Male and Female Imponderables--Now We Go In Content

UPDATED: Friday, July 14, 2006 02:56
VIEWED: 15479
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Thursday, July 13, 2006 1:00 PM


Wow, seryn you basically described my life situation, you're not in my head again are you? Ever since adding you on myspace, I don't trust you.

I'm not the best person to be giving advice on this subject, cause it does hit so very close to my home. I'm a hippie deep down and think that happiness is more important than wealth, but I am both not so wealthy and not happy at all, so I messed up somewhere with that philosophy.

If you need to vent a little, look me up on msn ( we can lament together.


Thursday, July 13, 2006 1:03 PM


Technically I anm not qualified for my job. On paper that is. After I got my foot in the door I was able to train under all the bosses and observe the administrative side of the facility. Not that a half assd trained ape couldn't do my job. I'd just have to show him how before I left. Adult and sensible is fine for only so long. Those meandering thoughts of elsewhere will bite you in the ass for leaving them behind.

Kinda leads into what I was thinking about.
Heard a big to do on the radio over the shuttle doing some spin manuever in space, (the guys talking about it had no clue what they were talking about so I have to find out myself). I suddenly got very depressed. We will never in our lives go into the black. That is a problem for a person like me who looks to the stars for escape. Do women have the same distant feeling as men? Do they look to the horizon and feel the need to go regardless of the consequences? Do women search for a reason to stay rather than to go? Am I alone in feeling lonely due to having no other person to pine over? Is anyone else as tired as I am asking questions?

Losing my mind.

"evil i've come to tell you that shes evil
most definately
evil ornery scandalous and evil
most definately
the tension is getting hotter
i'd like to hold her head underwater"


Thursday, July 13, 2006 1:30 PM


Seryn, while I don't work with costuming at all, I do work in an industry that's extremely hard to break into, and one about which I know a lot of people have asked the same questions you are: Should I keep working at an unfulfilling but paying job, or should I throw caution to the wind and follow the dream?

Having been asked that question by people trying to break into the industry more than a few times, I'll try to generalize my answer so that it might be useful to you.

When you're starting out, work at whatever job you can get and save up enough money to move to one of the hubs of the industry (for costuming, my guesses would be London, New York, or LA, but you'd know better than I would). While you're working that soulless job and saving up money, spend as much of your free time as you possibly can doing industry-related self-directed work on the side. I don't know exactly what that would entail for costuming, but it would all depend on what sorts of things would help you get a job in costuming five years from now. Do some research into it, but my guesses would be things like volunteering to help with the costuming at a high school or community theater near where you live now, putting together a portfolio of costuming sketches, learning to sew (or learning more complicated techniques than you currently know), that sort of thing. Basically, anything that you'll be able to put on your resume once you're ready to break into the industry.

Once you've saved up enough money to make the move to an industry hub, start looking for jobs out there. Get another crap job in the industry city if you have to, but as early as possible, start looking for a crap job *within* the industry you want to get into. I've never done any sort of theater above community theater, but even those needed tons of people back stage and before opening to get everything done. Look on, find message boards populated with people in the industry, anywhere that mentions job openings, and take the first paying job you can get.

Once you've got your foot in the door, getting other jobs will be easier. Continue to work on your portfolio and side skills while you work in the theater box office or whatever, and make friends with people who work in the area you want to work in. Eventually one of the people you've made friends with will say "Yeah, actually, I do know of a Costume Mistress's Assistant job at a theater across town. Do you have any samples or sketches I could show this friend of mine?" And since you've been doing all this stuff in your free time, you *will* have something to show.

Like I said before, I don't really have any knowledge of the costuming world, but it's been my experience that any industry that's hard to break into, the two best things you can do to break in are to make friends with people in the industry, and practice the craft in your free time. The other thing to keep in mind is that while these jobs can be dream jobs (and believe me, I *LOVE* my job), they usually come with a high price. Even once you have the job you want, you're going to have to keep up that same pace that you set while you were trying to break in. These sorts of jobs are usually hugely demanding (since so many people want in, only the best of the best who can devote huge amounts of energy to it get to keep their jobs), but at the end of the day, if you love what you're doing, it's all worth it.


You can't take the sky from me...


Thursday, July 13, 2006 1:57 PM


Seryn- I agree with everything Ck said and I'd like to add a side note that being trained in management and advertising will very much enhance the likely hood that a theater will want you. See most theaters are on a tight budget and having someone who knows a lot about advertising and marketing will really be an asset to them and something that will make you stand out as a better candidate than consider the souless stuff a passport to the theater:)

NV- yes I would love to leave this planet and go off to see what's out there. I love looking at the stars and thinking I wonder if there are planets near it and if they have beaches. Who says it won't happen in our life time?? my mom was born in 1947 and I bet when she was our age she never thought people from all parts of the globe could talk to each other in real time connected by an invisible web of don't give up!

