Male and Female Imponderables--Soft, What Light...

UPDATED: Friday, July 7, 2006 06:35
VIEWED: 11193
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Thursday, July 6, 2006 11:52 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Okay ladies, peeing standing up is fantastic. I am the reigning distance champ between my brother and cousins, (9 1/2 feet). Kinda sucks when drunk. You HAVE to aim. No Fire and Forget.
Hitting on women ain't hard, neither is casual sex. Its wanting something of substance that is difficult.

So it's useful AND fun. Camping would be so much more enjoyable.

Picking up woman: well, I would think it would be easy to go up to one and hit on her, but actually getting her to give you the time of day or to go home with you? that seems not so easy. Unless much alcohol has been consumed.

And to answer the original question: Yes, I do wish (sort of) to be a man. About once every month when I am doubled over in pain. But that's probably TMI.


Thursday, July 6, 2006 11:52 AM


You ROCK NV...bye

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, July 6, 2006 11:57 AM


ok, it would be interesting to see what peeing standing up would be like, peeing generally, seeing as the plumbing is so totally different.

But then i read NVG's post... you have to make a competition out of everything don't you guys?

Men! *rolls eyes*

Ok, gender-bending - i think this guy has cracked it somewhat. (the guy behind the mic - is it wierd that I think he makes a great woman? and that i'd love to see how cute he is as a bloke?)


Thursday, July 6, 2006 1:03 PM


And to answer the original question: Yes, I do wish (sort of) to be a man. About once every month when I am doubled over in pain. But that's probably TMI.

Yeah thats pretty much me too. That once a month...its a killer. I occasionally wonder what sex would be like as a guy but I think we women don't have that part too bad so I'm good. The physical strength would also be a plus.


...thinking it over...


Thursday, July 6, 2006 1:12 PM


ok found one more thing I'd like to do as a man...Would love the freedom to take my shirt off at the gym after my workout when I'm sweaty and overheated ( like now) to be able to just yank off my shirt would be nice!
EDIT- and may I just say that once a month thing is part of my "why God is definitely a man" we get severe pain once a month until we get the privilege of a small creature inside us who ( and I am serious here) cause our abdominal wall to split, rearranges our organs, stomps our bladders, and then after 9 months gives us an average of 12 hours of searing what sense is God a woman????
I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, July 6, 2006 1:19 PM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
CK, glad you like it, but I have to lodge my complaint against that game. I was constantly competing against it for Ex of Doom's attention. And on a (probably not really) unrelated note, it was shortly after he met a girl who was really into it that we started having problems.

I want someone to think I'm the most beautiful creature in the world....

I think your EX is an idiot! A real man would rather have a woman over a stupid game any day!


Thursday, July 6, 2006 1:52 PM


Alright, PR, since you asked:


And, by the law of transfer, most beautiful creature in the universe!


'It's Braedan. With an A.'

'Shiny moments aren't a destination any of us get to, and stay put forever. They're unknowable, brief flashes in time. That's what makes them shiny.' -GorramReevers


Thursday, July 6, 2006 3:44 PM


Opposite gender for a day? What a left-field concept... I know pretty much what I'd look like. I have a cousin who looks almost exactly like me, but female, so no big surprises there.

Let's see...

1. Make somebody who reminds me of me feel better about themselves (women have a talent with that).
2. Seeeeeeex...
3. ...I'm not really sure, truth be told. I don't walk down the path of hypotheticals.

For MsG, that accident was a chain reaction which started with a bunsen burner flare up, progressed to three people colliding as they tried to get away, and ended as one splashed sulfuric acid down my back. Bye-bye shirt, pants, and skivvies. Also, first time I got nekkid in public.

How many of you have been shoehorned into a job you hate? I just started a job that is absolutely deplorable, but with my skills, connections, and capabilities, is the only one available to me. 12 hour days, four days a week. So long 'what passes for a social life'. Grrr.

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.


Thursday, July 6, 2006 4:13 PM



Please tell me how a man can adore someone one day and then try and find ways to torture them the next?

And how do you make it stop - other than having msg take them out?


