Life Onboard Serenity: Londinium or Laudanum Pt. 2

UPDATED: Sunday, July 9, 2006 20:29
VIEWED: 11744
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Thursday, July 6, 2006 3:36 PM


"No identities yet. Will shadow Britannia. Is that "E" on board? If so, can communicate. Does she have a plan? Follow Britannia, discreetly"

Everyone dies alone.


Thursday, July 6, 2006 3:44 PM


*Wolf typed what Mal told him*

"Yes E is onboard, plans on trying to get 13 out once Britannia docks with Alliance space station in 6 hours."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, July 6, 2006 4:43 PM


"Really, Captain? How exciting!" Ertia laughs delicately, "I cannot imagine how frightening that must have been."

She hadn't managed to wring much more information from him at all, and the dinner was industrial Alliance Blue-Sun slop. Finally, she managed to excuse herself.

The Captain escorted her back to her room. "Well, Miss, if there is nothing else I can do for you?"

He leans close and Ertia glances up, meets his gaze then glances coyly away, "Thank you, captain. I'm charmed. However it's been a very busy day. Perhaps we can have a that horrible fugitive is dealt with?"

"Yes, of course." He nods and salutes chivalrously. "Until then, my dear."

The door slides shut and Ertia practically slumps against it. 'my dear'... how... charming. Gag. Choke. Blech.

Sitting down at the screen again she flips it on and checks the bandwidths again. The strange blip once more...

She drops an encrypt, broad band.

'kitten likes milk. feed the kit, she'll feed you'


Thursday, July 6, 2006 5:08 PM


*Pain climbed out of his bunk and headed into the galley. Fly stood near the table, weighing the now cleaned and assembled gun in her hands. She looked up, saw Pain, smiled and said*

This is a nice gun. You gonna let me shoot it sometime?

*Fly teased Pain a little before giving Pain back his gun. Pain tucked it into his waistband and said*

Yeah perhaps. Has the Captain left the bridge at all?

*Fly shook her head and replied*

Nope. Neither has Wolf or Wash, Zoe entered the bridge not five minutes ago. Were you doin' what I think you were doin'?

*Pain raised a hand and said*

Could you not ask me please?

*Fly smiled and said*

You were weren't you?

*Pain raised an eyebrow and said*

Could we stop discussin' what I was doin' in my bunk?

*Fly smiled and said as she made her way past Pain*

Well I think I'll be goin' to bunk and read now.

*She giggled at Pain as she opened her bunk's hatch, climbed down the ladder, and closed her hatch. Pain rolled his eyes, shook his head, and sat down at the table. He savored the fact he was the only one in the galley.*

Meanwhile on the bridge.

*Wolf said to Mal*

Sir we're gettin' a message.

*Mal replied*

Is it from the mystery ship?

*Wolf tapped a few buttons and said*

Nope it's comin' from the Britannia.

*Mal raised an eyebrow and replied*

Well? What's it say?

*Wolf read the message out loud*

Kitten likes milk. Feed the kit, she'll feed you.

*Wash spoke up*

I thought we already fed Shipscat?

*Zoe looked at her husband and said*

It's a code dear.

*Mal replied*

That it is. Wolf think you can figure it out?

*Wolf replied*

I think I can sir.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, July 6, 2006 5:16 PM


On the mystery ship, a message appears, encrypted and brief. Pilot: "Did you see that?" Co-pilot: "Yes, it's Ertia. I'll give her some details now."

The co-pilot types a message and sends it thru the pulse transmitter: "Momma here. Can't identify mom cat yet. Will help kitty when stopped, if needed. M knows."

Everyone dies alone.


Thursday, July 6, 2006 5:56 PM


Ertia grins as the message comes through and beeps back,
'kitten will stay in the basket.
Thnx for the help'

She followed it with an encrypt of the layout of the Britannia, and piggybacked it to Serenity, as well as her plan for the rescue.

When they powered down to pass through the station's security net, she would have to be ready. Quickly, she scanned service records of the pilots and the mechanic, trying to guess how they would react when the ship didn't pass through the Alliance Station net like it should.

They would assume something in the engine was still putting out a radiation signature. How long would she have?

Long enough for Serenity to dock and pick them up?

Long enough for their mystery helper to lend a hand?

Long enough for her to get down to the prisoner cells and release 13?

She looks at his heat signature one more time. He seems to be processing awfully hard. Hold on, 13. Just hold.


Thursday, July 6, 2006 6:22 PM


*Wolf replied as he decoded the message sent from the mystery ship*

Looks like we won't have to figure out Ertia's message. Look here.

*Mal, Wash, and Zoe look over Wolf's shoulder at the images and information flashing across the screen. Mal lets put a low whistle and says*

Well it looks like our darlin' lil' Ertia just gave us the layout of the Britannia and her plans. Wolf send a reply to our mysterious friends that we'll be ready when they are.

*Wolf grinned and said*

You got it sir.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, July 6, 2006 10:48 PM


Below the bridge of the Britannia, in the bowels of the ship, a specialist is watching for spacial anomalies like radiation. For the last ten minutes, he's been seeing his screen flash numerous times. "Better inform the lieutenant," he says.

