Life Onboard Serenity-Into the Black Part III

UPDATED: Saturday, June 10, 2006 12:49
VIEWED: 13286
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Sunday, June 4, 2006 7:24 AM


This is a role-play chain-story! Everyone can play, anyone can post. Come on in, we don't bite! At least, not without permission...

Previously on board Serenity:

And Our Latest Adventure-

In which:
We blew up an Alliance cruiser, for which we've been ID'd as wanted. Well, they know it's a firefly, they just don't know it's OUR Firefly. Pain's uncle is loaning us a ship to finish our partial delivery to New Canaan (where I have insider information that we'll be picking up a new crewmember!) After New Canaan we just have to get to Londinium, where Sybil is waiting for us.

-Shipscat turned up after the firefight demanding foodstuffs, Ertia cooked a mean dinner and had a bit too much sake, Guy got confused, XIII got killed off once and for all (we think?).

-BlueMask/GrimmJack just had his skull crushed- maybe Simon can save him) Wolf and Wash seem to have figured a way to bleep us off Alliance radar for a spell, but not before Wolf shot Jayne in the chest.

-Fly quit taking the meds she started taking when 13 died the first time, and went into withdrawals, for which, 13, not understanding the symptoms, accidently tried to kill her.

-Now, Ertia's dead tired, Pain is dead drunk, and GrimJack is probably just dead.

ON TO THE ADVENTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, June 4, 2006 7:41 AM


*Pain was still slumped against the wall, the blood on his fist had started to coagulate around the pieces of glass still stuck in it. He heard Ertia's voice chime in through the bunk's com*

Pain are you in there? Can I come in?

*Pain got up, wiped the dried tears from his cheeks and walked over to the com. He pressed the talk button, needles of pain shooting through his hand as he pressed the button. He said to Ertia in a semi defeated tone*

Yeah I'm here. Your free to enter.

*Pain switched off the com and sat down on his bed, hunched over looking at the floor. Ertia climbed down the ladder, glass breaking underneath her boots. She looked around his room, saw the busted vid screen, looked down and saw the broken bottle, and then looked at Pain himself. She walked over to his bed and sat down next to him, placing an arm around him. Ertia looked at his hand, saw the pieces of glass sticking out of it and said*

Oh Pain should I get the doc to look at that?

*Pain sighed and said*

No there's a first aid kit in the right hand drawer of my desk. It has everythin' you'll need in it.

*Ertia got up, walked over to his desk, opened the drawer, and took out the first aid kit. She got on her knees ,opened the kit, took out some tweezers, cotton balls, and disinfectant, and started to tend to his wounds.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, June 4, 2006 8:03 AM


Angling his hand to the light, Ertia extracts the glass as gently as she can, staying silent as the work takes on a rhythm. Pull glass, wipe with peroxide, apply pressure. Pull glass, wipe, pressure.

Pain is silent, his head tilted back and eyes shut.

Finally, Ertia bandages his hand, wrapping it securely with gauze. "Pain, can you look at me?"

He open one eye.

"She'll be okay. But she needs you right now." Ertia sighs, leaning up to kiss his cheek gently, "You know how hard it is for her to admit any sort of weakness. She's the strongest woman I know."

And her voice is laced with admiration, "How long has she been hiding her illness from us, do you think? Afraid we'll think she's weak?"

"She ain't weak." Pain grunts, but Ertia can see tears starting at the corner of his eye again.

"I know that. You know that. Deep down, I think she knows that. But I also think if she wakes up alone in that Infirmary, she's going to think we believe it."

"Why the hell din't she talk to me?" Pain's voice is a low growl that causes Ertia to scoot back an inch.

"I think she's afraid." Now Ertia pushes to her feet, rinses the blood from her hands in the sink. She turns back to Pain, her arms crossed over her chest, her face determined, although there's sympathy in her eyes. "And I think if you want to sit down here and feel sorry for yourself, then you aren't doing her, or you, any good."


Sunday, June 4, 2006 8:22 AM


*Pain sighs and runs his bandaged hand through his hair. He says to Ertia*

You're right I'm not helping much sulkin' down here by myself.

*He manages to give Ertia a slight smile and heads for the ladder. Ertia looks at the mess in Pain's room and says*

What are you going to do about all this?

*Pain looks at Ertia her arms still crossed and says*

I'll clean it up later and probably have someone replace the vid screen. But now Fly needs me so if'n you'll excuse me I'll be in the infirmary.

*Ertia gives Pain a smile and says*

You go do that Pain. It'll mean so much to her. I'll even go with you.

*Pain smiles, his spirit starting to rise again, and says*

Thank you Ertia you have no idea how much that means to me.

*She smiles back and as they both leave his room and head for the infrmary, she says to him*

I think I have a pretty good idea of how much it does Pain.

