Have you EARNED a Browncoat??? Do you need a new one?

UPDATED: Sunday, July 23, 2006 20:23
VIEWED: 13354
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Friday, July 21, 2006 6:35 PM


PR.. you don't have a browncoat? Our very own PR?!

That's terrible.

*hands PR a browncoat of her very own*

There, now enjoy how happy your smiley's will be. I love you guys smileys.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Click here for info about the Serenity Summer Campaign and how you can help!


Friday, July 21, 2006 6:43 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.





Friday, July 21, 2006 6:51 PM


I would have to say I'm about as new to the 'verse as one could be. I had never heard of Firefly, since Fox isn't on my usual list of channels to watch (network TV tends to blow hard IMO), and I have been in Europe for a while, so I was never exposed to Serenity. A couple weeks back, a buddy of mine who knows my interests and has similar ones, lent me the Firefly DVDs, describing it just as a sci-fi western, but he said he thought I would like it. I started watching Serenity a couple days later and had watched all 14 episodes within 3 days. I've probably watched them all at least twice now. I bought Serenity a couple days ago and watched it once, then again with Joss' commentary. Part of this is 'cuz I have a lot of time on my hands, but it is also a bit of an obsession now. Best dialogue in a TV show since the first few seasons of West Wing, and the action is great, I can't say enough about the show. Anyway, that's my story.

That's my first post BTW...haven't been a board whore in a while.


Friday, July 21, 2006 7:02 PM


I'm one of those channel surfers and accidently came across a show with Ron Glass on a spaceship. Seemed pretty good. But as usual a didn't pay any attention to what network I was watching or what night. Since I don't get a sunday paper or TV Guide I had no clue as to where to find this mysterious show again. I typically don't have a clue. But I never forget a movie or TV show I've seen even if I don't remember its name. So I'm assuming it went off the air before I could find it again. About a year ago I was at Best Buys looking for movies or anything that might enterain me and I saw the cover of the TV series Firefly and recognized the characters from the scene I watched years before. Being a science fiction nut and knowing that I enjoyed the short portion of the program I grabed the set and bought it. I really didn't know what to expect because I had seen so little of it before. As you all know it was a pleasant surprize. I have watched the series several times since I bought it and continue to enjoy how refreshingly different it is over other space travel type shows I've seen. When I saw Wash playing with dinosaurs and talking to himself I was sold. And every scene after that just drew me in more and more. I just sit back and wait for a Jayneism to make my day. Can you imagine any of the captains in a Star Trek series running up to their engineers and proclaiming "Were there space monkeys"? No. Heaven forbid if anybody on the Enterprize had a personality. Firefly is original. The people are real. They're just trying to earn their daily bread like the rest of us. That's what I enjoy the most. Makes them one of us. Mal wanted to get away from everyone after the war, so he bought a rundown old pile of junk and Zoe followed him. I think Zoe and Mal must of shared a lot of rations during the war. But look at the crew now. Mal didn't escape. He has, or until the movie, had eight people on his ship. Some drive him nuts, but what are families for but to drive each other crazy. Now you got me all weepy. I'm going to need a coat to use the sleaves to wipe off my tears. Preferably brown in color. A little worn. I like my clothes broken in. Buy a lot a stuff from secondhand stores. Oh I'm not done yet. This site is really great. I've been apart of this site for about three or four months and have read your thoughts and insites about Firefly. When I return to the series I watch for these new realizations and they make the show new again as I discover what all of you have shared on this fansite. So thank you for making Firefly even more special for me. And those limericks. God it takes me hours to come up with one. I don't know how some of you create such great ones. I nearly split a gut reading them.

Thanks again for a great site;


Friday, July 21, 2006 7:51 PM


We sniff the air, we don't kiss the dirt.

I still have the browncoat Followmal gave me six months ago. It has gotten so comfortable I just can't see replacing it!


Friday, July 21, 2006 8:33 PM


I was channel surfing one Friday night, waiting for the wife to get ready, as we were going out for drinks with some friends. Saw the opening sequence of the Train Job, and it caught my eye.

