Male and Female Imponderables--Continued Yet Again

UPDATED: Friday, June 30, 2006 20:00
VIEWED: 9565
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Friday, June 30, 2006 5:38 AM


Delilah happens to be my favorite name in existence. Honestly, everything I own I give a woman's name (since Vera) and 80% of them are Delilah's.

Nobody caught the Madonna-Dick Tracy joke? I feel like a geek.

I'm now changing my sig to 'Braedan. With an A.'


'Braedan. With an A.'


Friday, June 30, 2006 5:42 AM


Names...I have come across a few that I fell in love with. Delilah is actually one of them.

Trevi--knew a girl in high school with that name.

Trace--pronounced like "trace" with no "y" sound...always liked that for some reason.

Heatherleigh--saw that somewhere a long time ago, and thought it would be a lovely name for a daughter, if I ever had one. The wife has nixed this choice.



Friday, June 30, 2006 5:43 AM


NV- well thats lovely for you I'm sure. So is there anything we can do to help? HUGS Hang in there and remeber you are never responsible for anyone elsess choices:)

Tristan- sorry it's been so busy for you...unless that's a good thing:)

FMF- I say go for it... it's not like the worlds dye supply will run out ( though I use my fair share) if you don't like being grey you can always go back:)

13- you'll grow into it and it'll be fine:)

EDIT- Tristan sorry I'm with the wife on that one and I'd bet your future daughter would be as well:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, June 30, 2006 5:47 AM


MSG, being busy is a blessing and a curse...helping people out, but keeping me from the boards

And what's wrong with Heatherleigh? It rolls off the tongue like the wind blowing softly through to the ear...



Friday, June 30, 2006 5:51 AM


Hon- I love you dearly but it sounds like the name a newly rich family moving into an English country house would give their home...however as 2 names
Heather Leigh it's fine ( just an opinion though)
Mind you it's not like I'm the perfect name giver...we've already picked Charlotte Elizabeth for a girl and John David if it's a it may just be that I'm a traditionalist and your name is untraditional:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, June 30, 2006 5:53 AM


Morning all,

So much has happened in 1 night !

13, I almost named my first son Braeden. But both my name & hubbys start with br, so we went with Dylan . I still really like it though. I think it's very manly.
NV - Sorry to hear of your troubles at home does your family know my family ? Your story sounds so familiar.Some family life ,huh ?

YAY ! sex for copilot !!!!! good for you !

FMF - silver hair can be so pretty, as long as it isn't blue silver.You're too young & beautiful for that !

I swallowed a bug.


Friday, June 30, 2006 6:01 AM


MSG, I see where you are coming's something to add to your horror of that name, though. I am also a fan of Russian names, and actually toyed around with the idea of naming a child Katrishka Heatherleigh *last name here* it could have been a lot worse.
My wife prefers the name Tiara for a daughter...I'm alright with that.

Morning, LittleAlbatross!



Friday, June 30, 2006 6:09 AM


Speaking of names for little ones ever since I found out that Clover was a traditional name for the first born girls in my family I have been a little stuck on the idea, but having recently found another name, Emer, and not knowing how many children I am going to have (if any)I'm a tad stuck. So which do we all like? Hopefully I will have a very long time to think on this.


Remember that a kick in the ass is a step forward.


Friday, June 30, 2006 6:10 AM


I had a student named Tiara ( so named because her conception prevented her mother from completing a beauty pagent and her mom said that her little girl was the only Tiara she needed:) It's a great name!!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, June 30, 2006 6:17 AM


Morning Tristan !

Tiara is such a beautiful & unusual name. Good for you for agreeing to it.
Dyaln was the only name we could agree on. I wanted to name my first either Braeden, River or Byrd.Hubby diagreed . I still say I think the ones carrying the baby should have more say in naming it, but to be fair I didn't name my son Byrd.And my second born is named Sean Daniel. Again I wanted a less traditional name , but we couldn't fight about it forever. Girls name would have been Sara Kayleigh.But no pink for me !
Had lots of cats I've named over the years though.Pets are much more fun to name than children.


