Faolin's Crew 2

UPDATED: Friday, June 23, 2006 08:25
VIEWED: 6696
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Thursday, June 8, 2006 4:35 PM


"Well, Badger will want his cut and we can refuel etc. on Persephone head there. Shanti can I talk to you upstairs."

Shanti and captain head to galley

"So have you thought anymore about being first mate"



Thursday, June 8, 2006 4:56 PM


Shanti fiddles with the tiny black diamond between her fingers, "Well, Captain, I could give it a try. I just..."

How can she say that she's scared? That all her life she's been told what to do and how to do it? That she's never given an order, and isn't even sure that she knows how to do it?

He crosses his arms and looks down at her, "You've got the ability, else I wouldn't have asked you."

She nods slowly, raising her head. She's still wearing the contacts she put in before the bank job, her eyes golden green instead of their usual brown. "Okay, then, Captain. I'll give it a shot."


Thursday, June 8, 2006 5:06 PM


"Great. So what's for supper" the captain smiled


"Well it appears your lady is headed for Persephone. And there's two heavily wanted people on board"

The an in the large chair spun around "Good"

Ertia what was your old "employer's" name?



Thursday, June 8, 2006 5:15 PM


Darren had gone to the engine room and sat down, the days events had tired him out. He had his legs stretched out on the work bench, his chair tilted. He had nodded off with one of the few magazines he took with him, placed on his chest. He dreamed of the first engine he tore down and rebuilt, a smile appeared on his face.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 8, 2006 5:28 PM


Most recent owner- Mani Jafar (experienced a tragic incident with a kitchen knife.)

Gordy and Ryly Yong- the Chyeh slave wranglers who sold Shanti to Jafar (he didn't finish making his payments for some reason... hmmm...)
(chyeh is Chinese for concubine)

Shanti grins back at the Captain, "I got some saffron when we were shopping. I thought I'd make saffron rice with curry, if that's all right with you, sir?"

"You're the cook!" The Captain smiles back.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 7:29 PM


since it looks like Shanti's about to run into the law, thought I'd do some expositioning...

In the kitchen, Shanti started dinner, putting the rice on and starting the sauce to simmer. Assured that everything is going well, she headed down to the Infirmary.


Doctor Luap was sitting at the desk, his eyes watching the monitor, but he turned around with a smile on his face. His eyes were tired, but he looked better than he had earlier.

"Shanti. Come to see about that about that tattoo?"

"And some other things, if it's all right?"

He gestured her in, noting how she hesitated at the doorframe, then squared her shoulders and walks through. Grabbing his stethescope, he asked, "When was your last physical?"

She tried to control her shivering as she perched cautiously on the edge of the examination table. "About eight months, I think."

The doctor paused, noting her nervousness. He stopped the stethescope halfway to her chest, and dropped his hands to his side. "Then this isn't necessary. You wanna tell me what's got you so spooked?"

Shanti shook her head as if to clear it, trying to apologize. "It's not you, Doc. Don't like medical stuff."

"May I do a scan?" He reached for a piece of equipment, and turned back with a smile, "It won't hurt."

Shanti nodded, watching closely as the handheld x-ray ran down her body.

Luap's low whistle startled her and she knew he was seeing the extent of the surgeries. His voice was low when he spoke again, "Shanti, is there anything here that wasn't done?"

"My teeth are mine, just straighter. And my eyes." She shuddered again, remembering the other girls who went in with one color of eyes and came out with another. "But it's my stomach that's the problem."

He dropped the handheld lower, scanning over her stomach, noting the reduced size and the shortened intestines. His voice was compassionate when he spoke again. "I see. They were giving you enzymes to compensate?"

"But I'm all out of what I stole. Now I can't hardly eat." Tears welled up in her eyes again, and she blinked hard, trying to control the shivering. The stomach surgery to keep her thin, to keep her from overeating, had worked all too well. "I'm hungry all the time, but more than a few bites and I'm sick."

