Life Onboard Serenity: Doin' the Splits

UPDATED: Thursday, June 22, 2006 17:56
VIEWED: 12198
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Monday, June 12, 2006 7:09 PM


Hmmm...doesn't appeal so much to me.
I like the creative aspect of the story creation, letting our characters come up with solutions and throw in hitches. If we were just following the movie, we kind of already know what happens. Plus it would be harder for our occasional players to jump in and out.

You might start a new thread for it and see who wants to play.

Ertia flips off the cortex, hoping her signal got through, and then shuts of everything except the engine and thrusters. A little lower, and she'll go to glide.

Glancing at the view-screen once more, she chooses her spot. So far, so good.

"Please, God, I know I don't say this much, but if you'll just give me a hand here, I swear I'll do better from now on."

Rev the side thrusters, swoop low, and cut the engines. Glide her in soft and silent...


Monday, June 12, 2006 7:33 PM


no new threads, if I was going to do that I would have done it in the first place,I brought it up here because I thought it would be cool, oh well, thought it was a good idea, guess I'm the only one *sigh*
-try it out, I dare you


Monday, June 12, 2006 8:31 PM


Don't beat yourself up Guy. Noone liked my idea for a Jell-O filled Jacuzzi shaped like Donald Trump's hairpiece.

Onboard the Genghis.........

*Pain shook his head and thought to himself*

I have to stop doin' this. Thinkin' 'bout her isn't doin' you any good.

*The pilot's voice boomed over the P.A.*

Well be landing on New Canaan in one hour.

*Pain, still staring at the ceiling said to himself*

Well I guess this is it. Unload the cargo, get paid, then haul ass to Beylix.

*The voice popped into his head again*

Yeah and after that you'll rendezvous with Serenity and sulk in your bunk because the woman you loved left you without so much as leavin' you a note.

*Pain got up, growled and said*

Shut it I ain't listenin' to you.

*The voice said to Pain*

Ah yes denial. It ain't just a long dried up river on Earth-That-Was you know.

*Pain took out a small device, attached some headphones to it, and hit the play button. He smiled as the music drowned out the voice, while he made himself ready for the cargo drop.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, June 12, 2006 8:37 PM


1) okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
2) not beating myself up, but disapointed, I thought it was a good idea but noone else did
-try it out, I dare you


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 5:41 AM


Guy, sweetie, I'm only one person! There are at least six authors on this thread, and people popping in and out all of time. Let the others answer for themselves. They may want to do it.
And ya, Pain, the jacuzzi idea was just disturbing...

Wash sees the incoming message and presses the button, smiling when he sees it come up. Just as quickly, before he can trace it, it's dispersed.

The girl was good, he had to give her that. He reached for the shipwide, "Uh, Mal, we just got an incoming message, guessing it's from our wayward child. No sig. Just said beware of the big dogs, with teeth."

In his bunk, Mal hesitates as he straps on his holster. Then he punches the com button, "Hear that folks. We got 30 men, probably all armed to the teeth, and a pack of wild puppies to contend with."

"Puppies with teeth." Wash ammends with a chuckle.

"I like dogs." JR says from the kitchen, "Maybe we can bring a couple back to roast after the fight?"


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 5:58 AM


Hence the reason why I didn't build it. Although I've been tinkering with the thought of a chocolate filled hot tub powered by llamas.

Onboard the Genghis.......

*Pain could feel the large cargo vessel shudder as it entered atmo. Pain thought to himself, the music still playing*

Not long now. Suppose I can help with the crates.

*The pilots voice chimed over the P.A.*

Thirty minutes til dirtside folks. Please keep all apendages in the vechicle at all times.

*Pain braced himself against a wall as the Genghis hit a pocket of turbulence, then smoothed out. Still near the wall, Pain closed his eyes and thought to himself*

I could really use some of the Sheppard's preachin' right 'bout now.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 9:34 AM


(OoC: Hey, Guy, I like your idea! Maybe we could get some other people. More later..)

Dogs!? WHERE!!?"


13, First Mate of the 'Heart of Haven'
and Honorary Forsaken


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 11:39 AM


OoC: Anybody know who the buyer at New Canaan is supposed to be?

Onboard the Genghis.......

*Pain felt the ship touchdown. He touched the com button and said to Rico*

Is it alright if'n I come out now and help unload the cargo?

*After a short delay Rico replied over the com*

Yeah you're uncle said it was.

*Pain heard the hatch to his bunk open. He walked over to the ladder, climbed up, and stepped out into the corridor. Pain nodded to the gunman as they both headed to the cargo bay. When they got to the cargo bay the large cargo bay doors were open. Pain could smell the freshly fallen rain on the ground, as him and Rico made their way down the cargo platform to the cargo bay floor. Pain saw Zoe and Jayne already down there checking the crates. Pain smirked at Jayne and thought*

He looks funny with that splint on his nose.

*The cargo platform came to a stop at the ground floor of the cargo bay. Pain and Rico stepped off. Rico nodded to Farley and the two gunmen returned to their regular duties. Jayne sneered at Pain as Zoe put her hand on the merc's shoulder and said*

Let him be Jayne.

*Jayne grunted as the three of them with the help of the crew member from HC started to stack the crates and wait for the buyer to show up.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 1:40 PM


"Doesn't anybody have the gorram combination???" Mal is tugging on the bridge locker with both hands and all his might.

"Didn't Zoe tell you?" Wash is almost amused. Almost. He of all people knows that Zoe never tells secrets and never writes anything down.

"Yes!" Mal snapped irritably. "Of course, she did!"

"And you... what? Forgot it?" Wash needles him gleefully.

"Captain? You want this?" Kaylee holds out her plasma cutter, a sweet smile on her face.

The others just watch from the doorway of the bridge, but Fly asks, "What's in there so important, anyway?"

"Captainy stuff!" Mal barks back. "Aren't y'all ready to go yet? Wash? How long 'til we land?"

