Life Onboard Serenity: Londinium or Laudanum?

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 4, 2006 07:03
VIEWED: 13964
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Friday, June 30, 2006 3:05 PM


I did, not bad, for minor things see my comment
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Friday, June 30, 2006 4:14 PM


And that was how he liked it.

He turned off the screen in front of him, and sat in the darkness. What he had seen on the restaurant security feed pleased him, yet he did not smile.

Long he had considered this day; what he would do, what he would say, how the finale to the long dark years of waiting would pan out.

Standing up, he shrugged on his long black duster, pulled his black short-billed cap low over his dark eyes, covering his black hair. He knew where they were, and thanks to his connections, he knew where they would be and for how long.

After so long, it was hard to wait, but wait he would. His time was at last at hand.


Friday, June 30, 2006 4:33 PM


Cue the suspenseful music

*Pain smiled at Ertia as they rode the lift up to their suite. He wrapped his arms around her waist and said*

Have I told you, you look amazin' in that dress?

*Ertia smiled, pulled Pain closer to her and said while looking into his eyes*

No you didn't but thank you for the compliment. You look absolutely handsome in that suit if I say so myself.

*Pain smiled and passionately kissed Ertia. He had wanted to kiss her all night but a cross dressing robot kind of put a stop to that. The lift stopped on the 98th floor and an elderly couple walked in, they saw Pain and Ertia liplocked and the elderly said to her husband*

Oh Harold doesn't that just bring back the memories of when we were that young?

*Harold said to his wife as Pain and Ertia broke off their kissfest and smiled at the old couple*

Yes it does Ethel. I remember it just like yesterday.

*The lift stopped at the 100th floor and Pain picked up the bags. Ertia said to the old couple*

I'm sorry for our little show of love there.

*Ethel said as Ertia stepped out*

Oh that's ok dear. You two lovebirds have fun.

*Ertia and Pain said goodbye to the couple as the lift's doors closed. Pain smiled and said*

You know I reckon we should follow that nice old lady's advice dontcha think?

*Ertia smiled, kissed Pain and said*

Fun does sound good bao bei.

Meanwhile at Sybil Harrow's place

*JR and Sybil enjoyed a leisurely walk in the huge backyard of the property. Jr said to Sybil*

I'm awfully sorry for my Captain runnin' off like that. He had to go see to a troublesome crew member.

*Sybil smiled and said*

That's quite alright JR. I much rather spend this time with you anyways.

*JR stammers as they walk beside the large extravagant pool, the moonlight reflecting off the water* do?

*Sybil smiled again, took JR's hand and said*

Oh yes JR I surely do. In fact there's something I've been wanting to do since I've met you.

*JR raised an eyebrow and said*

And what would that be Sybil?

*JR got his answer as Sybil brought him close and kissed him.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, June 30, 2006 4:52 PM


The door to the suite swung open and Ertia felt her jaw drop. It was ... magnificent doesn't describe it.

Elegant as any Earth That Was Florentine Palazzio, the room is rich in shades of gold and cream. The balcony overlooks the entire city, a brilliant panarama of light.

The en-suite jacuzzi, the monstrous bed, the luxurious bathroom with the double sinks, four-headed shower and huge bathtub, even the little fruit basket on the dresser screams luxury!

"Wow." Ertia looks around herself, then turns back to Pain, instantly loving the view there the best. He stands with his back to a mirror, which just catches the reflection of the mirror on the opposite wall. She can see all of him at once; front, back, side... and she likes what she sees.

"Hey, lover, help me with this zipper, would you?" And she turned her back to him so that he could see her face in the mirror over the jacuzzi as his strong fingers lowered her zipper, exposing her back.

His lips touched her neck, and she sighed with pleasure. It didn't get any better than this.


Friday, June 30, 2006 5:09 PM


I do believe it's your turn to write the unedited version.

*Pain continued to kiss her neck, slowly moving down to kiss her shoulder. He rested his chin on her shoulder and said*

Why don't I get the jacuzzi runnin' and you slip into somethin' a lil' more comfortable.

*Ertia smiled as Pain kissed her some more and said*

Don't forget the champagne bao bei.

*Pain smiled and said as he started to take off his suit*

I'll go do that.

*Pain threw the suit's top and tie onto a chair and walked over to the champagne bottle sitting in ice on the table. He grabbed it and two glasses, walked into the bathroom, set the bottle and glasses on the corner of the jacuzzi and started it up. He walked back into the room and smiled. Ertia smiled back and said as she stepped over her fallen dress*

Is this more comfortable for you?

