Male and Female Imponderables--All the World's a Stage

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 08:09
VIEWED: 13296
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Monday, July 10, 2006 11:30 AM


RugBug, you know this is coming, but someone has to say drive it topless?!?

I'll be in my bunk.



Monday, July 10, 2006 11:36 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
RugBug, you know this is coming, but someone has to say drive it topless?!?

I'll be in my bunk.

There's something to see!!!

I mean to confound these bungers!


Monday, July 10, 2006 11:40 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
RugBug, you know this is coming, but someone has to say drive it topless?!?

I'll be in my bunk.

*takes Rugbug for a drive*


Monday, July 10, 2006 11:41 AM


Tristan: When I first bought the car, I got caught in that phrase a few times. Now I just use it because it's fun.

I will admit to driving around in things that could be considered skimpy. I do like to leave some things up to the imagination, though....


Monday, July 10, 2006 11:41 AM


Azhea, the topless part, or the bunk part? 'Cause, the bunk part may not be all that pretty...



Monday, July 10, 2006 11:43 AM



That's all I have on that pictures runnin' through my head that ought not be there...



Monday, July 10, 2006 12:04 PM


lol she did mention at the beginning of the thread that she was talking about the roof of the car......

Btw, i'd just like to say I think it's funny that the thread is being cheered up by big long talk about cars. And sex. Two subjects I know very little about.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Monday, July 10, 2006 12:05 PM


Gotta go BROWNCOATS. Get to face Ms. Questionable at her office on family bidnezz. Hooray for me. Catch y'all later. Lotsa love.

"Where do bad folks go when they die?"


Monday, July 10, 2006 12:07 PM


What happened? He see your face?

ooooo... backseats

Well, once when I was younger, my girlfriend and I decided to explore this dirt path with her car in the woods.

*removed explicit details*

So, she starts the car and we try to leave. She is backing out and all of a sudden the car drops back. She has backed into a ditch. Bad enough to where one front wheel is slightly above the ground. OH S#!T! We both, of course, freak out. This path, BTW, is outside of a very small country town at 12:30 am. Believe me, no one is out. They roll up the sidewalks at midnight.

We make the 1/2 mile trek to the end of the path and are preparing a story for her aunt to come rescue us. We see headlights come around the paved road bend and it is not only a guy we know, but a guy with a huge truck, complete with tow rope! whew!!! Luck!!!

It was So totally worth it! THEN


Monday, July 10, 2006 12:25 PM


NV: Strength and Peace to you. Remember, you are the one who has their crap together in this scenario.


Monday, July 10, 2006 1:02 PM


ummmm driving stick. Sorry inuedo crossing. Actually my car is a stick and I love it! When I drive automatic I feel like something is missing. It's boring! Also I don't know why but it makes me feel powerfull!

NVGhostrider is my hero forever and always! Thank you for you're message baby doll! Yeah feel manly after that!

An I carried such a torch


Monday, July 10, 2006 1:27 PM


Hi Ponderers,

MSG - The world needs more teachers like you. You're students are very lucky !

I've got a question for pondering :
We all fight with people we love .Be it partners ,family or friends.So how far is too far ,( other than abuse) ? Do you get mean & say nasties ? Do you avoid confrontation , or yell & scream ?
I know it's always better to talk things out.But what about the other times ?

I swallowed a bug.


Monday, July 10, 2006 2:00 PM


Well, I've been out of the world a spell, and have missed a lot. Here goes a lil catch up.

Define long? If some friends and I were doing something for like a week, I would be okay with it if she didn't want to come along.

As for the job, if we were truly serious, married or headed that way, I wouldn't go without her.

Now I just gotta work on finding a SO...

As for myspace and Utah, well I'd understand it if a school board enforced this while the teacher was at school. Are they talking outside of school? If so, this could be a civil rights violation, which I disagree with. I want to be able to do what I want on my own time, myspace or not.

