Male and Female Imponderables--What's done is done

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 03:09
VIEWED: 11952
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006 12:44 PM


Not nosy at all. 16 was the year, and it was a very busy year. Unfortunately, the virginity has grown back. Oh well, just gotta lose it again. Shucks.

"Where do bad folks go when they die?"


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 1:57 PM


Oh wow. I'm gone for a few hours and the thread doubles in length. Now I have to go catch up again!

Mal4Prez, I know what you mean about wanting a guy who's your equal. The guy I was with before hubby was more than a bit of a push over (not to mention passive aggressive and habitual liar). Hubby, on the other hand, is much more suited to me, has a similar temper and a similarly strong will. He doesn't let me get away with anything, but if we disagree about something, big or small, we'll sit down and talk about it, rather than one of us caving to the other. When I do get my way (usually on small things like where we eat), he teases me about how spoiled I am. And I know I am, but I spoil him too, so it works.

I think some shy guys could eventually get comfortable enough to start asserting themselves within a relationship, but having been in a relationship for several years with a guy who never did actively assert himself, there's no way I'd ever go back to something like that.

To MsG's hilarious question: Bare floor here. Someone in one of these Imponderables threads said recently that everyone should be a whore in the bedroom, and I totally agree. Be monogamous, don't cheat, don't wear sexy clothes in public, sure. But once it's just you and your partner in private, why let anything but what the two of you want matter?

As far as the first time question, mine wasn't until after I got married. Hadn't really planned it that way, but then I wasn't quite 22 when I got married, so it's not like I waited all *that* long.

Update from earlier, nothing much to report from the doc: another test came back negative, so I am *still* without a diagnosis, and once again getting the line that they are out of things to test, and we'll just have to wait for another symptom to come up before we start looking again. That's the signal for me to start digging through medical references again...

Update on the job: I went out to lunch with my hubby after the doc appointment, and we talked about my health issues with this job, and I came to the decision that I would just let the application process run its course, and figured if I was given an offer I'd make the decision then (rather than backing out now). I got back home and had a message from my contact at that company that they'd filled the position, with someone who had experience in the one area I was really lacking. Honestly can't say I'm upset about it.

And then, right after that, I got a call from my boss, saying that one of our quite-nearly business partners is asking about me for a temp contracting position. I need to get more details on it, but it sounds like it will be contract work from home (so more of what I'm doing now), but with a chance to get my name out there with another group, and a chance to get familiar with a new tech that my company will probably be using soon anyway.

Hm, that was way more confusing than it needed to be. I'm an independent contractor, working from home, but only for the one company right now. I may be getting another contracting gig thrown my way, which in the wake of not getting the full time position, I'm all kinds of thrilled about.

Oh, and I finally got up the courage to post my picture in the Faces with Names thread.


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 1:58 PM


Wow, that looked a lot shorter when I was typing it. >_<


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 2:08 PM


I'm out everyone. Bear Hugs to all. Thanks for making my day. See y'all tomorrow.

"Where do bad folks go when they die?"


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 2:08 PM


Ah, theres probably no point, but I felt the need to put this in spoilers, theres a few words not suitable for the very young, and it gives Whitefall the chance to decide whether he want an education or not.

On the subject of personal topiary...

Select to view spoiler:

Don't have a Brazllian wax by Carole Cadwallan
Oh, the beauty industry knows a euphemism when it sees one. A 'Brazilian' wax! Please! This is a procedure that has nothing whatsoever to do with fancy attacking football and beachside caipirinhas. It's a vaginal wax. A labial wax. An anal wax. No, not very nice, I agree. Not on a Sunday morning with your breakfast, not ever.
And these are only piffling little words. Does it really need saying that only a fool would allow a total stranger bearing a pot of wax heated to boiling point to come anywhere near their private parts? Apparently it does, because, no disrespect to you ladies out there who have them on a regular basis but you're quite mad, possibly delusional, with the kind of psychosocial problems mat could keep an expensive therapist busy for months.
You see the due is in the name. They're 'private' parts. And dress the experience up with all the spa - treatment lingo and whale music you like, and call me a prudey square, but really, if this is your idea of a good time, then go and have a smear test. Or simply stab yourself with hot needles. Only make sure you're not wearing any knickers and that a total stranger is present and that they're staring at your crotch and saying vaguely threatening things like 'There's no way I'm letting

