Male and Female Imponderables-Resurrected

UPDATED: Thursday, June 8, 2006 10:33
VIEWED: 16315
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Wednesday, June 7, 2006 12:38 PM


yes, I've heard terrible things about nose hairs


oh, and back onto war wounds - I poked a guy in the eye once! I felt awful!

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 9:03 PM


He he! I have to tell you about my first sex shop experience. I was 17 and determined to be super cool and sophisticated about buying my first vibrator. I walked into the shop and headed straight for the toys, no sidling through the undies for me! With a calm and unembarrased smile I broused the display rack, picked one up to examine it then put it back. Unfortunately it went off and somehow set the others off too. They all started jumping around on the shelf and several fell off and knocked over a display stand! At this point I just had to flee from the shop in mortification. I went back the next week when there was a different assistant on the desk!

By the way Seryn, thanks for the advice. I may try those strips you mention!



Wednesday, June 7, 2006 9:24 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Wows, I've never set off a toy in the store! I don't think they keep batteries in them, there. Are you sure it wasn't someone messing with you? If it was a remote-controlled toy they could have set it off from the counter; I saw a girl doing that once in my local store.
Waxing, yeah I can't help you. I've always shaved. There are a lot of razers you can buy that minimize cuts. Disposable razers always carve up my legs no matter how careful I am. I need the fancy ones.
To men that shave their legs: it is actually harder for you as you have more prominent bones in the calf so there are a few more angles to deal with.
On a side note; I do love a man with a mowed lawn! My ex used an electric razor for his face, and would often use it to shave down there. He was delightfully fuzzy without there being too much hair.



Wednesday, June 7, 2006 9:30 PM


But you have to try out the toys before you buy! Well, I don't mena try out 'cos that would be all manner of unhygenic, but get a feel for how powerful they are. That's why all the best shops have tester models. I've heard that the best way to try them is to hold them against the tip of your nose (there are a lot of nerve endings there).

As for shaving the goodies, I tried that once. It was just so itchy for days! I'd have thought it would drive the men nuts (excuse the pun!)



Wednesday, June 7, 2006 9:46 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Yes, sometimes there are testers out, especially for a new product. I tend to just hold them in my palm to test. There was one once that rotated and had pearls in the shaft; I actually blushed while holding it and didn't have the guts to pick it up again. Of course this was a few years ago. I was still an innocent (well, more innocent) virgin back then!
It does itch for awhile when you first start shaving, but it goes away if you keep at it for about two weeks. And it's not really the same for men, as the location is different and they don't have... secretions to irritate the skin that's not used to it. I find I really like being shaved now just for hygene; hair holds things. It's easier to be clean without hair in the way. (this holds just as true for armpits) I don't shave everything because then I feel like a plucked chicken, but at least half. I have to motivate myself to do it every day now that it's just for me and not anyone else. Same with my legs, actually.



Wednesday, June 7, 2006 11:40 PM


Ok, I've been following this thread, but here's my first post. Just because it seems timely!

Just watch it for a minute.



Thursday, June 8, 2006 3:14 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
By the way, my answer to that would be 'if it were Chrisitan Bale on one side and Sawyer from Lost on the other, honey i'm there already...

*starts drooling on keyboard*

Ummm, you don't mind sharing do you?

Wow, this certainly has been an interesting imponderables thread. Many kudos to Tristan for resurrecting it.

Did have a question regarding vibrators. Any advice for those who are too shy to go into stores or has a nosy parent living at home?


"I'm going to sing the doom song! Doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, dooooooom...."


Thursday, June 8, 2006 3:15 AM



Originally posted by EmmaRigby:
I have a question for all the girlies (and maybe blokes, who knows!).

Having just had a nasty leg shaving accident which resulted in the loss of about 1/2 pint of blood I am now wondering if waxing is as painful as I've always feared!

What a girl has to suffer to live up to cultural ideals!

Actually, when I first left the midwest, I had my rebellion phase and didn't shave for like 3 years. Legs that is - I can't deal with underarm hair! But it was refreshing to not care, and now it doesn't stress me at all to miss a few weeks (or months, in the winter).

