Fox keeps cranking out the hits in Firefly's old slot!

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 09:56
VIEWED: 8399
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Tuesday, January 20, 2004 8:33 AM


CHICAGO ( -- FOX is hoping animal mating habits, a man who puts a live snake in his mouth then pulls it back through his nose, and a monkey competing against a man in a climbing contest will bring a pulse to its sagging Friday schedule as the network outlined a host of new reality specials for the month of February.

Animal mating habits?!? This is what they gave up on Firefly, John Doe, and Fastlane for? Whether you were a fan of any or all of these shows, they had to be better than this crap. I also read today that Gail Berman announced (surprise, surprise) that they are going to be doing another Simple Life. Oh, and how many of you tuned in to the riveting premiere of My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance last night? Not me, I was watching the FF set. Will the nightmare ever end? No, probably not, but maybe when JW gets the last laugh and has a hit Firefly movie on his hands we will have at least a small measure of vindication. Let's just keep doing what we are doing. They can crank out all the garbage they want, but they can never take the sky from us. Just my daily rant.

May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 8:47 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I saw an ad for MBFOF, and felt nothing but contempt for Fox. I heard that they planned another Simple Life, but it is not surprising. With the ratings SL got, and w/ even Sci Fi channel selling out and doing "reality" shows, it is not surprising.

Personally, I gave up on Fox back in Jan of '03. I do not, and will not watch them, unless of course Joss is a masochist and lets them get their greedy little hands on Firefly when it makes its way back to TV.

I would rather watch paint dry than a reality show, and to be perfectly honest, I would rather read a good book than anything on Fox. I don't know why Fox does not reformat and simple call themselves RSTV, Reality Show Television.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 8:54 AM


Ditto fellow Browncoat. I would like to say that I never watch Fox, but I do still watch 24. That is the only time my TV is tuned to Fox. I agree though, that Faux should just change their name to "Reality"TV. However, what these shows have to do with reality is beyond me.

May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 9:13 AM


I don't get Fox in the UK.

I'll rape you to death.
I'll eat your flesh.
I'll sew your skin into my clothes.
If you're very very lucky, I'll do it in that order - TheReaver


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 9:21 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by TheReaver:
I don't get Fox in the UK.

Then you are very lucky indeed Reaver, to not be subjected to the mind numbing garbage that Fox calls their program lineup.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 9:32 AM


Yes, Browncoat, I too heard this morning that they are making a "Simple Life 2", which I was going to post on, but this thread beat me to it- The guy on the radio (it was one of Stern's cronies) had a great line on it though, he said if they want to put Hilton and Ritchie in a 'fish out of water situation,' they should just sit them down and hand them a book (which I thought was funny as hell) -
I mean, WTF? Really, we need this? And I cant believe Fox execs are sitting at meetings going "I wonder why people are fleeing network tv for cable; I mean, who actually wants to watch shows like Monk, or the Sopranos, or Carnivale, or Dead Like Me (or Firefly) when we can force feed them Paris Hilton?"

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 9:43 AM


I only watch Fox for football games and occasionally the Simpsons, although the few newer episodes of Simpsons I've seen were pretty bad.

I'd love to see Firefly come back on Showtime. It would suck for those that don't have the premium channels, but that's where all the intelligent programming is these days. Dead Like Me, Bullshit, Stargate SG-1(since moved to Sci-Fi)...

Jayne: "These are stone killers, little man. They ain't cuddly like me."


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 9:43 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by SevenPercent:
Yes, Browncoat, I too heard this morning that they are making a "Simple Life 2", which I was going to post on, but this thread beat me to it- The guy on the radio (it was one of Stern's cronies) had a great line on it though, he said if they want to put Hilton and Ritchie in a 'fish out of water situation,' they should just sit them down and hand them a book (which I thought was funny as hell) -
I mean, WTF? Really, we need this? And I cant believe Fox execs are sitting at meetings going "I wonder why people are fleeing network tv for cable; I mean, who actually wants to watch shows like Monk, or the Sopranos, or Carnivale, or Dead Like Me (or Firefly) when we can force feed them Paris Hilton?"

LOL! That is great! "Give them a book".