As for jealousy - In general, jealousy is not really good for a relationship. I found that when I was jealous in a relationship, no matter how little it was, it clouded my mind and I tended to communicate my feelings about the matter less. I've since learned to talk about how I feel more, which tends to alleviate my feelings. But, a little? Well... I don't know - it's just a crappy feeling when you're "unsure" of whether or not your SO would cheat on you or be swayed by the charms of someone else.

FMF - I am right there with you. I don't have an SO right now either. "When the broken hearted people living in the world agree, there will be an answer, let it be." It's hard to meet people, mostly because I suck at meeting people. Also, I'm in a new state so I don't know too many people here.

Copilot - My FSO had a very bad childhood too, and had some major problems. She hurt me pretty bad, as I was extremely committed to her. She had problems with reality and responsibility (pertaining to the relationship). She didn't cheat or anything (as far as I know), but she left me and turned tail and left me to go stay with a guy friend of hers. Since then, I've barely had any contact with her. Still kind of getting over her, though I'm mostly over her.

Rugbug - Birthdays alone suck. ::hugs:: Happy belated birthday! I don't do anything for my birthdays, as I don't really care for it much. But, my friends end up taking me out somewhere, usually.

PR - If you were in TX, I would love to take you out! You'll find someone sooner or later, just hang in there!

Cars - yeah, I drive an automatic. One day I'll learn how to drive stick. Definitely a city boy here. I've been meaning to get a motorcycle though!

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Monday, July 10, 2006 2:24 PM


Oh yeah, I got an autograph and my picture taken with Alan Tudyk at the sci fi con here in Plano. Pics to be posted soon!

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Monday, July 10, 2006 2:54 PM


I noticed recently that I really no longer expect to have a relationship ever again, and that I'm getting used to that idea. For a long time I put up with being alone but planned to give it a shot again some time, but that's off now.

I have no social life at all and have no idea how to go about getting one. I've always been very shy around people I don't know, which makes it difficult to get to know anyone in order to not be shy around them. I'm not one to have lots of friends, typically just a very few close ones (though right now the only friends I have are my two sons, which is wonderful but unsatisfying in a number of ways). I wouldn't know how to show interest in a woman, nor would I be able to tell if one is showing genuine interest in me. I automatically assume that new people I meet don't like me, because, well, I don't think they do. On top of that, as I mentioned in the last thread, I'm unable to trust anyone. So there's no real point in trying any more.

Don't even know why I'm sharing all this. That "assume they don't like me" thing tells me that the reaction to these revelations will be a universal "who is this hump, and who cares what he has to say?" I guess it helps a little to vent.

"That's what government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal


Monday, July 10, 2006 3:04 PM


PIZ, it sounds like you've got some deep issues that need addressing... have you thought about professional counseling? They might be able to provide you with some help and insight into things and help you get on your way again. It's something to consider...

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Monday, July 10, 2006 3:08 PM



Originally posted by Ged:
PIZ, it sounds like you've got some deep issues that need addressing... have you thought about professional counseling? They might be able to provide you with some help and insight into things and help you get on your way again. It's something to consider...

Did that for several years after my divorce to deal with clinical depression (the depression was diagnosed several years before the divorce). Got rid of the depression, but didn't do anything for the rest of it.

"That's what government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal


Monday, July 10, 2006 3:08 PM


damn- I leave you guys alone for 8 hours and you go berserk! Anyway, wow that was a lot of stuff..NV I know you're already there, but good and happy thoughts going your way!
Those without SO ...don't go thinking those with are just gliding..believe me there are times when I'd pay cashy money to be single.
Anyway, hang in there and I am sure your Prince/Princess/Frog/Frogette/Whatever is out there...really. PR_ get your ass to some singles functions of some kind. I promise guys will be there waiting for you!
So I had a long time babysitting and may I just say right now I would mug and beat down a total stranger for a baby!!!!! oh well ( resigned sigh) husband doesn't want one so I'll just be a rockin aunt who loves to babysit...and that makes everyone happy:)
See you all tomorrow when I will have tons of time to log in and comment with abandon!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 10, 2006 4:00 PM