*Pain smiles back as Ertia puts an arm around his waist and walks with him to the infirmary.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, June 4, 2006 11:18 AM


*Simon looks over her as she tries to open her eyes.*

Simon: Fly? *she opens her eyes* Hey you.
Fly: Hey you
Simon: How do you feel
Fly: Like I have one hell of a hang-over
*Just then Pain and Ertia walk in. Ertia's arm moves from his waist to the center of his back as they both walk over to her*
Pain: Hey Fly.
Simon:You'll feel that way just for about a day or so Fly and it should pass. You should start feeling better soon.
Ertia: Hiya Fly.
Fly: Hey my friends. I could us a drink. *Ertia pours some water and hands it to Pain and Pain helps her drink* Thanks. Wow, never thought water could taste so good. Pain? What did you do to your hand? *she takes his hand in hers*
Ertia: Ack, just a little accident with a vid screen that wouldn't work. *Pain looks at Ertia and smiles she walks up to him and hugs him at the waist and puts her head on his chest.
*just then 13 comes in close to her too*
13:Yes Fly. Fly, I didn't mean to I didn't mean I though....
Fly:Shhhhhhh it's ok. I don't know what it is you didn't mean to do but tis fine 13. Tis fine. I'm not dying am I?
Ertia:No, but you almost did thanks to 13 here.
13: I didn't mean I wasn't trying to kill her I promise.
Simon:13, it's ok. She didn't die. She will be fine, just next time leave the Doctoring to me.
Fly:Wha......what happened.
Simon:Well 13 here thought you OD'd and gave you an adrenaline shot and, well, it stopped your heart.
Fly:ohhhhh, Oh my god.
Pain: You did what 13 *Etia grabs Pains arm when he pulls his weapon*
Ertia:Pain, no. She is fine now. Let it be. Pain looks at Ertia, she gives him a reasurring look and he puts his weapon back in the holster.*
Fly:oh...tis fine 13. Come closer 13. *He moves in closer* I, *she touches his shoulder* I want to say sorry for everything that has happened 13. I'm so sorry, I just..*Tears well in her eyes* just........I'm sorry.

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Sunday, June 4, 2006 12:46 PM


Ertia gives Pain a final squeeze, and then pats Fly's arm before turning away from the private moment between Fly and 13.

"I'd better go clean up from dinner." She says with a sigh, and let people know you're doing better. Shepherd's probably praying his heart out."

Fly gives her a weak grin as she starts to go.

Ertia turns back at the doorway, "Doc, the masked man? He gonna make it?"

Simon shakes his head, "If he regains consciousness, he might, but there was massive hemoraging in his brain. I hate to say it, but he might be better off dead."

Ertia nods, "I'll let the captain know."

Slowly, as though dragging the entire weight of Serenity, she pulls herself up the stairs to the galley.


Sunday, June 4, 2006 2:03 PM


*Pain watches Ertia go and turns his attention back to Fly. He holds her hand in his, not letting the stinging of his wound get to him, and says to her*

You know you're goin' to have tell me everything about this right?

*Fly sees the hurt in his eyes and nods her head. She says*

I'm sorry Pain I...I just thought I could hold it back from everyone, but now I realize I couldn't. Are you mad at me?

*Pain smiles at her, bends down and kisses her hand, he responds*

Well I think that vid screen in my room would say so, but I'm fine now. You got me and everyone else rootin' for you to pull through and beat this thing.

*Fly smiles at him and says*

Will you be here for me? Keep me company?

*Pain smiles, squeezes Fly's hand and says*

You know I will.

*Fly dozes off, the energy drained from her body, as Pain stands there still holding her hand.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, June 4, 2006 2:10 PM


*13 slinks away to glaring and frightful eyes, to once again brood.*

*In his now semi-destroyed bunk, he bonelessly slides to the floor, eyes wide with regret and fear.*

I almost killed her...

(Yes, you did. Do you realize exactly what this means? You haven't changed. You knew what the adrenaline would do, you knew the electricity would only help kill her. Yet, you still did it.)

Not on purpose, I was a mistake..

(It was a mistake you didn't keep the shock going for longer. She wouldn't have felt a thing.)

Just be quiet, please. I can't take this right now...

*13's claws slide out involuntarily, and he studies them with a cocked head and blank eyes. Slowly, without realizing it, he caresses his wrist with the steel.*

No. *He shakes off the momentary lapse, and rises off the ground.*

Check on her...yeah, seems right...right thing to do...


13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Sunday, June 4, 2006 3:40 PM


*She jumps from a sleep. Pain's hand still in hers..*

Fly: Ah,,,*she smiles* glad you're still here
Pain: You know I will....I'll be here all night if I have to.
Fly: I uh,,I've....I was, Pain?
Pain: Yeah Fly
Fly: Don't hate me or not trust me because I was weak, please, I couldn't stand that, I uh,,,I'm not weak I just, um..
Pain: I know Fly, I know...It's gonna be ok
Fly: Can I still be your right hand man in the heat of battle?
Pain: I wouldn't have it any other way Fly, any other way...
Fly: Good...*she says in a soft sleepy voice* Good *She smiles and falls off to sleep again, a might more restful than before*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Sunday, June 4, 2006 4:15 PM


*Pain smiles at the sleeping Fly and then says to Simon*

Could you look after her? I need to find Kaylee and have her replace the vid screen in my bunk.