I guess we have no one to blame for the poor quality television Fox serves up. If the masses did not watch this garbage, they would quit showing it. *sighs*

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 9:59 AM


Do the words "lowest common denominator" mean anything to you? Thing is, Fox seems to be aiming lower than low.

I tried to think of what I still watch on Fox. Nothing came to mind. Nothing at all. I ain't boycotting Fox. They just seem to be broadcasting stuff for folk who would consider someone like Jayne jun duh shr tyen-tsai. The sad thing is folk are lowering themselves to watch.

"What? That don't make no sense...

Yep. Tah-shr SUO-yo DEE-
yure duh biao-tze duh MAH!"

(In honor of Fox, who I trust as much as Kaylee trusted Saffron at that point.)


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 10:05 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Caitlyn:
Do the words "lowest common denominator" mean anything to you? Thing is, Fox seems to be aiming lower than low.

I tried to think of what I still watch on Fox. Nothing came to mind. Nothing at all. I ain't boycotting Fox. They just seem to be broadcasting stuff for folk who would consider someone like Jayne jun duh shr tyen-tsai. The sad thing is folk are lowering themselves to watch.

My boycott of Fox did not start out intentionally. Like you said, they don't have anything I want to watch, and after they axed Firefly, I just don't tune into them anymore, but from the looks of things, I am not missing anything.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 10:41 AM


I don't even know what channel fox is on my tv, anymore. Seriously, I'v given up on network tv entirely. I am sick to death of feeling queasy and insulted every time I sit down with a mind to be entertained. Sitcoms with jokes you see coming a mile down the rode, dramas running on the fuel of dead bodies alone, characters who ain't, and the concept that if a show works, make ten of 'em just the same. Show me something I haven't seen, please I'm begging you!! Actaully, tonight I'm going to watch the History channel, they are following crazed people in classic cars driving from peking to paris. That's reality I can stomach. If anyone else is watching interesting odd-ball shows, let me know and I'll tune in.

"I'll be in my bunk."


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 10:46 AM



Originally posted by captaincdc:

Animal mating habits?!? This is what they gave up on Firefly, John Doe, and Fastlane for?

Actually, they had an article about this in the Washington Post. Paraphrased, it started out something like this:

"After Temptation Island and World's naughtiest TV blunders, is there anything too smutty for Fox to air? Apparantly so. Fox execs have turned down National Geographics "Wild Sex," a show about the mating habits of various animals..."

It goes on to say that the title "Wild Sex" wasn't set in stone and the program was to be aired the weekend before Valentines day.


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 10:53 AM



Originally posted by belasera:
I don't even know what channel fox is on my tv, anymore. Seriously, I'v given up on network tv entirely. I am sick to death of feeling queasy and insulted every time I sit down with a mind to be entertained. Sitcoms with jokes you see coming a mile down the rode, dramas running on the fuel of dead bodies alone, characters who ain't, and the concept that if a show works, make ten of 'em just the same. Show me something I haven't seen, please I'm begging you!!

I couldn't agree more Belasera. I think NBC could slap Law & Order on anything and it would be ratings gold. They have like 5 shows under that banner. CBS is about to spin off CSI for the second time. Add in that Mark Harmon snoozer NCIS and the net will have 4 shows that are basically the same. The networks make me sick.

May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 11:39 AM


I have to say, I like NCIS. Then again, my 2 faves on the show are Ducky (the coroner) & Abby (the goth lab chick). They don't show nearly enough of these two.

We don't have cable or dish, so I'm pretty much stuck with network TV. The shows I watch every week are:
West Wing
Angel (of course!)
Joan of Arcadia

It seems like a lot of people here are anti-network with a passion. I, unfortunately, cannot afford to be. I choose to try and find one or two things I like about a show and watch for that alone. As my house is not a Nielson house, it hardly matters what I'm watching anyway.

"I love my Captain."


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 3:13 PM


I have to agree with most people here. I am sick and tired of this reality TV show crap I can't believe they are doing another Simple Life And My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance, well I am not going to get started with that. I wish the networks just stop with the reality tv.

