Male and Female Imponderables--Once More Into the Breach...

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 5, 2006 10:33
VIEWED: 15769
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Wednesday, July 5, 2006 4:14 AM


The Ae and I had a list like that. It was all fine and dandy until he realized I was actually going to be meeting one of the people on mine (long story) so he decided it wasn't too funny anymore.



Wednesday, July 5, 2006 4:16 AM


My husband has threatened to call his laptop Vera; this should tell you everything you need to know about my kinda wishlist

On his part - anything with Uma Thurman in it. Including the awful, awful Bat thing.


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 4:21 AM


oh now that's just what I'd expect from him...sad gutless little worm
SA- with you on that. ah Jayne how we love ya
ok I have to go get coffee or I may fall asleep on the keyboard:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 4:23 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
The Ae and I had a list like that. It was all fine and dandy until he realized I was actually going to be meeting one of the people on mine (long story) so he decided it wasn't too funny anymore.


Sounds like mine! Except I didn't even meet one of the rockers I was lusting after until we were broken up already.
She didn't want me to be her groupie, though...




Wednesday, July 5, 2006 4:28 AM


ROTFLMAO_ That so totally reminds me of the first time I met Bruce Campbell with my friend Marnii. We're chatting with him before his signing starts and she asks him if he has ever had a stalker. Bruce says no and she looks at him kind of coyly and says " would you like one?" He backed away a bit and said no and then it took him like 10 min to relax again...he was really funny though and even remembered it the next time I met him:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 4:58 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Oh gawd! That is classic!
"Would you like one?"!!!

*wipes eyes* Oh I wanna use that now.

I couldn't even be that coherent. I just babbled something about her being a Rock Goddess and I loved her very much and could I please have a hug. She was quite flattered and sweet about it and gave me a lovely hug, but did not even return the cheek kissing-ness.
Oh well. I was pretty sure she was straight.




Wednesday, July 5, 2006 5:08 AM


oh it gets better... the next time he was in town with his new book, she went and I went separately ( scheduling thing) and I get there and he says" oh hey I know you. you're the friend of that crazy girl who wants to stalk me." I am way embarrassed and say yes, but she's a responsible science teacher and she's really nice. He says oh with this weird look on his face. We chat a bit more about other stuff and he signs my book ( and I settle group of teens down for him) and I take off. I call Marnii and ask how it went and she says when he asked what he should write for her she said, " your phone number" he chuckles thinking she's kidding and she says "no seriously your phone number" Now this had happend before I got there...argh so no wonder he remembered...I'm glad he's such a nice guy with a good sense of humor or that might have been ugly:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 5:14 AM


Morning all!

List of five. Yep, had it but even if you both say you could sleep with the person with no repercussions, how realistic is that anyway? I'm such a blithering idiot around famous people that unless the guy was a complete slut, it just wouldn't happen. Stammering, blushing and garbled sentences just aren't likely to get you into someone's bed.

So those of you with lists, whose on them? Mine, in no particular order:

John Cusack
Ewan McGregor
Edward Norton
Adam Garcia
Any of the men of Firefly...cept Book. (This one is cheating, but who can blame me?)


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 5:21 AM


LOL- grin yeah that's the fun of the list Rugbug. you know there's no way it'll ever happen it's just fun to lust:) Oh and hey have you tried the movie Jack and Sarah ( I swear you will love it)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 5:23 AM


Oh, you want names? no particular order:

Milla Jovovich
Kate Beckinsale
Rachel McAdams
Bryce Dallas Howard

That will about do it.



Wednesday, July 5, 2006 5:23 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Johnny Rzeznik
Amy Lee
Jon Bon Jovi
Billy Joe Armstrong
Summer Glau (this is a recent addition; used to be Kiera Knightly)

I could go on...


EDIT, some nice choices, Tristan. One and three especially....