In the summer, I do the waxing myself. It's shockingly non-painful for me. The bikini wax stings, but it lasts for like 2 months with no razor burn so hell ya it's worth it! My leg hair comes back in only 2 weeks, so I've settled for shaving for now. It is annoying, but looks so much nicer to not much hair!

Sweetserendipity - that's the funniest thing ever!!!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 3:22 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by deepgirl187:

Did have a question regarding vibrators. Any advice for those who are too shy to go into stores or has a nosy parent living at home?

We did mention that there were places that would ship in discrete packaging, didn't we? I also suggest getting a "hide a vibe" pillow to keep nosy parents from stumbling across such items.
Can I just ask why y'all are shy about stores? They are not that bad! I go all the time (to the point where the folk there don't even card me anymore) and have never had a problem. I started going just because I could - I was excited about being of age - and I just kinda kept going back. At the very least, it's good for a laugh to see some of the stuff they have. Then of course there's the pretties; lingerie and toys. Both are my friends.



Thursday, June 8, 2006 3:22 AM


Well, that's unsettlin'. (The vibrator icon, I mean)

Morning, all!

Going to be a busy day here, so I'll post quick and pop back in when I can...

Last thing I saw was regarding lawn mowing. I have done that once completely...the scratchiness as it was growing back drove me batty. Now, I try to keep the area neatly trimmed and every now and again do some close shaving. I am sure the other guys who have done this know that there is nothing that compares to nicking some of the loose flesh down there. Ever heard a man scream like a little girl? That'll do it every time.
I actually like the feeling of having very little hair down there on me. It intensifies the slippery feeling, and all that damn hair doesn't get everywhere. On females, I tend to lean towards either shaved or lightly fuzzy.



Thursday, June 8, 2006 5:53 AM


I feel like such a Treadkiller all the time. I think its just timing. So the interesting part is I don't feel like the Lone Ranger. Maybe all you great BROWNCOATS want to be The Lone Rangers? I maybe Native, and don't mind being called Tanto from time to time, but I do love the mask. How about role playing? A girl I was seeing years ago liked going places with me, (seperately), and pretending like we were other people. After flirting with other people for a few hours we'd connect in front of all the flirts and leave together. Sounds a bit strange but it was quite exciting. Anyone else tried this? How about the whole costume thing? I love Halloween.

Jayne: I was gonna get me an ear too.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 6:13 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
We did mention that there were places that would ship in discrete packaging, didn't we? I also suggest getting a "hide a vibe" pillow to keep nosy parents from stumbling across such items.
Can I just ask why y'all are shy about stores? They are not that bad! I go all the time (to the point where the folk there don't even card me anymore) and have never had a problem. I started going just because I could - I was excited about being of age - and I just kinda kept going back. At the very least, it's good for a laugh to see some of the stuff they have. Then of course there's the pretties; lingerie and toys. Both are my friends.

I did notice the part about discreet shipping, but I have the type of parent that would ask (probably in a relentless manner) exactly what I ordered, not to mention the fact that I currently don't have a credit card (which is required at many online stores). As far as the shyness goes, it's not so much going into the store (I've been with friends) it's actually purchasing said merchandise. Don't know if I'd be able to pull it off without constant stammering and blushing.


"I'm going to sing the doom song! Doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, dooooooom...."


Thursday, June 8, 2006 6:37 AM



Originally posted by deepgirl187:

Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
We did mention that there were places that would ship in discrete packaging, didn't we? I also suggest getting a "hide a vibe" pillow to keep nosy parents from stumbling across such items.
Can I just ask why y'all are shy about stores? They are not that bad! I go all the time (to the point where the folk there don't even card me anymore) and have never had a problem. I started going just because I could - I was excited about being of age - and I just kinda kept going back. At the very least, it's good for a laugh to see some of the stuff they have. Then of course there's the pretties; lingerie and toys. Both are my friends.

