RP Act 3 "Badgers Betrayl" or "Holy crap this post is HUGE"

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 18:15
VIEWED: 17368
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Monday, January 12, 2004 6:40 PM


good to have yah back, SerenitysSon and Capn

Inara's turn

Inara stretches and turns over in her cot, her lids flickering with the dreams within.

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Monday, January 12, 2004 6:55 PM


OOC - A tribute to my lust for Inara

Maniac dreams about Inara stretching and turning on her cot. Having her in his mind is sweet and satisfying. Sweeter than sunshine, and not so fleeting. Far away, at the edge of the rim the noise goes on. Here at the center the great wheel is motionless. At the center where there is the un-awakened sleep, I find Inara and she is still, while time roars far off, forever far off, towards the rim.


Monday, January 12, 2004 10:28 PM


OOC: Thanks Ciara good to be back and nice to see you.

Jayne's Turn:

Jayne replies: "Alright Doc, we're headin' down now."

Jayne grabs Niska by the legs and hauls him up the ladder, making sure to bump Niska's head against every rung, then proceeds to again drag him across the deck plating bumping and banging until he tosses him into the infirmary.

Jayne pulls out a rather large and wicked looking knife and asks "Hey Doc, 'afore you go an' get that there blood sample, you want me ta' fetch ya' a skin sample?"
A large grin splays across Jayne's face...

Also... I can kill you with my brain...


Tuesday, January 13, 2004 2:40 AM


Kaylee's Move:

Book shows up as she's banging around inside Inara's shuttle.

"Fine mess ya done made, Sheperd. Gonna be a while 'for I can fix it. If you wanna help repair some o' the damage, could ya go down to the engine room and bring up my toolbox?"

Shakes head sadly as she surveys the damage. What a mess.

End Move

"I love my Captain."


Tuesday, January 13, 2004 2:56 AM


OOC: Yay! CapnRahn & SerenitysSon are back! Woo hoo!

Zoe's Move:
ZOE follows MAL off the bridge, headed toward Jayne's quarters. While they walk, ZOE keeps her voice for MAL's ears only.

"Sir, much as I hate to admit it, I don't think we should assume Jayne had anything to do with Niska gettin' on board. Early's been here twice before with us none the wiser until it was too late, and he was workin' with Niska on this one."

They hear Simon's voice over the intercom, but can't make out what he says, and just as they reach Jayne's bunk, they hear the sound of Niska's body bouncing its way down the hall as Jayne hauls Niska off to the infirmary.

"Don't much like the sound of that... Think Jayne may've taken it into his head to do sumthin about Niska after all?"

They pick up speed, following the noise to the infirmary. Jayne is brandishing his knife at Niska with an evil grin and Simon is suppressing a disgusted look at Jayne while collecting his sampling supplies.

End Move.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Tuesday, January 13, 2004 3:33 AM


River runs to her room

They won't stop, make them stop!

She starts to cry, continuing to say things like that.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!


Tuesday, January 13, 2004 5:04 AM


Inara's turn

Inara wakens from a troubled dream, her throat catching in fear. She shakes her head to clear it, and sits slowly up. Stretching, she rises to her feet, and straightens her cot.

She is pale, and her hands have begun to shake. If she doesn't get her dose soon, the convulsions will begin.

She hurries to the shuttle door, and heads off toward her own shuttle.

"maybe Kaylee has it fixed so I can get inside..."

End Inara's turn
OOC--ok I noticed that in the "Ariel" episode, Inara goes for her physical...when asked how it goes, she doesn't answer "well" or anything like that--she answers "just like last year"....I suspect the syringes have something to do with an illness she has...hope that's ok

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Tuesday, January 13, 2004 8:22 AM


Book turns on his heel and goes right back the same way he came. As he exits Inara's damaged shuttle, Book hears a commotion coming from the direction of the common room, and makes a quick detour down the cargo bay stairs to see what the noise might be.


Tuesday, January 13, 2004 9:06 AM


Kaylee's Move:

Inara stumbles in, looking pale. She has dark circles under her eyes. Kaylee has never seen her looking anything but pristine and put-together.

"Inara, you ok? You don't look so good. I'm not sure when your shuttle'll be up for flyin' again, but you should be able to move back in later tonight. I think some of your things are off in the black, nothin' I can do 'bout that. Looks like most of it is here, though. You really should try and rest."

End Move

"I love my Captain."


Tuesday, January 13, 2004 11:01 AM


Arriving unseen at the infirmary, and noticing the glint off Jayne's knife and the hunch to his shoulders that indicates he's ready to do some harm, Book speaks quietly from the door.

