Male and Female Imponderables--Let every eye negotiate for itself

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 1, 2006 21:55
VIEWED: 14641
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Wednesday, July 26, 2006 3:09 AM


New thread, same great topics.

Last thread:

Post and enjoy! New posters are welcomed with open arms.



Wednesday, July 26, 2006 3:12 AM


Eye eye Captain Tristan!

Not new, just wanted to jump on in...

oooh, I'm a first poster, too...


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 3:46 AM


Morning all...I think anyway. Argh so tired. I had the worst nightmare last night. My poor husband was up for part of the night trying to calm me. It's weird when I explain the dream it sounds stupid, but at the time I was terrified. Let's jus say it involved seeing a knife on the floor and knowing it wasn't ours and that someone was in the house and going to kill us. I was seriously freaked...Usually in my nightmares it's someone with a knife chasing me and somewhow this was worse:)

So here's my imponderable...Do men and women have different nightmares and does that have anything to do with gender? What are your nightmares?

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 3:50 AM


Friends, Imponderables, countrymen...lend me your ears...

I have been asked to recruit a few of you to sell Amway...I mean a few of you to help FollowMal and others in the "Summer of Serenity" campaign. We have a list of active Firefly/Serenity forums and Yahoo! groups and would like to "assign" forums and groups to people to post at and help spread the word!

We don't have all the details worked out yet, but we would like to start sometime later this week. Please PM me if you are interested!

Thanks a bunch!

Sorry to be a pain!


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 3:53 AM


you aren't a pain teach us all:) See!! Anyway, I'm already the liason between Utah Browncoats and FollowMal if that makes you feel better:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 3:53 AM


I think our nightmares are different. My nightmares generally involve keeping my tidbit out of harm's way - like running with him in my arms from a flood or something. Husband's nightmares are either work related - like being seriously injured ( he's a carpenter ) or they are softball related - he loses the big game for the team.
I think it really reveals where our heads are at, and our main fears.

Oh, and Good Morning, all!

"Have you ever been with a Warrior Woman?"


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 3:55 AM


MSG - this by no means represents what you have experienced, but it's something i read about dreams/nightmares - The SO is big into dream interpretation and has a few books on the subject.....

"We sometimes dream of someone trying to break into our home. This is often an inner psychological figure who may represent some shameful or unwanted part of ourself who is breaking into our consciousness. It is about to break into our awareness and then we will have to confront this unwanted aspect of ourself. The purpose of this figure seems to be to reflect all the worst aspects of our character so that we may become more fully conscious of those traits and accept these unwanted but vitally necessary parts of ourself. These aspects are often quite evident to those whom we live with or know us well but are hidden from our own conscious opinion of ourself and thus will appear alien and scary to us in our dreams. The intruder in the dream may represent some awareness or insight that is about to break through into our consciousness. It appears scary because it is unknown what demands it will make on us but it actually should be welcomed into our psychological house because it brings with it a gift of self awareness. Every aspect of the dream represents some part of ourself. The intruder in the dream represents some part of ourself that we have kept outside our awareness for too long and now needs to be let in. It may represent a feeling or attitude that we need to be more conscious of."

Richard J. Corelli, M.D.

(for what it's worth)

"endeavor to persevere..." Chief Dan George as Lone Waite, Indian chief


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 3:56 AM


Dayve actually that helps a lot:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 3:56 AM


Lucid dreaming is the key. You see a weapon, you take control of it. Or create one.

I had a lot of nightmares as a kid. (Vivid imagination, wouldn't you guess.) But it is possible to take control of them. My weapon of choice was always a sword, which is possibly Freudian. But my stress/anxiety dreams always involve boats - guess I won't be seeing AB's 'Poseidon.'


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 4:03 AM



Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
But my stress/anxiety dreams always involve boats - guess I won't be seeing AB's 'Poseidon.'

Don't see Poseidon anything. I went to see the one on the big screen and came out terrified. Never will I willingly set foot on any cruise ship.


"Now they see the sky and they remember what they are."


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 4:04 AM


btw... i only dream of fluffy bunnies.... they haunt me like the plague

"endeavor to persevere..." Chief Dan George as Lone Waite, Indian chief


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 4:05 AM


Thanks SpaceAnJL :)

Oh and before I forget, I will not be here starting in about 4 hours until Friday. Family camping trip thingy ( not your thingy FMF I am not a thingy thief) So I will hang out here as long as possible and then miss you guys like crazy until I return:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 4:08 AM


Morning my little Imps.