Dr. Luap nodded again and dug through a cupboard, handing her a bottle. "This isn't exactly what you need, but it will help. Take one when you first wake up and one before dinner. Eat small amounts every three to four hours."

"Thank you." Shanti looked at the bottle in her hand, not able to meet his eyes.

"Shall we see about that tattoo?"

Shanti rolled up her sleeve and turned her arm towards him, managing a small smile, "Don't tell me this one won't hurt."

"Right." He filled a needle with analgesic, and slid it in just above the tattoo to numb the skin. "No lies. This will probably hurt a little bit."

"Just do it, Doc."


Thursday, June 8, 2006 8:02 PM


Meanwhile, on a ship far, far away...

While watching the Cortex Choo reads a news flash comes throught about a Alliance Fedrel Bank being robbed by what was descrbed as a gang of "misfits". In total nearly 5 million coin was stolen.

"And about 4.9 millions of that going to Badger"

mutters Choo,

"With a 0.1 million blackmail fee of course...."

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon


Thursday, June 8, 2006 8:57 PM


Darren was startled from his slumber as the ship's engine sent shudders through the rest of the ship.

Captain Faolin hit the com and said in a slightly irritated tone "Darren what's going on!"

Darren pressed the com button and said "It was nothin' sir just a hiccup. I'll have it fixed in no time."

"See that you do." The Captain responded.

Meanwhile the Doc was about to proceed when a second hiccup went off. He nearly stabbed Shanti's arm with the needle he used to numb her skin underneath her tattoo and said to her very apologetically "Sorry about that Shanti. I hope that mechanic or ours knows what he's doing."

Shanti smiles at the Doc and replies as he resumes his work "I'm sure he does or else the Captain would've dropped him off at the last port."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, June 9, 2006 5:24 AM


5 mill in coin? Does that mean they don't know about the diamonds? Maybe Shanti can take one more...just a little one?

The ship lurches again, and Shanti winces as the scalpel slips. Dr. Luap's hands were steady, and he pulled back and waited for the ship to steady. "Maybe we should finish this later."

She nodded, gasping. "What does it say, now?"

He looked at the remainder of the mark as he lays dermal foam over his work. "My Chinese isn't very good, mostly medical, but I think it says 'comfort', or maybe it says 'dinner plate'... I'm not sure."

Shanti smiled at last. "Dinner plate? Well, it's apt around here! Speaking of which, I'd better go check on dinner."

She paused at the door and looked back, "Thanks, Doctor. I... thanks."

"No problem." As he smiled, the ship shuddered hard and they both looked around at the walls.

Shanti turned and ran for the kitchen. Better not to let the curry sauce shake all over the floor. She gave it a cursury stir, added some cubed protien, and hoped that whatever was wrong, Darren could get it working right!


Friday, June 9, 2006 5:53 AM


The ship lurched again as Captain Faolin hit the com and yelled at Darren "Darren what in the name of Buddha is going on down there!"

Darren had taped the com button down and replied as he worked "Just havin' some slight mechanical problems...Got ya lil' bastard...Everythin' should be fine now Cap'n."

The ship shuddered one last time before the engine smoothed out and everything returned to normal.

Captain Faolin hit the com button again and said "You wanna explain what just happened?"

Darren looked at the mess of wiring and discarded parts. He walked over to the com and said "Uh that might take awhile sir. I had to do some rewirin'."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, June 9, 2006 11:18 AM


I'm Buddhist now?

Shanti's voice rang over the com "Dinner"

The captain made his way to the galley. "Badger's wanting more I told him I'd shoot him. He believed me"

Shanti laughed



Friday, June 9, 2006 11:59 AM


What do you want I was still sleepy at the time.

Darren walked in and smelled the good food.

The Captain saw Darren and said "So what's wrong with my ship now Darren? Did you get it fixed?"

Darren looks at the Captain and replies "Well aside from the fact that the engine's old, the reason why the engine acted up was a faulty Power Couplin'. I managed ta fix it by reroutin' power through a secondary bypass. That should solve our problems but we'll need ta get a new Power Couplin' on our next stop."

