his abcense! the whole group seemed to have such a good time together! i have never seen even a smidge of an episode of buffy, but ken, camden, kelly, stacey and jimmy were so much fun, i aim to see at least their eps. one of the great times was when our cap'n showed up late for the joss' verse q&a, (due to photo sessions) and got up to the microphone! he played it like a first-time geek, and asked all the dumb questions that you roll your eyes at! lol! and the rest of them played it as serious and answered him! i can't wait for the dvd! another was the misty3k takeoff that camden and jonathon did on jon's ep (the message). picture kaylee in her hammock with the message thingy, and camden says "why doesn't this thing vibrate?!"


Monday, June 5, 2006 2:25 AM



Originally posted by Chindi:
whooo hoo !! Thanks for the info.. could we please ahve more?????

Tell us more more more!!!

We want evey detail you can pull out of your very tired but happy brain!


What she said!!!!!!!!!!

( hi, chindi!)

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Monday, June 5, 2006 2:31 AM


My wife and I were also at the Moonlighting Rising conference. We enjoyed listening to Nathan, and the others, at the Q&A session. Nathan took charge of the Q&A session, moved the event along, was funny, and handled all questions with grace and dignity. He would have been a great teacher.

We had the opportunity to speak with Nathan briefly during the photo shoot and autograph sessions. He was very approachable and genuine. He even took the time to show my wife some tricks with her digital camera. We came away with the impression that Nathan is the kind of a guy you'd like to have as a friend. We wish him all the success he deserves.

rjconnect2 :smile


Monday, June 5, 2006 2:34 AM



Originally posted by slayer730:
I was also at the Moonlight Rising Con. I had a blast, particularly meeting Nathan and Jonathan Woodward. Nathan was hilarious and drew all over my tattoo and then signed it, so my arm was my autograph book for a while. (I got one on a poster later). Jonathan was really cool, and made it a point to be out circulating with the people. Although the event was ridiculously unorganized, I had fun, and meeting Nathan was amazing.

the con was slightly unorganized, but with adam canceling at the last minute, and one of the organizers lost her father that day, i give kudoes to what they managed to accomplish. i. too, enjoyed most of the con. as to the rest, oh well, stuff happens. the q&a with nathan and jonathon was fun! the whole explaination for the nude scene in "the message" was hilarious,( jon said he had a makeup woman brushing his cheeks, got the little "cup" thing for his privates, had nathan SITTING on him , and gina looking down on him all day! then they decided to use a stunt butt, cuz his looked better! lol!) and when it showed the next day, everyone just roared!


Monday, June 5, 2006 2:47 AM


When you say you mentioned SERENITY DAY, do you mean you just mentioned Buying DVDS or the whole summer thing or did you mention that BROWNCOATS around the world are arranging Serenity Charity Screenings????

the whole charity thing was mentioned. at the q&a it was explained poorly, and we heard later that nathan seemed to take it as an effort to get the series back. but we explained that it was for joss's charities, and the people who couldn't get to a screening were donating dvd's to libraries, hospitals, etc. in joss's name. AND mentioned that there are plans to redo later in the year, so the ones who missed out on these screenings have more time to organize their own.


Monday, June 5, 2006 4:04 AM



i have never seen even a smidge of an episode of buffy, but ken, camden, kelly, stacey and jimmy were so much fun, i aim to see at least their eps.

I'll try to name the episodes that they were in. I'm kind of rusty with them, so bear with me.

Ken - "Fool For Love", S5. He's only in it a smidge.
Kelly - "The Replacement", S5
Stacy - "Conversations with Dead People", S7. No real speaking parts, but Jonathon Woodward is in it.
Camden - "Hush", S4 as one of the Gentlemen. "Same Time Same Place," as Gnarl and 4 others in S7 as an UberVamp.
Leary was mostly in S6 and had two appearances in S7.

I highly recommend you check out the whole series, though. It's quite fun. :D

Livlass, it was nice meeting you and Mary, albeit briefly. I hope you were able to rest up a bit when I last saw you two going to the Food Court area. :)



Monday, June 5, 2006 5:42 AM


It's a shame that NF had no idea about the various BDM events going on (Serenity Day, Can't Stop the Serenity etc.). I would hope that the organizers of those events would try to touch base with the agents for the BDH's, Joss, etc. just to let them know and, in the case of the screenings, to invite them.

The BDH's and Joss need to know about these things. Even though they may not have direct control of the future of the 'verse, people talk, word gets around, etc.