Some reality TV is actually entertaining and educational, I speak mainly of the shows on the Discovery channel like American Chopper. I heard that Scifi was going to do a reality show and I was like "OMG!! Please save us!!!"

Well that is all i have to say about that.

Jayne: "Dear diary: Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy... Today we were kidnapped by hill folk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever."


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 4:01 PM


As long as there are people willing to make fools of themselves just to say they're on TV, there will always be Reality TV...unfortunately. Reality TV is cheap to produce and usually pulls in solid ratings (God knows why, I certainly don't). The bottom line is that networks only care about the bottom line.

I can't find very many network shows that are solid and appeal to me. Right now, the only network shows that are must-see for me are Joan of Arcadia, Gilmore Girls, Smallville, and Angel. The only reasons I had to watch Fox over the past few years were Firefly and Dark Angel. But apparently the Fox executives were too smart to keep those shows going.


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 4:30 PM


Unfortunately, ratings wise, these shows will very likely be more successful in the Friday night slot than Firefly. This is because most people with real lives and interests have more important things to do on Friday evenings. When Firefly was on the air I always watched it taped because 1) I hate commercials and didn't have Replay then and 2) I had w-a-y better things to do on Friday nights.

The mentality for the average-joe-loser who never has anything remotely important to do for an entire weekend goes along just dandy with a Friday night full of lowest-common-denominator reality programming.

Firefly never should have been a Friday night show. Its viewership just doesn't watch television on Friday. It was a no-brainer and they still stuck in on Friday. It was black-balled from the get go.



Tuesday, January 20, 2004 6:15 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.


Firefly never should have been a Friday night show. Its viewership just doesn't watch television on Friday. It was a no-brainer and they still stuck in on Friday. It was black-balled from the get go.

I think you nailed it right there. I think I've seen posts suggesting a conspiracy to put Joss in his place.

I think the only thing worth watching on Fox is Bernie Mac (and Football). But if fellow Browncoats called for a boycott, I'd have to convey my regrets to Bernie.


Wednesday, January 21, 2004 7:54 AM



Originally posted by ladyjayne:
Unfortunately, ratings wise, these shows will very likely be more successful in the Friday night slot than Firefly. This is because most people with real lives and interests have more important things to do on Friday evenings. When Firefly was on the air I always watched it taped because 1) I hate commercials and didn't have Replay then and 2) I had w-a-y better things to do on Friday nights.

The mentality for the average-joe-loser who never has anything remotely important to do for an entire weekend goes along just dandy with a Friday night full of lowest-common-denominator reality programming.

Firefly never should have been a Friday night show. Its viewership just doesn't watch television on Friday. It was a no-brainer and they still stuck in on Friday. It was black-balled from the get go.


I agree. Unfortunately, Wonderfalls is going to premiere in March Friday nights on Faux. I'm really afraid that it is doomed.

May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Wednesday, January 21, 2004 8:56 AM


I think two of the reasons I don’t like Reality TV is:

1. I’m not a big fan of reality.
2. I’m not a big fan of TV.

I’ve been in a bit of a rut when it comes to TV since Firefly was cancelled, I don’t watch much of it. I especially don’t watch Fox, since they have cancelled everything I liked on their network, excluding The Simpsons. (Glad the new episodes haven’t been good, as then I’ve not missed anything.)

Back to Reality TV though, Fox’s big one American Idol has been going all week from what I’ve heard on the radio, and I have to ponder how fleeting an audience is if a show has to be shown multiple times in one week to keep their attention. My wife watches some of it, I usually run from the room, accusing it of killing more brain cells than snorting gasoline.

I heard awhile back that TV was loosing a lot of their male audience to video games and internet porn. This is easy for me to believe since I spend a lot of time playing video games. Which, much like porn, has a better plot than any reality show.

I think that’s it for my disjointed rant. I'm sure Fox will inspire more at any moment.

You are
What you do
When it counts
-The Masao


Wednesday, January 21, 2004 9:05 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

CaptainCDC wrote:


I agree. Unfortunately, Wonderfalls is going to premiere in March Friday nights on Faux. I'm really afraid that it is doomed.

