Slash fics.. Blah..

UPDATED: Saturday, September 23, 2006 01:20
VIEWED: 13165
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Wednesday, June 7, 2006 5:22 AM


Sorry you don't enjoy them.
I think a well done slash-fic can really explore different sides to a character, and give us new perspectives.

But all slash should be clearly marked as such, so you can easily avoid them if they aren't your bag.


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 5:44 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:

But all slash should be clearly marked as such, so you can easily avoid them if they aren't your bag.

As with all non-canon pairings. ;) Or really, all pairings, period.

I'm not into boy slash, either, but mostly because the idea of two guys together is fairly boring to me. I guess I am diffeent from many women in that way.

Characterwise, I find Simon/Jayne more believable than many hetero non-canon pairings out there, so that is not a factor to me.

Girl slash, though... yay! It's just a way of exploring two characters as a pairing. The fact that they're both the same gender is pretty secondary to the view of their inner life, to me.


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 5:50 AM


I'm not into slash fic so I have mostly just stuck to Rayne stuff to avoid an accidents

But I agree better labeling will be better for everyone.

~~River: Bible's broken. Contradictions, false logics. Doesn't make sense.~~


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 5:50 AM



Originally posted by AgentRouka:
The fact that they're both the same gender is pretty secondary to the view of their inner life, to me.

Well said - hurrah!

And, to back up Sameerta, the best solution to fic you don't like is to simply not read it!!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 3:20 PM


I don't have anything against slash fics as such...I treat them like I do other pairings that I don't particularly like- I may not understand them or read fanfics about them, but I'm not going to make a fuss about it.

I do think that labelling should be clearer in some cases. I've stumbled into some thing unawares that were downright creepifyin'. And I do think that some fanfiction in general seems to be written more for smut than anything, which seems more than slightly out of taste.

Having said that, though, I can honestly say that I really don't see how anybody could think that Mal and Jayne are that interested in each other. Or Jayne and Simon.

But hey- some people juggle geese.

Mine is an evil sugar high laugh! Bwahahahaha!



Wednesday, June 7, 2006 3:43 PM



Originally posted by mal4prez:

And, to back up Sameerta, the best solution to fic you don't like is to simply not read it!!

I totally agree here with m4p. There is so much fanfc on this site (and others) and surely it is not all slash, so why waste time reading something that will offend you. As for the stumbling on to it, I also agree with the better labeling.

I think slash can be fun, but its not my favorite read. I used to read a lot of Highlander fic and slash was rampant in that 'verse. I have wondered why so many women write slash fic. Any women writing slash want to comment?

I'm not judging anyone I'm just curious what the attraction is to write it.


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 4:54 PM


Yum! Highlander Fic Slash! Ohhh for the old days of the Highlander Quill Club and Eng and Rory and the gang! OOOOOOOh how I miss it so!

Ahem, enough of that. I shall not dwell on the brilliance that was ensconced at the HQC.

Why do I write slash?
Well, I guess it's like anything that I write- I get a concept, a fantasy in words, and I write it down. Sometimes I half wonder if I'm not really a gay man in a womans body, but any more contemplation of my sexuality might lead to believing I'm actually attracted to little grey aliens and was abducted as a child or somthing, so...

Where was I? Oh yes, I like the idea of men having sex with men. For some reason, the idea that that glance between Mal and Simon, when Mal and Zoe rescue them in "Safe" might, just possibly, lead to something more intimate.
Or Kaylee and Inara's "Hey you", all filled with affection, might be something more than friendship.

I can't help it! I think everyone should have more sex, and that includes our BDHs!
Yes, I'm incorrigible and I will burn in hell for all eternity, I'm sure.


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 6:55 PM


Okay, I'm taking this opportunity to ask a stupid question: What is "slash fic?"

I see it referred to, but I don't know what it is, and I frankly haven't spent much time (none) reading fanfic.

Thanks for educating me.

There's no place I can be since I found serenity.


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 7:02 PM


Slash fiction is fiction portraying same-sex relationships.

I tend to write erotica, but a substantial portion of slash fiction is not erotic, or even the slightest bit smutty, instead prefering to explore relationships from the emotional-personal side.


