Life Onboard Serenity: Search for the Grail ..or something..

UPDATED: Friday, July 28, 2006 17:53
VIEWED: 11959
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006 9:37 AM


Sorry Pain I forgot so I guessed and didn't have time to check before having to leave



Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:26 AM


It's ok John no harm done.

*Ertia said to Pain, her head on his chest*

I know Pain and I love wakin' up next to you, but like I said it's gonna take time.

*Pain sighed and said*

Well I'm goin' to pay a visit to the infirmary, see if'n I can find somethin' to help me sleep.

*He unwrapped his arms from her waist and headed off to the infirmary. Pain stopped midway between the doorframe, turned his head, and said to Ertia*

There won't be a day that goes bye were I won't stop thinkin' of you. I thought I'd let you know that.

*Before Ertia could respond Pain continued his way to the infirmary, hoping the doc wouldn't mind if'n Pain liberated some sleeping pills.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:43 AM


13, it wont interfere, the ending of yours in integral to the point of mine. doc.pain knows THBTH doesent he, pm me with wat you think it is. oh and john, the trouble you cause will just make your life harder in the future.

*wolf was sitting in the pilot chair whiling away the time introducing washes dinos to his dogs. when wash walked in.*

wolf" hey."

wash" hey... what ya thinkin'"

wolf" waddya meen?"

wash" oh come on, i know that look. your planning something."

wolf" i think im gonna try again."

wash" *whisles* thats heavy man"

*wolf just looked out of the window, wash left shaking his head.*

john is right, my plan starts just when wolf and kaylee get serious, im just unlucky i guess.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:50 AM




Tuesday, July 25, 2006 2:28 PM


since the take from the job was never explained, I'm taking a shot here. If I'm stepping on anybodies toes, say so!

Ertia watches Pain go, admiring his physique as he does. Neither of them are going anywhere, and it feels good to know he's there. They'll work this out, she knows it.

In the kitchen, she heats some water and fixes a cup of Inara's favorite tea, flowery and sweet, and curls in a kitchen chair.

Zoe passes on her way to the bridge, and Ertia startles her accidently when she says, "Zoe? What's with the take from the job? Something wrong with it?"

The elegant warrior sighs, "You might say that. I don't think John deliberately sent us into trouble, but we always seem to find it."

"Something we can't unload? I thought it was just supposed to be cash?"

"Oh. It is." Zoe reaches into her shirt and hands Ertia a coin.

An Independent coin from right before the war.

Ertia says the only thing she can say, "Oh. Booger."

"Worthless and priceless. If it's possible to be both at the same time," Zoe points emphatically at the coin, "That is it."

"Independent gold." Ertia frowns, "Want me to try my connections?"

Zoe shrugs, "Can't hurt. We've got a load of coin and all of it useless on the open market."


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 3:20 PM


*Pain crept into the infirmary as silently as he could so's that he didn't wake up those who were sleeping there. He made his way to the medicine cabinet, cringing as it squeaked a little. Pain looked around to make sure noone woke up and seeing as noone did, continued to look for something to make him sleep. He looked at the various bottles until he found the right one. He tried unscrewing the cap and swore under his breath*

Gorram child proof caps. Aww hell I'll just take the ruttin' bottle.

*Pain stuck the bottle in a pocket, closed the door, and started to walk out when he spotted JR sleeping on the counter. Pain grinned and went to work finding a marker pen. He opened various drawers before finding what he was looking for. Pain quietly walked over to JR and decided to give him a big black mustache and big busshy eyebrows. Pain left the pen on the counter and quickly left the infirmary. Pain walked into the galley as Ertia finished saying*

Well there is my contact on Paquin I could try her.

*Pain spoke up when he noticed Ertia talking to Zoe*

So what are you two ladies talkin' about if'n you don't mind my askin'?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 4:04 PM


That darn me

John woke up and stretch sleeping on the floor of the engine room was pretty uncomfortable. He and Kaylee had been up most of the night talking about engines, previous crushes, and there had been the Wolf vs. Simon debate. John thought about the last night and wondered if Pain had taken the hint. He decided not mentioning River told him who the father was was a good course of action, but, BAM! A now awake Kaylle smacked him in the back of the head with a book.

"You're gonna pay for that"

"Oh yeah"

"Run" He chased her to the galley where he found Zoe, Ertia and Pain talking.

