Once More With Feeling

UPDATED: Friday, June 30, 2006 06:24
VIEWED: 6055
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Saturday, June 24, 2006 8:12 PM


I saw an episode of BTVS called "Once More with Feeling" It was a very good episode that caught me off guard. It was very clever I thought. Everyone was doing their own thing in the show and suddenly they burst out in song about their lives. It was like a Broadway musical, and that got me to thinking about this forum, so I decided to start a thread...this should be fun, or I'm more brain-damaged than I thought.

I'm not very good at writing songs so I found a song that would fit me in this current reality. I stole this one from the Evita movie called "Another Suitcase in Another Hall" I changed a few things, but it fits my current state of mind. And feel free to add your songs to it. The whole point is that this is sort of like a talk story, but it isn’t. The songs are about you...they just have to meld into each other.

I hope you all join in on our 1st and most likely last musical...well, here I go...
-------------------------------------------------- Presents:

From the boyz down at ID

*May 27th 2009*

THE END fades to black on the theater screen. The movie ends and Glenda gets up along with the rest of the audience and makes way for the exits of the movie theater. Night has fallen while they were all inside. Glenda follows the crowd out of the theater walking very slowly. She's not thinking about the movie she just watched, she's thinking about empty homes with empty halls and no more Firefly or Buffy and she wonders why is it that all good thinks have to end.

She goes to her hotel room. Fires up her computer and logs onto the site. Sits down and decides to pour herself a drink. She reaches for the bottle, and then stops...

I don't expect my love affairs to last for long
Never fooled myself that my dreams will come true
Being used to trouble I anticipate it
But all the same I hate it, wouldn't you?

[Glenda:] So what happens now?
[Mal:] Another suitcase in another hall
[Glenda:] So what happens now?
[Mal:] Take your picture off another wall
[Glenda:] Where am I going to?
[Mal:] You'll get by, you always have before
[Glenda:] Where am I going to?

Time and time again I've said that I don't care
That I'm immune to gloom, that I'm hard through and through
But every time it matters all my words desert me
So anyone can hurt me, and they do

[Glenda:] Call in three months time and I'll be fine, I know
Well maybe not that fine, but I'll survive anyhow
I won't recall the names and places of each sad occasion
But that's no consolation here and now.

[Glenda:] So what happens now?
[Mal:] Another suitcase in another hall
[Glenda:] So what happens now?
[Mal:] Take your picture off another wall
[Glenda:] Where am I going to?
[Mal:] You'll get by, you always have before

[Glenda:] Where am I going to?

Don't ask anymore.

*The screen fades to black*


Saturday, June 24, 2006 8:38 PM


Okay, I’ll play along with this seeing that I’m bored. My fair lady comes to mind and don’t ask me why.

In the same hotel sits a bothered, trouble man, but not troubled in the way you would expect. He’s troubled with thoughts, thoughts of love. He puts on his coat and hat, and leaves the hotel. Walking down the street he passes two young people walking hand in hand. “Mighty fine night” he says to them as they pass. He stops and looks at the young lovers continuing about their journey. Hands in pocket he continues on his way with a happy look on his face…

I have often walked down this street before;
But the pavement always stayed beneath my feet before.
All at once am I Several stories high.
Knowing I'm on the street where you live.

Are there lilac trees in the heart of town?
Can you hear a lark in any other part of town?
Does enchantment pour Out of ev'ry door?
No, it's just on the street where you live!

And oh! The towering feeling
Just to know somehow you are near.
The overpowering feeling
That any second you may suddenly appear!

People stop and stare. They don't bother me.
For there's no where else on earth that I would rather be.
Let the time go by, I won't care if I
Can be here on the street where you live.


Saturday, June 24, 2006 9:03 PM


I'll have to check out this Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Sounds like a funny episode. Well here's my contribution. A Blondie song called 'Dreaming'

Sisterbettyx watches the old man pass the cafe muttering to himself as he walks about his business. She has her 6th cup of coffee and thinks about going home, but she is preoccupid with the thoughts of an old friend long gone...

When I met you in the restaurant
You could tell I was no debutante
You asked me what's my pleasure
A movie or a measure?
I'll have a cup of tea and tell you of my dreaming
Dreaming is free
I don't want to live on charity
Pleasure's real or is it fantasy?
Reel to reel is living rarity
People stop and stare at me We just walk on by - we just keep on dreaming
Feet feet, walking a two mile
Meet meet, meet me at the turnstile
I never met him, I'll never forget him

Dream dream, even for a little while
Dream dream, filling up an idle hour
Fade away, radiate

I sit by and watch the river flow
I sit by and watch the traffic go
Imagine something of your very own
Something you can have and hold

I'd build a road in gold just to have some dreaming
Dreaming is free
Dreaming is free
Dreaming is free

“I don’t know. This here’s a spectacle might warrant a moment’s consideration.”


Saturday, June 24, 2006 9:40 PM


Entirely pointy.

Am I Talking to Glenda?



Saturday, June 24, 2006 9:49 PM



Originally posted by 22Claws:
Am I Talking to Glenda?



Hey!?! We are having a musical here!!!! Back off sonny!!! The show must go on!!!

More stolen lyrics from Evita...

[Alliance Social Class:]

Thus all fairy stories end
Only an actress would pretend
Affairs of state are her latest play
Eight shows a week, two matinees
My how the worm begins to turn
When will the chorus girl ever learn?
My how the worm begins to turn
When will the chorus girl ever learn?