you leave the room until you've had one!' or it simply wouldn't be a fair comparison. Oh yes, and don't forget to burn a £50 note and to consider carefully the full ramifications of the word 'regrowth'. No, don't be putting away those needles just yet
Only a fool would do it, I'm telling you, a patsy. The only bigger fool would be the kind of fool disturbingly lacking in what, in the absence of a better word, I'll call ‘dignity’, who'd agree to write about it which is why I really can't explain what comes next.
Or at least I can but it comes under
The heading 'workplace bullying'. Because while there are some things in life that I, personally, can't really see the point of but nonetheless accept that others may - snakes, Thought for the Day, Paris Hilton-Brazilian waxes exist only as proof that we live in an essentially hostile universe that eludes all attempts at rational explanation.
Because it's not just the pain, and the embarrassment, and the money, it's that the aim of the procedure (and I'll quote Wikipedia here in a transparent but ultimately doomed

Attempt to distance myself from the entire, sorry business) - 'the complete removal of hair from the buttocks and adjacent to the anus, perineum and vulva {labia majora and mons pubis)'- is to leave you looking like a pre-pubescent girl. And should you happen to stumble across a man who likes that sort of thing, any hope of fulfilling sexual congress is likely to be marred by the nagging thought that it might be because he's a closet pedophile. Cassie, the super-professional vaginal-waxer-to-the-stars at the central London salon, Otylia Roberts,
Tells me this is rubbish. She says that actually the real aim is to look like a porn star. It's why, and again I'm going to employ Wikipedia here in order to maintain a certain professional aloofness, 'most forms leave a small line of pubic hair above the vulva, commonly known as the "landing strip1". So, you see feminism hasn't been in vain.
All the actresses have them in the films which is why men like them,' Cassie says. 'And someone started offering them in New York but they called them "Brazilians" because it

Sounded better than going in and asking for a "porno star".'
They're not even remotely Brazilian. They're the Sunny Delight of the beauty world and don't even try and trot out the 'I wear a high-cut bikini' line. There's no swimwear in the world that requires that degree of anatomical exactitude and if you really think that having one is an act of generosity towards your lover I'd suggest a boxed gift-set of underpants, or handkerchiefs, is no less so.
But then us ladies still earn on average two-thirds what men do, and live in a society that financially penalizes those who are impregnated by their partners, and bullies and stigmatizes those who aren't. Under the circumstances, a fashion that affords us the opportunity to spend large amounts of cash enduring pain and discomfort in order to look like strippers and whores shouldn't be so much of a shock. And, no. I'm not saying if I left the room with one or without one. My parts are private. And just a little bit shy.

That was from a sunday paper supplement no less. Good magazine, also had an interview with Alice Cooper (?!?!? - yes, I know, the broadsheets have really changed) who brought up this mildly amusing joke -

God see's this guy in San Fransisco who He really likes, and tells him 'i'm going to give you anything you want' and the guy says 'ok, Ihave a house in Maui. I'd like a bridge from here to Maui.' God says 'ok, but i'm going to give you 24 hours to think about that, Tell me again tomorrow.' So He comes back the next day and the guy say 'forget the bridge - I want to understand women.' And God says 'so do you want that bridge four lanes or two?'.

he he.

Ok, next imponderable - we've all been talking about the doofus variant that is all serious and totally confusing (they're doing it 'cause they want to impress and appeal to you) now I want to know about your doofus moments that were just plain silly.

Whats the most silly/ridiculous/embarrasing thing you've done infront of a member of the opposit sex/in front of people you're trying to impress/ on a date?

To set the tone, and start off the giggling, my stoopidest moment went something like...

Way back in my first year of college, iwas in halls, and one of my friends had her boyfriend and his mate to stay. We all went out for the evening, and they disappeared early, so Igot their friend back to the halls only to find their door locked with a great big piss offf! sign on it. so i said he could kip on my floor. (yes, I was totally rat-assed)

Now, my usuall tactic at that point for Not Loosing My Keys was to attatch them to the strap of my bra by their little keyring ring thing. And being three sheets to the wind, Icouldn't get the ring off the strap. I tried to undo the door with it still attatched, but it wouldn't stretch with out revealing EVERYTHING. So Idid that magic trick that i'm sure all the girls know off, where you take your bra off with out taking your top (or in this case even my jacket) off. I think he was impressed. Startled anyway. so now, with underwear still attatched to the key, iundid the lock, ushered him in, went to find my sleeping bad, and spare cushions and crap, got him settled on the floor, did the 'no, you have the bed' argument, got into bed and went to sleep.

It was only when i got a knock on the door from one of the Trinity music students that I found out i'd left the key in the lock with my pink frilly number still attatched.

