So What Now?

UPDATED: Sunday, June 25, 2006 11:48
VIEWED: 4097
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Saturday, June 24, 2006 3:41 PM


Serenity Day was a success, and the final SerenityNow/Equality Now showings are winding up.

We're ready for Serenity Summer, but do we have a plan?

I'm gonna throw out something here, based on a convo I had with a San Fran showing attendee (the "not a Browncoat-Never fought in no war- mercenary Manitou"):

We need to reach out to people who don't know what Firefly is.

To quote him- "You can't stop the signal, but you've got to make it go further."

The question is "How?"
I firmly believe that the people who don't love "Serenity" are the people who don't KNOW Serenity.

Give me your suggestions, your ideas. We've got to move past The Browncoat community, and get the word out.

Who can we get involved?
How can we get them involved?

I hereby volunteer to be a coordinator between the different Firefly/Serenity Communities, using as my home base. I've sat in the wings too long, and let too many opportunities go by.
I don't want to take over any leadership, but I'd like to see us meeting somewhere closer the middle than on the edge.

I believe in "Serenity", and I want all our efforts to be as coordinated and powerful as this weekend has demonstrated they can be.


Saturday, June 24, 2006 3:59 PM


I think this sounds like a good idea. I dont have any specific ideas right now, but I will try to think up some. Thanks for volunteering!


Saturday, June 24, 2006 4:04 PM


Well, hopefully a lot of the copies of Serenity purchased yesterday will find their ways into libraries or other mainstream outlets whereby people who haven't been previously exposed to the series will get a chance to see them.

If you can't do something smart, do something right.


Saturday, June 24, 2006 4:13 PM


Given my isolated location, I can only do so much. I'm basically limited to emailing distant friends, who email their distant friends, pyramid-style, and converting everything that moves.


Saturday, June 24, 2006 4:32 PM


Well how about a letter-writing campaign? And everybody tries to tell everyone they know about Firefly and Serenity.

I think a major objective (which i know is far fetched, but hey, all our dreams are far fetched, right?) should be to get Fox (or maybe SciFi) to show Firefly in order, in an actual time slot, as a half-season show. To test the waters. It should be doable. They don't have to spend any money on making anything, only a little on advertising. Most of those half-season shows get cancelled anyway. If Fox aired them in order, with an advertising campaign (which would probably be done by us, the fans), it might attract a LOT of new fans. If it does well enough, maybe they would restart the series (assuming the actors and Joss would come back). It would be difficult, but probably a far more doable objective than trying to get Fox to automatically sign on for another series.

And what about an advert campaign? We start some organisation that would buy adds in local papers, maybe even commercials, etc. It would cost a lot, but maybe. Or we might do a fundraising campaign, to try and get enough money to pay for say, half a season worth of production. If we could come up with that, it might be that a network would agree to make it.

Just throwing some ideas out there.

I am to misbehave.


Saturday, June 24, 2006 4:40 PM


Zisker, I hope you're right. The buying effort was HUGE and I know many copies went to soldiers overseas, and into libraries, media centers, etc.

I personally sent copies to friends who I've said, "FIREFLY" to and had them say "What?". New converts one person at a time.

But I think we can do more, can go further.

13, you've got a net-connection, right? :)
Don't worry.
There will be an answer.

One of the things that struck me about the California charity showings was how poorly they were advertised among the Non-Browncoat community!
Did you know that one of our greatest allies in San Francisco, nation-wide reknowned sci-fi bookstore "Borderlands" was only aware of the showing because I told Manitou, and he called the owners (friends of ours) to see if they wanted to go with him?

Did you know that when I called radio stations in Sacramento yesterday afternoon (After not recieving a response to emails and inquiries to the Browncoat community) to let them know there was a charity event and could we get a Public Service announcement, none of the four radio stations I called had recieved PS alerts or press-releases?

The San Fran showing was only 90%. A flyer at Borderlands could have made it standing room only. A public service announcement, even on NPR would have gotten the word out.

Did anyone contact womens organizations and let them know Equality Now charities were happening?

I kind of feel like we stood on the roof and waved our arms when we should have been diverting the transmitter to the NavSat.

We did good! But we can do better!


Saturday, June 24, 2006 4:42 PM


Nanite, good ideas! Keep them coming!


Saturday, June 24, 2006 4:58 PM


I think Nanite is right... in the sense that Firefly, the series, is the key. My sense is that people buy into the verse by buying into the ensemble group performance over the whole of the show. That's why Browncoats "get it" when they go to Serenity. I've heard more often than not that newbies being first introduced to the Serenity world by the BDM get mildly interested but not super-excited. Conversely, people coming in via the series are totally into it and then love Serenity (the BDM). When we want to get friends bitten by the Serenity bug, we show them (or give them) the BDS. I think we've bought six entire series for friends so far, and bought two more yesterday to give out.