Monday, June 5, 2006 6:20 AM


Livlass, it was nice meeting you and Mary, albeit briefly. I hope you were able to rest up a bit when I last saw you two going to the Food Court area. :)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks for the list, meg. it was great meeting you too! nice to put a face to a name! i couldn't get any rest in the food court, but managed a snooze during the buffy game, stretched out on the chairs. ouch! after that, i realized i coulda gone out to the car, and stretched out on the back seat! do'h! hope you're posting pix, malnourished and kaele should be doing it soon as they get back to normal. if they can, after seeing our bdh's. maln got to the mic to ask a question, and nathan remembered her name! she got so flustered, ahe had trouble getting the question out! i remember trying to mindsend "breathe!" lol!


Monday, June 5, 2006 6:23 AM



Originally posted by raleighbrowncoat:
It's a shame that NF had no idea about the various BDM events going on (Serenity Day, Can't Stop the Serenity etc.). I would hope that the organizers of those events would try to touch base with the agents for the BDH's, Joss, etc. just to let them know and, in the case of the screenings, to invite them.

The BDH's and Joss need to know about these things. Even though they may not have direct control of the future of the 'verse, people talk, word gets around, etc.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they were aware, the confusion came when someone mentioned that we were trying to get the 'verse back in the same statement. once we straightened that out, everything was shiney!


Monday, June 5, 2006 7:23 AM


I loved meeting all my bunkmates from here and the OB. MAry and MAry-Mom, Vanessa, Linda, Shelly, Holly, and the list goes on!!
LLB (meg)- I did talk to you but didn't realize it was you! Would have loved to talk to you some more had I known!!
Nathan was fantastic as was Jonathan. Their Q $ A was high-larious. Both were very sweet. Jonathan did come to the PJ shindig Friday night and he did a repeat about 3am on Saturday too! I saw him in the hall as he was on his way to the shindig and I on my way out. He did seem releived that we weren't in Pj's Sat night! *lol*. I was too bagged to stick around - already suffering from severe lack of sleep from shindig night before!!
Got to trade some words with Nathan at the photoshoot and he signed my autograph item saying, "we canadians got to stick together!" It was my first con and I had a blast. Will do it again! Maybe not MR but i will definitely do a con again! There's talk of maybe flanvention or a booster flanvention next year on northeast coast so lets get some mojo going for that!

Here's my photo with Nate. I hoped it scanned okay and I've never done photobucket so you'll have to bear with me during my growing pains...

More pic's to follow once I fix them up real good! ANd stories too!

And you can all guess how bummed out I was about Adam not showing. I had my sister do up a pretty picture of him in watercolour that i was going to give him a copy of, not to mention all the questions I had prepared in my head to ask him...And I hadn;t thoght of anything to ask Nathan....I know, my bad but check out my user name...that's pretty self explanatory ! Oh well, i'll just have to do that next time!

Whatd'ja all go an' order a dead guy for?


Monday, June 5, 2006 7:31 AM


Ugh. But a happy and satisfied ugh.

I'm still not coming down off my high of such a great weekend. Those of you who are reading this and weren't at the convention need to understand that a bunch of us probably amassed a total of 12 hours sleep (and some much less!) between three nights. So if we're misspelling things and not making complete sense, you'll understand why. We're trying to get you guys as many stories as possible once our brain functions kick in, but without mass amounts of caffeine and applications of heads to pillows, it'll probably look a little crazy.

I had a wonderful time and am also planning on a blog probably posted on here and myspace. But to give you a nice story to hold you over:

I too got to sit with Nathan and the banquet. We were getting a little bit nervous once the whole thing began because Nathan was the last guest to arrive. Everyone else in the room was chatting with their guests and the Nathan table was glancing nervously at each other, eating our food and probably all wondering where he was.

Camden Toy stopped by our table for a short time to entertain us:

C: "Hi, I'm Nathan, do you have any questions for me?"
Me: "Hi Nathan! Hey, you remember that episode where you were doing that thing? You know the one I'm talking about. Well, what I wanted to ask you was this: What were you thinking when you did it?"
C: "Hrmmm... Good question."
Me:"Was it, 'When am I getting my paycheck today?'"
C: "How'd you know? That and probably, 'What time is lunch?' or wondering what they had for lunch."