I was a fan of Star Trek, and Trek TNG, and Battlestar Galactica from way back (was a kid when the original BSG was on tv), and have read Scifi/Fantasy for as long back as I can remember. So I was already set up emotionally as a fan of this type of show. Let's just say I have no problem suspending disbelief!

I had never seen Buffy or Angel, and had never heard of Joss Whedon before, so I had no preconcieved notions about what this show would be like.

I was hooked immediately. I remember distinctly saying, "Wow, what a cool show!" to my wife as she finally put her shoes on to go out as the credits rolled. I knew that I would be watching this show for a long time.

I caught every episode aired by fox, and then couldn't find it anymore. I was shocked. I couldn't believe this show wasn't on anymore.

But, life goes on.

Not so long after that, I noticed in my Amazon recomendations the DVD box set for Firefly. I immediately put it in my cart to buy, but as I usually buy about 15-20 hardback books at a time, it sat in my cart for a while. And then other books came out that I needed to buy, and since my cart was running at about $300, I needed to trim some of the fat. Unfortunately, some of that fat was FireFly.

So it was again forgotten for a while. Well, not forgotten, but it took a back seat to some of my other passions.

Then, while watching BSG on Sci-fi, I saw that they were going to re-run the series in a run-up to the BDM. Movie? Cool, they are going to release a movie, and I get to watch the series again! So I DVRed the series, and watched, loving every minute of them, and swearing to myself that I was going to see the BDM in the theater the weekend it came out.

But as the wife and I are sporadic movie goers, and it was her turn to pick the movie, I missed it.

I bought the movie on DVD for myself for Christmas, and as I had been given a gift certificate, I finally bought the series on DVD.

Yet, they sat, languishing on my TV, waiting to be watched....

A month or two goes by, and, after the wife had gone to bed (she goes to bed early, as she has to be up a lot early than me) I popped in the first episode, wanting to watch them all again before seeing the BDM. I was up until 2 am for about 3 nights watching the shows.

And finally I get to watch Serenity. And while I enjoyed it thoroughly, I was a tad disappointed. My characters (I have always felt like they were MINE, even though I know they are not my creation) didn't have the same feel, didn't have the same comraderie. In other words, it didn't feel like the SHOW.

I don't know how I found out about I must have done a google search on Firefly and found it. I lurked here for many months, and FollowMal gave me my coat after finally declaring myself, and posting my letter to Sci-fi after the last Frefly Marathon.

A luker no more.


Friday, July 21, 2006 8:41 PM


yup, er Hodgins and Zack if i remember the names properly.

I meant to change it actually, kept hearing great lines in Dr Who, and now can't remember any of them.

We all know Firefly eps of by heart now, and I like surprisin folks.

Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Friday, July 21, 2006 9:56 PM



Originally posted by Jigman:

I walked out of that theatre feeling...insane. I wanted to do something, draw something, work out, scream on top of of my dorm roof. Anything to keep this feeling inside me. It was unbelievable.

That's the exact feeling i've just never been able to put it into words right. I still feel it even now anytime I so much as think about firefly or serenity. LOVE it with a passion and an obsession that I think sometimes scares my friends but I just cant seem to let it go. Hopefully I wont scare too many of them away.

Anyway heres my conversion story:

I'm a big tnt and usa junkie and most times its just easier to leave my tv on those chanels. So, unfortunately that meant that I missed even hearing about firefly when it was on fox originally (and we didnt have sci-fi till bout a month ago).

My boyfriend at the time was over hanging out one day and had heard about the movie and we decided to check out the website. It was extremely well done and by the end of looking around at all of it I was sure that I wanted to see the movie and that I'd like it. We went a little while later and I absolutely fell in love with it. To this day I can name many reasons that I love the movie but I still can't pinpoint exactly what it is that got me hooked for life, but the feeling is there and its impossible to ignore.

He got the series and we started watching it in order and I was just continually more hooked as we went along. I now tell people about it all the time, listen to the signal podcast, play the text based rpg leaf on the wind, and turn on serenity and replay it over and over. And while I don't own the series yet I borrow from a friend disk by disk and am working on getting it once I have money. Went to the screening here in arizona and took my sis along who I've now converted. And soon I will be GMing Serenity and adding it to the roster of RPGs that my friends and I play and will hopefully turn them into full and obsessive browncoats or convert the newbies.