"What's up"



Tuesday, July 25, 2006 4:19 PM


*Coming up from his bunk*

Now what is with all the discussion going on during my sleepy-time?
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 4:44 PM


Zoe just shook her head as the crew converged on the Galley. "Aren't you all supposed to be asleep?"

"Can't sleep." They all chorused simultaneiously.

Zoe just shook her head as Ertia looked to her for permission to tell them. Finally she sighed, "I suppose it's time for us to put our heads together. I'll get Wash and the Captain."

Ertia tossed the coin onto the table and watched as Pain picked it up, turned it over, and held it to the light. "Ain't seen one of these since before the war."

"Alliance confiscated them." Kaylee says in wonder, "Payed about half what they was worth before the war."

She took the coin from Pain and held it in her delicate fingers. "My daddy made me a whole belt out of 'em, one of those jingly ones that dancers wear."

John held it up to the light and then passed it to Guy. "I knew he had cash. Didn't know what it was."

"In the right hands, these are worth something." Guy grins as he tosses it back onto the table where it spins and rolls.

Ertia sighed and reached for her black case, pulling it onto the table and linking her Cortex screen. "Now, we just have to find the right hands. Any ideas?"

Pain, babes, if JR shoots you for that, I'm just gonna watch! :D


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 8:29 PM


Yes and if you do that then Pain stops doing that thing with his tongue that Ertia likes.

*Pain sat at the table along with some of the people in the galley, while the others stood. Pain tried fiddling with the medicine bottle as everyone threw around decisions. Guy said*

Well I know someone on Kerry but I haven't spoke with them in awhile.

*Pain struggled with the bottle some more, getting frustrated to the point where he was about to use his pistol on it when someone snatched it out of his hand. Pain looked up to see Simon looking at the bottle. Simon scoffed at Pain and said*

Did you ask me for these or did you just take them from the infirmary?

*Pain noticed the galley become quiet as he said*

Well I couldn't sleep and I would've woke you up but the infirmary was closer.

*Simon replied a little irritated*

Uh huh you know it wouldn't hurt to ask me first if you were having trouble sleeping. You didn't have to steal them.

*Pain raised a hand and said*

Technically I borrowed them seein' as I was goin' to bring them back.

*Simon rolled his eyes ,easily opened the bottle, and handed Pain two sleeping pills. Simon replied as Pain looked at the pills*

There take those two, they should help you sleep for tonight. However if you need anymore come see me first.

*Pain put the pills in his mouth, swallowed and said as Simon left the galley*

Sure thing doc.

*Pain turned to the rest of the people in the galley and said*

What's he all mad about?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 8:37 PM


Biggie, I can't send out PMs or receive 'em, on account of a dumbass account. I have no clue what the acronym is, so you oughta put it up as a spoiler.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:38 PM


Suddenly, J.R. walks into the galley, sleepy-eyed, hair all frizzled, with only his camo pants on, not knowing of his new "decorations".

"Hey y'all, what's happening?"

Everyone dies alone.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:44 PM


*Guy, struggling to contain himself says*

-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 3:33 AM


well then 13 i guess your just gonna have to wait and see.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 6:57 AM


"You have somwhting on your face"

"What" JR reached up to rub it of but just made it worse.



Wednesday, July 26, 2006 7:02 AM


Ertia takes one look at the baffled JR and can't help it. She snorts her tea as she bursts into laughter, shaking her head.

"What? What are y'all looking at?" JR is starting to sound a mite pissed when Mal strolls in. He takes one look at JR and barely covers his smirk with his hand as he grabs a shiny plate and holds it in front JR's face.

There's a thump as Ertia falls off her chair laughing, not noticing the dark smirk on Pains face as he admires the results of his Da Vinci-esque talents...


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 7:20 AM


*Pain gets out of his chair and helps Ertia up. JR in the meantime yells*


*Pain says while trying to hold back the laughter*

Calm down JR lets not go killin' someone over your facial art.

*Pain laughs and continues*

Although it is definately an improvement if'n I do say so.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 7:27 AM


Kaylee, dismayed at JR's fury and trying to cover her own giggles, pulls a tin of engine de-greaser out of her pocket and grabs a napkin off the table. "Here, this 'll take it right off!"


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 7:44 AM


*JR wipes off the marker on his face and says over the laughter*

I'd appreciate it if y'all stop the laughin'.

