The Bendis attitude

UPDATED: Sunday, June 11, 2006 16:25
VIEWED: 1765
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Sunday, June 11, 2006 5:35 AM


A question to you browncoats. Another post on the forum here has gotten me to thinking of this. Was Bendez ( not sure if thats his name) right?

I mean, they're not coming "We're all gonna die." talk. Is this how some browncoats are seeing FF/Serenity? Or do you feel that he was partly right? Our numbers are still growing. There is still quite a bit of money to be made.
What do you think?



Sunday, June 11, 2006 5:41 AM


What happened? He see your face?

Doing good recovering from the Box Office turnout... But, more to be made for sure...

Was looking forward to seeing the whole Summer of Serenity outcome as far as dollars, participation, and BUZZ. Kinda the purpose, We know we need a big push.

EDIT: I have been on average... (totally guessing but seems right) converting 3 peeps a month since October. But those converts MUST equal DVD Sales for our cause.



Sunday, June 11, 2006 5:44 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I think it's Bendis.

And he was right only about himself. He said it, he died. Mal refused to accept it, he lived. I think there's a lesson in that.



Sunday, June 11, 2006 6:10 AM


Yes PHOENIXROSE but Mal did lose faith. Thats a side to the question. He lived but does he still believe. We talk the talk...but how many walk the walk.

I've got my own little tribute for 6/23/06 and yes it will include some money. I think its worth it. It won't be hundereds or zillions of bucks but it will be more that 30 or better. With maybe more to come later. A drop in the bucket, but a least a drop.

Mal " Shouldn't you be preaching religin to the fuzzy wuzzies or something."
Book "Oh there are plenty of heathens,here."



Sunday, June 11, 2006 6:15 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I have bought four tickets to screenings, I have designed two flyers thus far for the one in my area, I plan to buy the movie and the series... Well, you get the idea.

And I refer you to "May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Mal did not lose faith in his cause, just the God that let him down.



Sunday, June 11, 2006 6:28 AM


I'd tend to think it didn't have anything to do with God, more like the Independants loosing. Mal did loose faith in independence, as far as I see it - it's what Firefly is all about. In Serenity (the movie), he finds that faith again.


Sunday, June 11, 2006 6:34 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by WhoIsRiver:
I'd tend to think it didn't have anything to do with God, more like the Independants loosing. Mal did loose faith in independence, as far as I see it - it's what Firefly is all about. In Serenity (the movie), he finds that faith again.

"God? Who's colors is he flyin'?"
"You're welcome on my boat. God ain't."

And don't forget the cross he kisses in the pilot right before everything goes to hell.

I refer you again to the above quote. And there were several others. He never lost faith in independence. The movie was about catalizing that faith in a new direction. Believing not just in independence but that the Alliance didn't have the right to try making people better. Believing that they had done unspeakable things, not in the name of homogenizing the 'verse, but making it peacful. It was a new facet and a slightly new direction. He always wore his coat, he always spat in the face of the Alliance, he always believed he had been on the right side. He just didn't know what else to do about it until River gave him a weapon.



Sunday, June 11, 2006 6:36 AM


PHOENIXROSE, glad to here of your contributions.
This post isn't really about money ( sorry if its how I came across). Its about "Belief" and sticking to it.

We all live in the real world ( well most ) but we love our distractions. FF is a beautiful distraction for me. I love it. To think there will be no more. Well I refuse to think that way. In that regaurd I am holding the line. I am a person of belief. I think most here are too.

Am I obsessive? Ask the other folks in my house. My wife just looks at me now when a little FFism comes out of my mouth. Its what I like,but there are other things that I am this way about too. It comes in moon phases I think. Anyway I will continue to have hope for a long time. is the best place to come to be with same minded ppl. The crew here are a joy and with enough recruits we can start the Independent war up all over again.This time we win



Sunday, June 11, 2006 7:01 AM


The little picture in the corner is currently the Alliance descending on Serenity Valley. Appropriate.

Mal lost faith in god, he was counting on God to make sure that the losing side and the wrong side were the same side. If he lost his faith in independence he would be convinced he was on the wrong side.