The chorus girl hasn't learned the lines you'd like to hear
She won't go scrambling over the backs of the poor to be accepted
By making donations just large enough to the correct charity
She won't be president of your wonderful societies of philanthropy
Even if you asked her to be
As you should have asked her to be

The actress hasn't learned the lines you'd like to hear
She won't join your clubs, she won't dance in your halls
She won't help the hungry once a month at your tombolas
She'll simply take control as you disappear

Forgive my intrusion, but fine as those sentiments sound
Little has changed for us peasants down here on the ground
I hate to sound childish, ungrateful, I don't like to moan
But do you now represent anyone's cause but your own?

Everything done will be justified by my foundation...


Saturday, June 24, 2006 10:48 PM


Ooo...sounds like fun...I think this song is feeling like me at this point...It's 'Saturday' by Fall Out Boy.
Ashley sits in the lobby of the hotel, reading her Serenity novelization and 'Grand Theft Autumn' blaring in her earbuds. She puts the book down and sighs. Already 16 and feeling like she hasn't truly lived. Too many wasted Saturdays... She marks her book and rips out her earbuds as 'Grand Theft Autumn' ends...

I'm good to go
And I'm going nowhere fast
It could be worse
It could be taking you there with me
I'm good to go
But it looks like I'm still on my own

I'm good to go
For something golden
Though the motions I've been going through have failed
And I'm coasting on potential towards a wall
At a 100 miles an hour

When I say
Two more weeks
My foot is in the door (yeah)
I can't sleep
In the wake of Saturday (Saturday)
When these open doors were open-ended
When these open doors were open-ended

Pete and I attacked the laws of Astoria*
with promise and precision and mess of youthful innocence
And I read about the afterlife
But I never really lived more than an hour (more than an hour)

When I say
Two more weeks
My foot is in the door (yeah)
I can't sleep
In the wake of Saturday (Saturday)
When these open doors were open-ended
When these open doors were open-ended

And I read about the afterlife
But I never really lived
And I read about the afterlife
But I never really lived

Two more weeks
My foot is in the door
Me and Pete
In the wake of Saturday
When these open doors were open-ended
When these open doors were open-ended

"Well next time you be the bait!"~Andy Hurley
"Okay! Everybody not talking about sex, in here. Everybody else, elsewhere."~Wash
Browncoats are the coolest fans I've ever seen.


Saturday, June 24, 2006 11:10 PM


Glenda returns to her hotel and she gets on the computer and logs back into the site.

Reading some of the posts she gets a good laugh at some of the clever people. "Always a good night on this site" she thinks. Remembering that she had to make a call to someone, she looks in her purse for the number....a photo falls out of a person she once knew and called friend. Picking up the photo, and looking at it, Glenda begins to remember. She remembers what it was like to have a friend...

Ben, the two of us need look no more
We both found what we were looking for
With a friend to call my own
I'll never be alone
And you my friend will see
You've got a friend in me
(You've got a friend in me)

Ben, you're always running here and there
You feel you're not wanted anywhere
If you ever look behind
And don't like what you find
There's something you should know
You've got a place to go
(You've got a place to go)

I used to say, 'I' and 'me'
Now its 'us', now its 'we'
(I used to say, 'I' and 'me')
(Now its 'us', now its 'we')

Ben, most people would turn you away
I don't listen to a word they say
They don't see you as I do
I wish they would try to
I'm sure they'd think again
If they had a friend like Ben
(A friend)
Like Ben
(Like Ben)
Like Ben.

Glenda wipes the tears from her face and places the photo back into her purse...


Saturday, June 24, 2006 11:19 PM


*Intermission music*

River6213 climbs up the stairs to the stage with her old guitar, and with a look of determination in her eyes she begins to play...

Take my love, take my land
Take me where I cannot stand
I don't care, I'm still free
You can't take the sky from me
Take me out to the black
Tell them I ain't comin' back
Burn the land and boil the sea
You can't take the sky from me
There's no place I can be
Since I found Serenity
But you can't take the sky from me...


Sunday, June 25, 2006 12:12 AM


I love Once More with Feeling! Definitely my favourite episode ever.
Not sure if it's playing the game correctly, but for summing up my state of mind, I'd have to go with one from the episode itself:

Every single night the same arrangement
I go out and fight the fight
Still I always feel this strange estrangement
Nothing here is real, nothing here is right.

Going through the motions... etc


Sunday, June 25, 2006 12:17 AM


*Musical noted narrator*

What you said wonderous one, is in step with what was done. We laugh and smile with your song. We were always with you all along...


Sunday, June 25, 2006 12:37 AM


I don't think I have any idea what's going on... But musicals! I love musicals! I'll make it up! (This song is from Oklahoma! by the way.)

River: [dancing around, in her own little world]

Out of my dreams and into your arms
I long to fly

I will come as evening comes
To woo a waiting sky

Out of my dreams and into the hush
Of falling shadows

When the mist is low
And stars are breaking through
Then out of my dreams I'll go
Into a dream with you

[Dancey dancey, exit stage right]

[Camera pan left, to Simon's infirmary where Mal is sitting in the chair, beginning to tell Simon about his horrible life...que bouncy music.]

Doctor, my eyes have seen the years
And the slow parade of fears without crying
Now I want to understand

I have done all that I could
To see the evil and the good without hiding
You must help me if you can

Doctor my eyes
Tell me what is wrong
Was I unwise
To leave them open for so long?

[jumps off the chair, grabbing a random fedora and cane that happen to be set up expressly for this purpose, whilst Simon tries desperately to hold him still to check his eyeballs]

As I have wandered through these worlds
And as each moment has unfurled
I've been waiting to awaken from these dreams

[twirly bit with cane, dancey dancey]

People go just where they will
I never noticed them until I got this feeling
That it's later than it seems

Doctor my eyes
Tell me what you see
I hear their cries
Just say if it's too late for meeeeeee...