*Pain smiled and said before kissing her*

It most definately is lover.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, June 30, 2006 7:49 PM


gasp! a plot twist, what are we going to do?!
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Friday, June 30, 2006 8:10 PM


We could teach squirrels kung fu, juggle llamas, shave the whales, or sing really bad kareoke about SPAM.

*Pain and Ertia sat in the jacuzzi in their birthday suits, sipping on champagne. Pain, with an arm wrapped around Ertia, said after taking a sip of the bubbly*

Mmm this is nice. No 13 in drag botherin' us, no Captain naggin' at us to stop foolin' around. Yep this is certainly nice and fun.

*Ertia took a sip of her champagne, straddled Pain, put an arm around his neck, and said while holding her champagne glass*

It certainly is babe but I know what's even more fun.

*Pain grinned, set his glass on the corner of the jacuzzi, and said*

You've read my mind babe.

I'm sure everyone knows what happens next and I'm sure Ertia will put the uncleanified version on her website.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, June 30, 2006 8:27 PM


guess we're gonna quit screwing. uh...screwing around, and get some writing done!

"I've had a tall dark handsome stranger
I've had the devil in disguise!
I've been attracted to the danger,
but I was never satisfied..."

Dawn spreads across Londinium, a sharp golden light against the crisp sky. It illuminates gardens and city streets, concrete edifices and green parks.

It spreads slowly into the main hall of the Harrow mansion, where Sybil and JR are still deep in close conversation.

It peeps through the blinds of the hotel where Wolf and Kaylee are entwined.

It shines hard and clear onto the balcony where a lone figure stands, her new satin robe draped over her shoulders. She watches the sun climb higher, and then turns to watch it spreading slowly across the golden carpet, up the velvet bedcovers, and then across the 1600 Count Thread Egyptian Cotton sheets...

Why do they call it egyptian cotton when it doesn't grow in egypt anymore, she muses as she watches the yellow light creep across the pillow, finally illuminating Pain's face.

It caresses him slowly awake, and she smiles as one eye opens and a hand gropes across the empty spread of bed beside him. Blinking into the sunlight, he finds her form, illuminated from behind by the sunlight.

She wants to touch him, but doesn't. Not yet. Just watches the sunlight and the expression on his face as it shifts from rest, to concern to contentment.

The sun slips on past, without noting, without caring.

It whispers into the room of the Harrow Mansion where Zoe and Wash are curled together, blissfully oblivious.

It shines across 13's face as he leans against a tree in the Harrow Estate gardens, and brightens the pages of the book that Fly is reading on a bench nearby, her mind wrapped up in another world.

It warms Guy as he sprawls across the bed provided for him in the mansion and he strethes into it, allowing himself the luxury of time.

For those who live in the Black, sunlight is a precious commodity, not to be squandered or wasted. It is to be loved, cherished, absorbed against those days back in the darkness.

It drifts into Inara's shuttle and over the deck plating of Serenity's hull.

It gleams into the cargo bay, teasing River out of her room, still cradling the groggy ShipsCat, to sit on a crate and enjoy it's rays.

Peace, in spite of the troubles, in spite of the worries, comes with the rising sun, the promise of a new day and a new beginning.

Simon Tam stands on the bridge of Serenity and watches it come. A new day. A new promise. Slowly, he made his plan. He would win back KayWinnett Lee Frye. Whatever it took, he would win her back.


Friday, June 30, 2006 8:43 PM


There are others who see the sunlight differently.
Those who have been in the Black to long, who have become inured to it, who find the honesty of life-giving sunlight too much to bear.

The man pulls his hat lower, pushes his dark glasses higher. He can see Serenity parked on the Harrow Estate, can see 13 and Fly relaxing in the gardens.

It's almost time to make his move. He pulls out his pocket communicator and makes the connection, "Yes... Sir Warick Harrow, Please. It is fairly urgent, but if you could just give him the message? Ask if he had a choice between Hell or heaven, which would he choose?"

He didn't return the com to his pocket, but held it in front of his face, waiting.

The return message was text.

What followed were the security access codes to the Harrow estate. Pleased, yes, but he still didn't smile.

It was time to wait...


Friday, June 30, 2006 9:05 PM


Are you pertaining to the thread or the unclean version of P&E's adventures?

Ertia watches Pain stretch, admiring the many muscles on his body, and her favorite one as well. She looks out over the balcony and watches as people go about their day. Pain walks over to the spacious walk-in closet and takes one of the soft, warm robes. He mutters to himself loud enough for Ertia to hear*

One size fits all my a$$!

*She smiles and says as his hands wrap around her waist*

And it's a damn fine a$$ if I say so myself.

