Have you EARNED a Browncoat??? Do you need a new one?

UPDATED: Sunday, July 23, 2006 20:23
VIEWED: 13358
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Thursday, July 20, 2006 7:57 PM


Well now...

FollowMal has been handing out new Browncoats left and right (and rightly so!) but I was suspecting.. does everyone who posts here deserve a coat? (well, now of course they do, but hear me out..)

Browncoats/independents.. they don't give up, and they earned the title.. so how about, to get a Browncoat (new or replace a tattered one) from here on out.. you have to say how you came to love the 'verse... that should give FM a chance to catch her breath between running back and forth to the bunk and the storage locker.. and it will be an inspiration to us all...

So... for me.. opening scenes of Serenity... when Mal "volunteers" Zoe to go into the fray.. and is so tickled to shoot down that ship... all good. Got me interested. Watched them all in a mad dash one right after the other... got to OoG and keened over my own self.. the music, the heart, the story.. well. That was it for me. Browncoat for life. No matter what may come.. Browncoat for life and happy to be among my fellow travelers

Chindi. (no, got engine grease in my eye.. that ain't no tear)


Thursday, July 20, 2006 8:11 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Well, I was a late bloomer, didn't discover this grand ol' verse until the movie. I'm not sure exactly when I fell head over heels; somewhere between "let's be bad guys" and "Eta kuram na smekh". I was hooked by the end. Then I watched the show after my dad bought it. Then I watched it again. Then I bought it and watched it again. Well, you get the picture.




Thursday, July 20, 2006 8:55 PM


once while visiting some cousins one said "wanna watch something cool?" or something to that effect I said "yeah" so they popped in Disc 1 and at "We shall rule over all this land, and we will call it... This Land" I was hooked
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Friday, July 21, 2006 6:18 AM


My brother was spending a lot of time in his room watching some tv show on dvd (I mean, nobody had seen him apart from kitchen raids or bathroom breaks for a week), so when I was visiting, I stuck my head around the door, just in time to catch "the hero of Canton", with my bro giving me a quick lowdown to explain everybody's reatcions.

He lent be the set, and and withing a week, I had bought my own. And before the movie had come out on dvd, I'd seen it on pay per view on cable a dozen times.

For every battle honour, a thousand heroes die along, unremembered and unsung...


Friday, July 21, 2006 6:23 AM


rather boring really, i'd seen and loved the movie, and when i learnt it was based on a series (convienently just before i went on night shift and needed a good way to kill time) i thought well, what the hell, and, it turned out to be bloody incredible xD

have since been looking into the 'verse as much as possible, in liue of any more actual movie or series to vegetate in front of, and am still loving the fact that it's so character-driven, instead of the usual sci-fi thang


Friday, July 21, 2006 6:52 AM


i was a little late, came to ff last summer (before i new anything about the movie, tho), i went to gen con and everyone was talking 'bout the serenity rpg, so i managed to get into a session of that, and that was enough; just gaming w/ 6 other 'coats, knowing nothing at all but was keenly aware that i wsa missing out. so i went home, rented the series, and was pretty much hooked by the end of the pilot. so then i kicked into fanatic mode, did my veary best to make up for the years i missed by way of massive guerilla marketing (and to think, all my friends hoped i was finished w/ my "x days 'til ________" sign-on-shirt phase when the last lotr movie came out :P ), and now.... here i am. come to think of it, i never made an official "hi im new" thing, or got a coat, some large number of months ago, so good, now i'll 'earn' my coat

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature
Fear is the Mind Killer


Friday, July 21, 2006 7:03 AM


When the movie Serenity came out I had never heard of Serenity or the Firefly world, my dad told me it was a show that had been cancelled so all I thought was that it was curious that it should be made into a movie. I didn't even see it in the theaters and decided that seeing Flightplan would be a better idea for my birthday (big mistake) and my parents saw Serenity. They came out saying it was great but I wasn't convinced, hearing that a 90 pound girl killed a bunch of people just sounded irrealistic and stupid honestly. Then it came out on dvd and my dad rented it, honestly I wasn't crazy about it, not knowing the whole back story, but to be honest, Nathan's hotness is what got me hooked. ;) I also didn't like that it changed into a zombie movie, because I like zombie movies but it just didn't seem to work. I later saw Slither, decided Nathan was even hotter, and then father's day roled around. Well I knew my dad liked the show, and also that Nathan was hot, can I stress that enough? So I decided to buy it for him (best choice ever). He watched it without me, so I dragged it into my room and watched the entire series in 2 days. I was hooked. I then said that I hadn't seen the whole series, (yes I'm a dirty liar) and watched it again with my parents. I later decided I like Jayne more than Mal, but that's not how it started.

Copied that from my profile.