Originally posted by Piz:
What he said ^

I know this will sound cliched, but I understand perfectly what you're going through. I understand, because I'm stuck in it myself. My social life is a hobbled horse with a bum ticker barely staggering through its paces. I can count my friends on the fingers of one hand (although only just, at this point. Yay me). I am enormously and paralysingly afraid of social situations, which either instill a panic attack or otherwise simply make me feel so socially inept that I have to fight the urge to flee in tears (coming from a man who hasn't wept in years, just so you understand how crushing that fear is).
People think I'm a jackass, because I act aloof around them. I'm not aloof. I'm terrified. If I don't have someone I can turn to, I freeze up. The only way I can not donkey-hump my first impression is if the meeting is moderated by a mutual friend.
I have never been in a relationship, and I have an unshakable notion that I never will. I don't know how to act, what to say, or who to approach. I am truely and totally alone, in that regard. I don't even have memories, pleasant or not.
My first assumption is that people don't give a damn about me, and as if by osmosis, they don't. I have a bad personality, which makes people avoid me, which makes my personality worse, and there's nothing I can do to break the cycle. Or at least, that's how it feels on the worse days.
Like any number of others on this board, I was abused as a child, and that baggage has been crushing me for years. It's hard to shake peer abuse, and it takes its toll on a person. Sure as hell it did on me.
Well, I've ranted a lot more than I thought I would, but PIZ's post just set off that self-destructive/truthsome part of me. I'm with you buddy. Look at it this way, though. You have your children. Unless something drastic changes in my life, I won't.

EDIT: And for the love of whatever God you believe in, don't give me the standard response and recommend counciling. I can barely afford food and rent, and there ain't a decent councilor to be found within an hour's drive.
I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.


Monday, July 10, 2006 4:09 PM



Originally posted by JamesTheDark:
What he said ^

I wish I could say it's nice to have something in common with someone, but this isn't the kind of thing you wish others to have in common. I hope things get better for the both of us, my friend.

"That's what government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal


Monday, July 10, 2006 6:51 PM


Passing on the wise words a teacher of mine once said to me, to remember the phrase "This too shall pass." Really. Got to look on the bright side, or at least the sorta medium side. At times such as this, I'm reminded of a certain TV show, and a man who lost it all but just kept on flyin'. But hey, you can make your own comparisons.

Imho, life is all about confidence, and the more you can make it show on you (you dont necessarily have to believe it) the more people will encourage you to develop it further, and that could let you make feigned confidence into the real thing. It aint easy, but you need to find something about yourself that you really trully like, and just keep in mind that fact at all times.

