life onboard serenity : the three hills job pt.2

UPDATED: Friday, July 21, 2006 09:59
VIEWED: 13685
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006 4:56 PM


*Pain looked out at the hussle and bussle outside of Serenity's cargo bay. The sun was setting and some of the businesses were closing shop. Pain thought to himself as he took another drag from his cigar*

I wonder what Wolf, John, Kaylee, and 13 are up to.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 6:43 PM


*to Vader's theme* bump, bump, bump, bumpabump, bumpabump


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 7:31 PM



Originally posted by 13:
(Shiny, Choo! Hey, could I get your help in designing the Blue Sun ship?)

Send me an e-mail with what you want on it (size shape, guns, places of interest, etc...) and it would only be 2D flat :(

"Hey er..E. How you doing? I'm Choo by the way." Choo tried resist tempation of raising an eyebrow. "Doc says i'm going to be a-o-kay, and i can get back to doing what i do best"

" what would that be?" inquried E. Simon tried to quietly listen in.

"Well i sell trinkits, small stuff of value. Also helps when you know the rich folk of the 'verse by first name terms. They always like a little pieace of history that they can brag about with the neighbours..."

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 8:36 PM


*Pain still leaned against the right cargo bay door, the smoke from his cigar wafting in the air. Pain was enjoying the cool evening breeze when a shady fellow in a trench coat walked up to him. Pain blew out a puff of smoke from his cigar, looking over the man and said to him*

What do you want?

*The man opened his trench coat and replied a little slurred*

Hey you wanna buy a gold multiband? They're top quality, I'll sell you one for 100 Platnum.

*Pain looked at the multibands hanging inside the man's trench coat and said*

Sorry not interested.

*The vendor replied still unswayed by Pain's refusal*

Oh come on man I got a family to feed.

*The man took one of the multibands, held it up to Pain and continued*

This one would look great on you man. Help you get the ladies if'n you know what I mean.

*Pain straightened himself out, unholstered his pistol, and growled*

I said I'm not interested. So why don't you go sell your cheap go se to some local.

*The man looked Pain up and down, taking notice of Pain's height, the large pistol, the cigar in his mouth, and said with a quiver in his voice*

O..ok man s..sorry to have wasted your time.

*The man closed his trench coat, backed away from Pain and went on his way. Pain holstered his gun and resumed his leaning. Pain chuckled and said to himself*

Gorram hun dan thought he could sell me a fake gold multiband. What a chump.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:41 AM


cool plan 13. bump


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:47 AM


*wolf walked away from the taking off alliance ship with 13 on it.*

wolf" damn."

*wolf remembered that he snuck away from the sleeping kaylee and broke into a run.*

assasin" that is the one?"

chun" he is the most dangerous to us, he is the one to take out first."

assasin" then the rest?"

chun" all of them."

* wolf was running up to kaylee's ma's house when he felt a searing pain in his back. he felt behind him and found a long curved knife sticking out of him. he broke it off and turned around.*

wolf" what the !"

*a dart bentered his neck at lightning speed, he fell to the floor and the last thing he saw was a man in a blue mask...*


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 7:14 AM


*Pain walked back into the cargo bay, walked over to the control console near the stairs, and hit the button to close the doors. With cigar still in his mouth Pain made his way to the galley.*

EDITED TO ADD: I'll be back sometime later this afternoon (4 p.m. PST). I'm off to go see a movie.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 9:34 AM


Kaylee knew John was not in the house and she knew where she could find him. She left her house and crossed the street she found him standing in the dirt pile where his home once stood.

"So gorram long and they still haven't rebuilt a house here"

"Pa won't let them" Kaylee said kneeling beside him"

"Is it okay for me to ditch everything I've been doing after I left and try to come back to my ol life."

"Yeah it is"
next is what John's been doing read if you dare actually don't read I just wanted to write it out for myself and so it's clear Kaylee knows

Select to view spoiler:

"Kaylee I found out my mother was an assasin working against the alliance they took her killed her and put Tom in their so called academy. Someone I still don't know he identity of came and told me this so I followed in her footsteps I KILLED people Kaylee and I have no regrets until I rescued Tom from the academy and used the information I gathered to save everyone else, I kept killing I thought I was helping fight the alliance but Pa always told us no matter what anyone has done is doing or will do a life is still a life and I took so many. I came to Serenity to get awa from it I thought I cared but what I've discovered is worse.