Captain Faolin sighs and says "Well I'm sure you'll be able to get one. Just make sure nothing bad happens again dong ma?"

Darren nods his head and says eyeing the food "Yes sir Cap'n. Say Shanti what's that there?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, June 9, 2006 2:33 PM


"What's what, where?" Shanti glances over at the bowl of curried protien and veggies. "We were outta chicken and dog. Trust me, you won't even know it's not real meat. Kept it real mild. If you like is spicier, let me know me next time."

The crew tentatively dishes up and Shanti puts a small serving on her own plate, and tears a piece of naan in half. Surreptitiously, she takes the pill that the Doc gave her, noticing that he's watching her as she does so.

"So, back to Persephone, Captain?" She tentatively samples the saffron rice and finds it delicious.


Friday, June 9, 2006 3:31 PM


Darren scoops some saffron rice onto his plate and passes the rice over to Banner. He rips off a piece of naan and samples it. Darren tilts his head as he chews it and decides that it's ok. He then takes a sip of his tea before spooning some of the rice into his mouth.

He says to Shanti "Mmmm this is really good Shanti. Where'd ya learn ta cook like this?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, June 9, 2006 3:42 PM


She gives a happy smile around the table, "Most of my cooking I learned in training, but this is an old recipe from my family. Traditional feast celebration food, you know. I just thought, since we did so well today..."

"Good thought." The Captain samples his own food. "Does it taste much different with real dog?"

"Promise you can hardly tell the difference." Shanti answers with a wink. For herself, she's managed to get half of the meagre serving on her plate down her throat, and some of the naan. "But what kind of foods d'yall like? I can cook nearly anything! Don't want to limit you just to my favorites."


Friday, June 9, 2006 3:54 PM


OoC: Hey where are you 13 and River26?

Darren swallows some rice and says "I could go for a nice juicy hamburger. Haven't had one of those in awhile. That's of course if'n you can get a hold of some real beef."

Banner replies "Oy I could sure go for some haggis."

Everyone gives Banner a look of disgust as he says "What?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, June 9, 2006 4:42 PM


"Haggis can be made acceptably with the proper ingredients." Shanti pipes up, "Especially served with potato and cabbage... colcannon, I think they call it. I know a few different recipes, but getting the ingredients, well that's another matter. It's hard to come by real lambs stomach out here. Probably have to improvise."

Everyone looks kind of nauseated, except Banner, who's still wolfing down his food. Shanti shrugs, "One of my masters, not the last one, the one before? He liked raw oysters. Now THAT is disgusting."


Friday, June 9, 2006 5:02 PM


Darren almost chokes on his tea and says "Could we please not talk about food that looks like mucus?"

Shanti smiles and says "Sorry Darren."

Darren gets up, puts his plate in the sink and says "That's alright Shanti. If'n anyone needs me I'll be in the engine room."

Darren stops in the doorway, turns, and says "Oh and Shanti I'll be lookin' forward ta breakfast tommorow."

Darren heads off to the engine room as Shanti gets up from the table. She smiles to herself as she puts her own plate in the sink and waits for everyone to finish.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, June 9, 2006 5:08 PM


"This casual flirting thing is really getting annoying," The Captain enjoyed the looks of his crew around him. "I'll be in the bridge, we'll be on Persephone by morning"

The Captain moved to the bridge with Puro sitting at the wheel.

"So what's your story"

Should I make something up. He never posts



Friday, June 9, 2006 5:48 PM


Just write something in for him for now. We should pm him, as well as River26, see if they're still in or not.

Shanti thought about the Captain's words as he leaves. Flirting? Was she flirting? He seemed to think she was interested in Darren. Or that Darren was interested in her.

Was she interested?

She washed the dishes slowly, taking her time cleaning up, in spite of how tired she was. Between the adrenalin rush of the job, and barely being able to eat, she felt stretched thin.