Copilot- any time baby girl...we love you HUGS!!!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, July 13, 2006 2:09 PM


Gorram it! It's impossible to keep up with these Imponderables threads! Is that all you guys do all day?

"That's what government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal


Thursday, July 13, 2006 2:12 PM



Originally posted by Piz:
Gorram it! It's impossible to keep up with these Imponderables threads! Is that all you guys do all day?

"That's what government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal

Yeah, pretty much.


Thursday, July 13, 2006 2:22 PM


Lol. Well, I have it open all day, but I'm always doing othr things. Usually working, but I did just get back from working out right before my last post.


You can't take the sky from me...


Thursday, July 13, 2006 2:25 PM


Piz- well we do sometimes do other stuff:)

CK- me too:) Just got back from working out...which I do because I worked out to lose weight and now I have to work out to keep it off and does anyone see a vicious cycle here or is that just me?

OK here's an imponderable...What one food item or dish do you consider romantic?

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, July 13, 2006 2:25 PM


Cozen, welcome aboard!

Seryn, don't feel bad. You know what my interests are as far as drama and costuming go...that is what I pictured myself doing. Yet, as the fates would have it, I am in insurance. The last place anyone I know would have pictured me. So, follow whatever dream it is you have, and quickly!

NVG, you are describing a great longing of mine, too. I have followed the space program since I was able to understand what it meant, tried to watch each launch and follow the mission until they land again. Each time they launch, I wish I was with them. I know in my heart, we will one day go out into the black.
I also know your wanderlust...I have it, too, and it strikes at odd moments. I just want to up and take off sometimes.

CK, wow. You are an expert at translating coherent thoughts into the written word. Seryn, CK's got a plan here!

Copilot, got nothing but love for you, dear!

Piz...well, yes, this is what we do all day. Or try to. Sometimes this annoying thing called my job gets in the way, and keeps me from posting for a spell.

My fellow Imponderable-ers, I must bid you goodnight. I have not had the chance to do that in a long time!



Thursday, July 13, 2006 2:32 PM


Tristian: 'Tis what I'm paid to do! My whole career is based around being able to communicate clearly and gracefully through text. Also, I've climbed that mountain, and it's easier to see the path from the top.

Romantic food: Strawberries and whipped creme. Or really anything and whipped creme.


You can't take the sky from me...


Thursday, July 13, 2006 2:33 PM



Originally posted by msg:
OK here's an imponderable...What one food item or dish do you consider romantic?

Any food can be romantic in the right situation, with the right person.

Except onions, which are just plain evil. If there were such a thing as "God," and I were that thing, I'd get rid of onions. Then famine, disease, drought, etc., but onions first.

"That's what government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal


Thursday, July 13, 2006 2:36 PM


Well, I gotta jet too. Hope all have a good evening. Be looking at the sky tonight.

"evil i've come to tell you that shes evil
most definately
evil ornery scandalous and evil
most definately
the tension is getting hotter
i'd like to hold her head underwater"


Thursday, July 13, 2006 6:02 PM


Urgh, breaking into industries... not looking forward to that. (Want to be a writer, lol.) Oh well, I'll burn that bridge when I come to it.

Copilot, you are mighty, keep up that whole not-miserable thing!

Hmm.... what imponderables are there? No opinion on the romantic food, or the last couple of questions...... meh, I'll keep watch. (Really i'm on here a lot, but you guys are on SOOO much more hehe.)