Once Nathan showed up and bolted down his food, he chatted with the group down his end. James Leary was sitting right behind me and Jonathan Woodward not too far away and were being kinda rowdy, so I missed alot of his conversations with that end of the table. He did, however, spend a lot of time speaking with Ashlyn, the young girl at our table. It was so very cute how attentive he was of her and he made a point to ask her about school and what she was learning. I could tell Ashlyn was flattered, if a little shy, but Nathan didn't talk down to her like I've seen so many adults do to kids.

Nathan mentioned that he had finished up doing 'looping' for his new movie Waitress with Keri Russell. (I think that means where they re-record the dialog?) He said working on it was great and that Keri was really fun to work with. His favorite part of working on that movie was showing up for three days every week and getting to 'make out with her' every day.

He also mentioned that he recently finished filming White Noise 2 and from what he's seen so far, it looks like a really cool film. (Like I need encouragement to go see it! LOL)

He even had us play his game Find the Extra where he and others (I'm assuming they did this on the set of Firefly) would all turn around and then one of them would go and hide somewhere in the scenery. You would have to find them. So Nathan made the whole table turn around and by the time we turned back, he was standing mostly behind the fake tree near our table, face blank, and blending in. He said we turned around too quickly and made us do it again, but we all had to count to five. So there was our table, completely turned around and counting aloud to five as he disappeared. By this time, the rest of the room could hear us and was wondering what we were doing. As we turned around in our seats we find Nathan crouched down at one of the other tables, hidden among the others as if he were sitting with them.

James Leary noticed this and calls out, "I didn't think they were serving HAM at this dinner." So he and James went through a very childish arguement finally ending in, "I know you are but what am I?" Then Nathan's "Shut up, James. Just....just...shut up!"

Nathan sat back down and continued talking for a while. Unfortunately, I was getting a little frustrated not being able to catch everything he was saying and slowly and sadly was resigning myself to spending the entire night only catching snippets of stories. I know there were a few questions people were asking him that I didn't hear the question or his response. Seeing as how the people down his end had won the Ebay auction and spent massive amounts of money for the priveledge of sitting next to Nathan, this was something I had tried to prepare myself for but it was still very depressing. Being the nice guy that is Nathan, he noticed.

Nathan asked our end of the table how we were doing and being honest I said I couldn't hear him down our end. Apparently, Nathan couldn't hear me well either, so he asked a little louder. Instead of shouting over the whole room, I just signaled him by perking my ears forward with my fingers, motioning that I couldn't hear him. Nathan cups his hands over his mouth and yells out absurdly loudly, "HOW ARE YOU GUYS DOING DOWN THERE???" And me, for once in my lifetime, decided to play along and cupped my hands over my mouth, calling out just as loudly, "We're fine, but we can't hear you too well!" So he repeats himself, standing up, waving his napkin around as if he was doing semaphore. So I begin waving my hands about as if doing YMCA, repeating myself.

By this time, the entire room was cracking up.

We all laughed and I think I finally failed in my attempt at non-fangirly-ness because the smile and private wink he gave me just totally blew me away.

Not long after this, James Leary, Stacey Scowley and Jonathan Woodward begin placing spoons on their noses and having a Shakespeare With Spoons quote competition. Jonathan eventually got up with his table and they had a huge group picture of them all with spoons on their noses.

As the banquet went on, Nathan did something no other guest there did. He got up and played musical chairs, so that each of us would get a few minutes to sit next to him. I was able to ask him about the scar on his forehead and heard about how he got the scar near his eye.

Caution: Raunchy-ness begins

Sometime during the dinner, Amber Benson had come over to our table holding a bottle, but was whispering so lowly to Nathan that I couldn't hear. By this time, Nathan was sitting right next to me. She wanted him to kiss a bottle for a fan for whatever reason. Nathan asked her for some lipstick so you could SEE where he kissed it and Amber handed over her lip gloss. Nathan obliged and Amber gave the bottle to the fan (I eventually got to hold the bottle some time the following day, which Amber had signed and Nathan had kissed.) Then Nathan began smacking his lips and called over to Amber asking what was in the gloss because it smelled like ass. James Leary joins in saying that it wasn't lip gloss but ass gloss and Nathan wasn't supposed to put it on his lips. It degenerated from there. It was very funny, very sick, and very crude. It was hilarious.

