Life Onboard Serenity: Packin' For Paquin

UPDATED: Friday, August 4, 2006 15:10
VIEWED: 12833
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Friday, July 28, 2006 6:14 PM


Life Onboard Serenity is a chain-story/rpg. Anyone can play! Anyone Can Join! Come on in and make yourself at home.

Previously, On Life Onboard Serenity!

And our Latest Adventure

In which:

Wolf found a bomb in Pain's bunk, which Pain was none too happy about, Wolf was thrown into a pile of horse poo as the bomb exploded (causing him to become temporarily deaf), Wolf then left Serenity and boarded a mystery ship (which Kaylee was none too happy about), Serenity then got boarded by pirates who's Captain knew Pain, a massive gunfight erupted where Pain shot and killed the Captain of the pirates, Pain told Fly and Ertia about his affair with the female pirate Captain (which caused Fly to become mad and take his rocket launcher as payment for his betrayal of their relationship, and caused Ertia to spend some time to away from Pain think over her relationship with him), Pain learned from John that the woman he killed was the twin sister of the woman he had an affair with and that she (the woman who Pain had an affair with) has a daughter which is Pain's (although Pain doesn't know it yet). *takes a breath* Ertia finds a hopeful client for the Independent gold that was found in the safe from the Three Hills junkyard job on Paquin, JR got some nice marker pen facial art, Pain cooked breakfast, and now the crew's heading for Paquin.

We're open to all authors and writing styles. This thread is just for fun! However, we do ask that a couple of simple rules be followed:

No killing of other authors characters or of canon characters. In that vein, try to keep canon characters acting like themselves.

Please try to post with consideration for fellow authors and with some consistency to current story-lines.

Sub-plots are great and we welcome them, but please try to make them fit into the current stories as much as possible.

Oh, and please keep things as close to PG as possible. If you have a more adult scene you'd like posted, send it to Ertia and She'll put it up on her site.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, July 28, 2006 6:16 PM


2 things, 1) is anyone ever gonna put up those threads I found? 2) ya might wanna edit the thread name a bit
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Friday, July 28, 2006 6:22 PM


Ok I put the threads in order and I edited the thread name.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, July 28, 2006 6:23 PM


thank you
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Friday, July 28, 2006 9:04 PM


You're welcome Guy.

*Everybody was up and enjoying the meal Pain cooked up. The spicy egg substitute and protein omelletes were almost gone but that was mostly due to JR. Mal drank some tea, swallowed and said to Ertia*

So you're friend give us a location as were to meet 'em?

*Ertia swallowed and replied*

Yeah he said to meet him in an alley in the business district of New Vegas near an abandoned building.

*Mal shook his head a little and said*

That ain't sittin' to well with me darlin'. There's a whole mess of trouble that'd happen in an alley like that. Did ya give him some alternate places to meet at?

*Ertia drank some tea and replied*

Yes sir but the place he chose is the only place he feels comfrtable meetin' at.

*Mal sighed and said*

Alright but I'm takin' a few people with us. Just to make sure there's no trouble.

*Erita took another bite of her omellete and said*

Well if you do just know that my contact will be doin' the same. He's not a very trustin' person, only has a close knit group of friends.

*Pain butted in*

That's fine with me. I could always take a sniper position across the way if'n I need to.

*Ertia looked at Pain as Mal said*

That'd be mighty fine Pain but I hope we don't have to resort to shootin' folk. Especially if they're Ertia's kind of folk.

*Ertia gave Mal a smile and continued to eat her omellete.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, July 29, 2006 11:31 AM



*Pain finished his second helping, got up, and put his plate in the sink. He started to head out of the galley when Ertia said to him*

Where you goin' Pain?

*Pain looked back at Ertia, he desperately wanted to take her, but he knew she still needed time to think about their relationship. Pain smiled, repressed the hunger he had for Ertia, and said*

I'm goin' to work out for a bit.

