Life Onboard Serenity-Into the Black Part III

UPDATED: Saturday, June 10, 2006 12:49
VIEWED: 13266
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Tuesday, June 6, 2006 10:41 AM


*as he's movin' the crates*

anyone else have wierd dreams about cheese last night?
-try it out, I dare you


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 11:25 AM


At hearing Guy mention cheese, Ertia starts laughing so hard she flubs the label she's adhering, accidently taping her own arm to the crate with it. "As a matter of fact, I did, Guy. Kinda a nightmare, really."

"Munster." Pain answers, unceremoniously ripping off the label with his good hand. The label comes away along with Ertia's arm hairs and a bit of skin.

"Y'all quit screwin' around!" Mal barks. The upcoming deal has the Captain a wee bit edgy, apparently.


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 11:56 AM


*Pain looked at the spot on Ertia's arm where he peeled off the label, noticed a few small beads of blood start to form and said*

Sorry about that. Perhaps you should let the doc clean that up.

*Ertia looked at her arm, saw the blood, smiled and said*

Maybe you should kiss it and make it all better?

*Pain grinned and said*

Oh there'll be kissin' jus' nowhere near your arm. Now go get that looked at. I'll finish with the labels.

*Ertia looked Pain up and down, pouts and says*

Oh alright then.

*She hands Pain the labels and heads off to the infirmary as Pain chuckles to himself. He goes on to finish up applying the labels when Wash's voice booms over the P.A.*

Docking with the Genghis in five minutes people.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 12:25 PM


(OoC: You think it's bad reading at work? Try school, with the third-and-fourth graders trying to get you to help them with their computers. Gonna be some angry parents next day, I tell ya.)

"Yeah, think the face is the...way to go. Yeah. Face."

Fly laughs, saying, "Why can't you sentence properly?"

"Possibly because I'm about to explode with this gorram sexual tension ripping me to pieces."

Fly, busy with the newflesh and bondage (BONDING, BONDING DAMMIT!!) can't quite make out what he says.

"Sorry, didn't catch that?"

"Umm...Harley Coz I'm but implode in this cold room sectional torsion flipping me to ease?"

"Right.I see. What?"

13 takes a deep breath, shutting his eyes. Opening them again, he begins to say: "What I actually said was.."

Wash's voice booms over the P.A.

"Docking with the Genghis in five minutes people."

Fly nods to herself, saying, "Guess we'll finish this later."

"Yeah. Later," 13 grunts through gritted teeth, eyes flaring. As Fly exits, he mutters: "Swear to God, Wash, I'll get you for this."


13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 3:11 PM


JR walks up to Mal and Pain and says, "JR reporting for se.....i mean, action, or I mean duty, Cap'n!" Mal, "Huh?" Everyone else in the cargo bay does their best to hold in the laughter. "Sorry Cap'n, couldn't help myself. There's a lot of uh, ahem, tension, in the air, thought a good joke ought'n make the crew more at ease." He looks at Pain and gives him a mischevious wink. "Can we give it a rest now? We got a ship I don't know nothin' about dockin' with us, and we need to be ready for anything, dong ma?", Mal says. "Yes sir, Cap'n," JR replies. Mal continues, "OK, Zoe, Pain, you're with me, JR, up on the catwalk above the door. Three minutes people!"

Everyone dies alone.


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 4:16 PM


13? Now, don't play with that skin. Let it take hold....OK?

13: Yes fly

*Before she leaves her bunk she takes the Colt and places it in the usual spot in the back of her pants and takes the Walther with holster and puts it on. She heads to the Cargo Bay. She pases Kaylee on the way*

Fly: Kaylee!
Kaylee: Yeah Fly. How you feeling by the way
Fly: Very good Kaylee thank you for asking. Kaylee, do you know who helped 13 with his blade removal?
Kaylee: Uh, yea I didn't mean no har.....
Fly: No Kaylee that is fine this is a good thing. I just need to know what you did with the blades.
Kaylee: Well I took them to the bomb bay,,,,Why Fly is there something wrong, did I do something.....*Fly interrupts her.
Fly: No Kaylee, not at all *She continues to the Cargo Bay* Thanks Kaylee

*She walks in the Cargo Bay and sees the Captain giving orders for places she yells out* "Captian?"

Mal: Fly, stay up there with JR
Fly: OK Sir.
Hey JR, Captain expecting trouble?

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 4:16 PM


What is up with the double post thingies??? HUH?


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 4:26 PM


Ertia slips into the Infirmary. Simon and River are laying low there, Simon checking the vitals on the comatose BlueMask and River reading a book in the corner.

Not wanting to bother Simon for something so silly as a bit of missing skin, Ertia makes her way to the sink and rinses it. When she turns around, River is holding out a bottle of antiseptic.

"It stings." She assures, as though stinging pain is a good thing.