"Be there in forty-five minutes." Before Mal can get any grouchier, he quickly adds, "Sir."

ooc Oh, and no clue who the contact is! He's Sir Warick's man, so just be creative.


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 1:53 PM


In New Canaan: Landing Pad #4.....

*Pain looked up at the cloudy sky. He could see a storm brewing far off into the east. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The gloomy storm brewing was just how Pain felt right about now. He opened his eyes, let out a sigh, and wondered to himself as he continued to work*

Where in the gorram hell are you Ertia?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 2:45 PM


Ertia pulls back on the shuttle locks and runs the start-up sequence, even as she tugs off the suit helmet. She'd done it!

Well...mostly. So far, so good.

One last glance at the radiation and toxin monitor on the suit- The level is borderline- orange. Less than .6 Sv. Radiation and only 2% chem-tox. Still acceptable.

As soon as she's lifted into the cloud cover, she pulls out the shuttle's emergency kit. Grimacing, she downs two capsules of potassium iodide and radian salts, and strips off her suit and dumps it into the isolation bin, just in case.

She won't be able to glide on exit and the shuttle will leave a signature. A glance at the monitor shows fifteen boats in orbit, eight small enough to be Alliance patrols.

There's no help for it. She revs the engine and aims for the middle. Fuel cel and oxygen should last to Fuel Station 45. After that...

After? What then?

She still wasn't certain. She hopes the others are doing okay, that everything was going smooth.


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 3:13 PM


Meanwhile on Landing Pad #4 in New Canaan.....

*Pain had finished with the crates and was staring at the storm brewing up ahead. He was lost in thought as Zoe kept saying*

Pain? Pain? PAIN!!

*Shakened Pain shakes his head, turns to face Zoe and says*

Huh what is it Zoe?

*She says to him*

I think our buyer is here.

*She motions with her head and Pain looks over. Standing there was a man who was dressed in a very fine suit. He was standing underneath an umbrella held by a man wearing a traditional Chinese servant's uniform. The finely dressed man said aloud*

I believe we are to do business. May I speak with your Captain?

*Pain nods and says*

Yes sir you absolutely may.

*He walked over to the com, pressed a button and said*

Will the Captain please come down to the cargo bay. You have someone to do business with.

*Pain walks back over to the man and says with his hand extended*

Howdy my name is Pain. What's yours?

*The finely dressed man looks down at Pain's hand with an annoyed look, and in a slightly disgusted tone of voice says*

I'm sorry I don't socialize with the help.

*Pain lowers his hand and says in a fake cheerful tone*

I apologize for my rudeness sir I didn't know.

*The man gives Pain a snobby look and says*

Yes I'm sure you weren't burdened with a proper education either. Now where's the Captain of this ship?

*Pain's uncle steps into the cargo bay and says*

I'm right here. Now if'n you'll stop insultin' my crew and family perhaps we can get down to business.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 3:29 PM


oooooooooh! Good work on the client! :D
Where's the rest of the gang?


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 3:38 PM


Thank you . Yeah where is everyone? Don't they know what happens when they leave us alone in here?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 6:06 PM


"Oh, very well Captain. My name is Sir Walter Chung, and I own this and a few other loading docks. Actually, my family owns half of the loading docks on this planet. Tell me, Captain, do people of your "kind" always hire relatives for bodyguards? Those big, burly types are a dime a dozen in these parts. I prefer to hire less important nieces and nephews, like my boy here, and put them in less important positions."

Everyone dies alone.


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 6:33 PM


*Pain's uncle says to Chung*

Well to each their own.

*Pain holds back the urge to shoot the snot nosed pansy as Chung and his uncle go over the contents of the crates. Pain looks over at Jayne and Zoe. He see's that they don't like the man as well. He turns his attention back over to his uncle and Mr. Chung as they try to strike a deal. Sir Chung says to Bob*

How much do you want for this merchandise?

*Pain's uncle smiled and said*

The goin' rate is 100 Credits per crate.

*Bob pulls out a data pad, looks over the diplay on the screen and says*

And since there's two dozen crates listed in your name on our manifest, you owe us 2400 Creds.

*Sir Chung looks over the crates and says*

I'll give you 75 per crate and have one of them load the crates onto my shuttle.

*Chung points to one of Bob's crew members as Jayne says*

That's highway robbery!

*Chung smiles and says to his nephew*

Oh look they have a talking ape.

*Zoe restrains Jayne as best she could as Pain pulls out his pistol and aims it at Chung. He says to the snobby pansy ass*

100 Creds and I won't kill you here and now.

*Pain's uncle puts a hand on Pain's arm and lowers it to the ground. He turns to Chung and says*

You'll have to forgive him. He's just goin' through some tough times. Make it 85 and both me and my nephew will deliver and load it onto your shuttle.

*Chung looks over Pain and says*

Hmmm yes that should do nicely. 85 it is.

*Chung turns to his nephew and says*

Pay the man.

*Chung's nephew bows to his uncle, reaches into his robe and produces a wad of Credits. He quietly counts the money and hands Bob 60 Creds more than what they agreed upon. Bob counts the money and says*

This is more than what you agreed to pay us.

*Sir Chung smiles and says in his snobbish tone*

Hmmm yes. You can consider that your tip. Now if you don't mind I have a meeting to attend to in a hour, so hurry with those crates would you.

*Bob motions for Pain to get the Mule in the corner as Chung's nephew gives Bob the directions to his uncle's shuttle. It takes Pain a little less than two minutes to warm up the ANT (basically it's a box like ATV with 6 wheels and seats 6) and manuevers it and it's trailer to the crates of beef. Pain motions for Zoe and Jayne to help load and secure the crates onto the trailer. Jayne whispers to Pain and Zoe*

These gorram rich folk get under my skin. I wouldn't mind takin' one of his ears.

*Zoe replies*

Noone's taking anyone's ear. We do this job and get off this this rock and meet up with Serenity at Beylix. No ears Jayne.