I swalowed a bug.


Friday, June 30, 2006 6:21 AM


Kayleigh...should have thought about that one! I am not sure my wife would agree to that, though.
You do have a point about the one carrying the child should have more say in the naming. Makes sense to me!



Friday, June 30, 2006 6:26 AM


Okay so my name is Dentalia and I get called Dehliah like nobodys bussiness. I relize my name means tooth yes! It sucks but my parents didn't do their research!

NVGhostrider-What the mother f**k? explain!!!!!!!!!!!

MSG-You can kick ex's ass now he made me cry............a lot and my friend Thomas had to hold me and tell me it'll be okay because truck slaping someone is preety much a gauranteed concussion!

Booze........Bording........Budddies........nothing else is worth the time.....

13-I wuv you completely!!!!!!!!!!!! Why can't you be older??????????????????????

An I carried such a torch


Friday, June 30, 2006 6:28 AM


I like traditional names, but I have to say it's been hard for me to find names I can use. As a teacher there are so many names I can no longer use because of the kid I have taught with that name...The list gets longer all the time:)

Hey Ponderable question now... Do you think it's true that women are better at communicating??

EDIT-Copilot hon I will get out the industrial can of whoop ass right now...Then we'll drag his beaten body through the mud and walk him down the main street in diapers and a bib:)
I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, June 30, 2006 6:28 AM


Copilot, I have said it before to you, I will say it again in public...Dentalia is a beautiful name, and you wear it well. A unique name for a unique individual!



Friday, June 30, 2006 6:29 AM


Male - Either Melvin (grandpa) or Emerson for a boy.

Female- Lilian (Great grandma) or Amora (means little armed one. Seen it in a baby book sometime back)

Thanks for all the support folks. I gotta be out soon to take care of some things before the weekend. I'd like to tell everyone that I deeply appreciate all the great people in this world who do for others and ask for nothing in return. I especially appreciate those of you who point things out so that one can think about them later. I was feeling dreadfully murderous last night for about an hour. For some reason it died when I started to rehash alot of what everyone's been telling me. If I'm not there for the kids, then who is? I do have help from my mom and sister (bless them, even though I just want to kick them in the ass from time to time). I guess just getting over the bumps of the next couple of weeks is all we can do.

Thanks for all the offers for help. This is the one place where I can come and ask for advice and not worry about much at all. For that I'm terribly appreciative and hope I can offer the same hand to all of you.

MAL: "What happen about me?"


Friday, June 30, 2006 6:30 AM


SEX= Great usually, sometimes its like the old eastwood movie. The good the bad and the ugly.

Weight= Its not an attraction thing, when you get older its a health thing. Lose it. its easier when your young than when your old.

Names= I gotta go with my girls, Rhianna 21 and Brianna 7

Communicating: Women are better and worse at the same time. For the most part they can get their point across very well. But, they also like to do a complete 180 every once in a while and expect us to read their mind. aaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!


Friday, June 30, 2006 6:36 AM


NV- hang in there hon and keep us posted..BIG HUG ..we love you!
hmmm kayleigh now that would be a cute name for a little girl!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, June 30, 2006 6:36 AM


I got it 13. I giggled.


Friday, June 30, 2006 6:44 AM



Originally posted by msg:
Hon- I love you dearly but it sounds like the name a newly rich family moving into an English country house would give their home...however as 2 names
Heather Leigh it's fine ( just an opinion though)
Mind you it's not like I'm the perfect name giver...we've already picked Charlotte Elizabeth for a girl and John David if it's a it may just be that I'm a traditionalist and your name is untraditional:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2

Please god - NOT John David. Please Please Please. Ooh shudders from the vision of the hell child!

Tristan - Heatherleigh sounds like it wants to be Heavenly, umm. Not a good choice - now Heather Leigh is ok.

My ex's last name is Lake - was going to name my child (twere it a girl) Crystal, but I didn't think people would get the joke or Veronica.

NV - if you get the children, you can still have your "personal" time, and your soul will be even richer!


Friday, June 30, 2006 6:45 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Laid? Yay for getting laid! Good for you! I hope it was good.
I wanna get laid...