I am with you on that score. If Fox is handling it, and they stick it in that slot, it will be the kiss of death. I truly hope that is not the case as Jewel is supposed to have a role on the show. Surely she must be having feelings of déjà vu.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Wednesday, January 21, 2004 9:26 AM


Am i alone in viewing several other Fox shows? I have to say i really like 'arrested development' enough so that i will even tape it if i am not home to see it. I think Malcom in the Middle is entertaining and King of the Hill is priceless and of course i love the Simpsons. Fox has made terrible terrible choices is so in it for the quick buck and has no loyalty. It doesn't nurture creative shows and abandons amazing shows like Firefly. So boo hiss to Fox for dissing and dismissing Firefly but i amn't ready to shut it off forever.


Wednesday, January 21, 2004 10:16 AM



Originally posted by rkwalsh:
Am i alone in viewing several other Fox shows? I have to say i really like 'arrested development' enough so that i will even tape it if i am not home to see it. I think Malcom in the Middle is entertaining and King of the Hill is priceless and of course i love the Simpsons. Fox has made terrible terrible choices is so in it for the quick buck and has no loyalty. It doesn't nurture creative shows and abandons amazing shows like Firefly. So boo hiss to Fox for dissing and dismissing Firefly but i amn't ready to shut it off forever.

I realize that Fox does have some good shows, and some decent ones I used to watch- But their record of show-killing just keeps me from getting involved with a new show (I've posted before that I heard really good things about 'Arrested') for fear they'll kill it- Also, what prevents me from watching the network is the garbage; how can I take a network seriously that will put Simple Life and My Big Fat whatever on the air in place of Firefly?

That, and of course I'm still bitter at them for what they did to Firefly

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.


Wednesday, January 21, 2004 10:52 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

SevenPercent wrote:


I realize that Fox does have some good shows, and some decent ones I used to watch- But their record of show-killing just keeps me from getting involved with a new show (I've posted before that I heard really good things about 'Arrested') for fear they'll kill it- Also, what prevents me from watching the network is the garbage; how can I take a network seriously that will put Simple Life and My Big Fat whatever on the air in place of Firefly?

That, and of course I'm still bitter at them for what they did to Firefly

I agree. I just won't get involved in a Fox program for fear they will kill it if I like it. I got into "Undeclared" & "Greg the Bunny", both of which were killed off quickly by Fox. I just gave up.

Add to the fear of a show I actually enjoy getting axed is the fact that their adherence to squeeze every dime out of the old, tired "reality" show deal, and their weak programming and I just can't tune into Fox anymore.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Wednesday, January 21, 2004 11:03 AM


I'm confused. From the UK, so I don't have to deal with the fox channel and such.
What confuses me is that I watched the 'Firefly' weekend we had here on Sci-fi uk - all 15 episodes back to back - and there aren't any more.

Do Fox not like money?

Admittedly, reality tv would seem to be the format of choice for the great unwashed (I doubt you've been exposed to the wonders of the Salon - eight to ten hours a day of cameras, in a London hairdressers.)

But, do Fox not like money?

This show has everything a growing lad needs, from fantastic scripts to lesbianism. I mean the sheer scope of it.

So, Fox don't like money then?


"Curse your sudden, but inevitable betrayal!"


Sunday, February 8, 2004 3:44 PM



Originally posted by TheReaver:
I don't get Fox in the UK.

I'll rape you to death.
I'll eat your flesh.
I'll sew your skin into my clothes.
If you're very very lucky, I'll do it in that order - TheReaver

Hey Reaver... I understand there's lots of food and clothing materials in the Fox Studios offices. Look for the higher floors and anybody in a suit. I know it won't be healthy eating, but it sure as hell won't be any loss for the rest of us Oh, and bring along your Reaver friends, too!

"You can't take the sky from me..."


Sunday, February 8, 2004 3:51 PM



Originally posted by BoomerGoodheart:
I have to say, I like NCIS. Then again, my 2 faves on the show are Ducky (the coroner) & Abby (the goth lab chick). They don't show nearly enough of these two.

