London Convention Story, Starring Nathen, and Alan. For those that couldn't make it.

UPDATED: Friday, September 22, 2006 13:02
VIEWED: 24199
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Monday, July 3, 2006 4:02 AM


Hey all my fellow coat's,
I'm here to tell you a tale of such joy, and ok a little bit of woe, (but we'll, get to that bit later, and i'll warn you first.)
This weekend (1-2/07/07) in case any of you don't know was the London comic and movie convention, and in attendance two, (yes two!) of our big Damn Hero's!!!! MR NATAN, and MR ALAN. (Mal and Wash)
As with all convention's i am sure not everyone that would of like to go (pretty much everyone here) could go. And I know i get so insanely jelouse when people mention convention's and meeting's they went to too, and i want to know every detail, so i am going to tell you all i can remember about both day's, cause yes like the good 'coat i am, i attended both!

I'll try to not sully the events with my own experience's too much. This is just what i saw happen.

Day one:
Nathan and Alan i have been told were both in there seats, when the door's opened at 9, and a couple of hundred firefly fan's ran full speed towards there queuing tables. According to one of the usher's it was quite scary.
During the morning, before Alan had to attend his photo shoot, our BDH misbehaved like just like you would expect. i don't know what started it, but Alan dragged his chair away from his signing table, and used it to climb up to the poster of Nathen above them. Using his pen he drew a rather large and very camp looking mustache on out captains pic.
Nanthan, returned in kind, and climbing on his own chair, put large crosses over the eyes of wash, and wrote R.I.P underneath. Both actions were much to the horror of the organisers, who had no replacement picture's and had to leave them up both day's yay!! and to the security guards protecting Nathan and Alan, who turned white at the site of them climbing on the chair's! - Lol.

The Talk that had been advertised as Nathan's was attended by both, and as ever more misbehaving ensued. Walking on to stage they fought over first the microphone, and then the chairs, which included Alan throwing his chair in Nathan's direction.
Once settled Nathan complained that the organised were full of b*lls*it when they told him it was sold out because he could see spaces in the first two row's! Theses spaces were set aside for gold pass members, and we were not allowed to take the free space's. A policy that strangely changed on the second day, and im in doubt it was something to do with Nathan. The talk was far too short, and just as they and we were starting to get into it they had to end. Highlights were, Alan telling us the second move was all set up,(Joke) and they had cast crew etc ready, they were just trying to cast a new captain! Nathan giving out script sheets to everyone that asked a question. And when someone commented on how nice of him, he said, “it was wasn't it you know the more i think about it, the more awesome i am!” (couldn't agree more)
Nathan said firefly was the best job he had ever had, working with the best people and the best character. he would love for it to continue.
Oh and he also said he want the trillogy, and if there is to be no more mal should die at the end so no one else can ever play his character cause Mal is his!

After the talk both guys returned to there signing booth's and was supposed to sign until approx 4.30. Alan's line petered out some what and he was pretty much free to go when ever, and i think he finally disappeared around 5'ish having sat alone for a while. Awwwww!
Nathan's line however was still growing out of control, at around 5 he got up on to his chair, and counted how many people were left in line, and promised everyone he would sign for them. but that he had to go really fast because his car was arriving in ten minuets. So he couldn't pose for any pictures. They had been signs up all day saying no pictures, but everyone including Nathen and Alan had ignored hem, and posed for pretty much every picture asked for.
The organisers even at this late time didn't stop people joining Nathan's line, and it just kept growing. Ten minuets later Nathan was back up on his chair shouting one again he couldn't stop for pictures.
By six he was still going but did seemed to be having real trouble just witting, and was leaning heavily on the desk. But finally the line had slowed and he got to the end of it. As he put his pen down myself and a few of the staff who were all that were left in the hall, cheered. Personaly i wouldn't of had the heart to ask anything off him from about 5 onward's but Just as he was about to get up and leave, the staff approached with picture's for signing, so he sat down and began again, he was still signing at around 20 -30 past six when i the last browncoat left was asked very firmly this time, to leave as they were shutting the door's.

Everyone including myself was so amazed at Nathan's performance, especially as i was told he only took one half hour break in a about a ten hour day.

People our Capatin Rock's!!!!!

"Why did you leave?".... "Why didn't you ask me not too?"