I am in total agreement with Tristan on the sex thing. I have said it before and I'll say it again; a realtionship without sex is a friendship. Not that there is anything wrong with friendship, but if you stop having sex you should stop referring you yourself as a couple.
This is also, by the way, the rule I give anyone who is "bi-curious". If they say "Well, I might be bi because I think so-and-so is really attractive/hot..." I just say "Ok, would you boink them?" I always get wide eyes from this question, but it actually does the trick.
Mmmmm, names. I invented a name that I would love to give a little girl, except I think it would be hell in school and possible after. It's Creya. It's a hybrid name of the Norse Goddess Freja and the Spanish word creer, which means "to believe" and conjugates as "crea" which sounds like cray-a. Anyway, I think I'd go with "Rosamund" as a middle name. I think it would flow very nicley.
Shamrock, between those two I would pick Clover.
I think Tiara is a bit of a shallow name, but that's just me. Any piece of jewelry or food sounds kinda shallow to me.
I've always been of the opinion that women should name thier daughters and men should name their sons. It just seems fair to me. Obviously both parents have to like the name since they'll be using it for the rest of their natural lives, but I wouldn't know what to name a boy and it would be nice if I could just say "I like that" or "I hate that" without having to come up with the perfect name for my male offspring. Of course I've never been pregnant so it's hard to say how I'd feel once that hassle set in.



Friday, June 30, 2006 6:47 AM


ok I am really irritated. Just got parents magazine and on the cover it says" Great discipline strategies: works on husbands too"
Hey!! so many things wrong with that!
1- assumes dads don't read the magazine or have interest in learning parenting techniques
2-assumes dad is infantile and unable to be a grown up
3- assumes it's mom's right/responsibility to discipline her husband

I really hate that!!! It's right up there with the whole t.v. trend of bratty selfish kids that get laughs for their wild/bratty behavior and have t.v. parents who act like this is normal kid behavior....ARGH!!!! sorry odd venting moment:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, June 30, 2006 6:53 AM



Originally posted by msg:
ok I am really irritated. Just got parents magazine and on the cover it says" Great discipline strategies: works on husbands too"
Hey!! so many things wrong with that!
1- assumes dads don't read the magazine or have interest in learning parenting techniques
2-assumes dad is infantile and unable to be a grown up
3- assumes it's mom's right/responsibility to discipline her husband

I really hate that!!! It's right up there with the whole t.v. trend of bratty selfish kids that get laughs for their wild/bratty behavior and have t.v. parents who act like this is normal kid behavior....ARGH!!!! sorry odd venting moment:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2

LOL, in my case all 3 were true!


Friday, June 30, 2006 6:56 AM



Originally posted by copilot:
I got laid!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wondering what that would be like, too...

"That's what a government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal


Friday, June 30, 2006 6:59 AM



Originally posted by msg:
No that's true, but actually ( not kidding here) I desperately wanted to be named Tracy...the cutest girl in our whole elementary school was named Tracy and I envied her...

You can't seriously meant that, can you? That's my name...although spelled Traci. (13, I can sympathize with the spelling issue. I was just looking at an CD of my friend's band and they thank me in the cover...spelling my name wrong, of course. Ugh. ) I have never really like Traci. It's okay, but can you picture me at 75 being called that? It's just not a grown-up name. And I can't tell you how often people call me Stacy.

I think Lila is very pretty. Braedan is pretty cool too (did I just spell that wrong? ) That is a the last name of a very good friend from college so it just brings smiles to me face. He's the bomb.

FMF, I started going gray around 20. I have no idea how much gray I've got now, but I would guess at least 50%. I've been dark red: which I really liked but it faded FAST, blond: which is what I like most and what I was as a kid, but it got too blond, and am now dark brown due to a poor color job. They were just suppose to darken my too blond up a little, to a Jennifer Aniston gold color, and instead I came out Sandra Bullock Brown. Coloring is a pain, but my natural color is just blah. Blond has been the easiest to maintain because you only have to do the roots every 6 weeks. The other colors fade so much I have to do all over color every 6 weeks.