"Thanks River." Ertia glances over at Simon, "How's the patient?"

"Well." Simon straightens slowly, "He's not improving. If I don't see any brain function by tonight, I'll take him off the oxygen."

"Maybe better I'd have aimed higher." Ertia says with a sigh as Simon takes a quick look at her arm.

"Well, this is one injury I don't think needs my attention."

Ertia laughs, "Yah, but you don't see me having to move crates, do you?"


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 4:29 PM


*Mal says to Fly*

Not really but it don't hurt to be ready for somethin'.

*Pain turn and says to Mal*

Sir as a precaution my uncle usually has at minimum a half dozen heavily armed men with him at all times. He'll be expecting an armed welcoming party so if'n it's alright with you I'd like to be the first one to speak to him.

*Mal goes over the information in his head and says*

Well if'n you get shot we're shootin' back dong ma?

*Pain nods his head and says as everyone gets into place*

I understand sir but I don't think my Uncle will be shootin' me.

*Wash's voice comes over the P.A.*

Ok people we have docking in 3...2...1. Ai ya that's a big ship!

*The Genghis used it's thrusters to pivot itself sideways to use one of its side cargo bay airlocks. The pilot issued the command to extend the outter airlock seal over Serenity's own cargo bay hatch. Everyone on Serenity felt the bump of the seal attaching itself to the ship. Everyone in the cargo bays of both ships waited for the sequence to end. When Pain saw the green light above the door flash Mal gave the orders to lower the ramp and open the doors. Pain pressed the corresponding buttons and heard the ramp lower and the doors open. The air from the other ship blew in and the sound of automatic weapons cocking and being aimed filled the air. Mal raised his hands and said to JR, Zoe, and Jayne*

Hold your fire.

*Pain saw his uncle walk into Serenity's cargo bay with eight heavily armed men in tow, each of them carrying very big assault rifles. The eight gunmen spread out, Pain's uncle spotted Mal and said*

Howdy I believe we spoke with each other over the Cortex.

*Pain's uncle extends his hand and says*

My name's Bob. Mr. Bob Cameron, former Commander of the 98th Bomber Brigade.

*Mal says suprised*

You fought for the Independents during the war?

*Pain's uncle ordered his men to stand down and said hand still extended*

Yes I did, even got a piece of Alliance shrapnel in my right leg to prove it. You can look up my war record if'n you want.

*Pain stood near the console, good arm folded over his broken one as Mal and his uncle exchanged handshakes. Mal says*

Pain you never said your uncle was a Browncoat.

*Pain scratched his head and said*

Um I believe I did when we were about to land on Persephone.

*Pain's uncle turns to his men and says*

Why don't you guys help theirs load these crates onto ours, while Pain, me, his Captain, and whoever he wants to include conduct some business.

*Mal says somewhat stunned*

Uh yeah I reckon we can use the galley. JR you Guy, Jayne, and whoever else you can get, go help with the crates. And remember to stay with them Dong ma?

I'll come up with a description of the Genghis when I'm not so tired. But here is a description of Pain's uncle:
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 235lbs
Age: 60
Hair: Grey with a trace of Brown
Facial Hair: Grey moustache and beard peppered with Brown
Eyes: Brown
Type of Clothing: Bomber's Jacket, light blue long sleeved dress shirt, black pants and shoes

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 5:48 PM


yes, sir
-try it out, I dare you


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 7:03 PM


Leaving the Infirmary, Ertia collects her gear from the storage closet, and looks for a quiet corner in which to work.

The cargo bay is a swarm of activity and she heads up the stairs, but there's a group in the galley. As she passes, she fancies she hears a familiar voice, but shrugs it off. Probably just one of the crew.

Heading back across the catwalk, she opens the spare shuttle and settles down to work. Through her earpiece she pipes in some rowdy dance music off the cortex. Toes tapping against the chair frame, she starts hunting down some way to get Serenity's registration back into the clear.


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 8:07 PM


Meanwhile in the Galley....

*Somehow the business talks between Mal and Pain's uncle turned to stories of Pain's childhood. Pain has his thumb and forefinger of his good hand pinching the bridge of his nose as his uncle tells Mal, Zoe, and Wash about the time Pain first rode a horse*

And I swear Pain here was so scared when that horse reared up on him, he wouldn't come out of the house for weeks.

*The four of them laugh as Pain sits there trying not to relive his childhood. Mal pours some whiskey into his glass and says*

That is funny I have to say.

*Pain says a little irritated*

Can we just please get on with business and stop embarassin' me in front of my crew?

*Wash chimes in*

Aw come on Pain cheer up. It's not like Jayne's here or anything.