Monday, July 3, 2006 4:05 AM


Day two-
I was absolutely shattered myself getting up Sunday morning, so i have no idea, what our BDH's must of felt.
But they faithfully arrived about ten minuets after the doors opened at ten. And once again spent all morning signing autograph's. Nathan went to his Photo session at around 12, and while he was absent, Alan took the opportunity to add a beard to his mustache on the photo of Nathan. He also told me the reason he was so happy even though he had been working so long was because Nathan had finally gone! -lol.
We asked if the RIP on his picture had ruined anyone's day because they hadn't seen the movie and he looked worried for a second, but then said that he thought it looked more like PIP anyway, cause Nathan's hand writing was terrible.

Nathan over in his photo session kept asking the line to scream for him, and he asked if we were all excited, everyone of course said yeah!!- very loudly, and he called us all lier's! It was very good natured and he tried to stop people from being nervous. When he got about half way through the line, he stuck his head around the wall and complained we weren't making enough noise, and began shouting stuff himself. Along the lines off. “oh my god this is the best photo session ever! You have to join this line. Were having so much fun!” etc, trying to get more people in his line!

The talk: ok so this time it was advertised as Alan's turn but as we all suspected they both trooped in. there were no empty seats this time as the organisers allowed us to fill them! Alan and Nathan posed in a variety of silly poses so we could all get pictures at first before settling down.
Nathan said that he loved all us guys that do the browncoat stuff on the web, and “not just the physical love either the real thing!” they spoke about how hard it was to learn the words. Alan even confessed (and he said he couldn't believe that he told us.) that by the end of the day shooting the nine min long beginning of serenity he had to have his lines tapped to the desk, cause he just couldn't remember them. Nathan gave out goodies to people that asked questions again.
Alan still remembers one Chinese line and thats from our Mrs reynolds, when his on the bridge with saffron, and he says says if i was anyone else in the world right now.
A little girl asked if firefly started again now wash is dead would Zoe marry Mal. Alan looked horrified at the thought, and said no she would be still grieving for him too much, and that he thought she might be carrying his unborn child!- then said that wasn't from joss, so don't get to excited people! There were a few joked from Nathan about Mal and Inara's wedding night, and how the bed would be rather crowded, with him, her and her (male or female) cliant's, and that he thought Mal's duties would run to keeping Zoe warm on those cold nights when she was missing wash, again Alan looked not amused!
Nathan once again said he would love for firefly to continue, its what they all want!
Oh i forgot one of the most intriguing parts of the talk was that Alan keept slipping into an english accent, seemingly without noticing, he also did this while signing autographs!

After the talk both guys returned to sign more autograph's and Nathan's line was out of control again and almost doubled on its self once or twice. Where as Alan was, well left to sit alone again really. Awwww!
Alan had enough and left at around four/four thirty only to keep coming back to see how Nathen was doing and such. Nathan finally finished all autographs at around 5, including more starff!

Ok here's for the woe people...

well two woe's really first,
thats is it! that was the end of the convention, no more Nathan and Alan for me.
and second woe.
Nathan left with his arm around the waist of some unknown blond woman who was very dressed up, wearing a press pass, and carrying a bag of goodies she had brought during the day.
Anyone any idea's who this is? A very lucky journalist maybe? Or someone more depressing?

This time i managed to be the last browncoat to see Alan and Nathan actually leaving the building together.

I had an absolutely exhausting weekend, but the best time ever!!! i spoke to some really nice people, none of which i though to get the names off. A couple of gold pass holders girl's who live near the sea, a couple of girls in line to collect pictures, one of whom i walked to the talk with, and a couple of girls in the line for the Nathen picture session, oh yes during which time i lost my earing.
Just in case you are reading Nathan or some one that can tell him, if he did find a gold heart/black onyx earing in your shirt when you undressed Sunday night, it was probably mine! - lol.

I'd love to hear other people's stories of the convention, or if you thought you might have met me, or what either of the BDH's wrote on your pictures or what ever you had signed.

It was an amazing time, and i cant wait for the next one.

"Why did you leave?".... "Why didn't you ask me not too?"


Monday, July 3, 2006 4:08 AM


Poor Nathan.

And for shame! Alan's line wasn't as long as Nathans! How irritating! I loves me some Wash!


Monday, July 3, 2006 8:31 AM


Thanks for sharing the details! I am so jealous you got to see them, I would have definitely been hanging around Alan Tudyk's table. Poor thing. I think Nathan has a girlfriend named Joan, I read that somewhere. Bummer! Well at least I got my fantasies. Thanks again!

Shepard used to tell me...can't do something smart, do something right.
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Monday, July 3, 2006 10:49 AM


Thanks for the report, it felt like I was there.

Nathan and Alan are a lethal combination.

Do you have any pics?



Monday, July 3, 2006 10:49 AM


Thanks for the report, it felt like I was there.