*Pain kisses her neck and says*

Aw stop you'll make me blush.

*Ertia leans back into Pain feeling him stiffen. She smiles and says*

Apparently that's not all I'm doing.

*She turns around and kisses him on the lips and says*

It's beautiful isn't it?

*Pain runs a hand through her hair and says smiling*

Yeah but it ain't as beautiful as you bao bei.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, June 30, 2006 10:08 PM


yay, I'm being warmed by the sun, yippie, oh how I wish I could think of something to post
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Friday, June 30, 2006 10:12 PM


OoC: Daammnn. Look at all those posts! I'm gone two or three day and we got Tolstoy's War and Peace

The night had slipped into day. The sun was just coming up on the city and on the mansion a few miles away. Sybil and JR had been talking, with neither aware of the time.

The water in the huge pool was nice enough for a midnight dip, and Zoe and Wash had left to their room only a couple of hours ago.

Sybil tells JR, "I was just admiring Miss Zoe and Wash, how different they are on the outside, yet, they complement each other so well, it's uncanny. It's almost like they can read each other's minds." JR says, "I have never seen two people more in love. No matter how much they may disagree or even fight, a minute or two later, they get all lovey-dovey."

"Do you believe love like that will ever happen to you?" Sybil asks. J.R. turns away. He's remembering his lost wife, and Inara. After thinking on this awhile, he says, "Thought I did have it twice. Told you about my deceased wife, but two years ago, when I came on board, Inara, well it was just an infatuation. And you Sybil, you ever been in love?"

She smiles coyly, remembering a love affair with a young man a few years ago. "Yes, once knew a boy who I thought was my shining star. But we were too young, and Daddy kept pestering me to join the company and work with him."

The sun is rising, and sleep is starting to creep into their minds and bodies.
"Sybil," JR says. "I never knew I could pass a whole night just talking to a wonderful woman as yourself. It's been a gorgeous evening, and morning, but when the sun started showin' itself, I got kinda sleepy. I hope you understand? Best I be retiring to my room now."
Sybil says, "I'm starting to feel the same way. However, I stay in the apartment house towards the back of the grounds. Probably take a nice hot shower before retiring." She extends her hand to him, her still-damp black hair catching a few sunrays. "Please don't think me too forward, but, may I recommend you grab your towel and duffel bag and follow me?"
He stares into her blue eyes for a moment. JR reaches down for his towel and bag, takes hold of her hand and says, "I do believe I'll take you up on that recommendation."

Everyone dies alone.


Friday, June 30, 2006 10:22 PM


ooh plot twist, a new charecter, like me or gremlin, or a bumb in the road like orphan? and you know what we do with bumbs.

*kaylee and wolf woke up the in the morning light. wolf carressed the smooth contours of kaylees body as kaylee arched her back in pleasure.*

wolf" hey there lover. how are you fellin' this morning."

kaylee" severly relaxed thank you."

*as she said the last words she gently touched the end of his nose.*

wolf" well, how 'bout some breakfast?"

kaylee" sounds good."

*she gently bit his bottom lip as he called room service.*

wolf" *after putting down the phone.* you ain't half distracting girl."

*he holds her by her smooth shoulders and pulled her towards him, and what had started for the fierst time all those years ago, started again.*

hey im not bad at this



Saturday, July 1, 2006 4:33 AM


(OoC: Orphan was supposed to last for a LOT longer than he did. I had a whole giant freakin' novel (almost) and backstory, wrote some High Charity stories. In truth, Orphan was supposed to win that fight, but in a fit of oddness, I said screw it, and punched through his head. Ah for stories untold...and plottwists revealed! )

"What's the point of a garden?" 13 says to Fly, still leaning against the tree. "Honestly. You grow a bunch of plants that can't even be used for food, they take years to even bloom, and then they die! It isn't logical."

"Think I here a computer talking," Fly says, eyes still in her book.

"Maybe. Maybe not." He sighs deeply, and turns to Fly. Walking softly towards her, he quietly pushes away the book and sits on the bench.

"What does it smell like?" he pleads, eyes large and innocent. "Please."

"Really shouldn't say. 'D only make you mad."

"Just tell me." His strange eyes are pleading again, the pupils dominating almost the entire orb.

"I...can't really describe it. Some things can't be said with words."

13 scoffs, and looks up to the cloudless sky. "Yeah, I've heard that before."


'It's Braedan. With an A.'


Saturday, July 1, 2006 9:24 AM


BUMP!! *still wants to read unedited version of P&E's hotel romp* *pokes Sam with a carp*

*Pain and Ertia stood on the balcony for awhile longer, kissing and holding each other. Finally Ertia said as they walked back into the room*

You know what I'd like to do Pain?

