Male and Female Imponderables--Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie

UPDATED: Friday, July 21, 2006 19:31
VIEWED: 12132
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Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:35 AM


I'm not really afraid the sharks would bite me ( barring bull shark) it just makes me uneasy to know I attract them and not sure they wouldn't be unusually hungry when they got there or something:)

Vinterdraken- so glad you fixed the problem and you're back HUGS ooh and I learned how to do this so

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:36 AM


Im afraid of the depth and darkness usually. Kinda hard to explain, its sortoff a mix between drowning, getting eaten and just dissapearing.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:36 AM


Im afraid of the depth and darkness usually. Kinda hard to explain, its sortoff a mix between drowning, getting eaten and just dissapearing.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:36 AM


Im afraid of the depth and darkness usually. Kinda hard to explain, its sortoff a mix between drowning, getting eaten and just dissapearing.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:36 AM


Im afraid of the depth and darkness usually. Kinda hard to explain, its sortoff a mix between drowning, getting eaten and just dissapearing.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:36 AM


Im afraid of the depth and darkness usually. Kinda hard to explain, its sortoff a mix between drowning, getting eaten and just dissapearing.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:36 AM


Im afraid of the depth and darkness usually. Kinda hard to explain, its sortoff a mix between drowning, getting eaten and just dissapearing.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:39 AM


Phobias: Not spiders, although if one did fall on me while I was in bed I would probably get freaked out in suprise jump out of bed and brush it of frantically and then grab the nearest heavy object and beat the go-se out of it . Given that I've had to stare down black widows before I hope that any animal lovers out there can forgive me. My phobia: being in a situation that I can't control or at least get out of. I hate the idea of being helpless.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:41 AM


Welcome back, Vinterdraken! Hope you stick around this time!

Sharks never bothered me. I am a big fan of predators of all types, so...
Water? Now that's a bit of a different story. I do not enjoy non man-made bodies of water.



Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:43 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Ok, I just wondered since you mentioned pools.
What is the sadistic streak in humanity that when people hear "So-and-so is afraid of such-and-such" they start trying to cajole them into doing what they fear? I mean, if you're really trying to help through desensitizing or whatever, that's one thing, but that doesn't seem to be the case, it's just getting a reaction.
Like for example, I don't drink. Not afraid of drink, just don't like it. So a friend of mine (before she herself quit drinking) would generally order something mind-numbing when we went out and she would always offer me a sip, insisting that it was really good, just to see me shudder if I actually took her up on it.
What is that?




Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:44 AM


What happened? He see your face?

I live at the beach and am in the Wa Wa all the time. My fear is more of jellyfish and strong currents than anything else. There has only been one minor shark attack that I can recall around here recently. I used to be scared of stingrays, because you can see them in schools and they actually swim up into wave crests. Then someone said it is better to see them, 'cause of you don't they're buried where they can actually use their stinger.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:44 AM


getting in touch with their inner sadist?


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:54 AM


PR- I think it's just human nature that if you enjoy something you expect others to find it enjoyable, plus we've all had things we didn't like and when we tried a different version of the thing we changed our minds so it's probably just that...

and yes I am getting quite anxious about NV's lack of posting...he's not responding to email either and it makes me worry:(

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:55 AM


Phobias are not a big deal for me. I don't mind all of the little creepy crawlees. I performed for six years in an ampitheatre at the base of a mountain. Being from Texas, we would get turantulas, scorpians, vinagroons, and the occasional rattler. As long as you don't bother them, they tend to leave you alone (not all the time, but most of the time). Several times I would have to lay on the stage with a scorpian or spider just a foot or so away and try to pretend that I was sleeping. It was something I had to do so, I just didn't let it bother me. Now, I can tell you that I absolutely hate walking through spider webs. That is an ugly feeling. Not the spiders, just the webs.