Nathan and Alan are a lethal combination.

Do you have any pics?



Monday, July 3, 2006 12:54 PM


oh my cheese! i would have sat and talked to alan while people stood in line for nathan! crazy browncoats leaving my alan all alone! i could cry!!!!!! i'm quite excited though, because i'm finally driving so i can finally make it to conventions!!!! woooo!!!!!! hopefully i won't have to witness the horror of alan sitting all alone. that's so depressing! they're both so awesome though! sounds like it was fun!


Monday, July 3, 2006 2:48 PM


Again the envy is setting in, we Aussies miss out on all the fun, although we have had Summer and Jewel..........BUT we wants some of the boys to come and visit us.


If there isn't any chocolate in heaven, then I ain't going


Monday, July 3, 2006 4:55 PM


PurplePebble, thank you *so much* for
the report.

I can't imagine having Alan available and
not taking the opportunity, if he wasn't
signing autographs, to sit and yak with
him about his other projects.

Sure hope someone will put up some photos
or post a link to some.

And I hope your earring shows up!!!

~2006~Firefly Summer~2006~
----Hide the rum! 7706----


Monday, July 3, 2006 6:05 PM


There is a thread there with lots of great pics. You just need to do some fishing.


Monday, July 3, 2006 8:55 PM


hi there,

Im glad everyone enjoyed my report, or im glad everyone was nice enough to lie- lol.

I do have some pictures (ok actually... over a hundred!) but most are small(on phone), and/or fuzzy, (my hand was shaking!)
I will put some of the better ones up, if i can find out how to, and if people want of course.

"Why did you leave?".... "Why didn't you ask me not too?"


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 12:02 AM


You are so lucky you went to the convention.

I have an italian site dedicated to Nathan and if you send me some pics I'll be happy.


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 12:50 AM


Thanks, your report eases some of the actual physical pain I got from BEING IN LONDON, only an hour away from my BDH and being unable to go due to insane pressures of work.

I have to admit I was a teesy bit (ripping out hair and frotyhing at the mouth) jealose of all those who could go. Would love to vicariously enjoy the experience through photos if you have 'em. I recommend links from Photobucket.



Tuesday, July 4, 2006 7:20 AM


I am so jealous!!! I wish I could hav gone, but I live in the north of England, and only found out about it on Friday!!!, exactly the same thing happened with collectormania!!!
Poor Alan, all on his billy, I would have kept him company. Nathan? Nathan who? I'm aaaaaall about the Alan, baby!

Damn you Fox! Damn you to Hades!!
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 8:18 AM


aw man! i wish i'd known about it! i would've been on alan's line!!! =( can't believe that, you'd think that if people where firefly fans they'd want to see alan as well as nathan, surely! oh well... i love him!

thank you very much for this report, it's great!!

"the legs. oh, yeah. definitely have to say it was her legs. you can put that down. her legs and where her legs meet her back. in fact, that whole area. and... above it..."


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 8:18 AM


aw man! i wish i'd known about it! i would've been on alan's line!!! =( can't believe that, you'd think that if people where firefly fans they'd want to see alan as well as nathan, surely! oh well... i love him!

thank you very much for this report, it's great!!

"the legs. oh, yeah. definitely have to say it was her legs. you can put that down. her legs and where her legs meet her back. in fact, that whole area. and... above it..."


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 8:18 AM


aw man! i wish i'd known about it! i would've been on alan's line!!! =( can't believe that, you'd think that if people where firefly fans they'd want to see alan as well as nathan, surely! oh well... i love him!

thank you very much for this report, it's great!!

"the legs. oh, yeah. definitely have to say it was her legs. you can put that down. her legs and where her legs meet her back. in fact, that whole area. and... above it..."


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 8:18 AM


aw man! i wish i'd known about it! i would've been on alan's line!!! =( can't believe that, you'd think that if people where firefly fans they'd want to see alan as well as nathan, surely! oh well... i love him!

thank you very much for this report, it's great!!

"the legs. oh, yeah. definitely have to say it was her legs. you can put that down. her legs and where her legs meet her back. in fact, that whole area. and... above it..."


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 8:18 AM


aw man! i wish i'd known about it! i would've been on alan's line!!! =( can't believe that, you'd think that if people where firefly fans they'd want to see alan as well as nathan, surely! oh well... i love him!

thank you very much for this report, it's great!!

"the legs. oh, yeah. definitely have to say it was her legs. you can put that down. her legs and where her legs meet her back. in fact, that whole area. and... above it..."