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 7:11 PM


We sniff the air, we don't kiss the dirt.

Slash fic is usually same sex pairings. There are too many good points made in this thread to copy them all here, but I would like to lend my voice to the chorus. I love to read fanfic (not just Firely) and while slash is not really my mug of mudder's milk, if you enjoy it you have the right to read it to your heart's content.


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 9:16 PM


Firefly slash is just a bit weird for me...Mainly because there was nothing really that Slashy in the series to begin with. Except some of the Kaylee and Inara moments but that inspires fluffy thoughts at best.

I will admit to dabbling in the fluffly Slash area but it's all been band slash. A few bands(won't name names) pratically slash themselves. Now, my whole thing is, if it seems to Slash itsself or you can see a possible way those two characters could have a romantic relationship, then go for it! Just warn me, okay?

"Well next time you be the bait!"~Andy Hurley
"Okay! Everybody not talking about sex, in here. Everybody else, elsewhere."~Wash
Browncoats are the coolest fans I've ever seen.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 12:01 AM


Gonna agree here. None of these characters worked for me as slash pairings. In fact, I have this vision of the men of Serenity all freaking out at the very suggestion of being 'sly' - much spitting of coffee, and spluttering.



Thursday, June 8, 2006 2:29 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
Yes, I'm incorrigible and I will burn in hell for all eternity, I'm sure.

Have you joined the Forsaken yet?


"I'm going to sing the doom song! Doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, dooooooom...."


Thursday, June 8, 2006 4:51 AM



Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
Gonna agree here. None of these characters worked for me as slash pairings. In fact, I have this vision of the men of Serenity all freaking out at the very suggestion of being 'sly' - much spitting of coffee, and spluttering.


Mal didn't have that reaction when Nandi suggested it... He was all calm about it, which implies that it's not a big deal at all.

I imagine the only one to freak out might be Jayne, but then, who knows?

I'd like to think that 500 years in the future men might be more secure in their sexuality than that.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 5:02 AM


I know, it was just the mental image. Perhaps River coming out with something calm and utterly inappropriate mid-mealtime...I imagine the Core planets are probably quite chilled out, but some of the Rimward planets, particularly those with a more religious outlook, might not be so enlightened.



Thursday, June 8, 2006 5:03 AM



Originally posted by AgentRouka:
Mal didn't have that reaction when Nandi suggested it... He was all calm about it, which implies that it's not a big deal at all.

I imagine the only one to freak out might be Jayne, but then, who knows?

I'd like to think that 500 years in the future men might be more secure in their sexuality than that.

Yeah, I get the feeling Jayne wouldn't be one to turn down a sex opportunity, although he might be a little opinionated about whos doing what...

And Mal's reaction to Nandi's question left plenty of wiggle room. "No, I lean toward womenfolk..." Just lean?

Though, I must admit, the first time I happened across a Mal/Simon (Before I knew what slash meant) I was horribly offended - because I want Mal for the women! Back off Simon, he's mine!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 5:06 AM



Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
I know, it was just the mental image. Perhaps River coming out with something calm and utterly inappropriate mid-mealtime...I imagine the Core planets are probably quite chilled out, but some of the Rimward planets, particularly those with a more religious outlook, might not be so enlightened.


I agree with the religious outlook and the Rimworlds... one more reason why the Core isn't all evil. They *are* more enlightened and liberal in many ways, even if they are overtly controlling in others.

I imagine if River suddenly started describing explicit sexual behavior in any way shape or form it'd be Mal and Simon spewing coffee every which way! *G*


Thursday, June 8, 2006 5:14 AM


can't say that I understand WHY anyone would write slash...but it is a time honored tradition (dating back to Cap't Kirk & Spock getting it on) and it is occassionally HI*larious!

BTW deepgirl187: those are some amazing icons you have there!

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse
have you checked out this thread?:

and listen to 'I'm Going To See Serenity':


Thursday, June 8, 2006 5:18 AM



Originally posted by mal4prez:

Yeah, I get the feeling Jayne wouldn't be one to turn down a sex opportunity, although he might be a little opinionated about whos doing what...

I definitely agree with that!