Pausing, she looked back the face reflected in the lid she'd washed. Holding it up to the light, she studied it- the too perfect nose, the wrinkless brow, the ruff of hair still brown from the bank-job disguise; It wasn't hers. None of it.

Angrily, she slammed the lid into the cupboard and threw the door shut. Just as quickly, she slumped to the floor. She wasn't anybody anymore.

Even if Darren did want her, what was he would want? The face that wasn't hers? The body that was someone elses fantasy of what a body should be? The broken part of her that couldn't even bear to let even the doctor near enough to listen to her heart?

'Get it together, girl.' An old voice, a long ago voice, whispered in the back of her mind, 'You can survive this. Just survive this.'

She pushed back to her feet, drained the sink and scoured it, and then headed up to the bridge, leaning in the doorway, "Captain? Do you need anything before I turn in?"


Saturday, June 10, 2006 12:58 PM


Darren was tired. He had ran several diagnostics on the engine and manually checked and rechecked every part of the engine. He was satisfied that the engine wouldn't have any problems for sometime. Darren stretched and yawned. He took out one of his rags and wiped off the grease from his hands and his face as best he could. He thought about what the Captain had said.

Was he flirting? He didn't think he was. Even if he was would Shanti even be interested in him? He shook his head as he entered his bunk. No Shanti was just someone he wanted to be friends with, how the Captain saw his conversations with her as flirting, he didn't understand. He thought of what Shanti had said to him during his confrontation with Gail. No he wouldn't take sexual advantage of her. His only reason to see her in her quarters would be teach her how to read or maybe just talk to. Yes that's it he said, only to talk and teach how to read.

Darren kicked off his boots, got out of his jumpsuit, turned off the lights, and went to bed.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, June 10, 2006 4:55 PM


My story...well it's complicated and scary and a little funny..this one time I put the Captain's daughter....uhmm...maybe another time with that story.
During the war, I was piloting a gunship for the alliance, and we got word there was a uprising on one of the outer moons that we needed to go and look in on and kinda keep the peace.
We were ordered to go in and use whatever force required to keep the peace...keep in mind...keeping the peace according to the alliance is shoot first..shoot second..then go in and see who's alive and question them then shoot them and then keep the peace.
So we went in and saw that it was a crowd of people, about 200, protesting outside one of the mines about working conditions.
We flew over a couple of time and the report came up from the gaurds on the ground that it was relatively calm, no problems really so far.
Well the captain of the ship had some agenda on his mind and had made up his mind I think even before he got any call.
He told me to make another pass over the crowd really low, which I thought we were gonna buzz em and scare them a little. So I pulled a 180 and went in and when we were lined up the captain ordered the gunnery sergeant to open fire and wipe out the protesters to quash the violence.
We all looked at him and wondered if he had lost his gorram mind, but he said anyone who didn't go along would be thrown out the ship hatch, while in motion I surmised, so do as he said. He said open fire again and just before the guns went I swerved off and headed into the atmo. The captain promptly dismissed me from my post and shot me in the arm.
I knew right then and there I wasn't welcome, and me and my bleeding stump were dismissed, without pay, can you believe that.
So he dropped me off on that moon and I haven't looked back since, well except to see if the captain was coming back to finish the job.
So how's your day going.


Saturday, June 10, 2006 4:58 PM


sorry...hit enter twice by mistake...carry on...nothing to see here.


Saturday, June 10, 2006 5:48 PM


"Wow that's the most I've ever heard you say"



Saturday, June 10, 2006 7:30 PM


Shanti waited for Puro to finish speaking, listening to his story from the doorway. So that was what happened. Explained alot, really.

Since the Captain was engrossed in the story, she didn't ask again, just turned and headed back to her bunk. If he needed her, she was sure he would call, or just come get her.

After undressing, she poked gingerly at her healing arm, and then slipped a well worn old t-shirt and crawled under her blanket. She pulled Jeddy the Teddy under her arm and was asleep before she could even turn out the light.