*Pain shakes his head and wonders when this day is going to be finished.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 6:33 AM


Here's the description of the Titan class Cargo Vessel Genghis:

Length: 400ft
Width: 268ft
Height (not including top mounted cranes): 102ft
Weight: 42000 tons
Cargo Capacity: (internal) 25000 tons, (external) 8 40ft 25 ton cargo containers (mounted in tandem)
Crew Quarters: 14 single, 1 Double

Standard Bridge/Crew Quarters/Galley layout

8 VTOL thrusters mounted in tandem on 4 external pylons

1 massive cargo bay in front with standard sized cargo bay airlocks on each side (which come to think about it I could've had Serenity land inside of said massive cargo bay)

4 shuttles

6 Main engines

2 top mounted cranes that can be removed if need be

The Titan class Cargo Vessels were the largest cargo ships to operate both in space and in atmo. From 2460-2510 25000 were built and used mostly by companies like TG Freight and Trans Universal. They were discontinued due to the cost of production.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 7:26 AM


Don't let Kaylee near those engines! She'll go ga ga and we won't get her back onboard Serenity.

Ertia's eyes blur a bit as she digs up every bit of data she can, spinning tendrils across the cortex, sliding them through back-doors, and around fences.

She peers into the very heart of Alliance Department of Transportation and comes up empty handed and feeling slightly dirty.

A block of text shorts across the bottom of her screen, "Kitten, see The Bins, Boros."

Two buttons and she's there. The Bins! There's her answer. It's majestic! She taps a return message, shooting through a substation on Boros. "Luv U, Hells!"

"Love ain't but a whisper in the dark. It's the bits that matter." the reply flashes back.

Ertia taps, "IOU. BIG."

"Hear that alot from you, Kit."

"Box, Hells. I'm 404. No Rad."

She ends the transmission, reroutes back to an innocent store selling silk underwear and places an order just to prove she was there.

Smiling, answer in hand, she heads to the bridge to tell the Captain.

ooc- so, Manitou asks during our regular phone-call, "What did you do today?"
'Oh, not much. Wrote some fanfic, played some RPG, hacked into an Alliance database, had kinky shower sex. The usual.'
"Really? Who with? Can I watch?"
'DrPain, and sure you can. It was pretty public kinky shower sex.'
I think he was actually more excited about the hacking than the sex. I dunno if he's reading, but if he is, HI, Manitou!!


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 8:00 AM


sorry i havent been posting, iv'e been ill


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 8:04 AM


Oh no! Sorry to hear! *sends tea with lemon, and aspirin by Alliance post.*


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 8:55 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
ooc- so, Manitou asks during our regular phone-call, "What did you do today?"
'Oh, not much. Wrote some fanfic, played some RPG, hacked into an Alliance database, had kinky shower sex. The usual.'
"Really? Who with? Can I watch?"
'DrPain, and sure you can. It was pretty public kinky shower sex.'
I think he was actually more excited about the hacking than the sex. I dunno if he's reading, but if he is, HI, Manitou!!

ROFLOL!!!! Too funny. It's a good thing I drank all my Coke before I read that, or else I'd be shopping for a new monitor right now . Hi Manitou I promise not to be too rough with Ertia here. Wolfie: Sorry to hear about you being sick. Hope you get better.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 9:41 AM


*Once they've finished with the crates she says to JR*

Fly: JR, wait, I need a hand.
JR: OK Fly

*she waits for everyone to clear the Cargo bay. She opens the big steel floor to the bomb bay area.

Fly: I may need to hand you something *She jumps down inside amongst the trash*
JR: Fly, what are you doing?
*she starts to search*
Fly: Here. *she hands JR one of 13's blades that Kaylee cut off*
JR: What in pu gu are you doing Fly
Fly: Just take them for me
*JR Grabs another one from her
Fly: Got it!!
*She puts her hand up from below for JR to help her up*
Fly: Thanks
JR: You wanna tell me what you are doing with these.
Fly: Nope, but thanks for your help JR
*She closes the lid to the bomb
Fly: Thanks. *She finds a rag and wraps the 4 blades in it, and heads to the galley*

*As she rounds the corner she can hear laughter coming from inside, something about stories of Pains Past*

Fly: Uncle Bobbie you aren't giving all Pains secrets away to the crew are you?
*Pains Uncle Bob stands and hugs Fly off the floor*
Bob: Fly my girl. *He holds onto her bi-ceps* Look at you. You haven't changed a bit. Still in top physical shape ain'tcha.
Fly: Aww Uncle Bobbie you always know how to make a girl feel special.
Bob: Well you are special to me girl. Very
Fly: Thanks Uncle Bobbie *She gives him another kiss on the cheek* I've missed you
Bob: Me too my gal, me too. *They looks at each other for a bit and he sits back down not taking an eye of Fly and says* Ok, where were we.