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 8:18 AM


aw man! i wish i'd known about it! i would've been on alan's line!!! =( can't believe that, you'd think that if people where firefly fans they'd want to see alan as well as nathan, surely! oh well... i love him!

thank you very much for this report, it's great!!

"the legs. oh, yeah. definitely have to say it was her legs. you can put that down. her legs and where her legs meet her back. in fact, that whole area. and... above it..."


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 9:32 AM


Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful experience! That is a shame with people not going to Alan's table, my guess would be that they wanted to but were too scared of losing their place in Nathan's line! I hope I get to meet one of them one day *sighs*


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 10:27 AM


This was my first time meeting any of the Firefly cast and I totally fell in love with Nathan and Alan. They were just so nice. Possibly the nicest guests I've ever met at any convention.

One of my favourite moments from the Q&A was when Nathan and Alan were talking about their characters fighting over Zoe

Nathan: Hey, Alan. Do your impression of Wash fighting Mal
Alan: *whines* Zoeeeeeee....


Fantastic day!


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 11:14 AM


Thank you for recap. The part about the poster had me cracking up!

I swear someone should make videos of the cast at conventions and such. I’m sure they would sell like hotcakes!

"Will you not do that while we...ever!"


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 2:08 PM


FireflyPassenger wrote:
Monday, July 03, 2006 18:05

There is a thread there with lots of great pics. You just need to do some fishing.
Wow. Haven't even been to the photo-dedicated
thread yet. Wanted to check out comments, etc.
Found the *sweetest* photo of Nathan, eyes closed, cuddling a baby, eyes closed, in the
Serenity Guys thread.
Looks like an interesting board so far.
Thanks *loads* for posting this link.

~2006~Firefly Summer~2006~
----Hide the rum! 7706----


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 3:25 PM


I was sadly not there, but probably the reason Alan was less popular is because he did Collectormania 9 a few months ago with Ron- He was busy then!!!
I REEAALLY want to meet Nathan!! Im meeting Jewel on the weekend!!!!!!


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 3:31 PM


I love Alan too. However a lot of times folks have to pay for the autographs and if you have to choose then most would choose the Captain.

Alan and Nathan area absolutely fun guys. I wish I could see them together.


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 6:06 PM


Hey, do you mind if I repost this over on the Nathan Appreciatin' thread in Mal's Bunk? Some folks over there are having issues getting into and are just about dying for this info....

You'll get full credit I promise. :)

There is a pic floating around of Nathan with a baby that just makes everyone who sees it melt into a puddle. I'll see if I can get permission to repost that over here!

"Do not go gentle into that good night....
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. . ."
--Dylan Thomas

Though my soul may set in darkness
It will rise in perfect light.
I have loved the stars too fondly
To be fearful of the night.


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 8:10 PM


Yes that was awsome of Nathan to stay like he did. That is the very reason why I wrote this letter:

Hi my name is Eamane. I am 49 years old. Up till I was 44 I was a full time manager and mother, and active in my community. I was given a medication that caused me to have a stroke. I am disabled. Watching Nathan and the rest of the FireFly/Serenity crew has made the transision from active to non-active alot better. I cannot have my own adventures any longer. So the adventures of Nathan and his crew has made things a lot nicer. Also I feel like Nathan has warmed my heart with his acting. I have made him a scraf to warm him like he has me. I would appreciate a address to mail him his gift. If any one knows of one it would be a god send. I am not trying to bother Nathan or his family. I just want to get his gift to him so I may at least get to see him wear it once while I am still around. Take care Be safe Love much...


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 8:21 PM


yep, what she said... Not that I got to see the girls either, but I think for Alan and Nathan I would make the effort to attend my first convention.


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 8:21 PM


I took some small videos if you're interested


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 8:51 PM


The ones on youtube right? Thanks for that; )

"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 9:43 PM



Originally posted by BelowZero:
Hey, do you mind if I repost this over on the Nathan Appreciatin' thread in Mal's Bunk? Some folks over there are having issues getting into and are just about dying for this info....
You'll get full credit I promise. :)

Hey sure things, the whole reason for writting was so more people could share in the goodieness. i'd appreciate if your could send me alink to were it goes, and keep my name somewhere but other than that go for it.

I am working on trying to put my vid's and pictures up on photo bucket, but im working ten hour days at the mo, so you guys will have to bare with me for a few day's.
I had one spare hour yesterday at home, and i spent it watching firefly, im sure you guys understand!
I'd love to have other peoples pic's and vid's if anyone wants to share.

I am glad everyones enjoying reading.

"Why did you leave?".... "Why didn't you ask me not too?"


