Ok.... C'mon. Favourite Spaceship!

UPDATED: Friday, June 9, 2006 12:36
VIEWED: 29707
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Thursday, June 8, 2006 7:08 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
Event Horizon
The fighter from Last Starfighter
Challenger (OV-099)
Columbia (OV-102)
Vipers from original BSG

That's all that comes to mind right now.

Event Horizon? You're a brave man.


"I'm going to sing the doom song! Doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, dooooooom...."


Thursday, June 8, 2006 7:33 AM


Of the Trek stuff, I like the NX-01 best, for the relatively chunky metallic feel of it. The others are a bit too plastic I'm afraid.

The Liberator in Blakes 7 was actually flying backwards! The prop designer originally meant the green globe to be at the front, but it got turned round the other way when the effects people got their hands on it.

In Star wars, I rather like the asymmetry of the Millennium Falcon, the way the cockpit is off to one side, (The Falcon does have a mechanic, but he is also the co-pilot, rather hairy and none too cute...) but Fett's Slave 1 pips it for the cool main pulse-drive engines that are in the base rather than at the rear, so the ship flies face-on.

I suppose the Tardis is the most technologically advanced, all being packaged up in it's own hyperdimensional bubble and all that, but it doesn't really feel like a ship. Plus, if it breaks down, where are you going to find a bicycle pump in the Delta Quadrant or wherever? Maybe that's why The Doctor likes to hang around in the vicinity of Earth.

All in all, like Serenity best, cool yet homely. Also has a real world "ancestor" of sorts - - Check out those rotating engine nacelles!. Now only if she could be retro-fitted with some sort of FTL drive... and I'd need a good mechanic I suppose...


Thursday, June 8, 2006 7:39 AM


Fav star ship: USS Defiant

Fav fighter: A-wing

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Thursday, June 8, 2006 7:50 AM


deepgirl, I loved that ship...not necessarily for what it became, but for what it was. Gorgeous, stark, and sliently powerful. But yes, it does give me the heebie-jeebies every now and then!



Thursday, June 8, 2006 8:17 AM


For a Capital Ship:
the Scimitar from star trek: Nemisis
a Super Star Destroyer from Star Wars
at the risk of sounding sacreligious, An Alliance Cruiser

For a smaller vessel
Golan Treviez's Far Star from the Foundation Novels
The Defiant from ST:DS9
or a Y-Wing


Thursday, June 8, 2006 11:49 AM


Not counting Serenity then I would have to pick these:

Millenium Falcon (Transport)
Viper Mk2 (Fighter)
Event Horizon (to send people I don't like)
The Monolith (for wacky fun) (not really a ship tho')
Enterprise E (for living in)


Thursday, June 8, 2006 12:19 PM


Gee, lemme think about this one... DUH, Serenity!!

If not Serenity, than the USS Voyager after it got its futuristic armor plating.

Edit: I might go with one that is pure fan made and impractical the Imperium Class Ultra Star Destroyer. It's a huge bastard that is so impractical that it would never actually work but it sure is cool to look at!
Maybe Moya or Talyn

Stealth X-wing or Stealth A-wing. Perhaps a Chiss Clawcraft or TIE Defender mentioned a few posts down.

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Self appointed Forsaken! Been on the list for a while now!


Thursday, June 8, 2006 1:32 PM


Honestly Serenity is the only one that comes to mind in terms of long term whizzing because it just looks like a place to call home, somewhere where you can enjoy all of the beautiful sights and still have a place to come back to at night. A way to have roots and still move.

The only other ship that gives me the impression of being like that is the Tardis, but I don't think we've ever seen the bedrooms or kitchens in that thing so we have no idea, just a feeling that it's a home-like place. Besides we could park it in Serenity’s cargo bay and have them both.

The Falcon would definitely be nice and I wouldn't turn it down unless doing so could get me on Serenity, plus it has a hyper drive.

I've also had a fascination with living ships Gomtu and Kosh’s ship from B5 for example.

I don't know I feel like I've seen enough sci-fi that I should be able to make a huge list of things, but honestly I keep on coming back to Serenity, Serenity with the Tardis parked in it.

On a different note, whenever comparing Star Trek and Star Wars ships there is something you should remember:

That is a to scale meeting of the original Enterprise with Vader's ship.

Personally even the Enterprise is too big for my tastes, but at the same time the Falcon just seems a little too small, or at least I never had a picture in my head of a kitchen which is what I really want in a space ship.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 1:59 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Jupiter2 from the movie

What? The one from the series is far superior!
It has extra upper and lower decks that appear as needed without increasing the outer size of the ship, what other vessle can do that?


Of course someone probably already said that, but if I wait to respond till I'm through the thread I'll forget.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 2:19 PM


Ok, reading through the thread has reminded me of two things from Star Trek I'd like:

The Delta Flyer (fun and switches)

A runabout (may not have a kitchen, but can be set up with a dining room.)


Also, if it wouldn't steal your soul the shadow scout from B-5 was a really nice looking craft.


But most of all reading through the thread reminded me of something, if you want all of the ships here what do you grab? Anything with a holodeck.

Get the Enterprise D, or some such, get a bunch of those robots Data proved were alive (because people don't like huge crews), have them run the ship, you sleep on Serenity or whatever in the holodeck and replicate a ship that fits in the shuttle bay to take you down to planets.


I really feel like most ships out there are too big. Even so if I couldn't have Serenity or the TARDIS I guess I'd go with the Vorlon transport from B-5, I rank a kitchen highly, but I wouldn't mind a ship that could sing me to sleep either.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 2:45 PM


For cargo hauling: A Guild Ship from Dune(granted, I would have to be a twisted mutant to fly it but, oh wait I'm good to go).