And Mal's reaction to Nandi's question left plenty of wiggle room. "No, I lean toward womenfolk..." Just lean?

Could be a hint...! Or a polite and inoffensive way of phrasing it, who knows.

Somehow the idea of Mal calmly aknowledging the idea of a less-than-static kind of sexuality tickles me a lot. It would fit with his "Live and let live - as long as you leave me the hell alone." attitude.


Though, I must admit, the first time I happened across a Mal/Simon (Before I knew what slash meant) I was horribly offended - because I want Mal for the women! Back off Simon, he's mine!

Lol! I'm sure for Mal it's all about the individual person. He's equal opportunity like that. ;) Unless you're Alliance. Then options might be limited to violence and trickery.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 5:45 AM


Kidflash wrote:

I've seen the sad underbelly of the slash community, so I'm constently questioning it.

Friend of mine got a big video threat cause she banned this child preditor, Who was proven to be a child preditor, who wrote Slash fics, with little kids in em..

I just have to answer to this.

That is not slash- it is pedophilia. And that qualifies as something that is very very wrong. I write slash, belong to a number of slash-fic communities, and the only time pedophiliac fic is tolerated is when it's clearly a perp abusing a child (and the perp gets what he deserves).

Please do not qualify this sort of writing as a sample of the slash-writing community.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 4:47 PM



Originally posted by Cesare:
\I think it is a real shame that so many girls out there waste their time writing bad fanfic instead of writing good gay-porn...;-)

Just my humble opinion, of course...;-)

See, now here's where I start to have a problem.

I got no problem with you not liking what I write. That's the way it is.
But I got a problem with someone telling me I write "bad fanfiction instead of writing good gay porn", especially if you detest slash so badly that you would never even consider reading my writing.

Don't like it, then don't read it. But slamming other people's writing just because you don't like the subject matter is a sure-fire way to piss me off.

There is truly a ton of really bad fanfiction out there of all flavors, and not just slash. There's also tons of excellent, well written fanfiction out there, and some of it IS slash.

Don't like it, don't read it, but why insult the people who DO like it?


Thursday, June 8, 2006 5:48 PM


I'm not pissed off. Yet.
And I'm not speaking just for myself. I'm well aware that your comments were general, and aimed at slash-writers in general.

I've been writing slash on the net for over ten years now (MY GOD!), and my skin is pretty thick.

It's just that when I see someone bashing slash fanfic writers for writing slash fanfic, I have to wonder why there is a need to do that?

I mean, I'm not out there bashing every mary-sue writer, just because I can't stand mary-sues. (Although if you want a BRILLIANT Tolkien fanfic that is a blatant Mary-Sue, but so well written that it doesn't matter, check out Rana1's "Tale of Marian" at

In fact, check it out anyway. It's beautiful!

My point is, I think we all want to be better writers, so I can wade through any number of poor grammar stories, badly spelled disasters, plot-hole laden pain-fests, and still leave a review at the end that can be NICE, gentle, help point the author in a direction that might make the story better and improve them as writers.

But just slamming authors because they write something that you don't enjoy reading? Where does that get fun?

I do write original fiction. I even write original erotica. But you don't get to read THAT online for free. When it gets published, then I'll go public with it.

Don't assume that just because we publish fun fanfiction on the Internet that we don't also have original works. You can't BE a writer without writing original works. It just doesn't happen.



Thursday, June 8, 2006 6:40 PM


No harm done, TheKidFlash.
It was mostly Cesare's comment about 'instead of writing bad slash-fic' that set me off.
I think you were just saying that you didn't like it, and that's fine.

Everyone likes something different, or we wouldn't be people.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 7:50 PM



Originally posted by thekidflash:

Originally posted by Cesare:
Got to say I quite dislike (almost detest) slash-fic in general.
I'm not prejudiced against homosexuals or lesbians in any way.
I like fanfic that respects the "canon" - and if it challenges it, it does so in an original or at least intelligent way. Slash is not original...

..thank you. Exactly. you said what I couldn't!

It's basically what I was trying to say, I tend to write alot of off the wall stuff when I do write but it's allways based on canon in some way or another.

I just tend to think sex is overrated and cheap entertainment as is. There's alot more that people can write about.