*Since she has known Pain for 20 years, she was quite close to his family including Bob. He considered her his nice.*

Fly: I'll be in my bunk if anyone needs me *she walks up behind Bob and kisses him on the top of the head* Hope to see you before you leave Uncle
Bob: You will my dear
Fly: Good

*She heads back to her bunk*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 9:57 AM



Originally posted by bigwolf18:
sorry i havent been posting, iv'e been ill

*takes her magic wand and chases away the ill*
*Places some sunshine over him*

Feel better soon!!!

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 1:14 PM


*Bob says as Fly leaves*

Ah it sure was nice to see Fly again. Are you two still together Pain?

*Pain shakes his head and says*

Nope we broke up four years ago. We've remained friends since.

*Bob says to Pain*

Ah that's a shame boy. Glad to hear that you two are still friends though.

*Pain nods and says*

Yeah. So let's talk business.

*Bob nods his head and says to Mal*

Right right. Well my company is having some problems with a fellow named Badger. Have you heard of him?

*Mal responds*

We've had dealings with him before.

*Bob continues*

Right well it seems the little pissant is trying to expand his business by threatening my suppliers, pilots, and clients and doing a right fine job too.

*Mal nods his head and says*

Uh huh so what do you need us for?

*Bob continues*

I have a source inside of Badger's gang. Badger has a shipment of illegal weapons hiding in a scrap yard on Beylix. Now those weapons belonged to one of my suppliers who Badger has managed to turn against me. I want those weapons back. I don't care about the supplier I'm sure Pain can take care of that. What I need is a crew who can recover something quick and return it to it's rightful owner.

*Mals takes in the information and says*

What's in it for us if we take this job?

*Bob smiles and says*

Well since Pain here is under your employ, I'm willin' to pay you 15% of the cut. That's five more than what I usually pay.

*Mal replies*

And how much is this shipment?

*Bob grins and says*

It's worth 120,000 Credits.

*Mal says in shock*

Ta ma de!

*Just then Ertia walks in, sees Pain's uncle and then sees the Captain's face and says*

Hi you must be Pain's uncle I'm Ertia. Pain what's with the Captain?

*Pain introduces her to his uncle and fills her in on what just went down.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 1:30 PM


"Ah, Captain, a word?" Ertia waits for his nod and then pulls him aside, nearly bouncing in her excitement. "I found us the answer to our prayers, but it's gonna cost credit. Big credit. This job is a godsend!"

"What's the out?" Mal asks suspiciously, his eyes narrowing.

Ertia gestures Wash into earshot, "The Bins, on Boros, know of them?"

"Old shipyards. Wrecking bins." Wash answers, and frowns at her as she gestures him to keep his voice down.

"There are four ditched 0-2 model Fireflies just rusting out. All we have to do is buy a wreck, and I can switch our codes. Bingo! The Firefly they're looking for is a hunk of junk." Ertia blurts out the plan, "But the catch is 30K in creds we don't least, not without this job. Unless that beef is worth alot more than I think?"


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 1:59 PM


*Wash whispers*

Um Cap isn't 15% of 120,000 Creds 18,000?

*Mal looks at Ertia as she says in a hushed voice*

Yes it is Captain and we'd still be 12,000 short.

*Pain walks over to the three of them, only having heard the "still be 12,000 short" part and says*

Um if'n anyone's interested I have about 5,000 Creds saved up.

*Three of them look at Pain as Ertia says*

How'd you get that much money?

*Pain replies*

Well most of it I was savin' and the rest was from the guns you got off them mercs back on Zenith.

*Pain's uncle sees the four of them huddled together and says*

Excuse me if'n y'all don't mind but what're you folks dicussin'?

*Pain turns to his uncle and says*

We're discussin' on wether or not to take your job offer. Um we'd like to discuss this in private if'n you don't mind uncle?

*Bob nods his head, gets up and says*

That's quite alright Pain perhaps I'll go talk with Fly for a bit. Um where's her room at?

*Pain replies*

It's the second one on the left closest to the galley.

*Bob nods his head and heads to Fly's bunk. He knocks on her door and waits for her to answer. When she does Bob climbs down the ladder and into Fly's bunk. Pain waits for the hatch to close and says*

Ok we can speak normally now.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 2:07 PM


"The other option is that we sneak into the Bins and steal the reg plates off a rust-out." Ertia says with a frown.

Wash shakes his head, "No go. I've been to the Bins. Alot of those ships are disasters, remainders from the war. Some still have live munitions, some are leaking radiation. They monitor who comes and goes tighter than Inara's blue corset."

"How do you know how tight Inara's blue corset is, Wash?" Ertia asks, interestedly, raising one eyebrow.

"And, they're all the way to Boros." Mal chimes in, "Not exactly lying in our path."

"How much extra were we getting on the Londinium delivery?" Ertia vaguelly remembers JR mentioning it with distinct glee.


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 2:16 PM


*Pain responds*

Well I did hear him say that it would be double, but that was awhile ago before he started to spend most of his time in his bunk.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 2:36 PM


Ertia thinks hard, trying to connect all the dots. "What are our chances of doubling the take on the Beylix job?"