[Simon chases Mal around in a cute, fun dancey scene]

Doctor my eyes
I cannot see the sky
Is this the price
For having learned how not to cry?

[Simon finally tackles Mal and starts to examine his eyes]

[Fade out]


Sunday, June 25, 2006 1:18 AM


Glenda awakes with a start. She must have fallen sleep. She's still in the hotel Room and she dreamt about a grand song and dance that appeared to have had Mal and Simon in it doing the quick step. Was it real or is it fantasy, or a dream?

She goes to the bathroom and splashes her face with cold water. She looks in the mirror and decides that what she sees staring back at her in in the reflection is quite unpleasent...


Where do we go from here?
This isn't where we intended to be
We had it all, you believed in me
I believed in you

Certainties disappear
What do we do for our dream to survive?
How do we keep all our passions alive,
As we used to do?

Deep in my heart I'm concealing
Things that I'm longing to say
Scared to confess what I'm feeling
Frightened you'll slip away

You must love me

Why are you at my side?
How can I be any use to you now?
Give me a chance and I'll let you see how
Nothing has changed

You must love me

[Scene fades to black]


Sunday, June 25, 2006 1:43 AM


Glenda leans over out of camera to splash water in her face, and Jayne, in another bathroom in another place, pops up into frame in her place. He feels his scruffy chin, and heads off out of the room, grabbing Vera on the way.

He starts walking cautiously and meaningfully, aiming Vera at random things, pretending they're Simon.

[Que music]

Dum, dum, dum, honey what have you done?
Dum, dum, dum it's the sound of my gun.
Dum, dum, dum, honey what have you done?
Dum, dum, dum it's the sound

Jaynie's got a gun
Jaynie's got a gun
His whole world's come undone
From lookin' straight at the sun
What did that gorram doctor do?
What did he put you through?
They said when Jaynie was arrested
they found Simon underneath a train
But man, he had it comin'
Now that Jaynie's got a gun
He ain't never gonna be the same.

Jaynie's got a gun
Jaynie's got a gun
His dog day's just begun
Now everybody is on the run
Tell me now it's untrue.
What did that gorram doctor do?
He jacked a little bitty baby
The man has got to be insane
They say the spell that he was under the lightning and the
thunder knew that someone had to stop the rain

[Here Jayne gets a little too loud, attracting stares from a couple passersby]

Run away, run away from the pain yeah, yeah yeah yeah
Run away run away from the pain yeah yeah
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Run away, run away, run, run away

Jaynie's got a gun
Jaynie's got a gun
His dog day's just begun
Now everybody is on the run
What did that gorram doctor do?
It's Jaynie's last I.O.U.
He had to take him down easy and put a bullet in his brain
He said 'cause nobody believes me. The man was such a sleeze.

He ain't never gonna be the same.

Run away, run away from the pain yeah, yeah
yeah yeah yeah
Run away run away from the pain yeah yeah
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Run away, run away, run, run away

Janie's got a gun
Janie's got a gun
Janie's got a gun
Everybody is on the run

Janie's got a gun
His dog day's just begun
Now everybody is on the run
Because Janie's got a gun
Janie's got a gun
His dog day's just begun
Now everybody is on the run
Jaynie's got a gun!

Jayne bursts out laughing, totally ignoring the people staring at him.

Meanwhile, Simon has long been hiding in his bunk, not from Vera, but from both Mal and Jayne going totally nuts. He wonders if he's going to have to treat them like River, too...


Sunday, June 25, 2006 1:49 AM


I love once more with feeling as well. Not sure If I'm doing this right but I'll have a go.

Outside the town there is a small hill. RIVER, alone, wearing a simple dress, reaches the top. She stands still, just moving her head to take in the views over the town and surrounding countryside. Serenity can be seen landed near the town.

RIVER (softly) sings: Day after day,
Alone on a hill,
The girl with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still.
(light backing music joins)But nobody wants to know her,
They can see that she's just a fool,
And she never gives an answer...

(River begins to move, in time with the music, to the other brow of the hill to watch the sunset. The camera circles her slowly, slightly above her.)
... But the fool on the hill,
Sees the sun going down (light flares on camera)
And the eyes in her head,
See the world spinning round.

(River begins to move around more freely, almost dancing)
Well on the way,
Her head in a cloud (she smiles at that idea, but then becomes sombre again.)
(More angrily) The girl of a thousand voices, talking perfectly loud.
(We cut to flashbacks of River walking through the town with nobody noticing her, while her voice still sings over the top)
But nobody ever hears her,
Or the sound she appears to make,
And she never seems to notice...

(The next chorus cuts between clips of River on the hill, and shots in the town revealing the emotions of Glenda, the troubled man, Sisterbettyx, and other characters, as seen by River)
But the fool on the hill,
Sees the sun going down.
And the eyes in her head,
See the world spinning around.

(River singing is interspersed with clips of Jayne and Mal looking suspicious or angry, and very short clips of her hand holding a knife or gun)
And nobody seems to like her,
They can tell what she wants to do.
And she never shows her feelings,

(Back to River)
But the fool on the hill,
Sees the sun going down,
And the eyes in her head,
See the world spinning round.

Voices sing: Ooooooh, Oooooooh, (River dances wildly, looking up at the sky ecstatically)
River: Round and round and round and round and... (She spins faster and faster)

(She stops, facing out over the town)
But she never listens to them,
She knows that they're the fools,
They don't like it.