*Simon says to Pain while checking on BlueMask/Jack*

Um yeah ok.

*Pain smiles, looks at Fly and says*

I'll be back I just have to find Kaylee and have her replace something and then I'll be back ok?

*Pain wasn't expecting an answer from the sleeping woman, as he gently let go of her hand and went off to search for Kaylee.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, June 4, 2006 4:41 PM


Ertia slips Guy's plate out from under his hand. He's snoring.

"Fly gonna be okay?" Mal's voice startles her and she almost drops the plate.

"Yeah, Captain. She was awake for a bit, talked to Pain and 13." Ertia fills the sink with hot water and starts scrubbing up the dinner dishes. "Simon says the masked man probably won't make it, though."

"Can't say as I'm all too broke up about that." Mal says matter-of-factly as he fills his coffee cup.

Shipscat twines around his ankles so that he has to pick her up rather than trip over her and Ertia snickers. It's the only way Shipscat can get onto his lap, and she knows it.

Shipscat just purrs as Mal settles at the table with her.

The ship starts to fall quiet, the night sounds of Serenity soothing as they roll through the black.

Ertia stretches, rubs bleary eyes, and sets the last of the dishes in the drying rack. Still no bunk, seeing as Wolf has the now empty passenger dorm. She glances at Guy snoring on the table, Mal pointedly ignoring him as he reads.

Quietly, she curls up on the sofa in the corner, pulling one of Kaylee's flowery afghans over herself and falls asleep to the hum of the engines.


Sunday, June 4, 2006 5:03 PM


*Pain walks into the engine room and spots Kaylee tinkering underneath the engine. He walks over, crouches, taps her leg and says*

Hey lil' Kaylee you think you could replace the vid screen in my bunk please?

*Kaylee slids out from under the engine, smiles at Pain and says*

Sure Pain. How's Fly doin' by the way?

*Pain smile in return and says*

She's doin' fine and right now she's sleepin'.

*Kaylee in her cheerful mood says*

Aw that's shiny! Tell her I hope she gets better and I'll go an' replce that vid screen of yours after I' done here.

*Pain nods his head and says*

Shiny thanks Kaylee I owe you one.

*Kaylee says to Pain before slidding back under the engine*

Aww don't mention it Pain.

*Pain leaves the engine bay and heads back to the infirmary.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, June 4, 2006 8:06 PM


*snoring stops and Guy jerks awake*

-try it out, I dare you


Sunday, June 4, 2006 8:39 PM


The day's events had put a strain on everyone. Fly was sleeping soundly with Simon dozing off in a corner of the infirmary, Mal was on the night watch while talking to Inara, Ertia asleep on the sofa, Guy snoring on the table, and Jayne, River, Book, and Zoe and Wash all asleep in their bunks. Pain and Kaylee were chatting in the engine room, but they sounded tired too. But not JR. He had been thinking of Sybil before the workout, and decided to put his mind on something else. "Damn, I've gotta get back to work. She's driving me nuts." He went through a heavy workout in his bunk, using the metal footlocker as a weight, pulling himself up the ladder with a full set of gear, vertical situps on the same ladder, using the punching bag suspended from the ceiling for another 30 minutes, until he could take no more. Afterwards, he makes his way to the shower, first using up the rest of the hot water, then turning the temperature to the exact opposite for another 10 minutes. He steps out of the shower room, with only a towel on, his Glock draped over his shoulder. "Ice cubes", River quietly says. "AAHH!!, damn it River, quit sneaking up on folks!!!", JR yells out. River turns towards the door, stops and turns back around, with the slightest smile on her face, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder."

Everyone dies alone.


Sunday, June 4, 2006 9:05 PM


*Pain finished talking with Kaylee and said*

Thanks for replacin' the vid screen and sweepin' up the broken glass.

*Kaylee yawned, smiled and said*

It's okay Pain I'm just glad Fly's okay.

*Pain smiled and said*

Me too.

*At that Pain headed for the galley, his stomach rumbling for something to eat. He entered the galley and looked around. He saw Ertia asleep on the couch with Shipscat curled up next to her soundly asleep. Pain tiptoed to the pantry, opened the door quitely and pulled out some of the self heat rations they had for emergency purposes. He managed to quitely open one with his good hand, waited for it to heat itself up, sat down at the table, and quitely as possible ate his late night meal.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, June 5, 2006 5:46 AM


Ertia stirs on the sofa. Somewhere in her dream someone yells, "BURMA!"

She turns to look but is faced with an Alliance Court Judge wearing a black robe and plastic Halloween Reaver Mask. "You are found GUILTY, Samantha Anne Ertia! Guilt on All Counts! You are hereby sentenced to 25 years on Harrod Moon Penal Colony!"

