Faolin's Crew 2

UPDATED: Friday, June 23, 2006 08:25
VIEWED: 6822
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Wednesday, June 14, 2006 2:02 PM


"Alliance?" Shanti rocks back on her heels. "What are they doing out here?"

Puro shrugs, "Can't say, but they're sitting between us and Persephone."

"Do you think they've seen us yet?" She squints down at the screen and then back out into space, tapping one finger to the screen, "Can we still change course without suspicion?"


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 2:08 PM


Darren was still enjoying the meal Shanti cooked as the Captain walks through on his way to the bridge. Captain Faolin entered the bridge nods to Shanti and says "Well Puro what is it that you wanted me to see?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 3:30 PM


"Alliance ship inbetween us and Persephone"

"Go straight through avoid suspision we're probably too close...

"Attention," the voice on the wave said,"All members of the crew report to docking bay immediately"

"Not my best day, Shanti we hid the goods."

"Yes sir" Shanti appeared to be relieved to be allowed to call someone sir

"Good lets do what they ask"



Wednesday, June 14, 2006 4:05 PM


Shanti followed the others into the cargo bay, burying her trembling hands in her jeans pocket. Her sweatshirt covered what remained of her tattoo, and her fake ident-card was good enough to fool them. At least, she hoped so.

The bank robbery procedes were all stashed. She'd dropped her black diamond down Jeddy's belly button hole. Handy bear, that Jeddy.

In the cargo bay, she stood between the Captain and Gail. If somehow they discovered her mark... who was she kidding?
She wouldn't allow the rest of the crew to get hurt. If they discovered her, let them arrest her, use it as a distraction to spare to the others.

She'd survived before. She'd survive again.

There was a jolt as the airlock was met and sealed and she glanced to the Captain, standing calm as could be at her side. She put on her prettiest smile and waited...


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 4:23 PM


Banner shifts as he stands in the cargo bay, burly arms folded over his barrel chest. Unconsciously, his hand snakes to his left pocket for a cigar, only to find lint and a bitta coin.

"Bloody 'ell," he mutters, and whistles out a shaky breath.

Damn cap'n..can't keep me cooped for much longer..betta get some kinda downtime set-up...I'll take it up with 'im later.

*Dreams,* he thinks, *Everything is in them.*

*What are in yours?* he asks himself.



Wednesday, June 14, 2006 4:27 PM


Darren held his hands in the air away from the pistol in his leg holster. The Alliance Commander approached Captain Faolin as the troops searched the crew. One of the Alliance troops frisked Darren found his ident card in a pocket, and after securing Darren's weapon, and running his card through the scanner said to the Commander "This one's clean."

The Commander said to Faolin as the troops continued searching everyone "Please state your purpose for being in this sector?"

Darren mentally chuckled to himself "Boy were the Feds goin' ta have a field day with Gail and Banner."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 5:17 PM


"Find something you like, handsome?" Shanti murmurs seductively. She tilts her head coyly and smiles as the young soldier pats her down.

He steps away, stammering, a blush coming to his cheeks. Shanti took the time to wish she'd put on something more flattering than a sweatshirt and jeans that morning.

She takes the opportunity to glance to the side. Seven Moons! How many weapons was Gail carrying? A small pile was accumulating at his feet.


Thursday, June 15, 2006 3:43 AM


"Nothing much just headed to Persephone to pick up some passengers. We're friendly folk."

"I'm sure you are," the voice was icy it stung as it spoke. The man walked onto the boat and Shanti's face was complete horror.

*Definately not one of my best days*

Ertia on your next post just choose a previous owner for this to be



Thursday, June 15, 2006 5:40 AM


for description, think Chow Yun Fat

Shanti's stomach hardened into a solid knot as she saw the man who stepped through the airlock. Impeccably dressed, his features were darkly handsome, although it was clear he was nearing the end of his prime years.

"Good day, chyeh-biao. Did you think you could run forever?"

Stammering, Shanti recognized that Gail stepped away from her leaving her exposed to the newcomer. Somehow, she managed to say, "I'm...I'm not yours anymore, Tong."

"I, and this paperwork, beg to differ." He smiled, a toothily unpleasant smile.

No. Shanti's mind whispered in protest. Why him? By the time he had sold her back to the wranglers in dissatisfaction the last time, her arm had needed surgery to be reset, her broken jaw had to be wired for weeks, and her back had taken skin-grafts to repair the scars.

Run. Run anywhere! Get away from him! Get... What? And let the others be arrested? Let them be hunted? Closing her eyes, she dropped slowly to her knees, bowing her head.

She choked out, "Zhu, duì bu qi."

And then promptly vomited what little breakfast she'd managed to eat onto his shoes.

chyeh-biǎo -concubine-whore
Zhu, duì bu qǐ - Master, forgive me.
(Sorry, had to anglicize the pinyin- the site won't accept the accents.)
That kind of what you were thinking?