Simon: What if he(Mal) tells you to kill me?
Zoe: (without hesitation) I kill you.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 6:07 AM


HUGS to all and thanks for the venting and support. On a joyful note it is now time for me to go play with my beloved 10 month old nephew and 14 month old niece( each from different sibling) the niece Annie is so cute. Her one and only (so far) sentence is "Dat's Wyatt, Hi Wy" Wyatt is the nephew. All she ever wants to do is hug him and pat his head and say " Dat's Wy" and he is just about the smiliest baby ou have ever seen..big full body grins:) so I will check in if I can, but see you in about 5 hours otherwise...

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 6:07 AM


msg, I have emailed him and hit his myspace account...still nothing either. I'm worried, too.

Morning, Lysander. I also learned to deal with different types of bugs during The Lost Colony...up until then, I had never heard of sand fleas...weird things they are.



Wednesday, July 19, 2006 6:09 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Look at the time! I have to go to bed!
Hope NV turns up, and hope I don't have to go through a bazillion posts when I get up (Naw, I don't mind).




Wednesday, July 19, 2006 6:23 AM


I don't really have a huge fear of any species. I sort of surprised myself once by going into the reptile house at the Bronx Zoo and standing pretty far away from the cases with snakes in them, I was pretty scared. In my defence they were exotic snakes and they were really big. I think the reason I have dislike for snakes is that they eat rodents, being as fond as rodents as I am the thought of them being swallowed alive and digested just makes me sick. I guess I'm also afraid of death, not really of myself, but when i see roadkill or even a nature show about some predator eating its prey I just sort of have a panic attack. When my biology class did a pig dissection at school I started crying and had to sit in the library.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 6:29 AM


I was never really happy with the pig dissection, either...just disturbed me a bit.



Wednesday, July 19, 2006 6:36 AM


MSG - I have a mild fear of heights... I know where you're coming from. Had it been me, I would have definitely given you a hug and help calm you down (hot chocolate does wonders!).

PR - as far as ordering drinks for you, it's part of the whole conformity thing. Join us and be cool like us! If you don't like it, don't do it, I say. I generally don't drink, but if I do it's on very rare occasions.

Here's an imponderable... why can't I meet a nice girl? ... or any girl for that matter?

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 6:42 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Ged:
Here's an imponderable... why can't I meet a nice girl? ... or any girl for that matter?

Because you are not in Colorado

Yeah, I know I said I was going to bed. Not as tired as I should be.




Wednesday, July 19, 2006 6:43 AM



Originally posted by Ged:

Here's an imponderable... why can't I meet a nice girl? ... or any girl for that matter?

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.

I'm not sure if that's a rhetorical question or not, but I believe that everyone has someone out there just for them(call me a romantic but I believe it's true). The problems are all the things that get in the way of relationships. I have one friend who overreacts whenever a boy she is interested in does the slightest thing she takes offense to. Another friend can't date because of her parents not allowing her to. There's so many barriers to go through before even asking someone out that it's really hard. If you like a girl, make sure you let her know, because I've been nursing a crush going on for about 2 years and it would honestly be better to get it out but I have problems doing that. If you personally don't then just tell them, someone will say yes I'm sure


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 6:50 AM


My fears don't have much to do with proximity, but more to do with touching. I really don't want to touch snakes, but watching them in their cage or habitates at the zoo is pretty cool. Same with sharks...although proximity might be an issue there because closeness could lead to touching and sharks "touch" with big pointy teeth.

I think when people want you to try something that frightens you, it's because they can't imagine it actually being scary. It's not scary to them and with enough exposure, you'll obviously agree. For me, that is people who are afraid of horses. What's that all about? They're big dumb animals that will run away at the drop of a hat. But I try to be polite about it, but it really makes no sense to me.


Originally posted by Ged:
Here's an imponderable... why can't I meet a nice girl? ... or any girl for that matter?

Same reason I can't meet a nice guy....

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 6:58 AM


RugBug, it may be more of a respect issue when it comes to horses. I respect any animal bigger than I am...or with more teeth...or that's designed to kill things like me. I love horses, but I also know they can cause serious bodily harm to me if I annoy them.