"What? My uncle's already goin' three times over!" Pain exclaims, "Ain't out to rip him off!"

"No...not what I meant." Ertia frowns, "It's a scrapyard. We're the best scavengers flying, as long as there aren't live munitions, radiation leaks and Alliance patrols."

"Find some scrap worth salvage?" Wash follows her train of thought.

Mal ticks off on his fingers - "We've got delivery to New Canaan, delivery to Londinium, not to mention a pretty lady with a promise of shore leave; We've got an answer to our Alliance problems on Boros, and a handy payin' job we're duty bound to on Beylix."

He sighs, tired and frustrated, "Get the crew together so we can talk this through."


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 2:57 PM


The grey tabby saunters in, head high and tail up at a jaunty angle. She seems to be looking for something, or someone. Or possibly she is just making her rounds of the ship. She wanders over to Wash and bumps her head roughly against his shin, then arches her back and winds around his leg, purring loudly.

When he doesn't immediately pick her up, she stretches up his leg, rests her front paws on his knee and mews rather demandingly.

With a chuckle Wash picks the cat up and cradles her in one arm, scratching her head with the other hand.

"You know that gorram furball only wants you to feed her, don't you, Wash?" Mal tells him.

Wash looks at the purring cat snuggled against his chest and beams at Mal. "Aw, you're just jealous cause she likes me more than you!"

"She likes me just fine! She's a gorram cat! She likes whoever feeds her!" Mal snaps, turns back to the others, pointedly ignoring Wash as the pilot starts in with the baby-talk to the cat.


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 3:36 PM


Hearing the new people, 13 uses his better judgement and prefers to keep himself unintroduced. Holed away in his bunk, he sits, staring blankly at the wall.

"One chance, my best chance. Blew it." He hisses out a breath, and rises to his feet. "Well, need something to do."

Rummaging in his pack, he finally draws out a small rectangular box. Opening it softly, a blue, scratched object is inside. It folds open, to reveal a dirty blank screen.

Flipping the Game Boy on, he immediately sets into Gaming Mode.

"Damn Thief...get the Cinqueada so I can steal abilities!"

"Grrrr....Thou shalt not kill thy red mage.."

*Bloop, bloop..bewwwwww...*


He hurls the Game Boy against the wall, wincing as it shatters.



13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 3:45 PM


Mal says to Pain, still frustrated*

Get everyone up here now.

*Pain replies*

Yes sir Captain.

*Pain brushes past Ertia, giving her a slight smile as he reaches the com, presses the button for the shpwide P.A. and says through it*

Would all Serenity crew members please come to the galley. The Captain has some things to discuss ma shong.

*Mal says to those still in the galley*

I'll be on the bridge. Wash stop playing with that gorram cat and notify me when everyone's here.

*Mal storms off as Wash says to Shipscat in a baby voice*

Malsy is a meanypants isn't he yes he is.

*Wash puts Shipscat down and says to her in his normal voice*

Alright lets get you something to eat and drink shall we?

*Shipscat purrs and slinks between his legs. The hatch to Fly's bunk opens. Pain and Ertia watch as Fly and Pain's uncle step out laughing, Fly with her hand on his shoulder. They walk into the galley as Fly laughs out*

Oh Uncle Bobbie you're too much.

*Pain replies*

Is my uncle tellin' you more embarrassin' stories about me?

*Ertia pipes up*

Ooh Fly you have stories about Pain's past?

*Ertia jumps up and down and says*

Tell me! Tell me!

*Fly breaks away from Pain's uncle and says to Ertia in a hushed voice*


*Ertia squeals with joy as Pain shakes his head. Pain's uncle walks up toward him and says*

So son what did you're Captain decide?

*Pain sighs and says*

Well that's what the Captain wants to speak about with the crew, but I think he's goin' to take it.

*Pain's uncle slaps him on the back and says*

Well you just tell me what he decides. I must get back to my ship and have my own crew meetin'. See you folks in a bit.

*Pain's uncle waves to everyone, smiles to Fly, and heads back to his ship. Pain turns back to Ertia, smiles as he walks over to her, kisses her and says*

Well now you've met my uncle and Fly's probably goin' to tell you some embarrassin' stories about my past.

*Ertia looks into his eyes and says*

Will you be mad?

*Pain smiles and says*

Just as long as you don't tell the rest of the crew.

*Pain pulls Ertia close and kisses her again. Wash sees this and says*

Why don't you two get a room you animals.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 4:38 PM


Ertia winks at Wash, "Because Captain wants us right here."

She frowns again, wondering how they are ever going to get out of this mess. "Maybe we should just forget about the Bins, Wash. Figure something else out once we get to Londinium. We are getting to Londinium, aren't we? Because I just ordered myself some pretties, and that's where I had them sent."