I'm not sure it qualifies as a nightmare anymore, since it doesn't really upset me anymore. But, my reoccuring nightmare/dream is of someone killing me from behind. In the dream I never see who does it, but I always have the feeling its someone I know and trust

Q: How much does one man's sorrow weigh?
A: As much as he allows it to weigh.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 4:27 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Awwww, we'll miss you Ms G!
Nightmares. Eurgh. I have had many in my life. Right now I mostly dream about people from my past that things didn't end well with. Ex of Doom and Former Best Friend, and sometimes ex from before Ex of Doom. What is "scary" about this kind of thing is that it's usually a normal scene; we're just spending time together and everything is normal, like nothing ever happened, and then I wake up panting and/or crying. Also lately I've been having dreams that I'm surrounded by people everywhere I go; even in a bathroom with stalls that don't lock and stuff. That's supposed to mean you feel exposed, but I think in my case it might mean the opposite since I really don't have many people in my life right now and am not enjoying it much. Those aren't nightmares, but they are very intense.
Straight-up nightmares I have are your basic scary stuff; youngest age I can remember a nightmare from I was five and there was a giant cyclops frog that took possesion of my mom and she fed a favorite toy (that I didn't own in real life) through a food procesor (which we didn't have in real life) and that was very scary. Then there was one with rabid beavers who clamped onto the small of my back. And the basketball-sized spiders *shudder of much twitchiness*.
I had a lot of dreams about Ex of Doom dying while we were still together. I think those might have been prothetic to a certain degree.
I don't have falling dreams, naked in public dreams, or try to run and can't dreams like most people, though. And very occasionally I've had a lucid dream; it's fun to take control. I always, always fly when I can.




Wednesday, July 26, 2006 4:34 AM


well... maybe not fluffy bunnies - but since childhood i've had a recurring dream in which those little marshmallow bunnies ( like you used to get at Easter) somehow come to life, only they are about 6 feet tall and kinda like the rabbit in Donnie Darko - (only i've had this dream since way before that movie was ever made)... it comes and goes and i've noticed that as i get older, i dream a lot less.....
i tend to dream more when i'm just napping instead of in a deep sleep - or maybe those are only the ones i remember...

"endeavor to persevere..." Chief Dan George as Lone Waite, Indian chief


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 4:36 AM


PR- *hug* Don't worry Pr, you have lots of people in your life. We're just all really far away, which I realize isn't all that helpful.

And I'm being dragged off already. See yall laters

Q: How much does one man's sorrow weigh?
A: As much as he allows it to weigh.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 4:43 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I know I have that kind of person in my life; I mean people I can touch and smell and hear, though.
The last non-family-member-who-I-live-with who touched me was my secondary best friend, and that was at least a week ago. My primary best friend is out of town at the moment, and they are really the only two I still have.
I'm a cuddlebug, I really need to be touched more than I am right now.




Wednesday, July 26, 2006 4:58 AM


PR-well I know this doesn't help or anything, but HUGS and

Yeah I wish I didn't have to go, but it's the big yearly dad's whole family camp out ( about 50 someodd people) and since I think my dad is the greatest thing ever and one sib and her spouse and child and other sib and his spouse and child can't go ( both babies have bad colds) and my husband has towork it means only myself, other sis and her husband are going and I can't disappoint my daddy:) ( sorry as I have mentioned big daddy's girl)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 4:59 AM


Ah, another morning, and it's not 85 degrees already. Yippee!


Originally posted by Dayve:
btw... i only dream of fluffy bunnies.... they haunt me like the plague

"Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes.
They got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses.
And what's with all the carrots?
What do they need such good eyesight for anyway?"

