That ain't right

UPDATED: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 10:18
VIEWED: 7145
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Monday, June 26, 2006 1:31 PM


I was just noticing today that Fast and the Furious; Tokyo Drift has now grossed over $42 Million dollars in the thearte. That just makes me so sad. Almost like a little piece of me has died knowing that more people were interested in this pathetic drivel than were Serenity. Which leads me to believe that either Universal's marketing campaign of Serenity wasn't aimed very well, and needs to be better for the sequel (please, please, please). Or American movie goers in general are some of the most gullible and pathetic audiences in the world. Both of which also make me sad as well.

We have talked so much about how much Firefly/Serenity is great, but I want to know what things about the show/movie don't you like. Or might want to see changed or tweeked for the possible future. If there are any of course.


Monday, June 26, 2006 1:37 PM


But just look at what the top rated TV shows are these days...drivel.

I've always thought that Firefly was too good of a show to be on Fox. The people who watch Fox don't want to think or get involved with character developement...they want mindless junk!


Monday, June 26, 2006 1:46 PM


Considering that the top box office movie for the weekend was another brainless Adam Sandler piece of gos se, it's pretty much the lowest common demoninator that seems to be at work.

And yeah, I think the marketing campaign was a mite bit thin. The commercials were great...if you knew what you were seeing. There wasn't enough to give folks out of the loop an idea of what the the premise was.



Monday, June 26, 2006 1:53 PM



Originally posted by Redlava:
I was just noticing today that Fast and the Furious; Tokyo Drift has now grossed over $42 Million dollars in the thearte. That just makes me so sad. Almost like a little piece of me has died knowing that more people were interested in this pathetic drivel than were Serenity. Which leads me to believe that either Universal's marketing campaign of Serenity wasn't aimed very well, and needs to be better for the sequel (please, please, please). Or American movie goers in general are some of the most gullible and pathetic audiences in the world. Both of which also make me sad as well.

We have talked so much about how much Firefly/Serenity is great, but I want to know what things about the show/movie don't you like. Or might want to see changed or tweeked for the possible future. If there are any of course.

I think that a lot of American movie goers have become a little lazy within the past decade or so, I'll admit I liked the first Fast and The Furious, the sequels however were crap, even Eva Mendes couldn't save 2Fast in my opinion. I think that as a whole America has maybe taken the easy way out on most things, I mean look at what's popular now, a t.v. show about two rich bimbos not living in luxury for a change and contests with people on islands with hotels around the corner amoung others. I believe people are no longer using what little brain they have left to differ between crap they could see by looking at their own back yard(back yard being figurative) and intelligent T.V./movies that make them think "What if."

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Self appointed Forsaken! Been on the list for a while now!

"Look at me, I'm STUPID!" The Doctor.


Monday, June 26, 2006 1:54 PM


Ahh, the only reason I ever heard of Serenity was becouse I was watching SG-1 one day and the preview came up on the commercials. To be in fact, I do not think I EVER saw any ads outside of the few on sci-fi channel...

All good things must come to an end.


Monday, June 26, 2006 2:19 PM


I know I didn't see any ads outside of the sci-fi channel. So to rephrase my privious statement, I think it was probably a bit of both reasons why American audiences where more interested in "Tokyo Drift." To few adverts for Serenity and most of America just doesn't want to think about the movies they go to see.

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Self appointed Forsaken! Been on the list for a while now!

"Look at me, I'm STUPID!" The Doctor.


Monday, June 26, 2006 2:23 PM



Originally posted by Jigman:
Ahh, the only reason I ever heard of Serenity was becouse I was watching SG-1 one day and the preview came up on the commercials. To be in fact, I do not think I EVER saw any ads outside of the few on sci-fi channel...

All good things must come to an end.

That is my exact point about the whole marketing campaign. Universal never really went outside the already established fanbase. I never even knew about the movie until I saw a preview on Sci-Fi after one of the Firefly episodes they showed. And to be honest I don't think I ever saw a preview for it on any other channel. I never saw any of the actors promoting it on talkshows or morning shows. And I think I saw one preview for it in the theatre about a week before it came out. Hopefully they do a better job getting the sequel out there to people who have never been exposed to it.