And bah, screw counseling, most of what you do there is you talk, not them. It's about letting the truth hang out, so... meh, you can do that just (ok, sorta almost) as well here.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Monday, July 10, 2006 9:51 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Hi there Azhea! Yeah, rather not drive all the way to Denver for a chapter that isn't very active; I started one up here! We are barely moving as yet, but we're moving.
Plus Yahoo groups annoy me. Not sure why. Maybe because it seems like nothing gets done and the conversations are hard to actually follow or trace.
Don't feel bad Tristan, I never learned to properly drive a stick either. I mean, I learned how, but never drove one on a regular basis. I figure I have enough to think about on the road, what do I want to worry about the clutch for? Of course, trying to find an automatic Subaru wasn't a cake walk, but I did and I love my car. It's not the sexiest of cars, but it doesn't break down.
Plus, I can still take off like a rabbit Someone in a stick who really knows how to drive might take off faster than me, but it is a rare occurance. Of course, if someone is in front of me and I have to slow down it messes with the shifter a little. Oh well. It does have a very suitable backseat...
So many memories in that car. But I try not to think about it.
Being caught? Am I a wuss if I say I bought a car cover for my lil' darling? I got caught too many times just making out, and I did not need indecent exposure charges. So yeah, car cover. Many public places have seen my car cover without having any idea what was really going on
The worst I've gotten in an argument was something along the lines of "You are simply impossible!" and storming away. There was never any real name-calling; I think that indicates a real problem much of the time. Of course I had two relationships (one former best friend, one former lover) end pretty badly in the last year without any name calling being involved. Accusations, though, are something different I suppose. Just as destructive, but sometimes very hard to avoid.
All these friendly Browncoats in Texas! I should not want to be in Texas! I don't like Texas. It's too hot and I spend enough time glaring in the general direction of the Bush family without being in their actual vicinity. GED, you and all those wonderful Texas Browncoats should move up here We have pretty mountains!
Aw, Piz, I'm sorry you've given up. I know how you feel, though, it is hard to meet people. It's a catch-22. But, well, we all like you! That's why I love it here...
Ms G, I know Utah is a more social state (mom has a good friend there who says it forces him out of his shell) but please elaborate on these "singles functions" of which you speak, keeping in mind that churches make me uncomfortable and bars and/or drunkeness make me sick.
See, there's the fandom coming out! A lot of comments on the "faces with names" thread have been along the lines of "aren't fandoms like ours supposed to be pasty, overweight and bespectacled?" But it's not that at all; we're just a little socially awkward. James, I know what you're talking about, to a lesser extent. I like to have people I know around or I kind of sit there.
I am working on it. I just don't know exactly what vibe to put out. I don't want to come off as "easy" and I don't want to come off as "aloof" or "uninteresting" either. It's so frustrating. I got up today and stumbled to the bathroom and I caught myself in the mirror and just thought "You know what, I am a total babe! Why is no one flocking to me?"
Another expectation that life should go smooth goes *poof*




Tuesday, July 11, 2006 12:43 AM



Originally posted by Whitefall:

And bah, screw counseling, most of what you do there is you talk, not them. It's about letting the truth hang out, so... meh, you can do that just (ok, sorta almost) as well here.

I'm glad somebody agrees with me! Not that I'm not glad for anyone who who gets a lot out of counselling but I'm very intimidated by strangers (and broke) so I can't see it would be for me. I was very hurt a while back when I tried to unburden myself of worries and fears to a friend and he interupted me with "I think you should get counselling". I felt like he'd slapped me in the face! Why should I have to spend a lot of money talking to someone for them to make me feel better about myself, isn't that what firends are for? Maybe I overreacted but I took his comment to mean "I think you're crazy and I don't want to listen to you." and was very hurt. I try not to moan to my friends too often but I'm always ready to listen when they need to talk (but sometimes it's hard to judge whether they want actual advice as to how I would start to solve problems or just someone to make sympathetic noises!)

I suppose this raises another question I would like people's advice on. How much sharing - between SO or friends -is too much? It can't be fun when you're in a completely one sided relationship where you're constantly the giver of emotional support (I bet some of you know what that feels like!)



Tuesday, July 11, 2006 12:50 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Emma, I agree. I think talking to friends beats counseling any day. What do I want to tell a stranger my deepest secrets and darkest troubles for?
How much sharing is too much? I don't think "too much" exists if it's a true friend. Just a kinda friend, yeah, not so much with the sharing. But close friends and SO's should lend an ear. I always do; it's part of caring about someone.
Here's a hint, at least from my perspective; go with the sympathetic noises unless someone specifically asks "What should I DO?" Nothing bugs me more than when I have a problem and I'm trying to just get a bit of sympathy and someone says, almost clinically, "Well, maybe you should do this." When I'm ready to take action, I take action, but I sometimes have some bitching and/or moaning to do first. If I'm overwhelmed enough to cry/vent/lose sleep over something, I do not want to hear what I should be doing different, I need to chill out first.
That is me, though.