Wednesday, July 19, 2006 7:28 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
RugBug, it may be more of a respect issue when it comes to horses. I respect any animal bigger than I am...or with more teeth...or that's designed to kill things like me. I love horses, but I also know they can cause serious bodily harm to me if I annoy them.

Now see, Tristan. That's exactly what I mean. From my standpoint, you've got some misconceptions that probably lead to a "respect" level that is 'healthier' than needed. And it makes me want to set the record straight. I think that is what goes on in most instances of urging someone to try something they're afraid of.

(for what it's worth: Horses rarely bite humans. They AREN'T designed to kill: they are designed to run away from things that want to eat them (though doubt you were talking about horses there) and it is a rare horse indeed that sets out to cause serious bodily harm to a human. 99% of horse reactions are fear based. If you know that and what the common reactions are (biting, pulling back, bolting, kicking) they are easy to understand. They look to the humans to be the alpha herd leader to tell them how to behave. Once you establish alpha status...and last through a little's all good. Ocassionally there are dangerous horses, but life is too short to be around them. I personally think dogs, which I also love, are more dangerous/violent than horses).

See...I did it. I couldn't let it just be.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 7:34 AM


RugBug, I am not afraid of horses; I like being around them, and I love the ocassional ride. But, as a studier of medieval history, I also know that there were horses bred to kill and maim. Part of my brain realizes these horses do not exist anymore, but there's that one small part that thinks "Well, who's to say that blood doesn't run in their veins?"
I agree that dogs are more violent. Still love them, too!



Wednesday, July 19, 2006 7:40 AM


I know its a day late, but I am going to sing a rousing chorus of "Happy birthday" for BlackShamrock.
"Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday shiny BlackShamrock...
Happy birthday to you!"

Woah, Whitefall, you are so, so brave giving blood!! Go you!

What is all this stuff about people being clinically depressed? I seem to have missed that and now I'm worried for you.

Hugs for you, MSG! That tale made me shudder and i don't mind spiders. I don't really mind any bugs, and I dont like to kill them (unless they bite/sting me, then its buggy heaven for them!) except for ants. I just cannot stand them, there are so many and they get everywhere, and I feel like they're on me. People fears shouldn't be made fun of, male or female. One of my biggest fears are the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory films, and people never take me seriously!!
Not a lot of poisonous things in England, phew. Though Jellyfish are on the rise because of there being less turtles due to global warming...
I used to love water, I was a real water baby, but now? Swimming pools are fine, but I'm not a huge fan of open water, and seaweed freaks me out. You know the really long stuff, that's thick and you can't see what's in it? eugh.

Ged, you can't find a nice girl because: a) you don't know any of the women on this board personally, and b) all the others are too intimidated by your lovliness.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 7:47 AM


I am so proud of myself today.
It was sports day at school (in 35 degree heat on an open field, thank God for my giant umberella) I won the javelin competition for the year 10 girls. Gues how many there were in the competition.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:09 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
But, as a studier of medieval history, I also know that there were horses bred to kill and maim. Part of my brain realizes these horses do not exist anymore, but there's that one small part that thinks "Well, who's to say that blood doesn't run in their veins?"

Glad to hear your not afraid of horses. It makes me sad when people are.

You've got to tell me about these killer horses. Really. I've never heard that before. I know horses were used for war and were trained to do different manuevers (Capriole, Levade, Courbette, etc) that could kill enemies or their mounts, but I've never heard of a "bloodlust" concept. The war horses were bred for boldness, trainability, obedience, etc. But any killing was done because they were trained and being obedient to their rider. It wasn't actually the horse choosing to do the damage. If their rider was killed or fell off, I would assume (and yes, that could get me in trouble) that the horse stopped "fighting" as well, probably reverting back to "natural" methods of defense, not offense. 'Course I would be glad to be proven wrong...what did I write about admitting I was wrong oh so many threads ago?