I think you can see exactly how much he still believes in independence when he gets Serenity and tries to sell Zoe on her:

"I tell ya, Zoe, we find ourselves a mechanic, get her running again. Hire on a good pilot. Maybe even a cook. Live like people. Small crew, them as feel the need to be free. Take jobs as they come -- and we'll never be under the heel of nobody ever again. No matter how long the arm of the Alliance might get... we'll just get us a little further."

He's lost the ability to bring independence to the verse, and been forced to realize he never had it, so instead he's bringing it to himself, Zoe and his future crew. He still believes in independence, he's just scaled back on how much he personally will bring about.

There was a time when I wanted everyone to see and appreciate Firefly, I wanted to bring it to the whole world, but that's never gonna happen. Not in my lifetime at any rate and most probably not at all. On the other hand no matter what movie you're talking about, even a blockbuster, the vast majority of people don't watch it.

We don't need to make Firefly horrendously popular or Serenity a DVD blockbuster to get more, we just need to get barely enough, and that we can do.

Whether or not we will is another question, but the moment you admit the possibility of failure you've already lost because at that moment logic kicks in, and then it's all over.

Like Joss said, Serenity was a result of unreasonable people, and I'll continue to be unreasonable for as long as it takes.


Sunday, June 11, 2006 7:05 AM


To be clear, my opinion is that Mal lost his faith in the independence winning. So he takes himself, gets a ship, and runs away.


Sunday, June 11, 2006 7:19 AM


oh I should have designed fliers!

I also bought multiple tickets (if it sells out then I'll give my extras away so more people can come, but if not I wanted to contribute more $)
AND I'll be buying DVDs on the 23rd for :

I am so happy we are doing this!

And more on Sept 30th...

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse
have you checked out this thread?:

and listen to 'I'm Going To See Serenity':


Sunday, June 11, 2006 3:37 PM



Originally posted by zzetta13:
Was Bendez ( not sure if thats his name) right?


One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

Little or no free time, but want to help?
Help Spread the Signal:


Sunday, June 11, 2006 3:49 PM


Honnestly, I never thought for a second that we would lose the battle of Firefly/Serenity! As long as Browncoats exist, there is hope!
We just gotta have faith in eachother.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave!


Sunday, June 11, 2006 4:25 PM


Just curious if anyones thought to get the local networks or affiliates on board. Not Fox but there are plenty of other stations that are always looking for different and alternative stories to put on the air. Especially feel good stories as they're harder to come by. I'm reminded of all those times that Star Trek and Star Wars fans were in the news. I know they looked geeky but if done in a smart and tasteful way (and we Browncoats are noted for our intellegence) I could imagine we'd get plenty of people intersted.

Say when the screenings are held, it wouldn't be a bad idea to make some calls and let the stations know what they are and why, and it'll also get the word out about Equality now. Think of the publicity that would bring.

I'm thinking of something some Star Wars fans did once, I think (can't remember exactly) that they hung out at a corner in costumes to promote the movies. May be wrong but it was something along those lines. I'm not saying going fanatical to the point of doing that but perhaps in out own eloquent way do something like that during the screenings. If enough people show up in costume (and someones lucky enough to get the stations out there) that would create quite a buzz. I know we'd be running the risk of looking like fanatics but perhaps there could be a way to show that we are all and one smart witty people from all walks of life who are neither geeks nor nerds but in fact fans of one of the most intellegent shows that was produced. Hell, might even make fans out any reporters who show up. Buy them tickets for the movie and I think they'll be happy to cover the story (just make sure to let them know it's not a bribe)

And if not tv there's always the local radio station. If we're going to do this we might as well think big. It's already been proven we can do the impossible, and marketing this film has always fallen on the fans, since both companies did a lousy job at promoting the show and movie. Anyway just an idea, maybe this has already been discussed and if not, well those Browncoats with bigger cahouna's get yourselves over to your local station and get the story out. Who says our only source of info is the net?

One last thing, anyone getting married anytime soon? I have this to say, Firefly themed wedding. Imagine the groom dressed as Mal complete with pistol and the Bride walking down the aisle in a gorgeous Inarah piece. May be the only time Mal would get a piece of her. Ok, minds wandering. Anyway, what do you all think?

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting






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