I did notice the part about discreet shipping, but I have the type of parent that would ask (probably in a relentless manner) exactly what I ordered, not to mention the fact that I currently don't have a credit card (which is required at many online stores). As far as the shyness goes, it's not so much going into the store (I've been with friends) it's actually purchasing said merchandise. Don't know if I'd be able to pull it off without constant stammering and blushing.

Believe me, I have the same nosy mother! She actually opens my post 'by mistake' all the time!I tried actually being honest with her once, when she asked what I'd been buying I told her I'd got a vibrator. She was a bit shocked but also really curious. She wanted to see it and kept asking questions as to how it worked. Turns out I'm less liberated than I thought for instead of educating and enlightening her I blushed bright red and had to run away singing 'La la la!'' with my fingers in my ears. Intellectually I know that my parents know about sex but emotionally I just can't deal with it!

As to being embarrassed buying stuff, just think how many blushing people they see in a day. And it's not like you'll ever see them again. Just don't let them push batteries on you. They always charge too much.



Thursday, June 8, 2006 6:53 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Trust me here, deepgirl, no one who works at a place like that is going to think less of you. Think about the kinds of things they have, the kind of things that sell, and put an innocent vibrator next to it. Places that sell porn tapes have some crazy things; not to mention the various other toys that are available. To them, you are the most normal person they are likely to see in an hour. Nothing is going to phase them and yes, they are also used to nervous customers. I have found many of them to be very friendly, willing to answer any questions in a professional manner, and only judgmental of the people who hang outside staring in the windows hoping to catch a glimpse of someone trying on something skimpy (these people are promptly dealt with and are practicing an excercise in futility anyway). For serious, do not worry about it. As you don't have a credit card and your mom won't keep out of your business, a store is the best way to go. Even if you do stammer and blush and drop your money, as long as you get out with what you wanted, you win.
Emma, no offense, but your mother should be arrested. Not sure how it works in your part of the world, but here opening someone else's mail (particularly if it happens more than once or twice) is a Federal offense. There's no excuse for being that nosy and disrespectful. Glad you tried to stand up for yourself, though; I can't believe she started asking how it 'worked'! Even my liberal mother wouldn't be that bad!
How's your burn? Did you aloe it?



Thursday, June 8, 2006 7:26 AM


I'll cast my vote with the fans of less body hair! I don't mind a little, but I love a nice clean chest (mmmm-Mal!)

Hey you brazen hussies - I'm not proud of being all embarrassed about buying smutty things, but that's how I am! Part of mywholesome midwest upbringing, but hopefully I'll get over it. I got over being embarrassed about buying tampons!

Whoa - new topic. Have any of you ladies dated men who had absolutely no tolerance for period talk? I mean, I understand the fellas don't want to hear details, but I've known man that seemed to think they should exist without knowing about it at all, other than an undiscussed lack of sex once a month. As if a menstrual cycle is a thing of shame that would dirty their souls if they knew too much about it. (I lived in the armpit of the midwest, remember?)

Of course, a few of the old guys I work with will start chatting about their prostrate health at coffee breaks (I have an interesting work place) and I make fun of them, so maybe I shouldn't complain...

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 7:27 AM



Emma, no offense, but your mother should be arrested. Not sure how it works in your part of the world, but here opening someone else's mail (particularly if it happens more than once or twice) is a Federal offense. There's no excuse for being that nosy and disrespectful. Glad you tried to stand up for yourself, though; I can't believe she started asking how it 'worked'! Even my liberal mother wouldn't be that bad!
How's your burn? Did you aloe it?

She was very sorry when I told her off about it and promised to try never to do it again. She's a lot better now that she's got herself a job and is getting out the house a bit. Now she's not so bored that she has to live her life vicariously through me!

The burn is getting better thanks but it's just where my rucksack sits. Ouch!

About those shop assistants. I have never met anyone who works in one of the nicer type of shops who wasn't friendly and helpful. I even got to flirting with the guy last weekend! We were laughing at the management's ter4rible descision to use see-through plastic bags! It meant he had to wrap everything in pretty black tissue paper so people wouldn't be embarrassed on the bus!