*Ertia watched Pain leave, her heart beating a mile a minute. She knew in her heart she wanted to jump his bones but her mind was still trying to decide if she could trust him again. Ertia looked at her plate and decided she wasn't hungry anymore. She got up, put her plate into the sink and headed off to her room.*

Meanwhile in the cargo bay

*Pain sat down on the weight bench and started to do some reps. Lifting weights was only one of the few things he could do to get Ertia off of his mind until she came to a decision. Pain grunted as he lifted the weights slowly up and down, his muscles bulging as he did so. Unbeknownst to him Ertia was watching him work out.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, July 29, 2006 9:04 PM



WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, July 30, 2006 3:26 AM


John decided to chance the infirmary again. When he got there the pain was barely noticible so he sat down on a counter and watched Simon check Sybils vitals giggle giggle . When he looked into Sybils eyes he felt pain but not physical, emotional. Her cousins death had hit her hard.

"Do you have a reason to be in here" Simon said walking toward the counter


"Then why are you in here"

"You know now that Wolf is gone Kaylee is available"


"I know how you feel about her"


"Hello Empath and I know shekindo sorta really likes you"

"Get out of my infirmary"

"Oooh fiesty okay I'm gone"



Sunday, July 30, 2006 7:46 AM


*Ertia watched Pain some more as he started his third rep of lifting weights. She liked watching his muscles flex and his chest move up and down with every breath. Ertia thought of all the things she would be doing with Pain, but the voice in her head was still waging battle with the feelings in her heart. Ertia shook her head and left for her room, too distracted in her thoughts to see John until she bumped into him. Ertia smiled and said to John*

Sorry about that I guess I didn't see you there John.

*John smiled a small smile and replied*

It's fine Ertia. Really, no need to apologize.

*Ertia smiled and said*

No really I should apologize. I uh was distracted by the job on Paquin.

*John replied*

No you weren't, you were distracted by Pain's working out.

*Etria said, tilting her head a little*

How did you....

*John cut her off and said*

I'm an empath remember. All I can say is follow your heart. I know you think you can't trust him again but you can.

*John started to walk up the stairs. He stopped, turned to Ertia and said*

Oh one more thing. The woman Pain killed was not the woman you thought she was.

*Ertia replied with a confused look on her face*

What do you mean John?

*John replied*

The woman Pain killed was not Melanie but her twin sister Serena.

*At that John continued to walk up the stairs, leaving Ertia to ponder over what he said.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, July 30, 2006 5:44 PM



WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, July 31, 2006 6:20 AM


I am BACK from Vegas! errr...that would be OLD Vegas. I'll try to get a real post up later today. :)


Monday, July 31, 2006 10:07 AM


Welcome back E.! *hugs* We missed you around here.

*Pain finished his work out, took off his shirt, and wiped the sweat off his forehead. He noticed Ertia looking up the stairs near the infirmary, deep in thought. Pain placed a hand on her shoulder, making Ertia jump a little. She turned aroun, saw Pain and said*

Oh hey Pain you scared me a little.

*Pain smiled and said*

Sorry babe didn't mean to. Just saw you there gawkin' up the stairs like you saw somethin'.

*Ertia replied*

Oh that, I was just thinkin' of what John said to me.

*Pain replied*

Oh and what'd he say to you?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, July 31, 2006 11:04 AM


ok, the note is important, kaylee is not to tell ANYONE what it says, i just came back from the cambridge folk music festival, very cool, camping. ok then...

*as the brand came closer to the back of wolfs neck he thought...*

well, theres no going back now.

*the brand burned onto the new warriors flesh, his screams echoed into the dark space station.*




Monday, July 31, 2006 11:10 AM


Ertia sighs, "Pain, do you.. did he tell you that may have been the wrong woman back there?"

The mercenary nods slowly, and Ertia can feel his eyes watching her intently, gauging her reaction. "Yeah."

She can see the pain in his eyes, the set of his expression as he continues, "But I'd like to point out for the record that no matter which sister it was, she was trying to kill me. And you, for that matter."