Friday, July 21, 2006 7:09 AM


I vaguely remember watching some of the shows when they were first on, but when I heard that the series was coming out on DVD something told me I HAD TO HAVE THIS SERIES! I realized I was right in the first few minutes of the show. Firefly is the only TV series I have on DVD.


Friday, July 21, 2006 7:11 AM


Been a browncoat since it originally aired way back on F**. Had my Tivo by then so I kept ALL of the episodes queued up on that as there wasn't anything better to save it to (was a DirecTV Tivo, super high quality). Talk about dedication. I could only record 30 hours on my initial Tivo so nearly half the space on the unit was permanently dedicated to the show! Threw away each new episode of Enterprise once I watched it but NEVER our beloved Firefly episodes!

Was in mourning a long time after the show was cancelled ( F**) so came late to just before the BDM hit the big screen. Did convert several Browncoats just before the movie by replaying the Tivoed episodes.

Alas, the Tivo HD gave out recently so my record of the original episodes bit the dust. That's okay 'cause I've got three sets of the DVD series (two for loaners) three copies of the BDM (two in letterbox, one in fullscreen for loaners to those not blessed with large screens or home theaters).

Almost got my significant other convinced to let me buy that gorgeous top Kaylee wears in the BDM for sale over at Propstore (already have the genuine prop money).

Have bought darned near every T-shirt Jayne ever wore (including the "risque" one with the mostly nekkid girl on it) and am ordering the pistol prop. Having good metalworking skills am in the process of creating a stainless steel version of River's axe from the BDM (already have an authentic looking Batleth from ST).

Recently purchsed Lightwave 3D for the sole purpose of generating the ships of the 'verse (already have strong CAD skills, wrote books on the subject).

Donate when I can to and other sites when the Misses ain't looking.

One last thing... I ALWAYS end my email messages at work with:


Like moths to a flame, a small thing like this has generated more interest in the series and movie both within the company and without. It is unobtrusive so I've not gotten in trouble at work by management (and it has been seen by the CEO and others .

With that said, yeah, I think I qualify for a shiny new browncoat. Wadda ya say?

Given a choice between the Earth-that-is and the 'verse-that-will-be I choose the latter.


Friday, July 21, 2006 7:14 AM



Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 02:44

if you don't mind my askin' how did you come across Firefly?


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 - 00:54

Don't mind a bit, though it's no great tale.

Bought Fireflyfor someone off their Xmas list this year, then rented the movie and series out of curiosity.

I'll be buying them for myself, now.

The BDM by itself didn't trigger the ... what do you call this feeling? Obsession? Rapture? Pressing desire to wrap myself up in the 'verse like a down comforter and never come out? Anyway, there was something in the series that pulled at me more, at first. Two reasons I can think of, so far:

1) In Firefly, I see these people getting to know each other as I get to know them. There's something lovely about the discoveries we all make together.

2) There's no wistful and paradoxically pre-industrial violins and banjos in Serenity. I really miss the soundtrack!

Huh. Hadn't thought through those things, before. Thanks for askin'.

So, what's this about a coat? Like, there's really a thing you give out? Or is it more like the naked people who keep streaking through various threads (or, er wait; maybe that's over at the Prospero forum...)


Friday, July 21, 2006 7:16 AM


Edited: Oops. Double posted.


Friday, July 21, 2006 7:20 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Naked people.
Virtual coats. Though I have a real one. Had to buy that, though.




Friday, July 21, 2006 7:42 AM


well, this past Xmas my mom-in-law picked up a copy of Serenity at the store. She wanted us to watch it but we needed to see a few episodes of the show so we could understand what was going on. I'm not into sci-fi shows that much so I thought I would just take a nap on the recliner during it. (my mom-in-law tends to get us to watch every sci-fi show possible)

Well during the first 5 minutes with the battle of Serenity I was thinking "Oh, great! another war on a sci-fi show." but when Mal turned to Bendis and told him "We are so...very...pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die." I fell in love with Nathan.

Then when Mal shot the Fed,that was awesome!! I loved their dialogue and the chemistry. I was even surprised that I liked all the characters. I usually dont like women characters because they can be annoying.

I only watched five episodes:Serenity(p.1 &p.2), Our Mrs. Reynolds, Trash, Out of Gas, and Objects in Space before my mom-in-law popped in the BDM. After that I was in LOVE! I went out and bought my own copy of Firefly and Serenity. Watched them all over again and again and again. Thats when my obsession began.

I could kick myself for not watching them when they were on Fox. I remember seeing the commercials for them and saying to my husband "I'm not watching that stupid show." Yeah I feel bad about that one. But now I have dedicated all my free time to reading fanfic, watching YouTube videos, buying Firefly merchandise, my Myspace page is practically a shrine, I fell in love with Jayne, I also turned my mom into a Browncoat. That was awesome! I'm seriously thinking of getting a tattoo, which is a huge thing cause I dont like pain.

Damn... I miss them!!!