I have done terrible things and I have no regrets

John was now in tears

"You can still go back"


"Yeah now lets go to bed"

"I can't"

"Why not"

"Some android wrecked my room" They laughed something John had not done in a long time. they turned only to see a figure walking out of the house.



Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:08 AM


Okay...I know I've been gone for a few days, pretty much. But I've got some questions.

What time is it? Is it night or is it day?
Kaylee's sisters wedding was supposed to be the cover for the job, but it hasn't take place yet? Is that correct?

Are we about to all be attacked by assassins, again? Because if so, I want my laser pistol.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 12:00 PM


(Your as lost as I am. Actually, I'm not terribly lost. Let's just assume that the wedding has actually happened, and get yourselves off of Three Hills. Meanwhile, 13 will slowly become something entirely different.)

Meanwhile, on the Animinaru...

"Your first assignment is to track down and destroy a pack of reavers that have been attacking our ships, preying on trade routes. I've already had the location saved onto your navigator. Once you complete the assignment, wave me." With that, LaChance's face disappeared from the screen.

Heading to the bridge, 13 set the Animinaru to autopilot, programming the ship to head directly to the reaver sector. Activating the ship-wide com, he barked out, "Chiko, you and Pistol come to the bridge. We've got a job."

First Mate Chiko Dammet, closely followed by Gun Captain Pistol deMarco, dutifully made their way to 13.

"I've already set the course, but I'll need you two to brief the crew on reavers. I can't have men who aren't ready once they board."

"Board, sir?" Pistol said, his one hand scratching his chin. "Did I hear ya right?"

13 smiled grimly. "You heard me right. We'll be on point in about three hours."


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 12:05 PM


hello, ppl thought it was time for supper so I'll make somethin'

*in the galley Guy gets out a large pot and fills it with water*

*to himself* now, where's that chicken flavored protein?
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 1:41 PM


Only one problem with that, 13. Apparently Wolf is unconscious and our mechanic is hanging out with John. If y'all want us to play, you gotta give us some direction, guys!

Ertia smells cooking and grins, "Choo, my friend, you are up for a treat! Tell you what. You pull out some of those shinies for me to take a gander at while I run up and see what Guy's got cooking. He's one of the best chefs on the crew."

Running up the stairs, she wonders how much coin she can afford to part with. Some of her accounts were no doubt going to be trickier to access now that the famous fugitive was dead. She needed a new identification.

"Guy! Smells like heaven in here! What's in the pot?" She tries to pry the lid off but Guy raps her knuckles with his spoon.

"Don't! That's gotta steam a minute."

She grins at him as Pain comes up the stairs.

"What smells good?"

"Dunno." Ertia pouts, "Guy won't let me peek."


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 1:53 PM


*Pain smiled and said*

You know you look cute when you're all pouty.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 2:50 PM


"Yeah, well, you look cute when you're...well...You just look cute." Ertia retorts cleverly. She reaches for some plates to set the table.

"Wonder when Kaylee and Wolf are coming back? And John?" The thought occurs to her that Kaylee might have jumped ship, but she shakes that off. Kaylee loved Serenity, and soon enough she'd figure out that Simon was standing right in front of her. "You know, it turns out that guy who was shot? He's a tinker! All kinds of trinkets and stuff. I'm gonna bring him down some dinner and see about buying myself some shiny!"

Pain shakes his head at her, "You ain't just spending money 'cause you feel guilty for shooting 'im are you?"

She looks aghast. "You said it probably wasn't my fault!"


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 3:03 PM


*Pain rubs his chin and replies*

Huh I did didn't I?

Ertia replies*

That you did.