We don't have cable or dish, so I'm pretty much stuck with network TV. The shows I watch every week are:
West Wing
Angel (of course!)
Joan of Arcadia

It seems like a lot of people here are anti-network with a passion. I, unfortunately, cannot afford to be. I choose to try and find one or two things I like about a show and watch for that alone. As my house is not a Nielson house, it hardly matters what I'm watching anyway.

"I love my Captain."

How long do you think it'll be before they cancel the other semi-intelligent shows on TV like "Joan of Arcadia" and "24"? I can't believe they are still airing with the J.O.s minding the store at the networks (oh, J.O. - something you do with your hands ) I mean, can't they take all the interesting stuff off and just give us "Survivor" and "American Idol" clones until what's left of our minds drip out of our ears like overcooked Cheez Whiz? That's what I'm waiting for...

"You can't take the sky from me..."


Sunday, February 8, 2004 4:10 PM


THe sadest part is, that when reality TV came out, it WAS good. For a year. The only good Reality show was Survivor, every thing else... Well the entire idea of reality TV really WAS survivor. After that, there was nowhere to go with it in any sensible persons brain.

But Fox isnt sensible is it....

People only beleive somehting if it's in a movie


Sunday, February 8, 2004 4:17 PM


Let's assume for the sake of argument that fox is not run by dung-slinging monkeys (I know, bit of a stretch, but just try). If they had realized their mistake (back when the show was on the air) of putting the show on in a bad time-slot for the key audience, what time should they have moved it to?

Till human voices wake us, and we drown.


Sunday, February 8, 2004 4:19 PM


But instead, they get BBC1, BBC2, and BBC3.

Sorry, I couldn't resist...


Originally posted by BrownCoat1:

Originally posted by TheReaver:
I don't get Fox in the UK.

Then you are very lucky indeed Reaver, to not be subjected to the mind numbing garbage that Fox calls their program lineup.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.


Sunday, February 8, 2004 4:27 PM


I am not debating with you, I am just trying to reason out what the Execs are thinking with trying to attract this segment.

It doesn't make any sense that LCD can capture that kind of market. LCD's might be willing to spend all of their disposable income and then mortgage their double-wide to the hilt for ciggies and malt-liquor (or lighter fluid). But whatelse does corporate USA think they can hook these people up with with at $200 a month? BTW, has anyone noticed what kind of adverts are on during those time slots? Maybe that's where we can figure
out what/who they are trying to sell to.


Originally posted by Caitlyn:
Do the words "lowest common denominator" mean anything to you? Thing is, Fox seems to be aiming lower than low.

I tried to think of what I still watch on Fox. Nothing came to mind. Nothing at all. I ain't boycotting Fox. They just seem to be broadcasting stuff for folk who would consider someone like Jayne jun duh shr tyen-tsai. The sad thing is folk are lowering themselves to watch.

"What? That don't make no sense...

Yep. Tah-shr SUO-yo DEE-
yure duh biao-tze duh MAH!"

(In honor of Fox, who I trust as much as Kaylee trusted Saffron at that point.)

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.


Sunday, February 8, 2004 4:28 PM


I have to say that network and most Cable shows suck but there are a few out there that I still watch. The few that I do watch on network TV are Third Watch (NBC), CSI (CBS), and very rarely ER (NBC). The only cable show I watch is Stargate SG-1. Other than those 4 shows, I no longer watch TV.

I agree that Firefly should never have been on Friday, but if Fox put it on any other night it would have been on in the wee hours of the morning. That's what they did to Space Above and Beyond (granted Firefly has better writing and special effects but I liked SAAB). They moved SAAB from Friday night to 2 AM on Tuesdays. Talk about seriously killing a show's chances of ever picking up an audience.


Sunday, February 8, 2004 4:38 PM


Boy I was sad when they cancelled SAAB. I know the show was put on in 2002, but it would have been great if it picked up the X-Files old slot on Sundays when Chris Carter finally let the show rest in peace. I think the people who watched X-Files would have loved Firelfy.

Till human voices wakes us, and we drown.


Sunday, February 8, 2004 5:45 PM


Who cares what Fox puts on, Friday nights?

Friday nights belong to CBS (Joan of Arcadia) and Scifi (Stargate SG-1) anyway.