Shepard used to tell me...can't do something smart, do something right.
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Friday, July 21, 2006 7:54 AM


Whoa! Somebody get in here with those new BROWNCOATS!!! FOLLOWMAL!!! I'd say everyone here should get one...

thanks for the replies.. It always warms the heart to relive the virus er introduction to the 'verse



Friday, July 21, 2006 8:02 AM


It was somewhere back in 2003 when my daughter was a baby. She'd just grown out of the nightly screaming session between 10pm and 2am phase. (The Doctor said it was 'just colic'. To that I say HA! YOU GIT! You try living with that and THEN call it just colic and THEN cut out your tongue AND shove it where the sun don't shine. (I was peeved, could you tell? I think you could tell.)).

So anyway, I was just getting to the point where I could get a reasonable amount of sleep by going to bed at 8pm to give me a cushion of unconsciousness to tide me through the 10.30pm and 4:30am feedings.

One night I was just drifting off when my husband leeps into the bedroom like an over excited gazelle to tell me about the fantastic programme he just saw on the UK Sci-fi channel.

I was not at my most receptive.

Once I'd stopped swearing and crying, I told him that I would watch the next episode if he would just go the hell away and let me sleep now.

So I stayed up especially for the next episode with a 'this better be good' expression on my face.

Oh my... It was good.

I can't remember which episode it was because I'm not sure if the Sci-fi channel showed them in the right order, but the one I slept though was the Train Job.

From that point onwards I caught every episode and when the Sci-fi channel had a Firefly weekend I got to see them all. Then I brought the box set and watched and watched them, then I saw the movies, then I brought that on DVD and the book and watched and read and watrched and read...

Why did I fall in love?

1. I have a passionate sentimental attachment to Sci-fi and Westerns, I watched them both on my fathers knee (I will always remember watching Logan's run with him in the kitchen when I was about nine and him freezing with horror when the female character took her top off . I also remember watching anything with John Wayne in it because at that age I wanted to grow up and marry him ).
2. There were characters!
3. There was Plot!
4. Everything wasn't alright in the end!
5. There were no bumpy headed aliens!
6. There was drama!
7. There was humour!
8. There was Adam Baldwin! (Oh my! Oh my! Oh my!).
9. It wasn't all moralistic and telling us how to be good little humans!
10. It wasn't all clean and shiny!

I think ten will do, but I could go on... and on... and on...

Can I have a browncoat now? Pretty please with sugar on top... honey too if you like... sprinkles, you'd like sprinkles? Cos you look like you'd like sprinkles. How about Ice cream? Chocolate?..

Hopefully yours



Friday, July 21, 2006 8:03 AM


I was at the theater (by myself, actually) inwardly moaning about the quality of movies today, when suddenly Summer Glau was hurting people. For some strange reason, I felt nostalgic. And then I remembered War Stories. And Serenity. And everything else I had forgotten about in the last few years.

Feeling clever, I whispered "Firefly," to the person sitting beside me. The Serenity logo appeared on the screen, and they replied "Or not."


Friday, July 21, 2006 8:12 AM


Like many being quite new to the 'verse' i was introduced to it by the BDM. Previously i hadn't heard much about the series. When i first heard about the film last year (small article in Total Film magazine) i thought 'that looks up my street' and was quite looking forward to seeing it on the big screen. To my dismay my local multiplex pulled the film after a couple of weeks (boo I waited patiently for the DVD and brought it on release, very impressed and after my first viewing i wanted more. Brought the series and the opening sequence of the pilot sealed the deal for me, just the sheer spectacle of the 'battle of Serenity Valley' topped off by Mal's 'We're too pretty' speech. I thought 'wow i'm already hooked and ive got about another 620 mins of this...great'! The more i watched and the more i got to know the characters the more hooked i became and before i knew it the ending credits of Objects in Space were there staring back at me and i thought to myself'What that's more...nuts!'. I must admit that to grow so close to the characters, only for them to be snatched from me after 14 episodes so early on got to me more than any show or movie ever has. I know it sounds a bit tacky but it did hurt a little, well to be honest quite a lot. However after finding this site it did cheer me up knowing that i wasnt the only one affected by this Gorram fine show and movie. I guess the BDM was the hook and the series was the line and sinker. Proud to be a Browncoat and still hoping.


Friday, July 21, 2006 8:17 AM


I don't remember if I ever told my story of how I found the 'verse or not, but perhaps if I tell/retell it here... I'll get my Browncoat? Maybe?

We shall see.

I was at a friend's house working on a project and she'd been yakking about this awesome show that got cancelled for weeks. She wanted us (the group) check it out and watch the Pilot on her DVD set. Well, as if you couldn't guess, the show was Firefly.

I have to say, I don't recommend trying to win new fans while multitasking. I was totally lost as to what was going on because I was focused on our project. So, I can't say I really came to love it that night.