"Lt. Alvarez, I've had my screen flash a few times in the last ten minutes, sir. I don't think it's radiation, but I'm not sure." Alvarez says, "Damn it Chang, don't bother me with your guesses right now, just go back to doing whatever it is your doing! OUT!"

On the mystery ship, Mal's message has been received. The pilot tells the co-pilot, "Tell Ertia we will be awaiting further instructions, and that we're close." The message says, "Mom cat likes the house, so does M. Can see right away."

Everyone dies alone.


Friday, July 7, 2006 12:09 AM


who here reads terry pratchett? coz he is the coolest!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the following people kick pigu! terry pratchett, nathan fillion, jewel staite, liam neeson and finally joss whendon himself!


Friday, July 7, 2006 6:09 AM


Pratchett is good fun. If you like Pratchett, check out Piers Anthony.
Cool! Amazon "Also bought" search on Pratchett comes up with Serenity and Firefly! Good work, Browncoats!

Ertia sees the bit run only a half second after it begins. Someone was running a full diagnostic!
Blast! She shut down as quickly as she could. No way to warn Serenity and the Mama Cat not to transmit.

She shifted her activities to an innocent search of Accountant's Monthly and some simple balance sheets from Planetary Federal, making it appear that Miss Takahashi was hard at work.

Perusing an article on Alliance Interest Rate Increases on Interplanetary Property Loans, she kept one ear on the door, prepared at any moment for a demand to open up and surrender.

It didn't come, and they were nearly to the Fed-base and it's surrounding security screen before she finally turned her attention back to the interior of the Britannia's computer system.

As she prepared to send a fake sensor reading to the screen's radiation monitor, she could feel the cold ice of fear crawling up her spine.

Had whoever ran that diagnosit heard Serenity and the Mama Cat? Were they all in more danger than they thought?


Friday, July 7, 2006 7:07 AM


*Mal, Wolf, and Zoe left the bridge, Wash taking over for Wolf. Mal was speaking to Wolf and Zoe as they walked into the galley*

Alright our mystery friends are sendin' a reply to Ertia, so we'll stand by and wait.

*Mal sees Pain sleeping at the table and shouts*


*Pain jolts awake, grimaces as his bullet wound sends some pain through his body, and says*

I'm up.

*Mal smiled and said*

Good go get geared up. If Ertia gets into trouble we'll be goin' in blastin'.

*Pain nodded and entered his bunk as Zoe looked at Mal and said*

Sir are you sure you wanna do that?

*Mal looked at Zoe and Wolf then said*

Only if Ertia gets into trouble. 'Sides you got anythin' better?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, July 7, 2006 9:01 AM


That's it, 13 thinks. I'm busting myself out if nobody comes soon. Anything's better than waiting to die.


'It's Braedan. With an A.'

'Shiny moments aren't a destination any of us get to, and stay put forever. They're unknowable, brief flashes in time. That's what makes them shiny.' -GorramReevers


Friday, July 7, 2006 10:41 AM


*Pain lifted up opened up the secret compartment underneath his mattress. He propped the lid up with a metal bar and took out the FN Minimi SPW machine gun*, craddling it in both hands as he set it down on the floor. Pain then closed the lid to the compartment, picked up the large gun, and set it down on the desk. He then opened up his weapons locker and took out two 200rd plastic boxes of ammo, along with an assortment of grenades. Pain attached the box of ammo to the Minimi's reciever and loaded the belted ammo into the gun. He went back to the locker, strapped his holsteres HK pistol to his leg, and loaded up on mags for it. Pain also stuck a half dozen mags for his FN P90 SMG* into the left side pocket of his cargo pants. Confident that he was significantly armed, Pain slung the SMG over his shoulder, grasped the large machine gun in his hand and exited his bunk.*

*Mal, Zoe, Wolf, and Guy saw Pain enter the galley with the machine gun in hand. Mal said a little suprised*

So I take it you're ready?

*Pain cocked the charging handle of the machine gun and said*

I'm always ready sir.

*Mal let out a small chuckle and replied*

Well glad ya are Pain. Course we won't be needin' to go in guns blazin' just yet. Only when we get the signal from our friends or Ertia herself.

*Pain grinned and said*

I can wait.

Click on links to see description of Pain's machine gun and submachine gun.

*FN Minimi SPW machine gun (fourth pic):

*FN P90 submachine gun:

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, July 7, 2006 4:49 PM



WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, July 7, 2006 5:04 PM


replying bump, my internet's finicky again so keep Guy in the story but pleasedon't kill him

*checks the cylinder of his .44 mag* and reholsters it*

so, what's the plan?

and the backup plan?

*13 please get my gun right. that is all
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Friday, July 7, 2006 11:08 PM


13! Are you out there? I could really use some help with your plan here...

Ertia watched the monitors as the security net came closer. The ship began powering down, system by system, accompanied by a standard industrial sounding voice:

"All Systems Power-Down. Security Screen Activated. All Systems Power-Down. Security Screen Activated."

To the droning voice in the background, Ertia made one last push from inside the Britannia's computer system.

The engines fluctuated, a simple glitch, really, but a radiation signature spread, caught the sensors of the Alliance Base security screen. Instantly, the entire ship went black. Blue emergency lighting traced it's way through corridors, over bulwarks, and under crawlways.

Dead in the Water and held by the Security Screen. So far, so good.

