I want to kill FOX!!! LOL - HIII, I'm new!! LOVE THE SHOW!

UPDATED: Sunday, July 16, 2006 04:26
VIEWED: 3717
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Saturday, July 15, 2006 12:43 PM


Hello everyone! I just finished watching every episode of Firefly and serenity! Let me just say OMFG!! Best freakin series and MOVIE ever!

Firefly so unique from other Sci Fi shows, for example Star Trek! Its very down to earth and relatable. The characters are engaging and you offer a sincere connection with the audience because the problems they face can easily be connected to life in our world today. Unlike other Sci Fi shows, where the talk is very robotic and all about quantum physics and aliens - Firefly's created this show where a group of ppl from all walks of like are thrown together and the focus is on their interactions (which are generally hilarious!) and the struggles they face on a daily basis - such as fighting against a controlling regime and just trying to go their own, find work and make a living, by their own terms and no one elses. I must say, this is my favorite show of all time!

After seeing Firefly I was soo PISSED that fox canceled the show and I really want to do everything I can to help bring Firefly back to life! I want more - as I'm sure you all do too haha! Any1 know of a way to contact Fox and tell them how much I love the show and want them to make more? It is just so stupid of FOX because the network OBVIOUSLY threw a ton of money into the creation and production of the show - apparent by the outstanding graphics that match today's standards - but canceled the show after not even airing the whole season! I am angry with Fox not solely because they canceled the show but because it is their own fault Firefly wasn't more of an intial success...before I saw Serenity I had never even heard of Firefly and apparently hardly anyone else had either! Fox seems to have stupidly threw tons of money into the creation of a PHENOMENAL show but failed to advertise it whatsoever!

This is really why I have joined this site and every other Firefly fan site I can find because obviously the amazing Firefly fanbase pushed fox into releasing the show on DVD and into creating Serenity! Lets keep up the good work and maybe we can get the show going again! I'M KEEPING MY EVERY ONE OF MY FINGERS CROSSED...HARD!!


Saturday, July 15, 2006 12:49 PM


Welcome to the 'verse Aery! Glad to see another join our ranks. I'm sure FollowMal will be in here soon to give you your browncoat.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Saturday, July 15, 2006 1:05 PM




Saturday, July 15, 2006 1:12 PM


America loves a winner!

Glad ya found your way here. F*X has died a million times, if only in each of our dreams. Welcome to the 'verse!

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, July 15, 2006 1:37 PM


Welcome, AerlyNo2! Did you maybe mean Early, as in Jubal Early? Just wondering. Works this way too.

It's virtually certain that Firefly will never return to Fox. They treated the show very badly and Joss has said he has no interest in doing any more TV for them. You never really know in Hollywood, but it would take a chocolate-covered miracle.

The best hope right now is for a sequel to Serenity (the Big Damn Movie). Since it didn't exactly do gangbusters box office, the fate of the franchise will depend on DVD sales. So, the best thing you can do is to share your love of the 'verse with your friends, family, and total strangers. The more the ranks of the Browncoats grows, the better our chances for more stories of our favorite crew.

So, how did you find out about Mal and Co.? We love those stories...

I'm pointin' right at it!


Saturday, July 15, 2006 1:43 PM


I had just finished watching the last episode a few days ago.

I heard talk about firefly once and a while from people I know online, but the short description sounded sort of lame to me so I never bothered to watch it.. until about a week ago.

I ended up watching about four episodes on the DVD a night and I knew I was getting closer and closer to the end but I didn't want it to finish !

Firefly was probably one of the best if not the best scifi TV show I have ever seen. I used to watch SG-1, Farscape and a few others from time to time but none of them can compare to this.

Anyway, sadly there probably won't be a season two but it would be great if there was one.

I guess that's my intro here too.



Saturday, July 15, 2006 1:49 PM



Originally posted by aerlyn02:
After seeing Firefly I was soo PISSED that fox canceled the show and I really want to do everything I can to help bring Firefly back to life! I want more - as I'm sure you all do too haha!

Welcome to the site Aerly! And welcome to the special hell that we all live in...hope that this site sustains you for as long as it has the rest of us (since the TV days, for some of us). Welcome to the ranks of the Browncoats. Check out the art, the fanfics, post in our forums...just enjoy the community!