For on my own with peacefull voyages: USS Discovery, aethetically pleasing ship, and I can have existential discussions over a game of chess with HAL when I get bored, as long as he doesn't act up.

For a medium crew: Either the USS Reliant or the USS Stargazer. I love the predatory look of the Reliant, and the functional look of the Stargazer.

For war: A modern battlestar from the new series. Damn tough, Damn Powerful, and Damn Cool. Just make sure to not have the computers networked together...

For a fighter: A fully decked out TIE Defender. Those things packed a wallop, could take a beating, and have a hyperdrive. Oh yeah, they were as fast and manuverable as an Interceptor too...

For making a helluva first impression: Either the Event Horizon or the SSD.

For...ever: Serenity

All good things must come to an end.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 2:46 PM


For cargo hauling: A Guild Ship from Dune(granted, I would have to be a twisted mutant to fly it but, oh wait I'm good to go).

For on my own with peacefull voyages: USS Discovery, aethetically pleasing ship, and I can have existential discussions over a game of chess with HAL when I get bored, as long as he doesn't act up.

For a medium crew: Either the USS Reliant or the USS Stargazer. I love the predatory look of the Reliant, and the functional look of the Stargazer.

For war: A modern battlestar from the new series. Damn tough, Damn Powerful, and Damn Cool. Just make sure to not have the computers networked together...

For a fighter: A fully decked out TIE Defender. Those things packed a wallop, could take a beating, and have a hyperdrive. Oh yeah, they were as fast and manuverable as an Interceptor too...

For making a helluva first impression: Either the Event Horizon or the SSD.

For...ever: Serenity

All good things must come to an end.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 2:47 PM


arrg, double post. soory.

All good things must come to an end.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 3:49 PM


I liked the dropship in Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. As long as I get the powered armour with the gel launcher for Air drops.

The Longsword outta Halo was pretty cool. Some awfully effective guns as demonstrated in the end-of-mission cutscene in the first level.

That SA-43 Hammerhead made me think of the X-30_ Series in Stargate SG-1. Or maybe it's the other way around..? Still pretty darn cool.

I don't know if its spaceworthy, but the Wraith in Starcraft is pretty cool.

If anyone gets nosy...Shoot em.
Shoot em sir?


Friday, June 9, 2006 5:05 AM



Originally posted by BrowncoatSandinista:
That SA-43 Hammerhead made me think of the X-30_ Series in Stargate SG-1. Or maybe it's the other way around..?

X-302, BTW. X-303 was the Not-Enterprise, and X-301 was the death glider with USAF decals slapped on.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, June 9, 2006 6:20 AM


Oooh, another, very practical reason for Serenity:-


What do you do if you're billions or trillons of kilometres from anywhere and you're busting? I don't recall seeing a khazi of any description on the likes of any Federation starships, Imperial warships, or White Star, Liberator or whatever. No wonder the crew of Voyager were so keen on getting back to the Alpha quadrant.

The only other ship I recall having toilets was the lunar shuttle in 2001, but the instructions for using the zero-g facilities are rather daunting...


Friday, June 9, 2006 9:56 AM


Star Trek did have toilets, they just didn't show them often.

Star Trek V is well known for toilet in the Enterprise’s brig (If you didn't notice it the toilet is the toilet shaped thing with a sign including the word "toilet" by it. Kirk sits on, but does not use, it.) In fact the inclusion of a toilet is one of the few things for which Star Trek V is praised.

On the Enterprise-D the door to a restroom was on the bridge and clearly marked, yet most people don't notice it. The thing is that because the door is on the bridge is appears constantly. When was the last time there was an episode of Star Trek that didn't include a shot of the bridge?

Of course what these two examples lack is someone actually using toilets.

You could argue that because they never show the inside of the restroom in The Next Generation people didn't take notice, but if the door to the restroom isn't enough to make you think there is a toilet the door to a stall wouldn't be either, and Star Trek V pointed out that even if you show the toilet itself, put a sign near it indicating it is a toilet, and then make the characters physically touch it so it won't be ignored, people will ignore it.

I guess you just have to drop your pants and use it if you want people to notice and that's just not something you do in Star Trek. In Star Trek people only go when no one, camera included, is looking.


Friday, June 9, 2006 11:08 AM


And once you know where the toilet is on the bridge of ST:NG you'll get a kick out of how often the person in command is in the loo when they are needed. Scenes frequently begin with Picard/ Riker/ whoever has the bridge coming onto the scene from the toilet. Never noticed anyone drying their hands, though....


Friday, June 9, 2006 12:36 PM



Originally posted by dug:
And once you know where the toilet is on the bridge of ST:NG you'll get a kick out of how often the person in command is in the loo when they are needed. Scenes frequently begin with Picard/ Riker/ whoever has the bridge coming onto the scene from the toilet. Never noticed anyone drying their hands, though....

That's why they put it on the bridge, can you imagine if they had to come out the door, go down the hall, get in the turbo lift, and then come up to the bridge at the start of all those scenes?

As for the lack of hand drying, they use a sonic shower, why not a sonic faucet? Or a better toilet system that doesn't require making your hands need to be washed, or ... or maybe they're just not hygienic.

Maybe that's why Starfleet personal get such weird diseases, if they just washed their hands they'd never de-evolve into prehistoric beasts and what's the one disease from the Original Series that came back in The Next Generation? The one where they walk around looking at their hand.

You've come across something that will require us to look at Star Trek in a whole new light.

No doubt it will take Trekologists years to fully understand the ramifications of this discovery.






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