Thursday, July 6, 2006 5:36 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Awwwwwwww, I lurvs my Imponderable peoples!
Yes, Ex of Doom was obviously a moron. Did I mention he had problems with reality? Yeah, didn't live in the real world so much, which bit him very hard on the ass (actually the leg if you wanna get technical) which I think ultimately compounded the slight problems we were having into huge blowout problems in his head that caused him to dump me, spit on me, storm away like a child, and then not realize exactly what he'd done, even when he realized what he'd done.
*seethe seethe seethe*
Ok, little better now. Anyway, his games were more real to him than most other things when he was in a certain state of mind, which he was in most of the time and it was very difficult to get him out of. He also did much better with games than real life. He could actually follow through with them for one thing...
*more seething*
And his "I can't back down from a challenge" statements apparently applied only to challenging games and NOT real life challenges like trying to get through a difficult stage without becoming a total jackass and driving away the person who has actually supported and stood by you.

You know, I think this has been building up for awhile. Wanker.

Moving on...
I have occasioanly wondered what it would be like to be male, but despite the monthly pain (decreased immensely when I went on the pill) I like the way I'm built and I like being a woman. I would be curious not just about peeing standing up, but dealing with having those bits in the first place. I loved the Third Rock from the Sun episode when Sally got Dick's body and yelled "What am I supposed to do with your... with your GOODS?!" cracked me up. I don't know how it doesn't get in the way. But then I suppose boobies get in the way, they're just in a different place. I would be curious about sex. Would I retain my sensitive and sensual nature? Fully or just partial? How would that work there? But I would like to know how it felt. And I would like the chance to be with a beautiful woman, a chance which has so far been denied to me as most beautiful women seem much more interested in men than in me.
Can't think of anything else at the moment.




Thursday, July 6, 2006 6:11 PM


PR, I am truly sorry about your ex. All things considered, I think he did you a favor, as you didn't end up in anything more serious than what you had. You definitely deserve better than that.

Your experience is similar to the situation with my ex. We met playing an mmorpg and when we finally started dating, the game was more important to her than me. She struggled with it, but she had problems dealing with the real world and the responsibilities of maintaining a relationship. Short of the story is, we ended up moving in together, with talk of marriage and the like, but she ended up lying to me and leaving me to go live with another guy she knew in real life, but who was also in the mmorpg we played. Whether she lived with him for romantic purposes or just a place to crash when she left me is something I'm not sure of.

In this case, I also think she did me a favor, leaving me when she did instead of leaving 5 years down the road when we would have been married and possibly had kids. It's hard though, as I had invested a lot love, time and emotion into her. But, c'est la vie, they say. Life goes on and someone better will come along.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Thursday, July 6, 2006 9:23 PM


At last, a crowd receptive to WoW ranting.

Hmmm.... cant say much about exes, just.... keep flying folks, keep flying.

As for the female for a day thing.... well, if it was 'for a day in the life of a female' and not just out of the blue, i would find someone i know (because i'm afraid i rarely find a female without a group of folk) and interrogate them about female relationships to one another. As male they always strike me as more friendly, more fulfilling, just plain better, none of this awkwardness/pointless competitioning a lot of male relationships are under the hood. That more than anything, if it was for a day.

As for just plain being female, given it much thought, mostly due to my problems relating to males, and then females relating to me cause i am male. I figure the whole deal would be easier if I wasnt.

Eh. Still, at least male is low maintenance.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Thursday, July 6, 2006 10:26 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Yeah, I'm glad we didn't move in together, which we were talking about. Actually, had already decided to do before drama happened. My mom is of the same opinin; that I've been spared a lot of trouble and grief by his actions. I don't regret that, I'm just... pissed it went down that way. I'm sad and angry that he wasn't what I thought, you know? I try to see it as a learning experience but that's hard because I feel like I gave him something really precious that he just didn't appreciate. That kind of experience just gives you an "I'm never going to find someone I can truly connect with" feeling. And I don't understand why that has to be so difficult. Why it's difficult for so many people to really be able to relate to other people properly. I mean, the door was wide open. Well, I'm sure you know what I mean. the adage about leading a horse to water comes to mind.
And it's all well and good to know and feel that I do deserve better. The real trick is actually finding it. Seems easier as you get older (if my mom is any indicator) but I don't want to wait that long.