Thursday, June 8, 2006 7:41 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I did date one guy who didn't even want to hear the word "period" for a very brief time. It was funny because he wanted to go swimming with me, and I told him it would have to wait about a week, and he kept asking me why, so I finally told him my period had just started and he totally freaked out! Since then, though, not really a problem. They get used to it. My last boyfriend didn't even feel "tainted", so to speak, if we got it on during that particular event. I minded more than he did, actually. I also got over it.
They should be able to deal with it. For one thing, a man should pamper and take care of his lady if she is suffering from debillitating cramps. For another, he has every right to know why you're not in the "mood". Many men don't always get it, and think they've done something wrong. Sure, just as we might not want to hear details of their prostate trouble, they might not want to hear details of our bleeding and/or yeast infections, but knowing that it happens is something I see as important. It's all part of general health and it's very natural. So if he's no compfortable with it, I say "Bah!"

Clear bags from a sex shop - hilarious!
My local shop wraps things in black tissue paper, too. The bags are also black.



Thursday, June 8, 2006 7:49 AM


M4P- In an office of mostly women I get the various discussions from sex to relationships to diarrea and of course the dreaded period. I have an iamaginary board set up, (Kinda like Bugs Bunny when he does some calculating). Whenever the discussions get too detailed, I lick the end of my finger and make a mark next to their names. They all know that maybe they should close the door or go somewhere else with their discussion. Okay, they mostly just laugh. So from a guy that has bought LARGE boxes and tampons and pregnancy tests, those guys need to man up or get out. If a guy can't deal with the good and bad parts of the female anatomy, they should just go gay and leave the women to us real men. Not to mention I have told all the ladies in my office that I will be giving a detailed account of my prostate exam complete with diagrams and pictures. You know, make a day out of it. There is a reason to look forward to turning thirty.

Side note: I know it may be out of place with all the prostate talk and all, but I am very pleased with the fact that many ladies these days prefer the toys to the boys. It helps the men like me to be more confident with prospective partners knowing they aren't all sickafied and such by the little boys discovering themselves. Little bastards like to give girls stuff and don't tell them. I have a new slogan for me. Benchmade. Don't leave home without it.

Jayne: I was gonna get me an ear too.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 7:57 AM


The funniest thing about the black plastic sex shop bags is that you only get a black bag in one of those stores. So basically it screams to the world look at me I just bought porn!!!!! Or in my part of the world look at me I'm a sexual deviant! Please ostrisize (sp?) me! I'm going to hell!

An I carried such a torch.......For the Dark Lord


Thursday, June 8, 2006 8:10 AM


Some of the local convinience stores here use the "black bag". Problem is they sell porn too. Since I work with kids, I ask for no bag at all. I'd rather someone see me with alcohol than the black bag. Besides, their porn sucks. Deviants don't go to hell. Right away.

Jayne: I was gonna get me an ear too.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 8:10 AM


Periods have never bothered me before. I have actually had detailed conversations regarding the whole process...not that I am a dumb male that has no idea what is going on, but I am fascinated by the workings of the female body. Therefore, it is in my best interest to study up on my favorite obsession, is it not? It has been difficult up until my wife to find someone who doesn;t mind talking about it; I kinda surprised her when I showed interest and sympathy...her previous boyfriends had done the whole "lalala, not listening". I have learned a lot from our conversations. And no, sex during that time does not bother me, either.
Y'all are amazing creatures, and should be, if not worshipped for your "awesomeness", then at least highly appreciated.



Thursday, June 8, 2006 8:23 AM


TRISTAN: Howdy from the Battle Born State.

Maybe we should start a church for them. Well, at least a place and time of worship. Perhaps a dogma or chant for all the wonderful women. Okay, at least a support group for us men who just can't get enough of them women folk.

Jayne: I was gonna get me an ear too.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 8:26 AM


NVGhostrider, that sounds like a plan...but we better make sure they want it first. Seems like I remember a few posters saying they did not want to be worshipped...
We shall have to see what the consensus is...

It'll never stop me worshipping them in my heart, though.