*Jayne mumbles something as the three of them finish loading the crates onto the ANT's trailer. Pain hops in and waits for his uncle, Sir Chung, and his nephew to do the same. Pain silently chuckles to himself as Chung gets in the back. Pain thinks to himself*

Gorram pansy ain't used to ridin' in a work vehicle.

*Pain's uncle takes the front right passenger side as the Chung's nephew sits by him, the umbrella still over his uncle's head. The four of them drive off in the ANT as Pain follows the servant's directions. Pain is stunned as the four of them come to a stop at a magnificient looking shuttle. It was the length of three short range shuttles, had the same height as an Alliance ASREV, and reeked of speed and sleekness. Pain thought to himself*

Ai ya that thing must've set this hun dan back a few hundred thousand Creds.

*Chung and his nephew immediately entered the shuttle via the open hatch. Pain and his uncle waited as the cargo hatch opened and the two of them started to load the crates. After about fifteen minutes the cargo bay hatch closed and Pain and his uncle climbed back into the ANT. Sir Walter Chung scoffed at the two as the shuttle hatch closed and the engines warmed up. He said to his nephew as Pain and his uncle left*

I really hate having to deal with those filthy peons. Now fetch me a gin and tonic you pathetic excuse for a human.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 7:21 PM


The Alliance patrols were nowhere to be seen, and Ertia heaves a sigh as she breaks orbit and makes for the Black.

Plotting her trajectory, she starts her signal bouncing again. Fuel would be tight at the speed she wanted, and the shuttle was no speeder.

Once on track, she pulled out her equipment. Now, who should she be today?

By the time Fueling Station 45 registers on the distance screen, her hair is blond and her eyes are blue. The false caps on her teeth give her a slight over-bite, and her make-up lengthens her jaw-bone and heightens her cheeks.

In her hands, her new identification papers identify her as Dr. Shyan Chee, field researcher from Osiris MedicAd.

She completes the last necessary paperwork and folds it neatly. Into her pocket, close to her heart, she puts the precious metal plate.

Then she logs onto the Cortex. Two quick hack-jobs later, and the Fueling Station looms in her viewfinder.

"Short Range Shuttle Registration Code 23-345, State Your Business."

Ertia hopes her voice doesn't shake as she says the unfamiliar words, "This is Med- Shuttle 2, on route from Firefly Class Transport Ship Whedon. Permission to dock for fueling and O2 replacement."

"Permission granted. Bay 14 is open for docking."

"Xei Xei." She settled the shuttle into the bay, and hacked some credits into her account for fuel and air, punching the button with a final sigh.

Done. It was over. And what now? She stood at the viewfinder, looking out. Go back? Go on? Hitch a ride and disappear? They knew where to find the shuttle.

Her thoughts shift and drift. Walk away. It was for their own good, after all. She was a liability.

Pain would get over it. He would forget her in time.

And what about her own good? Would she forget him? She had everything she wanted on Serenity. Out here, what did she have?

Resolutely, she shoulders her bag, and walks off of the shuttle and through the port to the rental section. She slaps a credit marker on the counter and smiles grimly at the attendant, "I'm Dr. Chee, of MedicAd Osiris, and I'm on an emergency medical mission. I need to commandeer your fastest cruiser."


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 7:26 PM


With the galley empty, JR finishes cleaning up the place, including dishes. "Lizbeth always told me, 'Ain't no better job than a hand job....doin' dishes that is.' " He remembers how his deceased wife would always wink at him when she said that, meaning he could go to the bedroom and "be ready" when she finished in the kitchen. He starts to remember those days from long-ago. "Damn, she was one fine woman, until....", his voice trails off. " go se pirates, pickin' on a shuttle that size, havin' their way with all the women on board, she didn't deserve to die that way. When the Alliance found them, all she said was " 'The Black, they're from The Black.' " He had come to find out that The Black was a pirate Raider operating near the edge of the galaxy, but the ship had never been found. He had been alone since that dreadful day almost twenty years ago, knowing many women but not finding the woman that could meet that standard until.....Inara. But Inara had been only an infatuation, albeit an infatuation that lasted over two years. Then, Sybil came along, and all those feelings he thought dead two decades ago came rushing back, almost bringing him to his knees. "I suppose Miss Sybil and I are gonna be having some serious conversations in the next few days, providin' I live that long." He threw the dirty dish rag into a nearby trash receptacle, then walked to his bunk to prepare his weapons for the next mission.

Everyone dies alone.


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 7:52 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Thank you . Yeah where is everyone? Don't they know what happens when they leave us alone in here?

yes, that's why we left, and ertia "Whedon" nice name
-try it out, I dare you


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 8:21 PM


*Pain and his uncle make it back into Genghis's cargo bay. Zoe hits the button as the two park the ANT in the middle of the bay. Jayne says out loud*

Did we get paid?

*Pain's uncle pulls out a wad of Credits, tosses it to Zoe and says*

Yeah you guys got paid.

*Zoe looks at the wad of cashy money and says*

You're letting us keep all of it?

*Pain's uncle smiles and says*

Yeah I figure I can recover the neccessary costs with the job on Beylix.

*Bob walks over to the com as the huge cargo bay doors close, and says to the pilot*

We're onboard. How long til we reach Beylix?

*The pilot's voice responds over the P.A.*

Well be there in six hours at full burn sir.

*Bob replies*


*He turns his attention to Pain and says*

Son how you holdin' up?

*Pain runs a hand through his hair and says*

I'm good. When's dinner?

*His uncle replies*

In about three hours I suppose.

*Pain replied*

Good I'll be in my bunk. Notify me when it's chow time.

*Bob patted Pain on the back and said before leaving for the bridge*

Will do son will do.

*Pain took off to his room. He thought to himself as he made his way to his bunk*

Perhaps a short nap before I eat will make me feel better?