*Pain grinned and said as he kissed her neck*

Other than takin' advantage of an innocent man such as myself?

*Ertia playfully elbowed him in the stomach and said*

Well maybe later, but I really want to go outside and enjoy the sights, maybe find a lake and have a picnic. What do you think Pain?

*Pain squeezed her gently and said*

That sounds good to me babe.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, July 1, 2006 9:33 AM


Sorry, guys. I'm having some turmoil this weekend. I'll post again as soon as I can, and see what I can do about those extended scenes.


Saturday, July 1, 2006 10:21 AM


*Hugs Ertia* There there. I'm sure you'll get through it. If not I'll send in the laconic llama league to help you. I have to caution you though they tend to spit and swear on ocassion. Also I got nothing to add here.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, July 1, 2006 10:52 AM


hi all, yes im still alive...just cant to think of anything to post.. having being knocked out and all..



Saturday, July 1, 2006 1:00 PM


i've got nothin', how long are we gonna be on londinium, coz im gettin' bored with no shooting.



Saturday, July 1, 2006 1:22 PM


yeah, I'm tired of waiting for the mutant thing to threaten shipscat so I can shoot him
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Saturday, July 1, 2006 1:26 PM


(I could cook something up iffa you want. Although, I'm warning you, it'll be a GIGANTIC fight if you want me to.)


'It's Braedan. With an A.'

'Shiny moments aren't a destination any of us get to, and stay put forever. They're unknowable, brief flashes in time. That's what makes them shiny.' -GorramReevers


Saturday, July 1, 2006 1:38 PM


let's take a vote. hands up for the cooking up of storys! *raises both hands*
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Saturday, July 1, 2006 2:01 PM


*Raises hands and feet*

*Ertia said as they got dressed*

I know we could go to the museum and look at all the artifacts from Earth-That-Was.

*Pain arched an eyebrow and gave her his 'Why?' look. She saw it and replied*

They have a weapons display babe. It'll be fun I promise.

*Ertia winked at Pain as she said the last part. Pain shrugged and said*

Alright then. It ain't no skin of my nose.

*Ertia kissed Pain on the cheek, took his hand and said*

Come on there's a shuttle leaving for the museum in fifteen minutes.

*Pain and Ertia stepped into the hallway, closing the door behind them. Pain made sure his gun was secure in his waistband as the two of them got onto the lift and headed for the lobby. They exited the lift and walked through the lobby, their hands around each others waist. They walked out onto to the landing pad stepped into the shuttle, Pain having to duck slightly as the got in. They took their seats, Ertia taking the window and Pain taking the aisle seat next to her. Pain felt Ertia's hand on his thigh as the shuttle lifted off. He turned, smiled at her and gave her a kiss. Pain said to her as the shuttle sped off towards the New London Museum of History*

I do believe I'm goin' to be enjoyin' this trip.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, July 1, 2006 2:03 PM


(Not if I get one more vote! )


'It's Braedan. With an A.'

'Shiny moments aren't a destination any of us get to, and stay put forever. They're unknowable, brief flashes in time. That's what makes them shiny.' -GorramReevers


Saturday, July 1, 2006 2:08 PM


you can vote to, you know
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Sunday, July 2, 2006 2:39 AM


my good brother wolf says he votes too but cnnot post at the moment being in the bath


Sunday, July 2, 2006 2:41 AM


yea that right but im back know so go away sis.



Sunday, July 2, 2006 4:18 AM


80 something post.

*wolf and kaylee wandered round the city, looking for something to do. a man in expensive clothing cam up to him and said.*

man" sir thank goodness you finally came!."

wolf" er, do i know you?"

man" yes very good, great disguise, by the way, the ragged cloths and urchin girl looks very poor."

kaylee" urchin!"

wolf" um, i dont know who the hell you are but if you insult me or my friend here, i will have to hurt you."

man" but are you not the lord trunkton?"

wolf" uh, no sorry."

*wolf and kaylee walk away. the man joins his lackys.*

man" he is not the rebel lord."

lackey" but if he is not, then why does he look as if he has steped out of the lors mirror?"

man" i dont know, but the rebellion must not be hindered by further mistakes because of this man.
destroy him."

lacky2" i will inform the assasins guild."

man" very good."

im trying to spice things up a bit so im gona try to make this reletivly big, not orphan big, but a bit big. got any suggestions?



Sunday, July 2, 2006 7:38 AM


Sorry I don't have any suggestions at the moment but I'm sure it'll be good.