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 1:42 AM


Wow, thanks for sharing this! That would be incredible to see. They sound like so much fun to meet! I loved reading the poster antecdote.

How sad it is that Alan's line was so much shorter! Poor guy. I'm sure Nathan's a great guy and you've gotta love Mal... but, Wash! I loooove Wash and I definitely would've been in Alan's line.

EAMANE - Awwww. I'm so sorry to hear about that. But, how great it is that Firefly has been able to help you through it. I do not know of any address to help you and I wouldn't know where to find one, but if I ever do find one I'll be sure to send it your way. How sweet of you to make that for him! Does anyone know an address to help her?

"Define interesting." - Mal
"Oh God, oh God, we're all gonna die." - Wash

"I'm a leaf on the wind..." - Wash


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 6:31 AM


Yup, those are the ones. Hope you like them


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 11:09 AM



Originally posted by PurplePebble:

Ok here's for the woe people...

Nathan left with his arm around the waist of some unknown blond woman who was very dressed up, wearing a press pass, and carrying a bag of goodies she had brought during the day.
Anyone any idea's who this is? A very lucky journalist maybe? Or someone more depressing?

I was working at the con and had the pleasure of speaking to this lady who had a very obvious agenda! She asked me about the guests and what their families were like and if all their girlfriends were attending, so I told her what I knew and then she not-so-subtley asked if Nathan's girlfriend was at the con. At which I said she wasn't, he had arrived with Alan. Then she asked me about whether his girlfriend was nice, which I didn't have a clue about and just replied that i'm sure she was if Nathan was going out with her. Then she asked further questions, was Nathan good to talk to, was he friendly, blah blah blah, i'm sure you get the picture. She had originally been there to talk to Corey Haim though, but I guess Nathan took her fancy. I don't think he left with her though, I know he got in the car with Alan and Richie. Although he did write something in a card to her... so who knows. But i'd say she was a very lucky journalist (but the kind of journalist who doesn't take pictures and ask questions..)

Fantastic weekend though, majority of the guests were fantastic. Nathan and Alan being the best, of course. True gentleman and damn gorgeous!


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 11:37 AM


lucky you working there. may i have seen/met you?

I'm glad someone else saw this 'lady.' and her intriguing behaviour. although her questions certainly seem to show her intent.

Nice to know she wasn't in the car with him, even though he definitly steared her out the door, after she had been sitting, posing on the table next to him for a good ten minuets or more.

so lucky journalist, very lucky i'd say!
but then Nathan is too polite to allow her to be anything else.


Fantastic weekend though, majority of the guests were fantastic. Nathan and Alan being the best, of course. True gentleman and damn gorgeous!


"Why did you leave?".... "Why didn't you ask me not too?"


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 12:02 PM


You probably saw me, I think the majority of people would have done! I was stood at the green room door for the whole weekend... which was interesting to say the least!

I'm pretty 99% sure Nathan didn't leave with the woman as he'd left his bag of gifts from fans on my table and I had to chase him to give them back (well that's my story and i'm sticking to it.... ) and she wasn't with him then. Plus, Ian and Neil (the security guards) were after her (god that sounds awful) and were doing a pretty god job of distracting her. Did I also mention the lack of journo type paraphenalia? She asked no questions, took no photo's and..... ok i'm going to bitterly move on now *grumble grumble*

They all posed outside with the security against the car before they left, which i'm sure will make interesting photo's! I could have cried at their departure, the end of what was probably one of the best work weekends EVER!


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 4:51 PM


I can send you the link, and you can think about joining us over there on the Nathan Appreciatin' forum, the door's always open for them that wear the brown coats...

Thanks for letting me share! It sounds like a wonderful weekend!
I can SO not wait for Flan 2...

"Do not go gentle into that good night....
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. . ."
--Dylan Thomas

Though my soul may set in darkness
It will rise in perfect light.
I have loved the stars too fondly
To be fearful of the night.


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 4:55 PM


Link to Purplepebble's story on the neighborin' board:

You DO need to be a member to see it, I think.

"Do not go gentle into that good night....
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. . ."
--Dylan Thomas

Though my soul may set in darkness
It will rise in perfect light.
I have loved the stars too fondly
To be fearful of the night.


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 7:40 PM


Welcome home, Eamane.
We're glad to have you here.
Firefly warms us all.

You'll find there are others here
who have fewer adventures than we'd
like to have, for reasons which are
occasionally described.

As Kaylee says, we all have stories.

I'd like to offer you a basket of
big, juicy strawberries as a welcome,
and perhaps FollowMal can be found to
fit you with your own virtual browncoat.