And if by chance a non Browncoat did see the preview their first reaction was probably, "great another Star Wars knock off."


Monday, June 26, 2006 3:02 PM


They advertised during "Bones." I figured it was to get the former Buffy Fans who were watching David B.

Didn't see it anywhere else.



Monday, June 26, 2006 3:07 PM



Originally posted by RMMC:
Considering that the top box office movie for the weekend was another brainless Adam Sandler piece of gos se, it's pretty much the lowest common demoninator that seems to be at work.

And yeah, I think the marketing campaign was a mite bit thin. The commercials were great...if you knew what you were seeing. There wasn't enough to give folks out of the loop an idea of what the the premise was.


I'm sorry but this current Adam Sandler movie is actually somewhat serious with a clear message though it does have is usual humor. I think Sandler has calmed down a lot and his movies are becoming more serious dramas rather than wacky comedies. But the advertisements for Sandler's newest movie completely misrepresent the movie. It is more serious Sci-Fi drama rather than comedy. This movie is actually really good. It is more along the lines of Spanglish.


And be warned. It is a tearjerker. To recap the story it is about a middle-class, arctitect who's work gets in the way of his family life (though he at the beginning of the movie see's it the other way around). So he is given a universal remote that allows him to fast forward or skip ahead but the remote sort of gets mind of his own and because of it he misses all the important things in life and loses his family and it is too late when he realizes what he has lost. At the end he is at his son's wedding when he has a heart attack and while in the hospital he realizes his son is making the same mistake (he is cancelling his honeymoon because he is called into work) and goes out into the pouring rain where he has another heart attack and dies. All in all, not what you expect from an Adam Sandler movie.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Monday, June 26, 2006 3:10 PM


yes they needed more blanket advertising coverage, better and more defining clip shots in the ads ( not just the ones which were obviously meant to connect with fans) they needed more visibility on talk shoes like Letterman and Leno and they needed more visible press coverage:) But that $ count for toyko drift makes me vaguely nauseous.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, June 26, 2006 3:20 PM


I am glad to see someone else is questioning the marketing for Serenity. You have no idea how much my sister and I have bitched about the Fast&Furious 3, we have seen that movie pimped EVERYWHERE. Every time we turn around there's a poster or another trailer ad etc. Seriously EVERYWHERE, so as you can imagine we've been bitching a lot. And if it's not coming across in my post - it pisses me off, because I never saw Serenity advertised outside of the SciFi channel either. (I also never heard of the RTam sessions until a few months ago. I keep thinking how cool it would have been to show Session 416 Excerpt 2 on tv as an ad with no explanation only an awesome website to hook people on the movie.)Anyways, I firmly believe that we would be looking at much different box office results had the marketing campaign been more well thought out, or actually existed, depending on your viewpoint. This all leads me back to what's been rolling around in my head the past few days, how do we promote the Serenifly verse. I'm thinking on it and when and if I come up with anything I'm heading here to talk to you shiny folks.


Monday, June 26, 2006 3:28 PM


1. Adam Sandler hasn't had a good movie since Happy Gilmore. Nobody wants to see that guy do serious stuff. We already have a Jim Carrey for that. Adam was just a big dumb loveable boob and now, at 40, that he's losing his boyish charm, I predict that his career is just about over. I hope he saved some of that money.

2. FOX has only 2 rules. a) Simpsons will outlive anyone who was alive when it first aired. b) All shows that stimulate the brain and do not induce a comatose state will be destroyed.