*Edit* Yes indeed, Whitefall, rant away! (with apologies to CaliforniaKaylee)




Friday, July 7, 2006 12:59 AM


JamesTheDark, I think we've all done jobs we hated, or despised, or didn't like, or that simply weren't good fits. Even at that: congratulations on getting a job! On the whole, it tends to be better to have one than not.

Also, as I recall from some previous post, you mention wanting to get off the island. That sort of desire tends to require a plan. A plan that addresses details like: Where do you want to go? When? How? What do you want to do?

Ideals aside, executing plans usually requires self-discipline and -- yes -- money. Even soul-killing jobs can be means to an end, and so, ultimately become good things.

Also, working 4 twelve-hour days, does that mean you will then get 3 days off? A lot of social life can be conducted in 3 days time.

I find all of the discussion about the complex virtual world gaming to be very interesting. I think people's experiences with it can be all over the place. For many, it is just recreation. For others, it's escape; even a substitute for real life.

Like any other seratonin-generating repetitive activity, gaming can become an addiction. Being involved with any kind of an addict is a bad scene.

PR, I don't know if Ex of Doom was a gaming addict or not. It also sounds like he could be commitment phobic. Another difficult sort. You're right: finding someone with whom to create a worthwhile life together is hard. It requires all kinds of stuff from you, other stuff from them, and working out how all of that fits together. Then there's all the effort, and that uncontrollable factor: a heavy dose of luck.

I think that as we get older, our expectations change and what we can accept and deal with changes. Even things that once would have been hurtful can magically morph into "Oh those are just his quirks." Charming at times, maddening at others. When it's (mostly harmlessly) maddening at times, you develop skills like simply rolling your eyes and going to another room. Or out to dinner with a girlfriend. Or, in my case, take my child out to do something.

Experience can also hone our observational abilities. It gives you a stronger basis for sizing up a potential SO.

Kind of a generic recommendation on a relationship book would be "Be Honest--You're Not That Into Him Either: Raise Your Standards and Reach for the Love You Deserve" by Ian Kerner. And/or "Why Men Love Bitches: From Doormat to Dreamgirl-A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship" by Sherry Argov.

FMF, when I was 30, I went through a devastating divorce. It was so horrendous, I became eternally grateful that no children were involved in that toxic mix despite the fertility treatments I endured during that doomed marriage. I know you have two kids. I think that makes it trickier.

It sounds like you do have support from family, at least your Mom. That is a definite plus. Support of all kinds is important. I know this will sound like just another time drain, but being part of a support group, even for a short time, can be very helpful. Even most of the churches around here tend to have "Healing from Divorce" type support groups. I don't think they're too hard to find.

My first, and correct, reaction to my ex's terrifying reaction to being told I'd had enough, was to look for another job in another town, almost anywhere else, preferably far away. I was a few days short of making it out. Like too many other women who leave, or try to leave, awful relationships, I was stalked and endured violence. I was lucky: the night he came over to kill me, he forgot his gun. It was still -- words fail me. He killed himself when the police came for him.

So, I had a little trouble finding a support group. The grief support group? Bad fit. The survivors of suicide support group? Bad fit. BTW survivors of suicide means those left behind when someone kills themselves; it doesn't mean survivors of attempted suicide.

I finally found an absolutely wonderful women's group, an eclectic collection of fabulous people. Women are survivors. You obviously are!


Friday, July 7, 2006 1:32 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by FIREfromHEAVEN:
PR, I don't know if Ex of Doom was a gaming addict or not. It also sounds like he could be commitment phobic. Another difficult sort. You're right: finding someone with whom to create a worthwhile life together is hard. It requires all kinds of stuff from you, other stuff from them, and working out how all of that fits together. Then there's all the effort, and that uncontrollable factor: a heavy dose of luck.