Wednesday, July 5, 2006 5:43 AM



Originally posted by msg:
LOL- grin yeah that's the fun of the list Rugbug. you know there's no way it'll ever happen it's just fun to lust:) Oh and hey have you tried the movie Jack and Sarah ( I swear you will love it)

Yeah, so it's even MORE ridiculous that SO's would get jealous. I think it's interesting to see who is on your SO's (or friend's) lists. A good friend of mine had Uma Thurman on top, which I think is funny (this is before the recent transformation) but looking at his wife, I can understand. She and Uma are from a similar mold.

Tristan: I agree with Kate Beckinsale. I just saw her on Leno. She was soooo beautiful, but also very funny and down to earth.

MSG, I went to IMDB to look up Jack and Sarah and have vague recollections of watching it, but can't be sure. I like Samantha Mathis (The Thing Called Love is a favorite of mine...cheesy country music movie...and I HATE country music)so.... Next time I rent something, I'll pick up Jack and Sarah.


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 5:52 AM


Not sure if I said good morning, morning!
Yeah, Kate...I fell for her in Serendipity, then went even further after Underworld. I think my wife feels the same way about her...



Wednesday, July 5, 2006 5:54 AM


Morning all.

Oh, the list. Gotta think (and work) for a few to figure it out.

MAL: "What happen about me?"


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 6:08 AM


Morning NV:)
ah much better light iced mocha...I can open my eyes, blink without fear:)
Ooooh we're naming names for our list
Mine ( no real order)
Tony Todd
Sean Bean
Alan Rickman
Frank Langella
and as embarrassed as I am to mention it Vin Diesel
( and yes I know how old those guys are and how old I am is hot!)
EDIT- I just have this thing about the seductiveness of power and evil ( well wickedness/mischieviousness)
I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 6:12 AM


Hmmm... list. Well I'm single so I don't have a SO, so no problem there. Here goes, no particular order:

Jewel Staite
Kate Beckinsale
Michelle Branch
Rachael Yamagata
Lisa Loeb

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 6:17 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
Not sure if I said good morning, morning!
Yeah, Kate...I fell for her in Serendipity, then went even further after Underworld. I think my wife feels the same way about her...

hehe...Kate in Serendipity was awesome. I own that movie on DVD because of how yummy she was in that.

Though I didn't care for Underworld at all.


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 6:21 AM


The wife and I see that movie as an "us" movie...we had sort of the same thing happen to us. Not close to the movie version, but we both realized in the end we were meant to be together. So, she bought the movie for me!



Wednesday, July 5, 2006 6:31 AM


I think the second underworld is a fabulous date/romantic movie:) Just love it! Must say it was probably uniquely akward to do a nude love scene with your husband directing you. Hope he didn't accidentally say stuff like...yeah hon could you moan like you do when I...

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 6:32 AM



Originally posted by Zeek:

Originally posted by Tristan:
Not sure if I said good morning, morning!
Yeah, Kate...I fell for her in Serendipity, then went even further after Underworld. I think my wife feels the same way about her...

hehe...Kate in Serendipity was awesome. I own that movie on DVD because of how yummy she was in that.

I own that movie because of how yummy John Cusack was...and Grosse Point Blank...and High Fidelity...and Say Anything...and American Sweethearts...and Better Off Dead, etc LOVE me some John Cusack.


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 6:35 AM


So here's my list:
Monica Belluci
Morena Baccarin
Ava Gardner (back in the day)
Milla Jovavich
Gwen Stefani (Damn that Gavin Rossdale)

I must admit to a big man crush on John Cusak
MAL: "What happen about me?"


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 6:43 AM


Morning Ponderers,

My husband & I have had the list as a joke since we saw it on friends a few years ago.

My choices are :
1-David Bowie
2. Nathan Fillion - of course !
3. MIchael Easton
4.Kevin Bacon
5.Hugh Jackman
Now that I think of it, John Cusak is really cute !
I love a good fantasy !

I swallowed a bug.


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 6:44 AM


NVG, yeah....Milla....mmmm.....