Sunday, February 8, 2004 7:27 PM


but but but...i love the Simpons and Malcom in the Middle! But really, sunday night is the only time to really wanna watch Fox (don't got cable, it's fox or the "wonderful" world of Disney)

On another note, there had been talk of a "schedulaed" (spelled wrong sorry) boycott of Fox. Is anybody organizing this? And is is worth doing? I mean, is there enough of us to really make a difference? Not trying to be negitive, just realistic...

"Go back inside or i will blow another crater in this tiny moon"


Sunday, February 8, 2004 7:34 PM



Originally posted by Noxious:

I heard awhile back that TV was loosing a lot of their male audience to video games and internet porn. This is easy for me to believe since I spend a lot of time playing video games. Which, much like porn, has a better plot than any reality show.

Hey! Somebody shoulddo a firefly video game! It would have it all! Fighting, Flying, Shooting, Crime, and A Girl Rubbing Soup in her Hair! Way cool! The Colective (that's the video game creator people that made the Buffy game and the new Indiana Jones game) should put it together! That would be SOOOO COOL!!!

"Go back inside or i will blow another crater in this tiny moon"


Sunday, February 8, 2004 9:12 PM



Originally posted by cainunabled:
Let's assume for the sake of argument that fox is not run by dung-slinging monkeys (I know, bit of a stretch, but just try). If they had realized their mistake (back when the show was on the air) of putting the show on in a bad time-slot for the key audience, what time should they have moved it to?

Till human voices wake us, and we drown.

I have to respond to this- No offense to the ladies in attendance, but I would say FF was aimed at a primarily male, 18-35 yr old audience- And let me tell you this from experience as a member of this category and someone who spends an inordinate amount of time in bars, that age category is unachievable in any significant numbers on Fridays- Lets face facts, that age group is either working or going out on Fridays, and not home- Best time slot? Wednesday- You cant beat NBC on Thurs, that's a fact- Many of the other networks have powerhouse Mondays and Tuesdays, and weekends will never draw that audience (a couple of my best friends are barbacks and bouncers, which is why I'm spending so much time there at the bar, and I know who I see in there-and it isnt Grandma)- The best day is Weds, 7-8 or 8-9 pm- It also wouldnt hurt to have a decent lead-in show for it, either (Sci-fi bloc Weds, for example)- They should have premiered it on Sundays for a bit, as advertising during playoffs or some such, to get an audience feel, then replayed it in its normal slot- But hey, what do I know, I'm just their target audience whose hobby is film and television-

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.


Sunday, February 8, 2004 9:14 PM



Originally posted by cainunabled:
Let's assume for the sake of argument that fox is not run by dung-slinging monkeys (I know, bit of a stretch, but just try). If they had realized their mistake (back when the show was on the air) of putting the show on in a bad time-slot for the key audience, what time should they have moved it to?

Till human voices wake us, and we drown.

And, also for the record, Fox is run by dung slinging monkeys- You gotta stretch pretty damn far to disbelieve that one-

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.


Monday, February 9, 2004 3:45 AM



Originally posted by ebonezer:

Originally posted by Noxious:

I heard awhile back that TV was loosing a lot of their male audience to video games and internet porn. This is easy for me to believe since I spend a lot of time playing video games. Which, much like porn, has a better plot than any reality show.

Hey! Somebody shoulddo a firefly video game! It would have it all! Fighting, Flying, Shooting, Crime, and A Girl Rubbing Soup in her Hair! Way cool! The Colective (that's the video game creator people that made the Buffy game and the new Indiana Jones game) should put it together! That would be SOOOO COOL!!!

"Go back inside or i will blow another crater in this tiny moon"

I'm working on it........