*Pain opened the hatch to his bunk, climbed down, and closed the hatch. He walked over to his bed and plopped down on it, looking up at the ceiling for a moment before closing his eyes. He started to dream that he was some greasemonkey mechanic on another ship, who was talking to an attractive and mysterious woman with short blonde hair.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 6:23 AM


Wash settled Serenity lightly to the surface, just out of sight of the scrapyard, about a mile down the road and behind an escarpment. Grabbing the com he cheerfully announces, "Folks, Welcome to Beylix Moon, your favorite destination for rock-climbing, hiking, stealing and killing. Blue Sun Tourist Association gives it a Four Star rating and Better Living Magazine lists it in their top ten places to be eaten by dogs with big teeth...."

"Wash, cut the commentary and get down here to the cargo bay." Mal interrupts. "All right folks, we're gonna do this nice and easy."

"What exactly does that entail, sir?" Someone asked.

Mal looks startled, "Well, means we walk up to the front door nicely and ask for them guns back. Zoe..."

He pauses, blinks, shakes his head, "Fly! JR You're with me on the small mule. The rest of you, take the hover mule and wait until we're through the gates to make your move. Ready? "


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 6:26 AM


JR, Good background story!
Okay, gang, think you're ready for a firefight?
(Awww... that dream-girl, Pain? Is she cute? Wonder if she can cook at all...


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 6:50 AM


*scratches head* It would be nice if she did.

Onboard the Genghis............

*A voice boomed over the P.A.*

Chow time in ten minutes folks. If y'all want somethin' to eat I suggest y'all get off yer butts and into the galley.

*Pain opened his eyes and shook his head. He said to himself*

Man what a strange dream..Ooh chow time!

*Pain got off the bed, his muscles flexing as he stretched. He opened the hatch to his bunk, climbed into the corridor and promptly made his way to the galley. Pain's mouth watered as his nose picked up the scent of food. He saw his uncle sitting next to Zoe and Jayne, they were all talking about something. Pain sat down next to hs uncle as the three of them started to laugh. Pain said curiously*

What's so funny?

*Jayne cracks a grin and says*

Aw it ain't nothin' Pain. Yer uncle here was jus' tellin' us 'bout the first time ya shot a gun.

*Pain shot his uncle a glance and said*

Again with the stories of my youth?

*Pain's uncle was about to say something when the cook spoke up*

Dig in folks it's chow time.

*Everyone dug into the various dishes of foods. Pain heaped a pile of it onto his plate and started to eat. He managed to swallow what was in his mouth and said to his uncle*

So how long til we reach Beylix?

*His uncle took a swig of saki and said*

Oh in about two hours I reckon.

*Pain nodded his approval as he took a shot of whiskey and then resumed eating the various prepared proteins, canned goods, and meat substitute.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 8:09 AM


I'm ready for a firefight
-try it out, I dare you


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 10:12 AM


Fly, 13, Wolf where are you three?

*Mal replies to Guy's response*

Good. Now everyone here got everythin' they'll be needin'?

*JR, Fly, Guy, and Wolf check to make sure their weapons are loaded and say in unison*

Yes sir Captain.

*Mal says to everyone*

Shiny. Let's get to work and remember there's dog's on the property. If they try to bite shoot 'em.

*JR thinks to himself as he hops on the small mule*

So many dogs so few recipes.

*13 sits in the passenger seat and says to Wolf who sits behind him*

Don't I get a gun?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 2:13 PM


BUMP! OW! BUMP! OW! Stupid gorram low thread ceiling. *shakes fists*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 2:18 PM


Thank you for rescuing our baby from the dreaded Archive Pit!

In the Black, Ertia checks her speed, checks the distance finders, and enjoys the smooth power of the small long distance cruiser. The planet- hopper is a charm to fly and she twists a few s-curves and u-turns just to feel them, before conserving her fuel.

Feeling reckless at her success, she sings a long-ago song about being a Pirate King, relishing in the silly lyrics, and the rush as the stars pass her by.


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 4:08 PM


*bows* You're welcome

Onboard the Genghis........

*Lunch had been over for an hour. Pain found himself leaning on the rail of the catwalk overlooking the cargo bay. He was smoking one of his uncle's cigars as his uncle who stood beside him said*

Yep reckon it won't long now til we reach Beylix and park this bird at the LaGrange Point a few million miles from the planet.

*Pain nodded and blew out some smoke as his uncle continued*

Have you decided on what you wanted to do? The offer to come work for me is still open.

*Pain sighed and said*

I've decided to stay with Serenity uncle. As much as I would enjoy workin' at the warehouse, I have a commitment towards Serenity's crew. They're like a second family. Perhaps one day I will come to work for you, but right now my crew needs me.

*Pain's uncle smiled and patted him on the back. He said to Pain*

That's fine with me son. My offer will still be open whenever that day does come. Now if'n you'll excuse me son I've gotta do some Captainy business.

*Pain smiled and watched as his uncle left. He turned his attention back towards the cargo bay floor and decided to watch the Hoopball game in progress. He thought to himself as Jayne made a basket*

I hope I'll see you again Ertia. I'll always remember the fun we had.

Meanwhile on one of the moons orbiting Beylix.....

*Mal thought to himself as he hid amongst some junk*

Why can't things go smooth.

*Bullets ricocheted off the rusting hulk of an engine pod as Mal returned fire. He pressed the button on the portable com and said*

JR I should could use some back up right about now!

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 5:31 PM


Beylix Moon Scrapyard

"GORRAM IT! How the hell'd they get past the fences!" Dirk was not having his best day ever! "ROCKY, DREG! Y'all get the shuttle-pad gate secured. How the hell..."

The burly merchant/malcontent ducked and rolled away as a grenade exploded at the corner of his office building, sending broken glass and chunks of debris falling. "How many of 'em are there? They took out the cameras!"

He kept yelling, as though one of his men, or even hhis three women might actually hear him. "Where are the gorram dogs?"

As he broke open his weapons chest he heard a woman's voice over the chaos,

"Hey, Captain! Next time we walk in the front door, maybe we aughta knock!"

The reply came back sounding entirely too cheery for a man in a firefight, "Now, Fly, what kinda fun would that be?"


