Horrible Confession

UPDATED: Sunday, June 11, 2006 16:43
VIEWED: 9946
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Sunday, June 11, 2006 2:56 AM



Originally posted by christhecynic:

Originally posted by RiveR6213:
Hold the line, but you'll hold that line until you hit your graves. Have a good time

That's the difference between us, we will. You make supporting a lost cause sound like a stay in the 9th rung, but it isn't. You've got something worth fighting for, and even when it's fictional that means a lot.


End the end, its all about money.

Which is, incidentally, the only reason we have a chance at getting it back.

Damn right Chris and FollowMal. Couldn't have said it better myself.

We may never win, but doesn't mean we give up. If we give up, then all hope is lost. No matter how slim that hope is, we need to keep fighting - even if it's just on principle. We're Browncoats - kinda known for fighting lost causes and not giving up, even when it all seems lost.

And like Chris says, while we're fighting, we can enjoy our memories and shared love for what we once had and what is still with us in re-runs and memories and new stories - and hell, if nobody else will write any then we will gorrammit! We'll keep the 'verse alive any way we can if nobody else is going to, and we'll keep those numbers growing by spreading the word, lost cause or not.

- Shiny. Let's be bad guys.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die


Sunday, June 11, 2006 3:27 AM


Just with regards to the Firefly/Serenity franchise not making money...

Well, it has. Firefly has sold upwards of half a million copies on DVD now, and the movie will likely break even at some point.

Of course, there's a negative spin in that breaking even isn't enough to warrant making more. And that's likely true - but there are other formats (TV movies, direct to DVD etc).

The Serenity movie novelisation, the comics and the Titan Official Visual Companion Books also went into multiple printings, and did better than expectations.

Ultimately, yes, this thing isn't 'Friends'. Average joe on the streets has no idea what a Browncoat is, but will know what a Trekkie is. That's a big problem, but there's no easy answers to it.

I believe -- and know -- Serenity can make money. I'm not sure if that's enough for live action stuff from a business perspective, but to be honest: I don't care. This is a cancelled TV show which got made into a major motion picture, with a line of comics and books on the way. That doesn't actually happen (well, once before). Even if nothing else happens, I'm deeply proud Firefly spawned one of the most critically successful Sci-Fi movies of the decade.


Sunday, June 11, 2006 3:45 AM



Originally posted by WhoIsRiver:
Even if nothing else happens, I'm deeply proud Firefly spawned one of the most critically successful Sci-Fi movies of the decade.

I feel the same - it was a great ride, just sorry more people missed it. I'm proud to be a Browncoat and I always will be.

I for one will keep holding the line whatever comes (or doesn't). And until then, it's great we have our shiny virtual family (for the most part) here to share the memories and good times.

When you can't walk you crawl, and when you can't crawl - you find someone to carry you.

- Shiny. Let's be bad guys.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die


Sunday, June 11, 2006 3:50 AM



River6213 wrote:
I support many lost causes, but I think it should be acknowledged that it is a lost cause. If you won't I will. I will hold the line, but I also know the truth of the situation. Serenity/Firefly is great and inventive, but is not a money maker, that's the bottom line.

Knowing this I hold the line and hold hope that maybe Santa Claus and the tooth fairy will somehow change the rules and we will get Another movie or TV show...but I'm not going to hold my breath. So I guess I'll also be holding the line until my grave.



Christhecynic wrote:
Death cannot stop true love.

Apologies for hijacking the thread FutureMrsFillion..

In response to this 'tennis match style conversation' and the future of Firefly/Serenity, I'm with Christhecynic on this one.

I think Shepherd Book said it best in the Big Damn Movie: "I don't care what you believe. Just believe it."

I wouldn't be a fan of the show if it wasn't for the fan base's determination to keep this show flying.

There are A LOT of fans out there who hold to the belief that a sequel will be made. (Including myself.) Because of the fanbase's BELIEF in this brilliant underdog show, we got an initial film out of it, so anything is possible. If Firefly is unmarketable, how could this happen?

One just has to look at the sales of Firefly and Serenity on Amazon.

With regards to earlier comments on lack of merchandise made above, the Firefly companion is coming out. And it's the FIRST volume. If that doesn't scream future releases, then I don't know what does.

A number of fictional tie ins are in the works too. The merchandise is there. We already have the novelisation of the movie, the action figures, that cool looking ornament of Serenity, the visual companion, trading cards, the first trilogy of comics and a second set coming soon.

Let me do the math here...

[img] [/img]


Sunday, June 11, 2006 3:53 AM


Oh dear, yet again River6213 has managed to upset/ offend me with her posts.

Please can you tell me, if you really think this is a crappy show and we are all fools for wanting and hoping for am return why do you choose to spend time on this board?