Tuesday, July 11, 2006 1:00 AM



Originally posted by msg:

So I had a long time babysitting and may I just say right now I would mug and beat down a total stranger for a baby!!!!! oh well ( resigned sigh) husband doesn't want one so I'll just be a rockin aunt who loves to babysit...and that makes everyone happy:)
See you all tomorrow when I will have tons of time to log in and comment with abandon!

I know I should be working and certainly not making light of your maternal cravings but I have just been sent a link to a game that I think may put off anyone from ever having kids, ever! It is truly terrifying and disturbing!



Tuesday, July 11, 2006 1:05 AM


Thanks PR, that is very good advice! I know exactly what you mean about sometimes needing to vent before your ready to take positive action.

I'll try to remember it and bite my tongue next time one of my friends wants to do the same. I am quite good at the sympathetic face and shoulder to dry on thing!
Must .. go... work ... now!
*Drags herself away from the interesting people*



Tuesday, July 11, 2006 2:37 AM


Morning, all!
Wow, got kind of somber in here last night...I hate seeing browncoats unhappy. Oh, how 'bout a happy dance to make people smile?

Alright, sorry, had to do it!

I'll hit the questions in a bit...I need coffee.



Tuesday, July 11, 2006 2:41 AM



Originally posted by RugBug:
I pretty much drive it topless from June to October.

A crappy thing about being single - no SO to help me take the top off! Hard top - I can't do it myself! I plan on rigging something involving pulleys in my garage to help with that, but haven't figured it out yet.


Sex in the back of a Wrangler would be an exercise in pain and discomfort.

Yeah, but then you can put in 4WD and go find a more private spot in the woods.

All right - re the counseling - I have to come out of my little closet. I knew it would happen eventually, but seemed like TMI... but is there such a thing on this thread anymore??

I've been seeing a therapist for over a year now. I put it off for a LONG time, because I thought I'd get some old guy who'd say mm-hmm a lot and scribble in a notebook. Not so! My therapist is the mother I wish I'd had. She's very warm and loving, but also tough and incredibly wise. She's been through every thing I have and more, and she shares her stories. I don't feel judged, I feel like I have a personal tutor in How to be a Happy, Decent Person.

She also took her time getting to know me before recommending advanced stuff - like meds for depression (TMI?) and good thing she took the time, because I wouldn't have trusted her otherwise and boy have the meds helped.

For me, therapy was necessary because I had too much bugguage to dump on a friend, and a friend wouldn't have given me the feedback and direction that a therapist could.

And, I must tell you, my last appt with her (just last week), we were talking gardening and halfway through the appt we bailed on officialness and walked to her house to tour her garden, and ended up sitting on her deck with a glass of wine talking home improvement. How wonderful is that?

Yeah, I recommend getting pro help if you're unhappy, but I also HIGHLY recommend shopping around. Don't tell your secrets to someone you don't trust and respect.

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 3:05 AM



Originally posted by mal4prez:
A crappy thing about being single - no SO to help me take the top off! Hard top - I can't do it myself! I plan on rigging something involving pulleys in my garage to help with that, but haven't figured it out yet.

I'll be in my bunk.

(Sorry, couldn't resist. )

"That's what government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 3:09 AM



Originally posted by Piz:

Originally posted by mal4prez:
A crappy thing about being single - no SO to help me take the top off! Hard top - I can't do it myself! I plan on rigging something involving pulleys in my garage to help with that, but haven't figured it out yet.

I'll be in my bunk.

(Sorry, couldn't resist. )

"That's what government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal

Huh. I just went to a very interesting mental place. Pulleys and a hard top...

I bet I could sell tickets.

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 3:21 AM



Originally posted by mal4prez:
rigging something involving pulleys in my garage to help with that, but haven't figured it out yet.