So this is a long-winded way of saying we need to get much more visibility for the BDS...that will hook more people than getting them to see the BDM cold.



Saturday, June 24, 2006 5:05 PM



Originally posted by MGorman:
I think Nanite is right... in the sense that Firefly, the series, is the key. My sense is that people buy into the verse by buying into the ensemble group performance over the whole of the show. That's why Browncoats "get it" when they go to Serenity. I've heard more often than not that newbies being first introduced to the Serenity world by the BDM get mildly interested but not super-excited. Conversely, people coming in via the series are totally into it and then love Serenity (the BDM). When we want to get friends bitten by the Serenity bug, we show them (or give them) the BDS. I think we've bought six entire series for friends so far, and bought two more yesterday to give out.

So this is a long-winded way of saying we need to get much more visibility for the BDS...that will hook more people than getting them to see the BDM cold.


Well, i don't know about that. I fell in love with Firefly by watching the BDM. It is an amazing movie. ALthough i must say that it is much better having watched the series. Problem with the series is this: it's LONG. From a viewing standpoint. a little over 11 hours.

What about the pilot "Serenity"? Do you guys think that showing friends that, and only that, is enough to get them to love it? How about both Serenity's? I agree the series is key, but some might not fall in love with it just by watching the original pilot. And the BDM isn't that great an intro to this whole universe, although it is pretty good.

Which is better to get people hooked? "Serenity" (the pilot) or Serenity (the BDM)?

I aim to misbehave.


Saturday, June 24, 2006 5:47 PM


Hey had an schools I think we could get a lot of converts by talking to film school professors about your local colleges folks:)


Saturday, June 24, 2006 5:52 PM


In August, I'm going to a (honest to your God(s) film camp, and, if given the choice, make a short fan movie, if I can.


'I don't know. He seems kind of peculiar.'

'Maybe he's Canadian!'


Saturday, June 24, 2006 6:01 PM


I LIKE the film school idea, msg!

Here's my take on the Series vs BDM.

I knew nothing about "Serenity" when Manitou dragged me to it. For about a year I'd been seeing "Serenity this" and "Serenity that" from various fanboards and friends groups, but honestly, I thought it was some kind of anime thing or maybe a comic book thing.

Wash had me at "Oh god oh god, we're all gonna die." I was in love, hard core, head over heels. After the movie, I borrowed the series dvds and watched every last one of them and had my own set on its way from BestBuy before I'd even gotten to the end.

Series first or BDM first? I think the best trigger is BOTH and as soon as possible!
But we need to let people SEE what it's about. Just screaming "SERENITY!!!!!!" "FIREFLY!!!" at the top of our lungs doesn't cut it.

Serenity is a Buddhist philosophy and Firefly is an insect.
Our Big Damn Heroes and the ship they fly are niether. One of the first rules of writing: Show don't tell.


Saturday, June 24, 2006 6:19 PM


Purchase a copy of Serenity and a copy of Firefly, and donate them to your local library. It'll help us gain recruits, and the additonal sales will help our push for a sequel.


Saturday, June 24, 2006 10:08 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

My first convert was in love less than 20 minutes into the Pilot. I fell in love by seeing the movie myself, but I think it's better to see the series first, and I know it works. Anyone who actually watches the pilot all the way through responds with "Oksothere'smoreright??? MORE!"
Anyone I've seen, anyway.
As for what we can do, I'll see about coming up with something. One thing I think is important is getting in touch with Best Buy, Circuit City, Target, FYE, Sam Goody, and any other stores we can think of and telling them to actually carry the show!!! The one copy of the show I could find outside of Barnes and Noble was sitting in the BACK at Circuit City; they didn't even have it out! How are people supposed to find it? Also get on sites like Netflicks and and make sure the BDS and BDM have good reviews and connect it to as many other things as possible so it has a chance of coming up as a recomendation.
And I don't know if it would work, but we might try doing something with the webcomic community. I've seen at least two Firefly references in webcomics this month (In "Sam and Fuzzy" and "Comedity" to be exact.) What if we had an actual Browncoat webcomic? Are there any artists who would want to do something like that? Just slip lots of Firefly references into a webcomic and make sure it's funny enough to draw new readers. And then once it gets up and running, Browncoats can vote it up on Buzzcomix and the like to draw in even more people. And in the "about the comic" section or whatever there could be a descrption of Firefly, telling people it's a show and a movie that they can buy or rent (though renting of the series is only possible online)
We just have to try a lot of things and see if they work.