Ertia, well aware that she was unarmed and relying on her wits, in person for once instead of over a screen or through a keyboard, took a deep breath, straightened her mandarin style dress and stepped out into the corridor.

She followed the blue line of lighting down and down, recalling the patterns of the cameras, and knowing that just down the steps and to the right were the prisoner cells.


Saturday, July 8, 2006 2:17 AM


same with guy, my interenets mucked up, so give sympathy to my mini-troll!!

*62 finally decides to leave the cupboard and have a proper look around the ship. The deck he was is had people shouting inside, so he decided to check that out*

*leaning against a corridor wall was a gun called the IMI Uzi with an attached bayonette.*

"oooh..." he mumbles picking it up..

" lets go modifying this uzi. tee hee hee" while sprinting away to The Wolf's bunk



Saturday, July 8, 2006 6:44 AM


No sympathy for mutant beasts that torture innocent Shipcat's and tranq pilots. If I get my way, you go out the airlock, *hauzi*-boy.

Ertia passes one or two crew members, but they don't seem to notice, all rushing to whereever it is on the ship that small-ship Alliance hwoon-dahns rush to when something goes wrong.

Please, please, please let Serenity be waiting! she thought to herself as she made her way to a wall panel and flipped it open, de-activating the emergency lighting on the lower levels.

13 was shaking the bars with his hands, and Ertia glided towards him, smiling, "Heya, Bot-boy. How ya doin?"

"Doing?" He looked at her with a strange light in his eye. "These cells are reinforced platinum and steel. The only way to open them is ..."

He paused for dramatic affect, glaring at her through the bars, as he practically shouted, "AN ELECTRONIC OVERRIDE!"

And she'd shut everything down! Oh crud. Bravely, she raised her eyes to 13's where they red in the darkness, "Uh. Oops?"


Saturday, July 8, 2006 7:09 AM


*Mal and Zoe reentered the bridge just as Wash replied*

Our friends say that the Britannia has powered down at the security net. Should we go in or wait?

*Mal thought it over and said*

Tell our mystery friends that we'll be goin' in. Unless of course they have a better idea.

*Wash nodded and began sending an encrypted wave to the mystery ship as Zoe said to Mal*

Sir what are we going to tell those hun dans if they see us coming?

*Mal smiled and said*

Just tell them Miss Takahashi forgot some of her things and that we're bringin' them to her.

Ok I'm pretty much in the dark as to what the actual plan is.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, July 8, 2006 8:02 AM


a failed rescue is the plan. I'm gonna stir things up... be there to get me out!

Ertia felt sick. She'd completely forgotten that the cells were reliant on electronic release catches.

Feeling her way frantically along the wall, she found the override switches and toggled them, already knowing that it would do no good.

"HEY!" The voice behind her was loud and authoritative, and she turned to find herself looking into a handheld flash-light and the business end of a pulse-rifle.

"Hey, yourself." She answered weakly, raising one hand to shield her eyes.

"MOVE AWAY FROM THE PANEL!" the officer ordered.

Ertia flashed a quick ironic smile. "Why? It's busted."

"I said "MOVE"."

"Right. I can see that. Orders to move and all... so ... SEE YA!"

She ducked under the barrel of his rifle and ran for door to the cargo hatch, ducking as she felt the energy surge pulse behind her. Small ship, really, nowhere to run.


Saturday, July 8, 2006 8:52 AM


*The officer dragged Ertia's stunned body into an adjacent cell. 13 yelled at the officer*

Hey why'd you go and do that for?

*The officer turned to 13, pointing the pulse-rifle at as he growled*

Shut your mouth prisoner!

*13 backed down as the officer touched the com attached to his uniform and said into it*

Captain Murdoch I have some news for you.

*Captain Murdoch stood by the command console, his voice coming over the officer's com*

Yes what is it Private Johnson?

*Johnson replied*

Miss Takahashi tried to free the prisoner sir. I stopped her with my pulse-rifle and threw her in the adjacent cell.

*Murdoch replied back*

Good work Private. Inform me when she wakes up I'd like to pay her a visit.

*Johnson said over the com*

Yes sir Captain.

*Murdoch smiled his cold smile just as Communications Officer Jenkins spoke up*

Sir we're getting an incoming wave from a Firefly Class vessel.

*Murdoch sighed and said*

What do they want?

*Jenkins asked the pilot of the ship to state their business. After hearing the pilot's response, Jenkins turned and replied*

They say Miss Takahashi left some of her things onboard their ship and they want to know if they can dock with us sir.

*Murdoch replied to Jenkins*

Put me through with their Captain.

*Jenkins nodded and said*

Yes sir Captain.

*Jenkins spoke to the pilot and a few moments later the veiwscreen in front of Murdoch lit up with Mal's face. Murdoch said to Mal in a cool tone*

Ah Captain Harbatkin so nice to see you again. Miss Takahashi is a little tied up right now but you can dock with us momentarily.

*Murdoch clicked off the com, turned to one of the officers and said*

Once they dock I want your team to subdue them and charge them for every little infraction that you find. Are we clear?

*The officer saluted and replied*

Sir! Yes sir!

Onboard Serenity

*Mal turned to Wash as Wash said*

Didn't the Captain seem a little to happy to talk with us?

*Mal replied*

Yeah I'm kinda thinkin' we've been set up.