*Pain says amid the laughter*

Sorry JR we just can't help it.

*JR mutters something as everyone laughs again.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:05 AM


Ertia brushes herself off, leaning against Pain for support as she wipes the tears of laughter from her face. His body is warm against hers and she finds one arm going around his waist. "I'm sorry, JR! Really! should have..."

She stops and looks around the room, "I gotta wonder who did it? I would have suspected Jayne, but he's asleep."

Pain clears his throat, not moving his hand from Ertia's arm. "Hmm. Dunno. Maybe it was that troll thing?"


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 11:32 AM


*Guy responded*

Maybe or maybe it was 13's freak of a pet Dani?

*JR finished cleaning his face off and said*

Well whoever or whatever it was is goin' to be very sorry.

*Pain stood there still holding Ertia's arm, and enjoying the feel of her body touching his. Pain said to JR*

I'm pretty sure that whoever or whatever did it didn't mean any harm JR.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 12:30 PM


yes yes very good, all laughing and having a nice time. ok time to shake things up a bit.

*wolf was laying down on the floor in the bridge when he saw some thing, a glint in the black, out the window the play of light on...something, but what, the proximity sensor wasnt going off, the radar wasnt getting anything, what was it?*

*wolf got up and looked out of the wide window, he saw a faint flickerof red light and a buzz in his bionic arm. it was time.*

wolf" damn!"

*he pushed the button underneath his plascitate skin, and sent out his signal, he ran back to his room and gathered his stuff together, he quietly made his way to the engineroom, the cat walked in, he kicked it in the head and knocked it out cold, he left a note pinned to kaylees hammok and walked to the halfway airlock, put on his airsuit gear and climed out of the ship.*

*wolf spoke into his special com*

wolf" i am ready sir."

voice" very good."

*he jumped into open space and kicked away from serenity, as he floated out, he grabbed hold of the passing cloaked ship and climed in.*

in the mystery ship

*there is a man hidden in shadow in the room outside the airlock, there are also several heavily armed mercs. wolf came out of the airlock and into the mystery ship.*

merc" good for you to come mr.freezefast. welcome to basic training."

*all the mercs grin, wolf knows what he would have to do between here and the end, and he was ready, even if it meens being in cahoots with people like HIM.*

*a german voice came from the shadows*

niska" hello wolf, are you familiar with the works of shan yu?"

*the ship speeds away from the serenity as wolf begins his training.*

cue suspencful music, BAM BAM BAAAAAM!




Wednesday, July 26, 2006 12:37 PM


Niska is more Russian I would think
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 12:43 PM


"Sir, LaChance is here to see you," a deckhand quietly says to 13, who is looking over a capture printed off the Cortex.

"Hm? Oh, yes. Send her in."

The demure Blue Sun rep saunters across from 13, slipping into a chair. The cyborg ignores her for several seconds, before sighing deeply.

"What do you want, LaChance? We're already on course for an assignment."

She smiles coldly, leaning forward with tented fingers. "That assignment is of no importance anymore. You've been given a new one."

"And what exactly is that?"

LaChance pauses momentarily before continuing, lips pursed.

"Several months ago, there was a...incident at a top-secret facility. One of the subjects of said facility escaped, and we haven't been able to locate her since."

"Her?" 13 says shakily. Oh God.

"Yes. She was taken right under our noses, and all for all of our resources and contacts, we haven't been able to track her down."


"In fact, as you already know, your original purpose was to subconcsiously retrieve the fugitive. But now you must do so, and actually succeed.

"I don't believe it's necessary to tell you that if you don't bring her back alive, not only will we disclaim any association with you, we will end you."

Maintaining a neutral face, 13 nods.

"You'll get your fugitive."


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 12:44 PM


no he's german, read the firefly timeline, says he grew up in new-berlin and was raised by german traditionalist parents.




Wednesday, July 26, 2006 12:47 PM


my mistake, his accent doesn't seem very german to me
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 12:59 PM


oh well, i s'pose the accent could be watered down a bit since there not in an entierly german area.

*wolf was shown his room, and issued a weapon, tomorrow he would begin his training, then after he was trained, they would give him the power he needed to finish the job he was hired to do, a gift and a curse, useful, but at a price. but it was what he wanted.*




Wednesday, July 26, 2006 1:45 PM


No one seemed to notice John leave the room amidst the jokes he walked to the cargo bay and stood next to River. He watched as Wolf entered the room entered the airlock and left Serenity.