Thursday, June 8, 2006 8:35 AM


Maybe a BROWNCOAT womenfolk appreciation page. Sounded good about ten seconds ago but my brain suddenly told the rest of me to shut up. Sorry ladies, I do also remember a few of y'all saying that. But if we start treating some of you like crap then I might start getting laid again. Stupid brain. I need beer.

Jayne: I was gonna get me an ear too.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 8:39 AM


Okay I'm starting to think I'm some sort of freak. I get emotionaly attached to everyone in my life. Not that I want to date everyone I meet but I fall in love with the person the personality immediatly. So now I have this friend that I'm not interested in dating but I really enjoy being around and probably sex on occasion soon. But he says that if there isn't going to be a relationship he doesn't want to spend as much time around me. I've been in a relationship since I turned 18 4 years ago so I'm not sure how adult friendships are supposed to go. Do I not get to have male friends now? Do I have to bind myself forever to someone if I like hanging out with them? This sounds silly but it made me want to cry.

An I carried such a torch.......For the Dark Lord


Thursday, June 8, 2006 8:57 AM


Some folk just hit a place in their lives where love has to have sex and vice versa. You are by no means a freak COPILOT. So don't fell like the Lone Ranger. (I'm on a whole Lone Ranger kick today. Hiho Silver, away.) I did mention that you may need some time for yourself before. If you need sex at this point it would be best to be friends with benefits rather that to start another relationship. Remember the pattern. There is always "that guy" after a serious relationship. Not always, but for the most part "that guy" is a fun guy, kind of an asshole, and will be easy to get rid of when the time comes. Just protect yourself and have fun, (I always take my Glock in times of doubt. When in doubt, pull it out. Nine millimeter automatic baby). JOKES. Its great to find someone to hangout with and bone senselessly, but there are always complications. Maybe he will see your side, maybe he won't. Time will tell. You have wings that you can fly with. Mine are just for show. Use them.

Jayne: I was gonna get me an ear too.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 9:03 AM


My problem is that I don't want to be around assholes! I'm only attracted to nice smart nerdy guys! If someone opens their mouth and they sound stupid or mean I have no interest in them any longer. Maybe I'll have to get over it and just find some ass that I can dispose of when I get board.

An I carried such a torch.......For the Dark Lord


Thursday, June 8, 2006 9:13 AM


I'm not saying to give it a try, but who knows. Besides all men are asses, (see my previous posts). Don't fret. There is some nerdy asshole out there just waiting to run into you.
COPILOT's cruisin' for ass. Don't forget your BROWNCOAT.

Jayne: I was gonna get me an ear too.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 9:32 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
Periods have never bothered me before. I have actually had detailed conversations regarding the whole process...not that I am a dumb male that has no idea what is going on, but I am fascinated by the workings of the female body. Therefore, it is in my best interest to study up on my favorite obsession, is it not? It has been difficult up until my wife to find someone who doesn;t mind talking about it; I kinda surprised her when I showed interest and sympathy...her previous boyfriends had done the whole "lalala, not listening". I have learned a lot from our conversations. And no, sex during that time does not bother me, either.
Y'all are amazing creatures, and should be, if not worshipped for your "awesomeness", then at least highly appreciated.

Yay! You're my hero! I think all kinds of bodies are amazing and should talked of freely - to worship or to make fun of. Bodies do funny things too, you know. Try doing a vigorous butt shake while naked. Even on a skinny person, it's very funny when it jiggles. Of course, you can't see it yourself, so you need someone to reciprocate...

NVg - I'm not so big with the worshipping, but I do like being held precious (kind of like gollum, but without the bad teeth and the lava). I don't think of that as a woman thing, all loved ones should be made to feel precious!

Copilot - I sense danger. You are too reboundy to take risks! But does this guy mean the friendship is still good? Because if he doesn't even want to be friends, what would you have to lose?

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 9:42 AM


Tristan, I think your wife is a very lucky lady!