*Zoe raised an eyebrow and said*

Trap sir?

*Mal nodded and said*

Yep and I'm thinkin' Ertia's in the middle of it. Wash tell our friends we're mountin' a rescue mission.

*Wash replied as his finger flew over the buttons*

I'm on it sir.

*Mal said as him and Zoe left the bridge*


*Pain saw the Captain and Zoe enter the galley and said*

So I take it we'll be goin' in?

*Mal smiled and said*

Looks like. You any good with that weapon?

*Pain smiled as the Captain looked at Pain's machine gun and said*

You're gorram straight I am. This thing here is loaded with HE armor piercin' bullets sir.

*Pain saw Mal raise an eyebrow and continued to say*

Oh don't worry they're not powerful enough to punch through an Alliance vessel such as the Britannia.

*Mal breathed a sigh of relief and said*


*Pain nodded and headed for his bunk as Mal continued to talk with the rest of the crew*

Jayne I need you, and Fly to accompany me, Zoe, and Pain on this here rescue mission. Wolf you and Guy stay here with everyone else, hold off any Alliance hun dans that you can.

*Wolf and Guy nodded and went to their bunks to get their weapons, Jayne doing so as well. Mal turned to Zoe and said*

Well this day keeps gettin' better and better don't it?

*Zoe smiled and said*

That it is sir.

*Pain went to his footlocker, opened it, rummaged around, and pulled out Ertia's laser pistol. He checked the charge on it and stuck it in his waistband. Pain then made his way out of his bunk and into the cargo bay where everyone had managed to gather. He walked over to Fly, machine gun in hand and said*

You got my back right?

*Fly smiled as she held onto one of the XM25 assualt rifles and said*


WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, July 8, 2006 9:56 AM


*retrieves his MP7, some clips, and a few racked speed-loaders from the locker in his bunk and returns to the galley*

ready to repel some purplebellies, Sir.

seems I was wrong about my internet. ticks me off when it makes me think it's broke
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Saturday, July 8, 2006 11:44 AM


The mystery ship receives the message about Ertia and a rescue mission. The pilot says to her gunners, "OK, Serenity's coming in to dock with Britannia. Ertia's probably under arrest. On Britannia and the station, take out any arrays you see, we can't jam them all. The second Serenity bumps against Britannia, fire at will, arrays ONLY." To the co-pilot, "Dear, when Serenity hits Britannia, release the sunflare to the opposite side of the station. Plenty of short-term radiation and very bright, should distract many onboard. We'll also disable Britannia engines. Prepare to fire."

Everyone dies alone.


Saturday, July 8, 2006 12:51 PM


Onboard Serenity

*Everyone who's on the rescue mission is in the cargo bay, Mal going over with everyone what they'll be doing once onboard the Alliance vessel. Pain turns to Fly, points to the XM25 assault rifle she's holding, and says*

Make sure you got the smoke grenades loaded in that dong ma?

*Fly checks to make sure the grenade magazine has an orange band on it, indicating what type of rounds are in it. Fly sees the orange band, looks at Pain and replies*

That's an affimitive Pain.

*Pain smiled and said*

Good. No use in rescuin' Ertia if'n we blow up the ship first.

*Fly rolled her eyes and replied*

I know I know.

*Pain smiled just as Mal said to him*

Pain you know what you have to do?

*Pain looked at the Captain, tightened his grip on both grips of the machine gun and said*

Yeah I believe I do sir.

*Mal put an arm on Pain's shoulder and said*

Good to hear. That bullet wound you got ain't goin' to slow you down is it?

*Pain let out a slow breath and replied*

I've been worse off before sir. It won't be a problem.

*Mal took his hand off Pain's shoulder, looked at everyone in the cargo bay and said*

Good. Alright people they'll be lots of shootin' goin' on. I prefer to be on the winnin' side, so let's show these Alliance hun dans we mean business.

*Wash's voice came over the P.A.*

We'll be docking with the Britannia in two miutes people.

*Mal said to everyone*

Alright everyone into positions.

Meanwhile onboard the Britannia

*Ertia woke up to find herself in a prison cell just like 13's. She looked over and saw that 13 was sitting looking at her. Captain Murdoch's voice made her turn to him*

Hello Miss Takahashi or should I say Miss Samantha Ertia.

*Ertia was shocked to hear her real name and stammered* did know my name?

*Murdoch grinned as he lowered himself into a crouch and said*

Johnson here found out you were wearing a diguise. After he told me that we ran your DNA through the criminal database and were suprised to find out who we picked up.

*Before Ertia could speak Murdoch stood up and continued to say*

Oh don't worry about your friends either. We'll make sure they don't die too painfully.

*One of the officers walked over to Murdoch and whispered something into his ear. Murdoch smiled and said to a quivering Ertia*

And it appears your friends have arrived.

*At the com station Jenkins furiously tapped some buttons and swore under his breath*

What the hell? Where's the port transmitter array? Holy sh*t what was that?

*Jenkins commed the Captian and said*

Sir we just lost the port transmitter array and we're picking up a surge of radiation. It appears to be a solar flare but we're....

*The com system onboard shorted out and Murdoch swore under his breath*

Son of a b*tch! Private Johnson you, Broderick, Lee, and Valdez watch over the prisoners while I go have a word with Jenkins.