I think that as we get older, our expectations change and what we can accept and deal with changes. Even things that once would have been hurtful can magically morph into "Oh those are just his quirks." Charming at times, maddening at others. When it's (mostly harmlessly) maddening at times, you develop skills like simply rolling your eyes and going to another room. Or out to dinner with a girlfriend. Or, in my case, take my child out to do something.

See, according to any that observed the two of us together, specifically my mom, I had an extraordinary tolerance for his "quirks". I did just roll my eyes and brush it off a lot. He was stubborn and geeky and needed lots of time to himself. I talked to him about communication and usually we did well on that front, and he stopped holing up like the world was out to get him, but he was still outragiously stubborn. He actually thought his stubborn nature would save him from health problems. I think when he realized that wasn't so it freaked him out a little; plus I stopped rolling my eyes and saying that's just how he was because I actually wanted him to live for awhile. so he holed up and refused to speak to me for weeks and finally wrote the cruel e-mail I posted a few threads back. Now his "quirks" could no longer be endearing and his emotional blindness pisses me off more than ever.
Anyway. Yeah, I think "gaming addict" would be a fair description. Irony that one of the things that initially attracted me was that he wasn't a drug user. Can't be with users. Almost everyone who forgoes seems to be an addict of another sort, though. Gaming addict, religious addict *cough* Firefly addict. Or maybe I'm a feel-good emotion from cuddles addict. Won't say sex addict because it doesn't always require that. But I'm doing, er, okay without that, so I guess that doesn't define an addict.
And I would not call myself a real doormat, either. I care a lot, but I don't just let everything slide. I don't know. Maybe I'm too emotionally advanced for my age

Originally posted by FIREfromHEAVEN:
My first, and correct, reaction to my ex's terrifying reaction to being told I'd had enough, was to look for another job in another town, almost anywhere else, preferably far away. I was a few days short of making it out. Like too many other women who leave, or try to leave, awful relationships, I was stalked and endured violence. I was lucky: the night he came over to kill me, he forgot his gun. It was still -- words fail me. He killed himself when the police came for him.

Lord and Lady, that sounds like a horrifying experience. I'm very glad I've never had a SO with any violent tendancies. I think that's one flaw I'm able to spot (knock on wood). Trying to tone up the observational skills in other areas, too! I am very glad you got through this.




Friday, July 7, 2006 2:38 AM


Good morning, all!

Again, I missed quite a bit.
FFH, I am sorry for your troubles. I don't know what else to say except I am glad you are here.

Um...never really thought too much about being female for a spell. Might be entertaining to try!



Friday, July 7, 2006 2:59 AM


Likewise, Tristan. I think it would interesting to be male for a little while.

I don't know if anyone's familiar with it, but there is a book called Self-Made Man, where as an experiment, the author lived as a man for eighteen months. When I heard about that, I thought it was fascinating. I think women have a tendency to underestimate some of the difficulties that men face in life. So actually living as a male would not only be a better way to gain understanding, but also to develop better relationships with men in your own life. Would be interesting to try.


"I...won't be just a memory."


Friday, July 7, 2006 3:24 AM


Good morning all!

The gender swapping thing reminds of a poll I saw someplace - I think on TV - asking women what they'd do if they had a man's body for a short time. It was so lame and G-rated - the #1 answer was pee standing up. Which is fun and all, but obvious answer for me is sex, sex and sex! It'd be so educational to know what a man feels. And also to understand why there's that stereotype of men being lead around by their you-know-whats. Is it really all that overwhelming to have one?

My question to men: (follow me down into the gutter... ready?) if you had a woman's body, would you have sex with a man just to know how it feels? I'm guessing that a lot of men wouldn't because of a manly aversion to (a-hem) being penetrated...

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Friday, July 7, 2006 3:30 AM


Morning, Mal4Prez!
Overwhelming to have man parts? Not really. They serve their purpose well, sometimes get us into trouble, and ocassionally get in the way (zippers are a real killer). But I wouldn't trade it away.
I think it might be interesting to find out what sex feels like from y'all's perspective...might learn a thing or two, as well!