I just want to add one more POV to the discussion...
it may be true that Tolkein is spinning in his grave,
and JKR has made it clear that she doesn't appreciate the 'alternative pairings' to her canon story....
BUT if you are talking about Joss Whedon then don't be so sure you have any idea what 'canon' is.

In this Whedonesque thread:
You can read down and find the following post made by Joss himself:


Honestly, what's most fascinating is that every post here tells me more about the poster than about the subject matter. That's what makes fiction grand. I will say a few things:

1)When I called James "the best ingenue Angel ever had" I merely meant that there was enormous acting chemistry between them. After throwing different actresses up against David (sometimes literally) it was gratifying to find someone who brought out passion in David's performance that I'd never seen. I mean, look at Caveman vs Astronauts, for god's sake! David is off the charts hilarious. I learned early on to film those two in one-ers instead of regular coverage because their energy just kept increasing. Others have misinterpreted that quote before.

2)What may or may not have happened is entirely up to the viewer, that's what makes it art. Having said that, I know EXACTLY what happened and it's funny that I'm never going to tell anyone. But did no one see the obvious smoldering passion between the Blue Hand guys? MAN, did you guys miss the boat.

3)In my world, heroes bugger each other senseless. Not all of them, but more than you'd think, and probably not who you're thinking. But seriously, Anybody here care to tell Apollo and the Midnighter how a hero should behave? To their faces?

joss | January 20, 19:00 CET

so as far as you know, the slash fan fic is as much canon as any other pairing....
just sayin'


Thursday, June 8, 2006 8:03 PM


If someone likes slash-fic fine...It should be labeled...But, I will never see the sense in taking characters that are straight and making them gay...Why? If Joss wanted Mal to be gay he would have wrote it. For the most part a true fan-fic doesn't totally change the character of a role.(yes sexuality is a major component of character). Why do it? Is it a political statement?

Just wondering...Please don't say artistic freedom.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 8:13 PM



Originally posted by kaneman:
If Joss wanted Mal to be gay he would have wrote it. For the most part a true fan-fic doesn't totally change the character of a role.(yes sexuality is a major component of character).

and I repeat:
Joss NEVER ever said that Mal has never had a gay experience...
Joss has never gone into the details of his characters 'preferences' at all...
YOU assume Mal is straight, fine...
but that only says something about you, not about Mal.

I would ask you to read Joss' post (which I quoted above) again...
particularly where Joss himself said:

3)In my world, heroes bugger each other senseless. Not all of them, but more than you'd think, and probably not who you're thinking.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 10:06 PM



My two cents worth...

I have read some very good Firefly fanfic, they have been a mixture of gen, het and slash, in fact some of the most affecting for me emotionally have been ones involving *gasp* Mal and Jayne!!!

I believe that the worth of a piece of fiction - whether based on a totally original concept or based on an existing premise - is in the quality of the writing and not the slavish adhesion to a pre-determined set of pararimeters (if indeed they are as set as some seem to believe), after all we only saw 14 episodes of Firefly and Joss has clearly shown in his writings that same sex relationships are just as valid in his 'verses as hetro ones.

My motto is "Why limit yourself - when so many other people are willing to do it for you"


Thursday, June 8, 2006 10:30 PM



Originally posted by embers:

Originally posted by kaneman:
If Joss wanted Mal to be gay he would have wrote it. For the most part a true fan-fic doesn't totally change the character of a role.(yes sexuality is a major component of character).

and I repeat:
Joss NEVER ever said that Mal has never had a gay experience...
Joss has never gone into the details of his characters 'preferences' at all...
YOU assume Mal is straight, fine...
but that only says something about you, not about Mal.

I would ask you to read Joss' post (which I quoted above) again...
particularly where Joss himself said:

3)In my world, heroes bugger each other senseless. Not all of them, but more than you'd think, and probably not who you're thinking.


This whole "a rape of the character" thing... Well, anything that's not strictly the tv show itself is going to call on personal perception and interpretation (and yes, interest) from the fanfic writer to get anything written.

That means a whole lot of things are out there that some consider perfectly plausible and others horrible out of character, and there are few instances when things can be "proven" by canon either way, especially once you get to a level of writing where structure and grammar no longer play a role because it's technically very skilled.