*The four officers saluted and said in unison*

Sir! Yes sir!

*At that time Serenity's cargo bay doors opened and the autofire from Pain's machine gun filled the passageway with death. The only sounds heard were the screams of dying Alliance officers, spent shell casings, and bits of ammo belt hitting the ground.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, July 8, 2006 3:13 PM


At the very second Serenity gently bumped into the Britannia, a huge flash enveloped the station and Britannia. Radiation from the sunflare caused all monitors and electronic systems to short out, just for a brief moment. Serenity, however, was not affected, being shielded from the blast. It was all she needed.

The gunners on the mystery ship proceeded to knock out every single communications array on the Britannia, then commenced to fire on the station as well.

The pilot on the mystery ship says to the gunners, "Laci, concentrate your fire on Britannia's engines, Mac, keep on the station arrays. We'll be getting up close and personal on this one." Her ship maneuvers within 200 meters of Britannia and the upper twin laser cannons start to melt components on the engine's couplings and fuel systems, spilling propellant into space. It was a curious sight, radar and communication arrays drifting into the black with evaporating pools of fuel bubbling away.

On the Britannia, her weapons are no longer able to track electronically, but can still be aimed manually.
The pulse cannons start to aim for Serenity, point-blank. "Oh my," the mystery pilot says. "We can't have that, can we? Dear, please activate our weapon. Gunners, we'll be doing some moving about. You may use your auto-tracking now."

The co-pilot presses the large red button on the center console. From the nose, a Gatling-gun with ten barrels, firing 20mm cannon shells, emerges and rakes across Britannia's weapons modules, destroying her cannons.

Everyone dies alone.


Saturday, July 8, 2006 3:42 PM


Inside the Britannia

*Pain, Fly, Mal, Zoe, and Jayne were holed up in the command center. Trading return fire with some of Britannia's more stubborn crew. Mal said to Pain as Jayne fired another burst from Vera*

Pain you and Fly go get Ertia and 13. Me, Zoe, and Jayne will cover you.

*Pain popped up and fired a short burst with his machin gun, using the bullet riddled body of the Communications Officer as cover. He dropped back down, got out his datapad and brought the ship's schematics onscreen. He tapped a few buttons on the screen and a short moment later the datapad showed him the path from the command center to the cargo bay, where Ertia and 13 were being held. Pain showed Fly their path and motioned for her to make a diversion. Fly nodded and fired two smoke grenades into the air. The two grenades bounced of the ceiling and started to spew out thick clouds of smoke. Pain and Fly took that as their cue to leave as Mal, Zoe, and Jayne swept the command center with cover fire.*

*Pain and Fly made their way through a maze of corridors, shooting those who tried to stop them and halted at a cargo lift. Pain said to Fly as they entered the lift and Fly reloaded her XM25*

When we get down to the cargo bay I want you to fire three smoke grenades into it and then I'll strafe the area with auto fire.

*Fly nodded as she handed Pain two gas mask, putting one on herself and said to Pain*

Just make sure you don't hit Ertia.

*Pain smiled and said as he strapped the gas mask over his face*

I won't I promise.

*Pain stuffed the extra mask into a back pocket as Fly hit the button for the cargo bay. Pain thought to himself as he reloaded his machine gun*

I'm coming for you bao bei.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, July 8, 2006 4:10 PM


Curling into a ball on the floor as gunfire erupted around her, Ertia held her breath. Please don't let them hit her!

There was a clank, a ringing of steel on steel and then she was being yanked to her feet, dragged out of the cage. Captain Murdoch had her by the arm and was dragging her away from the cells.

"What? Why?" She asks suddenly, twisting to look up at him.

"Your warrant specifies Alive if Possible." Murdoch's smile is grim, "And because alive doesn't necessarily mean unspoilt."

"What? You gorram pirate! Get your hands off me!" Ertia kicks out and struggles as she's dragged towards the escape shuttles. "GET OFF ME!"

RESCUE ME NOW! Por favor! but we might not want to kill our Alliance captain. He could be a handy villian.


Saturday, July 8, 2006 5:58 PM


*The cargo lift doors opened as the lift hit the cargo bay. The four officers standing guard turned and were met by three smoke grenades, one of the hitting a guard in the nose, breaking it. Distracted by the thick smoke the guards did'nt have time to unsling their SMGs and went down with much resistance. Pain and Fly entered the cargo bay, noticing one of the cells was open. 13 was still in his and yelled*

Captain Murdoch took Ertia that way towards the escape shuttles!

*Pain looked in the direction that 13 pointed and saw Ertia's legs kicking as Murdoch led her around the corner, Ertia screamed*


*Pain said to Fly as he took off his mask*

Go get 13 out. Check the guards for a key, failin' that take this.

*Pain hands Fly Ertia's laser pistol as well as his machine gun, and says as he takes the XM25 rifle*

Tradin' you weapons don't argue.

*Fly said to Pain as he ran after Murdoch*

Shoot that hun dan for me Pain.

*Pain nodded and rounded the corner unslinging the FN P90 SMG. Murdoch fired a warning shot as he saw Pain take cover behind a stack of crates. He said to Pain as he continued to drag Ertia over to the control panel*

I'd hold it right there Mr. Pain! You wouldn't want me to hurt this pretty young lady would you?