"Two gone since I've been here"

"It happens"

"When are they coming back"

"One will return soon"

"How will I tell Kaylee"

"You won't have to"

Apparantly someone was paying enough attention to John that they noticed him leave and followed him. River's psycic yell must have clouded his abilities from reading her. She stood open mouthed and a look of shock rolled down her faced for a minute then slowly a tear ran down her face,



Wednesday, July 26, 2006 4:11 PM


*Pain was starting to feel the effects of the sleeping pills. He said to Ertia as he let go of her arm*

I think I'll go now, those sleepin' pills are startin' to take effect.

*Ertia looked at him and said*

Do you need help gettin' to your room?

*Pain smiled and said*

Nah I'm good but thanks for the offer.

*Ertia smiled and said*

You're welcome Pain.

*Pain smiled then headed for his bunk. Once there he opened the hatch, entered his bunk, closed the hatch, and plopped down on his bed, falling asleep instantly.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, July 27, 2006 4:03 AM


hey all, just came on quickly to say that bigwolf wont post for a while. so dont kill him please!



Thursday, July 27, 2006 4:03 AM


hey all, just came on quickly to say that bigwolf wont post for a while. so dont kill him please!



Thursday, July 27, 2006 5:36 AM


Uh, y'all do know that this story is called life ONBOARD Serenity, right?

Ertia watches Pain head for his bunk and for a moment the urge to follow him and curl up in his arms while he sleeps is almost too strong. Then Mal's hand falls on her shoulder.

"Yeah, Captain?"

"You think you've got any connections might be able to help us out with this?"

"I dunno." Ertia pauses, "I'm dead, you know. I'm going to have to tread carefully if I plan to stay that way. I know a woman on Paquin..."

Mal holds up his hand to forestall her, "Don't need details, just answers. See what you can do."

"In the meantime, what do we do?" Zoe aska, and Mal knows that she meant what was their heading and how tight were their finances.

"We head for..." Mal breaks off as Kaylee storms past the doorway at a dead run, her sobs sounding down the hallway before her Engine room hatch slams shut behind her. His voice darkens with surprise, "What the gou tsao de fei oo is that all about?"

"The dog's loose." River said sadly, standing in the doorway, "Too many dogs and they'll all hunt soon."

"Dog? She mean that gorram monkey-butted troll?" Guy asks.

"I'm gonna shoot that thing next time I see it." Ertia answers him absently, but a shiver runs down her spine at River's words.

"Fox and the hare. Hare can't win. Too many dogs."


Thursday, July 27, 2006 8:14 AM


John came running through the Galley shortly after and brushed pass the Captain who grabbed him and stopped him.

"What is goin on with my mechanic"

"Wolf's gone"


"Don't know. Now if you'll excuse me my best friend needs my help"



Thursday, July 27, 2006 8:53 AM


Location: Pain's Bunk

*Pain smiled as he dreamed of Ertia and the night they were on Londinium. They were in their hotel room, just relaxing in the jaccuzzi enjoying each others company. Then they were running through a hallway being chased by someone unseen. No matter how fast the two of them ran they felt that whoever was chasing them was getting closer. Pain grunted and the dream changed again. This time Pain was on another ship, Ertia was gone, replaced by an Asain woman who looked like Melanie. She turned to face him and Pain was taking aback by what he saw. The women looked like a corpse, her flesh peeling away as she came forward. The corpse grabbed Pain's arm and said*

You killed me thinking I was her, but you were mistaken.

*Pain tried to shake off the corpse's grip while he said*

Ser..Serena is th..that you?

*The corpse smiled, flesh flaking away, exposing rotting muscle tissue. It said to him*

Yes Pain it is I. Now you must pay for what you did.

*The corpse pulled out a dagger with a golden dragon on a black laminated wood handle and a razor sharp blade. In a quick fluid motion the corpse slit Pain's throat. Pain woke up, startled, and covered in a light sheen of sweat. Pain shook his head and fell back asleep.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, July 27, 2006 9:51 AM


didn't I write Kaylee going to the engine room and slamming the hatch behind her? *shrug*

"How the hell did he get off the ship?" Ertia asks, looking around her, "We're halfway to nowhere, and headed to somewhere else! And I didn't feel a shuttle leave."