I love this 'verse, and us browncoats are absolutely amazing, and very very mighty. I love our community and our spirit and am glad to be a part of such a fine group.

stay shiny, and by all means keep flying,
love ya browncoats,
aubrey (aka alora)

(Ps sorry it was so long, after reading all the wonderfull stories i was kinda gushing lol)


Saturday, July 22, 2006 4:39 AM


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


I am extra happy now!!!!

Capture me if you dare.


Saturday, July 22, 2006 4:40 AM


I guess I never actually introduced myself when I joined this site... So I never got one either. Does my idea for the letter writing campaign earn me one? I have a nice black coat (from Equilibrium), but a brown one would be so nice...

"We may experience some slight turbulence, and then... explode."


Saturday, July 22, 2006 5:28 AM


Spassjunge, Traveler, Heightsraider, ShinyAlora, and micjwelch,


I see that FollowMal hasn't caught up with you yet, so let me offer you each one of my patched-up, brushed-off, previously-loved browncoats from the repair shop. They won't fit like FM's, and definitely don't have that new-leather smell (don't ask!) but you're welcome to use them as long as you like.

Just drop 'em off in the storage locker when you've got your official coats, so the next new recruits can use 'em.

Glad you've found your way home. Now you're here, don't be strangers!

I'm pointin' right at it!


Saturday, July 22, 2006 7:13 AM


I would be honored to have a coat of my own in the virtual verse. Thank you, Followmal.

All good things must come to an end.


Saturday, July 22, 2006 8:14 AM



Originally posted by DonCoat:
...let me offer you each one of my patched-up, brushed-off, previously-loved browncoats from the repair shop.

Actually, I've been here for almost a year. And I think I might like one of those well loved coats. One that's been through a few battles. Thanks.

"We may experience some slight turbulence, and then... explode."


Saturday, July 22, 2006 8:17 AM


Sure, happy to do it, Jigman.

*hands Jigman a browncoat of his own*

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Click here for info about the Serenity Summer Campaign and how you can help!


Saturday, July 22, 2006 8:32 AM


I was first introduced into the Firefly Universe after seeing a comercial for Serenity. I was so curious about the film that while I was waiting for the movie to go to the cheap show, I rented the series on DVD. Have been a slobbering fan ever since.

I found the site while I was looking for fanfics to read. I lurked for a few months until I finally decided to post. It was one of scarier things I've done, in a way; I've heard how mean people can be on other forums. But coming to this site has been one of the coolest things I've ever done. I've met a lot of really wonderful people here, and it's great to feel like a part of something.


"These words are all I have so I'll write them."


Saturday, July 22, 2006 11:17 AM



Originally posted by Guywhowantsafireflyofhisown:
once while visiting some cousins one said "wanna watch something cool?" or something to that effect I said "yeah" so they popped in Disc 1 and at "We shall rule over all this land, and we will call it... This Land" I was hooked

The few people I've converted were all converted at that moment as well.


For me, I've told this story enough that people are probably sick of it, it was being stubborn that got me into it.

See I had switched the TV to the tv guide channel because nothing was on but, because I wanted background noise, I wanted to leave the TV on anyway. They were doing an editor's pick thing where they said, "We've sifted through everything and watched every show in existance and here's what we think you should watch sometime in the semi-distant future."

I didn't pay all that much attention to it so I didn't catch when it was coming, but I did pick up that it was called Firefly, on Fox, and on Fridays. I also saw, for the first and only time, the comercial that said things like, "A cosmic hooker," and, "A girl in a box."

So the impression that I got from all of that was that a really mediocre sci-fi show (have you guys seen that commercial?) was coming to Fox. I decided I'd watch it anyway, partly because I had been bored lately, and partly because in my experiance sci-fi shows only get good durring or after season two but it's interesting to watch them mature before that.

With me so far?

Here's the problem, I knew what night it was coming on, and what channel, but not what day. I had no idea what month the show was coming in.

So I looked into it, and found nothing.