Wednesday, July 5, 2006 6:45 AM


hmmm I notice in all our lists you can find a common theme or pattern. These lists are a good way to define what you find attractive ( at least physically) or is it some indefinable quality that lands them on your list? For me it's somewhat looks, but mostly the characters they play are all big, powerful guys who are bad guys ( and even when they play good guys they aren't "good" good guys)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 6:51 AM



Originally posted by msg:
hmmm I notice in all our lists you can find a common theme or pattern. These lists are a good way to define what you find attractive ( at least physically) or is it some indefinable quality that lands them on your list? For me it's somewhat looks, but mostly the characters they play are all big, powerful guys who are bad guys ( and even when they play good guys they aren't "good" good guys)

Yeppers. Most of mine are darker-haired, with light eyes. That's the phenotype I find most attractive. Alan slips in there...but because he meets another big commonality: Funny. Or maybe Witty is a better word. Make me laugh and I'm your's.


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 6:52 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Underworld Evolution is one of the last movies I saw with Ex of Doom. Let us never speak of it again.




Wednesday, July 5, 2006 6:54 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Hmmmmm, well in terms of the rock stars I love their music as well as their looks. Usually their voices, too, because sexy voice is good. But really the songs they write add to their attraction. A lot.
And, come on, Summer...




Wednesday, July 5, 2006 6:59 AM


I have to admit that I have a thing for light skinned, dark haired women. But energy and attitude are also a big draw. Happy medium? Lets see...

MAL: "What happen about me?"


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 7:01 AM


as a light skinned, dark haired woman with tons of energy, may I say THANKS! I often get a bit tired of the tanned, blond, barbies getting all the votes:) I used to hate fairy tales because except for Snow White all the princesses had blue eyes and long blond hair.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 7:08 AM


Big Your Welcome!
Gotta staff meeting. Be back soon.

MAL: "What happen about me?"


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 7:09 AM



As another light skinned, dark haired woman with tons of energy I have to agree.My blonde friends always got more attention,( but I'm also very shy.) It's nice to know we're appreciated too !


I swallowed a bug.


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 7:15 AM


Morning (/afternoon/evening/whathaveyou) all!

Finally caught up after my brief hiatus. Hubby had a four day weekend, so I took a break from my normal schedule and thoroughly enjoyed his company. He'll be back to crunching (working 14 hour days, possibly 6 or 7 days a week, don't know yet) next week. Anyhow, time for some replies!

Movies: Thankfully hubby and I like more or less the same movies. We each have a genre we like but the other doesn't -- he likes old action flicks (ie, anything with Jean Claude Van Damme), and I like a good romance now and then (Shadowlands, Sense and Sensibility (which the men in my family have taken to calling Chickflick and Chickflickibility, lol)). I'm also a fraidy cat, so there are some horror movies he'll see with friends and then wisely tell me never to see, hehe. But we both love comedies (including romantic comedies), action, etc. And we're both huuuuuuuge fantasy/sci-fi nerds.

Clothes: I've ranted a bit on clothing already (a 27 inch ribcage and a 37 inch bust makes buying swimsuits basically out of the question, lol) but I definitely feel your pain! I've found that with the right bra, I can make just about anything fit (which again is why swimsuits are such a pain!). Sewing for myself also helps quite a bit. But I'm mostly a jeans and tshirt sorta girl anyway (I work in a really relaxed industry), so my hatred of button-down shirts has been allowed to remain a small side annoyance.

Celebrities: We each have a short list that's constantly in flux, and which is more a topic for conversation than anything else. Off the top of my head, I'd say all the men of Firefly for my list, hehe. (I was at an event recently that had a few celebs in attendance. I found out later that Nathan Fillion was there and I didn't get to see him. All I got was to stand next to Sinbad for a few minutes. I think the hubby is waaaay tired of hearing me whine about that one, lol.)

Body image: I had a terrible body image when I was in high school. I didn't know what to do with my boobs, and just didn't like my body in general. That more or less continued until I met my husband. In the five years since he and I have been together, a couple of things have happened. First off, dating and then marrying someone who likes my body (even things about my body that I still hate) is an amazing ego boost. Secondly, I finally started wearing the right bra size, which has made a huge difference.