Meanwhile in the New London Museum of History

*Ertia said to Pain as they passed some paintings*

Oh look that's the Mona Lisa.

*Pain raised an eyebrow and said*

The Mona who?

*Ertia smiled and replied*

It's called the Mona Lisa, it was made by one Leonardo da Vinci back on Earth-That-Was.

*Pain looked at Ertia with his 'Who?' look. Ertia smiled apologetically and said*

Sorry babe. One of my aliases is an art buff.

*Pain smiled, kissed Ertia on the forehead and said as they made their way through the museum*

You never cease to amaze me bao bei.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, July 2, 2006 8:52 AM


"Sir Warrick?"


"There some men here to see you."

Warrick waves his hand languidly, muttering, "Send them off. I have no interest."

"Police, Sir."

Warrick sighs, heaving himself from his plush chair. Arriving at the entrance of the mansion, he gulps loudly as he sees the badges worn by the officers. These were investigators, not simple drones.

"Sir Warrick, have you seen this man?" The lead investigator, a man by the name of White, procures a wafer-thin capture from his pocket.

Warrick studies the image, and inwardly groans.

It depicts a young man, dark hair hanging in bright eyes, and an almost industrial-looking '13' tattooed on his cheek.

"I know from the amount of you here that you haven't come to simply ask for an ID," Warrick states, eyeing each of the investigators. "What is your purpose."

"We have a warrant, Sir Warrick. In thirty minutes, I will have half of the Londinium police force searching this mansion for the criminal."

"To what end? You won't find a man like that here, I assure you. Try downtown, it's where they usually flee."

Even from as far away as the garden, 13 can make out the conversation, if rather unclearly. His head cocked to one side, he strains to hear the two speak.

White sighs, and speaks into a com. "Set for drop at the Warrick mansion. Turn it inside out."

"What did this man even do?" Warrick gulps. "From the looks of him, he seems only a petty criminal, not a fitting hunt for investigators as yourselves."

White smiles ruefully, saying, "This 'petty criminal' is responsible for the killing of three officers and the decimation of almost an entire street in downtown."

In the garden, 13 turns sharply to Fly, whispering softly everything he just heard, excluding White's last words. She nods, lips drawn together and face pale. 13 whispers to her again, saying, and draws his gun.

Without warning, dozens of infantry officers drop through the glass ceiling of the garden and storm through the gates of Warrick's estate. 13 shields Fly from the falling glass while placing an unloaded gun to her head.

"Looks like this place wasn't good enough," he shouts, grinning ferally. "Although she's quite the hostage." As the men advance, guns raised, a still smiling 13 warns, "Any closer and you'll have this woman's death on your conscience."

"You honestly think we care?" a quiet voice says. A man steps forward, and 13 knows him by his voice. White. "Shoot her, you have no shield. Don't shoot her, and we'll kill the both of you anyway. Taking a hostage is not an option here, boy."

"Kill her. We'll be able to cover it up, pretty the whole thing up for the news."

"I'm sure you would," 13 says through gritted teeth.

Leaning in close to Fly, he whispers something almost too quiet for her to hear. He then releases her, draws his Pemier, and leaps through the shattered skylights in one quick, fluid motion.

The soldiers fire while White watches emotionlessly, and exits the garden, barking orders to his men.


Breath coming in short hisses, 13 rushes along the roof of Warrick's mansion, halting when he hears the unmistakable hum of a ship.

A small, bus-sized combat shuttle looms in front of him, gun-barrels sliding out soundlessly.

"Shit," 13 murmurs, turning to outrun the shuttle. He probably couldn't, but he'd have to try...only to face White and a legion of soldiers who'd somehow made their way onto the rooftops.

"Little much for a few simple officers and a lowly street," 13 calls to White. "Fight shuttle, whole damn army. What are you really here for?"

"The past is inescapable, 13. You can't just murder the daughter of a Parliamentarian and expect to never hear about it again. It's only too bad your little gang is all dead. I would've loved to bring them in too."


'It's Braedan. With an A.'

'Shiny moments aren't a destination any of us get to, and stay put forever. They're unknowable, brief flashes in time. That's what makes them shiny.' -GorramReevers


Sunday, July 2, 2006 1:41 PM


*Pain and Ertia exited the museum, holding each others hand. Pain thought the museum was pretty boring but he did like the weapons portion of it, plus he came out of the museum with a new found respect for Ertia. Pain said to her*

So what do you wanna do now?

*Ertia smiled, hugged Pain and said*

I'm starving let's go to a cafe and get something to eat.

*Pain smiled and said as he hailed a hovertaxi*

That sounds like a god plan bao bei.