*Pain moves closer to Ertia and says as he runs a hand through her hair*

Well then I retract my previous statement and after dinner I'll apologize to you.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 3:40 PM


sorry Ertia I think Wolf and I had different ideas all well let's say the wedding has happened however the ship isn't leaving till morning not that that really makes sense but it'll have to do. Quick question does this take place pre or post BDM I assume pre due to the fact that Book and Wash are alive but please clear this up for me

John and Kaylee ran inside to find Wolf knocked out on the floor. "Gorrammit we got attacked"

"Wolf honey are you okay wake up"

"We got to get him to Simon and leave"

"What about Ma and Pa"

"Take him to the ship I'll tell them we're leaving"

John ran upstairs to find Pa in the hallway

"You have to go again"

"Yeah but this time I'll be back sooner"
John hugged Pa and told him to give Ma a kiss for him He was leaving home again but this time he knew where he was going wherever Serenity took him



Wednesday, July 19, 2006 3:44 PM


all right, it's ready

*gets out some crackers on ladles out some white and yellow stew (white 'cause of powdered milk (can't get the real thing in the black) and yellow because of butter substitute*

figured I'd best use the last of the old milk stuff, so here is my Mamma's special chicken stew, crumble the crackers in it and dig in!
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 4:48 PM


The BDM hasn't hasn't happened. We're just flying the 'verse, having a good time, doing some petty thieving, selling some cargo, and enjoying each others company.

Ertia digs up two bowls of soup, one for herself and one for Choo, and then, on a whim, fills one for Simon as well. Who knew when he'd get a break or when he'd eaten last!

Pausing, she gives Pain a kiss, "Be in the infirmary if anyone needs anything."

"I need somethin'." Pain smirks and she grins.

"Later, babe! Later."

Careful not to spill, she carries the tray down to the infirmary.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:05 PM


*Pain grins and watches Ertia leave. He eyes her backside and grins even more. He snaps out of it and walks over to the counter and grabs a bowl. Pain scoops some of the food into his bowl, sits down at the table, pours some tea into his glass, and digs in.*

For some reason my web browser and my IM aren't registering any e-mails I recieve.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 6:59 PM


OoC: Trying to post anything now. Here's a short but sweet.
JR finally regains consciousness. "Uhhh, wha....Oww, my aching head. What happened?"

Everyone dies alone.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 7:16 PM


"Listen up, men! We will be facing an enemy that most of you have never fought. Reavers. We've all heard the stories, but the most important thing to remember is that they are true."

"Follow my lead, and do not panic. If anyone is taken, shoot them if you can."

"We let the reavers board as to avoid their ships attacking us, and when they come through the airlock, make sure you aren't shooting with piercing rounds. I'll be fighting them close, but don't worry if you shoot me."

Turning away from his men to face the airlock, 13 unsheathes his new dual katanas. Gritting his teeth, he barks to Pistol, "Open the airlock."


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 7:28 PM



Originally posted by JRC:

JR finally regains consciousness. "Uhhh, wha....Oww, my aching head. What happened?"

"Your ship died." Simon says succinctly. "How do you feel?"

"Feel like death." JR groans, turning his head, "Sybil?"

"She's sleeping." Simon answers him quietly, "She's all right. Everyone's been awake and talking and asking about you. I think the combination of lack of oxygen and that bump on your head slowed you down some."

"Everyone? Everyone made it."

Ertia comes in with the tray of stew just in time to hear his words and exchanges a glance with Simon before saying, "Not everyone, JR. There was a woman who they couldn't save. Fly said her chest was crushed."

He closes his eyes for a moment and sighs, his face wreathed in sorrow.

"I brought you some soup!" Ertia hands him a bowl while Simon helps him sit up. "Got some for our newcomer, and for you, too, Doc."

She hands out the bowls, generously giving up her own share. "Now. Mr. Choo? What kind of shinies do you have to show?"


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 7:37 PM


"Thanks for the soup E. Unfortunatly i got them all in a huge sack out back. But!"

Choo pulls out a novelty snowglobe from his pocket. In it sits a samll Firefly Class model.

"I found this one time. Have never been able to sell it, which is a chame cause its so nice. You can have it sweetheart. Sort of a thank you for the hospitality and the shot wound! "

Turning to the other patient in the Infirmary
"Hello. We havn't met before, but youcan calle me Choo" :)

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:22 PM


Location: Galley

*Pain finished his first bowl and helped himself to a second. He said to Fly who was sitting next to him*

So did you guys find what you were lookin' for in that safe?