Book to Jayne and the rest of the infirmary

"I can't think of a single person who deserves it more than Niska, but if we torture him, we'll be sitting on the same level of Hell with him for all eternity. [beat] ...and I don't much like his company."

Book looks grim.


Tuesday, January 13, 2004 12:26 PM


OOC: There is no right or wrong CIARA. You're playing Inara so if you wish to solidify what the syringe was about, by all means feel free. Just remember that outside of the RP there are people who will disagree with you. In point of fact, there's not enough evidence to support a decision one way or the other. One of the many wonderful things about this series: so much is left up to audience speculation.


Wash patted his wife on the butt as she left, and then proceeded to situate himself at his bridge once again. Having had a rough but sizably relaxing sleep, and although sore from the day before, he was ready for anything.

After insuring everything was on target and on course and no worries, Wash noticed his eyes wandering back to the old shuttle homing beacon thingy on the far wall. It was still blinking.

Maybe I aughtta give that a once over, Wash thought to himself. Or maybe it's something with the busted shuttle that's makin' the homing beacon blink like that.


He flicked on the intercom for the busted shuttle, where he figured Kaylee might still be.

*blink* *blink*

"Hey Kaylee? When you're done over there can ya come back up here to the bridge and give the beacon a looksee? Maybe something's broken on the shuttle causing it to blink?"

*blink* *blink* *blink*


"Hang on, travelers..."


Tuesday, January 13, 2004 1:14 PM


*hopes Wash isn't epileptic or something!*

*blink blink blink*

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Tuesday, January 13, 2004 1:27 PM


Maybe Wash is twitching mad at Fox.


Die like the miserable Foxes you are!!!

Anyway- Capn Rahn- Raven Whyte Wing is interested in doubling up with you on Simon. Contact Raven at:

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!


Tuesday, January 13, 2004 2:04 PM


MAL:[Mal walking with Zoe to Infirmary.]Says to Zoe:"I don't much tucker to the notion of Jayne turncoatin' on us. Not after his time in the airlock afore. But I'm thinkin' Niska and company found us some kind o' way. My thinking is we go get some ideas from our "guest". You got a problem with that, say so now! If not, well then, we got us a litte time to kill 'till Hara."[They both hurry to Infirmary hearing Jayne's commotion.]Says to Jayne:"Jayne, I want you to get with Kaylee once she gets done with repairs on Serenity. The both o' you come up with some ideas on how to keep what happened to us from happening again. Auto-sentries, external weapons systems, I don't care! We aren't letting anyone get the jump on us again any time soon!"[Turns to Simon.]Says to Simon:"Doc', I need some answers from this liou mahng. Being as you're a genious Doctor, like as not, I'd be obliged to you if you'd give Niska something to make him real talkative. Being that he'll probably run out of body parts if I question him my way. Or maybe that spooky mei mei o' yours could help us out some?"END TURN.


Tuesday, January 13, 2004 2:25 PM


OOC: No Wash is not blinkin' it's that thing in the corner.

"Hang on, travelers..."


Tuesday, January 13, 2004 3:04 PM


Stands between Jayne and Niska (who is on the table, I would assume) but still looks towards where River has disappeared

If my ideas do not work out ... you can have him ... but only if the Captain agrees.

begins to tie Niska down and insure that there are NO sharp impliments within reach of the table. Going so far as to empty any drawers or pockets

As for the rest of you, it would be best if I did this alone.
Simon's eyes have a hard glint in them
So get out of my infirmary.

Captain, as soon as he is ready, I'll let you know.

Comms Inara, his hard expression softening

Inara, could you please look after River for me?

nods at Inara's response and turns back to Niska,tightens straps and ropes and begins to draw samples

Did you know Core Doctors are required to read Shan Yu? It was one of my best scored courses.
looks at freshly unpacked scapel
... To know how to cause complete pain is also the knowledge of how to completely remove pain.