SBDB: congrats on the javelin contest. And just do what I do when I win a small class at a horse show: just conveniently leave out that information unless someone asks.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:20 AM


SBDB, congratulations on the javelin-hurling!

RugBug, that may have come out wrong. The horses were trained to fight using the manouevres you mentioned...they were not trained to go after someone, which my post seems to hint at...
First, the horses I speak of were bigger than the common horse today. I think you and I talked about this before...not sure. They were a bit bigger than the Clydesdales or Belgians of today. I think we mentioned Shire horses as being close...They were trained to be obedient to their rider, and to execute certain moves at the behest of said rider, but they were also trained to defend themselves rather than run away. The Lippizan horses are trained using similar methods.
So, they were not trained as attack animals, but they were trained as weapons. Hope that answers some questions?



Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:22 AM


hihihi, so used to riding icelandics and to them being the kind of horse i'm most familiar with, i get really odd mental images at the concept of horses as weapons


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:31 AM


Well, small isn't quite the word...
There were *mumble mumble* people
"what was that?"
*cough cough* one *cough cough*

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:31 AM



Originally posted by Smartbutdumbblonde:

It was sports day at school (in 35 degree heat on an open field, thank God for my giant umberella)

35 seems awful's 91 here!


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:33 AM


Ah, from the last thread - of old men and feeling wierd when buying stuff.

I regularly buy a sci-fi magazine called SFX (best magazine in the world, ever, just so you know. and they think the sun shines out of Josses arse, so they can't be bad). But anyway, everytime i want to buy it, i have to fight my way through crowds of blokes loitering and reading the magazines (BUY THE FRICKIN THING! its not like you have to spend the money on a girlfriend!*) and everytime i do i get tuts and glares and dirty looks, like i don't have a right to be on that stand, and then surprise and consternation when i pick it up.
But the worst reaction I ever got was from a girl when i went in (looking like crap after a long day at work) and bought an SFX and a fashion mag. It was the same look you'd give the mess you just trod in. Horrible skanky ho, i almost said something.

but hey.


Zeek, Seryn's in England. She was talking about soccer hooligans, not football with the big men crashing into each other. Though I personally don't get that; I don't like football or soccer. Or really most any sport, though I love watching the Olympics.

I apologies Zeek, i forgot, and should have clarified. yes, i'm talking about the english one where 11 overpaid morons dash about a field and tear hamstrings. I actually don't mind american football - my uncle used to play it, its good fun. I prefer hockey.
Actually, what i prefer most is Rugby (american football with out the nancy padding) and english hockey (ditto, but played by 12 year old girls and a hundred times more vicious)
And in the olympics i like that one where they dress up in bright lycra condoms and throw themselves down ice tunnels on a tea tray. the loosh or something. thats funny.

Boobies - boobies are marvellous, no end to the amount of things you can do with them (in clothes i mean) and corsets are made that much more challenging by them, and they provide hours of entertainment - arranging them so they're comfortable, trying to stop your bra straps digging in, checking to make sure they ain falling out of tops, pondering size issues, paranoid freak outs over size issues, then there the neverending joy of idiot man boys pinging the backs of the bra's.(sorry, slipped into rant there) So if im a straight female, and i'm facinated, I really don't blame the lads their fixations.
what we want here is SELF CONTROL.

ba bum. New thread, oh my god do you guys ever get any work done?

Phobia's - so how would implosion therapy help a fear of suger, and metrophobia?

My mother is afraid of suger, to the point where she can't go in the kitchen if some iss spilt on a worksurface. My sister also has an issue with sponges.

My family are all nut jobs.

When i was a kid i used to hallucinate that there were spiders crawling on every surface (this was in reaction to a medication they've since taken off the market) I used to totally freak out, unless there was one little red spider there, then i was fine.