Friday, July 7, 2006 3:33 AM



Originally posted by msg:
...made prima of the best modern dance company in the Western U.S. before...

Really - which company? That is so sad about your ankle. I want to send you virtual roses but I'm not so savvy. It must have been hearbreaking!

I love dancing too, but I started when I was 19 so not much hope of being technically great. I wish I started younger and had a chance, I'd love to dance with a company!

I've rediscovered dance lately - these wonderful Jose Limon type classes. Ballet based but so much more released in the upper body, and a very relaxed atmosphere and great music. I love it!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Friday, July 7, 2006 3:35 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Ok, here is an odd question that possibly gets into the realm of TMI or even possibly grossness, but I have to ask the other ladies here something.

Did you notice a change in your *ahem* personal aroma after you started having sex? Also, do you notice different smells depending on what you eat? I'm pretty sure this is fairly normal, but sometimes it bugs me.


Yeah, I think some men might be nervous being, as you say, penetrated. But you know, I think that's something that should be experienced if a man were to ever get a woman's body; they should understand why they simply cannot push that kind of thing. Not that every man does that, but many do. I'm not talking rape here, we all know that's bad. I'm talking just being overly eager to get it on, at times as quickly as possible. I dated a few guys like that and it freaked me out. They could have benefited from experiencing that kind of vulnerability, I think.




Friday, July 7, 2006 3:36 AM


Mal4Prez, feel free to borrow this rose:



Friday, July 7, 2006 3:38 AM



Originally posted by mal4prez:
Good morning all!



My question to men: (follow me down into the gutter... ready?) if you had a woman's body, would you have sex with a man just to know how it feels? I'm guessing that a lot of men wouldn't because of a manly aversion to (a-hem) being penetrated...
If I could have a woman's body for a while, I'd most definitely try to experience everything such a body is capable of. Why on earth not? I'd want to know, so that, like any valuable knowledge, I could put it to good use later.

As for aversion to penetration, well, as I am now I have no interest in that (some men do - nothing wrong with that). But that would change if I could be in a woman's body for a time, because during that time I'd be a woman and, let's be blunt about it, penetration is the primary purpose of some of those parts, right?

(I apologize for the bad alliteration at the end of that bit. )

"That's what government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal


Friday, July 7, 2006 3:46 AM


Yay! Thank you Tristan!

This is for you MSG:

I'm pleased with the positive answers re the sex question! I'm not so attracted to women, but if I had a man's body, I'd get over it. The things I'd learn to make use of later!

A man who'd miss out on the reverse opportunity is silly! Besides, it's something your lover does with you regularly, who are you to pass it by as too scary?

Another less gutter thing occurred to me - if I had a man's body, I would do a ton of pullups. I used to lift weights a lot, but even at my strongest I could do 2 pull-ups, that's all! I'd love to be able to do more!!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Friday, July 7, 2006 4:01 AM


PhoenixRose, there is a big difference between putting up with too much crap and knowing what's reasonable and tolerable. Also, knowing what's worth helping to overcome and what's most likely futile is quite the hat trick and difficult at any age. There's too much romanticism about sacrificing for love. I say this even though being self-sacrificing and enduring are fundamental aspects of myself. Also, loyal; sometimes too loyal.

Being intensely interested and actually being addicted are different. No, really!

You did share something precious with him that he didn't sufficiently appreciate. And that's hurtful. But, here's the secret: you are just as sacred now as you ever were. Truly sharing yourself, emotionally, physically, and in other ways is a profound experience. And a profound gift that you give to someone.

Oh, the book, "Why Men Love Bitches: From Doormat to Dreamgirl-A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship," was written by a comedian, but she has some practical things to say, too. I occasionally enjoy acerbic wit. I am not under the impression at all that you are a doormat.

Horrifying is an apt description. I hope you are able to always spot violent tendencies. It's something that I always thought I shied away from. Some men are good at hiding what they really are. Think Ted Bundy.

Tristan, thank you. You're a sweetheart. Despite my best, highly concerted efforts to live a dull life, it has been extraordinarily eventful.