I watched Fox associated channels looking for commercials for it, I looked on the fox website, I did other stuff and finally decided that I must have been wrong about what network was showing it.

So I looked on other networks, I searched waited for comercials saying, "Watch Firefly, ____'s great new show coming to friday nights in ____." Not a one.

By this point I didn't really care about seeing the show so much, I just wanted to be able to finish what I started: finding out when it was on.

Every Friday I ran through the guide on every channel. And I searched major TV sites for any information on an upcoming show called Firefly.

A whole lot of nothing.

Then one day it was on, so I watched it, sill expecting it to be a show that was so mediocre it made it look like average and unremarkable was their goal, partly because of the, "Cosmic Hooker," commercial and partly because with the exeption of the TV guide channel's single peice (I had watched them hoping for a repeat of that thing, and there are few things more tedious than watching that for any length of time) no one thought it was worthy of being mentioned eve once.

So basically I was watching it so I could justify to myself the time I spent trying to find it, feel good about doing what I set out to do, and enjoy an MST3K like experiance of making fun of it.

Well I justified the time I spent trying to find it, and I felt good about completing my goal, but I didn't find anything worth making fun of. I was hooked from the second episode, which the bastards played first.


Saturday, July 22, 2006 11:35 AM


Told this story before, but will tell it again...

A friend of mine urged me to watch the show (I'd heard of it, and I liked Buffy - but Firefly had been cancelled, right? I good could it be?)

My friend was mighty persistant - TOLD me to watch it (he posts here sometimes as MMMWIFESOUP btw) and so one lunch time I was wandering through the shops near where I work and saw the set for sale. Figured I'd give it a go, even though I didn't have high hopes for it. Took it home and watched the whole thing in three days. Loved it - mourned it's loss, then loved (and hated) the film (film was awesome, but nooooooo!!!! I think you know why).

Now, I am a fan of the show and am doing my best to spread the words to friends, associates, work colleagues and anything sentient that will listen.

Also got me a virtual browncoat and my own real one too. And found this here home full of gorram shiny folk.

Now, if we can just get the series back, or a new film......

- Shiny. Let's be bad guys.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die


Saturday, July 22, 2006 12:33 PM



Originally posted by DonCoat:
Spassjunge, Traveler, Heightsraider, ShinyAlora, and micjwelch,


I see that FollowMal hasn't caught up with you yet, so let me offer you each one of my patched-up, brushed-off, previously-loved browncoats from the repair shop. They won't fit like FM's, and definitely don't have that new-leather smell (don't ask!) but you're welcome to use them as long as you like.

Just drop 'em off in the storage locker when you've got your official coats, so the next new recruits can use 'em.

Glad you've found your way home. Now you're here, don't be strangers!

I'm pointin' right at it!


Thank you. I like my coats with a few miles on them. Feels right.

Thank You;


Saturday, July 22, 2006 2:01 PM


I actually hadn't heard of firefly until a few months ago when I watched an episode with my brother, who started watching it when he found out that Serenity was based on a series. Then I proceeded to watch all the episodes and the movie a bunch of times, and now I'm kind of obsessed with it.


Saturday, July 22, 2006 2:21 PM


I've been mostly lurking here for over a year now. My best friend had always been a Joss friend, but I resisted (my bad). One night in June 2005, she forced a promise out of me to give this show called Firefly on Scifi a try. I did. My initiation episode was Bushwacked. I LOVED the Jayne/Simon spacesuit scene, even more Kaylee's "you got this on wrong." I thought it a pretty dark episode, but definitely worth another chance.
The next episode I caught was Shindig. Ggg. I had to do a doubletake, was this even the same show! It was such a different feeling episode from the previous one. I was hooked! I hadn't felt such enthusiasm for a show since the original Star Wars.
I couldn't wait a week to see more, so dear hubby went and got me the DVDs. Sigh. He got hooked too, but would only let us see an episode a night, rationing out the shiny goodness!
One little side note, I am a mother of 3 young-uns, 10, 8, and 4. I actually made them learn and SING the "Hero Of Canton" to get some cookies one time. Jayne! The man they called Jayne...
I use Dong ma with them ALL the time. They give me a Shrrr ah, most of the time. Another favorite is Bi zui! And my 4 year old at Disney World made a Chinese Castmember's day with his Xie Xie!
So FollowMal, have I earned my browncoat? Wouldn't mind some smaller ones for the up and coming recruits too! Better send one for the hubby too!