Nightmares: I have a few recurring ones but the scariest is one where I'm running away from a serial rapist/killer in San Francisco. Basically, the whole city is running away from this man and a group of us take refuge in a city park bathroom...but, we can't lock the door or the windows. So SRK gets in and we're all trying to hide in the stalls and then fingers appear at the top and I try to scream and can't. Blah, blah, blah. I HATE having that dream.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 5:06 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Thanks Ms G, but all I see is a red x of doom




Wednesday, July 26, 2006 5:10 AM


sorry that's supposed to be kissey lips

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 5:25 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

*snicker snicker* That's a fairly amusing kissy emote. I wouldn't be all "get away from me" like that, though




Wednesday, July 26, 2006 5:33 AM


Ok here's a better one for you

or how about


I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 5:45 AM


Big Zen hugs, PR. MSG - you get to make real s'mores! Ahh, camp-fire cooking...reminds me why I like the Great Indoors.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 5:51 AM


I really don't mind camping, it's just the timing. I have just gotten back, I have a ton to do and I'd really like to accomplish something this week...oh well Grin good point about the smores:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 6:45 AM


Dreams.... personally, i dont remember many of them, and on the occassion that i do, they are cool but uneventful. Have some weird dreams, the occassional nightmare, but rarely anything that wakes me up.

But urgh, when I go to sleep in pain, like last night, I have the absolute most confusing, weirdest dreams. Me n the eye thing, if you all recall, blarg. The reason I was posting at 2:30 to begin with was because the dream I had had really confused me. Creepy, but I cant remember any of it, just feelings.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 7:02 AM


An I carried such a torch


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 7:02 AM


Bad thoughts!

An I carried such a torch


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 7:04 AM


Nightmares can have a root in past experiences or unresolved issues, particularly the recurring one. If you have a phobia of something, it's possible that it could surface in your dreams as a nightmare. But then again, nightmares can just be nightmares. As for gender differences in this, well males and females experience the world very differently, and yet not so differently at the same time. So if experiences have a connection with the type of nightmares we have, then I'd say we can both have similar and dissimilar nightmares.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 7:14 AM


On the topic of dreams, what do you all think of past-life dreams? Do you believe you have past lives (ie, reincarnation), and if so, have you ever dreamed about them?

I've had one reoccurring nightmare, and one... hm, not sure what to call it... serial nightmare, I suppose, that I believe were both references to two different past lives. The latter was my first introduction to that life, and my knowledge of it has expanded from there. The former was the final clue after years and years of it being on the edge of my consciousness that finally led me in the right direction. Both were pretty terrifying on their own, though.


You can't take the sky from me...


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 7:44 AM



Originally posted by CaliforniaKaylee:
Do you believe you have past lives (ie, reincarnation), and if so, have you ever dreamed about them?

Yes, I have - and before you start thinking i'm getting all Twilight Zoney here, let me say that i do have the feeling that our conscious awareness can exist beyond what we presently experience.

On two very different and separate occasions I have met someone whom i felt i had known in the past, and as it turns out, both times the other person felt the same. One person went so far as to say that he remembered me from "before"..... and proceeded to tell me things about myself that he could not have known from just a random encounter.

As far as the dreams, sometimes i see faces that seem very real - as though they are members of my family or close companions - but they don't actually exist in real time.... the subconscious mind is a freaky thing that could be the source of a lot of the weird things that cause dreams and nightmares -

"endeavor to persevere..." Chief Dan George as Lone Waite, Indian chief


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 7:47 AM


When I'm having personal issues, I generally make myself so sleep deprived that when I finally pass out I don't dream (least not so's I can recall). The alarm goes off at the same time every day, and ya gotta work if ya wanna eat, so oversleeping isn't much of an option.
There was one that stuck with me:
My family has been seperated by a nonspecific catastrophic event (war, giant meteorite, nuclear detonation, instant volcano, whatever. It was big, and impacted a large area, not just us). I'm searching for my wife and daughter through what has become effectively a war zone of civilians, and am trying to avoid the feds (who want to evac me, which would end my search & rescue efforts). I find a note from my daughter that she's leaving and where to meet her (we worked it out IRL long ago, to much eye rolling and pooh-poohing by my wife), and so I'm left looking for my wife... Of course the alarm goes off about then.

Had a dream last night about finally having created the perfect "business card". Something I've been kicking around for a while, that doesn't actually have anything to do with my business per se. Mostly it'd just be a business card w/ my first name, a phone number, and a bit of symbolically significant (and yet to be determined) artwork. The thought being that if you had my card, you knew why, and I wouldn't need to put anything else on it. Of course it's completely gone now, other than knowing that I had it.

Do you know what your sin is Captain?