You know, it's possible that I am deluded in thinking that any sort of continuation of the 'verse is possible, but that delusion makes me happy and who are you to take that away from me? Plus, I would prefer to try and fail that to give up without a fight. Makes for less 'what if's in later life.

I guess that we'll never see eye to eye on this. You are clearly a pessimistic personality (although all pessimists call themselves realists and are surprised when good things sometimes do happen) and I prefer to be an optimist. People are allowed to be different. Still, I do feel that it's very rude when a pessimist slaps an optimist around the face and calls them a fool just because they're feeling depressed.



Sunday, June 11, 2006 4:12 AM


Oh please!

I didnt mean that it IS a crappy show. Firefly and Serenity are one of the best shows I've encountered in a long time. I was just pointing out that smart shows like FF and Serenity are not money makers with the American Idol, and Reality TV type out there. Those shows rake in the dough.

I just don't think another movie is going to come out of all of this. I love the show, and for a while had hope that we would get more, but we won't. The numbers don't add up. Its just not a money maker...sorry.

I would be somewhat satisfied if we get a few novels, but it looks like even for that it's a long time coming. Even in the world of books we have to wait.

The difference between the original Star Trek and Firefly is this: Millions of fans backed by loads of writers, backed by hundreds of novels backed by a social upheavel = Success of Star Trek.

Firefly: A few million fans backed by next to no writers which equals no novels which actually helps fuel a dream. FF is viewed by the big guys as not much of a money maker, and total mismanagment of Firefly's promotionals and advertisments = Failure of Firefly and Serenity.

Anyhow, maybe FF will be a money maker some day, but today is not that day.



Sunday, June 11, 2006 4:30 AM


I'm sorry, I obviously misinterpreted your comment "Maybe IT IS a crappy show but we can’t seem to see that."

Anyway, you have stated your position now. Many times. And quite eloquently I have to say. Other people have countered your arguements in an equally intelligent and, for me, most moving fashion. I just don't see the point in carrying on any more about your belief that anyone hoping for a sequel is fooling themselves. I don't see how this conversation benefits anyone. Especially as I have already said that your attitude upsets me.



Sunday, June 11, 2006 4:47 AM



Originally posted by EmmaRigby:
I'm sorry, I obviously misinterpreted your comment "Maybe IT IS a crappy show but we can’t seem to see that."

Anyway, you have stated your position now. Many times. And quite eloquently I have to say. Other people have countered your arguements in an equally intelligent and, for me, most moving fashion. I just don't see the point in carrying on any more about your belief that anyone hoping for a sequel is fooling themselves. I don't see how this conversation benefits anyone. Especially as I have already said that your attitude upsets me.

Well, it was not my intention to upset you. Sorry if that was the result of what I had to say.

Actually, I was on topic that FMF started. One of my points was that it was hard to continue watching the 14 episodes of Firefly because of lack of content. I mean 14 episodes. Star Trek had 55 episodes so you could spend years going through every detail of every show and STILL find something new to talk about. Firefly lacks this.

But I do look at the fact that those 14 episodes triggered off a lot of people to the point where they are diehard fans, and that alone speaks volumes about the skill of the writer Joss. This isnt lost on me.



Sunday, June 11, 2006 4:55 AM


Thank you, your words are as a balm to soothe my bruised feelings!!

I do see what you're saying, it is a rather small and cramped 'verse for us all to fit in and not repeat ourselves too much or tread on each other's toes. Despite many rewatchings, however, I am not bored yet. You may say this is because I am insanely obsessive (many people have which is perhaps why I am a bit touchy) but it makes me feel better to find others that are similarly obsessed. Makes me less of a freak. Or at least a freak in very good company!



Sunday, June 11, 2006 5:10 AM


Firefly's touched my life in a big way, so I'm going to hold the line, and keep the torch alive until some movie studio executives comes to their senses and fund this thing.


Sunday, June 11, 2006 5:24 AM


Goodmorning all from planet Texas. Its going to be a beautiful (but hot) day here so put on those cooling "Fuzzy Wuzzies" and knock down some refreshing mudders milk.

I do understand where River6213 is coming from with her point of view. Lets face it everyone has an opinion, if we all have the same one what fun would that be?

Its the "Ying Yang" syndrome. There cannot be good without evil. There cannot be a plus without a minus. No positive without negative,day without night...and so on. Just think if there was good, and only good. A world without sin. Not realistic is it?

Anyway,yes we will hold. Yes we will be there for the shows return. Its David against the big Goliath. Remember David wins. When the show returns, and it will, there will be tons of $$$ to be made by somebody. We will be happy.The operative will be shown the error of his ways. We are "Tore up pretty good sir.But we'll fly true."