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature (it counts even though I'm not a teen anymore)


Saturday, June 24, 2006 11:44 PM


We have a very long list of ideas (which can always grow, of course, so keep'em coming!) and are currently putting them in order, getting ready to finally start doing something instead of just talking about it. We wanna do this right, and we still have some time, so we figure the better it's planned now, the smoother it'll go later. Like with a good show, a good script is a neccessary base.
However, a few surprises are already in the making.

We're gonna have another event team chat today, and will start recruiting soon.

I copied most of this from a post of mine at the S-Day boards, btw, just in case someone has that feeling of deja-vu. That's French for "Wtf, I've seen that shit before!".
Or didn't I just mention that?

Proud member of the Event Team
The Serenity Summer Campaign is on, baby - prepare to kick some serious pigu!
September 30th is Serenity 'Versary! Be there or be a purple-belted poop-head. (<- not the official slogan.)
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Sunday, June 25, 2006 4:59 AM


A webcomic is a great idea!
Thank you, Agatsu!
You have been a champ at keeping the community informed.


Sunday, June 25, 2006 5:22 AM

ORPHEUS is a good starting point for webcomics. That is, unless somebody around here has the tools/skills to do a bona fide comic.

And I second the film school idea. I'm working on getting a screening at UNC-Wilmington right now myself.


"Bible, Wrath of Khan, what's the difference?"


Sunday, June 25, 2006 5:30 AM


What happened? He see your face?

Good idea, MSG... I know a film guy at UNCW and that will be on my list of things to do this week.

I say just take advantage of every opportunity. I showed a bunch of "Blue hairs" (not all of us, but most) the BDM on a tour bus the day after the BDM was realeased on DVD. It was a 11 hour trip so, I did it. Got a nice response too AND some weird looks but... job done.

As far as BDS vs. BDM... For my "hard-to-convert" converts (non sci-fi, stubborn, etc.) I had to resort to at least making them watch the pilot with me and then letting them borrow the BDM. This has worked so far. 'cause the whole series is a lot for some peeps. Some want more, some don't.

Also, I line I use alot is this (after a convo. with some potential convert about how great this show is):

"How 'bout this. Go get the series and if u don't like it after watching it, I'll buy it. ...and you can even LIE!"

Been lucky in that noone has taken me up on that



Sunday, June 25, 2006 5:32 AM


What happened? He see your face?


Originally posted by Orpheus: is a good starting point for webcomics. That is, unless somebody around here has the tools/skills to do a bona fide comic.

And I second the film school idea. I'm working on getting a screening at UNC-Wilmington right now myself.


"Bible, Wrath of Khan, what's the difference?"

OK this is Weird...
I guess you have the film part handled. U must let me know if/when this happens. i 'll be there with bells on.


Sunday, June 25, 2006 5:41 AM


So glad this has been brought this up. I've been thinking about it alot. Today is like the day after Christmas. We feel elated, proud and a little bit tired.

But if you had a mom like mine, this is the day she started nagging me to get going on my thank you notes. We have an awful lot of folks who deserve thank yous and by doing the gracious thing, we can continue to keep Serenity Day/Equality Now Day going.

We need to thank theatre owners for their support, send thank you letters to the editors of our local newspapers, getting the names of Equality Now and Joss and Serenity out there. I am going to contact the television and entertainment writers at my local newspapers (The Detroit News and the Detroit Free Press), tooting the Equality Now and Browncoat horns--"Look what we did!"

Whether Universal knows it or not, this has the potential to be incredible publicity for them as well. Let's not forget to give Uni credit for getting many copies of film prints out to the various screenings, at greatly reduced cost and for not asking for one red cent of the proceeds. We should definitely mention them in our thank yous. Remember, the press is our friend.

We just keep flying, keep moving forward. The 'verse isn't on life support anymore--I think it might be in a coma...or something. Through our efforts we can help wake it up.

Like a lot of organizations, fandom takes on the personality of the people leading it, Joss in this case. He's just a regular guy, but we all know one man can do amazing things. And through the inspiration of this one person, thousands of other people have made a difference in this crazy world.

I am so incredibly proud of us!

Well...what are you waiting for? Write those letters!

Like Mal we keep flying.
Like Shepherd Book we keep the faith.
Like Kaylee we keep the heart of Serenity beating.
Like Inara we stay wise and alluring.
Like Simon we innoc ourselves against failure.
Like Zoe we stay strong and stoic.
Like River we try not to scare people by being too crazy.
Like Jayne we...keep eating?
Like Wash (sob) we are like leaves on the wind.

Watch us soar!


Sunday, June 25, 2006 6:10 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by nanite1018:
I think a major objective (which i know is far fetched, but hey, all our dreams are far fetched, right?) should be to get Fox (or maybe SciFi) to show Firefly in order…

SciFiChannel ran all of Firefly, in the correct order, on Friday nights leading up to the BDM premiere, and they also had one of their SciFiInside specials devoted to the BDM a few days before 9/30. They have also aired the show in their daytime rotation several times since, the next case being Friday, July 14, ten episodes back-to-back (Safe thru Objects in Space). Get people to tape that marathon, or tape it or dvr it yourself to loan out.