Mal shrugs, "Why don't I ever know what's happenin' on my gorram boat?"

"I'll talk to Wash." Zoe heads for the bridge. "Then I'm waking up Jayne and searching every inch of this ship."

"Is something wrong?" The timid voice from the doorway belongs to Sybil, and Ertia waves her in.

"Nah. Just the usual mayhem around this place." She pours the woman some tea and JR pulls out a chair for her at the table.

"Honey?" Sybil gives JR a peculiar look, wrinkling her nose, "Have you been bathing in degreaser?


Thursday, July 27, 2006 12:18 PM


*JR replied*

Yeah someone drew on my face with a black marker pen.

*Sybil's nose cringed again at the smell and said*

Oh I'm sure they're just having fun. Does the degreaser have to be that strong?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, July 27, 2006 12:28 PM


Not entirely sure if you'd want 13 back on Serenity any time soon, E.


Thursday, July 27, 2006 4:22 PM


DArn me I need to read closer uh forget the note thing lets just say I went through after her I'll edit my previous ost to reflect this

John walked into the engine room to find Kaylle crying while lying on her hammock

"I slammed the door for a reason"

"And I came in anyway for a reason too"

John walked over and sat laid beside her. Slowly her wrapped her in a big hug.

"Two times he left two times"

"I know I know"

"Its just if he really loves me why does he leave before things get serious"

"I don't know"

"Aren't you a mind reader now"

"No I'm an empath"

"Well couldn't you feel his plan to leave"

"It doesn't work that way"

"If I had known maybe we could have talked about it"

"Don't go blaming me for his mistake and don't blame yourself either He made a bad move leaving the best girl I know"

"Sorry I just can't believe he did that"

"It's okay" John waited while Kaylee cried her self to sleep the second time he felt confusion and saddness at the same time in a day something he didn't like to do. He thought about all that had happened while he had been on Sereniy so much in such a short period of time. He couldn't help but wonder if things were always like this on Serenity. Slowly John fell asleep.



Thursday, July 27, 2006 6:16 PM


oops.. didn't realize that duplicated!


Thursday, July 27, 2006 6:17 PM


Ertia turned back to her keyboard, typed in a few commands, and was inside the communications matrix of Blue Sun's Paquin Satellite net.
-3dp. got rd?
-who the ruttin' go se are you?
-I c u rd fine. Never mind who I am. I know you.
-chuff off, mate
-not a mate. 3dp, carrying incense and myrhh.
-Ah, lass then. Gifts for the deep? Who is this?
-got an unload, need a buyer. percent is yours if you're in.

-Incense is chuff, lass. gimme a dash.

Ertia thought for a moment and then tagged an image...the coin where it lay on the scarred table-top.

- Rusty pennies. D.d. What's the cut?

"Mal? My contact wants to know what he can expect for a finders fee?" Ertia gestures Mal over, and he looks blankly at the screens near-incomprehensible garble.

"Ten percent's standard."

-10 and a fly-by with an old friend.
-got no friends. 10's a winner.
-Going green. Check in later.
-Hey, how will I know it's you? And just who the hell are you?

Ertia pauses. She's only ever met 3dp once in person. And he knew she was dead. She could trust no one and yet she was asking his trust to make this deal.

"pointer ref=viva, morte de artur encode."

With those words she signed off and looked up to Mal. "He'll see what he can find."

"What the heck did all that gobbledee-gook mean anyhow?"

Ertia smiles at the Captain. "That's what you pay me for, remember?"

Zoe stomped back into the galley, a none to happy Jayne behind her. "He took a suit. Went out the upper air-lock."

"Someone had to have picked 'im up." Jayne agrees irritably, "Not exactly a good place to go for a stroll."

"Well, he's gone now." Mal frowns, "I've about had it with people comin' on my boat and screwin stuff up!"

There's a long moment of silence before Mal realizes who else was in the room, "Not you, and yours, Miss Sybil. You done us a world of good back there. Kinda wishin' now we'd left that hwoon dahn 'bot to rot with the Alliance."

"He knew too much." Ertia reminded Mal. "If we'd left 13, he would have told them everything, betrayed every one of us. Heck, he might be doing it right now for all we know."

Wolf? You set it up so it sounded like Wash knew what was going on with you. If that's the case, you should probably write a Zoe/Wash scene 'esplainin.