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 6:17 PM


Onboard the Genghis

*Zoe looked up at Pain from the cargo bay floor she said to him as she passed the ball to Rico*

Come on Pain! Are you gonna stand up there and sulk all the way to Beylix or are you gonna join us in some Hoopball?

*Pain took the cigar out of his mouth and thought to himself*

Hell might as well go down there and play.

*Pain snuffed out the cigar, stuck it in a belt loop, and said*

Sure why not. Haven't played the game in awhile. Wonder how good I'll be with one arm.

*Zoe whoots as Rico passes her the ball and makes a basket. Pain uses the cargo platform to make his way down. He steps off the platform and says*

Alright so who's team am I on?

*Jayne says slight;y out of breath*

You can be on Farley's.

*Pain says*

Alright so who's on your team and who's on Farley's?

*Rico answers as Jayne is blocked by the pretty female merc called Mika*

It's me, Zoe, Jayne, and Gun against Farley, Mika, and Jake.

*Pain smiles and says as Mika hands him the ball*

Sounds like fun.

Meanwhile at the Beylix Moon Scrapyard

*Dirk swore as bullets tore chunks out of the wall near him. He yelled at Rocky and Dreg*

Gorrammit what's takin' y'all so long?

*Rocky said as he returned fire*

Sorry Dirk but Dreg's outta it. Took a large piece of glass through his neck.

*Dirk swore as a bullet ripped through his arm causing him to drop his rifle and take cover behind the weapon's chest. He thought to himself as more shots rang out*

I shoulda called in sick today.

*JR grinned as he slapped in a fresh clip into Pain's AK. Fly had given it to him to use before they left. He thought to himself as he cocked the bolt and fired another burst*

Now I know why Pain likes this gun. It packs a punch like an angry mule.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 7:07 PM


Smoke poured from a gaping hole in the main office. "Go se, we got a fire near the file cabinets!!! I don't wanna lose that paperwork again!", Dirk yelled out, holding his near useless arm and not being able to fire back. Rocky yelled back, "Can't make it back, I'm pinned down!" Dirk was beginning to suffer from shock, but he couldn't give up so easily. Then again, whoever was out there knew where and what to strike. Dirk had made a complaint to his employer, Col. Sanchez, about not having enough personnel for such a large facility. Col. Sanchez looked back to his girly magazine and told Dirk, "You got five mean junkyard dogs to help ya. I was told you would get the job done, so do it!" Dirk was now down to his last man. Rocky heaved a grenade in the invader's general direction, then let out another burst from his weapon and said, "Dirk, I'm out. Got nothin' left but my sidearm and knife. I don't think we made a dent in their plans neither, whatever they're plans are."

Everyone dies alone.


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 8:47 PM


On the other side of the Beylix Moon Scrapyard

*Guy and Wolfie had there work cut out for them trying to get inside the warehouse. They didn't think the three women in there were armed until Wolfie stuck his head into the doorway and almost had it blown off. Guy said to 13 as he returned fire with his revolver*

If you're not too busy with those dogs perhaps you could lend us a hand.

*The dogs had made the mistake of thinking 13 was a delicious human snack, but were proven wrong when he was unaffected by their vicious biting. Currently 13 had his hands full dealing with the last two of them. He said to Guy as he threw one over the building*

I'll see what I can do.

13 thought to himself as he snapped the neck of the last dog*

Yay me. First time with new skin and what do I get to do? I get to play as a chew toy.

Meanwhile onboard the Genghis

*The Hoopball game in the cargo bay had ended with Zoe's team winning by 3. Pain took off his shirt and used it to wipe off the sweat. He said to everyone there as he leaned against the wall*

Now that was a fun game.

*The pilot's voice boomed over the shipwide P.A.*

We have arrived at Beylix and are currently parked at the LaGrange Point 3 million miles away. I will wave Serenity and tell them we're here.

*Pain blew some air out from his lungs and thought*


*Pain stood up and joined Zoe and Jayne on the cargo platform. He wondered where the crew member from High Charity was at but shook the thought from his mind. The rest of the Genghis's crew returned to their duties as Jayne, Zoe, and Pain made their way to the galley. Mika watched as Pain entered the corridor and disappeared from sight. She commented to herself, biting her lower lip*

Mr. Cameron's nephew sure was an attractive hunk.

*Rico snapped his fingers at Mika and said*

Hey you goin' to stand there and daydream or are you goin' to help me clean out the ducts?

*Mika shook her head and said*

Oh yeah sorry.

*Rico rolled his eyes at her as the two of them went to work cleaning out the ducts.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 15, 2006 5:59 AM


Mika, huh? Well... Ertia'd just better get her butt back to Serenity and start makin' some ammends, hadn't she?
heh- nice work with 13 and the dogs. 13? Ya there? Fly? Where are you?

It was easy at first to dismiss the growing weariness as simple fatigue. After all, she had hardly slept in 48 hours, and barely eaten either. So the exhaustion was accountable.

Then came the growing nausea and the cold sweat trickling down the back of her neck.

As Ertia flipped on the auto-pilot and careened her way to the head, she knew she couldn't deny it any longer.

How much had she taken? Less than .6 sv...Orange zone.
Her mind rambled as her stomach heaved... at .5, nausea, sweats, immune system lowers, white blood cell count affected...
Easily survivable in a clean environment. Radian salts and iodide, water, lots of water to keep the kidneys, liver and pancreas from holding contaminants...

Suddenly, she wished she really WAS a field research doctor from Medicad. Make a hell of a thesis paper!

She forced her trembling hands to open the stolen cruisers emergency kit and guzzled a water packet. She counted the radian salts and iodide dosages. Enough for one dose an hour for two hours.

By then she would be there. Please let her be there.

Stumbling back to the pilots seat, dosages and water in hand. With little thought now to fuel conservation, she revved the engine to full capacity, and let the cruiser fly itself as she wiped away the sweat from her face and neck with the hem of her tshirt.