Okay back to work for a bit....


Friday, June 30, 2006 7:01 AM


FMF, how can you not like the name Tracy? Any name that appears in Firefly is fine by me!

As far as names go, I've always liked the idea of giving a child a traditional first name and an unusual middle name. That way the substitute teacher won't mispronounce their name, but they can always go by their middle name if they end up being the 5th Jessica in their class or whatever.

The two names I've been toying with are Alexander Tristram (which the hubby nixed, mostly because he knows I'd call him Xander, lol) and Jacqueline Arden. Course, with children looking less and less likely for us, I'll just have to help my siblings pick out names for their kids, hehe. I expect to have many nieces and nephews.


You can't take the sky from me...


Friday, June 30, 2006 7:02 AM



Originally posted by msg:
Do you think it's true that women are better at communicating??

Sure, if you count "well if you don't know why I'm angry I'm sure not going to tell you" as good communication.

Can you tell I was expected to be a reader back when I was married?

"That's what a government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal


Friday, June 30, 2006 7:02 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
Laid? Yay for getting laid! Good for you! I hope it was good.

The worst sex I ever had was pretty darn good!


Friday, June 30, 2006 7:02 AM


Copilot: Not only is it the age thing, but he's CANADIAN!


'It's Braedan. With an A.'


Friday, June 30, 2006 7:03 AM


PR, thank you for the back-up. I'm a bit touchy on the subject of sex and couples lately, so forgive me if I harped a bit. I understand the cooling off, but that should never completely kill the desire. My ex-wife and I, by your definition, were "friends" for the last 6-8 months of our marriage. Well, we weren't actually friends, either...but that's not the point here. Look at the word "couple". One of the meanings is to link together, and "copulate" is also derived from the word. I am a firm believer in trying new things, spicing up the sex, whatever it takes, but I expect the same from my partner. Without passion there is little desire.
Oh, and as far as the bi-question "would you boink them"...I tried that out, PR, and the response I got was "Oh, yeah...can I?"



Friday, June 30, 2006 7:09 AM


LOL- you may have just come upon a great pick up line Tristan:)

CK- Seriously Tracey Hughes was the cutest girl..Big blue eyes curly brown pigtails and every boy liked her. All the girls wanted to be named Tracey:)

Piz- see that's just sick and wrong!* see my above posting

13- why is being canadian bad?? I know lots of great canadians and lets just face it, nearly every great comedien has been canadian!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, June 30, 2006 7:10 AM


Regarding names: my family has an interesting tradition for sons - the son's middle name is always the father's first name. The shiny result of that is that you can string 'em all together and see a complete family history.

For example, though not giving away any actual names in my family, if I'm Marcus Woods and my son is Edward, he'd be Edward Marcus Woods. My dad's Frederick, so I'm Marcus Frederick Woods, and you could in theory call my son Edward Marcus Frederick Woods. If my grandfather was Richard my son could be Edward Marcus Frederick Richard Woods, and so on. (Not that we put 'em all on the birth certifs, mind you. )

It goes back as far as I can recall. There's no similar tradition for girls' names (as a family we seldom have girls, for whatever reason). There could be, though.

"That's what a government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal


Friday, June 30, 2006 7:11 AM


That is the reason for "Independant" thinking. Both the Liberal and Conservative media sources are trying to tell everyone what to think, (though I do know numerous cases where those statements are correct for both the husband and the wife). I wish more SO's would step up and be adults. I live with mt mother because I have to, not because I can't grow up. The woman I'm looking for can't be similar to my mother. I'd hate to be with someone who I secretly resent and pity.
People like the ones mentioned in the article (and some writting them) are th reason why I crafted such a large "walking" stick, (or "Bitch be good" stick as my best friend Mindy calls it).

Funny how so many people shift blame to many other things for their childrens behavior. See it all the time at work, (and unfortunately at home too).

All the 'coats in the childcare/human services field, all the parents and care givers and guardians: BIG HUGS AND KISSES!!!!!

(Y'all can borrow my stick anytime you need it.)