But, a coule of months later, another friend -- my best friend -- who was also a Firefly fan said we should rent Serenity and watch it.

Well, I was instantly intrigued but still a little... well, not lost... just a bit confused. It was hard to get used to the 'verse. But, once I got into it, I was hooked. It happened so fast I didn't even realize it. I was infatuated long before this moment, but the moment when I realized how much I was loving this movie was when Wash died. (Don't take that the wrong way: let me explain.) I nearly jumped off my couch and screamed out, "NO!!!! Not Wash!!! He can't die!!!" My reaction clued me into something: I love these characters, their story, their whole world! Next time my friend and I went to rent videos, it was me insisting we rent Serenity again.

Now, I've seen Serenity four times, two of which were sharing it with my brother and mom who are now also fans. I watched the Firefly marathon on Sci Fi last week as well as taping most of it, so I've now seen almost every episode and enjoy rewatching them. (The ones they did not air, I'm trying to catch up on through my friend's DVD set until I can afford to buy my own.)

That's about it for me.

"I'm a leaf on the wind..." - Wash

Please -- check this out, especially if you live in California!
We could use your support and, as people who know the pain of not-so-bright TV execs killing great shows... I think you just might feel for our cause.


Friday, July 21, 2006 8:19 AM


Oh, Chindi, this was such a wonderful idea!

Pony, just about every one of your ten reasons.. except substitute Mal for Jayne is my list verbatim!

Each one I read...I said "YES!" to.

Uhhh, don't remember the topless part of Logan's Run, but I'm not sure how you were gonna be married to John Wayne, cuz I was.
Oh, how I cried when they killed him in "The Cowboys"!.

One browncoat comin' right up!

*hands Pony a browncoat from the storeroom, proud to see she's a member of the crew!*

What is there about the stories.. they draw us in and let us remember those moments when we first fell in love too. It's such a drug.. ahem.. I mean good show!

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Click here for info about the Serenity Summer Campaign and how you can help!


Friday, July 21, 2006 8:21 AM



Originally posted by Chindi:
Whoa! Somebody get in here with those new BROWNCOATS!!! FOLLOWMAL!!! I'd say everyone here should get one...

thanks for the replies.. It always warms the heart to relive the virus er introduction to the 'verse


Ok, Chindi.. now it's your turn.. hand over that old battle scarred browncoat... I know of no one more deserving of a fresh one.. we'll send the old one to DonCoat for refurbishing.. he takes most excellent care of them.

*hands Chindi a new browncoat to keep her warm thru the coming battles for our show*

Thank you my friend.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Click here for info about the Serenity Summer Campaign and how you can help!


Friday, July 21, 2006 8:26 AM



Originally posted by Lissa37:
I don't remember if I ever told my story of how I found the 'verse or not, but perhaps if I tell/retell it here... I'll get my Browncoat? Maybe?

We shall see.

Of course you do, Lissa.

Hands Lissa a browncoat of her very own*

I'm glad you're one of us!

It's wonderful how we each say we love Firefly and Serenity. We don't just like it or think it good tv.... we love it. Makes me happy.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Click here for info about the Serenity Summer Campaign and how you can help!


Friday, July 21, 2006 8:31 AM



Originally posted by sunnyj:
I must admit that to grow so close to the characters, only for them to be snatched from me after 14 episodes so early on got to me more than any show or movie ever has. I know it sounds a bit tacky but it did hurt a little, well to be honest quite a lot. However after finding this site it did cheer me up knowing that i wasnt the only one affected by this Gorram fine show and movie. I guess the BDM was the hook and the series was the line and sinker. Proud to be a Browncoat and still hoping.

Ahh, but you see SunnyJ.. we all felt exactly the same way.. it does hurt quite a lot. That deep love you feel for the characters then to not know what happens to them...I have it still. It won't ever go away.. it's why I fight so hard for more. It's why I hold.

*hands SunnyJ a browncoat* I'm proud to have you holdin' with me.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Click here for info about the Serenity Summer Campaign and how you can help!


Friday, July 21, 2006 8:34 AM



Your mention of Logan's Run brought back fond memories. That was the very first movie my wife-to-be and I went to in the theater (dating myself severely here) when we were first dating. It has now been 26 wonderful years of marital bliss. BTW, she is a Browncoat through and through!

Thanks for the memories!


Given a choice between the earth-that-is and the 'verse-that-will-be I'll take the latter.



Friday, July 21, 2006 8:35 AM


You too Ben? Welcome to our shiny site! We're glad you're among us!

*hands Ben a browncoat, fresh from the storeroom*

Try that on for size... looks great.

Make yourself to home and talk often. You suppose that Bun and the crowd of folks who put on the spread for all the newcomers are ever gonna show up in this thread? We need strawberries, I'd reckon.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Click here for info about the Serenity Summer Campaign and how you can help!