Ah, college, alcohol. Theres two things i'm never doing again.

Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 2:58 PM


hmm embarrassing moment... Going to go with in a hurry changing costumes for a ballet performance we had this number in all white and in the rush of changing backstage and trying to get all the attachments on, my dresser must have forgotton the most important part of the costume ( to put this in context underneath leotard you are naked) the front's piece which keeps you from having showthrough in transparent she forgets it and I have no clue and dash on barely making my call... My partner for the pas de deux ( who also happened to be a long time friend and usualy partner) gets these huge eyes and I'm thinking what??? and we go through the dance ( no other choice) with him with this very odd look...we finish and curtain drops. Troy steps in front of me and starts dragging me off before the curtain rises...I whack at him and he just keeps dragging and I'm squawking and we get off and he puts a hand over my mouth and says look down. I do and freak and just then another guy Ryan pops over to see what the problem is and Troy goes bonkers trying to stay in front of me while I try and attract Jennete to get my costume front's piece...basically causing 3 ring circus which draws out the director who wants to know why everyone isn't onstage and Troy (who has been standing in front of me ) steps to one side and says " this is what's wrong." so there I stand in a leotard so transparent I might as well have been wearing cellophane. We got it sorted and all, but it wasn't one of my best moments:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 3:20 PM


If this has already been discussed I apologize -

OK peeps - Commando, French knickers, thongs, or big girl pants? Men boxers? Briefs? Commando?

For me I like them in this order - Commando, French Knickers, thongs or boxer briefs. I DO NOT LIKE VPL on me or anyone else! I HATES IT I DOES PRECIOUUUUUS! On a man - Commando or boxers.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 3:23 PM


Oooh, msg! What's for dinner tonight?

Oddest place? I posted that in another thread, so without getting into too many details...about 30 feet up in a tree.

Lost my virginity at 18, first semester in college. I had tried to give it away before then, but had no takers.

CK, Arrgghh on the no diagnosis thing. We may have to come visit the Dr and tell him to hurry it up!
Oh, and thank you for the picture.



Tuesday, July 11, 2006 3:25 PM


Tidy whities!


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 3:46 PM


Aww, thanks Tristian!

Yeah, I had my fingers crossed that the xrays would come back with something, so that there'd be something to diagnose. I just passed the 2.5 year mark with this thing, so I'm getting pretty used to not having a diagnosis, but it's still frustrating. I'd just like to know what I'm dealing with here, and what I can expect in the long run.

Undies: I discovered thongs I few years ago, and never went back. My butt is kinda funny shaped (wide hipbones, but flat flat flat butt), so they really are more comfortable than the alternatives.

And now that I've posted my picture, I'm going to get all shy about replying to the Imponderables!


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 3:54 PM


MsG: Whenever I do the slightest bit of physical activity, I get all manner of sweaty in the dangly bits. Since I don't like having a smelly crotch, I knock back the hair. Not shaved, but clipped. As for preference, I can't really say, since I've not had a variety to choose from yet.

The First Time: Still counting, it seems. If anything.... and I do mean any-damn-thing.... I'll let y'all know.

Oh, and I had a rather interesting day at work. My co-worker got called to a major accident not a while away, thinking that her brother had been killed. It turned out that the dead one was in fact the husband of a woman who also worked in the same place I did. It fell to my other co-worker to deliver the highly unpleasant news. Not a happy day.

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 4:14 PM


CK, I just point out the obvious!
No need to feel shy about posting here...we're all just folk, and it's nice to be able to talk about things like this with like-minded people. No one is going to think any differently about you...well, except maybe in a good way. All manner of things will be well!



Tuesday, July 11, 2006 4:42 PM


Embarassing moment... During a rehersal, I was killed and thrown to the front of the stage and lay there motionless like any good dead person should. However I had been thrown so far forward that my head was partially hanging over into empty space and ended up being supported by my jaw. Then the curtain closes... over me, so my head and upper body is sticking out in full view and, this being the last scene, means that I can't run up to get in place for curtain call. So, as I lay there thinking what I'm going to do about this situation, I feel someone grab my ankles and drag me, under the curtain and in period Victorian costume, back behind the curtain, while everyone is laughing their heads off. And dust was all over the front of my costume, silk vest and white french cuffed shirt, when it opens again. Think like Kaylee, except substitute dust for engine grease.
First time: nope, not yet, never even kissed a girl: sad, but true
Underwear: Briefs, although commando can be very comfortable in one's own home


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 6:19 PM


Bah, Seryn I appreciate your disgression, I went n read, naughty me, and maybe you didnt realize, most of what you put in spoilers was not anything dirty, just an ethics question on the role of female-oriented fashion in a post-feminist society. Frankly, I agree with you.