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Saturday, July 15, 2006 6:35 PM


Welcome to the special place that is our 'verse.
It's hard to get to the end of the series like that isn't it? It about broke my heart when I found out there wasn't any more except for the movie.

All new folks get a browncoat from requisitions.
You need yours.

*hands Aerlyn02 a browncoat that feels just right*

Some folks'll likely be along and offer you some refreshments and such Meanwhile, make yourself to home, share the love of Firefly with everyone you care about because they'll likely love it too and we'll be nearby.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Click here for info about the Serenity Summer Campaign and how you can help!


Saturday, July 15, 2006 6:42 PM



Originally posted by Scolonogin:

Firefly was probably one of the best if not the best scifi TV show I have ever seen. I used to watch SG-1, Farscape and a few others from time to time but none of them can compare to this.

Anyway, sadly there probably won't be a season two but it would be great if there was one.

I guess that's my intro here too.


Welcome home, Scolonogin! Firefly is the best SciFi ever and I hope to see it return either on the big screen or on the SciFi channel as a miniseries or series. We're holdin' til Mal gets back.

You need your 'coat too.....

*Helps Scolonogin shrug a browncoat on.

You look mighty fine in that 'coat.. and thanks for joining our ranks.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Click here for info about the Serenity Summer Campaign and how you can help!


Saturday, July 15, 2006 6:46 PM


You had me at "I want to kill Fox"

But seriously, welcome aboard. Be sure to check out some of the threads that focus on expanding our fanbase and brainstorming ideas that might help to pave the way towards more Serenifly. Always shiny to see new Browncoats.


Saturday, July 15, 2006 6:48 PM


Welcome home, Aerly and Scolonogin!

When FollowMal has finished some other
chores (Cap's bunk needed a good turnout)
she'll be along to fit you with your
virtual browncoats.

I help out with the foodish things, and
tonight there's a special treat if you
like stinky cheese: Camembert (or what
passes for it on Persephone) and a variety
of crackers to put it on.
Plus the usual big, juicy strawberries.

Come up to the galley and join the group
around the buffet.

And be sure to spread the word of our lame
little show far and wide. ::-)

(You'll find *so* much more good 'Fly stuff
here if you hang out and explore, so don't
be strangers now that you've found us.)

~2006~Firefly Summer~2006~
==We aim to exponentiate==
------Hide the rum!------


Saturday, July 15, 2006 7:04 PM


Yay! Another one! The way I see it, the more of us there are, the more chances we have of getting it made in some form or another. I discovered this site relatively recently myself and it has been just amazing. Nice people (excepting evil trolls) and a chance to hear about BDH encounters, conventions that you yourself weren't able to attend, and some beautiful artwork and hi-larious fan-fics. Welcome!


Sunday, July 16, 2006 2:23 AM


Thanks for the warm welcome and the brown coat! Even if Fox doesn't pick the show back up, which I highly doubt they will, - hopefully maybe another channel will! Maybe Sci Fi channel? But I guess the show most likely won't be coming back but I know Serenity and Firefly DVDs are both selling really well so maybe we'll get another movie! If we keep demanding more - they'll make more!

To answer Doncoat...I found about about Firefly after seeing Serenity. I had seen previews on TV for Serenity and thought it looked really good (sad it didn't do super great in the box office ) so when it came out on DVD I saw it with my cousins who told me that I really needed to watch the show! That same night we watched serenity, we popped in Firefly and watched a few episodes! I was soo freaking hooked! I took the DVDs home with me and seriously watched them all (including all the special features LOL!) in a few days! From the second you meet River I was so hooked - she is F*ing awesome and you never now what in the world she's talking about HAHA! I know exaclty how you feel SCOLONOGIN - I went into such a decline when I finished the DVDs but I promptly went to amazon and ordered them for myself along with the movie Serenity and the soundtrack!!

It is so sad to watch some of the cast interviews on the Firefly DVD!! Shepard Book was like "I look forward to a time when I can recall the show (LOOONNGG pause)...without crying." They just seemed like they all were completely in love with the series and the all just talked about how much of a family they were! I just so feel for them and its just HEARTBREAKING!!! UGH! But I am glad I stumbled across this site - I've already downloaded some great pics and set a Serenity wallpaper to my desktop!