(The camera starts on a close up of River, and moves backwards until she is just a tiny figure silouetted on top of the hill.)
The fool on the hill,
Sees the sun going down,
And the eyes in her head,
See the world spinning round.

(In the corner of the view, near the bottom of the hill, we can see a figure moving. Cut to middle distance: it is Simon. The music fades to nothing.)

SIMON: River? River, is that you?

Hope you like it. My first post ever!


Sunday, June 25, 2006 1:58 AM


Wow, Janie's got a gun and Doctor my eyes are amazing choices. I love all your posts, this is fun :D


Sunday, June 25, 2006 2:23 AM


don't know if its quite right but heres one,

Sung to the tune of the Eagles "Hotel California"

Welcome to the space boat Serenity,
Such a lovely place,
lots of pretty faces,

Theres plenty of room on the ship Serenity,
You can come see some cows,
You can talk to Mal,

Our minds are defiantly twisted,
We've got the Mercedes Beins?
There are lots and lots of mean and ugly feds,
We don't call friends,

On the 23rd of June,
We gathered to celebrate,
Everyone had a good time,
Browncoat were saying it was great,

Welcome to the space boat Serenity,
Such a lovely place,
Hope to see your face,

Welcome to the space boat serenity,
Wear your heart out on your sleeve

You'll never want to check out anytime,
And you'll never want to leave.....

> insert hot guitar solo <



Sunday, June 25, 2006 2:32 AM


Still staring into the mirror, Glenda thinks back to her childhood and thinks about the first inspirational song she ever heard…the song engulfs her mind…

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Schlemeel, schlemazel, hasenfeffer incorporated.

We’re gonna do it!
Give us any chance, we’ll take it.
Give us any rule, we’ll break it.
We’re gonna make our dreams come true.
Doin’ it our way.

Nothin’s gonna turn us back now,
Straight ahead and on the track now.
We’re gonna make our dreams come true,
Doin’ it our way.

There is nothing we won’t try,
Never heard the word impossible.
This time there’s no stopping us.
We’re gonna do it.

On your mark, get set, and go now,
Got a dream and we just know now,
We’re gonna make our dream come true.
And we’ll do it our way, yes our way.
Make all our dreams come true,
And do it our way, yes our way,
Make all our dreams come true
For me and you.

Glenda jerks away from the mirror and from the memory flood

River wants to stay awake but Glenda sleeps.


Sunday, June 25, 2006 2:49 AM


(Er so far as I understand this.... here goes:)

Within the frenzied rush of the mornings pedestrians Rufus looks on.
"Another year of all this chaos!" He thinks...
"Please no more.." It's all too much for poor Rufus, he is but a simple lad. Came to the city from the country looking for some answers but found only more puzzling questions.

So he heads back home. Has his customary shower to
wash the city filth of himself and sets his weary head down. The garish neon from the store across the road flashes the colours across his face.....

"Whatever happened to Glenda?" He thinks to himself....

(His dream song and dance number kicks in... Radioheads: NO ALARMS AND NO SURPRISES)

A heart that's full up like a landfill,
a job that slowly kills you,
bruises that won't heal.
You look so tired-unhappy,
bring down the government,
they don't, they don't speak for us.
I'll take a quiet life,
a handshake of carbon monoxide,

with no alarms and no surprises,
no alarms and no surprises,
no alarms and no surprises,
Silent silence.

This is my final fit,
my final bellyache,

with no alarms and no surprises,
no alarms and no surprises,
no alarms and no surprises please.

Such a pretty house
and such a pretty garden.

No alarms and no surprises,
no alarms and no surprises,
no alarms and no surprises please.

Rufus sleeps....


Sunday, June 25, 2006 9:26 AM


Walking down the street in scuffed Converse All-Stars, grime-coated and Brown-coated, Geraldo conjures up a song he feels describes the moment...(Desecration Smile, Red Hot Chili Peppers..)

All alone not by myself
Another girl bad for my health
I've seen it all thru someone else
(another girl bad for my health)

Celebrated but undisturbed
Serenaded by the terror bird
It's seldom seen but its never heard
(Serenaded by the terror bird)

Never in the wrong time or wrong place
Desecration is the smile on my face
The love I made is the shape of my space
My face, my face

Disintegrated by the rising sun
A rolling black out of oblivion
(I'm rolling black out of oblivion)

I wanna leave but I just get stuck
A broken record running low on luck
There's heavy metal coming from your truck
I'm a (broken record running low on luck)

He strums his guitar in a mid-tempo, G-D-D-G-Alternate G succession, nodding his head.

We could all go down to Malibu and make some noise
Coca Cola doesn't do the justice she enjoys
We could all come up with something new to be destroyed, we could all go down....


'I don't know. He seems kind of peculiar.'

'Maybe he's Canadian!'


Sunday, June 25, 2006 9:31 AM


Hmm I think Lola's song from Damn Yankees would work for Inara-
Whatever Inara wants, Inara gets, and little man little Inara wants you.

Make up your mind to have no regrets, recline yourself, resign yourself you're through.

I always get what I aim for and your heart and soul is what I came for.

Whatever Inara wants, Inara gets. You know I'm right, why even fight, you can't win.

There's no exception to the rule. I'm irrisistable you fool...give in

And yes I love once more with feeling that could be why my email is

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Sunday, June 25, 2006 9:48 AM


I know just what you feel, girl.


'I don't know. He seems kind of peculiar.'

'Maybe he's Canadian!'


Sunday, June 25, 2006 10:40 AM


***Intermission Music***


Sunday, June 25, 2006 10:50 AM


Ashley wonders the halls of the hotel, starting to trip into her own. She get her key in and is about to go in, when she hears a music box chime. A little girl walks down the hall, holding a little ballerina music box, following her mother. Ashley sees in her eyes that this is her dream. As the little girl passes and the music starts to fade, Ashley closes the door of the hotel room.