3. I never even heard of Serenity until recently when my brother got me hooked on Firefly, the best damn show ever. (See 2 above)

4. Fast and the Furious was pretty damn cool for a mindless guy flick. They couldn't pay me to watch the sequels though. I did like seeing all of the hoopdie rides in my neighbor hood with big fish tails on the back though. Can't figure why a guy would put a $2,000 sound system and a brand new silver tail on a ride worth $200.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, June 26, 2006 3:41 PM


To actualy answer the question your thread was about - Sorry. The one thing that I don't like (which is pretty much pointless to mention as there's nothing to be done about it) is that the BDS and BDM doesn't have the most sellable premise. It's hard to introduce people who aren't scifi fans to it because they immediately write it off as genre crap. I'm a Buffy/Angel/JOSS fan and have watched a Trek ep or two in my day but don't really consider myself a "scifi fan". When I read that Joss was starting another tv series I was very excited, and then I read what it was about- it was described as a Space Western ... yeah I wrinkled up my nose. I just didn't see it, I couldn't conceptualize how I could get past all the space-stuff etc to really love this show and the characters in it. Having much faith in our fearless leader though I figured if anyone can make it work he can, BUT, space western? Long story short I didn't have tv at the time the show premiered or for a good long while after. I forgot about the show until I read about Serenity and then saw Firefly on SciFi channel. I fell in love instantly. But Space-Western (or any other way you might describe it), how do you get the people past that so they actually experience the show. Most people just tune out (my mother included) the moment they think anything is really scifi. Sean Maher got some crap in an article I read for describing the show as not scifi but a character drama. That's what it is! The fact that they're on a spaceship is secondary to what the PEOPLE on the spaceship are going through, and thinking, and doing, and becoming. And as previously mentioned my faith in the general public's taste is non-existent. Look at the most successful shows vs the brilliant shows that get cancelled or are barely hanging in there. So, how does one sell a "Space-Western-character-drama" to the somnambulant public whom prefer reality shows in overwhelming fashion???????????????????????

So a long rambling non-sensical post to answer a simple question.

grr argh


Monday, June 26, 2006 3:46 PM



Originally posted by RMMC:
Considering that the top box office movie for the weekend was another brainless Adam Sandler piece of gos se, it's pretty much the lowest common demoninator that seems to be at work.

*Feels like Kaylee*
Click ain't gos se...

I was going to go into it more but it seems RKLENSETH already covered it.


Monday, June 26, 2006 10:49 PM


The only thing I thought could be different (except for the being cancelled part) was that the settlers were actually dressed like they live in the Wild West. I mean, okay, so the outer rim is the new frontier, but it kinda doesn't make sense that people would emulate fashion styles fom 700 years ago just because they are in a similar situation. I think if they were dressed more like Jayne, with t-shirts etc., it would have been more believable and wouldn't have turned off the people who don't like Western - they probably wouldn't even have noticed how Western the show was, while the Western fans definitely would have, even if people on the settler moons were wearing modern clothes.
Other than that, no complaints from me. And it isn't even a real complaint, since I didn't mind, but I'm worried that it scared a lot of people off.

The Serenity Summer Campaign is on, baby - prepare to kick some serious pigu!
September 30th is Serenity 'Versary! Be there or be a purple-belted poop-head. (<- not the official slogan.)
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 3:04 AM


I have to agree with Onthedrift and Agatsu on their points. I think the show was 5 years behind it's time, or maybe 5 years ahead. There was a cultural shift going on in 2002 because of all the choices other than TV that people had for entertainment. I think that the networks had realized that it was harder to suck people into a show when they had the internet, or movies on the big screen or their new Plasma TV, or concerts, or overtime at work to fall back on. I think people in general needed a reason to fit TV in their already busy lives and if you can't suck them in in the first ten minutes with a chick in a bikini, or somebody eating pig testicles while wallowing through mud to gain immunity than it wouldn't be watched. I think it is slowly shifting back now after the whole reality TV craze burns itself out. Look at the success of Lost, 24, House, the CSI's, Desperite Housewives, and Grey's Anatomy. All of those have a plot line that requires a person to stop and watch. If Firefly was introduced as a new show back in 1998 or next year, with a better time slot granted, it might have done much better in the ratings. IMHO

Personally I liked the western motiff of the show. It helped to sererate the haves (alliance) and the havenot's (everybody else) very clearly. But it was 500 years in the future for cryin out loud. But when you look at it people still wear dusters and cowboy hats, belt buckles the size of your fist and cowboy boots today even though the old west was 150 years ago. Would it have taken away from the show if people wore different clothes? Maybe, maybe not. But something a little more modern definitely would not have hurt. I definately don't look at the show as being a space western, way too generalized. It is a character drama through and through, the spaceships and gunfights are an added detail that makes it more unique.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 3:30 AM


Universal advertised Serenity on the season premieres of both "Lost" and "The Simpsons", in the first adbreaks, which had an average of just over 20 million people between them, with is upwards of 8 figures in dollars of advertising costs.