*Fly shook her head, she had told Pain about the junkyard job a little while ago. Fly gulped down some whiskey and replied*

Dunno know, Captain and Zoe took the contents to the bridge. That's where they've been for the last hour and a half.

*Pain took a sip of his tea and said*

That explains why neither the Captain, Zoe, or Wash have come in to eat. What do you reckon they're doin'?

*Fly shrugged and said*

Probably wavin' John for all we know. Pass the bread.

*Pain obliged and passed the basket of bread to Fly. She took two pieces and said*


*Pain took a piece before handing the basket to Jayne and replied*

You're welcome as always.

*Fly smiled and punched him in the arm. Pain chuckled and continued to eat.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:31 PM


Gorram double post!


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:32 PM


The battle was over.

Coated in blood, 13 stands amidst a thick ring of corpses, katana's dripping gore onto the floor. Flicking the blades in a post-battle fluorish, 13 sheathes them, wiping dark blood from his face.

"Chiko, wave LaChance. Tell her the job's done."

Nodding almost fearfully, Chiko rushed to the bridge. The other men had either taken to their quarters or were cleaning up, depending on the strength of their stomachs.

(For those of you who were wondering what the hell I'm up to, I'll be getting back to Serenity soon enough, don't you worry.)


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:46 PM


you better or I'm leavin' to go hunt you down
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:49 PM


(I don't believe you'll be the one doing the hunting, Guy. )


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 8:54 PM


[ kreia] Perhaps, we shall see [/ Kreia]
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 10:08 PM


13, I've sent messages about the ship you wanted! Send me a wave if their okay or not

The sun slowly dipped down over three hills as everyone packed up and headed into the bars after the bazaar had finished. Slowly the sweet smells of fresh food, spices, cow manure and noise of old hover engines was replaced by cheering of drunken traders, the animals of the night and that 24 hour chain store on the corner that sold duck statues.

(thought i'd try my had at dreative writing
. Also: where the fraks the ships resident whore! )

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 10:37 PM


Slowly but surely, JR's memories returned, especially those of Laci. Sybil and her cousin were more sisters than cousins, having grown up together on Londinium, at the Harrow ranch.
Sybil would have to be told of Laci, and she was not going to take it well. Sybil's other cousin, Mac, had been wounded seriously, suffering first and second degree burns after blacking out during The Black's explosion. The automatic fire suppressant system aboard the Nightwing was the only thing that saved him.
JR says to Ertia, "Hey, thanks for the grub. Smells tasty, but I gotta have a little more kick to my food. Know just the thing, cures headaches too, owww, my head." He goes to the galley to look for his prized bottle of Mi Madre's Hot Sauce of Death and drops in several drops. "Mmmmm, much better. Ow."
Just then Simon appears in the doorway. "Sybil's waking up, and she's asking for you and her cousin."
OoC: Does Serenity have a place to put a body? If not did we leave Laci on the ship?

Everyone dies alone.


Thursday, July 20, 2006 12:53 AM


I'm sorry, JR. We couldn't bring Laci's body back with us. Maybe we can go back for it?

Ertia plays with the snow-globe while Simon checks Mac's vitals and makes sure he's resting comfortably. "Uh, Doc? Gotta minute?"

"Sure. Just a second." Simon finishes with his patient and faces Ertia, "Is something wrong?"

"Yeah. You are." She tilts her head, glancing around the infirmary before lowering her voice, "Simon, how long are you going to do this?"

"Do what?" The doctor frowns, and Ertia holds the snow-globe in front of his face.

"Try to snow people. You gonna tell Kaylee what you're really thinking? Or are you just gonna hide down here and pretend everything's okay."

The Doctor shrugs coolly, "She's with her family, E., her people. What can I offer her? Wolf's known her from the beginning."

Ertia wants to shake that cool logical look off Simon's face. "Doc, listen, WE are her people now. Serenity. You. Mal. River. Wash & Zoe. Just because folks show up who knew here when she lived on this foresaken rock don't mean that she doesn't know her own heart. Either you tell her, or I'm gonna."