I'm seeing the how, I'm just not getting the why...
Mal, Shindig


Saturday, July 22, 2006 3:05 PM


its funny, I kinda came to the verse later than I should have. I knew there was a new Joss series coming out, but because we are so behind here with series in Oz, by the time it was going to air, I already knew it was cancelled. So I didnt watch it, on purpose. I knew I would love it, and I didnt want to get hooked on it and then it would be gone..... Maybe backwards logic, but I was right..... Anyway, one night I accidentally watched one episode - I have no idea which one, but near th eend of the series I think. And it just confirmed my theory. I had no idea who anyone was, or the story, but I still loved it.

Anyway, when I heard there was a movie coming out, I borrowed the dvd of the series, rounded up 5 friends who I knew liked Joss's work, and we watched them all in 2 days the week the movie started, because we wanted to get the full movie experience. And the rest (the buying of the dvd's, the obsessive watching, the quoting etc) as they say, is history.


Saturday, July 22, 2006 9:50 PM



Originally posted by christhecynic:

Originally posted by Guywhowantsafireflyofhisown:
once while visiting some cousins one said "wanna watch something cool?" or something to that effect I said "yeah" so they popped in Disc 1 and at "We shall rule over all this land, and we will call it... This Land" I was hooked

The few people I've converted were all converted at that moment as well.

Something neat: The week after that visit was the week Sci-fi started airing the show in prep for Serenity and phrases from their commercial for it like "If someone ever tries to kill you, you try and kill 'em right back!" reinforced my resolve to watch the whole thing (missed "The Message" somehow though).
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Saturday, July 22, 2006 11:20 PM


I have been a fan since the show first aired, but I was hooked the moment Mal kicked Crow into Serenity's engine at the end of 'The Train Job'. It showed that even though Mal was the good guy he wasn't necessarily a 'good' guy. Plus it kinda threw me because me and my buddy Jay were both thinking 'hey, here's the big bad for the season' and Joss threw us a curve ball. It was great, one of my favorite moments in the whole series.


I'll be in my bunk.

"Live with a man forty years. Share his house, his meals, speak on every subject. Then, tie him up and hold him over the volcano's edge--and on that day, you will finally meet the man." ~ Shan Yu


Sunday, July 23, 2006 2:16 AM



Originally posted by Chindi:

did you get one for MYCROFTXXX back up yonder?? He had a most impressive tale....

happy to be with all the browncoated folk


Thanks for the kindness Chindi! Haven't got my browncoat yet but I'm very patient. A trait all Browncoats share (how many years has been since Firefly's 1/2 a season?).

One suggestion to all Browncoats who have to commute on a regular basis. Take your set of Firefly episodes and capture the audio to MP3s. I'm lucky enough to have a CD player in my Vue that plays MP3s directly from CD so I just burnt me one and I listen to the eps on a very regular basis. They all fit on one CD in full 128MBs stereo. Funny thing... you hear things in audio-only play you don't "see" when watching the waves. Subtle things, timing, sound effects etc. BTW, if you are wondering how to easily capture audio, use a program called Total Recorder. It will copy ANY audio that streams out your speaker (not all audio recorders can do that).


Given a choice between the earth-that-is and the 'verse-that-will-be I'll take the latter.



Sunday, July 23, 2006 4:10 AM



Originally posted by mycroftxxx:
Thanks for the kindness Chindi! Haven't got my browncoat yet but I'm very patient. A trait all Browncoats share (how many years has been since Firefly's 1/2 a season?).

Ahh, Mycroftxxx you have been very patient! Thank you for that.

Recording them to listen to huh? Never thought of that, but I'm gonna do it. I listen to the movie soundtrack in my car whenever I travel... the eps would be an even better treat!

Ok, you need your 'coat!