Thursday, June 15, 2006 5:44 AM


"oh so you aren't feds" the Captain slipped out

The guards nodded no.

"In that case" the captain shot the three guards and Gail put a gun to the pretty boy owners head.

"Step away from Shanti"

"A name she's just a lowly whore"

"Yes, but she's our whore"



Thursday, June 15, 2006 7:23 AM


Darren took back his gun from the dead guard. He pointed it at the man with the vomit on his shoes and said "If I were ya I'd be leavin' right 'bout now or Gail here will show ya why they call him Gail."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 15, 2006 7:36 AM


Shanti felt the world switch to slow motion as one bile covered shoe raised and swung into her ribs, sending her sliding across the cargo bay floor towards the airlock.

Tongs voice was cool, unconcerned, as he surveyed the dead men around him. "Not without my property. Or I promise you, the Alliance cruiser that truly is in this sector will know your whereabouts. My pilot is locked onto your navsat."


Thursday, June 15, 2006 8:10 AM


"Well ain't that a shame." said Captain Faolin.

What happened next was pure adrenaline and stupidity. Banner, Gail, Faolin, and Darren opened fire on Tong. His body fell to the ground riddled with holes.

Faolin turned to Darren and said "See what you can do about the navsat."

Darren nodded as Faolin rushed over to Shanti, still shouting orders "Gail, Banner get these bodies into the airlock, Mr. Puro get us the hell out of here, Doc attend to Shanti, Mononoke you help the Doc."

There were shouts of "yes sir" echoing through the cargo bay as everyone went to work. Faolin ran a hand through his hair and said to himself "This just isn't my day."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 15, 2006 6:52 PM


Shanti threw up her left arm to hold the Captain back, her right hand going to her ribs. She gasped for air, swallowing down the pain as she pushed to her feet. She muttered out, "I'm okay. Broken rib is all. I've had worse."

Dr. Luap, remembering their encounter in the Infirmary, held out a hand to her, "Lets get you to the infirmary."

But she shook her head, staggering away from him. She made her way to where Gail and Banner were throwing the bodies into the airlock and grabbed Gail's arm as he started to drag Tong's body.

For a long moment she stared down at the familiar face, now splattered with blood from his chest-wounds, mouth hung open in a death-grimace.

"It was too good a death for you, wang bao dahn!" Still gripping Gail for balance, she drew back her boot and smashed it into that grimacing face, feeling the nose crunch beneath her foot, the cheekbone crack. Again, and again she swung her foot, hardly aware that Gail had grabbed her and was pulling her back.

He handed her over to the Doctor, who held her with surprising strength as he sedated her.

"Hell, maybe we ourta let 'er do that wile he was alyve!" Banner stated, and through the haze of red in her eyes, and the roaring in her ears, she had to agree that she wished they would have.


Friday, June 16, 2006 2:24 AM


"How is she Doc" the Captain said walking into the infirmary.

"I patched her up as well as I could"

The Captain walked toward the bed and looked down at his first mate. This man had made her hate him that much. made her want her want him dead and mangled. Made her want to do it herself. Faolin thought on his past. And it suprised him that he completely understood what that feels like.

The Captain turned to Luap. "If she comes to before we're back tell her we left"

The captain went toward the airlock and turned to Gail. "Hopefully Badger's in a good mood. Cause I sure as hell ain't"

Hello River26 where did you go



Friday, June 16, 2006 6:37 AM


Darren worked ferverently on the navsat. He decided on the "Crybaby Technique" putting the navsat's transponder inside a coffee can and attaching various sensors, lights, and a receiver dish to the exterior. Darren rushed back into the cargo bay, saw Gail and Captain Faolin and said "Here ya go Cap'n this should take care of our lil' Alliance problem."

Captain Faolin and Gail saw the device in Darren's hands. Gail replied somewhat confused "What is it?"

Darren smiled and said "It's called a Crybaby. It's a device that sends out a fake distress call. However this one's been modified to send out our navsat's transponder signal. Kinda give the Alliance the slip."

Darren chucks the Crybaby into the airlock as Gail still ponders what Darren said. Gail shrugged and hit the button to close the airlock door.

Captain Faolin grinned and said "Darren what would I do without you?"

Darren shrugged and said "I dunno sir."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, June 20, 2006 7:28 PM


Shanti blinked her eyes, the first sensation on waking being confusion, followed by pain.

Slowly she pushed herself upright, gasping against the pain in her ribs, taking in the familiar sight of the Infirmary.

"Doctor?" She called softly. He'd had to cut her sweatshirt to bandage her ribs, and it hung loosely around her body. She was barefoot.

Slowly, it came back to her. Tong. Onboard their ship! Tong claiming her. Kicking her.

Then things got fuzzy. How had she ended up here?