*They entered the cab and Pain said to the driver*

Take us to the nearest cafe please.

*The driver nodded and replied*

Yes sir.

*Pain sat back in the rear seat and thought to himself as Ertia rested her head on his chest*

Well this vacation is goin' better than I thought.

Meanwhile outside of the Harrow Estate

*The mysterious man watched from a safe distance as the police continued to swarm Harrow's Estate. He thought to himself still unsmiling*

A minor setback that's all this is, just a minor and unexpected setback.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, July 2, 2006 8:59 PM


yay, plot!
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Monday, July 3, 2006 12:43 AM


Hey! River doesn't have to go away! I already invited her to join the thread once. :)

Ertia and Pain return to the hotel arm in arm. As they come up the steps into the lobby, the manager flags them down, "I'm so sorry, Mr. Donovan, but you've had an emergency message from your sister."

Ertia sighs heavily and Pain frowns, "My sister, Clementine?"

"No," The manager seems taken aback, "Your sister..." He consulte the note in his hand, "Your sister Fly? She says there's been an emergency with your father and to call home."

*Oh lord. what now?* Ertia thinks as they return to their room and Pain pulls out his communicator. Wash's voice reaches out from it, "Pain! There ya are!"

"What dya want, Wash?" Pain asks, clearly annoyed.

"Mal says get yer butts back to the ship. We got feds after 13 and this whole town is about to become alot less friendly."

Ertia is already packing as Pain drops the communicator back into his bag. She meets his gaze with a smile, "It's always something, ain't it?"

"Yeah." Pain tosses the last of his things into his bag, "Remind me again why we do this?"

"'cause if you had regular employ, you'd be bored sick." Ertia gives him a wink as they leave behind the luxurious warm hotel room and head for the shuttle.

On the bridge of Serenity

Wash starts running the start up sequences, trying one more time to call Kaylee and Wolf on the com.

"Kaylee? Can you hear me? I could really use my mechanic here!"

There's still no answer, and Wash becomes increasingly desperate. The sudden blinking from the instrument panel catches his attention and he swears loudly and creatively in Mandarin. Finally, he grabs the com, switching to Shipwide and Transmitter broadcast, "Uh, Mal, Crew, anybody who can hear me... We're under LandLock."


Monday, July 3, 2006 6:54 AM


*Pain sighed and said to Ertia as they reached the shuttle*

You know I was hopin' this vacation of ours was goin' to go smoothly, but then again I guess that was askin' too much.

*Ertia reached up and kissed Pain on the cheek. She said as he opened the shuttle's hatch*

It's ok baby at least we got to share the jacuzzi.

*Pain smiled and said as they boarded the shuttle*

Yeah that was fun, especially the part between the jacuzzi and the bed.

*Ertia closed the hatch as Pain sat in the pilot's chair. She walked over to him, hugged him from behind, and said as she sat in the copilot's chair*

It was the funnest part of our vacation. Of course I enjoyed all of our vacation with the exception of 13 crashing our dinner.

*The memory of 13 in a dress crashing their dinner at the restraunt was still fresh in his memory, he let out a loud laugh as the shuttle rose from the ground and said*

That dress was awfully hideous wasn't it?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, July 3, 2006 7:14 AM


13 cracks his knuckles in anticipation, still smiling his wolfish smile. White continues to drone on.

"You can't get out of this alive," White says to 13, his men advancing.

"Yeah, I've heard that before." As the men form a circle around him 13 fluorishes the Pemier. The shuttle is still looming behind him, guns at the ready.

"Last chance, 13. Come with us to be killed softly, or die right here. Personally, I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Think I'll die here, actually, but I appreciate the offer."

"Good," White smiles, drawing a laser pistol. In that instant of time, 13 turns, runs, and leaps for the combat shuttle. It banks to the left sharply, but not enough to dodge the Pemier, piercing the fibreglass hull.

13 dangles precariously while bullets tear past him, some connecting. Gathering momentum, the bot swings from the Pemier to latch onto the side of the shuttle, scrambling to the top.

White aims carefully, and fires. The glaring red beam flares, easily passing through the shuttle's structure, effectively slicing it in half.

13 jumps from the falling craft to the grass below, legs almost failing from the impact. Wincing at the laser blast, he shambles through the grounds, digging out slugs from his arms and torso as he flees.


'It's Braedan. With an A.'

'Shiny moments aren't a destination any of us get to, and stay put forever. They're unknowable, brief flashes in time. That's what makes them shiny.' -GorramReevers


Monday, July 3, 2006 7:19 AM


river does have to go away, the troll is my best friend, imagen what my sister is like! yes, she has an unusual amont of evil inside her for a 10 year old.