"No!" She screams, trying to turn, but her body is entwined suddenly in strands of white, gooey cheese! "I did it for you! Don't you understand? I did it for you!"

She squirms in the cheese, thrashing, and falls, looking up into the stands, into the faces of her friends and family; Her little sister is there, and Malcolm, standing with his arms crossed, Zoe, and Pain and Fly, and Digs...oh god, Digs! And they hated her. Hated her for being caught. For going to jail.

The cheese was swallowing her up. She was strangling!


Monday, June 5, 2006 6:28 AM


*Pain finished his meal and heard Ertia talking in her sleep. He got up to throw away the ration container when Ertia started to scream and kick in her sleep scaring Shipscat from her slumber. Pain ran up to her on the couch and started to shake her. He said to her while trying to wake her*

Hey Ertia wake up your having a nightmare!

*Ertia stirs and wakes up screaming. She see's Pain crouched next to her and hugs him tightly, tears rolling down her cheeks. She says to him*

Oh Pain I had the most terrible dream.

*Pain wipes the tears away from her face and says*

You want to talk about it?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, June 5, 2006 6:59 AM


Ertia snuggles into Pain's arms, "You all hated me! And I was going back to prison."

She sobs helplessly for a moment, then looks up and meets his gaze, hiccuping out, "And...and there was cheese!"


Monday, June 5, 2006 7:07 AM


*Pain places a kiss on Ertia's forehead and says*

Was it Munster cheese? Cause I heard Munster cheese likes to scare pretty ladies like yourself.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, June 5, 2006 9:45 AM


Ertia gazes at him for a second, uncomprehending as her still sleeping brain tries to catch up. When it does, she can't hold back the laughter that bubbles up. "Munster cheese! Scary Munster!"

Now she's laughing near hysterically, causing Mal to stick his head in from the bridge. "What is going on?"

Pain gives her another hug and pulls back to answer him, "Nothin, Captain."

Ertia's tears are now ones of laughter, coupled with relief as the dream fades away. "Yeah. Just...cheese!"

Mal gazes uncomprehendingly for a second, "What? Are we under attack from cheddar puffs?"

Ertia collapses into another laughing fit, shaking her head.

"Then keep it down! People are tryin to sleep!"


Monday, June 5, 2006 11:14 AM


*They can't help but laugh again. After awhile they settle down. Pain runs his hand through her hair and says*

Are you comfy sleeping on the couch cause you can have my bunk if you want? Kaylee cleaned it up and replaced the vid screen.

*Ertia replied*

I'm fine with the couch but thanks for the offer. Perhaps when Fly is better we can share your bunk.

*She gives Pain another kiss and says*

I hope that's alright with you?

*Pain smiles, pulls her close to him and says*

It's shiny babe.

*He holds her for a bit then pulls away and says*

We'll have to continue this some other time. Right now I have to get back to the infirmary.

*Ertia smiles and says*

Ok Pain tell Fly I hope she gets better soon.

*Pain smiles and says as he heads out the door*

I will.

*Pain leaves the galley and heads down to the infirmary. Once there he sees Fly still sleeping in the exam chair and the doc sleeping in a chair in the corner. Pain smiles at the sleeping Fly, walks over to the counter, sits down on the floor, and falls asleep.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, June 5, 2006 11:42 AM


*13 walks into the infirmary to find three sleeping people, and the Bluemask. He stands in the doorway, arms folded, and smiles, teeth flashing.*

Such a perfect scene...the epitome of serenity...

*He chuckles to himself lightly, and scrapes up a seat.*

I forgot what sleeping was doesn't seem...too....bad....*His head droops into his chest, and an easy snoring resounds through the infirmary.*

I wear the cheese, the cheese does not wear me.

This will not protect you now.


13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Monday, June 5, 2006 12:55 PM


[next day] Sorry so long guys

*She wakes to find 13 standing with his head down in his chest. He appears to be sleeping and a low hum like noise sounding like a snore. Pain is on the floor and Simon in the chair, both asleep. She sits up and feels pretty good. She gazes over at Blue. Gets up and walks over to him being careful not to tangle her I.V. line. She whispers in his ear “Time to wake up sleepy head” He doesn’t move.*