I'm sure if anyone has an idea how to
get your scarf to Nathan we will get it
nailed down for you.

Please enjoy your ride on the boat. ::-)

~2006~Firefly Summer~2006~
----Hide the rum! 7706----


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 8:59 PM



Originally posted by cinderella:
You probably saw me, I think the majority of people would have done! I was stood at the green room door for the whole weekend... which was interesting to say the least!

Lol, you might have seen me too at the very end of sunday, i was the one of only about 5 people left (the majority were press) who watch Nathan walk out the door. I wore a low cut pink/purple top.
What did you have on your shirt? they were great fun!


I'm pretty 99% sure Nathan didn't leave with the woman as he'd left his bag of gifts from fans on my table and I had to chase him to give them back (well that's my story and i'm sticking to it.... )

And a good story it is too.


[Plus, Ian and Neil (the security guards) were after her (god that sounds awful) and were doing a pretty god job of distracting her.

I think you just made my day!


Did I also mention the lack of journo type paraphenalia? She asked no questions, took no photo's and..... ok i'm going to bitterly move on now *grumble grumble*
I could have cried at their departure, the end of what was probably one of the best work weekends EVER!

I'm right there with the Bitter grumble...grumble.
and the wanting to cry as they left. I really didn't want the weekend to end.
I was perfectly happy sitting on the cold stone floor Nathan watching. -lol

"Why did you leave?".... "Why didn't you ask me not too?"


Thursday, July 6, 2006 1:47 AM



Originally posted by cinderella:
) and she wasn't with him then. Plus, Ian and Neil (the security guards) were after her (god that sounds awful) and were doing a pretty god job of distracting her. Did I also mention the lack of journo type paraphenalia? She asked no questions, took no photo's and..... ok i'm going to bitterly move on now *grumble grumble*

Ok now I am just gonna die of curiosity, WHY were the security guards after her?

I'm thinking that press pass was forged...

"Do not go gentle into that good night....
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. . ."
--Dylan Thomas

Though my soul may set in darkness
It will rise in perfect light.
I have loved the stars too fondly
To be fearful of the night.


Thursday, July 6, 2006 1:49 AM


I can't for the life of me figure out how to post a pic!!! aaaaaargh

"Do not go gentle into that good night....
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. . ."
--Dylan Thomas

Though my soul may set in darkness
It will rise in perfect light.
I have loved the stars too fondly
To be fearful of the night.


Thursday, July 6, 2006 1:50 AM


I was the 'security' guard (I use that term very loosely, if any crap hit's the fan, I run, I don't secure....ahem)

I got me some great photo's though! And a bit of a long winded meeting Nathan story, which includes being a millimetre from his chest and thinking i'd gone temporarily blind...

If this worked, it's a photo of a photo so the quality isn't great, but that's me, and Nathan, and his signature!

**Edit: I can't seem to get the pic to work (any ideas?) but if you really want to see it you can right click the oops thing and go to properties and then do the whole copy and paste thing, but to be honest, i'm not sure it's worth all that effort!

** Second Edit, oh hey, that worked!!! But my face is way too big, so excuse me while I edit further....

***Third edit.. (I'm really bad at this posting stuff...) Below Zero The security were after her in an, 'I'm going to get her into bed', 'No, I am' kind of way. She had done nothing wrong, well, except the shameful obviousness of her intentions, but they weren't letting her get away that easy.


Thursday, July 6, 2006 5:25 PM



Originally posted by cinderella:
I got me some great photo's though! And a bit of a long winded meeting Nathan story, which includes being a millimetre from his chest and thinking i'd gone temporarily blind...

Pleassse. Want to read long winded meeting Nathan story. More pics too.

Great pic by the way. "Don't forget me, I'll remember you." Heh!


Thursday, July 6, 2006 9:06 PM


I second the motion for a long-winded
"meeting Nathan" story, and if anyone
has a long-winded "meeting Alan" story,
that would not go amiss, either.

Plus long-winded "watching the talks"
stories. And those adorable pix of
Harvey and Nathan...

Vicarious living for those of us who
couldn't attend your con.

PS Does anyone know who got the big
posters that Alan and Nathan drew the
face-fur and R.I.P. on?

~2006~Firefly Summer~2006~
----Hide the rum! 7706----


Thursday, July 6, 2006 9:11 PM



Originally posted by cinderella:

I got me some great photo's though! And a bit of a long winded meeting Nathan story, which includes being a millimetre from his chest and thinking i'd gone temporarily blind...

Come on my post's weren't exacly short!- lol

"Why did you leave?".... "Why didn't you ask me not too?"