Originally posted by Zisker:
Well, hopefully a lot of the copies of Serenity purchased yesterday will find their ways into libraries or other mainstream outlets…

I ordered two copies of Serenity on Friday, and as soon as amazon ships them one will go to my local library, and I did the same with Firefly a couple of years ago. The other will be a loaner copy.

Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
And I don't know if it would work, but we might try doing something with the webcomic community. I've seen at least two Firefly references in webcomics this month (In "Sam and Fuzzy" and "Comedity" to be exact.)

PVP and Penny Arcade have both promoted Firefly/Serenity, along with several others I can't recall the name of at the moment, but they are usually linked to here whenever anyone runs across them.

I attended ApolloCon yesterday and got to meet Greg Edmonson, who is as big a Firefly fan as the rest of us, and all the other people involved in the production from Joss on down are too. Everyone who gave their opinion yesterday, both panel participants and fans in the audience all agreed that the time will come when the numbers will start to appeal to the suits in Hollywood, and we will get a sequel. It won't be as soon as we'd like of course, since Joss is busy with Wonder Woman and then Goners, but make no mistake about it, Malcolm Reynolds was right about one thing - "I think we'll rise again."

wo men ren ran zai fei xing


Sunday, June 25, 2006 6:17 AM


Good news. Goooood news.
A LOT of good news these days. Me happy.

As for the webcomic, I'm already planning one (don't worry, I make a living with comic books), but I'd still kinda prefer if one of the big webcomic teams would do it, just so it gets more attention - those sites have a LOT of traffic.
Apart from that, those guys rock!

Proud member of the Event Team
The Serenity Summer Campaign is on, baby - prepare to kick some serious pigu!
September 30th is Serenity 'Versary! Be there or be a purple-belted poop-head. (<- not the official slogan.)
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Sunday, June 25, 2006 6:51 AM


Here's what I think we should try: organise Shindigs, lots of 'em. Tell our non-Browncoat (gasp!) friends what we're doing on Saturday night and invite them along. Way I see it, if that doesn't do the trick, what will? Mind you, I haven't the faintest notion what goes into pulling a Shindig together, but if we can do the impossible...well, you know the rest. If your local library has a film room, that's a good place to start - we did something similar here in the Philly area earlier this year, holding mini-marathons of each disc. Not quite a Shindig, but it could very easily be gestated into one.

Aaaaand, once September rolls around, how many of your college campuses have student union centers? The 'versity I went to had an entire three-story building for 'em, complete with two movie theaters, a stage theater and a couple dozen meeting rooms. Prime for a Shindig, if you ask me. Then you can do your own advertising around the campus, which is bound to have a few sci-fi fans floating around who are Firefly-illiterate.


'Eta Gorram Na Smech!'
(That's gorram ridiculous!)


Sunday, June 25, 2006 7:00 AM


KSB, do you have the addresses for those involved in your local screening?
Are they up at cantstopthesignal?

Does anyone have clever Firefly postcards we can print up and use for our thank you notes?


Sunday, June 25, 2006 7:35 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
KSB, do you have the addresses for those involved in your local screening?
Are they up at cantstopthesignal?

Does anyone have clever Firefly postcards we can print up and use for our thank you notes?

I don't know. Sorry. Maybe we can get a shout out to get those folks to recognize themselves.

I already sent an e-mail to the newspaper guys. Hopefully I'll get a response.


Sunday, June 25, 2006 8:42 AM


11th Hour's Poster site has great artwork that can be reduced to postcards-
I used the Zoe one with "Where men are men and Women are Smart, Strong, Sexy" - figured it meshes with Equality Now.

The California showings theater addresses=

Century Stadium 14
1590 Ethan Way
Sacramento,CA 95825
(I addressed it to "Manager" since I don't have a contact name there."

San Francisco-
Bridge Theater
3010 Geary Boulevard
San Francisco, CA 94118

UA Sierra Vista 6 Theater
801 Santa Ana Ave.
Clovis, CA 93612

B!x is working on the Thanks page over at Cantstoptheserenity and says he'll have a full list after all the screenings have shown.


Sunday, June 25, 2006 11:48 AM



Originally posted by pdcharles:

OK this is Weird...
I guess you have the film part handled. U must let me know if/when this happens. i 'll be there with bells on.

Here's a link to the Wilmington Browncoats Yahoo group. Nothing's really been set in stone yet, and at this point it's just been talk. But keep in touch, we need as much help as we can get.


"Bible, Wrath of Khan, what's the difference?"






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