Now i'm not so bad with them, still not good with the killing (its a principle thing) but even the other day, there was a moth dying and all these ants were crawling all over it, and i still couldn't mercy kill it. Had to get my brother to do it. i'm such a weakling.
i remember one summers we had this invasion of really aggressive spiders, and one was on the wall abouve our toilet. so we got a stick and tapped it on the wall to try and get it to move back to the window. AND IT ATTACKED THE STICK!!!
well, we girly screamed, and screamed, ands screamed, shut the door and hoped it would see its self out. it didn't, so when we got so desperate to go the loo, we got the hoover, sprayed bug spray down it, sucked up the spider, followed by more bug spray, stuck a cup over the end and pointed it out of the door to the back yard. I could never rest easy in that toilet room again.

MsG - your husband was behaving like a bit of an insensitive boob and if he knows what is good for him he will buy you some chocolat and rub your feet pronto. Or else.....

animated teddy bears - i get that - i had a dancing bear in the big blue house once, and he was on the floor behind me and his batteries ran down enough to trigger something, so suddenly all i hear is *deep rumbly voice* 'chaa chaaa chaaaaaaa .... ooooooh laaaa laaa' and turn round to se this toy advancing slowly towards me.
Cue more girly screaming.

My relationship with bugs is confusig. Someone walked in the museum the other day and handed me a box, and i was walking round and got curious, so pulled back the bag over it, and there were a few dozen stck insects. Two girls near me shreiked, but all i did was give them withering looks and looked closer (they were as a dorable as things that look like dead trees can be) we have very tiny spiders living on our washing line which have to be evicted everytime and i can do that - money spiders i can pick off myself and remain perfectly calm, i can watch a spider walk accross the room then forget abouts it, but then some - like the bathroom one, and daddy longlegs, have me running about and screaming like a b movie queen.
it probably helps that dangerous spiders don't exist much in this country.

Someone was telling me when they were in iraq there use to be camel spiders about 3 foot long, and the soldiers used to catch them and fight them against these huge foot log scorpions.

that was after they used to have fun by faking camel spider attacks during officers meetings. Its probably all crap.

Medieval destriers were bred less to kill and more to trample - and as a 'fear based reaction' i think its still very possible to be trampled by a panicking horse. no materr how wonderfully sweet natured a horse is, theres still a hall of a lot of muscle and weight there that could accidentally crush a puny human, so i'm going to keep my 'respect'. that said i adore horses, and would love to keep and ride shires. I also love dogs, but the same applys to them. I play with the puppy kara, and she that big when she rears to jump she's taller than i am before she's even left the ground, and she'll leap straight at me, teeth bared. I know that she is playing with me, and in her head she's just my baby, but i still have to be bloomin careful - i've not been knocked over yet, but the tiniest scratch of a claw or tooth hurts like stink.

Actually, its the one time any man has acted all chivalrouse, we were playing, i had a stick and was holding it out of her reach and she was leaping at it, and this guy starts yelling and running towards me, then she gets the stick and i hug her and ruffle her ears and he sort of walks off all sheepish.

and i second what she just said.

i don't know why i can meet a nice lad either.

Happy birthday Black Shamrock! yey you!

Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:34 AM


Tristan, we're all good.

SBDB: SHHHHH! You're not suppose to tell.

I should try to think of an imponderable instead of boring you all with horse talk. Um, what, exactly, is men's fascination with televised sports? I understand having one or two sports that you follow fanatically, but there's a myriad of guys who don't care what the sport is, just that it's on the air so they watch it. What's that all about?

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:42 AM


Rugbug, my husband is scared of riding horses. He can be around them just fine, pet them, clean them, feed them, whatever. Just don't make him ride. I think he sees it as a fairly logical phobia, in that he's specifically scared of falling and getting hurt (anything from a broken arm to an injury like Christopher Reeve's). I *love* horses, even though I've only gone riding once or twice in my life. I would love to go horseback riding again, and strangely, it's something that I feel is missing from my life, like I used to do it quite a bit in a past life or something. Ah well, the few times we had the chance but hubby put his foot down he made it up to me, so I will just continue to live without it, I suppose.

I'd say I have two major phobias -- I mean, I hate ants in my kitchen, but I wouldn't consider that a phobia -- drowning, and an acquired phobia of scorpions.