"Ah, you're awake." Luap's voice was gentle, but she could see by the narrowness of his pupils that he'd taken something for himself. "Just take it easy. You've got a couple broken ribs, nothing more."

She glanced down at her feet, and then back at Luap. "Where?"

He gestured to the door. Her boots sat just inside, clean and gleaming with oil. Luap shrugged, "Banner cleaned them for you."

"What?" Why would the burly merc clean her boots? Suddenly, the image of them stained with red, oozing over the toes as something crunched under her heel...

Luap gave an ironic little smile, "I think you may have earned the respect of our gunhand with your little show in the cargo bay. They're out now, meeting that fellow Badger."

Shanti pushed to her feet. "Thanks, Doctor. I'm gonna change my clothes and then I'll be in the kitchen.

She made her way to her room and pulled on a clean t-shirt and cargo pants, trying hard to remember why she had blood on the hem of her jeans.


Tuesday, June 20, 2006 9:12 PM


Darren wandered down the streets of Persephone, still in his mechanic's garb. He ate some Dog-on-a-Stick that he had purchased at a local street vendor while he stopped and looked through the window of a tool and parts depot.

He spotted a spanner on display and asked the shopkeeper standing outside "How much is that lil' spanner in the window?

The shopkeeper snorted and said "The Span-matic 3000 sells for 120 Creds."

Darren's eyes light up as he turns, smiles at the shopkeeper and says "I'll take it."

The burly shopkeeper grunts as Darren follows him into the store. Darren says as the door closes "Oh and I also have a list of other tools I'll need as well."

The shopkeeper walks behind the display counter and says "Well I'll be here if you need anything."

Darren nods as he looks at the various aisles of tools and parts. The look on Darren's face was like that of a kid in a candy store, as he looked over and held the various parts and tools.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, June 22, 2006 10:02 AM




Thursday, June 22, 2006 10:03 AM




Thursday, June 22, 2006 10:18 AM


sorry bout that, used my sidters link by accident.

oh and johnthetheatrefreak, the heart of haven was down but i dont now wether i should keep going or stop, tell me wat ya think


Thursday, June 22, 2006 6:09 PM


Wierd! I could have sworn Wolf and Kaylee were in here earlier. Phew...glad that got straightened out.

In the kitchen, Shanti made a quick check of supplies. They had plenty of food, mostly standard fair, but she knew she could create spectacular meals out of even standard fair.

Her ribs ached, and she was hungry again. She dug out a protien ration and broke off little chunks to nibble on.

Sitting at the table, she tried to coax her mind to tell her what had happened in the cargo bay, after they shot Tong...yes, they had killed him.

Briefly, she considered running out to the market, but she was too tired and sore. Hopefully, the others would return, and they would have gotten paid. Then back into the Black and to the next world, the next job.

The sooner, the better.


Thursday, June 22, 2006 8:31 PM


Darren lost track of time in the tool and parts store. All he knew was that he was carrying a few handfuls of shiny new tools and a few parts to tinker with. He approached the counter and laid out the stuff he wanted to purchase. The shopkeeper behind the counter picked up a scanner and scanned the parts and tools.

He looked at the display screen and said to Darren "Your total with the Scan-matic 3000 comes to 980 Creds."

Darren pulled out ten 100 Credit bills and handed them over to the shopkeeper who open the till and gave Darren back a 20 Credit note.

"You have a nice day there mister." said the shopkeeper as he handed Darren the small wooden box full of his new toys.

Darren replied "Oh I certainly will."

Darren walked out of the store and made his way back to the ship, whistling the same song he always whistled.

He thought to himself as he entered the cargo bay "Well I'm now offically broke."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, June 23, 2006 7:49 AM



Message start

Evening guys. Just checking if your doing a ok?
Seems the cortex has been having some problems of late



Message end


Friday, June 23, 2006 8:25 AM


HI, Choo!
Yes, but Haken, our very own Mr Universe, seems to have solved the dilemma. YAY!

They needed a cake to celebrate! Perhaps not unless she was sure that Badger actually paid the Captain.
As she was digging through the cupboards, recovering real flour, sugar, some kind-of-cocoa powder, egg substitute, and other ingredients, the com beeped on the bridge.

Was Puro still on board? Or was he catching a nap? The com beeped again.

Finally, she dropped the mixing bowl onto the counter and stepped up into the bridge, pressing the button cautiously as though it might bite, "First Mate Shanti, go ahead?"

"Shanti? Gail. Captain wanted me to see if you were up?"

"Yes sirr-eebob! Up and feeling fine." She almost giggled at her screw-up.

"Right. Can you monitor the cortex? We're seeing alot of Alliance patrols. Let us know if anything unusual pops up."

"Like Banner?" Shanti asked, attempting a joke, but it soared over Gail's head.


"Never mind." Shanti released the com and pulled up the cortex link, scanning the local channels.






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