Mal4prez, check with an auto parts store or a 4-Wheel Drive catalog for a nifty little top remover that is easily operated by a single wife can take the hard top off or our jeep with no problem... it basicly a t-bar and come-a-long... (the thing that lifts the top) and you just attach it to a rafter in the garage and a wall, that's how i have mine anyway, but there are different ways to use it.... and it's inexpensive... in fact if you go to and put in part number 014500 you can see what i'm talking about - there is an electric one that cost more, but the manual one works fine....

endeavor to persevere...


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 3:25 AM


Pulleys and a hard top...oy!

Therapy. I am kind of split on that topic. I believe that it is beneficial to some people and not to others. So that this doesn't sound too wishy-washy, I'll try to clarify. There are some problems that can be worked through by talking with a professional listener, ie a therapist. There are some other problems that are misdiagnosed, and treated improperly, leading to ever more problems. To those that go through therapy and come out better, good for you! Glad it helped. For those that choose not to go, for what it's worth, I support you, too. You can always use this thread to vent, and we can help!



Tuesday, July 11, 2006 3:31 AM


Tristan - I agree. I actually discussed this with my therapist, and she told me that a good half of the patients she sees need to have the adverse effects of previous therapy/psychiatry sorted out. I got super lucky by getting her first.

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 3:36 AM


Mal4Prez, the person you are seeing sounds like a wonderful...person. (Boy, I hate when I can't sentence eloquently) There are too many out there with just a counselor's license screwing things up even worse. Just, when you find a good one, stck with them. I guess that's good advice.



Tuesday, July 11, 2006 3:41 AM


It does indeed sound like you get to vent to a trained friend, which is the best of both worlds!

I'm sorry, I really shouldn't be here. Please shout at me until I go and do some work!



Tuesday, July 11, 2006 3:48 AM


I don't think Brits are as into therapy etc as Americans (I don't mind being corrected on this.) Never felt the need myself - have worked through what in retrospect was a breakdown of sorts. My father is very much of the 'pull yourself together' school, and I absorbed that. Took passing out at work (nobody bothered to help me), and then blacking out again and waking up in oncoming traffic before I realised that perhaps my job was a little too much. I thought it was just tiredness - my doctor took my carkeys away from me, and put me on sicknotes 'until I got another job'.

Best therapy is getting to process everything that happens to me and spin it out through the medium of writing.

Incidentally, automatics are also not so common this side of the pond. The husband is an ex-rally driver, which can make just driving through town with him waaaay fun.

I met him at tai chi. That sort of thing is good for meeting the like-minded. There are signs of browncoatiness amongst them.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 3:54 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

My dad does tai-chi. He's suggested take up a knife-fighting style called Silat; there's a quite reputable school here. Now I just need more time and money.
I hate my job.




Tuesday, July 11, 2006 4:07 AM


I used to fence. Only Italian school, though, never Spanish (that's with a dagger, too). I got fed up with the role-playing and historical recreation societies at college - women were supposed to be camp followers etc. Not scary little types with the ability to fillet a six foot rugby player. (I'm a half-pint Amazon.)

I would like to be able to shoot. Not something that's common here, and for research purposes, I would like to know.

And I was thoroughly crap at archery - an old shoulder injury means that I have the drawing power of a three-year old.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 4:12 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I can shoot. My grandpa was a cop and lifetime member of the NRA. Needless to say, almost everyone in my family knows how to handle a gun except my autistic cousin.
Aren't guns, like, not allowed in Britan? Maybe I've got that wrong. Shooting is simple, it's the safety rules that make it tricky. That and the scary loud bang. You ever do shoot, wear very good ear protection.
I'd like to learn to fence, too maybe. I likee blades...




Tuesday, July 11, 2006 4:12 AM


I miss my little standard Renault Clio!


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 4:19 AM


Reckon sabre would be your thing. You use the edge, not the point, and anything above the waist is a target.

Bashing some in the face with the hilt is not considered good form, but sometimes it's downright hilarious

Guns are not common outside of shooting clubs (and parts of Birmingham, I think ) which is why it's difficult for me to get some experience. The H has relatives in Indiana that we might visit soon though, and I might get a chance then.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 4:22 AM


All you people with your shiny cars are making me look bad.