*Pain said as Murdoch fired another round at him*

How do you know my name? I don't think I ever told you it.

*As Pain said that last sentence he fired a burst at the control panel. Murdoch swore and said dragging Ertia over to the next shuttle*

It took me awhile to reconize your face, that capture of you from that transport was a little blurry, but after some time using the imaging program I got a clear picture of your face and ran your image through the system.

*Pain moved slowly against the wall as Murdoch moved out of sight. Murdoch continued as he punched in the entry code*

I'm suprised at your record Pain. I wouldn't have thought a man like you would've gone this long without being caught.

*Pain took out a flashbang grenade and said as he twisted the top*

You know for a military man you sure talk too much.

*Pain emerged from the corner in plain sight of Murdoch. Murdoch raised his gun and fired just as Pain threw the flashbang grenade. The bullet hit Pain in the chest just as the grenade exploded, blinding Murdoch and throwing him off balance. To Ertia it seemed like slow motion, the bullet hitting Pain in the chest just as the grenade exploded in Murdoch's face. Ertia had closed her eyes as Pain hit the wall and Murdoch tried desperately to find his gun and Ertia.*

*Ertia opened her eyes, saw Murdoch's pistol in front of her, picked it up and made her way towards Pain. She called out to him*

Pain baby speak to me! Bao bei please!

*Pain grunted, looked at the place where the bullet hit his armor and said*

Yeah I'm alive, just takin' a nap.

*Ertia smiled a little and said, still keeping the gun on a stumbling Murdoch*

That's good baby but could you not be funny right now?

*Pain got up, rubbed his chest and said just as Murdoch's sight started to come back*

Alright fine. What about him?

*Ertia handed Pain the gun and said as Murdoch stumbled around blinking*

Make that bastard pay for almost doing something bad to me.

*Pain aimed Murdoch's gun at his legs and fired two rounds into Murdoch's kneecaps. He lowered the gun and said as Murdoch screamed in pain*

You sure you don't want me to kill him?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, July 8, 2006 6:06 PM


*the sound of gunfire having long faded Guy says to Wolf*

"how do ya think it's goin'?"
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Saturday, July 8, 2006 11:02 PM


wolf" i dont know, but im not waiting here to find out!"

*wolf runs into the britania, guns blazing, he charges past guards, tearing off heads with his bionic arm, impailing, decapitating and filling with holes anyone he finds.*


*he dissapears in to the carnige, guy watches him go*

guy" holy sh*t!"

im gonna be left on the britania so dont blow it up, i know wat ur like!,*cough speaks* high charity.


the following people kick pigu! terry pratchett, nathan fillion, jewel staite, liam neeson and finally joss whendon himself!


Saturday, July 8, 2006 11:25 PM



Originally posted by bigwolf18:
wolf" i dont know, but im not waiting here to find out!"

hey, wait!


*wolf runs into the britania, guns blazing*,

son of a-


*he charges past guards, tearing off heads with his bionic arm, impailing, decapitating and filling with holes anyone he finds.*


*he dissapears in to the carnige, guy watches him go*

guy" holy sh*t!"
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Saturday, July 8, 2006 11:44 PM


*62 just finished modifying his new gun, he heard The Wolf screaming through the big ships people.*

"now i need ammo" mumbled 62

*62 goes through The Wolf's locker, in a small box he finds an assortmant of needles*

"ooooooo.." whistles 62 loading needles in the uzi.

*he then fills all empty space on his person with these strange needles.*

* 62 runs to the boarding*

"lets go help The Wolf." giggles 62 jumping into the fray

The meaning of life is 62


Sunday, July 9, 2006 4:52 AM


"No. No, don't kill him." Ertia tugs at Pain's arm. "No sense adding murder of an Alliance captain to our records."

She pauses and glares down at Murdoch's pain glazed eyes, "It's called mercy, Captain. Something you and the rest of your organization could stand to learn something about."

Backing away, she followed Pain back into the fray, allowing him to sheild her with his body. Silk dresses just didn't have the same protective qualities as body armor. Without question, she accepted the gas mask he handed her and strapped it on.

They were going home.

13 said not to rescue him. I'm guessing we can't get his cell open, since it requires electronic overrides?


Sunday, July 9, 2006 7:21 AM


Oh alright we'll leave bot boy onboard. Sheesh *rolls eyes, ears, and nose*

*Pain and Ertia walked back into the cargo bay where Fly was waiting. She had a disappointed look in her eyes as she said*

Sorry Pain I couldn't get him out not even with Ertia's laser pistol.

*Fly sees Ertia and the two women hug as Pain walks over to 13 and says*

Is what Fly said true? That she couldn't get you out?

*13 looked at Pain and replied*

Yes Pain it is but it's alright I plan on staying here.

*Pain raised an eyebrow and said*

Are your circuits functionin' properly? After all we did to get you and Ertia off this piece of Alliance go se, you want to stay?

*13 nodded and said*

Yes Pain I do please don't argue with me.

*Pain threw up his hands and said*

Alright Bot Boy if'n you wanna stay here that's fine by me.

*Pain walked back to the two women and said to them*

Bot Boy said he's stayin' here. Can you believe that?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, July 9, 2006 8:05 AM


Wash's voice came over the com, slightly panicked, "Y'all might want to speed this it up a tad. We've got three Alliance gunships cruising in on us from the Base right now."