The forum is about opinion (yours,mine) and we should never look to tell someone how to think or feel. That is the Alliances job. Our freedom to feel differently and express that feeling as such is why we LOVE and joined the boat and her crew.

I know this theard has gotten way off of the track of FMF starting post. I haven't watched any FF/Serenity in several days myself. That doesn't mean that I'm through watching any of the 14 eps. It only means that I'm taking a break. I'll get back to them and soon. It is how it will be until theres more. If other things keep me from doing this along the way(and they will) its just a brief pause.

Thats how I see it,Z


Sunday, June 11, 2006 5:36 AM



Originally posted by zzetta13:

I do understand were River6213 is coming from with her point of view. Lets face it everyone has an opinion, if we all have the same one what fun would that be?

Its the "Ying Yang" syndrome. There cannot be good without evil. There cannot be a plus without a minus. No positive without negative,day without night...and so on. Just think if there was good, and only good. A world without sin. Not realistic is it?
The forum is about opinion (yours,mine) and we should never look to tell someone how to think or feel. That is the Alliances job. Our freedom to feel differently and express that feeling as such is why we LOVE and joined the boat and her crew.

I absolutely agree and I do hope I didn't come across as telling anyone how to think.

It's just that I get so much of the negative at home (if I hear "It's just a TV program" one more time I'll scream. I don't see why people have to put down something that I get enjoyment out of just because they don't feel the same) and I come here for a bit of soothing positive feelings.

Still, in future, if something upsets me I'll try not to start a row over it! I'm not a person who enjoys conflict. I just hide until it goes away!



Sunday, June 11, 2006 5:47 AM



Originally posted by EmmaRigby:

Originally posted by zzetta13:

I do understand were River6213 is coming from with her point of view. Lets face it everyone has an opinion, if we all have the same one what fun would that be?

Its the "Ying Yang" syndrome. There cannot be good without evil. There cannot be a plus without a minus. No positive without negative,day without night...and so on. Just think if there was good, and only good. A world without sin. Not realistic is it?
The forum is about opinion (yours,mine) and we should never look to tell someone how to think or feel. That is the Alliances job. Our freedom to feel differently and express that feeling as such is why we LOVE and joined the boat and her crew.

I absolutely agree and I do hope I didn't come across as telling anyone how to think.

It's just that I get so much of the negative at home (if I hear "It's just a TV program" one more time I'll scream. I don't see why people have to put down something that I get enjoyment out of just because they don't feel the same) and I come here for a bit of soothing positive feelings.

Still, in future, if something upsets me I'll try not to start a row over it! I'm not a person who enjoys conflict. I just hide until it goes away!


I dumped my last friend because she called Firefly a 'kiddy show' and that it was beneath me for watching it. The bitch told me this in my own home when I invited her to watch it.

This should give you an idea how much I like the show.



Sunday, June 11, 2006 5:58 AM


EMMARIGBY do not knock yourself down( sorry if I am over stepping my bounds)

I understand how you feel also. I have two twentysomething year old sons. One I have managed to get to watch FF a couple of times. The other not a bit. They prefer to watch" The 40 Year Old Virgin"....which is Ok,but it ain't FF.

Anyway.I think its only a matter of time before one dark boring night they sit and can either count socks or watch FF. then I'll have them and Z will have his day.....Mine is an evil I told you so laugh.

My wife thinks I'm obsessive, and well I am. Whats so gorram wrong with that? EMMA! You hold the line. I'm right there with you. Ours will be a mighty position when the show returns.

Z, the gloater
thats gloat not goat. It hasn't gotten that lonley in the black yet...ha ha


Sunday, June 11, 2006 6:28 AM


There is something I want to point out for no reason whatsoever.

I remember when there was a time when people said, "There's 14 episodes and one book about them, there isn't enough and there aren't enough fans. We don't have a movie, we don't have a book (novel), we don't even have comics. There is no chance of anything more and it's all hopeless. It's a lost cause."

And of course history has shown two things. The first is that they were right, the second is that it didn't matter. It was a lost cause then, it's a lost cause now and in all probability it was a lost cause before the show even went on the air.

That doesn't change the fact that we have 17 hours of show+movie, three comics I have yet to read, one novel I have yet to read, two non-novel books, more comics on the way, possibly more books on the way, action figures, at least one model, ornaments, and so forth.

All from a cause that was lost before it was started.