"Pretties?" Kaylee perks up, "What'd ya get?"


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 5:13 PM


*Pain watches as Ertia tells Kaylee and Fly about the pretties she's ordered all the while listening to Wash tell her why they need to go to the Bins. Pain watches the way Ertia's body moves and takes a deep breath. He thinks to himself*

Ok I got to stop thinkin' in the gutter we've got a lot of things on our plate and I ain't any good if I'm being distracted.

*Pain breahes a sigh of relief as JR walks in. Pain says to him as Ertia continues with her converstations*

Hey JR any word from Sybil?

*JR says to Pain as they both sit down at the table.*

Nope nothin' yet.

*JR hooks his thumb over to Wash and the ladies and continues*

So what are they talkin' about?

*Pain sighs as he takes out his flask and says*

Well Ertia's tellin' Fly and Kaylee 'bout the stuff she's ordered and she's also talkin' to Wash 'bout why we shouldn't go to the scrapyards on Boros.

*Both of the men turn their heads as Ertia and the other two ladies start to giggle.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 8, 2006 5:55 AM


"So, if they don't fit, can I wear them?" Kaylee asks, her golden brown eyes wide with excitement.

"Of course!" Ertia fake sighs, "You know, my job is sooooooo horrid, having to buy pretties just cover my activities."

"We all here?" Mal comes back down from the bridge.

"Except 13." Fly looks around, as do the others, but 13 is nowhere to be seen.

"Well, he ain't here then he don't get a say." Mal leans against the kitchen counter, arms crossed over his chest, "Now, as you all know, we've got some decisions to make. We have to get this meat off our boat. We have to get Serenity a new registration number, and we have to keep off Alliance radar while we do it."

Everyone nods, and the Captain continues. "We've got a good paying job with Bob, but it ain't gonna be enough to buy us a new reg number. Any suggestions y'all got, I'm open to hearin' 'em."

Ertia glances at Pain, "What's the timeline on the job for Pain's uncle? Any chance we can get the meat delivered, then do the job? If we can just get to Londinium, I may be able to figure something with the reg codes."

Her voice is hopeful as she looks around for suggestions.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 6:45 AM



Thursday, June 8, 2006 7:41 AM


*Everyone at the table talks amonst themsleves as Pain raises his hand and says*

You know I could just ask my uncle. See when he wants us to do the job.

*Mal says to Pain still a little frustrated*

Why don't you go do that Pain.

*Pain gets up, nods and says*

Yes sir.

*Pain gives Ertia a smile as he leaves the galley. Wolf walks in looking like he got hit by a freighter and says*

Sowwy guys I'b 'een habbing a code for the last few days and hab 'een in my bunk since then.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 8, 2006 1:22 PM


Ertia moves to the kitchen and puts on a pot of tea for Wolf, who doesn't look so good.

Simon makes a face, "I told you to come by the Infirmary when you came back onboard."

"Doc, ibs jest a colb." Wolf snarls, taking the cup of tea from Ertia.

"And a cold can spread through this ship and infect the entire crew, and we got work to do! We get done here, you go by the infirmary and get doctored!" Mal directs.

Wolf grumbles, but just then Pain comes back in.

"Well, what did he say?"


Thursday, June 8, 2006 2:42 PM


*Pain looks at Wolf then to Ertia and says*

He's givin' us three days to do it.

*Pain walks over to Ertia and says*

What's with Wolf? He looks like he got hit by a freighter.

Where is everyone?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 8, 2006 2:56 PM



"Right. That settles it." Mal stands up and brushes off his hands. "We do the Beylix job first, pull whatever salvage we can in the process."

He turns to JR, "Contact Miss Sybil, and let her know that we're gonna be..." He glances at Wash, who holds up two fingers, "Two days later than we'd planned, but we'll be there. Don't go to mentioning the Alliance trouble just yet, though, right?"

"Ertia, you get your contacts in line, keep looking for an out for that trouble." Mal whirls to Pain and Fly, "Let Mr Cameron know we're good to go."

"The rest of y'all, button down the ship and clean her up. Stash anything we ain't supposed to have where it won't be seen."

He glances to Simon, "That includes that masked man you got. Any change in his condition?"

Simon shifts uncomfortably before quietly admitting, "No." He rubs his nose with one hand, "I'm taking him the ventilator tonight. If he can't breathe on his own..."

"Best do it now, Doc. No sense in waiting." Mal answers him. "Wash, plot us a track to Beylix. Wolf, think you can pull that disappearing ship trick again?"