*hands Mycroftxxx a browncoat that fits just right*

There you are. That one gets worn out, you be sure and turn it over to DonCoat for refurbishing and come see me in the storeroom for a new one.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Click here for info about the Serenity Summer Campaign and how you can help!


Sunday, July 23, 2006 4:15 AM



Originally posted by SerenityVal:
So FollowMal, have I earned my browncoat? Wouldn't mind some smaller ones for the up and coming recruits too! Better send one for the hubby too!

I'm seeing the how, I'm just not getting the why...
Mal, Shindig

*FM walks into thread, sets her coffee cup down on the galley table and sorts thru the 'coats over her arm.*

Let me see here...

I have a two adult size browncoats here and then I have a size 4, 8 and 10. That get us close?

*hands SerenityVal the browncoats and watches as she tries on her own....*

Yup, that looks mighty fine to me.

A whole family holding the line with us. Now that's a thing to be reckoned with!

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Click here for info about the Serenity Summer Campaign and how you can help!


Sunday, July 23, 2006 4:44 AM


What a great thread this is! Not many folks fall in love with a TV series, let alone after just 1 episode but we did.

My story goes back to 2002. I was at a sci-fi con and Zoic showed a little clip of a sci-fi show they were working on (Firefly). All I saw was Inara's shuttle docking with Serenity, no people no dialog, just the docking. Ok, I didn't "love it" from there but I wanted to watch it cause I'm a sci-fi geek. Watched Train Job when it aired and they had me at "well, I've given some thought to movin' off the edge". Then when Zoe cracks the drunk in the head with her rifle and it was love with the Chain of Command line. Damn near fell off my couch.

My Browncoat's about 4 years old and gettin' a might ragged about the edges. Time for a new one maybe?

I aim to misbehave!

Firefly items:
For lapel pins and badge holder lanyards


Sunday, July 23, 2006 4:55 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
A whole family holding the line with us. Now that's a thing to be reckoned with!

Whoa, hold on there a mo, FM! I'm thinkin' the young'uns ought to be kept back a ways from the line. It can be a dangerous place!

'Course, there's no reason they can't wear coats of a brownish color back there. Plus, they can keep themselves busy with the reloadin'.

I'm pointin' right at it!


Sunday, July 23, 2006 11:07 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
Ahh, Mycroftxxx you have been very patient! Thank you for that.


*hands Mycroftxxx a browncoat that fits just right*

There you are. That one gets worn out, you be sure and turn it over to DonCoat for refurbishing and come see me in the storeroom for a new one.

Much obliged! Fits perfect... easy to hide my sidearm under. But I won't be bringin' it in to DonCoat anytime soon. Them bullet holes just give it some character if you know what I mean.


Given a choice between the earth-that-is and the 'verse-that-will-be I'll take the latter.



Sunday, July 23, 2006 11:26 AM


The first time I heard of Serenity or Firefly was on a Harry Potter forum, though someone's signature. It had a picture of River and the words, "This is River Tam. She can kill you with her brain." And I thought it was cute and funny, so I looked up River Tam and found that she was in a movie and decided I should probably see it.

I didn't know there was a television show until I was just bored one day and accidentally came across a Firefly marathon on SciFi, and I think the first full episode I ever saw was Out of Gas. Before I fell in love with the characters, I immediately saw three huge selling points: Gina, Jewel, and Alan. I saw Gina in '24,' and she killed someone I didn't like, so I loved her. Jewel was in a show a long time ago with Ben Foster ('Angel' in X-Men III) called 'Flash Forward' which was one of my favorite shows a while ago. And Alan, well I already loved him from Dodgeball and A Knight's Tale. But then I fell in love with every single character. =)


Sunday, July 23, 2006 11:26 AM



*hands SerenityVal the browncoats and watches as she tries on her own....*

Yup, that looks mighty fine to me.

A whole family holding the line with us. Now that's a thing to be reckoned with!

Shiny FM! Can't say I have EVER had a better fit! Mighty grateful!