Thursday, June 15, 2006 6:43 AM


That would be nice.
I thought so too. Fly, 13 where'd you two run off to. Where there llamas? Did the terrifying space llamas get the both of you?

3 million miles outside of Beylix

*There was nothing to do but wait. Pain was in the galley leaning back in a chair, smoking the remains of his cigar. He thought to himself*

If Ertia were here I'm sure we could've found somethin' to do to pass the time.

*The voice popped in*

But she isn't is she?

*Pain ignored the voice and said to Jayne*

Jayne pass me the whiskey.

*Jayne grunted and slid the bottle over to Pain. Pain stopped the bottle from going over the table's edge with his foot. He righted himself in the chair and took the bottle. He studied the label before taking a healthy swig. He slid the bottle back over to Jayne and said to Zoe*

So do you think they've got the stuff yet?

*Zoe said as Jayne gave the whiskey bottle a disgusted look*

I hope so Pain. I sure hope so. Jayne what's wrong that bottle of whiskey?

*Jayne looked at Pain and said to Zoe*

Its got Pain's germs on it.

*Zoe replied*

So? That didn't stop you from taking the Captain's bottle of saki.

*Jayne muttered*

Yeah but that was different. It didn't have Pain's germs on it.

*Mika rolled her eyes, walked out form the shadows, and said to Jayne*

Are you always whining like a baby.

*Pain spoke up and said*

He does it all the time. I'm suprised he ain't wearin' diapers.

*Jayne shot up, slammed his fist down on the table and said to Pain*

I'll show ya full well I ain't wearin' no diaper.

*Pain put his hands in the air in mock surrender and said*

Hey now you might scare the ladies if'n you did that.

*Zoe laughed at Pain's comment as Mika took the bottle of whiskey. She smiled at Pain as she ran her tongue slowly around the bottle's opening before taking a swig of the whiskey. She sat the bottle down on the table and winked at Pain before leaving the galley. Jayne and Zoe had been watching this and Jayne said to noone in particular*

Now what was that all about?

*Pain replied, a litte intrigued by Mika's bottle technique*

I really don't know.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 15, 2006 7:05 AM


ooooooooh! She is goin' DOWN!

(as soon as Ertia's done puking that is... why I am puking in all of my stories this morning?)


Thursday, June 15, 2006 7:13 AM


yay! i'm back, ah, it feels good to type a reply again. oh by the way ertia and pain, i understand that your charecters are in "love" or what ever, but i'm 13 years old. so if you don't mind, could you not decribe it everytime you fool around, thanks.

*wolf and guy were having trouble with the gunfight, wolf run out of bullets.*

wolf" OH !!!, dude i'm outta clips, ah what the heck."

*he throws his revolver at the enemie and pulled out a shotgun.*

wolf" lets rock!"

guy" alright!! lets do this."

*guy, still grinning, pulled another revolver out of his coat, (he now has 2) and turned to 13*

guy" hey, 13, you gonna help or play with doggies all day?"

*at that moment all three of them jump through the door, guns blazing and dive behind a crate.*


Thursday, June 15, 2006 7:17 AM


Hey glad you're back. Ertia and I will keep it clean from now on. Right Ertia?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 15, 2006 7:56 AM


whoo hooo! Welcome home, Wolf! And that's a hecka of a return post!
As for keeping it clean, you've got it. Any problem with us putting racy stuff into spoiler tags?

Drink water.
Take capsule.
Drink water.
Puke it up.

The Black seemed endless.

Her head dropped into her hands, still shaking, no longer bothering to wipe away the perspiration that soaked her.

The auto-pilot beeped. She was nearing the coordinates at last. Relief flooded her as she flipped the monitors to long-range and scanned the surroundings. Serenity might still be on Beylix, or she might still be hiding her signal, thanks to Wolf's ingenuity.

Or something may have gone wrong.
Gone wrong because she left them. Because they were already short-handed going into a messy job.

Too late to second guess now. She needed help, and if she couldn't find Simon, she would have to trust someone else.

She opened the hailing frequency and typed in an all-range message.

"This is MedicAd field-researcher Dr. Chee, requesting aid. Low-level radiation toxic poisoning. SOS"


Thursday, June 15, 2006 8:22 AM


Onboard the Genghis

*The console in front of the pilot beeped. There was an incoming hail, but no transponder signal. The pilot tapped a few buttons and the com came alive. The pilot spoke into the com*

Dr. Chee is it? This is the Titan class Cargo Vessel Genghis we're having a hard time locating your transponder signal. Could you please send us your coordinates.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 15, 2006 8:34 AM


i spose not, but keep it discreet if you could, coz watever i see, my mum/dad/10yr old sister can see.

*wolf blasted a womans head off the body slumping on to the ground, guy wasn't having as much luck, as much as he tryed he couldn't find an opening.*

*13 walked towards the women, bullets bouncing off of him damaging his shiney new skin.*

13" hey! my freind made that for me!!!"

*he ran at the firing women and knoked one out cold, but the 3rd shot his leg in the wires and he fell to the ground writhing in pain.*

guy" oh screw this i'm not gonna be the only one who didn't get one"

*guy jumped from behind the crate, the last women loked up and saw a ragged man with a crazy look in his arm and fired randomly, the stray bullet hit guy in the arm but it didn't stop him. he jumped at her and hit her in the back of the head with the butt of a gun with his one good arm.*

wolf" guy! are you ok, it looked like she shot you."

guy" ow."

*with that guy fell over, uncontious.*

dude, i'm on a role here!


Thursday, June 15, 2006 9:27 AM


The Genghis! Pain's uncle! Ertia feels relief flood through her, or maybe that's more nausea...

Squeezing the com, she calls back, "Genghis, coordinates being sent. I'm ..."

What could she tell them?

She nearly laughed at the predicament she found herself in! She didn't look like herself currently, and that pilot wouldn't know her even if she did. Was it too much to hope that Pain and Zoe were still onboard? Had she missed the rendevoux?