*wolf and kaylee wander along the beach, five miles from the ship and totally unaware of the trouble.*

kaylee" wolf, do you belive in magic?"

wolf" yes, in the sea."

*wolf looked out across the ocean.*

wolf" in love."

*wolf looked deep into kaylees eyes.*

wolf" and in your smile."

*kaylee smiled and kissed him.
the com called.*

wash" uh wolf, kaylee?"

*washes face looked out of the com, and blushed.*

wash" uh, could you two stop lip wreslin' and get here now!"

wolf" fine."

*wolf and kaylee ran to the hovermule. wolf kicked it into gear and was at the serenity in 5 mins.*

is this gonna be a blood and guts moment?



Monday, July 3, 2006 7:29 AM


(13's little chase is gonna be a little bloody. Won't know what hit'em.)

13 hides in the high branches of a tree as the soldiers came closer. He could hear their heartbeats, small, weak things. 13 smiles as they come closer, unaware of the creeping bot.

As they come directly beneath the tree, 13 drops down, fingers pulling great, long furrows in one soldier's face, blood spraying from the gashes in wide arcs.

Before the other could even shoot, 13 snapped his arm, the bone tearing loose from the flesh, gleaming in the sunlight. Muffling the man's horrid scream with his hand, 13 snapped the man's neck.


'It's Braedan. With an A.'

'Shiny moments aren't a destination any of us get to, and stay put forever. They're unknowable, brief flashes in time. That's what makes them shiny.' -GorramReevers


Monday, July 3, 2006 7:53 AM


man, you just cant make a quiet exit can you?

*wolf ran up tot eh bridge and got in the copilot seat, when kaylee ran into the engineroom.*

wolf" right."

wash" right good, we've got both pilots and the engineer, when were landlocked."

wolf" land locked!"

wash" yep."

wolf" wait, isnt that just a signal?"

wash" yes, and its an extreamly troublesome one at that."

wolf" hmm, i have to see kaylee."

wash" is that all you think about?!"

*wolf runs down to the engineroom and starts talking heatedly with kaylee.*



Monday, July 3, 2006 11:10 AM


*Ertia replied to Pain's question just as they docked with Serenity*

It certainly was.

*Wash's voice came though the shuttle's com*

Pain and Ertia so glad you two could join us. How was your date?

*Pain hit the com button and said sarcastically as he unfastened the seat harness*

Oh it was lovely especially the part where the cross dressin' robot crashed our dinner.

*Wash chuckled and said*

Yeah they are fun aren't they?

*Pain replied*

Yeah so why're we still here? Shouldn't we be leavin' atmo right now?

*Wash responded*

Well as much as I'd like to, we're landlocked at the moment and 13 is playing with some new found friends.

*Ertia replied*

Now those "friends" of 13's wouldn't be half the Londinium police force would they?

*Wash replied*

Apparently they are, say would you be a doll and help with the landlock situation?

*Ertia sighed and said*

I'll be there in a minute.

*Ertia kissed Pain again and said*

You think you can go play nice with 13's friends babe?

*Pain smiled and said*

Only if'n they play nice.

*Pain kissed Ertia on her forehead and said as they left the shuttle*

Go on and help Wash, I'll go help 13 get himself out of this mess.

*Ertia nodded and ran off to the bridge while Pain made his way to Serenity's weapons locker. He opened the door and took out a pistol, SMG, and one of the XM25 assault rifles with grenade launcher. He stuck the pistol in his waistband along with his own and grabbed a half dozen clips for each weapon excluding his own. He dodged a few bullets as they whizzed past and made his way out of the cargo bay, firing as he went. He ducked behind the base of an expensive statue, as bullets sent shards flying, and yelled to 13*

I hope you're ruttin' happy now! I've been tasked with helpin' your pigu!

*13 responded as Pain fired at a couple officers*

Thanks but it's not really neccessary.

*Pain was going to reply when a voice from a troop carrying transport not too far away said over the P.A.*

This is the police! Put down your weapons and surrender or we'll be forced to shoot you down! This is......

*Whoever said the message didn't get a chance to repeat it as Pain fired two grenades at the transport, causing it to veer off course, flames shooting out of an engine pod and its left side. Pain yelled at 13*

You were sayin'!

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, July 3, 2006 11:11 AM


*kaylee got to work in the enginroom and wolf went up to wash.*

wolf" right, we can break the landlock, but i need you to follow everything i say."