Also, I fail at standard. Tried it once, failed really bad. I blame playing too many games growing up, where one button is the "go" button. Now one pedal is the "go" pedal, and anything else is needlessly complicated.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 4:22 AM


SpaceAnJL, another fighter! Welcome! We have a few in here (msg for sure...others?) already. I am with you on the medieval societies...I spent ten years in one, and could never get over the combat boots and plastic armor. I have a tiny bit of training in fencing (not sure of the school was a long time ago), but am a mostly self-taught sword fighter. Turned around and taught a bunch of actors for Ren Faires (and married the thug of the bunch!), and nowadays we have our own version of Fight Club about once a week using PVC boffer weapons. Lots of fun, and we can all survive to do it again!
Shooting is also fun, and is also something I have been doing a long time. It's always fulfilling to be able to hit your target. I'm still trying to do the River thing from War Stories, but no luck yet



Tuesday, July 11, 2006 4:26 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
nowadays we have our own version of Fight Club about once a week using PVC boffer weapons. Lots of fun, and we can all survive to do it again!

I made foam swords for my friends awhile back, those things are too much fun. Now, I can never find anyone to spar with. I hate this town.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 4:27 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Man, I couldn't even handle the gun she's supposed to be firing in that scene! Certainly not one-handed; the jolt might dislocate my wrist.
That is actually the more unbelievable part of the scene to me. Yeah, I can believe she shot three guys with her eyes closed before I can believe she shot a gun that size one-handed without even flinching. Difference between real bullets and blanks, right there.




Tuesday, July 11, 2006 4:29 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Kenobius:

I made foam swords for my friends awhile back, those things are too much fun. Now, I can never find anyone to spar with. I hate this town.

I like wood swords; bit more heft.
I'd spar with you if you lived closer! I'm sure a few others here would too.
Man, everyone is just in the wrong damn place. What was that thing about all just forming our own country? That would be shiny.




Tuesday, July 11, 2006 4:36 AM


My club in London was run by stunt guys. The sensible bouts could degenerate quite quickly into excitable duelling. (My coach did all the sword work for 'Willow' amongst other films.) Sometimes, someone would fail to turn up, having been set on fire, or fallen three storeys into a poile of boxes. Riding horses up stairs was another favourite.

PVC weapons. Pah! The H is teaching me some very scary skills with a knife for self-defence.

This does mean that watching any films with swords in makes for noisy viewing. ('Put your arm back, you moron, you're going to lose your elbow!', 'hit him, hit him, he's wide open in sixte'...)


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 4:36 AM


Well, if gas prices weren't so outrageous and I had a car that could leave the state without crapping out, then I would love to make as many road trips as I could. But, it looks like I'm stuck here. That is, until someone gets to Browncoat Island bought.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 4:36 AM


Kenobius, you are always welcome to join us! I realize it might be quite a hike (I am in Alabama), but the offer is there.

PR, it's not as difficult as it looks. I have dated a few shooters, and even the "dainty" ones can surprise you. One of them loved shooting a .357 magnum, and would sometimes do it one-handed when she was feeling the mood. That is a gun that kicks like a mule. So, River firing three shots like that did not bother me...the hitting of the three without looking...that was a might unsettlin'. I have tried eyes-closed shooting, and it is not easy. I'd hit 1 in about 6 shots. About the blanks vs real bullets; yes there is a difference...still a kick, but you are right about it being nowhere near the real thing.



Tuesday, July 11, 2006 4:41 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I still prefer a 9 mil. Satisfying kick, without having to brace as much and the feeling it's going to rip my hand off. Rifles I could probably go bigger, just cause, you know, they're rifles.
Yeah, I wish I had time and money for roadtrips. Got the car, just not much extra time and less extra money.

Browncoat Island? I like it.








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