They come from every state to find
Some dreams were meant to be declined
Tell the man what did you have in mind
What have you come to do

No turning water into wine
No learning while you're in the line
I'll take you to the broken sign
You see the lights are blue

Come and get it
Lost it at the city limit
Say goodbye
Cause they will find a way to trim it
Lookin' for a silly gimmick
Gotta get away
Can't take it for another minute

This town is made of many things
Just look at what the current brings
So high it's only promising
This place was made on you

Tell me baby what's your story
Where you come from
And where you wanna go this time
Tell me lover are you lonely
The thing we need is
Never all that hard to find
Tell me baby what's your story
Where do you come from
And where you wanna go this time
Your so lovely are you lonely
Giving up on the innocence you left behind

Some claim to have the fortitude
To shrewd to blow the interlude
Sustaining pain to set a mood
Step out to be renewed

I'll move you like a baritone
Jungle brothers on the microphone
Getting over with an undertone
It's time to turn to stone

Chitty chitty baby
When your nose is in the nitty gritty
Life could be a little sweet
But life could be a little shitty
What a pity
Boston and a kansas city
Looking for a hundred
But you only ever found a fifty

Three fingers in the honeycomb
You ring just like a xylophone
Devoted to the chromosome
The day that you left home

Tell me baby what's your story
Where you come from
And where you wanna go this time
Tell me lover are you lonely
The thing we need is
Never all that hard to find
Tell me baby what's your story
Where do you come from
And where you wanna go this time
Your so lovely are you lonely
Giving up on the innocence you left behind

Tell me baby what's your story
Where you come from
And where you wanna go this time
Tell me lover are you lonely
The thing we need is
Never all that hard to find
Tell me baby what's your story
Where do you come from
And where you wanna go this time
Your so lovely are you lonely
Giving up on the innocence you left behind

"Well next time you be the bait!"~Andy Hurley
"Okay! Everybody not talking about sex, in here. Everybody else, elsewhere."~Wash
Browncoats are the coolest fans I've ever seen.


Sunday, June 25, 2006 11:00 AM


(Tell Me Baby was my second choice, Yukari. part of Slow Cheetah..)

Looking in on Glenda, Geraldo sings..

I knew a girl who worked in a store
She knew not what her life was for
She barely knew her name
People tried to tell her she could never be
As happy as the girl in the magazine
She bought it with her pain...


'I don't know. He seems kind of peculiar.'

'Maybe he's Canadian!'


Sunday, June 25, 2006 11:30 AM


Drinking her coffee, Glenda picks up a magazine and begins to read an artical about abuse in the home of Americans...

They cry in the dark, so you can't see their tears
They hide in the light, so you can't see their fears
Forgive and forget, all the while
Love and pain become one and the same
In the eyes of a wounded child
Because Hell
Hell Is For Children
And you know that their little lives can become such a mess
Hell Is For Children
And you shouldn't have to pay for your love with your bones and your flesh

It's all so confusing, this brutal abusing
They blacken your eyes, and then apologize
Be daddy's good girl, and don't tell mommy a thing
Be a good little boy, and you'll get a new toy
Tell grandma you fell off the swing

Because Hell
Hell Is For Children
And you know that their little lives can become such a mess
Hell Is For Children
And you shouldn't have to pay for your love with your bones and your flesh

No, Hell Is For Children

Hell is for Hell
Hell is for Hell
Hell Is For Children


Glenda for some reason she cannot fathom, feels tired and crawls back into bed. River6213 stays up and continues to drink coffee...


Sunday, June 25, 2006 11:50 AM


Every single night, the same arrangement
I go out and fight the fight.
Still I always feel this strange estrangement
Nothing here is real, nothing here is right.
A vampire appears from behind a gravestone, rushes at River She spins him around, continues singing.
I've been making shows of [punch] trading blows
Just hoping no one knows [kick, grabs vampire and throws him behind her]
That I've been going through the motions
Walking through the part.
River pulls a stake from her jacket pocket. The vamp attacks her from behind and she stakes him without looking back.

River: Nothing seems to penetrate my heart.
She resumes walking and singing.
River: (verse two)
I was always brave, and kind of righteous.
Now I find I'm wavering.
We see two vampires and a demon gathered near a tree. There's a person tied to the tree. The vampires see River and attack.

Crawl out of your grave, you'll find this fight just [punches a vampire]
Doesn't mean a thing. [punches second vamp]
She ain't got that swing.
The vamp punches River and she goes down. A sword is stuck in the ground beside her. She lies there on her back. Sound of crickets chirping.
River: Thanks for noticing.
She continues lying there as the two vamps and the demon begin to do a dance.
She does pretty well with fiends from hell
But lately we can tell [River gets up and grabs the sword]
That she's just going through the motions
Going through the motions.
River pulls Vamp 1 away, cuts off his head with the sword.
VAMP 2: Faking it somehow. [River pushes him aside, stabs the demon]
DEMON: She's not even half the girl she- [looks down at his wound] ow.
The demon falls over. River continues walking, holding the sword.
Will I stay this way forever?
Sleepwalk through my life's endeavor?
She uses the sword to cut the ropes that are tying the person to a tree. The person comes around the tree trunk and we see it's a very good-looking man.
How can I repay-
She turns away, tosses the sword aside and continues walking.
I don't want to beeeeee...
[walks up onto a raised platform ringed by statues, stops]
Going through the motions
Losing all my drive.
I can't even see
If this is really me
And I just want to be-

Vamp 2 attacks her and she stakes him. He explodes into dust which forms an artful cloud, obscuring Buffy from view, then clears as she sings the final word.
River: Aliiiiiive.
End of song "Alive." Wide aerial shot of River standing amidst the gravestones.