Awww hell, I'm a big fan of all seven.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 8:02 AM


Flat Top- wish you much luck and send good thoughs your way for the safe return of your family:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 8:11 AM


OK and I just had to put this here

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:04 AM


Had to say HI before you go. Have fun!

Instantly thought of O-Ren Ishii and the Crazy 88 (of fact their were only a few dozen, but they were called that because it sounded cool)
Future Mrs Fillion and her 47 Kids. Sounds cool, don't it?

Be back is a bit.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:25 AM


I have had a huge phobia about losing my teeth every since I can remember (have no idea why, and that is what most of my recurring dreams are about. In fact last night i had a dream that all of my teeth were loose and I could not help but mess with them until they eventually fell out. I can still remember the feeling of spitting them out of my mouth...not cool at all. I used to know what this represented but I completely forgot. Well now I have something to research.


Brushing and flossing everyday.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 12:19 PM



Originally posted by blackshamrock5:
I have had a huge phobia about losing my teeth every since I can remember

Shamrock, I have a giant fear of losing my teeth. But it's based on my dentist telling me to never fall on my face or get hit in the mouth. Apparently I have REALLY short roots from having braces for so long. A fall could knock everything out. Whenever ever I fall off my horse, the first thing I think is "Not the teeth!"

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 12:39 PM


I have to say that I too fear losing teeth. I've had one knocked loose, jaw cracked, nose broke once. But I never lost any teeth. Panicked alot one day when I chipped a tooth on a chicken bone. Had the same dream. Sucked. Woke up checked my teeth and didn't go back to sleep. I never thought I'd still have all my teeth after the crap I'd done.
Still retaining my boyish good looks. How did I stay so pretty?

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 12:48 PM


Well its nice to hear that I am not the only one with this fear Everyone I have told thinks its a bit strange. Wish I knew why I have it though.


It's good to not be alone.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 12:59 PM


I don't have nightmares so much as anxiety dreams - classic situations are trying to pack up all the things i need befor a bus leaves without me (that was weird one, all the angles were skewed, 2d perspective, flat coloures - exactly like it was taking place in a more colourful painting by Lowry) being handed babies and dropping them all the time, looking for people or being chased (that was a good one, David Boreanaz was co-starring in that one)so...

I've had one lucid type dream (the cast of SG1 featured in that one) (keep it clean folks) Te'alc was teaching me to fly, and for a while (before my alarm went of) i could fly wherever i wanted to throught this forest.

The other dreams i have are wierd, but lots and lots of fun - they are like full scale holly wood blockbusters - plots, actors, sets costumes special effects - like the one where we were looking for treasure and found the stash in this big chamber in a pyramid, and then the floor started to fall away, or the one where giant alien spiders invaded the school, and everyone they bit turned into venom spitting zombies, and it was me the english professor and the janitor running from them. The most memorable one (the one i still have the clearest images of in my head) was where we were in some sort of future city, where vampires had taken over the streets (the building were so tall it was almost always dark down there) and the humans had fled to the tops of the buildings, where the sun still hit. Anyway, myself the twins and loads of other people were on this lower building, and a group of kids were making their way to it, but the shadows were growing and we could see the vampires getting closer. But me and the twins ran down all these steps and started rushing these kids on, pushing them up the stairs, and i was turning to run back up when i fell, and a vampire grabbed my foot and bit it - and i woke up with tearing horrid pains in my foot - it felt like someone had driven a nail through it. I limped for the rest of the day, and i don't know if a pain in my foot caused the dream, or the dream caused the pain.

But no-one would believe me when they asked why i was limping that it was a vampire bite.

BTW, the twins are two blokes who turned up in one i had shortly after my grandfather died - i was walking along dover style cliff tops, and one of them was sitting on a fence, and as i passed, he jumped off and started walking with me - while the other walked behind us and off to one side glaring. I never get clear faces, they don't have assigned roles or personalities, one is vaguely dark heaired, one possibly fair - god knows what they mean, i've just put it down to some deep seated childhood trauma and now they're just regular cast members.

So the questions - anyone else experience lingering effects from a dream, like my foot and does anyone else regularly feature people from films and tv etc?
And who, if they do, has sex dreams about those people. Because i never have - one housemate found that inconcievable - to know that Brenden Fraser regularly turned up and i never once had one of those dreams was, to her, a waste of a good opportunity. But its just not something i do.