END Rauncy-ness

As Nathan switched chairs yet again, there was a commotion over at Amber's table. Apparently the waitress had tried to throw away the empty wine bottle that had been 'blessed'. Of course the girl who it belonged to grabbed it and the commotion died down. But before we all knew it, Nathan was up like a shot, stole the bottle from in front of the girl and began tearing out of the room. I was too stunned to laugh at first. The girl whose bottle it was jumped out of her seat and ran right after Nathan. They soon returned with Nathan holding his nose as if he had had a nosebleed, following the girl meekly as if she had kicked his ass. He sat down in the chair behind her, flinching away from her. She went as if to hit him and Nathan cowered away. It was so great.

Some of the stunts he pulled in just that short dinner really makes you appreciate how much fun the guy is. He was very down to earth and a genuinely nice guy. And being a witness to him having a great time and just plain fooling around with his fans was such a treat.

There is so much more to tell about this weekend, but I'm hoping for now that this gives everyone a little taste of what a wonderful time we all had. I hope you enjoyed hearing about it because I sure did enjoy it actually being there!

(I'll make sure to copy this over to my FFF blog so that it doesn't get lost in the thread)


One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.
Find Serenity on June 23rd.


Monday, June 5, 2006 9:31 AM


Someone from the convention has pics up already.

Do not repost these pictures because they belong to this guy. Show people the link only.


One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.
Find Serenity on June 23rd.


Monday, June 5, 2006 9:42 AM


A HUGE SHINY THANK YOU to everyone who has written and shared their moonlight experiences!! We SO appreciate it!

you all are big damn friends



Monday, June 5, 2006 9:45 AM


Wow! Great pictures of you guys and Nathan! Ohhh, one day I hope I will get to meet one of the BDMs especially our dear Captain!

"Once you've been in Serenity you never leave. You find a way to live in it."


Monday, June 5, 2006 11:01 AM


Lol, that sounds like a ruttin' nuthouse! My kinda place.
Nathan is so great. If only he were a woman. And younger. And not quite so hideous.

Proud Member of the Event Team
Department of All Things Insane

Serenity Now/Equality Now screenings / Serenity Day (unrelated):
June 23rd
Serenity Summer Campaign:
June 23rd - Sept 30th
Serenity 'Versary:
September 30th
Be there or be a purple-belted poop head. (<- not the official slogan)


Monday, June 5, 2006 11:10 AM



Originally posted by raleighbrowncoat:
It's a shame that NF had no idea about the various BDM events going on (Serenity Day, Can't Stop the Serenity etc.). I would hope that the organizers of those events would try to touch base with the agents for the BDH's, Joss, etc. just to let them know and, in the case of the screenings, to invite them.

The BDH's and Joss need to know about these things. Even though they may not have direct control of the future of the 'verse, people talk, word gets around, etc.

Oh, I tried! Sadly no one could come. :(

Thanks for all the stories! It sounded like a blast. What are the PJ Shindigs? Is that something unique to this con?

"Always be yourself. Unless you suck." Joss Whedon

JustAnotherMudder=NYPinTA Goodness.


Monday, June 5, 2006 11:29 AM


Hey! It was great to meet you! I got a great pic of you collapsed on the bed during the party saturday night.

I will try and get the pics posted for everyone.


Monday, June 5, 2006 12:12 PM


Thanks for all the stories! It sounded like a blast. What are the PJ Shindigs? Is that something unique to this con?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pajama parties. everyone comes in the wildest pj's they have. i'm sure there will be pix. ;-) truthfully it was not our idea. there was a group awhile ago, called the soprons, fans of blake's 7. when they would give a con, they would schedule a nite time q&a, and dress in their most outrageous nightwear! it was so much fun! there was also a drink in the show called "soma" which was windex colored. they would use a squirt bottle of some kinda greeny blue liquor, and squirt it in people's mourhs. kaele and i were gonna do that, but we couldn't figure out which drink to emulate, and what to use. lol! we musta spent an hour in the state store looking for something like mudder's milk or that tea.


Monday, June 5, 2006 12:17 PM


jbw, do you realize your picture is posted backwards? lol! we had a blast! thanks for making our weekend great! *hugs* - mary's mom


Monday, June 5, 2006 1:09 PM


A picture of who passed out on the bed?? okay - now I know that i missed some fun by leaving the shindig early!

Pic backwards.....hmmm....must be my awesome scanning abilities! Will play more in a bit!

Whatd'ja all go an' order a dead guy for?