Sunday, June 25, 2006 12:21 PM


Ashley stumbles into her hotel room and passes out on the bed. Another version of her, the one known as Yukari, sits on the bed next to her. Yukari takes a notebook and flips through it, seeing all the ideas that were once pent up. She pats Ashley's leg and continues to go through the note book...

Smudged funnies in a broken bottle
On the dot at nine
So daddy throws old clothes
Throws on an old stove
I'm cryin in the corner at 5
Well I've seen black
And I've seen blue
But fine line's I don't see
And just because I am in misery
It don't mean a thing

That I wanna know
That I wanna know

Graduation Day, Graduation Day
We take back everything we said about you

September as far as she remembers
They don't teach humility
And just because her only signal is mayday
It don't mean a thing
That she's faired love
And she's seen war
But fairness she don't see
And just because she is in misery
It don't mean a thing

That she wants to know
That she wants to know

Graduation Day, Graduation Day
We take back everything we said true...

But comroderys old
Doin what I'm told
And everybody knows
This is getting out of hand

Everybody is dying for
The chance to be heard, not ignored
And everybody knows
This is getting out of hand

Graduation Day, Graduation Day
We take back everything we said too...

I'm not gonna
I'm not gonna
I ain't goin to school

I'm not gonna
I'm not gonna
I'm not goin to school

"Well next time you be the bait!"~Andy Hurley
"Okay! Everybody not talking about sex, in here. Everybody else, elsewhere."~Wash
Browncoats are the coolest fans I've ever seen.


Sunday, June 25, 2006 12:27 PM


Jayne bursts into song!

*to the tune of "I am the very model of a modern major general*

I am the very model of a modern minor criminal
I get involved in theft and bank heights all of which are filmable
I'm slightly scared of River when she's triggered by subliminal
Messages and wins some fights that should be quite unwinnable
She's scary and she's deadly and she's also totally insane
She doesn't like me very much and might just kill me with her brain
She grabbed me in a tender place once and caused me a lot of pain
And also I betrayed her once for personal financial gain!

*Mal, Kaylee, Zoe and Inara sing*

And also he betrayed her once for personal financial gain
And also he betrayed her once for personal financial gain
And also he betrayed her once for monatary cashy money gain!

*Jayne sings*

It's not as though the crew don't know the mercenary type I am
I'm in it for the money and the sleazy pleasure of the scam
My favourite toys are guns and weapons, anything that can go "Blam!"
And betrayal, after all, is how my Firefly career began
I turned my coat and jumped ship on the understanding there'd be pay
They didn't tell me that I couldn't get it in a certain way
But this crew is daft and never listens to a single word I say
This boat would be much better if they let me captain it my way!

*Mal, Kaylee, Zoe and Inara sing*

This boat would be much better if we let him captain it his way
This boat would be much better if we let him captain it his way
Serenity would rule the skies if we let Jayne captain it his own way!

Desktop Hippie: singing the 'verse


Sunday, June 25, 2006 1:45 PM


Ashley wakes up and looks around the hotel room. She shakes her head, wondering if a more artsy version of herelf and Kaylee singing Head Automatica and Jayne expressing how much he wanted to captain Serenity through song was just a dream. She swings her legs over the bed and goes to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Meanwhile, in somewhere close by, Simon sit, sipping tea and Mal sits across from him, thoughts somewhere else...

Ba ba da da
Ba ba da da
Ba ba da da
Ba ba da da
Ba ba da da

Take a look at my girlfriend
She's the only one I got (ba ba da da)
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)

Simon looks at Mal like he's crazy but knows where Mal is coming from...

It's been some time since we last spoke
And this is gonna sound like a bad joke
But Momma, I fell in love again
It's safe to say I have a new girlfriend

And I know it sounds so old
But cupid's got me in a chokehold
And I'm afraid I might give in
Towels on the mat my white flag is wavin'
(Ba ba da da)

I mean she even cooks me pancakes
And Alka Seltzer when my tummy aches
If that ain't love, then I don't know what love is

We even got a secret handshake
And she loves the music that my band makes
And I know I'm young, but if I had to choose her or the sun
I'd be one nocturnal son of a gun

(Ba ba da da, ba ba da da)

Take a look at my girlfriend
She's the only one I got (ba ba da da)
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)

Take a look at my girlfriend
She's the only one I got (ba ba da da)
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)

It's been awhile since we talked last, and I'm tryin' hard not to talk fast
But Dad, I'm finally thinkin' I may have found the one
Type of girl that will make you way proud of your son

And I know you heard the last song about the girls that didn't last long
But I promise this is on a whole new plane
I can tell by the way she says my name
(ba ba da da)

I love the way she calls my phone
She even got her very own ringtone
If that ain't love, then I don't know what love is (ba ba da da)

It's gonna be a long drive home, but I know as soon as I arrive home
And I open the door, take off my coat, and throw my bag on the floor
She'll be back in my arms into my arms once more for sure, like

Take a look at my girlfriend
She's the only one I got (ba ba da da)
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)

She's got a smile that would make the most senile
Annoying old man bite his tongue
I'm not done
She's got eyes comparable to sunrise
And it doesn't stop there
Man, I swear
She's got porcelain skin, of course she's a ten
And now she's even got her own song
But movin' on
She's got the cutest laugh I ever heard
And we can be on the phone for three hours
Not sayin' one word
And I would still cherish every moment
And when I start to build my future she's the main component
Call it dumb, call it luck, call it love, or whatever you call it but
Everywhere I go I keep her picture in my wallet like you

Take a look at my girlfriend
She's the only one I got (ba ba da da)
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)

Take a look at my girlfriend
She's the only one I got (ba ba da da)
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)

"Well next time you be the bait!"~Andy Hurley
"Okay! Everybody not talking about sex, in here. Everybody else, elsewhere."~Wash
Browncoats are the coolest fans I've ever seen.