So back when hubby and I lived in Texas, we were playing quite a bit of Ultima Online. At the time, we had a crappy house in-game, that was situated in a desert, with lots of huge monster-scorpions around the area (keep in mind, this is all within the game.) I had a frustrating experience of trying to get into our in-game house without being killed by the giant scorpions, and ended up dying (in game) several times. I used quite a bit of colorful language on those giant in-game scorpions, until hubby brought his higher level character out and killed them all for me.

A few days later, we're getting ready for bed, when hubby freezes, looking up at the ceiling. Before he could tell me what was going on, I followed his gaze and see my very first real-life scorpion. I, of course, start freaking out -- the only thing I knew about scorpions was that the giant ones in-game killed me repeatedly. Hubby managed to knock it down, trap it, and take it outside, and I barely managed not to have a panic attack.

A few weeks after that, I was closing up for the night, and had turned off all the lights in the house, then thought to double check that the front door was locked. So I walk over there in the dark and double check it, and I feel movement near my foot. I look down, and I don't remember consciously going "oh my god, that's a scorpion next to my foot!" What I did was scream and jump into the air, and somehow leap several feet away from the scorpion. Hubby got rid of that one as well.

Later that same summer, my mom was at summer camp, and a scorpion dropped out of a tree onto her shoulder and stung her. That story still gives me the willies. So yeah: phobia of scorpions. Thankfully, we don't seem to have many in this area of California.

My other major phobia is of drowning. I actually do think I drowned in a previous life. I love the water, love swimming, love the ocean (hey, I'm a pisces after all!), but any sort of current that feels like it could pull me out to sea, or drag me under, really freaks me out. Now that we're living close-ish to the beach again, I'm working on my swimming skills, so that I'm a strong enough swimmer to feel more comfortable out there. But any sort of loss of control in the water totally freaks me out.


You can't take the sky from me...


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:45 AM


I fear pirates

one of the Forsaken TM


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:51 AM



Originally posted by seryn:

Actually, what i prefer most is Rugby (american football with out the nancy padding) and english hockey (ditto, but played by 12 year old girls and a hundred times more vicious)
And in the olympics i like that one where they dress up in bright lycra condoms and throw themselves down ice tunnels on a tea tray. the loosh or something.thats funny.

Boobie - boobies are marvellous, no end to the amount of things you can do with them (in clothes i mean) and corsets are made that much more challenging. So if in a straight female, and i'm facinated, i really don't blame the lads their fixations.
what we want here is SELF CONTROL.

I will back Seryn up on this, English HOckey is incredibley dangerous. Not that I've ever been hurt during a game, possibly beauce I was always the vicious one.
I have a friend who shouts 'Boobies!' everytime someone hi-fives him. What I don't get is the obsession adolesant boys have with penises (or is it peni?) drawing them everywhere and whatnot. Are they trying to make up for something? Or are they just proud of it?... I don't know.

Sport: I once heard somewhere that they do it because the violence and the comradery is the closet they can get to the hunting and the fighting large hairy, toothy animals, back when we were all cave men and women, which they subconciously miss, and still have in their blood.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:57 AM


Ack, went to sleep and the usual hundred posts...

Well, SmartAndBlonde, thanks, I've given blood before, it isn't really that tricky. And frankly I like it just because the folk you meet are absurdly nice, like they respect you for donating or something, it's cool. And post-donate, they are really nice about making sure you eat n stuff. (The last time i gave blood I went to a rehearsal right after. Now THAT was fun. Dancing with blood loss... not so much, I had to sit.)

As for horses, I use to ride em on occasion, there is a stable sort of camp somewhere around here... probably cost a good bit tho. Anyways, I fell of said horse, luckily I was wearing a helmet (which cracked) and it was onto arena sod, so wasnt too bad, tho i did black out for a minute or two. (Which was cool just because I'd never done it before...) Anyways, havent been on a horse since, not because I'm particularly scared, just that I dont really want to go back there... eh, I dunno. And if you wonder, Rugbug, it was pilot error, I was doing a trot and I think my feet were hitting the side of the horse, so I went faster. Meh.