Monday, June 5, 2006 1:19 PM


Some things I learned about NATHAN while chatting at the table.......
His favorite FIREFLY episode....OUT of GAS [mine too]
Two films "in the can"...WHITE NOISE 2 and WAITRESS.
His plan for his teaching career[aka the backup plan]was to teach high school.
Doesn't have a dog, but has a "rental" cat [came with the house] named BAD CAT.
Talked about SLITHER and how much fun they had making it.I said that Greg Henry almost stole the movie from Nathan,and he said "HE ABSOLUTLY STOLE THE SHOW!!!"
What an experience!!!!What a man,what a man,what a man!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, June 5, 2006 3:27 PM


Two of the girls had a party on friday - we brought our pj's and then hit James Leary's comedy hour in them. Ok, I wore sweats but I did have on big fuzzy pink slippers.

Drinks were free - cause that's a whole long freakin' story. I'm not sure we're going into at the moment.


Monday, June 5, 2006 4:44 PM


And they were very cute slippers!! All us browncoats in our pj's in the front row watching JAmes Leary do hius comedy routine! I'm sure we were quite the site!
Stormie (J) said James thanked her at some point on Sunday for us showing up in our PJ's, just like we threatened!
And no, i don't we're getting into least not here! Not unless you want to throw the first volley?? Where Holly? I'm sure she'd be game to!

Whatd'ja all go an' order a dead guy for?


Monday, June 5, 2006 6:16 PM



Originally posted by dawnsister:
Hey! It was great to meet you! I got a great pic of you collapsed on the bed during the party saturday night.

I will try and get the pics posted for everyone.

Who, moi??? I was resting on the bed briefly, but then I moved to the floor so I could do the "Is it Christmas?" routine from OMR....

I think I got mistaken for Nathan about four times this weekend. But he liked my costume, so no complaints from this quarter!!!

'Eta Gorram Na Smech!'
(That's gorram ridiculous!)


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 5:29 PM


My sin tonight is Envy!
Bumping this so all can share.
If you were lucky enough to go, can you post reports here, huh?
And links to your photographs as they become available.
We long to be virtual congoers.

~6/23~Serenity/Firefly Summer~9/30~
----- why's the rum gone? 7706 -----


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 5:52 PM


You do understand that I must now kill you with my Jedi/Vulcan freakyass mindmeld!


I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 4:53 AM


Finally I have gotten some sleep & can be coherent :) Thank you to all of you for being so understanding about Adam cancelling & to all of you who stepped up when Karen couldn't make it. You guys were unbelievable & hopefully I'll see you again next year. My impressions on Nathan were these, a friendly, genuine & down to earth person, professional & understanding to the end & a fantastically nice guy. All of the browncoats are very much like their captain.
I'm glad you had fun, yes we had some issues & those will be addressed & fixed for next year so that they don't happen again. I'd also appreciate any suggestions & feedback from you on things you'd like to see & how others can be improved.

I aim to misbehave-Mal-Serenity


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 8:37 AM


arianna, this is the bald mary! just wanted to say we had a great time! loved every minute of it, even when we got drafted before we were even registered! lol! luckily, mary and i are old pros at cons, and know glitchs happen. when they do, you go with the flow. we were happy to help out whereever we could. it actually made the event more meaningful to us, to help other people ('specially newbies) to get to enjoy it. hoping to help out next year! you won't recognize me! i'll have my hair back!


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 12:50 PM


I'm sorry that it's taken me a while to post.

This is Vanessa. You know, curly hair, brown skin, room parties. I had a blast at the con, you guys. It was fantastic to meet all of you. There were definitely things that didn't run smoothly, but I loved the relaxed atmosphere. The guests were very approachable and friendly, and we spent a lot of time with several of them. I hope to see some of you at Flan in December, or maybe at the next MR if Nathan, Jonathan, and some other FF guests come (hint, hint, Aria).

So, here's my first post about the con. This is mainly about the autograph session on Saturday. I belong to a big group of very dedicated Nathan fans over on, and we made a birthday card for him. We also made a second card that we sent all over the place having people sign (we called it the world-travelin' card). I gave them to him on Saturday.

I was behind Kaele in the autograph line, and when she was done I stepped up to his table. His PA asked my name and took what I wanted him to sign. I said "I'd like to give him something before he signs, if that's ok."

Nathan looked up at me, and said "Hi, Vanessa."

I replied at warp speed. "Hi, Nathan. I have something for you from our group on the Appreciatin' Nathan thread. You used to go to the old thread, but there's a new one now." Ugh, the rambling!