You folks may remember, two or three threads ago when we had this debate on feminism, I essentially acquiesced on the subject, given that the posters were happy with the issues (i believe it was dating among others), so why argue. But now...

Can't say I disagree. I've never understood this idea of waxing any part of the body, though i've been known to shave n stuff, I just dont understand the finer reasons behind hair removal. And it seems to be mostly a female trouble, which, while biologically sensible, still aint fair, so there we go into feminism again.

But damnit, this debate is an endless circle, one I'm not sure I want to get into with you fine folks. Ultimately, it aint my right to impose my thoughts on the matter, so feminism, like religion, you just need to go your seperate ways with it.

Ok, that was long and stuff.

As to the new topic of theater mishapps.... I must have had a few, but damnit I don't remember them. Eh, here's a tale for your enjoyment: I helped a friend of mine quickchange in the run of a show, and now she'll occassionally make jokes about how I can say I've had a woman strip in front of me. Argh, she teases me, what can I say.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 6:25 PM


Theater mishaps. Yikes.

No actual 'mishaps,' although one time I improv-ed for the entire first act. Sooo much funny, but sooo much pain.


'It's Braedan. With an A.'

'Shiny moments aren't a destination any of us get to, and stay put forever. They're unknowable, brief flashes in time. That's what makes them shiny.' -GorramReevers


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 6:38 PM


I see how it goes, I leave and then people start talking theater! Well, too bad, I'm adding my two-cents now:

I once did a two-man show. That was by far the craziest and most hectic thing I ever done. We each had to play 3 characters (male and female) and had split-second costume changes. All the improv classes I had couldn't compare to doing that show.

One time, Act I was completely remixed. I mean, we were all over the script, but we somehow brought it together. That wasn't nearly as bad as the one night this cage door trapping me in was completely open, and I was standing there free as a bird, but had a few pages of dialog as to why I am trapped. Talk about thinking fast. I also murdered my stage manager.

Ok, I'm done sharing, what's the current question?


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 9:29 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Damn! I missed everything and a half!
Mal4Prez, I get what you're saying. I've said before that I don't want a relationship with a "dominant partner". I want to get my way sometimes, compromise at others, have some decisions made that I don't have to worry about. It's a rare find; seems like the majority of people, no matter their gender, are either or. That kind of bugs me, but I get it. I also get the not wanting to piss a lady off thing. This is one of the many reasons I decided to just write an instruction manual for myself; if someone wonders if something will piss me off, they can just refer to it. It's a work in progress.
Ms G, how is that racy? We've talked about body hair before.
Ex of Doom liked me shaved or close. Not a fan of hair down there. Especially when it came to certain activities; hair got in the way. I kept it trimmed anyway, but he wanted me to try shaving it and I did. It felt strange at first, but I liked it for several reasons. It helped with hygiene and scent along with *cough* other areas. He kept trimmed; basically a buzz cut down there. I liked that. Nice and fuzzy. He used his electric razor (not a fan of razor blades)
I only bother to really maintain it when someone else is going to see it, though. I should anyway for hygiene, but I don't care enough. I think maybe that "slutty" conotation comes when you do it all the time, just in case. Maybe I'm wrong. Suposedly slutty girls leave hickies, too, and I leave some pretty bad ones.
Gorrammit, enjoying yourself does not equal slutty! Sorry, that kind of attitude really bothers me.
Copilot, I wish I could drop weight like that! I gained at least ten pounds after my breakup, but now that I've gotten over the "cry and eat ice cream every day" stage it's started to slowly come off again. Slowly. I'm trying to eat more veggies and stuff, seems to be doing me some good. I tend to eat too much when I'm depressed, and certain foods (sugar) just make me gain weight quite fast. But I still look fine, and am hoping to look a little better. I need to start going after that heavy bag again! It's the only kind of excercise I enjoy even a little. I doubt I look happy while doing it; probably more focused or even angry, but I do enjoy it.
Waxing other areas? No no! Bad! I use a shaver, very carfully. It.... I.... Ok... Um, kiddies cover your eyes. I'll put this in spoilers os no one has to read it who doesn't want to:

Select to view spoiler:

The important thing it to pull the skin tight and shave with the grain. Againt the grain hurts a lot. So pull upwards on the area and shave downwards. For the really... delicate... areas, just fold them outwards a little, pull, and shave. BE CAREFUL! Don't use too much cream, because it can get slick and you do not want a razor to slip in that area.