I'm not sure if thats a good or a bad thing.

Now, This one had to be bought out and shown to the world.
Everybody - say thank you Arcadia.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 1:25 PM


I mentioned in previous posts the wake up crying/laughing dreams. Every now and then the emotion doesn't take hold until I'm showering for work or until I try to go back to sleep. Lingering effects? I think the lingering effects of life F up my dreams. The constant sadness that always seems to be there no matter how happy I am. The feeling that I am misplaced wherever I am.
One dream I flew away and was unable to stop myself. In others I could fly at will.
Sometimes I can influence everything in the dream. God like, but not god.
I love dreaming, and I hate having to wake up sometimes. But occasionally My dreams will pickup right where they left off.
I hate the dreams that become reality. I think I am just in denial about things sometimes and my stupid brain tells me the truth in my sleep.

Listen to all the me, my, mine, I. You'd think this was Joe's board or something.
I'll shut up now.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 3:07 PM


I've always kinda enjoyed my nightmares, truth be told. There are a few which I don't understand what was so frightening about, but I haven't had for more than a decade. One involves me standing next to an extremely long bed, with its coverlet disheveled. Somebody grabs the blanket and shakes it, and when (s)he does so, I got a feeling of intense dread.
Another sees me on what looks like a world entirely made out of coarse gravel. With every step, the gravel rolls away and tumbles toward the horizon, which quickly draws closer. The sphere constantly shrinks, until I'm standing on a ball about three feet across. Then, the last of the gravel falls off, and I'm standing on a black sphere, cue sense of dread.

The best one I had was the serial I had, starting as a standard Run-From-Monster scenario in a abandoned town. The chase reaches a point where I'm locked in an attic (bad move, I know), and the thing is about to smash the door down, at which point I wake up.
The next time I had the dream, there were many monsters, always just on the edge of vision, and the chase proceeds as it did before, all the way to me being trapped in the attic. This time, the things bang on the door, but then stop. I open the door, and nothing's there. I go back into the room, and I see a door on a slanty bit of wall that wasn't there before. I go upstairs onto the roof and notice that the things are now flitting on the edge of sight trying to get away.
The last time I had the dream, there were no monsters, just people. They were panicking, saying that something was after them. The group, thirteen including me, got separated into smaller and smaller groups, until I reached the point where it was just me and one other, standing at the top of the stairs to the attic. I open the door, and I hear a gunshot. The man behind me tried to shoot me. I slam the door shut, and the pounding begins. THen it cuts out with a scream. I open the door, and there is a bloody smear leading down the stairs and out the window. Each bugger in turn confronts and tries to kill me, and is mysteriously and inventively dispatched (including one unfortunate whom I found in three shower stalls), and every time, I could hear three quiet words: 'One Job Done'.
When the last one is gone, and I'm standing in that town all alone, I feel a gust of wind (a first, because there was no wind before). I look down, and I see a blonde girl, maybe 6 years old, who's staring up at me. I lean down, and she whispers three words: "One job left."
And I wake up. Fun, no?

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 3:44 PM


Wow, James, if I had those dreams I'd be scared for weeks! I've had my share of bloody dreams, and they did scare me for weeks.

Has anyone ever died in a dream? Sounds so cliché to ask, but I'm actually curious. I've had dreams about drowning that faded to black, then I woke up. I had a dream that someone was trying to shoot me, and we were struggling for the gun. They managed to shoot me in the stomach, and I remember a sort of "aw crap" moment, where everything got really quiet, and my stomach felt warm but didn't hurt. Then everything went black, and I woke up.

I've also had dreams that have ended up happening in real life, down to the tiny details. In high school, I had a dream that I ran into a friend of mine at school, and she asked me if I had a tampon she could have. I remembered the dream because it was totally random (I'd never dreamed about that friend before or since, and never about tampons), and because it was really vivid.

Maybe a month later that exact thing happened, down to the details of the way the light hit her hair, etc. It was very strange. I told my mom about it and she just said, "Well, did you remember to bring a tampon?" Not exactly the response I was looking for, lol.

I've had other dreams like that over the years. Very odd.


You can't take the sky from me...