Friday, July 21, 2006 8:36 AM


When I first showed up on this board back at the beginning of April (wow, that wasn't very long ago, was it?), I am sure I told everyone how I came to love Firefly...but seeing as there is this pretty thread with so many touching stories, I'll throw mine back in. Oh, and my FollowMal coat is still like new to me!
I did not want anything to do with Joss because of Buffy...couldn't stand the show, made the mistake of thinking anything that man did would be the same BS. So, when I heard about Firefly, I decided to skip it. My loss, as it turns out. Years later, the preview for Serenity shows up. As a fan of sci-fi, my reaction was "cool"...then the wife informs me it's a movie from the series Firefly. Intriguing. So, I watch the movie, fall in love with it, borrow the DVDs from a friend, watch them in a two-day period, and now a Browncoat I shall be until they pry it off my dead body. I even went so far as to research and build my very own Browncoat (sorry for this, I'm still proud... I lurked around this site for awhile and finally joined...and discovered that I have a very large extended family!



Friday, July 21, 2006 9:12 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
I lurked around this site for awhile and finally joined...and discovered that I have a very large extended family!

That's right, Tristan doesn't need a 'coat.. he can make 'em. If we ever go into battle he's our armourer and 'coat maker! I've seen that browncoat and it's awesome!

Tristan, the part where you said "I have a very large extended family!" I like that part. I feel the same way too. Thanks.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Click here for info about the Serenity Summer Campaign and how you can help!


Friday, July 21, 2006 9:18 AM


well, i had seen a few shows while it was on tv, and i really liked it, then it was canceled and i was pretty mad, F** always cancels my favorite shows. Then i kindof forgot about the series and i never even heard there was a movie coming out, then i went to my uncles adn he said " hey you want to watch a cool movie' and the for the first half hour i kept thinking, " where have i seen this? then it hit me and i fell in love all over again and went out and bought the series and watched the whole thing straight through. now i cant get enough an wish that there could be more.

- Alex
" Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic"


Friday, July 21, 2006 9:19 AM


FollowMal, Tristan reporting as armorer and maker of RL Browncoats!
*snaps off a very sharp salute*

I feared jumping on a board that has existed this long, only to find the people had been 'waiting' for all of us to show up. It's a good feeling.



Friday, July 21, 2006 9:55 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
Of course you do, Lissa.

Hands Lissa a browncoat of her very own*

I'm glad you're one of us!

It's wonderful how we each say we love Firefly and Serenity. We don't just like it or think it good tv.... we love it. Makes me happy.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Click here for info about the Serenity Summer Campaign and how you can help!

You're right: We do love them. They're special and they deserve our love. <3

And, thank you very much for my Browncoat! It's quite shiny and I'm proud to wear it.

"I'm a leaf on the wind..." - Wash

Please -- check this out, especially if you live in California!
We could use your support and, as people who know the pain of not-so-bright TV execs killing great shows... I think you just might feel for our cause.


Friday, July 21, 2006 10:03 AM


Melangefreak... for falling in love twice and harder the second time! You deserve a browncoat!

*hands Melangefreak a browncoat*

We're glad you're with us.

Is your name a reference to Dune permaybehaps?

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Click here for info about the Serenity Summer Campaign and how you can help!


Friday, July 21, 2006 10:10 AM


My journey starts with a mistake. I was flipping chanels and stopped on a strange man singing some song about someone named Jayne who was a man. Kindof freaked me out so I didn't want to find out what's up. Later, a friend of mine found out I liked Buffy and Angel and told me about Joss's third series. I watched Ariel and fell in love



Friday, July 21, 2006 10:15 AM


Since you're a captain, John, you definitely need a browncoat! Wouldn't do otherwise.

Hands John a browncoat of his own.*

There you are. Love is the word isn't it.. truly.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Click here for info about the Serenity Summer Campaign and how you can help!


Friday, July 21, 2006 10:18 AM


I watch the show from the beginning just because I saw that Joss was the creator and I had enjoyed Angel and Buffy.

I knew I was a browncoat--well at least a fan since we weren't calling ourselves that just yet--when Mal decided to give the meds back in the Train Job.

I was disappointed that the show had been cancelled. I didn't find out about the internet support and fanbase until the movie was released. I hadn't realized that so many other people loved FF as much as I did. That is also when I found out what being a Browncoat meant.


Friday, July 21, 2006 11:16 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

*hands SunnyJ a browncoat* I'm proud to have you holdin' with me.

*Gratefully receives browncoat* Thanks for the shiny browncoat FollowMal, I shall wear it with pride and will keep holdin till i'm dragged away by the soles of my boots, and even then i'll be clawing my way back.

'Poor little thing. Never even saw the light of day, now it's in showbusiness!'


Friday, July 21, 2006 11:27 AM


I never got a browncoat in the first place! Is this a metaphorical browncoat we are talking about?