*She rubs the top of Pains head who awoke when she went over to Blue.*

Pain: Hey, how do you feel?
Fly: Quite good actually *at that moment, Simon wakes and says.
Simon: Fly? How do you feel? Here, sit down, lemme take a look. *She sits on the table. He shines a light in her eyes and listens to her heart* You feel ok?
Fly: Feel real good Simon
Pain: Ertia and the rest were asking for you, wanna make sure you’re OK.
Fly: I feel great. I can’t wait to see them all. Feels like it’s been a while. *13 Makes his way over to her*
13: Fly? You really OK?
Fly: Yes 13 I am. *she looks in his eyes trying to find the boy she once knew. All she can see right now is the robot she shot* I am really fine
13: Good, cause see Fly, I didn’t mean you no harm
Fly: I know 13, I know.
*Pain walks over to make sure 13 doesn’t do anything to her again*
13: Don’t worry Pain, I won’t hurt her, I won’t *13 leaves the infirmary*
Simon: I think we can take out that I.V. line now. Just a pinch. *he places a band aide on the small puncture* Now Fly, I want you to take it easy for a couple of days. Your system may not be totally free of… *He stops looks at her then to Pain for an instant and back to her*
Pain: You wanna tell me what is going on and why you got so sick?
Fly: Yeah, just not right now.
Pain: Now is as good a time as any Fly.
Fly: Pain, I, uh,.. do you remember last night when I asked you if I could still be your right hand man and if you trusted me and to not think I was weak.
Pain: Yeah
Fly: Well just remember that when I tell you this. OK?
Pain: Fly, I’ve known you for 20 years, we have always been there for each other,,,what could you have done that you think would break our trust in each other?
Fly: I uh, just thought I could deal with all the happenings on my own, and well, then I couldn’t and then I didn’t want anyone to think ill of me and not think they could trust me and God I was hired on this boat Pain, by the captain, because I am good with guns and can handle myself pretty well if not better than any man in a firefight. I can’t have him thinking that I broke down…..God, don’t you see…..I’m not weak,,,,,I just needed a little help coping. Just a little help is all. I’ll be fine now, trust me I’m fine. The pills I asked Doc for did help and well I wanted off them and I knew, before I started taking them that there could be nasty withdrawal symptoms, and well, that is why I got sick. Widrawals. Please, please,,don’t tell anyone. *he puts his arm around her shoulder and says*
Pain: Just let me know next time what is going on. It’ll be ok….This is safe with me and the Doc. No let’s go see if we can muster up some breakfast, you must be hungry
*she kisses him on the cheek like she always does and says, “Thank you Pain. Thank you for always being here for me and well, staying here again last night. Means a lot to me, you know that. Our friendship means a lot to me”
Pain: Aww, ain’t nothing. *He lightly punches her in the arm. She laughs, jumps off the table gives a low “Owe” and pretends it hurts where he playfully punched her. Simon and Pain exchange glances that she will be ok and they leave for the galley*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Monday, June 5, 2006 1:12 PM


Ertia wakes from a dream in which her computer keyboard keeps turning into cheese puffs to the smells of frying ham, baking biscuits and fresh brewed coffee.

She hears laughter and rolls over, pulling the blanket down. In the kitchen, River is laughing, and telling Book he's cooking all wrong, and he's teasing her back, demanding that she do the recipe calculations herself.

Fly and Pain come in, Pain grinning and Fly looking hesitant. Ertia sits up and brushes back her hair, tying it's tangles into a knot at the back of her neck.

"Fly! You're up!" She jumps up to the hug Fly, who returns it with surprising strength.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm up." Fly answers with a smile, "Is that real coffee I smell?"


Monday, June 5, 2006 1:18 PM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
Fly! You're up!" She jumps up to the hug Fly, who returns it with surprising strength.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm up." Fly answers with a smile, "Is that real coffee I smell?"

*She returns the hug to Ertia saying*
Thank you my friend, thank you. I feel real good.

*They release each other and arms still joined*
Let's get some of that coffee

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Monday, June 5, 2006 1:30 PM


*Pain speaks up, rubbing his still bandaged hand through his hair*

I don't know about the coffee being real, but that's some damn fine cookin' i'm smellin'.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, June 5, 2006 1:41 PM


*13 hunts through the ship, eyes plying secret hollows and hidden spaces. Finally, he locates what he's looking for..*

"13?" Kaylee says, slightly afraid. Ever since yesterday, she had been more and more scared of the robot.

"Can I borrow a plasma cutter, please?"

"Umm...sure. Yeah, I can do that." She tosses a spare cutter at him lightly, almost warning him to use it carefully.

"Now, I'll need your help with this. I'll extend the blades, and you cut."

"What?! What exactly are you planning?"

"I can't go on with these anymore. I just...I don't trust myself, that's all. Can you help me?"

"Sure, 13."

Half an Hour Later...

13 flexes his forearms apprehensively, still unused to the lack of blades. It's for the better, though. No telling what he could do if he lost control again, let alone what he could do to himself.

"Now, let's see about the eye.."

Kaylee moaned inwardly. Makeshift surgery on a robot wasn't exactly her strong-point.


13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Monday, June 5, 2006 2:24 PM


As Kaylee VERY carefully removes the iPistol (couldn't resist), 13 churns over old memories.

Zenith. Seems so long ago.

(I love you...)

(You couldn't...a machine is a machine...I could never feel the same for you, no matter your desire. Your place is here, this ship, this crew, not with me.)

These words are burned into his memory now, and every day he thinks of them, thinks of her...

"What is love?" He asks this to no-one in particular, but Kaylee answers. Tries to, anyway.