To me, Mal having sex with a random male soldier in his War past is a LOT more likely than him ever touching Kaylee or Zoe or River that way, but there is an equal lack of canon support for either scenario, so... there's no official telling which is more wrong. Or not wrong at all.

It's a very fluid world out there. I am always confused why people get so uppity about slash but not about EVERYthing that is non-canon, especially if they argue from the stand-point of keeping the characters in character.


Friday, June 9, 2006 3:20 AM


Okay, I'll add my voice to this little melee:

While I don't read male slash (for Firefly), I also don't have a problem with people writing it. Slash may not be to everyone's liking, but hey, some people juggle geese, right? There are plenty of Firefly fan fic out there to read, so I think everyone's tastes can be satisfied if they look hard enough. And to be perfectly honest, I agree with Mal4Prez when it comes to slash; I'd rather have the boys to myself!

Oh, and glad you like the icons, Embers. Take a trip to to find some of your own shininess.


"I'm going to sing the doom song! Doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, dooooooom...."


Friday, June 9, 2006 5:51 AM


Well, as for Mal being gay, it's certain that he ISN'T. However, he could be bisexual, easily. When Nandi asks him, he looks down at the gun, not directly at her, and says, " I lean towards womenfolk."

I find the delivery of that line highly suspicious, especially knowing enough bi men who are ashamed of those 'other leanings'. But that's just me.

Like I said above, don't like? Don't read.

And you'll notice that while JK Rowling has said, "ooh, I wish you guys wouldn't do that! Harry and Draco? Are you insane?" She hasn't asked the authors to stop, not like Anne McCaffery, who has VERY strict rules for fanfiction in her worlds. (She used to not allow it all.) If JK came out and said, "Don't do this. I mean it." I'm sure authors would be just as respecting as we are for Mrs. McCaffery.

As for JRR, he is dead. He is long dead and has ceased to care in the slightest how we interpret his world. His family and estate have not come out and said, "Hey! No fanfic! Stop it!".

Of course, then we could just write in the movie-verse until P.J. and gang jump on us for THAT...but really, can we take the author of "Meet the Feebles" seriously if he tells us to stop writing slash centered around his movies? hmmmmmmmmm....

And how many people would have said Willow was entirely straight early on in Buffy?


Friday, June 9, 2006 6:31 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
"Hey! No fanfic! Stop it!".

I heard once that Anne Rice tried really hard to prevent all fan fic about Lestat, but actually it is pretty hard to stop people's imaginations....

We're luckier w/a creator like Joss:
naturally we have to obey the licensing rules (no selling and making money off of characters owned by someone else) BUT
but Joss recognizes that he has created iconic characters that people love and he is totally cool about fan fic.

And how many people would have said Willow was entirely straight early on in Buffy?

Yeah, Joss has said many time that he was on purposely writing BOTH Willow and Xander as ambiguously gay in High School because he was thinking that one or the other would 'come out' in their 20s...
Seth Green leaving the show in the 4th season tipped the scales in Willow's favor, but if it had been Emma Cawfield leaving then we might have seen Xander discover his true sexual identity instead.

Fact is that Joss is very open to this stuff, more so than most of his fans evidently.


Friday, June 9, 2006 11:30 AM


Well...guess I might as well add my 2 platinum;)

Been said innumerable times here, but slash fic is about personal taste. I can read male slash fic (Lvs2read's "Family" series is a good example of slash fic that works well in my own mind). Tend to prefer female slash pairings (damn me and my seemingly hetero preferences *wink*), but I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt to the author every time I look at something.

Honestly, I have read just as much "crap" het fanfic as I have read slash fic in my time. To me, it's all about how the author works with the material they are using. Now...I can see a Kaylee/Inara pairing cuz of their close friendship and fairly similiar POVs about sex and intimacy, and Mal/Simon works cuz I have perceived a kindred nature between both of them when it comes to things like freedom, loved ones and being in authority. That doesn't mean I ain't willing to consider other pairing of any sort;)

And yeah...anything created by Joss Whedon should automatically get a label "highly flexible" and/or "subject to sudden change." The number of hook-ups and break-ups amongst his televised works should be an open invitation for interpretation! I mean, Willow (as an example) went from pining for Xander to falling for Oz to being in love with Tara to trying out a relationship with Kennedy within 7 years, with crazy moments in between.