*as wolf, wash a kaylee work the complicated process, the landlock slowly lifted until they were eventually ready to take off.*

wolf" captain, we can take off whenever you say dude."

mal" dont know how you did it, but thanks, ill give the order when ready."



Monday, July 3, 2006 12:56 PM


"I can handle this!" 13 shouts at Pain. "Get Fly and get off this rock." A searing blast from White's laser pistol streams past him. Ignoring this, 13 continues. "I don't see you moving."


'It's Braedan. With an A.'

'Shiny moments aren't a destination any of us get to, and stay put forever. They're unknowable, brief flashes in time. That's what makes them shiny.' -GorramReevers


Monday, July 3, 2006 1:15 PM


*Pain mutters something in Chinese, and runs across the courtyard to Fly's location, letting loose with the SMG as he did so. Pain saw her huddled behind a large statue a book in her hand he said to her as he handed her the submachine gun*

Here take this we gotta get back to Serenity.

*He hands her the magazines for the SMG and she slaps a fresh clip in. She says to him as she loads a round into the chamber*

What about 13?

*Pain shrugged and said as he checked the assualt rifle*

He said he can handle himself, now let's move.

*Pain checked to see if the coast was clear and quickly hid back behind the statue as a bullet hit the wall behind him. He took a deep breath, nodded to Fly and the two of them ran for Serenity, guns blazing. Pain fired of the grenade launcher as three feds made their way towards them. The grenade hit the ground in front of them, exploding and sending them flying. On a stroke of luck one of them hit White in the back causing him to fall down. Fly called out to 13 as her and Pain took cover in the cargo bay*

Come on 13 get your pigu into gear!

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, July 3, 2006 1:32 PM


"Keep going! I'll catch up!"


'It's Braedan. With an A.'

'Shiny moments aren't a destination any of us get to, and stay put forever. They're unknowable, brief flashes in time. That's what makes them shiny.' -GorramReevers


Monday, July 3, 2006 1:52 PM


*from the cargo bay*

13, what is it with you and feds?

*readies his new SMG*
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Monday, July 3, 2006 3:59 PM


*13 answered as he crushed White's skull*

I guess they just seem to like me.

*Pain fired off a 3 round burst at a fed, two rounds hitting the man in the chest, the other round going wide. Fly shot off a few rounds at a group of officers taking cover around the corner of the house. Guy got into the game and started shooting at the feds who where rappeling down into the yard. Pain saw a fed sneeak up on 13 and fired another burst, the first shot nailed the fed but the other two hit 13. 13 yelled out to Pain as he attacked the oncoming group of feds*

Did you really have to do THAT Pain!

*Pain grinned and thought*

You're gorram straight I did. Just consider that payback for ruinin' my dinner.

*Just as Pain was about to say something a bullet hit him in his left side. Pain collapsed against the side of the cargo bay wall and said*

Gorram hun dan fed shot me!

*With the adrenaline flowing through his veins Pain brought himself up and headed to the infirmary, Guy, Fly, and Jayne providing cover fire. Once in the infirmary Pain said to Simon who was taking cover*

Doc you got yourself a patient to look after.

*Simon looked at Pain's wound and said*

Right just sit over there and I'll get my kit.

*Pain grunted and said*

You're the boss doc.

*Simon grabbed his kit as Pain slumped down in the corner, and started to go to work on patching up Pain's wound.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, July 3, 2006 4:37 PM


"Target the tattooed one!" A soldier shouts, and the entire force trains their guns on 13.



'It's Braedan. With an A.'

'Shiny moments aren't a destination any of us get to, and stay put forever. They're unknowable, brief flashes in time. That's what makes them shiny.' -GorramReevers


Monday, July 3, 2006 5:00 PM


*As Simon patches up Pain, Mal paces on the bridge, he says to Wash in an irritated tone*

Wash do somethin' 'bout them feds, fly over them with the engines turned to the ground if you have to.

*Wash says as he flips some switches*

Yes sir Cap'n.

*Serenity lifts up from the landing pad and makes its way towards 13. Bullets bounce off her hull as Fly, Guy, Jayne, and Wolf shoot at the feds. Mal's voice booms over the P.A. and says to 13*

13 get your gorram metal pigu onboard my ship ma shong. That's an order!

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, July 3, 2006 5:10 PM


"Sorry, Mal. Can't do that."


'It's Braedan. With an A.'

'Shiny moments aren't a destination any of us get to, and stay put forever. They're unknowable, brief flashes in time. That's what makes them shiny.' -GorramReevers


Monday, July 3, 2006 5:13 PM


Mal: And why exactly is that 13?
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Monday, July 3, 2006 8:55 PM


also, I think it's new thread time
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.






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