Anyway I first saw Firefly when it was originally aired on FOX on Fridays. Yes, hard to believe I actually saw it on tv and I liked it but forgot all about it once it disappeared and I wondered what happend to it. Well, I was reintroduced to it about the time Serenity came out and I can't stop thinking about it!

I have also converted a new browncoat or 2. And I religiously check the forums for any news on a sequel or second season.

Keep flyin'

"And if wishes were horses we'd all be eating steak"


Friday, July 21, 2006 11:58 AM


I've told my story before. Saw the very first episode on gorram ruttin' Fox and then lost track of it... twice... before it was finally canceled. Preordered the DVD set before it was released and ate it up like a starving llama. Found, but never actually registered until shortly before the BDM came out. Have my share of conversion stories. One of the folks I converted was with me at the recent Boston screening, and won one of the major door prizes -- woohoo!

Followmal, I've been thinking... I have a small stack of patched-up, more-or-less cleaned-up used browncoats now. Maybe if I run across a new recruit that you haven't coated yet, I'll loan them one to tide them over. Won't ever exactly fit, and won't be as shiny and nice-smelling as one of yours, but should be good enough for a short while.

What do you think?

I'm pointin' right at it!


Friday, July 21, 2006 12:04 PM


Hey Thanks for the new coat.. it looks all SHINY! (or is that the old coat...? but I digress) FollowMal, thanks for being sure everyone who deserves a coat gets one.. you work tirelessly.. good thing you got that nice bunk to flop in...hehehe
did you get one for MYCROFTXXX back up yonder?? He had a most impressive tale....

happy to be with all the browncoated folk



Friday, July 21, 2006 12:39 PM


ok, I new about Firefly, and always had intentions of watching it. then i saw the movie and thought it was the coolest thing since sliced bread.

watching the series, it had me at 'This Land' and OoG just confirmed it. TV never touched me until that very end scene where he's stood in the yard looking at the ship. The whole show clicked into place and Made Sense.

And of course, watching it all over again now, especially the Big Wooden Stick of Doom scene in the movie.

I think i actually care.

its been a long time.

Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Friday, July 21, 2006 12:52 PM


I have been waiting for my Brown Coat for some time now!!! I have been here for several months (despite what my profile says, error thingy happened....anyways) and still no Brown Coat. I know FallowMal is busy, so here is why FallowMal should run to the coatery and get me a nice shiney one...

I LOVE Firefly, I know everyone here does, but hey it's my opening line! I got hooked on it about 2 years ago when a friend forced me to watch it. After the first 10 minutes I was hooked! When I found out the show was gone, I was furiously pissed with my friend for letting me become so infacuated with it when there was nothing more to come! After a year of deep dark depression a shining light in the form of the BDM came and I was excited beyond the point of any normal person. I went on opening night and was first in the theater! Iwnt and saw it 3 more times in theater to help support Joss and when it came out on DVD I bought it right away instead of waiting a couple of weeks for th eprice to go down. I try to convert as many people as posible and have even broken up with guys who didn't like it (no that is commitment!) I am also tying to get the phrase "thats shiney" to repalce Paris HIltons "thats hot" and it is actually catching at my college *yeah*

So that is why I deserve my brown coat!!!! I know FallowMal is busy, so I will wait here patiently for it to arrive!!!!



Capture me if you dare.


Friday, July 21, 2006 1:07 PM


Origional Browncoat. Channel surfing when The Captain caught my eye. It was the bar scene in The Train Job and Mal was at the bar, talking to that big "unification day" bully. I couldn't take my eyes of the Captain and I thought I was watching a Western, until Mal came crashing through the bar window. I loved that the woman with him was an awesome fighter, but the thing that really hooked me was the spaceship rising up behind just took my breath away. I still get a chill watching that scene.
I knew the show was in trouble when I could't find any one at work who watched it. I started calling family and friends, begging them to watch or at least turn the show on if they were going out. The cancellation was painful.


Friday, July 21, 2006 1:18 PM


Well I originally watched Firefly when it was on Fox, it was different and I was hooked. I Saw most of the series and loved every moment. I missed it when it was gone. Then went on. Until I got the series on DVD a couple years later when it came out and re-watched the series along with a couple extra episodes I hadn't seen before and fell in love with Firefly once again.

I have seen every episode at least 20 times and the Movie at least 15 times. I came here shortly after seeing the website url pop up breifly in one of the extras of the movie and have been here ever since.

I will never let go of Firefly no matter what Joss says. I would love to see the BDH's agian in a new season of Firefly of in the next Serenity.



Friday, July 21, 2006 1:21 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
ok, I new about Firefly, and always had intentions of watching it. then i saw the movie and thought it was the coolest thing since sliced bread.

watching the series, it had me at 'This Land' and OoG just confirmed it. TV never touched me until that very end scene where he's stood in the yard looking at the ship. The whole show clicked into place and Made Sense.