MAL: "What happen about me?"


Friday, June 30, 2006 7:15 AM



Originally posted by msg:
ok I am really irritated. Just got parents magazine and on the cover it says" Great discipline strategies: works on husbands too"
Hey!! so many things wrong with that!
1- assumes dads don't read the magazine or have interest in learning parenting techniques
2-assumes dad is infantile and unable to be a grown up
3- assumes it's mom's right/responsibility to discipline her husband

I really hate that!!! It's right up there with the whole t.v. trend of bratty selfish kids that get laughs for their wild/bratty behavior and have t.v. parents who act like this is normal kid behavior....ARGH!!!! sorry odd venting moment:)

Now, we all know that all men are nothing more than stupid, evil, lecherous humps. Isn't that the message we get constantly bombarded with at every turn?

Honestly, if I hear of another sitcom where the wife is presented as lovely, wise, and all-knowing and the husband is Jim Belushi, I swear I'm going postal.

"That's what a government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal


Friday, June 30, 2006 7:17 AM


Heh, my family actually has a very similar tradition. The oldest of my brothers has our father's first name as his middle name. The middle brother has our grandfather's first name as his middle name, and the youngest has our great-grandfather's name. I don't know if my brothers will continue the tradition, but it would be neat if they did.

Also, no similar tradition for us girls. The most interesting thing about my name is that my initials were almost A.S.S., but my parents thankfully realized it at the last moment and switched the order, lol.


You can't take the sky from me...


Friday, June 30, 2006 7:18 AM


see I think there ought to be parenting licenses and regular family check ups, but like NV I work with broken kids from disasterous homes:(

NV- I am impressed that you live with your mom and help her out. Sadly I love my mom tons, but cannot share space with her for longer than a few days. We have the same personality, but very different wants/viewpoints. I even made my sister come the last time we went to France. As I put it Sis you have to come 'cause it's a 10 day trip and by the end of it if we're all by ourselves one of us is gonna end up as luggage.However, could spend all day every day with my dad ( well really step dad) and be just fine...I'm a big ol daddies girl

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, June 30, 2006 7:26 AM


I have the same birthday as Jim Belushi. And Helen Hunt, and Courteney Cox, and Bernard Hopkins, and Edward the Black Prince.

The Canadian thing is an in-joke in my tiny little subculture community, given birth by Seth McFarlane and the Simpsons.


'It's Braedan. With an A.'


Friday, June 30, 2006 7:27 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Oh, yes, spicing is good. I have many little things that I can almost wear that are very spicy. Plus teasers and straps an other such toys. I started to wonder if this was a problem; did it start out so spicy so quick that there was little place to go? But I decided that wasn't the case. Ex of Doom was just a moron.
I missed a lot, here! I was only gone a few minutes!



Friday, June 30, 2006 7:31 AM


PR- hmmm that's an interesting question. Should you start off with spicy or wait until you've been in the relationship and things have gone a bit blah and then pull out your bag o' spicy tricks?

I vote start spicy stay spicy, but that may just be me:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, June 30, 2006 7:36 AM



Originally posted by msg:
Piz- see that's just sick and wrong!* see my above posting

Sorry, don't know which one you mean, or which of mine you're referring to (there's so much sick and wrong with me ).

Do these boards have a "threaded" mode?

"That's what a government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal


Friday, June 30, 2006 7:36 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Well sure! What's wrong with just being spicy? Can exciting become routine?
Well, I didn't pull out my bag of tricks every time.
Bah! Stupid boy.



Friday, June 30, 2006 7:45 AM


Name- Joey William Franklin Allen. Another one of those family history names. Good for the Meet New Chicks Name Game, (Thanks TRISTAN).

I've been back home for the last two years. Haven't had to since I was 17. Guess it was all for a reason, huh?

As for the spicy and interesting. When the ex and I would go through a bland stage, we'd always find a nice place in the nature, (amongst wildflowers and the like). Always seemed to work out the kinks.

Mr. 13- Sorry not all get the Canadian thing. No offense to any Canadian Browncoats out there. It could be worse, you could actually be French.
I am such an a-hole. Gotta be careful, I might grow to like it. Oh hell, I do. Does it show?