Thursday, July 27, 2006 6:26 PM


Location: Pain's Bunk

*Pain's dreams calmed down somewhat as he smiled again and started to drool.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, July 27, 2006 7:44 PM


Shipscat, still groggy from the abuse heaped on her in the cargo bay, staggers her way down the corridor.

She smells something that means warmth and safety, strength that would protect, not harm.

She slithers through the narrow opening in Pain's bunk and leaps lightly to the floor, sniffing carefully around the bunk. It smells like the big one and the one who feeds her sometimes.

Gingerly, she leaps to the top of the bed and curls on the blanket beside Pain, not quite touching, but close enough that danger would think twice before touching her.

Hurting and tired, Shipscat's soft purr compliments Pain's snores, and it's that image that Ertia sees when she sticks her head into the bunk.

The burly, muscular man, on his side with one arm curled around his pillow, snoring softly and the little grey tabby, tucked safely in the curve of his hip; it is the picture of contentment.

With a smile she softly pushes the door the rest of the way closed and makes her way back through the ship to the galley to await word from 3dp.


Thursday, July 27, 2006 7:56 PM


Can you do this? Will you throw yourself into the deepest level, into the Mouth itself? Cut down all that you love, throw them into the ocean, and for what? A beating heart and flowing blood? Is it so terrible to not breathe, to not live?

You are more human than you think. That's what they tried to tell you, what she tried to tell you, but you refused to listen, instead burrowing deeper inside of yourself, lulling yourself into believing the new lies, of restoration, of redemption. They'll just as gladly kill you as anyone else.

"Wrong," he says, eyes shut tightly against the withering dark. "They won't try to kill me."

Try? They have you firmly in their grasp. Think about it. You bring River back to them, they use her, then you pant and bray for your reward. What's stopping them from just killing you while they supposedly are making you what you once were?

"Assuming I don't want to be dead."

If you truly wanted to die, you'd never have left that prison in the first place. You don't want to die, you only want the option.

Go back to Serenity. Tell them everything, help them hide, using what you already know. You owe them that much.

"For what?"

Taking you in when they shouldn't have, sheltering you at your weakest, fighting for you, dying for you. All for no apparent reason. They were your unobligated friends, and you repayed them with nothing.

Die, if that really is your wish. But not before paying them back.

(OoC: Sorry, long post.)


Thursday, July 27, 2006 8:21 PM


It's ok 13.

*Pain dreamt that him and Ertia were on a beach situated on a remote island. Pain sat in a lounge chair underneath an umbrella, while Ertia sat on his lap, her head resting on his chest. Pain was wearing shorts while Ertia had on a very skimpy bikini. Pain wrapped an arm around her waist as he grabbed a bottle of some sort of alcohol from the table beside his chair. Pain said to Ertia as he poured some of the booze into his glass*

Care for some more bao bei?

*Ertia squirmed in Pain's lap, smiled and said*

Yes please honey.

*Pain smiled and poured some more into Ertia's glass. He set the bottle back down on the table, picked his glass and said*

Ah this is the life. Sittin' here on a remote beach, watchin' the surf, drinkin' some booze, and relaxin' with the most attractive woman in the verse. Could life get any better?

*Ertia smiled and said as they clinked their glasses*

I'd doubt it could babe.

*The two of them drank their drinks and watched as the sun started to set.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, July 28, 2006 2:14 AM


John woke up yo find KAylee already up fiddlin with stuff.

"You okay" John said to her

"Yeah I'm fine" she replied without a flater in her voice.

"Good" John got up and walkedtoward the door to the engine room. "If you need to talk about it I'm here"

"I'll keep that in mind" John turned and left the engine room. Hungry he went to the galley to see if there was anything to eat.



Friday, July 28, 2006 5:25 AM


13, you keep writing quality stuff like that and you're welcome to make it s long as you like!

Okay gang, I am off to Las Vegas for the weekend.
I notice we're at 95 posts- I'll leave it to y'all to start the new thread.
Stay out of trouble. Don't kill anything that didn't deserver it and ..ummm... well, What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!

I'd suggest we get Serenity headed for Paquin. Just assume 3dp can come through for us.


Friday, July 28, 2006 8:06 AM


Have fun in Vegas E.! We'll hold down the fort while you're gone and we promise not to get into that much trouble.