And of course, watching it all over again now, especially the Big Wooden Stick of Doom scene in the movie.

I think i actually care.

its been a long time.

Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.

Wasn't that quote in you sig from Bones? I remember seeing that part and laughing.



Friday, July 21, 2006 2:32 PM


Rented BDM about three weeks ago, no previous exposure. Opening sequence grabbed me, it was different. I was hooked from the first scene on the bridge. After watching the bonus material and finding out there had been a series I wasted no time making sure it resided in our home. I went through a disc a night and suddenly found myself unable to not write a fanfic script for an episode. This is not like me. The characters get into your head and won't get back out again. You want to know what happens to them next. "Tell us a story Pappa Joss!"


Friday, July 21, 2006 2:34 PM


One day, I was watching SciFi, waiting for SG-1 to come on, when I saw this ad for a new show called Firefly coming on the Friday lineup. I though it seemed alright and decided to give it a chance, even though it was made by the same guy who did Buffy, and I hated that show. Watched a episodes every once and a while, and while the guitar backrouds irritated me, it did not seem to bad to me. Then I found out there was a movie already being made based on the show. I thought this seemed a bit premature. After all, the show had only been airing for a few weeks now, hadn't it? Then, watching the SciFi exculisive peek at Serenity, I found out that the show had been cancelled a ways back on Fox, and I was watching the reruns on Scifi. I liked the show pretty good now (not tremendously though), and I enjoyed the romantic idea that the fans fought back enough to get a movie. So, when the movie was in theatre, I thought about going whenever I had time, but I was not much to go to movies honestly.

One Friday, I had some spare time, and a bit of coin as well, so I had two options before me: I could go and lose the money paying with my poker buddies (I suck at poker, but it's fun), or go to the movies and see Serenity. It looked interesting enough, but I had heard nothing of it, except from scifi, so might totally suck. Drawn over it, but leaning slightly more towards poker, I decided to flip my lucky coin for what I would do with my evening. Two out of three flips, movies won on the first two. Looking back, I consider this fate, because if I had gone to poker, I problably would never have gone to the movie, as I do not have coin and time at the same time usally, and Serenity and Firefly would have disappeared into nothing for me, most likely.

I grabbed my old brown leather coat I have worn for years now (it was cold out, not becuase of the movie. Had that coat way before I even heard of a browncoat) and rode my bike to the theatre.

Where my life as I know it changed.

The opening sequence with serenity entering atmosphere, it just...smacked my soul like a sledgehammer. The whole movie caught me and would not let go. The end was incredible; an end where heroes are mortal, and for the first time in a long while, I had no idea who was going to survive. I LOVED it.

I walked out of that theatre feeling...insane. I wanted to do something, draw something, work out, scream on top of of my dorm roof. Anything to keep this feeling inside me. It was unbelievable.

I told everyone I knew about this movie, and that they should go see it. A few days later, I decided to look up the movie on the web, and was pleased to find that few reviewers, if any, didn't like the movie. Then I found the link to this site, and decided to lurk for a while. This is the first fansite I have ever been on. It took me quite a few months before I actually created my account and started posting here. First time to ever post anywhere, as well.

Soon as I had the chance, I bought the series on DVD and rewatched it. Somehow, the second time around, the show just buried me and I knew for certain. Now and forever, untill the sun goes dead in Earth's sky and long after, I will be a Browncoat. I was from the time I developed a personal philosophy on life, it just did not have a name untill recently

Have been on the site for something like four months now, posted a fair few times, just started putting things into the Blue Sun room, But I have never formally introduced myself before. Sorry about that.

So, that is my story of how I came to this verse. Don't know how interesting it is, but it's engraved on your braincells now if you read this, so you're stuck with it.

All good things must come to an end.


Friday, July 21, 2006 2:36 PM


10 reasons? Alright:

1. Summer Glau
2. Summer Glau
3. Summer Glau
4. Summer Glau
5. Summer Glau
6. Summer Glau
7. Summer Glau
8. Summer Glau
9. Summer Glau
10. Summer Glau


Friday, July 21, 2006 2:59 PM


Well I'll play if I have to.

The first (second) episode the day it came out. Saw the trailers (yes, I was one of the rare few who saw the commercials and thought NO WAY am I watching this. Cowboys in space? Horses? WTH?) But it came on before another Fux casualty John Doe which I was really interested in and decided to watch it. I don't remember the exact time I thought this is special, I can't say when it was I thought I'd like it better than JD, but what sealed it for me was Mal's responce to Crow. The rest was history for me.

Which is why it confused me when I couldn't find it (not knowing Fux's reputation for screwing shows) and with Baseball and Adam Sandler? movies replacing it you can imagine I was getting quite hysterical wondering what was going on and where my beloved show had dissapeered to.