In truth, the advertising WAS there - but it's very hard to advertising a sci-fi western comedy action human condition film compared to say, an Adam Sandler film. Or a film about cars. Or Snakes On A Plane.

Ultimately, we live in a world where people are celebrity obsessed and reality TV shows rule the airwaves. That's just the reality. More people watched 'Fear Factor' each week than went to see Serenity at the box office in it's entire theatre run - because, you know, they found people eating live spiders more interesting.

Junk food TV and movies rule to roost, which is just the way it is.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 3:53 AM


I thank the powers that be that people can't make reality computer games, because they sure as hell would if they could.
I could rant for hours just about the growing rate of advertising within games (without making them cheaper for the consumer) and the fact that they release them half-finished for Christmas because, hey, we can download patches or buy add-ons that are actually the REST of the supposedly finished game!
And they know we'll put up with it because we don't have much of a choice.
Any company that sells stocks sells its soul to the devil, because from then on it's all about the money instead of the product. Developers and creative teams are generally very shiny people, but suits just wanna see coin and don't give a hwai about the product the creators care so much about.

I recently saw something on TV about stupid TV shows actually making people dumber, while educational shows, if presented in an appealing manner, make people smarter.
But since the majority of the people is engulfing themselves in brainless sh*t, it's unlikely they'll get any smarter and realise what TV COULD be.

BTW, if I ever meet Paris Hilton, I'm gonna break her legs.
With her face.

- menacingly growling Agatsu, slowly calming down

The Serenity Summer Campaign is on, baby - prepare to kick some serious pigu!
September 30th is Serenity 'Versary! Be there or be a purple-belted poop-head. (<- not the official slogan.)
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 3:53 AM


Brining the thread back to topic again, the only problem with the BDM that I've seen is that it takes very long to develop itself, and if you don't know the characters you're not sure what is going on or what you're watching. That's the problem I've faced when introducing people to the BDM. I think it hurts when the Miranda storyline doesn't develop itself until over an hour into the film because then newbies are asking themselves 'What was the past hour for than just getting them to this planet?'


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 4:18 AM


I disagree. I saw the BDM first and didn't need the BDS to understand what was going on. The great thing was that the movie made me want to spend more time with these people.

Agatsu - I think the frontier people were going for wearable utilitarian clothing that would be easy to make if you didn't have access to factories. Things like the bonnets and long coats and the womens clothing would be easy to make with only needle and thread or a sewing machine. Maybe it wouldn't be identical to 1800's clothing, but I bet it would come damn close - plus you have to factor in knwoledge. These people would have been told stories of the old west - they made have deliberately fashioned their clothing that way to feel a part of that whole "conguering frontiers" thing.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 4:23 AM


Yeah well, the BDM is a whole different issue - it's incredibly hard to make a movie based on a TV show and satisfy the fans and the uninitiated, and Joss did an unbelievable job with that. Which has been said a lot of times before, of course, but it is something that just couldn't have been done better, given the circumstances.
I felt like there had been something "missing" between the series and the BDM as well when I first watched the BDM (not having read the comic book back then), and I could say THAT should be changed, but that would mean that your "complaint" about the first hour being mostly there for the fans would be even more justified since Joss would have had to spend even more screen time on that. It's just the 3-4 seasons with lots of developments that we have been robbed of.
We got robbed, my fellow Browncoats. THAT, sadly, can't be changed.

@Wonder Womom: Hm, yeah well, okay. But still, all I'm saying is that it probably turned a lot of people off.