"I'm flying a GX Class Planet Cruiser, out of Station 45. Activating emergency beacon now."

She activated the beacon and the pilot's voice came back, "We've got you. ETA is twenty minutes."

"Xei Xei, Genghis. I'll hold position."

She shut down the engine and staggered back to the head again.


Thursday, June 15, 2006 11:11 AM


Onboard the Genghis

*The pilot's voice boomed over the shipwide P.A.*

We will be picking up a passenger from a GX Class Planet Cruiser in need of medical assistance. Will the doctor please come to the cargo bay and wait for further instruction.

*The pilot turned to Mr. Cameron and said*

Should I wave Serenity and tell them we've taking a emergency call and we won't be were we're supposed to be?

*Bob nods his head and says*

Do it and make sure you give them the new coordinates. Now I must head to the cargo bay and get ready to meet our new guest.

*The pilot replied*

Yes sir Mr. Cameron.

*Pain, Jayne, and Zoe heard the pilot's voice over the com. Pain said as they got up and headed for the cargo bay*

Well this day keeps gettin' better and better.

*As they make their way to the cargo bay, Pain's uncle gives orders to his crew*

Rico, Farley, Carlos I want you three to stand guard just in case this medical emergency is a hoax.

*Bob sees his nephew along with Jayne and Zoe come down on the cargo platform and says to them*

Pain I want you and your crew members to be back up just in case.

*The three of them nod as the pilot's voice booms over the P.A.*

Docking with GX Class Planet Cruiser in five minutes.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 15, 2006 6:18 PM


The cruiser doors separate with a smooth wooshing sound and the armed men advance, Pain's uncle in the lead.

A sudden sound causes them all to leap back, weapons cocked and aimed towards the small door from which it had come.

It opens slowly and a blond, blue eyed woman, soaked through with sweat, trembling, pale and obviously very ill practically falls out at their feet.

Ertia, lying on the floor of the cruiser, looks up into the barrel of a gun in her face. Her eyes trace a path that leads from a hand, to one brawny arm, and then, finally, the familiar face of Bob Cameron.

Trying to remember that she was in disguise, she manages a weak smile, "Heya. Thanks for the welcome. Don't suppose you could pull the trigger and put me out of my misery, could ya?"


Thursday, June 15, 2006 8:52 PM


*Bob lowered his weapon and said*

Sorry Dr. Chee was it? We don't do that to people who need medical aid.

*Bob smiled at her and motioned for Pain and Rico to help her up. Bob said to the two men*

Take her to the infirmary. Doc see what's wrong with her.

*Pain, Rico, and the Doc nod as the doctor leads the way to the infirmary. Dr. Chee/Ertia tried to talk but Pain interrupted her by saying*

Try to conserve your strength by not talkin'.

*The four of them enter the infirmary. Dr. Chee/Ertia thought to herself as Pain and Rico hoisted her into the exam chair*

This must be twice the size of the one in Serenity.

*Pain says to the doc as the doc hooks her up to various monitors*

So doc what's wrong with her?

*The doctor says in a calm demeanor as he examines Dr. Chee/Ertia*

She appears to be suffering from low grade radiation poisoning. Rico bring me my anti rad kit, second drawer from the right.

*Rico nods as Pain looks over the trembling and obviously ill woman. Rico hands the doc a plastic case. The doctor opens it and produces a syringe with a long needle, filled with an opaque liquid. The doc says to the disguised Ertia*

This is a standard anti radiation medicine. It should reverse the effects of the radiation poisoning you got.

*Pain asks*

How much radiation was she exposed to?

*The doc runs a Geiger counter over Dr. Chee/ Ertia's body and watches the readout hit the orange scale. The doc then says to Pain as he injects the medicine into Dr. Chee's arm*

She was exposed to .7 sv's whichin her case is a borderline mild overdose. She be fine in a hour or two. Now if you guys would mind I need to keep her under close observation.

*The two men nod to the doc and head out the infirmary. Pain says to Rico*

I'll stay outside if'n you don't mind.

*Rico shrugs his shoulders and says*

Fine by me. I'll just go inform the Captain.

*Pain watches Rico leave and thinks to himself*

I hope Dr. Chee makes it out alright. It'd be an awful shame for someone like her to die.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, June 16, 2006 11:30 AM


ooh good story twist.

back on the serenity

simon" so guy is going to be fine and fly is seeeing to 13 so lets have a look at that cut on your arm."

wolf" no no its fine really."

simon" give it here."

wolf" *sigh* ok."

* he shows simon his arm.*
*simon was expecting to see a lttle blood or mabye a tendon or two, what he didn'l expect to see was wires.*

simon" what in the 'verse is this about?"

wolf" i lost my arm a few years back so i had to get a replace ment."

simon" *sigh* well you are full of suprizes arn't you. well lets get a x-ray."

*he leads him over and takes an x-ray*

simon" what are these lines?"

wolf" oh, well i found a earth that was comic book and i couldent resist, i got them to insert these."

*three lazer-sharp blades slid out from in between his nuckles.*

wolf" heh heh heh, these have come in handy."


Friday, June 16, 2006 11:30 AM


ooh good story twist.

back on the serenity

simon" so guy is going to be fine and fly is seeeing to 13 so lets have a look at that cut on your arm."

wolf" no no its fine really."

simon" give it here."

wolf" *sigh* ok."

* he shows simon his arm.*
*simon was expecting to see a lttle blood or mabye a tendon or two, what he didn'l expect to see was wires.*

simon" what in the 'verse is this about?"

wolf" i lost my arm a few years back so i had to get a replace ment."

simon" *sigh* well you are full of suprizes arn't you. well lets get a x-ray."

*he leads him over and takes an x-ray*

simon" what are these lines?"

wolf" oh, well i found a earth that was comic book and i couldent resist, i got them to insert these."

*three lazer-sharp blades slid out from in between his nuckles.*

wolf" heh heh heh, these have come in handy."