Monday, February 9, 2004 5:29 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Originally posted by SevenPercent:

I have to respond to this- No offense to the ladies in attendance, but I would say FF was aimed at a primarily male, 18-35 yr old audience- And let me tell you this from experience as a member of this category and someone who spends an inordinate amount of time in bars, that age category is unachievable in any significant numbers on Fridays- Lets face facts, that age group is either working or going out on Fridays, and not home- Best time slot? Wednesday- You cant beat NBC on Thurs, that's a fact- Many of the other networks have powerhouse Mondays and Tuesdays, and weekends will never draw that audience (a couple of my best friends are barbacks and bouncers, which is why I'm spending so much time there at the bar, and I know who I see in there-and it isnt Grandma)- The best day is Weds, 7-8 or 8-9 pm- It also wouldnt hurt to have a decent lead-in show for it, either (Sci-fi bloc Weds, for example)- They should have premiered it on Sundays for a bit, as advertising during playoffs or some such, to get an audience feel, then replayed it in its normal slot- But hey, what do I know, I'm just their target audience whose hobby is film and television-

I agree. I can't believe that network execs and some individuals at the official board will try to tell you that the Nielson rating system is accurate and gives valid info on the # of viewers that a particular show garners.

I for one fall into the demographic target audience specified and before I got married, Friday night meant one thing: Night Out.

Friday is payday for me, as it is for a good portion of people, and that means lots of 18-35 males w/ money burning a hole in their pocket after five days, 8-10 hrs per day of making someone else wealthy and having little to show for your effort. Personally by Friday at five I am always ready for some R & R. I would go home long enough to shower and change, then it is out on the town. I didn't even think of staying home to watch television.

Now that I am married, I have little time for tv. Between my wife, kids, and "honey do" list, I don't have a lot of free time. I will take an hour on Friday nights now to watch Stargate SG1 if the previews look good, but otherwise I am out running errands or taking the family out for dinner.

Nielsons, Schmielsons. The system is broken and needs to be fixed.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, February 9, 2004 11:44 AM



Originally posted by rkwalsh:
Am i alone in viewing several other Fox shows? I have to say i really like 'arrested development' enough so that i will even tape it if i am not home to see it. I think Malcom in the Middle is entertaining and King of the Hill is priceless and of course i love the Simpsons. Fox has made terrible terrible choices is so in it for the quick buck and has no loyalty. It doesn't nurture creative shows and abandons amazing shows like Firefly. So boo hiss to Fox for dissing and dismissing Firefly but i amn't ready to shut it off forever.

Yes! I love all of those shows. Except Arrested Development. I saw part of one episode, didn't love it, but I figure there's better ways to waste my life. But the way I see it, I don't watch the ads, and I don't have a ratings box, so Fox doesn't get any of my money, does it? Except when I bought my Firefly DVD.

Here's another drawn-out anti-fox Simpsons quote:

Marge: Lisa, I like it when you stand up for what you believe in, but you've been doing that an awful lot lately.
Bart: Yeah, you made us march in that gay rights parade.
Homer: [bitter] And we can't watch Fox, just because they own those chemical weapons factories in Syria.


Monday, February 9, 2004 12:22 PM


The ONLY "Reality TV" show I EVER enjoyed was "Boot Camp". . .and not the crap "Celebrity Boot Camp" either. . .the one season "Boot Camp".

One guess why.

Oh yeah. . .and it figures. . .it only lasted ONE season.

gorram fox.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Monday, February 9, 2004 4:59 PM


I think we just realized, in a backhanded way, where reavers come from.

Reality TV.

They become so desensitised that they start acting out, and the law of diminishing returns is clear that they would keep getting worse...

I blame fux nutwurx



Monday, February 9, 2004 5:49 PM



Originally posted by Lindley:
Who cares what Fox puts on, Friday nights?

Friday nights belong to CBS (Joan of Arcadia) and Scifi (Stargate SG-1) anyway.

Hey, that's my Friday night, too!

Followed up by DVDs

"You can't take the sky from me..."


Monday, February 9, 2004 7:55 PM


Gotta agree with you folks there!

Joan rocks! Star Gate is good, but may be headed for the pasture, sorry to say- RDA wants to spend more time with the family. And the rest of Sci-Fi's lineup sucks, even Tremors, which I like anyway for it's b-movie shtick.


Tuesday, February 10, 2004 9:56 AM


belasera, you wanted to know of some good shows on tv. well, nothing on fox of course. but, there is a good show on discovery called mythbusters. in a way, i guess it could be considered a reality show. but, it is more along the lines of watching two crazy guys blow stuff up. its great.






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