And lastly, I got sick, which would wouldn't necessarily think would help my body image, but it totally did. Early on I was getting a bit of "you're feeling crappy because you're overweight" BS from the doctors, and since I'd put the weight on during the crappy pre-hubby relationship, I put a bit of work into it and lost the weight, so the doctors would stop blaming that (I *knew* it wasn't the root of the problem anyway). But the main thing is that as I got sicker, I started making a concerted effort to not let anyone know I was sick, to not *look* sick, to look like everything was fine. Which meant putting a lot more effort into my appearance. It's been a bit of a security blanket, both keeping people at bay (I hate being asked if I'm feeling alright, because people rarely like to hear the honest answer), and because it's something I can control. I can't control my health like I'd like to, but gorram it, I can make myself look cute! Hehe.

Honesty in relationships: I think everyone gets bitten by this one eventually. The crappy pre-hubby relationship I mentioned earlier was with someone who was a manipulative, lying SOB, and I couldn't even really see it until I was out of the relationship. Some of the things he did after we broke up (and after I'd gotten together with hubby) made me realize what a gullible pushover I'd been for so long. I wish there was some way to spot those types early on, would save a lot of people a lot of misery, I think.

Hmmm, 'nother long post from me. Sorry 'bout that.


You can't take the sky from me...


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 7:17 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I'm light skinned and dirty blonde. And my hair cannot grow past my bra strap. And is quite thin.
But I do have blue eyes. Hehe.

And what kind of energy are we talkin about, here?

*EDIT* CK, good to see you again! Yeah, I wish there was a way to spot that type early, too. That and the other problem type, who doesn't lie and manipulate per se, but doesn't really follow through on




Wednesday, July 5, 2006 7:24 AM


I used to be able to do twenty five solid minutes of rapid engagement on the heavy bag. Try it out everyone.
That energy translates in so many ways.

I like being a good guy in a bad guy form. just because.

MAL: "What happen about me?"


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 7:25 AM


CK- good to have you back. I know what you mean ( sort of) about looking sick. I am naturally pale and my hair is so dark it's almost black. I wear make up every day because if I don't I get a ton of " are you ok?" comments and they really bite... I mean why don't people just say " hey you look sucky". I definitely sympathize in the chest size thing with high school or even before ( got my DD's at age 12) It's just awkward and you just end up dressed baggy to avoid the problem.
Glad you found a great hubby though !!!
PR- hmm energy... where has your mind gone
EDIT_ CK hey lets start an avoid these people website to warn a public service announcement
I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 7:25 AM



Originally posted by CaliforniaKaylee:
I didn't know what to do with my boobs...

lol I had a wicked grin at that one!


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 7:31 AM



Originally posted by msg:
I often get a bit tired of the tanned, blond, barbies getting all the votes:)

Hey now! Don't be dissing on the barbies. Although, I'm not really a Barbie (or technically a blond anymore. But I was blond until I was about 22). My shoulders are tan, though...but I have lily white legs.

Interestly enough, when I play the "what celebrity would I most like to look like?" game, I always list dark-haired women. Sandra Bullock, Kate Beckinsale, Ashley Judd.

Looking ill: I can look sick if I don't do my eyes. They just disappear without liner. But, it comes in handy after playing hooky from work for a "mental health day." Just don't put that make-up on and no one EVER questions if I was really sick or not.

Honesty: Can't live without it. I can't handle traces of dishonesty in even friends. If a someone's story doesn't add up, I am always trying to get more information so the pieces fit. Until they do, I don't trust the person. If the pieces never fit, I never let the person close. Yeah, I would say I have a thing with honesty.


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 7:41 AM


Lol, yeah, I wore a sports bra through most of high school, just didn't know how else to handle the boobs. By college I'd upgraded to a 36C with a sports bra over it, just to keep everything in. So I'm not really sure what size I was when (though I do remember not being able to fit comfortably into a C cup when I was 13 or so). Quite happy with my 30FF now, even if they are a pain in the ass. At least I have a bra that fits!