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Thursday, July 13, 2006 6:18 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I've been in relationships when I paid for almost everything. I didn't mind then, but kinda do now, after the fact. Not made of money, here, just happen to have a job. This was more in my teen years, though. I wouldn't want a man to pay for me all the time, but sometimes it's nice.
I have apparently been totally flirtatious without knowing, yeah. Most times I know I'm being flirty, but I think there's a certain body language that I can't just turn on; it happens all by itself! I used to do it a lot more and apparently led some people on. I try to reign it in a little now.
County politics, money issues, all that is icky.
Three accounts sounds good to me. Not sure if that's what my mom and stepdad have set up. I know she doesn't have two checking accounts she writes from though. She is very prompt with payment, so I think she pays most of the bills, but he gives her money for the checking account. Anyway, as long as all the bills get paid. Too bad there tends to be not a lot of money left over now with the house and all.
I have Sprint through Working Assets. Never had a problem with them. In fact, Working Assets is the shiniest company ever to get phone service through; they donate to stuff and give you free ice cream. At least for awhile. Just a thought.
I haven't fantasized during sex, or really to inspire sex, but sometimes a sexy scene of someone I'm crushing on in a movie or going to a concert would get me jazzed for it. Ex of Doom would sometimes ask "you're not pretending I'm so-and-so are you?" This was particularly funny to me when the person in question was female. But I loved him so much, and that was really what made it worth it to have sex; I just wanted him. However many crushes I might have had, however many people I found to be very hot, at the end of the day he was who I wanted in bed with me. When I was away from him, though, I did tend to fantasize a lot, both about him and others.
Yeah, I don't really like being single. There are times when I'll think "I'm glad I don't have to deal with anyone else today." but nothing beats having someone to snuggle with. I'm already very tired of being single. I very much like human contact. All forms of it. It just relaxes me like nothing else can.
Seryn, it sounds like the crappy jobs you have aren't doing you much good and also aren't paying the bills. Might as well have a crappy juob that pays well so you can save up a bit. I think you'll get out faster with more money; that is usually the way of it. Just so long as you remember to limit your spending! (I would have a hard time with this...) I believe happiness is important, but it's hard to be happy when you have no time, and time is unfortunately something that must be bought like any other precious comodity.
I think CK has it right, I'll just shut up now and let her talk.
NV, yes I pine for the stars. Sometimes I just want to see how far a tank of gas will take me. Real life bites sometimes.
no, I sleep all day. I do this all night
ONE food item? Ummmmmmmm.... Yeah I don't know. Mango. Cheesecake. Chocolate. anything that has a sensual taste and can be fed to me. Or, you know, eaten off me. Sorry if that's TMI.
So, CK, what do you do? Tech writing? Or is it programing? Or something?
Yay, I got to the end!




Thursday, July 13, 2006 6:49 PM



Yeah, I don't really like being single. There are times when I'll think "I'm glad I don't have to deal with anyone else today." but nothing beats having someone to snuggle with

That's what kills me the most.

I'm going to sound like a whiner, but I really hate money. It has ruined everything. I would be dead if I didn't have my parent's house to stay at. (Laugh away) I can barely afford to pay my personal bills, let alone the stuff they cover. It basically sets up a deadly triangle in which I can't afford to do much of anything because my job sucks at working more than two days a week, my car could stop functioning at any moment, and my social pool is evaporating. Gah, and on top of this, I am suppose to find a partner that can tolerate all my loser qualities? Not going to happen.

All day long I sit around, praying the phone rings, but when it does, I'm too depressed to do anything. Somehow I still drag myself to theater and put on a show.

Here's a question, where are all the ladies at in my town and why did they leave?


Thursday, July 13, 2006 7:03 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Don't feel bad, Kenobius, I live at home too. I'm working up to moving out; I have to pay my mom rent. But it's not much rent for what I get. I love that house. I'd like to have more extra cash, though. After bills, there isn't a lot.
Hey, at least your phone rings. I'm lucky to get a call a week.




Thursday, July 13, 2006 7:19 PM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
Don't feel bad, Kenobius, I live at home too. I'm working up to moving out; I have to pay my mom rent. But it's not much rent for what I get. I love that house. I'd like to have more extra cash, though. After bills, there isn't a lot.
Hey, at least your phone rings. I'm lucky to get a call a week.

Well, from what I've noticed around here, you tend to go to sleep when others are getting up. That MAY have something to do with it.

If it helps, most of the calls are from the one person I don't like to hang out with much anymore.

EDIT: I'm calling it a night, all this sitting around all day wears one out.


Thursday, July 13, 2006 8:03 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Yeah, I'm working on that. Graveyard worked well for me when I had a set social life. For meeting new people it's not so good. But still, I wish my friends would call me more. I mean, I'm quite free in the evenings when I don't have work.

I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job.

There, I typed it three times, it is a wish the universe has heard and tomorrow I'll see a classified of a well-paying job with benifits that will hire me just because I ask




Friday, July 14, 2006 2:56 AM


Morning, all!

A few before I build a new thread...

Romantic food...I'd have to say chocolate. Nothing says love better than chocolate!

Kenobius, you'll be alright. I had to go back to living at home three times in my past...the last while I was married the first time. Now, I rent a nice house, have a good job and loving wife. I know you have heard this before, but things will work out for you.

Alright, coffee and then a new thread!

New thread:

See you all there!







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