Nathan looked down at what I was holding in my hands. "OK."

I bought a leather folder for the birthday card, world-travelin' card, translation sheet (because the card has Chinese on it), little notecards from people, and maps I made showing where we live. There was also a little window on the inside of the folder where I put another matching card that said:

June 2006
For Nathan Fillion
From the Appreciatin' Nathan Crew

The folder only had one pocket, so I put all of the world-travelin' stuff in there, and laid the bday card inside so that he would see it first.

Nathan took the folder from me, and opened it. He saw the birthday card, and said "Oh my God!"

I told him that we tried to get it to him before his birthday, and that the art was by Mike Phillips.

He looked up at me, and said "I feel like I should know which scene this drawing is from. It looks so familiar."

More light-speed talking from me: "It's from the pilot when you tell Kaylee that you're a mean old man."

"Oh yes!" He smiled. "Of course, that's right. This is great!" (He meant Mike's drawing.)

Then, he picked it up so that he could see it better, and proceeded to read EVERY MESSAGE that we wrote!!

He laughed out loud several times, and he definitely remembered "Stinks like awesome!" When he finished reading he said, "Aww, thanks you guys!"

I said " There's more!" and pointed at the folder pocket, and Nathan pulled everything out. "This is a card that I made with another piece of Mike's art, and our group mailed it all over the country and Europe to have people sign it and write notes to you." I pointed to the maps, and said "These are the places the card went, or where these smaller cards came from."

He smiled and leaned over the map of Europe. "Ooooh, there's England, and Ireland." Then he looked at the US map with all the little dots on it. "And WOW! I mean WOW you guys!!! And these maps are really cool."

Then he picked up the card itself and looked closely at the front. He read it aloud. "How to Draw Mal. Draw an oval. Draw a line through the oval." Then he laughed. "Draw Mal holding the oval." More laughing. "That's great!"

I showed him the back where everyone signed, and he kept saying "thanks you guys" again and again. I told him that there was a translation sheet for the Chinese on the card, and he said "Cool."

He saw the smaller cards, and asked "Now, what are these?" (He was really paying attention!! I can't believe how freaking nice this guy is!!!!)

I explained that we ran out of room on the card, so several people mailed their contributions separately.

He started taking the cards out of the folder, and then paused to look at it. He looked up at me, held up the folder and said, "Is this for me too?"

I nodded, I think.

"Wow! Thanks so much! This is so nice, and it's very well put-together!" He ran his hand down the inside of the folder, looking at it.

I said, "I'd love to catch you later and take your picture with the card so that everyone can see that you got it."

Nathan: "Well, do you have your camera now? We can take it right now!"

"They told us that we aren't allowed to take pictures in the autograph line."

Nathan smiled a tiny smile, and said "I'll make sure that they know it's OK."

I thanked him and fumbled around trying to get the camera out of its case. When I got it out he said, "Hey! Cool camera! I have the same one!" I think that I mumbled "Cool."

He picked up the cards and the folder, and posed with them for the picture. Then he gathered up every piece of the world-travelin' card stuff and put it back in the pocket. He picked up the birthday card, and said "I'm going to put this in with the rest so it doesn't fall out." He was very careful with all of it.

He looked up again and said, "Thank you. And please tell everyone how much I appreciate it, and thank them for me."

Here is the pic (please don't repost it):

I can't look at it enough. What an AMAZING facial expression! He gave us a gift right back with that pic!

He was so nice and generous with his time when I gave him the cards. He looked everything over very carefully, and NEVER ONCE made me feel like I was taking too much of his time. Mind you, he had already been signing autographs for almost an hour, and there were at least one hundred people behind me in line (Sorry, folks!). But, he did not seem rushed at all. He smiled and laughed reading everyone's birthday messages and was genuinely thankful for them.

Also, I was very impressed by how Nathan handled the autograph line in general. Each person got his undivided attention as soon as they stepped up to his table, and he made an effort to remember as many people as possible. On the first day, I had him sign this wonderful mphillips drawing:
He was very impressed by it, so I gave him a copy. He said "I'll tell you a funny secret about this shirt. It was really hard to get on, and IMPOSSIBLE to get it off."

I will write more about the photo shoots and Q&As as well...


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 12:57 PM


I bet it wouldn't be impossible to get off, right, ladies?
Shiny story, Ness!