Sunday, June 11, 2006 6:47 AM


Good point


Sunday, June 11, 2006 7:12 AM


Speaking of obsessive, will you have a look at the soccer fans here? Sheesh.
Anyways, so far, I've watched every episode and the BDM at least a dozen times since April (and that's a serious and very LOW guess, just to be on the safe side), and I'm not bored one bit yet. Sometimes I put in an episode and go "Oh, it's that one, well, okay.", but once it's actually on for 5 seconds, I'm all excited and like "Oh, right, I forgot! SHINY!" and enjoy the episode so much.
It's like having friends over. Of course we'll talk about the same old shit, but we're still having a blast.
I'm happy with what we got, but of course, that doesn't mean that I don't want MORE to get a bit MORE happy. And even if the energy and effort I put into trying to do my little part in bringing Serenity back should be in vein in the end, I'll still have enjoyed doing it.
And IF we actually get a sequel, well, that would be all kinds of shiny.

Proud Member of the Event Team
Department of All Things Insane

Serenity Now/Equality Now screenings / Serenity Day (unrelated):
June 23rd
Serenity Summer Campaign:
June 23rd - Sept 30th
Serenity 'Versary:
September 30th
Be there or be a purple-belted poop head. (<- not the official slogan)


Sunday, June 11, 2006 8:54 AM



Originally posted by Agatsu:
Speaking of obsessive, will you have a look at the soccer fans here? Sheesh.

Truth be told I've never met an obsessive soccer fan, I've met obsessive football fans. It seems that in every country where it is called, or can be translated as, "Football," the fans are obsessive.

Which means that basically every place it is played outside of the US is full of the obsessed, we've got no sport that we care about quite that much here.


Sunday, June 11, 2006 8:57 AM


So do you guys ever feel guilty if you don't watch Firefly everyday?



Sunday, June 11, 2006 9:10 AM


No. I haven't seen Firefly in 6 months. I check in about once or twice a year, as it keeps it fresh.

I see absolutely no requirement as a fan to keep watching the series. If you want to, that's great, but it's not my thing.


Sunday, June 11, 2006 9:12 AM


I watched firefly every day for about 6 straight months. I don't even have to turn the T.V. on anymore I can replay every episode in my head. But my brain is shiny like that! It's awfull for things I wish I could forget though.

An I carried such a torch.......For the Dark Lord


Sunday, June 11, 2006 9:32 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
So do you guys ever feel guilty if you don't watch Firefly everyday?

Not I.


Sunday, June 11, 2006 11:23 AM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
So do you guys ever feel guilty if you don't watch Firefly everyday?


Guilty about what exactly? Skip brushing my teeth once in a while guilty? I have no oligation to anyone to watch FF or the BDM, so I can't really feel guilty about it if I don't.
But if there's only crap on TV or I want to watch something on the side while I'm working or I just feel like it because FF ruttin' rocks, I throw in one of the DVDs, and off we go.
If I don't watch FF or the BDM for days, I don't feel guilt but longing.

Proud Member of the Event Team
Department of All Things Insane

Serenity Now/Equality Now screenings / Serenity Day (unrelated):
June 23rd
Serenity Summer Campaign:
June 23rd - Sept 30th
Serenity 'Versary:
September 30th
Be there or be a purple-belted poop head. (<- not the official slogan)


Sunday, June 11, 2006 11:33 AM



Originally posted by Agatsu:
If I don't watch FF or the BDM for days, I don't feel guilt but longing.


"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Sunday, June 11, 2006 12:29 PM



Originally posted by Agatsu:

Guilty about what exactly? Skip brushing my teeth once in a while guilty? I have no oligation to anyone to watch FF or the BDM, so I can't really feel guilty about it if I don't.
But if there's only crap on TV or I want to watch something on the side while I'm working or I just feel like it because FF ruttin' rocks, I throw in one of the DVDs, and off we go.
If I don't watch FF or the BDM for days, I don't feel guilt but longing.

I also don't watch it everyday or all the time, but I am still a passionate and loyal Browncoat. I try and leave it a few weeks/months etc in between watching the series - as Whoisriver said - it keeps it fresh. Sometimes I find if I watch something too much it loses impact and meaning, so waiting a bit between viewings increases my longing for it and makes it more special when I do see it. But everyone's different and there's no right or wrong way to enjoy the show - I don't care how you enjoy it, just enjoy it! (to twist Book's words slightly).

- Shiny. Let's be bad guys.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die


Sunday, June 11, 2006 4:35 PM




You dare to talk back to me you sightless harpy? You are #1 on my list of the people who will be dragged out to the park by their hair and given a taste of my whip.

How does it function as a whip? I doubt it is long enough to make a cracking sound.

Dream On

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Sunday, June 11, 2006 4:43 PM


No Citizen. No Ninja monkey's needed, but thanks for the offer. Just dealing with how to pay bills, feed my 2 plus the 3 we have taken in. That sort of stuff. Signing documents attesting to the uselessness of the soon to be exFMF. But I promise to sit down this week and do my penance (if you can call nekkid Nathan a penance. slurp drool)

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"






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