Life Onboard Serenity: To Londinium and Beyond!

UPDATED: Monday, June 26, 2006 17:09
VIEWED: 9938
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Monday, June 26, 2006 1:46 PM


Previously, on L.O.S.T.o Londinium and Beyond!


Originally posted by JRC:
JR grabs her arm and pulls her towards him, and as she rather forceably bumps into JR, he grabs her by the waist and pulls her up to him and presses his lips to hers. She resists for only a second, totally giving in to the passion that he relays thru his lips and tongue to hers. She strokes the back of his neck while he continues to hold her up to meet his mouth. Though only ten seconds, the kiss seems to last for hours. When they finally part, their hearts are almost pounding out of their chests. Inara places her hands on his chest and looks into his eyes and in a quiet voice says, "My, I thought we took care of that crush you had for me in our last conversation." JR says, "Inara, I've been wanting to do that for almost three years now, and I'm not gonna apologize for doing it, but I will say, if the Cap'n ever comes to his senses, he'll be one lucky man."

"Seems to me, MY senses are workin fine. Don't know 'bout some other folk tho," Mal says.
To be continued......
OoC: I'll finish this later!

Everyone dies alone.


Monday, June 26, 2006 3:12 PM


You're welcome Wolf . Hey it's not that bad. What with the internet and all it's like you're right next door.

*Pain wrapped his arms around Ertia as they laid in his bed, their clothes were strewn all over the floor. Ertia smiled and moaned a little as Pain kissed and nipped at her neck. She turned to face Pain and said as she kissed him*

That was fun babe. You were incredible.

*Pain smiled at her and said as he ran a hand through her sweat soaked hair*

It sure was fun and you're an incredible woman. Kinda like to have some more fun if'n you don't mind.

*Ertia smiled and said as she ran a hand over one of his muscular arms*

You've read my mind baby.

*Pain grinned and playfully pinned her to his bed. She squealed and pulled him closer to her, kissing him with longing.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, June 26, 2006 4:29 PM


and I thought it was hot out here in Real Life!

And hey, Wolf, I like England. And your queen. Dunno about that World Cup though...

In the Galley;

"Kaylee? Do you have a minute?" Simon's blue eyes are dark, slightly red-rimmed, his demeanor serious.

Book recognizes his cue and clears his throat, "If you both don't mind I think I have some praying to do."

"Simon." Kaylee nibbles at her lower lip a little nervously.

Generously, he pulls out a chair from the table for her and waits for her to sit down before sitting catty-corner to her. Then he just sits there, looking at her.

"Simon?" Kaylee tilts her head, "Talking to someone usually mean saying somethin'."

"Right. I don't...I'm not sure where to begin." He rubs his forehead with his fingertip, as though he can sort his thoughts by stirring them. Finally he blurts out, "Are you sleeping with him?"

Kaylee blinks, then her eyes steel into a glare, "That's none of your business, Doctor Tam!"

Taken aback at her outburst, Simon stammers, "I ... Uh..thought..uh..."

"He thought you were an item." River suddenly clarifies, and they both start, neither of them realizing she was laying on the floor petting the cat. She rises gracefully and pauses to glare at Simon. With a huff, she states, "Girls like to be told."

Simon watches River leave, and then looks back at Kaylee who's still glaring at him. Finally, the little mechanic stands up, shoving in her chair with unnecessary force, "A year, Simon. I waited a year for you ta say what you were thinkin. Wolf is an old friend, and ain't no reason in the verse I shouldn't see him if'n I want!"

Then she storms out the door and down the corridor to her beloved engine room.

As she passes Pain's bunk, she hears another squeal and an echoing groan and pauses to slam on the door grumpily, "SHUT IT, you two! People gotta work around here!"

Inside Pain's Bunk

"Was that Kaylee?" Ertia asks, "What's got her in a fit?"

"Simon, most like." Pain answers, brushing strands of hair from Ertia's face as she collapses back against the pillows.

"That boy." Ertia shakes her head, then slides her hand across Pain's sweat-gleamed chest, "Glad what I've got here is all man."

SO! 100 posts already! We about ready to head to a shiny new thread? And hey, Pain, ain't it your turn to write the 'extended activities' version?


Monday, June 26, 2006 4:55 PM


I second the new thread. Tell you what I'll PM you the extended version when I write it. You can edit it, add stuff to it, whatever. Then you can post it on you're site. Ok?

*Pain smiled and said as he stared at the ceiling*

Yeah that boy needs to take some initiative if'n wants that lil' mechanic of ours.

*Pain turns to face Ertia and says as he runs a hand down her arm*

I know if'n I want somethin' I go for it.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, June 26, 2006 5:09 PM


to quote Mr. Universe, "bring it on, bring it on" ...

Ertia's cuddled close to Pain, her eyes closed, drifting pleasantly close to sleep when a quiet chime sounds, starting her straight up.

"Bao bei? Somethin' wrong?" Pain asks groggily, his arm coming around her to pull her down again.

"Just a sec." Scrabbling under the bunk, she pulls up her black case and flips open her handheld.

It takes her groggy brain a few minutes to understand the message, and when it does, she sighs. Quickly, she types a return message and sends it before snuggling back into bed.

"What's up?" Pain asks but she shakes her head.

"Feds crashed one of my alias accounts. Myra Burbank from Jangshin is now a wanted fugitive for using stolen funds."

"Who'd ya steal 'em from?" Pain asks, his voice sleepy.

She smiles against his chest, "Gentleman on Persephone named Wing. No big loss. She was just a fall-back in case I needed a quiet retirement someday."

"Quiet retirement. Now that would be all kinds of boring."

Time to fly, Baby! Time to Fly!






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