Proud Member of the Event Team
Department of All Things Insane

Serenity Now/Equality Now screenings / Serenity Day (unrelated):
June 23rd
Serenity Summer Campaign:
June 23rd - Sept 30th
Serenity 'Versary:
September 30th
Be there or be a purple-belted poop head. (<- not the official slogan)


Thursday, June 8, 2006 2:42 AM


He said "I'll tell you a funny secret about this shirt. It was really hard to get on, and IMPOSSIBLE to get it off." >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you didn't include that last time, missy! i'll tell you a secret about that shirt too... at the photo session, i put my arm around his waist, and it was sooo soft, i was very tempted to stroke it. (un)luckily, reason reared it's ugly head, and i didn't. but it was soooo soft! lol!


Thursday, June 8, 2006 2:50 AM


Jonathan came to our Shindig on Friday night and I knew right then and there that we were gonna have one hell of a weekend. I was in my Mal costume, so I stepped up to say hi and he said, "What's up, Cap'n!" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and i'm here to say he did look mighty shiney in his cap'n costume! caused quite a few double-takes, spit-takes, and heart palpitations with it. lol! and the scenes you did during the shindig were so good! glad we have them on video! thanks for helping to make our weekend unforgettable. glad you got home safely, we partied pretty hard that last nite. always happy to help out a bunkmate.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 3:29 AM


Thanks to all the con-goers for their stories and the pics and the detail.... MalN the detail was awesome! It's like I was there.

That was ever so shiny!

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Thursday, June 8, 2006 8:53 AM


I came, I saw, I fanaticized. (without making a fool of myself, of course).

If anyone wants my blow-by-blow description of the MR event, with way too many details you never wanted to know, drop me a line.

I've a bunch of photos and some footage but not sure where to post them...

I've written 10+ pages, but reading the whole thing is not mandatory ;-)

BTW, in case you ever doubted - Nathan is very worthy!!!


Inara: What did I say to you about barging into my shuttle?
Mal: That it was manly and impulsive?
Inara: Yes, precisely. Only the exact phrase I used was "don't".


Thursday, June 8, 2006 1:58 PM



Originally posted by livlass:
and i'm here to say he did look mighty shiney in his cap'n costume! caused quite a few double-takes, spit-takes, and heart palpitations with it. lol! and the scenes you did during the shindig were so good! glad we have them on video! thanks for helping to make our weekend unforgettable. glad you got home safely, we partied pretty hard that last nite. always happy to help out a bunkmate.

Well, I very much appreciate you letting me crash. MalNourished, to you I send the same sentiment! I was afraid of telling you that you're the dead-spitting image of Zoe because I thought you got that a lot, but since you told me otherwise... You ought to come in costume next time and we can have some more blooper fun. Maybe like, "We have to.....shit!!" "There's a bathroom as we were coming in!" "Right now, we have to shit!"

I'm with anybody who wants to know if there are photos posted anywhere. Actually, if you need a place to host them, I have a buttload of blog photo storage I'm not using. Anybody need some? *looks around*

As noted before, must have been four people thought I was Nathan. I was like, sheesh, people, the costume wasn't that good! Comments were much appreciated nonetheless. Next year, though, when I have the coat and gunbelt......

'Eta Gorram Na Smech!'
(That's gorram ridiculous!)


Thursday, June 8, 2006 11:12 PM



BTW, in case you ever doubted - Nathan is very worthy!!!

ok, no doubt here!!

Thanks for all the details guys. it was great to read how much fun you had, and all the shiny details about Nathan. Iam of course, insanely jealous, but i will live


Friday, June 9, 2006 1:00 AM


Here are my pictures:

I have yet to even go over what I have about the con. I've been meaning to type up a recap in my Livejournal, but I've been going nonstop since I got home on Sunday.

If I get around to it, you'll be one of the first to hear it. :D



Friday, June 9, 2006 2:03 AM


I did like your costume, STEAMER - It was nice to see I wasn't the only one in costume (And my husband, the man they call Jayne). Although I will have to say that the REAL paramedics didn't look thrilled to have me around in my Ariel paramedic costume when they came on Saturday night.

Also, Camden must have thought I was a real paramedic, because he told me a story when I was in line for autographs about how he originally planned to be a doctor, but couldn't get acting out of his blood. As far as the costume goes, my ultimate validation was when I went to ask Nathan a question at the Q & A, and he said he liked it. Mission accomplished.

***Never judge a book by its movie***






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