"13?" Ertia turned back, ignoring Pain's hand on her shoulder, directing her back towards Serenity. "13!"

"Get out of here." His voice was cool, and he raised a hand in farewell. "Go on."

She let Pain push her across the airlock entrance, feeling the others rush past her. All for nothing? She'd done it all for nothing?

Zoe's gun was directed over her shoulder, guarding their backs as she waved them into the cargo bay, "Come on, People! Let's move!"

"Wash, fly on my signal!" Mal barked into the com, his hand hovering over the airlock button.


Sunday, July 9, 2006 8:21 AM


I have company coming over so I might not be on for a few hours.

*Zoe said as Fly walked into Serenity's cargo bay*

Where's 13?

*Pain said while holding Ertia*

He's stayin' behind.

*Mal replied*

That don't suprise me one bit. Is everybody who isn't stayin' behind onboard?

*As everyone said yes, Mal hit the button to close the airlock just as Kaylee said*

Wait! Where's Wolfie?

*Guy replied*

I saw him run after some officers along with that gremlin, shootin' and stabbin' them left and right. Don't rightly know if he's coming back.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, July 9, 2006 8:45 AM


Ertia ripped off the gas mask, panting in clean air. "Leave him! That sick gauzi-thing doesn't belong here! If he want's to keep a pet let him get a goldfish!"

Kaylee took in a sharp breath and dived to stand in front Mal, "We can't just leave Wolf. He's part of the crew! That ain't right."

"It's right from where I'm standing!" Ertia barked out and the others stood back, surprised to see their quiet forger lose it for the second time in two threads. "That THING came onboard, tore up the ship, wounded Wash and ME and tortured our CAT! Then you and Wolfie go pet and pamper it and turn it into some kind of cyborg puppy dog? What the hell?"

Mal raises a hand for quiet, but Ertia keeps going, "You think we should just forgive and forget that we've got a mutant science experiment monkey-monster onboard? Don't we have enough trouble without inviting it into our home. What's next? A gorram REAVER???"

"BI ZUI!" Mal commanded.

Ertia's rant didn't even pause, "I've about had it with sympathy for deadly uncontrolled animals! It's one thing to have 13 running around unpredictable and unstable, but I'm not...."

Mal's hand effectively closed over his gun, "ERTIA! Shut it. That's an order!"

Once silence had fallen he continued, "Now I'm captain. Wolf is on this crew. He ain't gettin' left. If that monkey comes back with him... well, we'll deal with that when the time comes."

Now Ertia met the captain's gaze, her calm voice underscoring the furious anger in her gaze, "That mutant beast comes back to this ship, and you're going to have a choice, Captain. Me or it."

Then she turned and headed for the Infirmary to get a cold pack for the wrist Murdoch had bruised dragging her down the corridor, followed by Pain.


Sunday, July 9, 2006 8:59 AM


*Pain and Ertia entered the Infirmary, Simon looked up and said*

Do either of you require any medical assistance?

*Ertia said still a little mad*

Just give me an ice pack for my gorram wrist.

*Simon replied in a profeesional manner*

Right away Ertia. How about you Pain? Any gunshot wounds that I need to patch up?

*Pain took off his shirt, unfastened his armor and said as he looked at fresh redness appearing on the bandage covering the wound he got on Londinium*

No new ones just this one doc.

*As Simon attended to Pain, Wash's voice boomed over the P.A.*

Uh Mal you know those gunships I told you about? Well they're gettin' closer and we're still docked.

This will be my last post until later today.
WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, July 9, 2006 9:13 AM


Mystery ship co-pilot: "We have three Alliance cruisers coming our way. Stay behind the station, don't think they've seen us yet."

Pilot: "Got it. We can't fend them all off. Use the last sunflare, but fire it at 10 degrees their portside. It'll be a little distraction. But we CANNOT let them see us. Contact Serenity, tell them to leave now."

Everyone dies alone.


Sunday, July 9, 2006 9:14 AM


(OoC: Well, folks. I think that's it. Third times the charm, I guess. I'll see you around the boards, but not on Serenity.)

(Oh, and I almost forgot...)



'It's Braedan. With an A.'

'Shiny moments aren't a destination any of us get to, and stay put forever. They're unknowable, brief flashes in time. That's what makes them shiny.' -GorramReevers


Sunday, July 9, 2006 9:19 AM


seya 'round canadian, its gonna be mighty less messy without ya, see you on the boards.

mal" wash, take us away from here."

*kaylee looked at the floor and left without a word.*

on the britania

*the last of the soldiers slaughtered, wolf sat down among the bodies, crossed his legs, lay back and started to hum to himself.*

somewhere else on the britania

*62 wandered around the ship, looking for something to eat. he was a good being genrally just not TOO picky about food, he took an eyeball from the nearest alliance officer and started to suck on it.*

in space

*the serenity disconected from the britania and flew off, separating a young pilot in love from his oil-faced yong girl, a strange goblin from
the cat he loved to torment and a cyborg from the ship he had come to call home.*

well, i dont know about 13 or the troll, but im not gonna be long away from the ship, ill stay away for the next post then re-join ya'll.


the following people kick pigu! terry pratchett, nathan fillion, jewel staite, liam neeson and finally joss whendon himself!