Yeah, it itches badly when it starts to grow back, so you have to shave it again right away or suffer. After enough times it's not as bad, but still itches.
I want a special razor for that area! That'd be nice!
Two wonderful Browncoat boys waiting for dating to begin, and I'm stuck in a different state. Fate is cruel.
I just reactivated one of my dating site accounts and did a search. No one on there looks very good to me. Bother.
Now I have "Baby Got Back" all running through my head. Damn but I love that song.
A little jiggle is fine, I think. Nothing wrong with the body going "squish" when squeezed, it's just a problem if it gets really out of hand. I'm pretty toned under my subcutanious layer; you just can't see it!
Yeah, never, ever get a tattoo of a person. Ex of Doom said at one point that he would like a rose tattoo. He couldn't afford any at the time, so he never got it. I thought that was very sweet... but we all know how it ended up.
Rugbug, remember that it isn't losing weight that matters, it's losing girth. Muscle weighs a lot more but takes up less room.
I would love to get my leg and armpit hair removed. And some of the lawn hair, too. If not all. Naw, I would leave a little patch and trim it, I think. Or shave it off if I was in the mood.
Nice way to tell someone you're not interested... I try to catch it early and just say "I'm sorry, I really don't see you that way" or something similar. Usually, though, if there is chemistry it's mutual.
I have never said "Let's just be friends." Ever. I understand what it's like to try just being friends with someone you want very badly. It can work, but it isn't all that fun. Also, if we're already friends, they can continue that or not. Most chose not and I can respect that.
Wildest place? Should I talk about this?
Um... ok *cough cough* *small voice* hospital.
Lots of sex in the car, but also in my bed. And sometimes in his bed. Actually, first time was in his bed. And I was 19. I was ready a little before that, but couldn't find anyone I really trusted and wanted. Losing it was a bit of a deal to me. Well, sex at all is a deal to me. Y'all know that, though.
Yes, CK, mutual spoiling is the way to go!
Ok, underwear again. Bikini briefs for me. Silky feeling ones. On men? Yumminess is the silk boxers.
After the very long post on why I shouldn't be shaved/waxed, I still have to say I enjoyed it. Finer reasons behind hair removal? Can we say "increased sensation"?
Most embarassing moment I had was when my second boyfriend and I got to talking to this dude while we were out in a park and he asked if either of us had any "dimes". I reached into my purse and handed him a dime. I didn't know it was a drug reference. God, the look that boy gave me... And then he was pretty condescneding about it. Like I should have known. Didn't make me very happy.
Think that's everything. Is anyone actually reading my ridiculously long posts? Just wondering.




Tuesday, July 11, 2006 9:36 PM


I can go with the stage manager murdering.

I don't think I have any embarrasing theatre stories - i've done so many fittings and quick changes that nakeness no longer phases me. Um shall have to think of one.

Er, just to state that that article wasn't my opinion, though on the subject of brazillians, it's as near as maybe. Plus its also cause theres no way i'd ever get my bits out like that where it not really important (smear tests, urgh!) Hair's in certain places cause its ment to be I suppose. Saying that, I do keep the nethers neat and tidy and hair free in some places, mainly for my own comfort.

And I'm going to make a very feminist statement of - I do what iwant with my bits, and any guy can just like it or lump it. Hopefully he'd be interested in me and not the gardening.

Same goes for guys - i'll go with whatever he's comfortable with, its not my place to dictate.

CK, hold on in there. I found a useful trick was to find out what was wrong with me, then present it to the doctor in such a way that it sounded like their idea.

Oh god, PR, I'm really naieve when it comes to things like that as well. I've spent my entire life near liverpool, and I took a friend pointing out the local dealer when we were eating out once for me to even realise that yes, there must be dealers in liverpool.

Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 2:39 AM


I was involved in Theatre in High School. We were putting on a musical, and I managed to wrangle the lead (it had the least singing, and I was on stage almost all the time). The script initially was crap, but after a complete overhaul, we managed to make it something workable. I think it helped that I was willing to utterly destroy myself on stage for the injury gags.
Well, the bad situation was during the first performance. We hadn't even had a dress rehearsal, due to scheduling and time constraints, so we were flying, for the very first time, through the entire play, in front of an audience, with what seemed like the worst sound manager I've ever heard of.
At one point, the script called for a 'sudden and unexpected phone call' after I delivered a line. I delivered said line. Then I waited. And waited. And waited. After 30 seconds (an eternity on stage, you'd understand if you were there) go by, I turn to the manager, who's booth was at the back of the audience, and say in full stage voice "It would be nice to get a sudden and unexpected phone call right about now!"
Man, that first showing was a disaster. Lines were forgotten, chairs were broken, costumes were incomplete, and I actually got a little bit injured when I hit the floor once... The second time went off better, and the third (and final) time went off without a hitch. But that first run is burned into my memory.

EDIT: And for the record, PR, I'm not just in a different state. I'm in a different country
I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 2:41 AM



What has feminism have to do with waxing? In your opinion?


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 2:49 AM


I read your long posts


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 2:50 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Well, yeah, of course what anyone does with their bits is up to them; I'm not closed off to suggestion, though.
I wouldn't say to someone "You need to shave down there" but I might say "Hey, you know what might be fun?" Big difference. That's about the way it was suggested to me, too. Since said suggestion was carrying a certain connotation of the cunnalingus kind, I wasn't going to say no outright.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who's totally naive about the drug world! I'm a bit more savvy now, but probably not by much. That whole "illegal trading" thing kinda blindsides me, actually. I remember someone telling me those people holding signs that said "I need tickets" at concerts were actually scalpers. I was totally like "Huh? But that doesn't make any sense!" Still not sure I believe that one.




Wednesday, July 12, 2006 2:56 AM


Morning, all!

Just one it Friday yet?!?

Alright, seems I missed the embarassing theatre subject. I have a few, but one of the worst happened during my first ever show in college. The opening was improv leading up to the actual script (odd sounding, but if you are familiar with Woyzeck you'll understand). I have the first scripted line, and right before I deliver it, I am supposed to be hit full in the face with a handful of shaving cream. Opening night, all things are going well...I get hit in the face with the shaving cream. I open my mouth to say the first line...and inhale shaving cream. It send me into a coughing fit. I try half a dozen times to get the line out, but nothing happens except a squeak and more coughing. After about two minutes of continued improv from the rest of the cast, I finally manage to get my voice back enough to choke out the line. Oh, I miss the fun!

So, what are we discussing today?

Looks like I will be making a new thread soon...



Wednesday, July 12, 2006 2:58 AM


Oh please! This one takes sooooo long to open :(


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 2:59 AM


Alright...hang on.

New thread!

See you all there!



Wednesday, July 12, 2006 3:00 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by JamesTheDark:
EDIT: And for the record, PR, I'm not just in a different state. I'm in a different country

Ah. I should have been more specific.
Was talking about these lovely young men:

Originally posted by Kenobius:

Originally posted by Ged:

Originally posted by mal4prez:
The dating has begun

I'm waiting for this phrase to become to true for me!

Amen to that.

Not that you don't seem lovely yourself, but I knew you were in a different country




Wednesday, July 12, 2006 3:09 AM


Wandered in to nose around, and backed out again, frightened by the talk of hot wax and needles. Some things are meant to be imponderable, methinks.

I taught a beauty therapist some new words the one time I had a leg wax. (I am useless with languages usually, but I am fluent in cussing - and menu - in several, some of them dead.)

Don't do pain. Don't even have my ears pierced. In fact, I have no tattoos, piercings or even big scars. (It is possible to duel with metal blades and not get cut - you just need to be very good.)

I know more about drugs than I look like I should do. But I never touch the things.






Gene Hackman Died
Fri, February 28, 2025 17:39 - 7 posts
12 Foot filming Prop
Fri, February 28, 2025 15:56 - 3 posts
Firefly Pinterest
Fri, February 28, 2025 13:19 - 1 posts
A Gun for Misbehaving
Fri, February 28, 2025 13:08 - 14 posts
Collecting Props and Costumes
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:54 - 11 posts
Firefly cosplay
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:38 - 1 posts
Firefly props, the is active!
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:32 - 1 posts
Losing Another FireFly Site ?
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:18 - 24 posts
Browncoats of the Upper Midwest - Unite!
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:11 - 12 posts
Where are the Extraterrestrial Civilizations
Wed, February 26, 2025 16:00 - 69 posts
BROWNCOAT BALL 2025 – LOS ANGELES, CA September 18-21st 2025
Tue, February 25, 2025 06:02 - 1 posts
Battlestar Galactica tributes Firefly? (with pics)
Mon, February 24, 2025 13:45 - 7 posts