Really...I can understand the POV that slash fics seem polar opposite to how things are presented, even if I don't agree with it. Having a disclaimer (even a basic "Slash fic inside") can go a long way to keeping a tenuous peace.


Literature has shown us some of humanity's greatest achievements; history, some of our greatest failures -- Alun Lewis


Saturday, June 10, 2006 7:22 AM


Just throwing my two cents in here as well. I'm still working my way through the fanfic on this site, and I haven't gotten terribly far, so I don't have the most educated opinion on this, but:

I've yet to accidentally read a fic that I didn't know was slash/ erotica when I wasn't in the mood, so at least from my experience I haven't had much trouble with the labelling.

I'll also have to agree with those who recommend avoiding any pairing you're not into. And there's just far too little canon as it what with our 14 episodes and one BDM to positively rule out anything as totally implausible.

Myself, I've found the fic around here to be well above par for the most part. A good few of the writers could certainly be looking towards getting some actual published writing from the examples I've seen in here.

Also, I've found I've come across some real gems reading some of the stuff I'm generally not into, and giving those a try. There's a couple that come to mind that I read on a whim and I'm glad I did. It's late in my day over here, so I can't think of many titles, though. One I remember was the series of "Frecklets" that were going around say a month or two ago. I'd give mention of the author if I could remember who it was, but I got a real kick out of that, and I don't generally see much in the whole Jayne/ Kaylee pairing.

Anyways, just another long-winded way of saying, sometimes if you keep an open mind, you'll be suprised at what you find. :P

You can take my Browncoat when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers. (Or if Kaylee asks me nicely...)


Saturday, June 10, 2006 8:22 AM


"Frecklets" is fabulous! Fizzled a bit at the end, but the corridor scene, "not playing anymore, bao bei" (Forgive me, I don't remember the exact line) gave me shivers for a week! Even if you're not a Jaylee shipper, try it. You might like it.


Saturday, June 10, 2006 9:09 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
"Frecklets" is fabulous!

I've been looking for it (after two recommendations I want to read it!) but I can't find it...
can you give us a link?



Saturday, June 10, 2006 9:21 AM


One of the things about slash in Firefly, is that I hate Mal slash. Mostly because he says he's not gay. In Heart of Gold there's a scene when he and Nandi are looking at her pistols.

NANDI:You ain't looked at one of 'em as long or as lovin' as you looked at those pistols. You're not sly, are you? 'cause I got my boys...

MAL:Sly? No. I lean towards womenfolk. Just one thing at a time. Never like complications.

Now I guess people either don't have that episode, weren't paying attention, or can't figure out what words mean from context.


Saturday, June 10, 2006 9:25 AM



Originally posted by Epeyon:

Now I guess people either don't have that episode, weren't paying attention, or can't figure out what words mean from context.

and I'm guessing you didn't bother to read the rest of this thread...
so you didn't notice that Joss hasn't ruled out anything
and Mal saying 'I lean to women folk'
does not mean he would never ever be w/a man, or has never ever been with one.


Saturday, June 10, 2006 9:41 AM


Thank you, Embers.
Epeyon doesn't seem to understand the layers of context and subcontext in that line. :)

But that's okay. It's all open to interpretation until we actually SEE Mal say, "Simon, I ain't sly and you make one more pass me and your goin' out the airlock, dong ma?!?!?"

At least, that's about what it would take for me.


Saturday, June 10, 2006 9:51 AM


This is just a shameless plug, but it's for a good cause.

Since we seem to have a lot of fanfic readers here, everyone please head on over to the Blue Sun Room forum, where you'll find a thread about the 2005 Strawberry Awards. I spent a few hours reading many of the nominations, and they are all very high quality. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

Edit: Oh, and by the way, you can vote for the entries if you're a member of LiveJournal (though I think they're fixing it so non-members can vote too).


It's just an object. It doesn't mean what you think.






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