"Well...ummm...I guess it's..." She halts her work, head cocked. What was love? Sometimes she thought she knew, when she and Simon were by themselves, just talking. Other times.

"I see Pain and Ertia, and I see something strange in them. I think it's love, but...Is love just attraction? I mean, she finds him attractive, he to she, but I feel like it's more than that."

"What brought this on?" Kaylee asks queroulously (sp?), finally removing the pesky iPistol, and settling herself against the rusted wall. "No offense, but usually you're all 'angst this' and 'brood that.' Love ain't a topic of discussion with you, most times." She pauses, adding, "Any time, actually."

"Well, it started at Zenith, when Fly..." Kaylee's eyes are deep, curious, and warm. He suddenly feels uncomfortable under their helping gaze.

"You know what? I'm sure it's nothing. Just curious, you know? I mean.." Without finishing, the boy flees the engine room, leaving a bewildered Kaylee behind.

"Has he always been that weird?" She shakes her head, and continues her work.


13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Monday, June 5, 2006 3:14 PM


*After she finishes with her breakfast she excuses herself from the table*

I'll do dish duty and cooking tomorrow ifn you all don't mind, I have something I need to do.

*With mouths full they all say in one way or another, OK, go rest fly see you in a bit. Jayne ducks as she walks by thinking she may hit him again*

OK, I will see you all lattah.

*As she makes her way to her bunk she practically runs right into 13*

Fly: 13! Just who I was looking for
13: Yeah Fly
Fly: Come with me I have something to show you and to talk with you about
13: OK
Fly: To my bunk *Still not fully trusting him she makes him walk in front of her. She opens her hatch and they both go in. She closes the hatch behind her. She notices his arms* 13, What did you do?
13: I uh, wanted to make myself more safe. More safe for know.
Fly: Sure 13.....*she walks over to her sink and there are two oblong plasic containers that look as though they are filled with something peach color. She puts on rubber gloves and removes what looks like sterilized towels. She calls him over to her and makes him sit on the floor.* 13, this is experimental skin. Skin that I have been cultivating it here in my bunk with Simons approval and guidance. This will help cover the scars on your arms and the ones on your face you'd like covered. Of course I can only do this with your approval. There are not guarantees but I would like you to try. Whaddah ya say? We could start with your chest if you like. That way no one would tell. And I can mend the wounds I inflicted on you.

*She moves her head in a downward position to look at him closer*


"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Monday, June 5, 2006 3:19 PM


13 gulps loudly, single eye blinking with light and bewilderment.

"Uhhhhhhhh...yeah, I guess...we can...start there. Sure. Of course."

He runs a hand over his face, feeling the burnt, torn skin, and the slightly raised skin where the '13' is tattooed.


13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Monday, June 5, 2006 3:20 PM


Whoops. Doublepost.

Heh heh.

13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Monday, June 5, 2006 3:22 PM


*finally wakes up* what a wierd dream

*feels his stomach rumbling*

oh man, I hope there's still some food
-try it out, I dare you


Monday, June 5, 2006 3:26 PM


Good, ok then 13. Let's get started.

*She takes of his shirt and sees the wounds on his skin and closes her eyes for a minute and takes a deep breath, feeling a little dizzy she breaths slow, opens her eyes and starts to place the experimental skin on his body. She even starts to smile as she works. Then she starts to tell him a story.....A story from her past. A bit of her life. He seems to be listening*

See and then, my dad told me I ........

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Monday, June 5, 2006 3:26 PM


what is up, I just double posted....lololo ahhhhhaaa
oh man


Monday, June 5, 2006 4:00 PM


*Pain was sitting next to Ertia on her right and was about to eat some egg substitute when she placed a hand on his thigh, moving upward and causing Pain to almost choke and drop his fork. Pain manages to swallow his food, looks at Ertia who's smiling at him, and smiles back devilishly. Pain makes like he's going for his napkin and places his hand on her thigh, moves upward, and rubs his hand between her legs causing her to gasp out loud. Everyone looks at her as Pain removes his hand and continues like nothing happened. She says to everyone*

Sorry Shipscat brushed up against me and caught me off guard.

*Everyone rolls their eyes as Guy walks in. Pain gives Ertia another grin and continues to eat his food.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, June 5, 2006 4:18 PM


...and then we left, with the pepper spray still in our eyes!"

13's mouth is hanging as Fly finishes the story, eye wide.

"You're serious? Seventeen of them? Plus tax?"

Fly gasps with mock hurt, hand over her mouth.

"How dare you doubt my story! It actually happened, although the bribes didn't count for tax."

13 chuckles, scanning through his memory for a decent story. He finally remembers a good one, and begins.

"It was five years ago, and I had just stol..ummm..been given a brand-new Mustang hovermule.."

(OoC: You finish the story! ;)


13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Monday, June 5, 2006 4:29 PM


Might I just say, GREAT POSTS today! I'm loving the interactions with Fly and 13- and 13 deciding to cut off his blades! WOW!