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 4:08 PM


For myself,I've kinda determined the whole precognition thing to be some sort of scenario thats gone through my mind at some point in time. Had alot of close calls that left no time for error. Sometimes those things seen before really C'd my A.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 4:12 PM


Evening, all.
I do not suggest catching a stomach virus in the middle of summer...not fun at all.

I think I caught the general gist of the conversation...then again, maybe not. I also have nightmares, but I usually don't remember them past a day or so. I suppose that's a good thing. I do have fears, though, mostly of losing things; like my mind (no smart-alec comments necessary, I mean as in Alzheimer's or the like), my eyes, or my hands. Beyond that, not too much.

Good to see a new face or two here. Welcome to the Imponderables!

Copilot, good to see you back again...keep us informed.



Wednesday, July 26, 2006 9:16 PM


CK, Hehe, I laughed at that, I mean what your mother said. Lol. Good stuff.

Hmm..... but to comiserate, though I cant remember any dreams specifically, I do know I too have had guest stars from TV/movies. It happens.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:48 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Ah, hello dear ones. My life never goes smooth. But here I am again!
Yes, CK, I have had pastlife dreams, and also experienced weird memories while meditating. Whether they are "real" or not has been one of the many subjects of debate in my life. They're very real to me.
I think a lot of reoccuring dreams and/or phobias that don't relate to this life relate to something from before. I have a friend who has always been terrified of the water, and she has at least two separate memories of being drowned.
I, on the other hand, feel pretty uncomfortable in churches and around fanatical people becuase I have a memory of being tried and killed as a heretic/witch. I was also, I think, chased through a forest before that, and climbed a tree to try to get away, and I climbed a lot of trees and things as a kid and have always felt safer up high. Also, drugs killed me once, which might be why I avoid them now; learned that lesson, don't need to learn it again.
That kind of thing.
I've had dreams that caused real pain, too, Seryn! They say that's impossible, but when I had the rabid beaver dream my back hurt a lot when I woke up and wanted something against it all day, even after the pain faded.
I've had some dreams about TV and such. Especially right after my breakup when I was sorta, y'know, filling that void in my life with Firefly, I dreamed I went to a party and my ex was there and Serenity came down and saved me and everyone gave me lots of hugs. That was nice. And that's just one example.
I can only remember having sex dreams about my ex, who is the only man I have in fact had sex with. Sometimes there is kissing and cuddling dreams, but those are generally with someone who is pure imagination; I've never seen them anywhere in real life.
I've also had "prothetic" dreams, where they were trying to tell me something. The symbology is always really messed up, and sometimes I have an inkling of what it means, and then other times I'll look back and say "Oh that's what it was about!" And then sometimes I get deja vu and just think "I dreamed about this, didn't I?"
I have actually died in one dream and only one dream. I have come close in some, but always wake up. This one dream, all I can remember was there was dynamite. I had tossed it away from me, and then I fell, and I'm looking right at it, and it explodes and I go numb. I was actually in utter darkness for awhile before I woke up, and I actually felt pretty good when I did. And that's the only time I died in a dream before I woke up.




Thursday, July 27, 2006 12:48 AM


PR, you're not alone in having sensate dreams. I've had them for as long as I can remember. That means I've felt being shot, falling off a cliff, and being lynched, amongst other interesting sensations, despite not being in a position for any of them while awake.
I've also had some prophetic dreams in my life. For example, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be in a meaningful relationship until gas is $1.40 a liter. Not a long wait, it seems
And I've died in dreams more times than I'd like to remember. Hell, I had a fairly good one I got killed at the end in not too long ago.

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.


Thursday, July 27, 2006 2:06 AM


I love the big technicolour dreams. Sometimes the world on the back of your eyelids is so much better than the world outside.

Really good dreams can sometimes find me waking up in the morning and finding some inspirational ideas jotted down in my notepad. Other times it's just random 'what that hell is that word?' Anyone else get inspiration from their dreams? (And yes, I did have a bad Jayne-filled one a while back!)


Thursday, July 27, 2006 2:22 AM


I love dreams and I've had all sorts: flying dreams, flashes back to the past or more commonly a bizarre multimix of past and present.

Going to back to male/female imponderables, I'm trying to find out what people think is the worst way to break up with someone. You're in a committed relationship and then... what is the worst possible way for it to end?

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