Friday, July 7, 2006 1:49 AM


I love read your experience and see your pictures.
In Italy there aren't conventions and I dream read your posts.

My portfolio -
Nathan Fillion Italia -


Friday, July 7, 2006 2:32 AM


Hey guys!
I just got back from London and had a blast there!
Alan and Nathan were great!
I had my video camera with me at the event and made a short vid about it!
Check it here:
(I' m trying to get it online in better quality though)


Friday, July 7, 2006 4:36 AM


Ok, get yourself comfy because this is gonna be a long one.... (You'll also have to excuse the excited, fan girl thing, I don't know what happened, but in his presence, I turned to mush )

So, I work Earl's Court a lot, know it like the back of my hand, I also happen to have worked with the close protection guys that were looking after the guests for several years so my boss thought it would be helpful to stay close to those guys as a means of working as a go between. No complaints from me! Initially I was supposed to just patrol the backstage area, as crew were supposed to be looking after the entrance, but they didn't do a very good job so I had to take over and so there I stood, for two days. But seriously, no complaints!

Alan's close protection guy knew i'd want a picture with him, so he came over to me and asked if I had a camera and we posed. I'd already met him twice in New York and had done the whole swoon thing with him before so it wasn't quite a big deal. I told him how we'd had a picture done in New York but after having 'words' with the friend that took it, he deleted it out of spite. Which made him laugh.
Anyway, here's that picture, he signed it later too, but it was just a signature, no personalisation or anything.

First encounter with Nathan was as he walked past to get lunch, he'd been eating a peach or something and stood next to the bin where I was as he finished it, threw the core (or stone, whatever) away and said 'don't eat that', at which I said 'how about I sell it on Ebay?' and he just gave me the most swoonworthy (so a valid word) grin imagineable.
Then a little while later, a guy i'd been speaking to all morning, one of the agents from LA, was with Nathan after he'd had his lunch break and I saw them talking. I turned round to face the other way because I knew Mike would ask him for a photo and didn't want to see if he said no (i'm a total wimp and that would have knocked me for six). A couple of seconds later I felt two hands on my shoulders and turned around, only I couldn't see anything at all. Just a vast blackness, so I jumped back and gasped in shock/fright, which the close protection guys were killing themselves laughing at as I looked up and realised it was Nathan and i'd just jumped away from him and his perfectly gorgeous chest. He had his hand on my arm and was looking straight into my eyes and just said 'What's your name Angel', in a totally smouldering way. At this point I squeaked out 'Danielle' and felt my knees quiver. I had my camera around my neck on a lanyard and he just started fiddling with it, asking how he got it to work and so on, so I just about managed to switch it on and get it from around my neck and he asked how to take a photo, then got oh so close and rested his head on mine (!!) and started to take a photo, he wanted to see if it had turned out ok, which it hadn't because I blinked..

....Richie (his cp guy) said he'd take the photo. But Nathan said 'No, we're having a moment'. And we posed again; again with his head resting on mine and he took another photo, which turned out great. I thanked him a lot and he was like 'No problem Angel, it was nice to meet you'. And then he had to leave to carry on signing. I was literally shaking after he'd left, with the worlds widest grin. It was amazing. He was such a trooper all day anyway, he had only one twenty minute break the whole day and posed for pictures with everyone (including several babies *sigh*), infact at the end of the day when we were all crowded round a tv in the middle of the hall watching football (including Alan) Nathan was still signing things! The guy deserves an award or something.

Anyway's, the next day I went to Snappy snaps and asked if they could print my pictures there and then so I could get them signed, they did it in twenty minutes, so props to them and all that. The colours on the Nathan photo were awful, he was yellow and I was red, but in Earls court light it looked ok and I still wanted it signed. So as he walked past after lunch I asked if he could sign it and he said sure and then took a good look at the photo and said it had turned out well and I handed him two pens, he started signing and asked what I had wanted him to write, if it was something like 'Dr or Captain or Mister?' and I had no clue what he meant and just shook my head and said I hadn't asked for anything specific, and he asked if I was sure, and I said I couldn't remember. But the pens wouldn't work, he held my arm again and looked right at me and said 'You know what, i'll go find one, wait here', and i'm like 'U-huh, ok, will wait. Right here.' But Richie said he would get the one from his table and off he went as I spoke to Nathan, just asked him if he was having a good time and so on (which he was) and thanked him for being so curteous and nice to everybody (lame I know, but I seriously felt the need to let him know how much we all appreciate how nice he is, it's not that common any more.) I got more of his great smiles and then he was called away before Richie had come back with the pen, so again, Nathan held my arm and looked into my eyes and said he would come find me later and to keep hold of the pen (i'm still bloody holding it)

At one point whilst signing, he ran back behind the boards and ripped his top off (u-huh) to put a different one on, at which point my tongue just about hit the floor. Nathan's bare chest, just a few feet away *drools* Best visual memory EVER.