Sunday, June 25, 2006 5:06 PM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Jayne bursts into song!

*to the tune of "I am the very model of a modern major general*

I am the very model of a modern minor criminal
I get involved in theft and bank heights all of which are filmable
I'm slightly scared of River when she's triggered by subliminal
Messages and wins some fights that should be quite unwinnable
She's scary and she's deadly and she's also totally insane
She doesn't like me very much and might just kill me with her brain
She grabbed me in a tender place once and caused me a lot of pain
And also I betrayed her once for personal financial gain!

*Mal, Kaylee, Zoe and Inara sing*

And also he betrayed her once for personal financial gain
And also he betrayed her once for personal financial gain
And also he betrayed her once for monatary cashy money gain!

*Jayne sings*

It's not as though the crew don't know the mercenary type I am
I'm in it for the money and the sleazy pleasure of the scam
My favourite toys are guns and weapons, anything that can go "Blam!"
And betrayal, after all, is how my Firefly career began
I turned my coat and jumped ship on the understanding there'd be pay
They didn't tell me that I couldn't get it in a certain way
But this crew is daft and never listens to a single word I say
This boat would be much better if they let me captain it my way!

*Mal, Kaylee, Zoe and Inara sing*

This boat would be much better if we let him captain it his way
This boat would be much better if we let him captain it his way
Serenity would rule the skies if we let Jayne captain it his own way!

Desktop Hippie: singing the 'verse

This is a great song!!! I love it!

Shepard used to tell me...can't do something smart, do something right.


Monday, June 26, 2006 1:28 AM


Aww, thanks! I'd been meaning to write something like it for a while

Desktop Hippie: at one with the 'verse


Monday, June 26, 2006 7:14 PM



Originally posted by hermajesty:
Wow, Janie's got a gun and Doctor my eyes are amazing choices. I love all your posts, this is fun :D

Thanks for the kudos! You aren't doing so bad yourself, honey. Let's have some more fun. ;)

Let's try a nice gang fight scene! Aw yeah. (For reference purposes, these songs are "Love Machine" by Girls Aloud, and "Rocket" by Def Leppard... Ahahaha! To really appreciate this post, you probably should listen to these songs somehow. Especially the second one. ;)

Aboard Serenity, another odd and embarrassing silence regarding a stuttering young doctor and an angry, albeit cute, mechanic is taking place.

Poor Simon.

Kaylee turns to leave the room, and Simon reaches to stop her, but before he can, Kaylee spins around and is joined on either side by Zoe and Inara, whilst Wash and Mal flank Simon, coming to his rescue, and yet in awe by the nice floaty rhythms of the women.

I reiterate: poor Simon.

[que wicked cute music]

[looking to Zoe and Inara, shaking her head]
Ladies you're damn right
You can't read a man's mind
We're living in two tribes
And headed for war

But nobody's perfect
We've all gotta work it
But fellas, we're worth it
So don't break the law

Your call's late, big mistake
You gotta hang about in limbo for as long as I take
Next time, read my mind
And I'll be good to you

We're gift-wrapped kittycats,
We're only turning into tigers when we gotta fight back
Let's go, Eskimo [Wash arches an eyebrow]
Out into the blue, er... black

[Slowly and pretty]
Come take my hand
Understand that you can
You're my man
And I need you tonight
[Mal gulps visibly]
Come make my dreams
Honey, hard as it seems
Loving me is as easy as pie

[All three bust into a cute but sexy dance]
I'm just a love machine
Feeding my fantasy
Give me a kiss or three
And I'm fine!
I need a squeeze a day
'Stead of this negligee
What will the neighbours say
This time?

I've been going crazy while you sleep
Searching for a language that the two of us can speak

So, Mr. Prehistoric, make your wheel
And I'll breathe underwater 'cause I like the way it feels

Your call's late, big mistake
You gotta hang about in limbo for as long as I take
Next time, read my mind
And I'll be good to you

We're gift-wrapped kitty cats,
We're only turning into tigers when we gotta fight back
Let's go, Eskimo [Wash shrugs in confusion]
Out into the black

Come take my hand
Understand that you can
You're my man
And I need you tonight
Come make my dreams
Honey, hard as it seems
Loving me is as easy as pie

[Suddenly River jumps in, very ballerina-esque, and puts her own part in, glaring at all the men in turn for no apparent reason]

Oh, it's very new
Can anybody tell me what to do?
Oh, this feeling's very strange
Can anybody tell me what's your game?

A little education!

To give you motivation!

We'll turn the situation around!

'Cause she don't wanna change ya!

Making you a stranger!

I'll only re-arrange you for now!

I'm just a love machine!

[The girls trail off, Zoe and Inara background and Kaylee posing very nicely up front. Silence from the men... Until...]

[Spotlight on Simon, que funky '80s music whilst he rolls his sleeves up to get down 'n dirty]

White lights, strange city, mad music

Wash & Mal:
All around!

Midnight, street magic, crazy people

Wash & Mal:
Crazy sounds!