Sinus pills ... my kingdom fer tylonol allergy/sinus ... snerchhhhh ... uuuhhhgg
{count that as a sneeze, not vomit }

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Tuesday, January 13, 2004 7:28 PM


ooc I think Inara's actually over at her shuttle, not in the infirmary, but I'll pass it along :)

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Tuesday, January 13, 2004 8:09 PM


MAL:[Taken aback by Simon's show of backbone. Surprised look on Mal's face.]Says to Simon:"Hell, Doc. You're a nan ren zhong de nan ren! Didn't think you had much gumption for unethical practices. Might be hope for you yet! Give me a heads up if you get results. If not, well, he's still got other body parts he can stand to lose."[Turns to Zoe and others within earshot.] Says to Zoe:"Think I'll ruminate over some vittles. Whatsay we head to the Galley for some chow friends. Might want to grab River,Kaylee, and Wash as well."[Starts walking to Galley. Looks back over his shoulder at Niska. Thinking there's always time for payback. This'll be a long trip. Who's to say what might happen in the black? Pats pocket with Niska's ear in it and smiles.]END TURN.

ooc:Welcome back Capnrahn. Nice work with Simon. Sorry about confusion of character whereabouts all. With all the commotion, it was difficult to remember who was where doing what.


Tuesday, January 13, 2004 8:19 PM


Book sees the immense response to Jayne's racket, everyone pouring in, and also Simon's defense and Mal's notion of mind-altering drugs as opposed to leg-breaking.
Walking away before the talk is at an end, Book continues up the aft stairway thinking about Early. He absentmindedly picks up Kaylee's toolbox in the engine room and doesn't even remember leaving it in Inara's shuttle before coming back to his normal thinking somewhere in the galley.


Tuesday, January 13, 2004 8:57 PM


Jayne's Turn:

"Well Mal if your wantin' to stop this from happenin' again, I can just put Wang here away in Niska's throat.
(OOC: I figure if Jayne names his favorite gun, he'll name his favorite knife)

"But since Doc's pansifin' ways seem ta' be rubbin' off on ya, I'll go see what I can do with that there pile o' weapons these gorram idiots came in with..."

Jayne heads down to the cargo bay and begins to sift through the loot from the bodies.

Also... I can kill you with my brain...


Tuesday, January 13, 2004 9:51 PM



Simon glances over to Mal, his face looking too much like graven stone.

Nothing unethical, Captain. It's just... I begin to see a thread unraveling. I believe Niska here may be a nexus in our troubles and needs to be explored.

turns works for a second, then turns back to Mal

I think I am beginning to understand your point of view. This is about protecting family ...grins slightly... here on Serenity.


WHOOPS! I thought I had gotten everybodies location. So I 'repaired' my troublesome post above and tried a new header on this here post. To help avoid confusion, o'course!

Ah well, on with the tale ...

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 2:08 AM


Kaylee's Move:

Listens to Wash's request over the comm.

"Let me check sumthin' out, Wash, and then I'll be up."

Heads to front of shuttle, starts to tinker under the console.

"Hmmm...this isn't right...where does this...Oh, that gorramit ming da wei (OOC: I suck at Chinese)..."

Pulls a hunk of wires out, causing the blinking light on the bridge to stop.

"Wash, we gotta problem here. I got the beacon ta stop transmitting, but somebody out there knows where we're goin'. Better tell the Captain."

End Move

"I love my Captain."


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 3:46 AM


Sorry for interupting the action - I just wanted to say how much I'm enjoying this!

And thanks heaps for the synopsis about half way down. I missed the beginning of the story and really don't think I have time to read all the previous threads (what with being at work, and all... )

"I think the right place to start is to say, fair is fair. This is who we are. These are our numbers." Mr Willis of Ohio - The West Wing


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 4:31 AM


No problem, BarneyT. It's nice to know there's readers gettin' as much enjoyment outta this RP as the players... There'll probably be another new thread posting soon, and at that point I'll probably have a more complete synopsis in the leader post.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 4:54 AM


OOC: ..oh dear.. I'd planned something else but Kaylee's last move just altered where I was goin'..


Kaylee pulled a hunk of wires out, causing the blinking light on the bridge to stop, then said, "Wash, we gotta problem here. I got the beacon ta stop transmitting, but somebody out there knows where we're goin'. Better tell the Captain."

"Understood. Confirmed on the beacon. It's not blinking anymore. I'll tell the captain." Wash switches his intercom to Malcolm. "Cap we gotta problem. Somebody rigged up our homing beacon on the shuttles to double as a tracker for our ship. Kaylee stopped it from transmitting but.."

Wash sniffs the air, he looks back over at the homing beacon console across the room, a very worried look crosses his face. Kaylee can see smoke coming from the homing beacon console. Not where she pulled the wires but from a different panel.

Wash says into the intercom, "Mal! Electrical fire on bridge!" He goes for a fire extinguisher (or 24th century equivalent).


"Hang on, travelers..."


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 5:16 AM


OOC: Join the club, Zach! I was postin' at the same time you were... here's my corrected move...