Sunday, July 16, 2006 2:44 AM


Welcome, Aerlyn!

I have to always makes me smile when I read the first postings of a new convert. Your enthusiasm is infectious!

There are many other things you can do to feed the Firefly need. Read the comics, watch the viral videos, peruse fanfics, spread the word. If you can afford, go buy a second dvd series set, so that you can lend on a moment's notice.


"Have you ever been with a Warrior Woman?"


Sunday, July 16, 2006 2:55 AM


Hi! I'm new too.


Sunday, July 16, 2006 3:04 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by Scolonogin:
I ended up watching about four episodes on the DVD a night and I knew I was getting closer and closer to the end but I didn't want it to finish !

Firefly was probably one of the best if not the best scifi TV show I have ever seen.

Sounds exactly like me too! I was house-sitting for a friend who is a fellow Buffy fan and she kept going on about how I should watch tese DVDs she had and after a few weeks I put the first one into the player and proceeded to ignore bits of it... then I thought - hey, some of that was not half bad and watched the whole of 'Serenity p1 &2'and the next 3 episodes straight! I rang another friend and told her she had to see this...

Anyway 48 hours later I'd seen the whole series at least once and in addition had seen the episodes which had commontaries twice and then I found this site! I've been at home ever since!!

It's good to have you both on board! Welcome! Welcome! I love the things Floralbunny finds - delicious (don't ask me how she achieves it!!) and there's some Mudders Milk - if you like that kind of thing! Rum somewhere... or has it all gone?

Lovin' you - from Australia - Magdalena x x

P.S. This is my all time favourite show ... and as a bonus I have a new family from all over the world!! mwaah - Magdalena x x


Sunday, July 16, 2006 3:10 AM



Originally posted by donblake:
Hi! I'm new too.

Hi, DonBlake! Welcome to our shiny site!

How did you discover Firefly/Serenity? We love to hear the stories.

All newcomers get their very own virtual browncoat from the storeroom. We've stocked up expecting an influx of new crew.

*hands DonBlake a browncoat of his very own*

There you are. Fits nicely!

Please make yourself to home. Join in often.
We love to talk about the 'verse and we want everyone to feel welcome. Remember, this is your new home. I hope you will come to love this site as much as I do.

We're doing lots of things to bring our show back.

We just recently had the marathon on the scifi channel and are writing SciFi and thanking them and asking for more. Be sure and check out the threads and take part in these campaigns.

Share your love of Firefly with those you care for. They'll likely love it too. The only way we're gonna get more is to grow in numbers.... have folks that have never heard of Firefly/Serenity discover it and fall in love like us. When our numbers are high they will have to give us more.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Click here for info about the Serenity Summer Campaign and how you can help!


Sunday, July 16, 2006 4:13 AM



Originally posted by aerlyn02:

To answer Doncoat...I found about about Firefly after seeing Serenity. I had seen previews on TV for Serenity and thought it looked really good (sad it didn't do super great in the box office ) so when it came out on DVD I saw it with my cousins who told me that I really needed to watch the show! That same night we watched serenity, we popped in Firefly and watched a few episodes! I was soo freaking hooked! I took the DVDs home with me and seriously watched them all (including all the special features LOL!) in a few days! From the second you meet River I was so hooked - she is F*ing awesome and you never now what in the world she's talking about HAHA! I know exaclty how you feel SCOLONOGIN - I went into such a decline when I finished the DVDs but I promptly went to amazon and ordered them for myself along with the movie Serenity and the soundtrack!!

I love that about Firefly, once you get about 3 or 4 episodes in it seems that you're hooked for life. I had gotten the Firefly series for my dad for father's day because he had talked about liking the show. I never knew I would fall in love with it possibly more than even him! It was actually really funny (sneaky?), I watched all the episodes on my computer and didn't tell my parents so I could watch it again as a family. I love this show!


Sunday, July 16, 2006 4:26 AM


Good idea followmal! I will definately write Sci Fi and thank them for playing the series too ^.^ Can't wait to participate in coming campaigns! LOL so far I've gotten all my friends and family hooked on the show as well! Its really amazing how you just show some1 like an episode or two and they just love it ... still can't believe it was EVER canceled!!

*contemplates sending Fox a bomb * LOL!






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