Sunday, July 9, 2006 9:37 AM


13! You get your butt out of that mess and then get yerself back onboard Serenity, dong ma???? You said you had a plan, and I'm trusting you on that!

Ertia watches as Simon peels back the bandage over Pain's wound and reaches for his tray. The ice is already soothing the ache of her bruised wrist, but not the rest of her.

"13 will be fine." She murmured, reassuring herself. "So will Wolf. They're smart. Resourceful. Heck, for all we know, Wolf's getting 13 into one of the escape pods right now."

"Yeah, maybe." Pain answers, although he doubts it. "Those Alliance gunships were getting pretty close, though."

"They'll still take 13 for trial. They aren't in the habit of just executing people. Alliance is far to civilized for that sort of thing." Ertia glances to Simon for confirmation.

"Yes." He says quietly, his eyes on Pain's wound, "Execution is a last resort. They prefer to try rehabilitation first."

Ertia slumps down against the wall, sliding to the floor with a tired sigh. There's a surge as Serenity goes to hard burn. Suddenly she remembers something and starts up slightly, "Hey, does anybody know that other ship was? The Mama Cat?"


Sunday, July 9, 2006 10:10 AM


WTF 13? You better do what Ertia says or else. Just for the record this is my last post til later on.

*Pain replied as Simon went to work on Pain's wound*

I don't know who they were but I'll be buyin' them a round of drinks next time we see them. Well if'n there's a next time.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, July 9, 2006 1:26 PM


13, I am NOT going to be the only survivor of high charity you get me?!
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Sunday, July 9, 2006 1:52 PM


Ok I'm back and I don't have anything to write yet.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, July 9, 2006 3:07 PM


Guy, you would be so proud of me! Yesterday, I impressed a customer by singing Monty Python's "Finland" song for them!

13! I am NOT kidding! you get back here this instant! And answer your emails!

"Fly." Ertia says quietly, pushing to her feet once more, "She's got to be torn up, leaving him like that!"

She heads for the door, just as Zoe comes in, practically dragged by Wash, "I'm fine, honey! It's just a scratch!"

"It's a bullet hole, dear." Wash returns in an annoyed tone, "Doc, my wife has a hole in her."

"It's nothing, Simon. Just got clipped is all." Zoe protests as Wash pushes her to sit on the table beside Pain.

Simon glances over, his eyes narrowing, although his voice is calm as he glances at Zoe's thigh, "Yep. That's a bullet hole."

"Just let him stitch it up, Zo." Pain assures her as Simon finishes taping his bandage in place and hands him a bottle of painkiller. "Wash here won't shut up unless you do."

"Yes I will! I'll shut up because if she won't let Simon take care of her, I'll...I'll...throw myself out the airlock. See. I will. Don't think I won't!" Wash blustered, but it was enough to make the others smile.

"Right, well, as long as our only pilot at the moment is gonna throw himself out of an airlock and our first-mate is going to die of an infected gunshot wound, then there's no need to stand on ceremony." Ertia glances back from the door with a smile, "So, I'm gonna go get out of this dress and put on my jeans and bo..."

Too late she remembers that she never had a chance to buy new boots on Londinium. Pain can hear her voice echo back down the corridor, "Gorram it. It's not my day."


Sunday, July 9, 2006 3:25 PM


*Pain gets up, puts the bottle of painkillers in his pocket, picks up his shirt and armor, and says*

Well you kids have fun with the bickerin'. I'm goin' after Ertia to cheer her up.

*Pain left the infirmary, leaving Wash to complain to Zoe as Simon went to work on her wound, and went after Ertia.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, July 9, 2006 6:33 PM


(Answer me emails...*grumble.* Ya know, it's really hard to write death scenes for indestrucable robot-things! Alright, let's see what I can throw up..)

Briskly escorted to the transport shuttle (bound for trial), 13 is bound nearly head to toe in chains and las-guards. Pushed along, strapped to a dolly, he chokes something out.

"" Clearing his throat, the bound prisoner struggles: "Wave."

The men look at each other briefly, and continue, roughly shoving the bot inside the transport.

"Fine, we can do it this way." Neatly tearing through the bindings, 13 swiftly dispatches the guards.

Wiping blood from his hands, 13 suddenly realizes he killed the pilot.


"13!" A bloodied and weary Wolf strides to the open-doored shuttle, 62 loping beside him. "Weren't gonna leave me here, were you?"

"In a state to fly?" 13 asks, eyes watching 62.

"Always, man."

"Alright. I've got the bearings, just need a pilot."

(OoC: I now loathe indestructability.)


'It's Braedan. With an A.'

'Shiny moments aren't a destination any of us get to, and stay put forever. They're unknowable, brief flashes in time. That's what makes them shiny.' -GorramReevers


Sunday, July 9, 2006 6:38 PM


yay we shall not be 13-less, also is it close to new thread time?
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Sunday, July 9, 2006 6:44 PM


(Why was everybody so mad? And 'yay'? What the hell was that about?)


'It's Braedan. With an A.'

'Shiny moments aren't a destination any of us get to, and stay put forever. They're unknowable, brief flashes in time. That's what makes them shiny.' -GorramReevers






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