Sunday, June 11, 2006 3:42 PM


Puro looks at the Captain for a second and then says, "I do one thing well in my life and that's fly. If I don't have a ship to steer and a sky to steer her through, then my life doesn't have alot of meaning, so I'm not a complicated man, but I am a confusing one."
Puro smiles for a second as the Captain and he share a look of "been there done that", then Puro flips a couple of switches and looks into space like all is right with the world and he is exactly where he should be.
The Captain looks at Puro for a second more knowing he's got the right man for the job, even if he knows this one maybe a little out on the edge, he can trust him with their lives.
The Captain put's his feet on the console, leans back with his hands behind his head, and joins Puro in a far off look into the vasty space of nothingness, and is for a little while, at peace with the verse.


Sunday, June 11, 2006 4:12 PM


The hibernating bear known as Davies Banner rises from another long slumber, almost immediately lighting a foul-smelling cigar.

"Go see wot evryun's upta.."

He lumbers throughout the ship, leaving behind a sick, greenish trail of smoke. As he decides to move into the cockpit, he collides with the good doctor.

"Cigars'll kill you, big man."

"So'll a bad doctah, wot with the responsibility avoidance and all."

"I think you'd stop just about where you're at, you dumb Atlas."

"Whatchoo call me, you murdering druggie!?"

"Think you heard me. You wanna start something, Banner?"

"Be thinkin Ah do. Ten minutes, in the cargo bay. Try not to shoot up before. Slows yah reflexes."

The massive merc stomps away, angrily chewing his cigar. Nagap scoffs at the brutish man, heading to the infirmary. As he leaves, he mutters to himself, "We're going to fight, guess I'll make it interesting, won't I?"


13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Sunday, June 11, 2006 4:33 PM


I just got the awful feeling that ther's about to be troublr on my boat



Sunday, June 11, 2006 5:47 PM


Shanti's growling stomach woke her and she burrowed deeper into the blanket, burying her face in her teddy bear's fur, trying to ignore it.

No use. She felt like she was starving.

Oh, yeah. She is.

Frustrated, she pulled off her t-shirt, and yanked on a pair of jeans and a worn grey sweatshirt.

Too hungry to try hunting for her socks and boots, she flipped on the sink and shoved her head under the faucet, rinsing out the brown temporary dye she'd used for the bank job. She dried it quickly with her t-shirt, leaving it a tousled blond mess, and climbed out in time to hear Banner yelling something.

That man needed to get laid worse than anyone she knew! She hoped to hell that the captain wouldn't order her to do it!

As she entered the galley, prowling for the leftover naan, and maybe some cheese, the Captain came down from the bridge and headed for the cargo bay. He didn't seem too happy, so she just climbed up on the counter, bare-feet swinging as she munched the bread and cheese.


Sunday, June 11, 2006 5:52 PM


Darren was still sound asleep, completely unaware of what was going to happen in the cargo bay.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, June 12, 2006 11:23 AM



Where is everyone? River26 where you at girl?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, June 12, 2006 5:02 PM


Nagap Luap walks into the cargo bay, shaking slightly. He breathes slowly as the seemingly titanic Banner enters from the other side, knuckles cracking readily.

"Olright, doc. Bout time ye get licked."

"Will that involve actual licking, you gastroped?"


(OoC: NEED TO GET LAID??! I'll have you know, Samantha Ertia, that Banner gets LOADS of women! He's positively BRIMMING with..ah, screw it. Who am I kidding.. But he's got a reason, involvig a wife and a ship crashing..)


13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Monday, June 12, 2006 5:16 PM


"You boys better step away from each other and put every weopen you're carrying down or I swear I'll shove you both into the black."

They did. "I'll have no fighting onboard my boat. Now if you have to you can skip this shp and take your gorram fight elsewhere but not on my boat you hear."

The Captain turned and walked pass Shanti. "God," he whispered, "he needs to get laid. Of course not with you."