*Pain woke up to the smell of cat breath. He wrinkled his nose, opened his eyes, and was greeted by a grey tabby who went to say*


*Pain sat up on an elbow and said*

Yeah good morning to you too cat. Don't you have some sheddin' to do on Simon's bed?

*The cat looked at the big human, not understanding what it was saying to her. Shipscat leaped off of Pain's bed looked up at him and replied*


*Pain got up, still wearing the pants from yesterday, put a shirt on, and said to the cat*

Alright I'm up lets get you something to eat.

Shipscat purred and Pain was suprised she let him pick her up. The two of them exited Pain's room and entered the galley. Pain set Shipscat down on the floor and went to get her some food. Pain noticed Ertia asleep at the table but was preoccupied with getting Shipscat something to eat. At that moment Mal and Wash walked in, followed by Zoe. Mal said to Wash*

So just how long will it take us to get to Paquin?

*Wash replied*

At full burn about three days and that's if we don't run into any trouble.

*Mal replied as he walked over to Ertia*

Well I can't promise you that there won't be any of that.

*Pain set down a bowl of mashed up protein for Shipscat, who sniffed at it then started to eat it. Mal tapped Ertia on the shoulder and said*

Wake up Ertia you got work to do.

*Ertia mumbled something as she opened her eyes and saw the Captain. She sat up and said*

I'm awake what's it that you want me to do sir?

*Mal smiled and said*

Go tell your contact we'll be on Paquin in three days and ask where they want to meet us.

*Ertia stretched, yawned and said*

Yeah ok I'm on it sir.

*Mal replied*

Good see that you do. Pain you're on cooking duty.

*Pain nodded to Mal and said*

Yes sir Captain.

*Pain walked over to the pantry took out some protein, whatever little amount of vegetables they had, the last of the egg substitute, some spices and seasoning, and started to whip up something for breakfast.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, July 28, 2006 4:43 PM


*Pain finished making breakfast, the smell of egg substitute and protein omelletes filling the air. Ertia sniffed the air, looked up from her computer and said to Pain*

Mmmm that smells good Pain.

*Pain smiled and said as he lowered the heat*

Why thank you Ertia. Cookin's one of the things you learn as a merc.

*Ertia replied*

Wow I didn't know that. I just thought you learned it from a family member.

*Pain smiled at Ertia and said as he walked over to the com*

Well I did that too.

*Pain pressed the button for the shipwide com and spoke into it*

Breakfast is served! Get your butts in here before Jayne eats it all!

*Pain clicked off the com and back to the two large pans on the stove. Jayne walked in and said*

Knew I smelled somethin' good.

*JR, Sybil, and Choo walked in, JR smelled the aroma in the air and said*

Aww Pain's famous egg substitute and protein omelletes! Do I smell somethin' spicy as well?

*Pain grinned and replied*

Yep made a spicy version just for you and anyone else who wants somethin' with a lil' bit of a kick.

*Choo spoke up*

I must say Pain I haven't smelled something this good since last spring's county fair. And that's a compliment not an insult.

*Pain chuckled then said*

Why thanks for the compliment Mr. Choo. Say how's your leg doin'?

*Choo smiled and said*

You doctor says I'll be back to my oldself in a couple of days.

*Ertia closed her computer and said*

Why that's great Choo. You'll be fine by the time we land on Paquin.

*Choo asked Ertia*

And what will you be doing on Paquin if I may ask?

*Mal butted in*

Oh nothin' really just a job and if there's time mayhaps some fun.

*Kaylee heard the words Paquin and fun as her and John walked in and said*

Ooh we's gonna have some fun on Paquin? Ooh it smells good in here.

*John spoke up from the alcove*

Yes Pain made some omelletes from egg substitute and protein.

*Pain turned to John and said*

Oh hey John I didn't hear you enter.

*John grinned and said*

I have that effect.

*Pain nodded his head and said to everyone*

Alright dig in folks. The spicy version is in the left pan and the regular's in the right.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, July 28, 2006 4:53 PM


John didn't know which to go for he dicide the regular was the best bet and sat down at the table and dug in. Of all the places he'd been Paquin was new and he looked forwad to another new place



Friday, July 28, 2006 5:31 PM


well, this is post 100

*Guy walked in and sniffed the air*

somethin' smells good

*Grabs a plate and loads up with spicy variety*
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.






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