As for last night.... ugh, well, it wasnt great. The stanford blood center really isnt too close, so it's a pain to organize the trip on public transport... but whatever, it'll get done. Gotta do it soon cause next week I'm off to Ulster, which means no donating for 6 months cause i'll have been in UK. (at least I think so) O well.

So, depression isnt clinical (possibly only cause i havent been diagnosed, but whatever) but whatever, I'm... well like Rose said, it's not so much that i'm depressed that my life sucks, at least in my opinion... (oops, now i'm emo.) It's just really damned lonely, which I suppose is ironic on this thread. And really, meeting the right person doesnt work, I know plenty of nice folk, but underage as I am, the relations dont go past school or rehearsal hours. Ugh.

Phobias? Eh, not really, I hate things that talk in slow motion.... um... I dunno.

Sports? Dont follow any, use to play soccer, dont much any more. Not a hunter gatherer thing for me, it was just a way to play something that wasnt on a computer and alone. (which for the most part sucks.)

Sorry to bog you guys down, I do agree with Rose tho that I do feel I don't need a crutch to work through it, just kind of annoying. Somehow looking at colleges cheered me up a bit... did you guys know that UC Riverside has decent Creative Writing and theater programs? Go figure.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:59 AM


evil me says - sound credible.

yes, i remember quite a few hockey injuries. mostly on others. i was always goal keep, so avoided the bad bits.

i do remember the sound of someones bones breaking though. that freaked me out.

My father was something of a jock in highschool - captain or all these teams, but the one that did the most damage was hockey - he has the wierdest nose ever now, it was badly set, then broken again, and again.

yes, my dad the jock married my mum the wild child arty chick. my life is such a teen movie.

Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:04 AM


no donating for six months cause you've been to the uk?

yikes, you yanks really are puritanical about cleanliness...

ok joke, joking.

Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:05 AM



Originally posted by Whitefall:
A...I've given blood before, it isn't really that tricky. And frankly I like it just because the folk you meet are absurdly nice, like they respect you for donating or something, it's cool. And post-donate, they are really nice about making sure you eat n stuff.

I, too, am a blood donor, and I encourage any and all of you to donate. It's easy and relatively painless. I'm working on my 5th gallon!


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:07 AM


FMF! Howdy! Pirates are alright...

Seryn, if I saw a walking, talking teddy bear, I would explode. No girly scream, no running away, just a "poof" and pieces of Tristan drifting in the breeze.
As far as the horses go, you are talking about a massed charge, in which the horses were just trained to go. I am talking about individual mounted fighters and their horses.
I've seen pictures of those camel spiders...they may give me pause if I was actually confronted with one...unless I was armed.

RugBug, I don't like watching sports like the "common" male. I like seeing hockey every now and then, but I am also confused by the male bonding ritual of an entire day devoted to yelling at a tv screen...sometimes, the fellow members of my sex baffle me, too.

CK, the scorpions we have here in Alabama are of the pine variety; small, brown, and everywhere. I like them, but would never dream of actually picking one up to play with. I never picked up Fluffy, either.



Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:08 AM


What happened? He see your face?


Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
I fear pirates

one of the Forsaken TM

Arrrrrrr!!! But we share our booty!


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:11 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
no donating for six months cause you've been to the uk?

yikes, you yanks really are puritanical about cleanliness...

No donating at all if you've been to Africa within a certain time frame. And if you've recenlty been tattoo'ed your sitting out for some time.

Speaking of which, I think I might have another design. Let me go upload and then I want opinions. Please....

Whitefall, I donated then went swing dancing. Eek! Talk about dizziness. I'm surprised I stayed on my feet.