Monday, June 12, 2006 5:19 PM


And I didn't say it! Shanti did! She thinks too much sometimes.

OOps, JTTF beat me to it!

Shanti nibbles her naan as the men seperate. Still, it was better that they were beating each other than her, she supposed...


Monday, June 12, 2006 5:34 PM


Darren wakes up, gets out of his bed, and scratches his head. Since he fell asleep in his jumpsuit he didn't need to dress. He stepped out of his bunk and headed to the cargo bay. He saw the Captain leave in a huff, saw Shanti eating some naan in the cargo bay and said to her "Did I miss anythin' excitin'?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, June 12, 2006 5:40 PM


"Banner tried to pick a fight with the Doc. Normally, I'd bet on Banner, but I think our doctor has a few tricks up his sleeve." Shanti replies with a shrug. "Did you sleep well, Darren, Si...r.."

She shakes her head. "I'm sorry. I'm trying to stop that."


Monday, June 12, 2006 5:44 PM


Darren smiles and says "It's okay Shanti. Yes I did how about ya?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, June 12, 2006 6:05 PM


"Not long enough." She yawned delicately, covering her mouth with the back of her hand, "But I got hungry. I'm gonna try to catch a couple more hours. Want to be rested when we get to Persephone."


Monday, June 12, 2006 8:12 PM


"Alright then Shanti. I look forward ta eatin' some more of ya good food." Darren said to Shanti, a smile on his face.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 1:29 PM


Shanti yawned again as she made her way back to her bunk. She was relieved the Captain had broken up the fight, but at the same time, there was real trouble brewing between Dr. Luap and Mr. Banner.

"Nothing like an overabundance of testosterone to brighten a voyage, huh, Jeddy?" She pulled the teddy bear into her lap, and, not bothering to underess or even properly lay down, tilted her head back against the wall and fell asleep.

For some reason she had strange dreams, of being part of a strange crew on a small ship, and of dogs, big ones, with teeth...


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 1:38 PM


Darren watched her leave and then made his way to the parts closet. He opened the doors and looked at all of the parts and widgets inside. Darren spotted a Grav Coupler that could use some TLC and decided to tinker with it. He picked it up and headed for the galley, whistling the tune he always whistled.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 6:55 PM


Shanti woke sharp and fast, as she always did, instantly alert to whatever might be asked of her.

Realizing she'd fallen asleep sitting up, with Jeddy on her lap, and that she was secure in her own room, she laughed to herself.

Washing her face and hands, she made an attempt at taming her blond locks before she slipped on her boots and headed to the galley.

Darren was at the table, coffee cup in one hand and a part in the other. In front of him was a selection of rags, some cleaner, and a pair of pliers. "Mornin, Shanti."

"Good morning." She reaches for the coffee pot and refills his cup. "How about some french toast this morning?"

"We got real bread?" Darren asks in surprise, and Shanti grins.

"Last of the loaves I made the other day." She sets to work in the kitchen. "Any idea how long 'til Persephone?"

Darren shakes his head, "Hopefully before anything else on this boat breaks down!"

ooc...JTTF, we could use some direction here!


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 8:33 PM


Yes where is our glorious Captain?

Shanti smiles and says as she whips up some french toast "I hope so. I don't know how long I could stand being on a drifting ship with Banner or Gail."

Darren chuckles and says while tinkering with the engine part "Yeah me neither. Hey Shanti can I ask ya something?"

Shanti turns to Darren and says "What's on your mind?"

"Well lately I've been havin' this recurrin' dream where I'm a merc onboard a Firefly class ship who's in love with this beautiful lady, but she runs off before he can tell her how he feels about her. Do ya think it means anythin'?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 6:51 AM


Have you guys got a name for your boat yet?

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 7:17 AM


I believe if I remember correctly the ship was named Polythemus.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 7:23 AM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
I believe if I remember correctly the ship was named Polythemus.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?

You mean Polyhemus i think.