The Serenity Summer Campaign is on, baby - prepare to kick some serious pigu!
September 30th is Serenity 'Versary! Be there or be a purple-belted poop-head. (<- not the official slogan.)
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 4:24 AM


I know, I work in a video store and every time I scan through a copy of Big Mamma's House 2, while a shelf full of Serenity just sits there, another little piece of my respect for humanity breaks off and dies.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 4:26 AM


oooh you could always start moving the actual discs of Serenity in to movies you think are stupid's covers and then people ( who are generally lazy) might watch rather than return and we could convert the world!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 4:28 AM


And he could lose his job, too!

The Serenity Summer Campaign is on, baby - prepare to kick some serious pigu!
September 30th is Serenity 'Versary! Be there or be a purple-belted poop-head. (<- not the official slogan.)
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 5:00 AM



Originally posted by WhoIsRiver:
Universal advertised Serenity on the season premieres of both "Lost" and "The Simpsons", in the first adbreaks, which had an average of just over 20 million people between them, with is upwards of 8 figures in dollars of advertising costs.

In truth, the advertising WAS there - but it's very hard to advertising a sci-fi western comedy action human condition film compared to say, an Adam Sandler film. Or a film about cars. Or Snakes On A Plane.

They may have used some money, but the advertising was awful. I'm a huge Joss fan and when did I first hear about Serenity? This last January...after it was out of the theaters. That's BAD advertising if a fan (although at the time, NOT a fan of Firefly) doesn't even know there's a movie coming out.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 5:08 AM



September 30th is Serenity 'Versary! Be there or be a purple-belted poop-head. (<- not the official slogan.)

CAN it be our official slogan?
I kinda like it.
I'm seeing t-shirts with the "Serenity Versery" at the top and below it a pic of Alliance troop soldier with a purple head....

right...not enough sleep
not enough coffee.
I'll remedy that and come back in again.

As for the rest, America is full of fast car buffs who just watch F&F for the cars. Plot, acting, character development mean nothing to the motorheads.

And American audiences are STUPID! And the NETWORKS encourage STUPID.

Anybody notice that when BBC America ran "Coupling" it became an instant hit with those who saw it. So the networks tried an American version that was SO dumbed down that the original audience continued to happily watch the BBC version? They assume we're stupid, and the majority of Americans seem to LIKE it that way. *shrug*


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 5:43 AM


Hey! Another Coupling Fan! Nice to see some British programs being enjoyed over the pond, makes a change from vice versa!

I always used to think the BBC immune to the pressure to dumb down to sell advertising but some recent programmes... I so hate reality TV!



Tuesday, June 27, 2006 5:48 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:

September 30th is Serenity 'Versary! Be there or be a purple-belted poop-head. (<- not the official slogan.)

CAN it be our official slogan?

I doubt it. No one would get it, anyways. But I'm glad you like it.

But back on the subject, I think what you said would explain why Fox apparently tried to advertise Firefly as "Hookers and naked chicks in boxes in space!".

The Serenity Summer Campaign is on, baby - prepare to kick some serious pigu!
September 30th is Serenity 'Versary! Be there or be a purple-belted poop-head. (<- not the official slogan.)
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 6:46 AM



Originally posted by RugBug:

Originally posted by WhoIsRiver:
Universal advertised Serenity on the season premieres of both "Lost" and "The Simpsons", in the first adbreaks, which had an average of just over 20 million people between them, with is upwards of 8 figures in dollars of advertising costs.

In truth, the advertising WAS there - but it's very hard to advertising a sci-fi western comedy action human condition film compared to say, an Adam Sandler film. Or a film about cars. Or Snakes On A Plane.

They may have used some money, but the advertising was awful. I'm a huge Joss fan and when did I first hear about Serenity? This last January...after it was out of the theaters. That's BAD advertising if a fan (although at the time, NOT a fan of Firefly) doesn't even know there's a movie coming out.

EXACTLY! By the way WhoisRiver, that's twice. I realize it was on highly rated shows but I saw that piece of go se F&F advertised so MANY times I threw up a lot in my mouth.