Playing sports I completely understand. I will try to play just bout anything, at least once. WATCHING sports on TV I don't understand. There are few sport I can stand to watch (Hockey, Soccer, sometimes golf) and I prefer to catch them in the last quarter/period, whatever. Then I haven't wasted hours in front of the tube.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:18 AM


5th gallon, lol, I've only ever done it once before. Meh.

Not sure what those 6 months are for, maybe if you've died from human form foot n' mouth then you shouldnt donate any more blood?

P.S. Tristan, concerning your phobia... avoid Wonderfalls like the plague.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:23 AM



Originally posted by Whitefall:
5th gallon, lol, I've only ever done it once before. Meh.

Not sure what those 6 months are for, maybe if you've died from human form foot n' mouth then you shouldnt donate any more blood?

P.S. Tristan, concerning your phobia... avoid Wonderfalls like the plague.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon

That is a very palusible suggestion

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:23 AM


Okay new tattoo idea.

I'm vacillating between the horse head (first ever horse tattoo that I have thought about putting on myself) and the chinese for horseman. This:

I wish I could combine the two, but the swirly nature of the first and the angular nature of the second clash too much, IMO.

What do y'all think?

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:32 AM


Pirates are scary - say for instance you are captured at sea and the Pirates decide you must be ravished. Do YOU get to CHOOSE the ravisher? I think not. What if the unpleasant pirate with the body odor gets the long straw? Whats to do? Because you can not choose the cute one - Pirates are scary!

one of the Forsaken TM


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:37 AM



the scorpions we have here in Alabama are of the pine variety; small, brown, and everywhere

My mom knows a couple in Texas, where the husband proposed by tying the ring to the tail of a scorpion, putting the scorpion-ring combo in a box, and giving the box to his sweetie. Thankfully, she was working on her PhD in Entomology, so she thought it was "neat". (My mom uses this story to prove that no matter how weird you are, there's someone out there who will love that particular weirdness. )

Oh, and giving blood -- can't do it. I had the chance twice in high school, but once I was underweight for, and the other I'd just gotten a piercing so couldn't. Now, with my illnesses, no one wants my blood in them, heh. I have had tons of blood taken for tests though. The most was 10 tubes at one time. My veins actually started to "slow down", and the tech wasn't sure he'd be able to fill all 10 in one sitting. Thankfully we managed to eek out enough blood, and then I went and had a donut.

And are we going to get into the boobie issue again? Cuz y'all know I've got tons to say on boobies.

-Edit: Rugbug, I *love* the horse head one. So neat looking. Personally, I'd do Chinese letters as a henna tattoo, but nothing more permanent than that. (Course, I don't plan on ever getting a permanent tattoo, so...)


You can't take the sky from me...


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:41 AM


If you MUST get a tat, make it this one...


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:43 AM


Whitefall...what is "Wonderfalls"?

RugBug, I like the actual horse tattoo better.

CK, that ring idea was a good one...though I might have gotten stomped for it...



Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:49 AM


Yeah, I can see how it would work for some people, though definitely not for me. Probably wouldn't have spoken to him for a few days after, even if I did accept the proposal, heh.

I did get a great proposal, though, that thankfully did not involve any bugs. Hubby bought the ring the week before our first trip to Disney World (and two days after my dad sat him down for a man to man talk, lol). He had the ring in his pocket all day, and when we were strolling around the Wedding Pavilion after sunset, he decided he'd never get a better opportunity. It was really sweet.

Actually, maybe that's a good Imponderable: What's your ideal proposal? Or would you even want one?

-Edited to add: Disney World Wedding Pavilion:


You can't take the sky from me...


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:50 AM


Hey guys can't stop to read, but wanted to pop in ( babysitting ) notice NV still hasn't posted and am now more than a bit worried:( Anyway, I will be able to get on for real in about 3 hours so HUGS to all and ttfn

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:55 AM


CK, the wife and I actually had our honeymoon at Disney in Orlando. Seeing as we are both kids at heart, it seemed like the place to go; and boy, did we have fun!

My proposal story is kinda funny, but quite long. Suffice to say, I surprised the wife quite thoroughly.







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