Monday, June 5, 2006 4:33 PM


Ertia grins to herself as she swallows down a bite of biscuit. Payback was indeed delightful!

"When your uncle meeting up with us, Pain?" Guy asks, helping himself to a huge cup of coffee.

"Not sure," Pain answers, "He's supposed to contact us when they get close."

"And then one little delivery, and on to Londinium, where we can get this registration mess straightened out." Zoe says hopefully as she fills her plate and straddles the chair beside Book.

Ertia frowns, reminded that she'd failed to get them the needed codes. Startled, she recognized that was probably what had triggered the nightmare. Failing everyone, being locked up. Being left behind. Anxiously, she announces to the table, "I'm going to get back on the registry codes as soon as I'm done with breakfast. There's gotta be a way, something I'm missing."

She feels Pain's hand slowly slide up her thigh again, nudging her gently. "But...I...Ah...I think I'll shower first."

Squeezing Pain's hand between her thighs, she stands up and drops her plate in the sink, giving him a discrete, but inviting wink before heading for the showers.

jeez! Can I not type or something tonight? Okay...I think that's right.


Monday, June 5, 2006 4:47 PM


*Pain gave himself five minutes to finish up breakfast and come up with an excuse. He ate the last of his food, wiped his mouth, chugged his slightly warm coffee, and got up. He walked over to the sink and carefully placed his dish and mug into it. Pain turned around and said in a hopefully believable tone*

Well I'm goin' to the cargo bay to check the weapons in the weapons locker.

*Mal says after swallowing some food*

Uh huh. Don't you two waste all the hot water now.

*Pain thought to himself*

Gorrammit how many people besides the Captain saw through that?

*He didn't bother to answer that as he made his way down the stairs, ran across the cargo bay, and reached the shower room. He noticed the door was deliberately propped open just a tad and entered it slowly. He wasn't surprised to find Ertia standing naked in front of him. He closed the door and locked it, turned back to Ertia and smiled as she walked seductively towards him. She slowly took off his clothes, kissing him as she did it, took his hand, led him into the shower, and closed the door.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, June 5, 2006 4:58 PM


OoC: Somebody pour some cold water on those two!

Everyone dies alone.


Monday, June 5, 2006 5:41 PM


Try it and die! My laser pistols hangin' on the towel rack, right in arms reach!
"Hi." Ertia murmurs to Pain. Hot water pours down her back and she unties her hair, letting it fall around her shoulders before pulling him close.

Her mouth runs over his chest, across the taut muscles of his stomach, and his hands come up to brace him against the shower wall as she slips lower, her tongue tracing patterns over his hipbone.

"Girl, you don't gotta..."

Pain falls silent as Ertia drops to her knees, and whispers up to him, "Let me."

Her mouth closes over hi...

over the anhoodmay nderageuay hingthay.


Slowly, she raises herself back up his body, soaping between them as she goes, until they're wet and slick, moving against each other, Pain's mouth against her ear, his moans turning harsh as he lifts her against the wall.

Pinned, the water streaming down her body, Ertia wraps her arms around his waist as he lowers her slowly onto his

"Oh, Yes! PAIN! PLEASE!" She can't help herself and desperately hopes there's no one in the lower corridor right at the moment.


Monday, June 5, 2006 8:06 PM


*Pain grunts louder as he thrusts himself deeper into Ertia's . With her still pinned against the wall he lowers his hands to her waist and starts kissing down her chest, stopping to tenderly bite her then using his tonque to tease her . She moans louder clasping her hands on his head pushing him closer. He pulls away, still thusting his in her, as she gasps*

Don't stop Pain! Oh God DON'T STOP!!

*Pain smiles devilishly as he unwraps her arms and lowers his face to her . He looks up at her, smiles and says*

Now let me.

*Ertia moans as Pain's tonque explores her .*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 1:55 AM


*OOC - Yikes* God I'm at work reading this,,,,ugh...if all my co-workers could see my face now. Those little censor thingies are a cute touch. *giggles* Ok, Ok, focus. . BTW, I'm very glad you liked the posts*

*She listens to his story as he tells her about the given hovermule*

13: And I couldn't drive it very well. I was all over the place and I crashed, right into a church sermon just as the preacher said "Amen." Got everyones attention I tell ya. *Just as he says that it reminds her of a song, "Singing, Amen, I'm Alive. If everyone cared and nobody cried...."

Fly: Oh my 13, I'm sure it did. *She laughed out loud* Just about done. Now we have to let this set for sometime...I don't want you to touch it. *She spays some Dermal Bond on the edges of the skin* There....Now about your face. Do you want to continue?

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 5:39 AM


the real-life Ertia pulls her nice toasty hot oatmeal out of the microwave while the laptop warms up. She pours her tasty morning earl grey tea while it logs onto the internet and finds her favorite thread.
Sitting down, she shovels a mouthful of oatmeal into her mouth, and, starting to read, promptly blurts it all over her keyboard!
Well, THIS is a GREAT way to start the day.