Jack Flash, Rocket Man
Sergeant pepper and the Band!
Ziggy, Benny and the Jets
Ah, take a rocket...

We just gotta FLY!

Wash & Mal:
I can take you through the center of the dark!

We're gonna FLY!

Wash & Mal:
On a collision course to crash into my heart!

Simon: [really getting down]
I will be your, I will be your, I'll be your...

Rocket! Yeah! Satellite of love!
Rocket! Yeah! Satellite of love!
Rocket! Yeah! Satellite of love!

Rocket baby!
C'mon, I'll be your satellite of love

Spotlight, magnetic, razor rhythm

Wash & Mal:
Laser love!

Guitar, drums, load up, stun!
Jet Black, Johnny B
Ah Gene Jenie, Killer Queen!
Dizzy Lizzy, Major Tom
So c'mon!

Rocket baby!
Cmon, were gonna fly

Wash & Mal:
Rocket yeah!

[Awesome mad dash to finish, with sparklers and everything, and somehow all three men have gotten guitars and long '80s hair]

Guitar, drums, load up!
We're gonna FLY!

Wash & Mal:

We're gonna FLY!!

Wash & Mal:


Rocket yeah!

[Poses in a very Romanesque way, whilst Kaylee stares for a while and then bursts out laughing.]

[...Er, roll credits!]


Wednesday, June 28, 2006 2:43 PM


[Time out, sorry!]

I was just reading Jewel Staite's blog (, which is completely adorable, and I found this!


Today we were filming some special effects stuff, which always takes for-EVER. We had a lot of time on our hands, so we were all joking about how it would be funny if it was "Serenity: the Musical". We were all trying to determine who sang and who didn't. They call me the "closet singer" because I never, ever sing in hearing range of anyone. Joss was like, pointing a finger at me, "I know YOU sing, because I read it on your web site!!" I was like, "huh?" Joss reads my web sites? Is that weird? I guess if I read his, it's not. And I do sometimes. Just to see what he says about me. Ha ha. I'm joking. Well, not really.

I just thought I should mention it here. =)


Wednesday, June 28, 2006 2:46 PM


lol! That's pretty funny! Good to know that Joss get's around to reading the stuff posted out there on the net.



Wednesday, June 28, 2006 2:56 PM


Rest assured, River, you are indeed human.


'I don't know. He seems kind of peculiar.'

'Maybe he's Canadian!'


Wednesday, June 28, 2006 4:13 PM


Hehe...that's cute...and just in case...*waves to Joss*

But going back into play...

Ashley crawls back into bed after brushing her teeth and Yukari emerges again. Applying lip gloss, she looks at her reflection. She puts the tube back in her pocket and starts going towards the door.

What's the time
Well it's gotta be close to midnight
My body's talking to me
It says "Time for danger"

(Yukari sneaks out the door and runs down the hall, towards the emergency stairs)

It says "I wanna commit a crime
Wanna be the cause of a fight
Wanna put on my tight skirt and flirt
With a stranger"

(She walks out from the stairwell and walks by Kaylee)

I've had a knack from way back
Breaking the rules once
I learned the games
Get up life's too quick
I know someplace sick
Where this chick'll dance in the flames
We don't need any money
I always get in for free
You can get in too if you get in with me

[Yukari and Kaylee:]
Let's go out tonight
I have to go out tonight
You wanna play? Let's run away
We won't be back
Before it's New Year's Day
Take me out tonight! Meow!

(They stride into the lobby and Yukari tries to flirt with the doorman)

When I get a wink from the doorman
Do you know how lucky you'll be?
That you're on line with the feline of Avenue B

(Kaylee yanks her away and rolls her eyes)

Let's go out tonight
I have to go out tonight
You wanna prowl
Be my night owl?
Well take my hand we're gonna howl
Out tonight

(Yukari climbs on the sign of the hotel and looks towards the horizon)

In the evening I've got to roam
Can't sleep in the city of neon and chrome
Feels too damn much like home
When the Spanish babies cry!

So let's find a bar
So dark we forget who we are
Where all the scars from the
Nevers and maybes die

(She helps Kaylee up and Kaylee looks at the stars)

Let's go out tonight uh-huh
I have to go out tonight
You're sweet wanna hit the street?
Wanna wail at the moon like a cat in heat?
Just take me out tonight

Please take me out tonight
Don't forsake me - out tonight
I'll let you make me - out tonight
Tonight - tonight - tonight!

"Well next time you be the bait!"~Andy Hurley
"Okay! Everybody not talking about sex, in here. Everybody else, elsewhere."~Wash
Browncoats are the coolest fans I've ever seen.


Friday, June 30, 2006 6:24 AM


Sitting in a chair in her bedroom River stares out the window watching life pass her by. She watches the people go about their daily business. "Such a bustlying, Ringworld civilization this is." She thinks...

A winter's day
In a deep and dark December;
I am alone,
Gazing from my window to the streets below
On a freshly fallen silent shroud of snow.
I am a rock,
I am an island.

I've built walls,
A fortress deep and mighty,
That none may penetrate.
I have no need of friendship; friendship causes pain.
It's laughter and it's loving I disdain.
I am a rock,
I am an island.

Don't talk of love,
Well, I've heard the word before.
It's sleeping in my memory.
I won't disturb the slumber of feelings that have died.
If I never loved I never would have cried.
I am a rock,
I am an island.

I have my books
And my poetry to protect me;
I am shielded in my armor,
Hiding in my room, safe within my womb.
I touch no one and no one touches me.
I am a rock,
I am an island.

And a rock feels no pain;
And an island never cries.

River closes the blinds of the window and crawls back into bed to make all of life disappear again for another 8 hours.






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