A cyclops from one of Homer's tales


"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 7:27 AM



Originally posted by Choo1701:

Originally posted by DRPAIN:
I believe if I remember correctly the ship was named Polythemus.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?

You mean Polyhemus i think.

A cyclops from one of Homer's tales


Yeah that was probably it and you're welcome

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 9:37 AM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:

"Well lately I've been havin' this recurrin' dream where I'm a merc onboard a Firefly class ship who's in love with this beautiful lady, but she runs off before he can tell her how he feels about her. Do ya think it means anythin'?"

Shanti fried up the last of the not-quite-bacon as she thought about it. "Usually our dreams are expressions of things we want in real life. But maybe the fact that she runs away means you're afraid of losing those things that you want."

"Hmmm." Darren was quiet for a minute, "So what do you dream about?"

Most of her dreams weren't good dreams, all things considered. Running away dreams. Being afraid dreams. Dreams with dogs with big teeth.

If she could dream about anything, what would THAT be like? She answers dreamily, "Flowers. Real gardens full of flowers. My first owner, he had these huge gardens; roses and lilacs, and camelias. Smelled like heaven when spring came."

"That sounds right nice." Darren smiled up at her warmly as she set a plate in front of him.

She pressed the com, "Breakfast is on. Mr Puro, si...rrr. Ah...if you'd like me to bring a plate on up, just call me."


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 9:51 AM


Darren chuckles "Ya still havin' problems callin' every guy here sir I see."

Shanti is about to answer when Puro's voice chimes in over the com "I'd appreciate it if you brought it up Shanti."

Shanti smiles at Darren "Yes but I think in time I'll be able to stop. Now if you'll excuse me Mr. Darren si... see there I go again."

She gives Darren a small smile and heads off to the bridge with Puro's breakfast in her hands.

Darren chuckles as he takes a bite of the fake bacon (facon?) and continues to tinker with the engine part next to him.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 11:03 AM


Shanti walks onto the bridge with Puro's food.
"Got your food here Mr.Puro sirrrr can see a long way from up here." hoping Puro wouldn't notice the sir thing.
Puro looks away and smiles for a second not trying to laugh, then turn's to Shanti,
"mmmm, looks great, just like Mom used to make."
"Just put it down here," pointing to a small section of console not littered with crap and tools, "that will be fine."
"Thanks for bringing it up, we got some debris out here that just ain't quite right about it, and I didn't want to slam the Captain's shiny ship into anything."
Puro wonders if this is something that maybe the Captain should be looking at?
Puro presses for the intercom,
"Captain, you might want to come up to the bridge and see this,"
Shanti looks out, "what is that, is there anything on the scanners?"
Puro's been looking at the scanners for a while now,
"from the looks of it, it looks like a ship," then with a look to Shanti of pure astonishment and fear as well as a little puzzlement.
"What", says Shanti looking very worried?
With a scratch of the head and a very worried look at Shanti, "It's.......Alliance."






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Mon, February 10, 2025 18:56 - 39 posts
Star Trek
Mon, February 10, 2025 11:29 - 20 posts
D-Con Chamber
Mon, February 3, 2025 18:30 - 2 posts
We've lost Jimmy Carter
Mon, February 3, 2025 18:28 - 30 posts
kaliwali YouTuber watches Firefly
Mon, January 27, 2025 07:13 - 2 posts
Fan-Made ‘Green Lantern’ Trailer Receives Nathan Fillion’s Endorsement
Sat, January 25, 2025 13:41 - 11 posts
Twin Peaks Returns After 26 Years
Fri, January 17, 2025 21:25 - 4 posts
High Five: The Top 5 Dispatches from Hollywood's Front Lines
Thu, January 16, 2025 18:44 - 32 posts
Firefly a ripoff of Andromeda?
Thu, January 16, 2025 14:04 - 48 posts
The Rookie season 7 started Tuesday January 7th, 2025 Nathan Fillion stars. ABC 10pm Eastern
Wed, January 15, 2025 05:11 - 1 posts