Zoe's Move:

Follows MAL to the galley and helps get some food together for them as feel like eating.

To Mal: "Mighty brave thing the doctor just took onto himself, Sir. You think it's wise to let him run free on Niska, no one there to keep him from gettin' outta hand or guide the questions he asks? Might be he ain't lookin' for the same information you are."

Gives MAL a significant look, then heads to the bridge with a plate made up for WASH.

ZOE steps onto the bridge just in time to hear WASH tell MAL about the beacon. She notices the smoke just as WASH does. ZOE quickly puts the plate down off to the side, and helps WASH put the fire out.

"Brought you something. Didn't think you'd be hungry enough to cook yourself." *beat* "Did I hear you say they were usin' Inara's shuttle beacon to track us?"

At WASH's nod, continues...

"Wo de ma! Wash, do you remember where you tucked that note from Early? Maybe he left us some clues as to what exactly he did to the ship when he was here."

End Move.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 5:40 AM


Inara's turn

Inara turns to watch Kaylee run along the catwalk toward the bridge. She turns her gaze back to her damaged shuttle. I'm sure it's safe, Kaylee was in there earlier....

Inara enters her shuttle

Her things are in chaos. Everything is pushed against the far wall, the lights and atmo are barely functioning, she smells ozone from burnt fuses and whatever small fires started when her shuttle hit. These things are unimportant. What matters most is a small, rectangular box, covered in black patterned fabric, and a smaller box in red. "It was at my bedside..surely it survived. Kaylee's words ring in her ears "I think some of your things are off in the black, nothin' I can do 'bout that."

Her bed is wedged against the far wall, the bedside table pushed underneath from the force of impact. With her remaining strength, she pulls the bed aside. Pushing the table upright, she finds the boxes. She feels wetness on the red box as she picks it up. Inside, all the vials are shattered. It is the same with the syringe. There is nothing here to help her....she stands and exits the shuttle. Standing on the catwalk, she sees Jayne below, going over the bodies of the dead.

She smells copper, and feels warmth on her upper lip. Hastily, she wipes away the blood there.

End Inara's turn

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 5:49 AM



After the smoke clears, Wash glances around for the note but then remembers, "I think Mal had it last. Actually I sorta passed out after I read it. Bad day yesterday. This one ain't turning out to be much better.."

He walks over to the beacon console and opens up a panel to check for more fires. Burning himself slightly on the hot plating, he sees more fire and douses it with preventative foam.

"I don't remember it signed by anyone, but it did start with something about early birds catching worms. So it could be this Early guy. Actually that note was inside the console under the pilot seat. It wasn't over here on the other side of the room in the beacon."

After inspecting it visually, Wash puts his hand inside the console and pulls out the culprit: the charred remains of what appears to be some kinda electronic gizmo - perhaps a surveillance device. It self-destructed when Kaylee pulled the wires.

Wash looks at the device. It's still hot so he sets it down on a flat tablespace, and blows on his hands. "Is that a bug? Were we wired for sound in here? Makes me wonder if there's other doodads like this on the ship."


"Hang on, travelers..."


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 6:35 AM


Book is sitting in an corner unseen as Mal and Zoe enter the galley. He listens to them talk and exits the galley after they finish their conversation, heading back to the infirmary.

Book to himself (quietly)

"Niska... Early.... hmmm."


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 7:49 AM


MAL:[Gets situated with some grub on a plate and his favorite chopsticks. Listens to Zoe speak.]Says to Zoe:"Makes no nevermind to me what the Doctor does, long as he gets results. Like to be alls I care about. That chao-shang tza-jiao duh tzang-huo Niska is gonna sing like a canary whether or no."[Hears Wash call from Bridge.Starts to get up, but sits back down as Zoe attends to matters.] Says aloud:"Jen dao mei. Oh juh jen sh guh kwai luh duh jean jan!"[Continues with his meal.]END TURN.


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 7:51 AM


Kaylee's Move:

After having gone to the bridge and watching Wash & Zoe put out the fire, Kaylee heads back down to the engine room.

Muttering to self, "More gizmos? Hmmm....wonder if I could take one of those Cortex pads 'n rework it to pick up signals? Hmmm..."

Almost without thought she takes up some tools and starts tinkering with things she has lying around.

End Move

"I love my Captain."


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 7:56 AM


Zoe's Move:

Seeing that WASH has the bridge back under control and KAYLEE is on her way back to the engine room to work things out, ZOE presses the intercom to the galley.