Simon blanches, his voice a low hiss, "You wouldn't."

"Oh yes, I would, Mr. Top Three Percent."

Ertia turns away from him, pats JR on the shoulder and gives Choo a small wink, "Sorry for the bullet wound, but look at this way, now you got something in common with half the people I know."

"Yes," Simon says calmly to him, "To carry one of E.'s bullets is a special honor."


Thursday, July 20, 2006 12:53 AM


I'm sorry, JR. We couldn't bring Laci's body back with us. Maybe we can go back for it?

Ertia plays with the snow-globe while Simon checks Mac's vitals and makes sure he's resting comfortably. "Uh, Doc? Gotta minute?"

"Sure. Just a second." Simon finishes with his patient and faces Ertia, "Is something wrong?"

"Yeah. You are." She tilts her head, glancing around the infirmary before lowering her voice, "Simon, how long are you going to do this?"

"Do what?" The doctor frowns, and Ertia holds the snow-globe in front of his face.

"Try to snow people. You gonna tell Kaylee what you're really thinking? Or are you just gonna hide down here and pretend everything's okay."

The Doctor shrugs coolly, "She's with her family, E., her people. What can I offer her? Wolf's known her from the beginning."

Ertia wants to shake that cool logical look off Simon's face. "Doc, listen, WE are her people now. Serenity. You. Mal. River. Wash & Zoe. Just because folks show up who knew here when she lived on this foresaken rock don't mean that she doesn't know her own heart. Either you tell her, or I'm gonna."

Simon blanches, his voice a low hiss, "You wouldn't."

"Oh yes, I would, Mr. Top Three Percent."

Ertia turns away from him, pats JR on the shoulder and gives Choo a small wink, "Sorry for the bullet wound, but look at this way, now you got something in common with half the people I know."

"Yes," Simon says calmly to him, "To carry one of E.'s bullets is a special honor."


Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:16 AM


Choo smirked and chuckled a bit.

"Certainly be a talking piont at the big shindigs the fancy's have"

"so Doc, when will i be able to get walk again? Not that the counterside is uncofortable and anything! Just like to see more of this ships and all."

Simon stopped for a second, remeber what Mal had warned. "er...well. Properly tommorrow. Of course we er...don't want to rush the healing. And you'd have to ask the Captain about getting a dorm..."

Choo smiled. "So you got anyone special in your life E? I know a load of Fancy's who would bend over backwards to make you happy."

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Thursday, July 20, 2006 2:03 AM


Ertia grins, thinking of Pain, "I'm sure there must be, but I'm kind of attached at the moment. One of our mercs, Pain."

"Attached somewhere below the waist." Simon retorts dryly.

"And none to quiet about it." Mal adds as he strides into the infirmary, only to be shushed by Simon as he passes Sybil's sleeping form. Lowering his voice, he pauses beside JR. "Good to see you up, JR. You gave us a bit of a scare back there. Takin' it you and Miss Sybil were our back-up during that Alliance rescue?"

When JR nods, Mal gives him a smile, "Good work, that, but maybe ya shouldn't have gotten your ship blown up out there. What was that about, anyway?"

At that precise moment, Sybil stirs, her eyes blinking open, and JR's attention is drawn away from the others, focused entirely on the beautiful heiress.

Mal turned to Choo, "So, what's your story? Hear our resident crack-shot made a casuality out of ya?"

ERtia gives a long suffering sigh. She'd graduated from shooting crew members to just shooting total strangers. Is there some kind of bonus for that?


Thursday, July 20, 2006 2:30 AM


"ah, its okay i've been shot before." Choo said. Then added: "actually nope, i lie, first time. Well done missy."

Mal gives a small sign. "Well lets not make it a habit. Anyway i was given your data sheet by are dear doc. At the moment we've got room, and it wouldn't be fair just to drop you off on the next planet wou-"

"Ah! now that you mention it, i was just hoping to stay on for a short while. Three Hill's doesn't seem to be a stop off piont for many ships. And if they do, they only come to be broken up. Sorry Captain, it is kind of a lift. "

(note: sorry guys, i'm on holiday from this Sunday for 10 days. But if i could re join later please??? )

Mal turned to the Doc. "So when will our new passenger be able to walk?"