MAL: "What happen about me?"


Friday, June 30, 2006 7:57 AM


Okay people, gonna say this once.

Regarding names: I will hear no undue fussin' from anyone regarding their names, 'cause I have the worst one of all.

My grandmother named me Masani, an East African name. Guess what it means? "One with a gap between her teeth." I've spent my twenty or so years constantly correcting people on spelling and pronounciation. So take pride in your names, people. Things could be way worse.


"What you plan and what takes place ain't ever exactly been similar."


Friday, June 30, 2006 7:58 AM



Originally posted by msg:
I vote start spicy stay spicy, but that may just be me:)

Not just you.

Also, I think that anyone having sex, male or female, ought to be a 100%, complete and total slut - while they're having sex. Outside of sex is a different matter, but during? If you're not going to put your all into it, why bother?

Now, that doesn't mean sex should only be at breakneck speed, with scratching, screaming, and scrumming (though that is, of course, fun). It means that when you have sex, whatever kind you're having at the time, then have sex. Shyness or reluctance in the bedroom is not good. Once you've chosen to proceed, then get to.

Or, to quote a friend (paraphrasing Dietrich Bonhoeffer), "Turn out the lights and sin boldly!"

"That's what a government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal


Friday, June 30, 2006 8:06 AM



Originally posted by deepgirl187:

My grandmother named me Masani, an East African name. Guess what it means? "One with a gap between her teeth." I've spent my twenty or so years constantly correcting people on spelling and pronounciation. So take pride in your names, people. Things could be way worse.

That's such a cool name! (Just don't tell people what it means). Yes, hard to spell but lovely nonetheless.

Family names: My brother's middle name is my dad's first name. My nephew's middle is also my dad's first name. I'm glad my brother did that. My dad died when I was 2, so it's nice to have a little reminder of him.


Friday, June 30, 2006 8:12 AM


DG187- My great grandma Lilian named me Kedu which is Paiute for groundhog. A small fat creature that suns itself and eats all day. It is also very hard to hunt in remote places with no people (in their natural state). Hard to hunt is another meaning for the name. Many tribal people had gaps in their teeth because they used their mouths as a third hand while making baskets and ropes and such, (I have flat teeth from some of the work I do). It is a name that carries great history and honor. Either that or your grandma didn't like you, (Jokes:)

PIZ- I have no idea who you are and don't have a clue why you would post such filth on this board!
Of course you should be complete whore while having sex! I like it when a shy girl is able to let go and rock me, (not that its happened in a while. But when it did...).
Poop or get off the pot. If you're gonna do it, do it big. Shoot or get off the range.
Maybe the last one might be a bit off?

MAL: "What happen about me?"


Friday, June 30, 2006 8:22 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Who said anything about the lights being off?
Closest I get to that is lots of candles. I like to see who I'm making love to. Unless there are blindfolds involved, but that's a little different.



Friday, June 30, 2006 8:33 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
PIZ- I have no idea who you are and don't have a clue why you would post such filth on this board!

It's a talent...

(not that its happened in a while.
I know the feeling. My virginity has completely grown back.

"That's what a government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal


Friday, June 30, 2006 8:40 AM


Hey if we want to talk name meanings...Lila means dark haired and dark hearted..Delilah means she who destroys men...Scary huh?

So virginity grew back huh?? how long does a thing like that take. And to think all those husbands invented and used chastity belts on their wives when they could have just waited a while:)

NV you moved out at 17? wow you muct have been brave.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, June 30, 2006 8:43 AM



Originally posted by msg:
So virginity grew back huh?? how long does a thing like that take. And to think all those husbands invented and used chastity belts on their wives when they could have just waited a while:)

Hey! I got man parts!

And, it takes about two years.

"That's what a government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal


Friday, June 30, 2006 8:44 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Men's virginity never grows back, but women can, um, contract a bit if they have nothing for a year. The hymen never grows back, of course, but the resistance can. So I've heard. And I seem to be well on my way to finding out. Boo.







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