Also, I see your point(s) about the settler clothing. It might be a hindrance in some aspects but I do agree with FutureMrsFillion in that it probably would have been just like that. To me it's one of those things that gave the show it's homey feel. Everything always felt familiar to me despite the fact that the setting is 500 years in the future, in space. The clothing was something that helped the show achieve that IMO.

At the moment I'm trying to figure out how to introduce Firefly to a friend who really dislikes Westerns. So I was thinking about anything that really gives it a strong western impression and did think of the clothing (plus horses-both of which I totally love but a non-western gal probably not so much). There are Western thematic elements throughout but I really wonder how many non-western-fans even notice them. And as I previously discussed, I'm not going down the it's a "Space-Western" road. I think all I'll tell her about is that "We are going to watch this show. You are going to like this show. Because you're smart. And it is the. best. show. ever." Wonder if that'll work with the general public too?


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 8:09 AM


Quite a few of the episodes have little to no Western influence. Ariel, Out of Gas and Objects In Space are some examples, but OIS isn't a good intro to the series.

Of course, there's nary a nag in sight in the BDM. Closest we get to Western is the mining settlement on Haven.

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 8:15 AM


can't you slip Serenity into the dvd player so that it fills all the screens in the store? Then when it gets to a good part, take it out.

Bwaaaahahahahahahahahhaahhahaha - mine is an evil laugh!


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 8:20 AM


not to hijack the thread *sorry * but Emma, I watched Sharpe all weekend!

back to topic.

I want Serenity to be successful - but I am glad that it wasn't a huge fg success. Call me possessive. I don;t want idiots watching my show and pretending they get it.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 8:25 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
can't you slip Serenity into the dvd player so that it fills all the screens in the store? Then when it gets to a good part, take it out.

You mean like after the company logos?

The Serenity Summer Campaign is on, baby - prepare to kick some serious pigu!
September 30th is Serenity 'Versary! Be there or be a purple-belted poop-head. (<- not the official slogan.)
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 8:28 AM


Hmmmmm, Sean Bean! Lucky you!

I wonder if I could write a Sharpe/ Firefly xover? Some forgotten border world fighting a civil war with antiquated weapons... it's conceivable.

Snaps back to reality.

Ah yes, you were talking about the BDM. If more stupid people watched it it would have the disadvantage of upping my daily instincts to kill if I heard them say bad things. I read some of the reviews on Amazon and whilst 98% loved it some had my trigger finger itching. They dared to criticise my baby! *Grinding sound*



Tuesday, June 27, 2006 8:29 AM



OK let me rephrase - when they are sucked in and there is an extra special superduperific part coming up - take it out of the player!


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 8:29 AM


I feel another useless thread coming on! Join me!


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 8:47 AM


Hey, I like that little Serenity!

Tres cool.


I'm going to add cursing and the hurling about of things to my repertoire.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 10:18 AM


C'est Vrai!!!

The western clothes thing does sorta make sense. I see people in my home town wearing that stuff because they are ranchers and farmers and their clothes are easy to clean, wear, and dont rip easy like t-shirts etc. etc. and so forth.

I think one thing I'd like to change is the marketing team. Yeah, I'll admit, I saw plenty of spots for the Film before it came out, but what really pulled me in was that Firefly was on SciFi in Babylon 5's spot. I was hooked and couldn't get enough. But without that, I wouldn't have taken time out of my schedule to see it. 13 times.

If anyone gets nosy...Shoot em.
Shoot em sir?


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 10:18 AM


C'est Vrai!!!

The western clothes thing does sorta make sense. I see people in my home town wearing that stuff because they are ranchers and farmers and their clothes are easy to clean, wear, and dont rip easy like t-shirts etc. etc. and so forth.

I think one thing I'd like to change is the marketing team. Yeah, I'll admit, I saw plenty of spots for the Film before it came out, but what really pulled me in was that Firefly was on SciFi in Babylon 5's spot. I was hooked and couldn't get enough. But without that, I wouldn't have taken time out of my schedule to see it. Many times.

If anyone gets nosy...Shoot em.
Shoot em sir?






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