The ugly, ugly divorce was more than 16 years ago. I've been over it for a long, long time. Current husband is a very nice man. I do tease him that, at least I know where he is every night because all of his (electronic, mechanical) mistresses are here at home. You know, the computers, the music equipment, the car...

Interestingly, he's not a gamer. The very thought of it just makes him go tilt. I'd be more inclined.


Friday, July 7, 2006 4:06 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
Did you notice a change in your *ahem* personal aroma after you started having sex? Also, do you notice different smells depending on what you eat? I'm pretty sure this is fairly normal, but sometimes it bugs me.

Can't say I ever noticed anything like that.


For what?


Yeah, I think men might be nervous being, as you say, penetrated.
It's not a question of nervousness, but of preference (at least for me).


But you know, I think that's something that should be experienced of a man were to ever get a woman's body; they should understand why they simply cannot push that kind of thing. Not that every man does that, but many do. I'm not talking rape here, we all know that's bad. I'm talking just being overly eager to get it on, at times as quickly as possible. I dated a few guys like that and it freaked me out. They could have benefited from experiencing that kind of vulnerability, I think.
As I said in my last post, it would be quite valuable to know what that's like. On the other hand, it's not necessary for the purpose of knowing how to pace things so that both parties are comfortable with what's happening. That just takes practice and, of course, the desire to make sex pleasing to both parties, hence better for both parties.

I'm very selfish - I want sex to be as good as possible for me. (How lousy would selfless sex be? The women here can probably in general relate to that more than the men.) However, I've long since realized that the only way to make sex the best for me is to make it as good as possible for her at the same time. Seemed obvious to me all along. (Do I succeed at that every time? Of course not. No one does. But I always try.)

It's a weird analogy, but I was the same way as a basketball player. I had more assists and played better defense than anyone on my team. Sometimes I scored the most points, sometimes I didn't. Most people would have called me the most selfless player out there, but they'd have been very, very wrong. I was far and away the most selfish player, because I didn't care what anyone else wanted, I would do whatever was necesseary to achieve my own, personal goal: winning the game. In sex, "winning the game" means making it as enjoyable as possible for me, and that requires making it as enjoyable as possible for both of us. (Or for everyone in the room, if there's more than two. ) In that exact sense I'm a very selfish lover, too, but once you understand the proper meaning of "selfish" you realize that it's not "running roughshod over others to get what you want" but "setting a rational goal and achieving it without sacrificing yourself to anyone or anyone to you."

"That's what government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal


Friday, July 7, 2006 4:14 AM


Morning all:) OK I say we have a virtual jerk burning for both genders ex evil SO's'll be fun!
Mal4Prez thanks so much and the Dance Company I made Prima at is RDT ( Reperatory Dance Theatre). I also performed with American Ballet Theatre in New York and Ririe Woodbury

I guess I just pondered the day as another gender thing because it woul really be interesting to see what it's really like.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, July 7, 2006 4:26 AM



Originally posted by msg:
Mal4Prez thanks so much and the Dance Company I made Prima at is RDT ( Reperatory Dance Theatre). I also performed with American Ballet Theatre in New York and Ririe Woodbury

Tristan, do you have a a little bowing down guy for me?

Anyway, I am bowing down as I type - ABT, wow! Go you!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Friday, July 7, 2006 4:31 AM


Mal4Prez it wasn't all that exciting ( ABT) ok I lie it was great!! only did a few joint performances, but it was fantastic. I was offered a job in ABT "chorus" , but I was too young and by the time I wasn't I was too damaged:( oh well I still got to meet Mischa ( yes he is absolutely as hot as he seems)

oooh I have a question ( not really ponderable, but none the less) What one outfit can your SO or someone you know wear that just sends you into a frenzy?

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, July 7, 2006 4:38 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by msg:
OK I say we have a virtual jerk burning for both genders ex evil SO's'll be fun!

I think that is an excellent idea!