"Sir, I think you should get up here. Got a few things you might wanna take a look at."

Turns to WASH.

"Any idea where there might be more of this le se on board?"

End Move.

OOC: I'll be putting together a new leader post for the next thread sometime this afternoon. Figure after today's postings I'll start a new thread, since we're startin' to get mighty long-winded again.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 8:17 AM


Book walks down to his room and gets a small container holding a few personal items from a box in a locked cupboard. He picks up his Bible and closes his eyes for a moment.
Turning somberly to the back of his Bible, Book reads silently from the book of Revelation, chapter 9, verse 5:

"They were not given power to kill them,
but only to torture... And the agony they
suffered was like that of the sting of a
scorpion when it strikes a man."

He walks from his room, container and Bible in hand, and crosses the common area to the infirmary.

Book to Simon

"There seems to be a time for all things, Doctor."

Book hands the container to Simon, who opens it. Book sees Simon's eye's widen slightly in recognition.

"I don't think you've got anything like this in your arsenal of drugs. We need some answers from this man."

Book's eyes lose a little of their shine, and he lowers his head to stare at the Bible in his limp hands.


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 8:33 AM



Well, I feel super-bad for Book.

Keep up the good work!

"I love my Captain."


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 8:54 AM


OOC Too much?


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 8:59 AM


Jayne's turn:

OOC: No biggie but just for continuity the boddies were all jetisoned out the airlock in Act 2, Jayne just stripped them down first to save the loot.

Jayne continues to sort the weapons and gear into piles of usable and sellable, nothing really seems to work for defense. He sees Inara out of the corner of his eye, standing on the catwalk, looking unwell.

Jayne decides to put things aside for the moment, and check on Inara.

OOC: Well off to work back at 2 am. Have fun folks.

Also... I can kill you with my brain...


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 9:05 AM


Ooooh definitely not too far :) I think it's perfect

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 9:23 AM


Zoe asked, "Any idea where there might be more of this le se on board?"


Wash looks into his samurai kitten's face, and shrugs.

The two look at each other dumbly for a beat.

"Oh! Not enough of an answer?" He shrugs AND throws his hands up in the air, "Ah dunno."

Wash reads the look on his lovely wife's face as one that's all out of patience.

"We need to ask whoever did it. If he's a peeping Tom it'd be wherever the ladies of the ship were. However since one was on the bridge we can guess they were looking at our operations. Maybe the engine room? Maybe captain's quarters? This is pure speculation sweetheart. Depends entirely on what they were after."


"Hang on, travelers..."


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 9:32 AM


Zoe's Move:

Taking her husband's typical smart-alec remarks as cover for worry, ZOE decides to let it go until MAL arrives. In the meantime...

"How long til we hit Hera's atmo? Our contact there'll be gettin' anxious if we're late for the pickup, Niska trouble or not."

While she's asking WASH about planetfall, ZOE begins making a list of the questions she'd like to ask NISKA when MAL and SIMON are finished with him. How he managed to hook up with Early being top on her list.

End Move.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 9:37 AM


OOC, wang in his throat... whah???


[NISKA bites down hard onto his fake tooth, used only as a last resort, and becomes comotose... as if he were dead]


Well, here I am.


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 9:46 AM


Book looks up startled as he hears Niska's head go limp onto the chair. Book rushes forward to Niska, but Simon is closer and reaches him first.

Book to Simon

"Wasn't that convenient?

As Simon looks into Niska's glazing eyes and slips his stethoscope onto his ears, Book grabs Niska's wrist and feels for a pulse."



Wednesday, January 14, 2004 10:26 AM


*falls over laughing* samurai kitten! ahhh Zach, you're my hero

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 11:30 AM


MAL:[Finishes eating and cleans up. Hears intercom buzz from Bridge. Clicks on intercom in Galley.] Says to Bridge:"On my way Zoe."[Heads to Bridge. Enters Bridge and upon seeing Zoe and Wash, Mal approaches.]Says to both:"Ok, ok. What's all the fuss?"END TURN.


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 12:12 PM


Inara's turn
Inara's right knee buckles as Jayne approaches her on the catwalk. A strong hand is suddenly under her elbow, she places her fingers against his bicep.

strong...hard....that's what I need right now

her thoughts scatter like paper in the wind...cogent thought just isn't possible.

She breathes deeply, shakes the hair from her face, and composes a wan smile for Jayne's benefit.

Goodness....these high catwalks always give me vertigo. I guess I'm more shaken up by my earlier escapades with our Mr. Early than I thought. Perhaps I need something to eat.