Ghostrider - you can appreciate us all you want. What I don't like is men who are all silly about it, (oh whatever you want, whatever you say, your the bestest, you can do no wrong blah blah blah, grow a backbone!)
I just want a man whos comfortable with his masculinity and who treats me equally.

But yeah, the Female Appreciation Society is fine by me!

I think I may have to stop hanging around here. For two days now i've got the bus into work and sat admiring some guy on the way.

I'm not stupid enough to think that there are two entire hot guys in merseyside, so i think all this sex talk is skewing my perception.

oh well. Just as long as my bleary pre work mental state doesn't prompt me to do something stupid, I suppose i should just sit back and enjoy the (fantasy) view.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Thursday, June 8, 2006 9:43 AM


Tristan, you are really quickly turning into one of my heros. I hope you don't mind a little hero worship!

The week before my period starts, Manitou takes me out to salty, greasy Mexican food, or salty, iron-rich Indian food (Palak Paneer and lamb roganshosh. The bestest pms food on the planet!). Then he will deliver to me the best of chocolate (Chocolove Red Label 55%) and a box of Yogi Womens Moon Time Tea. Then, being a wise and wonderful man, gets the HELL OUT OF MY WAY! for a week.

THEN, he shows up just on the tail end of my period with the 'additional cramping cure', of which I will not here share details, unless asked by people who really want to know.

He's the best!


Thursday, June 8, 2006 9:53 AM


oh, you can't get coy on us now!

no, I suppose infact, yes you can get coy on us if you want.

Say, does Manitou have and English Cousin? Maybe a clone based in britain? By any chance?

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Thursday, June 8, 2006 9:57 AM


Don't feel bad. I too have had a bit of trouble away from this part of the 'verse. Ms. Incredible (what I call my crush), has been on my mind in ways that I would not usually allow. Do something but don't call it stupid. It is better to be brave and a fool than a fool and a coward. If you aren't attached, jump on it. There is only the lives we lead as individuals. Thats it. Whatever pain and triumph we have in our days is all we get. Take that end of the stick,... and , ... well take it.

P.S.I would like to list TRISTAN as a developing hero for me, but I have to get around the mancrush first.

Jayne: I was gonna get me an ear too.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 10:01 AM


Thank you all! I am actually the lucky one, but I won't get all sappy. I am not a sarcastic worshipper. I honestly believe in learning as much as possible about y'all. Too many men in the world only treat women as sex objects or second-rate, and I absolutely hate that! I am just glad there are women-folk in this here 'verse that like speaking out, questioning, and sharing.
Sorry, end of sermon, on with the rest:

I try to help as best I can during that meat and chocolate are always the best bets. My wife does not go through the Atilla stage, but she does get uncomfortable. I am there to help or disappear; whichever the situation calls for. And yes, SameErita, we use the same "cure"...she jokingly calls it "stirring the pot".

NVGhostrider, thank you for that comment...makes me feel good that I am not the only one!



Thursday, June 8, 2006 10:05 AM


DOn't get me wrong, I love having disagreements with the womenfolk of my world. And I love the ones that posess mad squabbles. I would only truly worship the one who decides to put up with my ass for a while. Besides, I can't stand guys who retract their testicles when women arrive. The whole equality thing, I can dig that. That is all I ask. Well, that and the occasional sandwich.

Jayne: I was gonna get me an ear too.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 10:08 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
That is all I ask. Well, that and the occasional sandwich.

Careful with using the word 'sandwich' around here - with all the sex talk, it could be misconstrued...

Or, is that what you meant?

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 10:23 AM


Tukey and roast beef on wheat with light mayo and some salt and pepper. Not much for the threeway, unless of course I'm in the middle. (JOKES)

Jayne: I was gonna get me an ear too.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 10:31 AM


We're approaching 190 posts...I am going to start a new thread so it'll load quicker...back in a sec with the link.

New home!



Thursday, June 8, 2006 10:33 AM


ok, equality, its a deal, we ask only for that and the occaisional back rub.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!






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Fri, February 28, 2025 12:54 - 11 posts
Firefly cosplay
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:38 - 1 posts
Firefly props, the is active!
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:32 - 1 posts