I have two younger sisters, and we all wear the same bra size. The youngest is still in high school, and she went straight from wearing department store sizes to the specialty store the other sis and I shop at, so she's never had any of the "what the hell is this growing out from my sternum, and what the hell am I suppose to do with them?!" teenaged angst that the other sis and I had to go through. If she wasn't such a cool person I'd call her a lucky brat, lol.

And MSG I know what you mean! From the little I hear from mutual friends, I don't think he's really dated anyone else. He was the lost-puppy-dog goth boy in high school, so thankfully not much of a serial dater. Still, it would be tempting to put that info out there, lol!


You can't take the sky from me...


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 7:48 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by RugBug:

Honesty: Can't live without it. I can't handle traces of dishonesty in even friends. If a someone's story doesn't add up, I am always trying to get more information so the pieces fit. Until they do, I don't trust the person. If the pieces never fit, I never let the person close. Yeah, I would say I have a thing with honesty.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
Just wish I wasn't so blind sometimes....




Wednesday, July 5, 2006 7:56 AM


No SO at the moment either, but if I had to make a list...hmmmm

in no particular order
Morena Baccarin
Ashley Williams
Alona Tal
Erin Ness
Shandi Finnessey

I'd have put Alyson Hannigan in place of Erin Ness but I like Alexis Denisof too much to put her on my list.


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 8:01 AM


HA- I finally did it. I was able to post a pic of me. It's on the main board blue sun as msg:) so there you go. Since I got to see most of you, now you can see me:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 8:11 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
Hmmmmm, well in terms of the rock stars I love their music as well as their looks. Usually their voices, too, because sexy voice is good. But really the songs they write add to their attraction. A lot.
And, come on, Summer...

Well, I'm no rockstar, but I have recorded a couple of songs on my Mac. Check it out and let me know what you think.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 8:26 AM


MSG- Dang. Lost my train of thought. Thanks.

MAL: "What happen about me?"


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 8:27 AM


MSG...whoa. Thank you for sharing! Nice to put a face to the posts!
And, by the by...very hot.



Wednesday, July 5, 2006 8:33 AM


Lol, was looking over the older imponderable posts i missed, and to quote someone back then (all of two weeks ago), the ladies of fireflyfans are a beautiful bunch. And cant slip off without a complement on your editing skills, PRose, your picture makes a whole lot more sense and just is very cool after seeing the original. Tis great work.

Celebrity lists? Not me. Just, no. Nah. Nyet. No thanks. I try to avoid this whole celebrity obsession people seem to have, and on the flipside i havent watched too many movies like you folks have.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 8:47 AM


Thanks guys:) I actually don't like that one much, but I couldn't figure out which sub directory my husband put the good pics in:)

Whitefall- it doesn't have to be celebrity list. It can be politicians, musicians, anyone who is public enough for us to know who they are:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 8:55 AM


Well maybe i just like to be contrary is all.

Cant think of anyone off hand.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 9:52 AM


Alright, time for a new thread!

New thread:

See you all there!



Wednesday, July 5, 2006 10:33 AM


way back up there, the comment about sex drives kicking in - was meant in a light hearted facetious manner.

In my (albeit non too broad) experience, with teen boys the hormones hit hard and fast - to the point where you mention something as inoccuous as (water) jugs and half the poor things can't stand up.

And theres no such bloody thing as 'crude sexual desires' (I long for the day when the churchs grip slips once and for all from the supposedly secular culture) it's simply all part of the healthy libido - something which everyone needs, or we'd never have existed. Yes, you are underage, but thats where self restraint and good judgement comes in. Everything else is natural pure candy for the minds eye.

Stop repressing it or you'll give yourself issues in later life.

(unless you fantasise about hamsters or something, then repress away)

Eurgh. New angle on the kiddies debate - I was reading today that for our economy to remain viable, (what with old folk continuing to coffin doge for ridiculous abounts of time and women choosing lives and careers over babies) every woman would have to have at least three children.
The french are already planning to pay women to stay home and breed, and britain is looking at similar schemes. (subsidise childcare would be the simple solution)
Discuss all the implications of that one.

Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.






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