Inara curls her fingers into her palm, hiding the red smears on her fingertips.

Jayne, would you like to join me in the galley?

Normally, she would never be so forward with the gruff mercenary, but she's not entirely sure she can make it on her own. The feel of strong sinew beneath her fingers and the smell of Jayne clear her head a bit.

leaves catwalk, on her way to galley with Jayne

End Inara's turn

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 12:56 PM


Zoe asked, "How long til we hit Hera's atmo? Our contact there'll be gettin' anxious if we're late for the pickup, Niska trouble or not."


He puts the fire extinguisher away after he's satisfied the electrical fire is no more. "We'll be in Alliance's longrange scanners in a couple hours, and we'll be close enough for planetfall by suppertime, provided some Alliance buttkissin' sargeant don't git a burr up his hutzedupeegoo and decide to board us. I hesitate to point out we'd've been there sooner had Mal not asked me to slow her down awhile back. Probably for the best. We had a lot to sort out the past several hours."

When Mal arrives and asks what's the fuss, Wash points at the now charred homing beacon console. "Gonna need a new one a those. Never really worked all that great anyway. We got ourselves a peeping Tom." He presents to Mal the charred remains of a surveillance device. "That pecker was the trouble. We think there might be more but we don't know where they are. Kaylee's probably workin' on that as we speak."


OOC: yeah I like samurai kitten too. =) I mean she is really.

"Hang on, travelers..."


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 1:21 PM


Early's move

Early is enjoying his new status as Reaver Captain. The ship is his, the Reavers all obey him. He had to fight a couple of the biggest ones, but in the end he proved victorious.

Early relaxes in his new large quarters and flips on his array of vid screens.

"Well, let's see how Serenity is doing," he says to himself. He flips a few buttons, and several different camera views appear on the screen.

Early presses a button called "Shower Cam."

"Now, this is more like it!" says Early. "I'm really glad I installed these shower cameras on Serenity. Okay, let's see what Kaylee has been up to."

Early clicks a button and Kaylee appears on the vid screen. She is naked in the shower, smiling and singing.

"I'll take some of that!" says Early. After several minutes, Early clicks a button labeled, "Inara." The vid screen changes to a pre-recorded scan of Inara, who is showering naked in her shuttle. The view is splendid, and Early pats himself on the back. "I could charge tickets to this," he says with a chuckle.

Then, Early clicks the "Zoe" button. Immediately, Zoe's naked body and strong ass appear on the vid screen. Zoe is showering alone, but suddenly Wash appears and showers with her. His white hairy ass blocks the shower cam.

"Move your ass, white boy!" Early shouts to the vid screen. "You're blocking my view!"



Wednesday, January 14, 2004 1:26 PM


OOC Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha. (whew)


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 1:44 PM


MAL[Looks to port side of Bridge.]Says to Wash:"Can't we use the port-side control console for ship controls? Maybe power down this compromised station." [Points to the starboard station.]Says to Zoe:"I need to get with Kaylee on repair status. Zoe, why don't you get a wave sent out to our contact on Hara. Badger said contact's handle was "Thorne". Make sure everything is set and ready for pickup. I want this thing to go smooth and by the numbers. No more surprises, gorram it! Dong ma?"[Mal exits Bridge and heads to Engineering to find Kaylee. Stopping by the Galley for some edibles for her.]END TURN.

ooc:Will need someone to play character of "Thorne". Casting call? Little help?


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 2:02 PM


aaahaha 'Tash---you are a god among men

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 2:17 PM


OOC: ROFL!!! 'Tash! You are too much. I'll have that visual in my head for hours now!

Gotta head out for a bit, got some things to take care of, but I WILL be back on tonight, and will start the new thread later.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.






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Joss's Fascination with Crazy Female Characters
Tue, March 11, 2025 08:27 - 22 posts
Joss was right... Mandarin is the language of the future...
Thu, March 6, 2025 04:33 - 40 posts
Nathan Fillion's 10 Best Movies And TV Shows
Mon, March 3, 2025 05:52 - 1 posts
12 Foot filming Prop
Fri, February 28, 2025 15:56 - 3 posts
Firefly Pinterest
Fri, February 28, 2025 13:19 - 1 posts
A Gun for Misbehaving
Fri, February 28, 2025 13:08 - 14 posts
Collecting Props and Costumes
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:54 - 11 posts
Firefly cosplay
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:38 - 1 posts
Firefly props, the is active!
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:32 - 1 posts