Friday, June 16, 2006 11:43 AM


Gang, I've just heard from 13. He has to leave us for a little while. Hopefully he'll be back in a few weeks. I've told him we'll just carry 13 along for a bit, and try to keep him out of trouble. (HAH! In here?)

Ertia groans as the potassium iodide solution burns through her veins. Far more effective than the oral doses she'd been taking, it feels like someone has spliced her arms open.

The IV full of rehydrating solution actually feels good as it dilutes the PI.

Pain. He'd been right beside her, hadn't he? Or had she hallucinated it?

"Take it easy, now, Miss." The doctor was draping cool-packs over her fevered body. "We'll have you right in no time."

"Monitor must have been malfunctioning." She tells him.

"How'd you come by this?" The doctor was watching her closely, but she couldn't organize her exhausted thoughts enough to come up with a lie.

"Field research. Screwed up." She murmurs. But her mind is drifting, and she isn't sure what she says out loud. "Screwed it all up. Pain..."

"Are you hurting? Head or stomach?" The doctor assesses quickly, and she tries to shake her head, tell him that's not right.

"Tell him... Pain... sorry.." She drifts out, leaving the Doctor puzzled, then he blinks, glances to the door, and then back at his patient.

Did she know who was standing outside the door?


Friday, June 16, 2006 12:37 PM


Whoo hoo! Site's back....hopefully.

Onboard the Genghis

*The Doc walked out of the infirmary and said to Pain, still puzzled by what the woman said*

Um Mr. Pain sir the lady you and Rico brought in wanted me to tell you something.

*Pain raised an eyebrow and said*

Oh? What'd she want you to tell me?

*The Doc replied*

Well she said she was sorry. Do you know her?

*Pain peeked into the into the infirmary, looked at the sleeping woman in the exam chair, and said*

Can't say that I do but if'n she did somethin' to offfend me tell her I forgive her. Although I really don't know what she did.

*The Doc said returning his gaze at the woman*

Will you be returning to Serenity soon?

*Pain sighed and said*

You know what tell them I'll be a little late and not to wait up. I want to talk with her when she wakes up.

*The Doc nods and says while heading to the vid screen*

Very well I'll tell you're Captain you'll be staying a little longer than expected. Do you have the number for your ship.

*Pain smiles and tells the Doc the frequency number for Serenity. The Doc types in the number and hits the transmit button. The screen flickers on as Wash's face comes into view. Wash says to the Doc*

Uh howdy how may I help you?

*The Doc smiles and says*

This is Dr. Tanner of the Genghis. I waved you to say that Pain will be staying onboard for some family business.

*Wash takes in the information and says*

What kind of family business?

*Dr. Tanner replies*

He didn't say. Could you please relay this meesage to your Captain?

*Wash sighs and says*

Um yeah will do.

*Dr. Tanner smiles and says*


*Dr. Tanner turns off the screen and says to Pain*

Well that's taken care of. Do you want to wait here til she wakes up?

*Pain smiles and says*

That'll be fine with me.

*Dr. Tanner nods and continues to check on Dr. Chee as Pain finds a chair in the corner and saits down, arms folded on his chest.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, June 17, 2006 12:31 AM


sorry I've been gone for so long, this is the first time the site's worked for me in a while

*wakes up* what happened?
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot. If you are one of the 2% that hasn't copy this into your signature


Saturday, June 17, 2006 7:19 AM


It's alright the site's been acting weird for everyone.

On Serenity

*Simon sees Guy wake up and says*

You were shot in the arm and lost a substantial amount of blood. You might experience some blurred vision but other than that you're fine. I recommend that you refrain from any strenous activities for the rest of the day until your body replenishes the lost blood.

*Guy looks at where his arm is bandaged and says*

Oh ok then. Did we get the stuff?

*Simon nods and says*

Yes we got Mr. Cameron's stuff. In fact 13 carried it in as Wolf brought you here.

*Guy takes in the information and replies*

So where are they?

*Simon responded as he checked some monitors*

Well 13's with Fly getting his skin repaired and Wolf went off to the galley.

*Guy said while getting out of the exam chair*

Would be alright if I went to the galley?

*Simon replied*

As long as you take it slow and don't rush.

*Guy said as he left*

Ok then. Thanks doc.

Meanwhile on the Bridge

*Wash said to Mal*

We'll be docking with the Genghis a half an hour later than expected.

*Mal said a little annoyed*

You wanna give me a reason as to why?

*Wash replied*

Well you see Mal they had to answer a distress call about an hour ago. They sent us the new coordinates that we're to meet them at and Pain is going to be arriving later than expected.

*Mal raised an eyebrow and said*

He ain't sexin' one of the Genghis's crew now is he?

*Wash hid a chuckle and said*

No the Doc onboard said Pain had to deal with some family business and would catch up with us later.

*Mal sighed and said*

Alright fine. Wave Mr. Cameron and tell him we got his merchandise.

*Wash spun around to the console and said*

I'm on it Cap.

*Wash tapped a few buttons on the console as Mal left. The vid screen flickered as the face of the Genghis's pilot came into view. Wash replied*

Hi there little lady greetings from Serenity. Can I speak with Mr. Cameron please?

*The pilot said to Wash*

Hold on while I put you through.

*Wash hummed to himself as the screen flickered and Mr. Cameron's face replaced that of the pilot's. Mr. Cameron smiled and said*

Howdy Wash was it. What did you want to tell me?

*Wash replied*

Yes that's my name. My Captain says we've got your stuff in our cargo bay. We'll be docking with you in thirty.

*Mr. Cameron grinned and said*

That's some good news indeed. Tell your Captain I'll be waitin'.

*Wash nodded and said*

That I'll do Mr. Cameron and could you tell my lovely wife that I miss her.

*Mr. Cameron replied*

I'll see to it Mr. Wash.

*Mr. Cameron turned off the vid screen, hit the button for the shipwide P.A and said*

We'l be dockin' with Serenity in half a hour folks. And to a Mrs. Wash your husband misses you.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?






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