Thursday, June 8, 2006 3:14 PM


OoC: grrrr, I hate, hate, HATE netscape, must get something new, the process will be long, grueling, and painful, like when I make a stinky, but it must be done

see you when my internet actually works, but for now, I'm gonna have wolf's cold

*finally comes out of his bunk, sneezing his head off*

where da heck did dis code cub frob?
-try it out, I dare you


Thursday, June 8, 2006 3:26 PM


OoC: Guys and gals, I so heartily apologize for not posting more. With my young'uns over at my place more often during the summer, I don't have as much time to post.
Guy, try Firefox or, if you have a Mac like me, try Safari or Camino.

Everyone dies alone.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 3:52 PM


That blows Guy. Hope you get something better soon. JR it's ok man.

*Pain heads out of the galley, walks down the stairs leading to the infirmary, and walks across the cargo bay. He walks through the airlock and through the tube connecting Serenity to his uncle's ship. Pain knocks on the airlock door, waits for them to open. When the Genghis's doors open Pain is greeted by two of his uncle's men. Pain says to the one on the left*

I need to speak to my uncle please.

*The large black man grunts and says to Pain in a burly voice*

Follow me.

The two of them step onto a cargo lift and ride it to the second floor. From there they walk through a corridor, up a flight of stairs, and come to a stop by the Captain's quarter's. The gunman says to Pain*

Wait here.

*The man presses the com button and says*

Mr. Cameron sir your nephew is here to see you.

*Pain's uncle's voice responds over the com*

Please send him in Harland.

*The gunman named Harland replies*

Yes sir.

*Harland opens the hatch and closes it once Pain enters. Pain looks over the room and notes the decor. Uncle Bob speaks up*

So Pain what did your Captain say?

*Pain smiles and says*

We'll be takin' the job immediately. Can I use your com?

*Bob nods and says*

You're family of course you can use the com.

*Pain nods his head and says*

Xie xie uncle.

*Pain hits the button to patch in a call to Serenity and says over the com*

We are a go Captain. What do you want to do about the crates we sent over?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 8, 2006 6:33 PM


Those crates have to get delivered... do we split the crew? We still have the "un-named" we took on from High Charity, and what-not, we could send them, maybe along with Zoe and Jayne?

Ertia heads back to the quiet of Shuttle 2, protien bar and a mug of coffee in hand.

She was already planning her next angle of attack. They had a chance for some salvage action; she should tap into the security feeds for the scrapyard on Beylix, see what she could find might be worth something. And gain some intelligence while she was at it.

Then there was the registry code thing. Maybe she could watch for the entry of another Firefly registry into the database and kipe it? That would leave a trace, and a duplicate registry number...

Maybe she could...


...tap into the new ship registry and see if she could alter a code for something just off the...


production line. Check with Hell again, he might have an

"ERTIA." Zoe's hand falls on her shoulder and she jumps half a foot in the air, her coffee splashing all over her hand.

"ZOE! Wou de ma!"

The warrior just looks at her for a moment, waiting for her to calm down, "Things we aren't supposed to have onboard includes that fancy pistol of yours. Get it stowed."

"Oh, right! Sorry, Zoe."

The First Mate walks away shaking her head.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 8:42 PM


I guess we can split the crew. Yeah that sounds like a good idea.

*Mal replies over the com to Pain*

Those crates are to stay onboard your uncle's ship dong ma?

*Pain clicks the com and replies*

Yes sir I guess I forgot what with being tired and all.

*Mal replies still in a frustrated state*

Uh huh I know. Get your butt back here and stow away whatever you've got that ain't legal.

*Pain clicks the com a final time and says before turning it off*

Yes sir Captain.

*Pain turns to his uncle and says*

Well I got to get back to my ship. I'd like to stay longer but my Captain's in sort of a bad mood.

*Bob smiles and says*

I understand Pain my boy I understand. Do you need any help gettin' findin' your way back?

*Pain shakes his head and says*

No uncle I'm fine but thanks for the offer.

*The two men hug each other as Pain leaves. Pain returns to Serenity's cargo bay after five minutes. He sees Ertia exit the #2 shuttle and smiles as she sees him. She returns his smile as he says*

So were you off to babe?

*She replies after giving him a hug*

I have to stow away some of my rather not legal stuff as in my laser pistol.

*Pain says as they head to the bunks*

Ah I see. Yeah I reckon I need to go do that too.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, June 9, 2006 6:25 AM


Ertia wraps her laser pistol in a t-shirt and climbs into the ductwork, opening a heat shield plate and tucking it behind it, along with her forged paperwork.

"That aughta do." She crawls back out and turns to where Pain is sorting equipment that looks happily dangerous.

Mal's voice comes over the com. "Zoe, Jayne, come up to the bridge please."

"Guess we'll know soon enough what Mal's planning." Pain hands Ertia a small black case and she climbs back into the ductwork with it.

"Reckon so. Glad we had to clean these stupid ducts recently!"


Friday, June 9, 2006 6:48 AM


*Pain looks down at his broken arm, glad he doesn't have to wear the sling anymore, and says as he hands Ertia another piece of illegal equipment through the duct*

Yeah me too.