We are a PROUD Browncoat family! I'm a mighty protective ma, but these young-uns are our hope! Raise 'em up right, teach 'em independence! Won't have them turning into purple bellies! Firefly- The Next Generation! Gggggg

I'm seeing the how, I'm just not getting the why...
Mal, Shindig


Sunday, July 23, 2006 11:38 AM



Originally posted by DonCoat:

Originally posted by FollowMal:
A whole family holding the line with us. Now that's a thing to be reckoned with!

Whoa, hold on there a mo, FM! I'm thinkin' the young'uns ought to be kept back a ways from the line. It can be a dangerous place!

'Course, there's no reason they can't wear coats of a brownish color back there. Plus, they can keep themselves busy with the reloadin'.

I'm pointin' right at it!

Don't you worry none DonCoat, they're a wiry bunch, fast and quick! Ain't EVER too early to learn to take a stand for what's right. I figure you raise 'em up right, they'll be able to hold the line!
For now we'll keep em in back, teach em how to reload, make em useful!

I'm seeing the how, I'm just not getting the why...
Mal, Shindig


Sunday, July 23, 2006 12:21 PM


I wanna browncoat!

So here's my story:

Firefly was never shown on German TV (that's where I live), so I had no idea. I sneaked around Serenity in the DVD store a few times and decided to buy it, when I realized, that it was a Joss Whedon. And then I watched it. That's now about 3 weeks ago.

Within the next 10 days or so, I had
- bought and watched firefly (some episodes over and over again)
- read the comic (those left behind)
- bought a bigger TV as to enjoy the show better (no kidding - well the purchase was somewhat planned already, but actually scheduled for later this year)
- got for the first time ever registered at a fan site.
- read my first fan fiction ever
- started to write my first fan fiction ever (I'm at page 15 now and will post it here, as soon as I'm through)

Say, it is possible to buy one of them brown coats somewhere? I mean, the real ones?


They can't take the sky from me.


Sunday, July 23, 2006 12:24 PM


I haven't gotten a Browncoat yet, but I've only posted in one other thread so far. I've been here as a BDLurker for a few months though.

First time I heard of Firefly was back during the original airings. I over heard some talk/message board posts about Fox having this new sci fi. I didn't really think much into it, as I was never a fan of sci-fi TV series. I tended to like my sci-fi in movie or book form. So, I didn't look into Firefly. BAD mistake. It went under my radar for the next 2 or so years, until I heard a mention of the plot and I watched the trailer. This was a movie I *had* to see. It looked so good. Seeing the trailer it hinted to me that it was based off of something else, although not directly mentioning anything in particular, so I just patiently waited for the movie. It came out. I saw it. I fell in love. I had to know what it was based on, I wanted to know how this all started. I found out it was Firefly, the show I had ignored before. I downloaded the episodes and watched. At this point I knew this was the best damn story ever. I ended up buying the dvds, and when it came out, the Serenity DVD. Flash forward a few months, I'm lurking on this board. Flash forward a couple more months, I now I have an account here. Figured I should say something sometime. Here we are.


"It's a Callahan full-bore auto lock. Customized trigger, double cartridge thorough gauge...
It is my very favourite gun."


Sunday, July 23, 2006 12:54 PM


I'm a Sci-Fi guy when I saw the previews for teh show on fox before it came out I cleared time to see it. Sadly I wasnt able to keep up with the show as much as I wanted to and it was cancelled before I knew it. Then Serenity came out and I went to the Theatre and saw it (which I never do because I have to go at night and spend like 10 dollars for just a ticket!!!). Instantly fell in love again. I Netflixed all the episodes and now i want to buy them. Thats how I fell in love


Sunday, July 23, 2006 8:02 PM


*hugs her browncoat then slips it on*
Thank you DonCoat! This one fits quite well and I'd be glad to wear one thats already broken in with its own story for a while.
*twirls around in it, grinning like a moonbrain*
stay shiny,
aubrey (aka alora)


Sunday, July 23, 2006 8:23 PM



Originally posted by Esther:
Say, it is possible to buy one of them brown coats somewhere? I mean, the real ones?

Ask and ye shall recieve.

And for the ladies:


I'll be in my bunk.

"Live with a man forty years. Share his house, his meals, speak on every subject. Then, tie him up and hold him over the volcano's edge--and on that day, you will finally meet the man." ~ Shan Yu






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