Simon stopped his examination of JR. "Should be better tommorrow, but i do have a lot to do and a very small infirmary." Simon looked across to Choo he interputted

"Its okay Doc, i've seen smaller Infirmary's than this, and your only doing your job. Whenevers best for you."

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Thursday, July 20, 2006 4:56 AM


*wolf woke up to see kaylee in front of him, john rushed off.*

wolf" son of a ****!"

kaylee" oh my god your ok!"

*she hugged wolf and started to cry.*

wolf" where is he?"

kaylee" who?"

wolf" huh? wha..?"

*wolf patted his pockets. he did not find the detonator.*


kaylee" what?"

*he jumped up and ran out the door.*

kaylee" well, that explains everything :dissapointed:"

*wolf ran out of the house, charged up to serenity and pounded on the cargo bay doors.*

um, every body should run away from the ship coz it could go asta la boom boom any minuite now.


Thursday, July 20, 2006 6:31 AM


You are NOT blowing up our ship. And we've got wounded and unconscious onboard.
Choo, it's cool. We'll just drag ya along for a while. :D


Thursday, July 20, 2006 6:55 AM


Blow up? I don't wanna blow up!

*Pain had left the galley and made his way to the infirmary. He smiled at Ertia, wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her on the neck. Ertia smiled and said*

Pain we have company.

*Pain looked at Choo, Simon, Mal, and JR. He turned his attention back to Ertia and said*

So, it ain't like they haven't seen two people kissin' before.

*JR spoke up, careful not to wake Sybil up*

It ain't the kissin' we mind, it's what happens afterwards that we have a problem with.

*Pain chuckled and said to JR*

You should be a comedian JR.

*JR shot back*

Eh I like bein' a gunhand better.

*Pain smiled, unwrapped his arms from Ertia's waist, walked over to Choo and replied*

I don't believe we've been introduced. I'm the one called Pain.

*Choo extended his hand and said*

My name's Choo it's a pleasure to meet you.

*Pain shook Choo's hand and replied*

Likewise. You know it's not everday E. gets to shoot a complete stranger.

*Pain released Choo's hand, looked at Ertia who was giving Pain a look, and said to her apologetically*

Sorry about that love. I just couldn't resist.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, July 20, 2006 8:55 AM


JR almost sprayed soup over Sybil with Pain's comment. Ertia glared at JR. "I'm beginning to get a little tired of y'all's comments with my shootin' ". JR and Pain are trying their damnest best to not burst out laughing.

Sybil starts to talk after the drugs have worn off. "Oh my, feels like I've been asleep for days. JR, honey, could I have some water?" JR had brought a cup already. "Here you go, darlin' ", JR says. Sybil notices Mac on the infirmary table. "Oh my, is Mac going to be alright? He looks awful." Simon is still hovering over him. "He's going to be fine, but he'll be in a lot of pain for at least a month. This medifoam will do wonders for him."

After drinking her water, Sybil asks, "We'll I assume Laci is off somewhere on the ship, getting herself all prim and proper, that silly girl.....where is she JR?"

The room suddenly get very quiet. JR turns and whisper to Ertia and Pain. "One of you guys please get Sheperd?" He turns back to Sybil. "Sybil, honey, Laci's not here. She didn't make it off Nightwing. She, she, died, on the ship."

The tears start to well up in her blue eyes. However, she slides off the bed, standing straight up. "I told her she shouldn't come with us, didn't want anything happening to her. But nooo, she wouldn't listen to me, had to be with us and Mac, said she wouldn't miss out on all this adventure out in the 'verse, said she wanted to protect us." Her voice starts to shake. "Wanted to hunt down that pirate scum, help you get your revenge. And now.........what am I going to tell her folks?" She turns to JR and buries her head into his shoulder and starts to cry.

JR's eyes start to get misty also. "Honey, I am so, so sorry. She knew the risks tho. All of us did. I just feel that it was me dragged y'all into this. I'm so sorry."