So, the day was coming to a close and I hadn't seen Nathan get a break since before and was worried that he had forgotton and I wouldn't get my photo signed. But I shouldn't have worried, as he got a quick dinner break and as he was walking back to the table stopped and looked at me and asked if I had a pen, which I did. So he signed it 'Danielle! Don't forget me! I'll remember you! which was just perfect, and then he just held out his hand. I thought I was going to get a handshake and put my hand out, I should point out at this bit that I had been playing with a three inch nail all day, scratching my name into things and so on, and happened to be holding it in my hand as he took it. So the next moment, which should have been perfect, wasn't, because in my head the whole time i was like 'i'm stabbing him with a nail...' he took my hand and pulled me close and kissed me on the cheek, I can still vividly remember the bristles on his face on my cheek and the kiss sound and feeling his chest as he hugged me....*double sigh* But like I said, I just worried about the nail. Then he touched my arm again and said how nice it was to meet me at which point I about melted into a puddle on the floor.

Later on the Stormtroopers came and asked if we wanted photo's with them before they left, so my sister and I posed with them and got pictures to give to our boss as he likes things like that for brochures (as a side note, a lot of people took photos of us with the stormtroopers, and if you did and should be reading this could you mail them to me??), and Richie said he'd go get Nathan as he would want photo's too. So he came out and gave Richie his camera and got on his knees and posed, whilst down there her turned and looked at them all and said 'I am not giving you guys head..'

It's so small because a journo asked if he could have it for publication and if I wouldn't share them until they were printed. But atleast you get the drift... if they don't get printed, the i'll post the bigger versions.

That is about it, oh except Elijah, Alan and Nathan posing with the close protection guys against one of the cars, they'll be mailed to me in a few days so i'll post them.

In conclusion... Nathan is a bloody nice chap. As close to perfect as i've ever met. Hell, previous boyfriends have never looked me in the eyes as much as he did. I think i'm quite possibly in love with him.....

**sorry about the truly crap grammar, punctuation and some words used. But i'm on fangirl overload right now...**


Friday, July 7, 2006 8:20 AM


Purplepebble and Cinderella,
Awww, the two of you seem to have had a great time. Keep the stories coming I live vicariously through you, y'know.


Friday, July 7, 2006 12:40 PM


aww wonderful stories guys! I'm so volunteering for stewarding next time!!

Also really good news he didn't leave with the journo- I'm just so glad that pushy, in-your-face tactics that I *hate* don't succeed.

Nathan was so lovely. I know that even people who'd never heard of firefly were really impressed with him and his dedication and were going straight home to rent the series. A walking advert for the show.


Friday, July 7, 2006 2:02 PM


I was their Sunday.

Almost missed my photo session with Nathan as I ws in a talk (DR Who one). He was patiently waiting when I tuned up & said "Glad you made it".
He looks way cooler than me in the photo (will post once I scan it).

He recognised me later when I got his sig.

Talked to Alan about the movie he's just finished in UK - 'Death at a Funeral' in which he had an English accent (which he used during the talk a bit).

I tried to tape the Nathan/Alan talk but it didn't come out too well.

A great day. Roll on Adam at Collectormania :)


Friday, July 7, 2006 2:12 PM


Oh my goodness! That has to be the finest Nathan story I've ever heard. It gives me butterflies to just read it. I'm so excited for you!!
I've met Nathan once and I know how shocked I was with the way he looks right into your eyes when he talks (it totally makes you forget everything you ever knew) and the way he puts his cheek right on you. It's really quite remarkable how amazing he is with his fans. And the best part is, his friendliness is not the creepy sort where he's just trying to touch fans. He genuinely makes you feel good and special in a crowd of tons of fans.
...Okay, sorry, I know this is your story, but I completely get the swooningness and excitement you must have felt. !!!
Can't we clone this treasure of a man for the good girls of the world to enjoy?!

"Can't take the sky..."


Friday, July 7, 2006 4:39 PM


TQVM, Cinderella!
Glad we talked you into sharing, though
I was trying to grab a snack while getting
my fix and now I have tuna salad
in my hair and no recollection how it got
Must be the result of your effective

~2006~Firefly Summer~2006~
----Hide the rum!(today!)----






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