Then I came online, found this place, and learned to my horror it had been cancelled and I'd never see it again. After that even JD lost interest in me. It was my favorite line-up. Firefly straight into John Doe. It was perfect.

Then Fux fuxed it up.

Damn you to Hades people at Fux. May all your suits wrinkle and may you never get the perfect Mocha late.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting

Just a quick edit. Space the imagination station got the rights to air the whole series and unlike Fux they put it in order WITH the 2 hour pilot first and the 3 unaired episodes. This was before news of the DVD's coming out, so I got to tape everyone (with the opening speach by Mal and Book, I don't know if they were different from the originally aired ones or changed slightly) so while most were in withdrawel waiting for the DVD's I got to watch them whenever I wanted on my VCR. (just wish I hadn't cut off the opening song for all of them.) And even though I didn't have a DVD player yet, my top wish for xmas that year was the set, which I got (and a DVD to boot. Woohoo.)

But if ever my player breaks down I won't have to worry about not seeing my BDH's. I'll just pop in my video tapes.


Friday, July 21, 2006 5:34 PM



Originally posted by Capture:
I try to convert as many people as posible and have even broken up with guys who didn't like it (no that is commitment!)

So that is why I deserve my brown coat!!!! I know FallowMal is busy, so I will wait here patiently for it to arrive!!!!



Capture me if you dare.

*FollowMal strides back into the thread and looks around at all the deserving Browncoats in this thread and sets down her plan book, and her ever faithful funny Farside calendar ( without which she'd be lost ) and her big ole stack of yellow sticky notes which contain too much info for her brain tonight!*

Capture, for being a tried and true Browncoat and waiting and waiting for me... here is your very own browncoat!

*hands Capture a browncoat that fits perfectly*

There, your patience and virtue has paid off.
Keep recruitin' and I'm glad you're on our side.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Click here for info about the Serenity Summer Campaign and how you can help!


Friday, July 21, 2006 5:38 PM



Originally posted by DonCoat:

Followmal, I've been thinking... I have a small stack of patched-up, more-or-less cleaned-up used browncoats now. Maybe if I run across a new recruit that you haven't coated yet, I'll loan them one to tide them over. Won't ever exactly fit, and won't be as shiny and nice-smelling as one of yours, but should be good enough for a short while.

What do you think?

I'm pointin' right at it!

DonCoat, I'd be honored if you'd do that.

In fact I'd wager there'll be Browncoats, including me who would fancy one of those used and full of stories browncoats. And if you run out of 'em, or fall behind patchin' 'em up, why you just come over to the storeroom and get some of the new ones and hand 'em out. We can't let new recruits go without their duds. It just wouldn't be right.

I'm so proud you asked me.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Click here for info about the Serenity Summer Campaign and how you can help!


Friday, July 21, 2006 5:58 PM



Originally posted by Jigman:
I grabbed my old brown leather coat I have worn for years now (it was cold out, not becuase of the movie. Had that coat way before I even heard of a browncoat) and rode my bike to the theatre.

Where my life as I know it changed.

The opening sequence with serenity entering atmosphere, it just...smacked my soul like a sledgehammer. The whole movie caught me and would not let go. The end was incredible; an end where heroes are mortal, and for the first time in a long while, I had no idea who was going to survive. I LOVED it.

I walked out of that theatre feeling...insane. I wanted to do something, draw something, work out, scream on top of of my dorm roof. Anything to keep this feeling inside me. It was unbelievable.

I told everyone I knew about this movie, and that they should go see it. A few days later, I decided to look up the movie on the web, and was pleased to find that few reviewers, if any, didn't like the movie. Then I found the link to this site, and decided to lurk for a while. This is the first fansite I have ever been on. It took me quite a few months before I actually created my account and started posting here. First time to ever post anywhere, as well.

Soon as I had the chance, I bought the series on DVD and rewatched it. Somehow, the second time around, the show just buried me and I knew for certain. Now and forever, untill the sun goes dead in Earth's sky and long after, I will be a Browncoat. I was from the time I developed a personal philosophy on life, it just did not have a name untill recently

Have been on the site for something like four months now, posted a fair few times, just started putting things into the Blue Sun room, But I have never formally introduced myself before. Sorry about that.

So, that is my story of how I came to this verse. Don't know how interesting it is, but it's engraved on your braincells now if you read this, so you're stuck with it.

All good things must come to an end.

Serenity "smacked my soul" too, Jigman, and I'll never be the same, never. Well, since you already have a browncoat that you came with, do you want a virtual one? Seems to me you are a browncoat in every sense of the word.

If you want a 'coat from me, just ask.. I already have one that'll fit you perfectly.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Click here for info about the Serenity Summer Campaign and how you can help!


Friday, July 21, 2006 5:59 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I want a browncoat tooooooooo!








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