Friday, July 7, 2006 4:38 AM



I don't really have any outfits that send my wife into a frenzy...I don't think so, anyway. As for her...anytime she wears a dress (she works in jeans, t-shirt, and an "over-shirt") she is in peril...also, when she wears well-fitted jeans...also when she wears her pajama bottoms and her comfy shirt...ok, this isn't going to work. I am very biased...anything the wife wears throws me into a frenzy. And then there's the times she doesn't wear anything....


Friday, July 7, 2006 4:41 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Bowing emote:
*edit* Damn, beaten to the punch!


Originally posted by msg:
What one outfit can your SO or someone you know wear that just sends you into a frenzy?

Anything silk or fishnet. Better yet, both!




Friday, July 7, 2006 4:47 AM


PR-ok just tell me you mean women right??? or maybe not:)
For me I have to say... just check out causal's pic!
I mean big muscular attractive guy holding large gun standing next to even larger gun...hormones went on riot alert status!!!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, July 7, 2006 5:02 AM



Originally posted by msg:
What one outfit can your SO or someone you know wear that just sends you into a frenzy?

I'll let you know just as soon as I have an SO...

"That's what government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal


Friday, July 7, 2006 5:09 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by msg:
PR-ok just tell me you mean women right??? or maybe not:)

Well, maybe in terms of getting away with both at the same time...
But nothing is sexier than a fishnet shirt. Doesn't matter what sex you are, fishnet is hot. And silk boxers... Yum. Silk anything, but especially the boxers. I suppose that doesn't count as an "outfit" per se...
Ok, it's kinda like the "I'm not wearing underwear" thing for some people. If I was told that my man was wearing silk boxers... GAH!
And fishnet, again, just makes me want to jump on people.




Friday, July 7, 2006 5:10 AM



Originally posted by msg:
...I say we have a virtual jerk burning for both genders ex evil SO's'll be fun!

i know a lot of people feel this way, but speaking for myself, (and this may be rare, i don't know), i still feel close to each person with whom i have had an intimate relationship - i've never been divorced - (i was really sure of my partner when we married and it has stuck very well) - but all my lovers before marriage left with me a part of themselves - and usually very fond memories.

The only painful breakup i was involved in was an affair a couple years into my marriage - it was a stupid mistake on both or parts, (she was newly married as well), but sometimes things happen that no one can control - i wrote that one off to experience - and she is the only woman from my past that i have not remained in touch with (as a friend)....

i guess i have been pretty lucky in love - so save the torch for someone else....


Friday, July 7, 2006 5:27 AM


That's great Dayve...that's why I qualified it with evil SO's because I don't have evil ones either so I figure we only cull/burn the bad ones.

PR- yeah guns have the same effect on me especially when carried by big buff guys ( ok still kinda emabarrassed about how drooly I went over Causal )

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, July 7, 2006 5:30 AM


Woo-hoo! Fun with emoticons!


As for as sexy outfits... Don't currently have an SO, but if I saw, say... Nathan Fillion in jeans and nothing else, I would attack. OK, that's not fair, he looks great in everything. But I love a bare chest and the right pair of jeans - mostly loose but properly fitted in some places - makes it difficult for me to keep my hands to myself.


Dang, it just got warm in here!

Edit: forgot to say - Causal - now, why can't that picture have you all shirtless?? Oh right - so I won't ruin my keyboard drooling. Thanks for the thoughtfulness!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Friday, July 7, 2006 5:32 AM


Dayve, I agree with you. The only ex I have that I did not really remain on friendly terms is the first wife...that one was bad. Every other SO I have had I remained on mostly good terms; only quit talking if one of us went away.

MSG...I have guns. Lots of them...some are big, too. I don't really fall into the "buff" category, but I am relatively well-constructed (still trying to get you to take me as another husband...)



Friday, July 7, 2006 5:46 AM


Tristan- hey if I ever end up can have me as your other wife:) Oh and just to torment you... I am making chicken with mushrooms, artichokes, and asparagus in homemade pesto with hand made linguini noodles and fresh parmesan reggiano, ceasar salad, and homemade french bread with garlic/shallot butter and apples in cream in puff pastry ( I like to really cook on weekends)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, July 7, 2006 5:50 AM


Good Morning to the most wonderful folks in the 'verse.
Sounded pretty happy, didn't it.