*Ertia pops her head out of the duct and says*

You got anything else that needs to be stowed.

*Pain grins and says*

Oh I got somethin' I'd like to be stowin'.

*Ertia pops her head out, gives Pain a devilish grin and says*

I know you do Pain but that's going to have to wait a bit. Mal's still in a bitter mood and I reckon he wouldn't like it if we were screwing around instead of working.

*Pain helps Ertia down from the duct as Zoe and Jayne walk past them and enter the bridge. With his hands on her waist he says to Ertia*

So is there anymore illegal stuff we need to hide or was that it?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, June 9, 2006 10:02 AM


"Better check with Zoe, just in case." Ertia brushes the dust off her hands, and they are headed for the galley when Fly catches up to them.

"Never really noticed how much contraband I keep!" She laughs and Ertia agrees.

As they reach the galley, Mal, Zoe and Jayne exit the bridge, followed by Wash, looking none too happy.

Mal hits the com button, "Everybody not crawled into a hidy-hole or down with the flu to the galley please!"

"Zoe, anything else neeeds stashed?" Pain takes the opportunity to ask.

"Nope, think we got it all." She answers. She seems distracted, and is staying close to Wash.

"All right, crew. I need volunteers. Zoe's taking half the crew with Cameron's ship to unload that beef. Jayne's with her."

He glances around as he continues, "Anybody NOT interested in going with them, realize we've got a messy job on Beylix, could mean gunfire, bloodshed, and mayhem."

"That's kind of the usual, isn't it?" Wash quips from Zoe's side, and the crew snickers.

"Whats the pay difference, Cap?" JR asks the question on most everybody's mind.

"Provided you survive, it's the same either way." Mal shifts position, scanning the crew, "Those making the New Canaan delivery will meet back here with us in two days when we rendevoux with Cameron to return his goods."

A few of the others raise hands to join the New Canaan delivery.

"I think I'll be of more use here on Serenity." Ertia says confidently. "Not that I don't enjoy moving meat, you know..."


Friday, June 9, 2006 10:12 AM




13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Friday, June 9, 2006 10:27 AM


wolf" bloodshed?, oh, i'll just get my shotgun ready."


Friday, June 9, 2006 10:43 AM


*Pain had caught the hidden meaning of what Ertia said and smiled to himself. After hearing the rest of the crew make their decisions it was Pain's turn to speak up. With his mind made up he said*

I'm goin' with my uncle.

*At that Pain left for his bunk to pack some stuff. Ertia was suprised at his decision and deciced to follow him as he climbed down into his bunk. She said to him as he opened his foot locker*

Are you serious Pain? I'd of thought you'd stay.

*Pain looked up at Ertia and smiled. He walked over to her, placed his good hand on her waist and said*

I thought so too but I ain't of no use with one hand.

*Ertia smiled and said*

Oh I beg to differ. If you stay I'll show you just how good.

*Pain smiled as she pulled herself closer to him. He looked into her eyes and said*

As temptin' as that is I'm goin' to stick with my decision.

*Pain presses his finger to her lips and continues*

Now before you get all mad on me, hear me out. I'm only goin' to be gone for two days and when I get back I promise to show you just how much I'll have missed you. Now will you help me pack?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, June 9, 2006 10:52 AM


Ertia watches Pain for a moment, then helps him with the packing. She's surprised she feels so hurt at his decision not to stay with Serenity. Of course, how often did he get to see his uncle? "Yeah, I understand. How much time do you get to spend with family, after all?"

"Not much. Besides, someone's gotta watch Jayne's back." Pain tucks a pistol into a holster, and leans in to give her one more kiss. "Won't be but a couple days."

"I know." She manages a smile as she heaves his bag out of the bunk for him, then she winks, "Can I have your bunk while you're gone?"


Friday, June 9, 2006 11:04 AM


*Pain smiles and says as they make their way out into the hallway*

Sure you can Ertia. I was just about to ask if'n you wanted it.

*Ertia smiles, gives him a kiss in the cheek and says*

Thanks Pain I'll definately make sure you get a suprise when you get back.

*Pain grins as they head to his uncle's ship, Pain's hand on her lower back, hers around his waist.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, June 9, 2006 4:10 PM


As they head through the cargo bay, Ertia wonders what Fly's decision will be, and can't help mentioning outloud, "Suppose Fly will be going with you, then?"

"Dunno, that's up to her." Pain stops suddenly and looks down at Ertia, "Ain't a problem, is it?"

It takes Ertia a moment to catch up to what he's thinking. "What? No! I'm not jealous or anything if that's what your thinking! I just don't want Kaylee and me to be the only women left around here!"

"What 'bout River and 'Nara?"

"River can't help with the chores, and Inara doesn't have to." Ertia grins up at him, "Actually, the thought of River helping with the cooking kind of scares me!"






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