In the shower, Ertia is no longer there. Her head is tilted back under the flowing water, her hands braced on Pain's head, one knee thrown over his strong shoulder, as his mouth does things that are probably illegal on half a dozen planets.

She isn't even aware of the high keening sounds escaping her lips, utterly caught up in the sensations flooding her body. Her climax builds low in her belly, she gives herself over to it, willing her body to that pinnacle...

"Heya, DOCTOR PAIN! Hate to be interrupting.." Wash's voice booms over the intercom, "But your uncle is hailing us. Need you on the bridge!"


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 6:08 AM


Gorram double posts!


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 6:11 AM


Well glad I could make you start your day off great.

*Pain pulls himself up and mutters*

Gorrammit I hate being interrupted.

*He see's the disappointment in Ertia's eyes and says to her*

You just stay here. I'll be back.

*Ertia nods as Pain leaves the shower and hits the com button near the door. He says to Wash in an irritated tone*

Tell him I'll be there in fifteen!

*Wash replies*

Um ok.

*Pain smiles and heads back into the shower. He sees Ertia pleasuring herself, smiles and says*

Now baby I hate having to rush this but I got business to take care of.

*He kisses her before she could answer and thrusts his into her , making Ertia scream out in pleasure that could probably be heard on the other side of the verse.*


*Pain's uncle says over the vid screen to Wash*

So where's my nephew son?

*Wash responds in a nervous tone*

Uh he said he was busy and that he'd be here in fifteen minutes sir. Sorry for the inconvienence.

*Pain's uncle chuckles and says*

That's ok son I'll wait.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 8:58 AM


Ertia sighs in satisfaction as Pain releases her. She pulls him down for one last kiss before allowing him to rinse off.

"For good luck."

"Already got lucky." He quips back with a broad grin before stepping out of the shower and grabbing a towel.

Ertia closes the shower door behind him, adjusts the water temp and grabs her shampoo, singing loudly and happily as she scrubs through her hair, "Lucky stars! I thank my lucky stars! Travel through the 'verse with just my lucky stars to guide me through!"


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 9:21 AM


*Pain dried himself off quickly. He felt good now that he was well sexed. He quickly put on his clothes (well as quickly as one can with a broken arm) and headed for the bridge. He walked up the stairs near the infirmary and walked through the galley, passing Jayne and Guy who were still at the table. Guy watched Pain go by smiling and said to Jayne*

Why was Pain smiling like that?

*Jayne quips*

That there is a man who just got some great sexin'. Maybe one of these days you'll find yerself a willin' woman to sex you and then you'll understand.

*Jayne and Guy continue to talk with each other as Pain enters the bridge and closes the door. He turns to Wash and says*

Ok I'll speak with my uncle now.

*Wash replies*

Here you go.

*Wash taps the talk button and Pain's uncle comes online. He says to Pain*

Howdy boy I hope I didn't interrupt anything important.

*Pain smiles and says*

Oh I was um just taking a shower.

*Wash looks away scratching his head as Pain continues*

So how far out are you?

*Pain's uncle replies*

I'll be docking with your ship in twenty minutes.

*Pain nods and says*

Alrighty can't wait to see you.

*He turns off the com as Wash says to Pain*

So tell me more about this horse riding accident that your uncle was telling me about.

*Pain rolls his eyes and says as he leaves the bridge*

You really don't want to know.

*Wash calls out as Pain disappears from sight*

Aww come on.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 9:44 AM


Ertia is still singing as she dries off.

She dresses, dumps her dirty clothes in the washer, and heads for the cargo bay to finish changing out the labels on the crates headed to Londinium.

"You gotta rub it in?" Jayne asks grumpily as she reaches the last few steps.

"Rubbin' is what it's all about, Jayne." She grins, rubbing him none to gently on the head as she bounces the final step.

He snarls and reaches for her, probably to stick her in a crate, when Mal hollors from the catwalk.

"Quit rubbin, and start stickin'." Mal points to the labels in her hands. "All right, folks. Let's get this stuff sorted and ready to load!"


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 10:31 AM


*Mal sees Pain walk into the cargo bay and says*

Pain! Whens your uncle goin' to get here?

*Pain says as JR walks past*

He'll be dockin' with us in fifteen minutes sir.

*Mal replies*

Is he alone or with crew?

*Pain shrugs and says*

I ain't got a clue.

*Mal sighs and says to Jayne, Zoe, and JR*

Alright when Pain's uncle docks I want you three with me for a standard meet an' greet.

*Mal turns to Pain and says*

Sorry Pain I know he's your uncle and all, but I ain't taking any chances.

*Pain nods and says*

That's understandable sir.

*Mal replies*

Good. Alright everyone keep workin'. Guy put those crates over there!

*Pain walks over to Ertia, places his hand on her lower back, smiles and says*

So do you need any help?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?






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