MSG- Gotta find the pics my baby sis took (tough guy photos as she calls them). She and her boyfriend went to the range with me one day and had a blast. Silly boyfriend said that me running drills was some "Solid Snake" looking stuff. Needless to say he is genuinely afraid of me and told all his friends. Good thing I like him (I guess).

Didn't get to try out much of the chick magnet objective yesterday. Way too hot for the baby to be out long.

Oh yeah, and the weather was scorching too.

P.S. MSG is mean and torturous and evil. Please, no food talk this early. (Wipes drool)

MAL: "What happen about me?"


Friday, July 7, 2006 5:52 AM


*sniff, sniff, sob, sob*

Now that's just wrong MsG. Here I am, stuck in gulag (otherwise known as my job), and you start goin' on about food. Not right at all.


Five more hours to go...


"I...won't be just a memory."


Friday, July 7, 2006 5:53 AM


MSG, hey, at least that's something to look forward to!

As for the rest:

And I say this with love and respect...tease! I am surprised your husband doesn't weigh 500lbs with cooking that sounds that good...



Friday, July 7, 2006 5:54 AM


NV- go for it...but wait until I've taken a tranquilizer...I might just have a heart attack!!!
I mean lets just face it, if you were any more my type I'd be forced to ( ok soooo not gonna finish that thought!)
Anyway good morning to you and all

EDIT- sorry Deepgirl HUGS...Tristan love I'm sure he's surprised as well. Actually I don't think he really notices my cooking that much. Kinda used to it by now:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, July 7, 2006 5:56 AM


Just looked at the post count on this thread...we're approaching 200 quickly. I'll start another thread ASAP and post the link in here.

NVG, morning! I am looking forward to seeing those pics, too!

New thread:



Friday, July 7, 2006 5:57 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I like a man with guns, but I like a man with swords more.
I have a bit of a blade fetish. No one ever gets it; they assume it means I like cutting/being cut. No, I just like the blade - softly - run along the skin. Brrrrrrrr...
Weapons are sexy. Not so much with the uniforms personally, though.

*drools over food description*
Forget another husband! Do you want a wife?




Friday, July 7, 2006 5:59 AM


As long as I’m hanging around here this morning, let me weigh in on the macho man gun deal. I’m not spoiling for a fight here nor would I ever deride another persons opinion, but I have to take a bit of offense at this stereotypical male image. First, before I come off as a total wimp, I want to say that I have a gun cabinet with several rifles, shotguns and a few handguns as well. And I have killed large game in the past, (have not done that in many years, though). These are weapons you usually find in most rural residences for whatever reason. And let me make it clear that I fully support this nation’s military, even though i am very much against the current police action they have been forced into.

But, here’s the deal.... I’ve lived in a country environment most of my life and I’ve seen behavior by some men, not all of course, but quite a few very reckless, and to be honest, totally idiotic people in regards to firearms. This may go against the Firefly, Independent, ideology, but the image this presents can sometimes lead to real harm.

Maybe as I get older, my pacifistic nature has taken a stronger hold on my beliefs - and I will always opt for peaceful solutions to otherwise violent situations. I realize this may be a false hope, but it remains my hope none the less.

Is this imponderable?


Friday, July 7, 2006 6:04 AM



OMG, I have just seen this response. I am so sorry for the troubles you had :( I am glad you are doing better!


Friday, July 7, 2006 6:12 AM


Thank you, FMF! Sadly, the only thing that is terribly unusual about my experience is the fact that I overcame it completely and moved totally past all of that. Of course, far too many women die. Women tend to be in more danger from (as MSG might call them) evil SO's than from strangers.

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." -- Mohandas Gandhi


Friday, July 7, 2006 6:35 AM


Always been a realist about steel. Had to teach several Law Enforcement officers to ALWAYS bring a knife to a gunfight. Common sense is the biggest killer for those who don't know any better.

Sword play. Yes please.

MAL: "What happen about me?"






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