Mal has stepped up to the couple. "Miss Sybil, I want to tell you that she died helping us all. Died bravely, too. Wish I had a chance to say thank you. She done me proud, knowing what she did for us. Coulda used more people like her at Serenity Valley." He places his hands on both Sybil and JR. "Y'all just stay here, gather your strength. Doc will have Mac patched up in no time."

Everyone dies alone.


Thursday, July 20, 2006 9:18 AM


(Blow up the ship and YOU'LL be 13's next assignment, Wolf! Choo, I didn't get the gorram message for some reason! Maybe you's could put it on the thread?)


Thursday, July 20, 2006 9:38 AM


Ertia squeezed Pain's hand before running to the galley to fetch Shepherd Book, nearly running him down on the catwalk.

"Shepherd?" She gasped out, slightly out of breath, "Need you in the infirmary."

At his alarmed look she shook her head, "Just some grieving could use your council."

He gives her a relieved look and a pat on the shoulder before continueing down to the infirmary.

That's when she hears the frantic pounding on the bay doors. Pushing the release catch, she uses all her strength to open the side door, "Wolf? That you? What are you screaming about?"


Thursday, July 20, 2006 9:59 AM


thanks for just leaving me wolf

John ran downstairs to find Wolf and Kaylee gone. John then turned ran out of the house toward the ship something was wrong he could feel it and the crew could use him. He stopped a moment to turn back to his home. It was the second time he was leaving it. but the first time he was doing so with plans to come back

Serenity is the tenth character of the show and you can't kill canon characters Wolf we better be getting out of this one



Thursday, July 20, 2006 10:26 AM



Originally posted by 13:
(Wolf! Choo, I didn't get the gorram message for some reason! Maybe you's could put it on the thread?)

I'll post a new blog with them in

Choo slid himself off the counter, trying to not to scream out with the pain thayts still lingured. Simon looked up from examination. His face showing dis-approval. Choo replied with shake off the head. He'd been in one too many saddening situations.

Slowly Choo got to the nearest chair as E and what seemed to be a Sheppard came in. The Sheppard closing the door behing him. Choo sat still for a moment.

Been a long time since he'd thought about religon and God. After saying a small prayer to Budda, Choo closed his eyes and tried to drown out the grief and pain in meditation.

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:53 PM


Sorry for the delayed response people. I had some unexpected company come over.

*Pain really didn't have any religious beliefs, but he lowered his head in respect anyways as Shepard Book said some prayers. As Book spoke, Pain's head flooded with images of his friends who died in various gunfights.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, July 20, 2006 3:46 PM



WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, July 20, 2006 7:10 PM


Wolf? Where are you? You can't jack us with a sub-plot and then just abandon us!

Ertia held the door propped with her shoulder while she waited for Wolf to catch his breath and blurt out whatever it was he was trying to say.
She was pretty sure the panicked arm waving wasn't helping his calm any, and the cargo bay door was too heavy for her to let go of and drag him inside. "What? Is someone on fire? Did someone GET fired? Are we under fire? What??!?!"


Thursday, July 20, 2006 8:15 PM


What Ertia said.

*Pain quietly made his way out of the infirmary while Book continued with his sermon. He saw Ertia talking to Wolf and having a hard time holding open the door. Pain let out a breath, walked over, placed a hand on the door, and said*

I'll hold the door bao bei.

*Ertia flashed Pain a courtesy smile and said*

Thank you babe.

*Pain looked at a beat up and winded Wolf and said to Ertia*

What's with him? He looks like he had a tussel with a scow and the scow won.

*Ertia shrugged and replied*

I don't know Pain, Wolf hasn't said anything yet.

*Pain turned to Wolf, snapped his fingers and said*

Hey Wolfie boy what's wrong? Did you push Timmy down the well? Did you get in a fight with some local drunks or somethin'? Speak man!

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, July 21, 2006 7:27 AM


BUMP! Hey Wolf where you at man?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, July 21, 2006 8:55 AM


sorry i've been throwing up all over the place. anyway, we aint gonna blow up, we just need to take the bomb out of pains wardrobe.

*wolf barged past them and made his way up to pains room , there was no time to lose.*






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