Ertia nods, slowly, taking it in. It was true. That woman had come here to kill him. A flare of indignation rises in her again and she give Pain a feral grin, "Good thing we don't die so easy, isn't it?"

Before Pain can answer Wash's voice comes over the com, "Ertia, errr...Vivian, can you come to the bridge, we've got a wave coming through for you. It's..."

The pilot hesitates for a moment, "It's just wierd. You gotta see this."

Ertia and Pain head onto the bridge as Mal and Zoe step back to let Ertia through to the screen.

Onscreen is a hand puppet made from a sock. It wears a painted-on tunic with a an old earth-that-was crest, and a mideaval looking helmet made out of a blue-sun tomato sauce can.

"Lady Vivian!" The computer modulated voice expresses it's surprise at discovering the identity of it's mystery contact.

Ertia surpresses a giggle. She loves 3dp's sense of humor, but wishes that she'd been a bit more cautious about tipping her hand before sprinting into full view of the screen. With a deep bow, she gives a flourish of her hand, "At your service, Sir Trystan."

The puppet bows likewise, "I see rumors of your demise have been greatly exaggerated, my lady."

"My Lord Arthur expects you at the rendevoux on time. Yourself, and two others."

"Of course, Trystan." Ertia tugs Mal in front of the screen."My captain, Sir Reynolds." Then she gestures Zoe forward, "The Lady Washburne. they will be accompanying me."

The hand puppet salutes and then bobs it's head, making it's helmet wobble precariously, "Lady Vivian, my true treasure has been discovering that you live."

The computer modulation drops away and 3dp's familiar cockny accent comes across, "Gorram girl, ya watch yer back! Don't die on me again."

Then the screen goes black, and Ertia grins to herself.


Monday, July 31, 2006 11:11 AM


GAH! Duplicate!


Monday, July 31, 2006 12:12 PM


didnt know the stuff for plottwist so i made this.

*the rumours took hold almost instantly, "a pirate with a sword of fire!"
the rumors found the ears of the women in the heart of gold, the rumor found the ears of bester on three hills, the rumor found the ears of atherton wing,the rumors hit the 'verse like a herd of stampedeing buffaloe and eventually, the rumors found the ears of a man in a bar, as these things usually do, he walked up to the bar and a fight erupted on the other side of the room.*

*the man grinned, flexed his metal arm and threw a chair at the fighting crowd, the whole bar started to anger and fight, eventually everyone turned to the man standing in the middle of it all*

man" he's the one who started the whole thing, GET HIM!"

*the man just smiled and pulled out a katana, people laughed, he activated the device and gow of brilliant red light surrounded the blade, he cut the head off of the nearest man with a single swipe, the wounded neck glowing with heated energy, the people charged and the slaughter began...*

twenty minuites later

*the man stepped out of the bar and reholstered his weapon, he walked over to his new ship and took off. he watched out of the main window into the black and spoke.*

"look out mal, here i come."

*the ship left planet side and wolf got closer to the serenity.*


Monday, July 31, 2006 2:05 PM


*Pain spoke up*

So we're doin' business with a sock puppet? I hope he knows we don't take lint as payment.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, July 31, 2006 2:11 PM


That sends Ertia into gales of laughter, the others just staring at her. "Three Deep is a very private person. I half expect we'll be doing business with three of his men and a video monitor...although..."

She doesn't finish her thought and shakes it off, "Nah. No lint. He likes to deal in cashy money."

"Seemed glad to see you alive," Wash pipes up, "You sure he won't blab your alive-and-wellness to the Alliance?"

Ertia sobers, "No. I'm not. But it's too late to worry about that now."

At one time, she would have said yes, that 3dp was one of the few hackers who stuck to the code, played by the unspoken rules of the digital underworld. But now, she couldn't make any promises.

Wolf, you know you can pm me, right? I would have sent you the plottwist info.


Monday, July 31, 2006 2:42 PM


*Mal replied*

Ah cashy money now there's some words in the verse that I like to hear. Now I know your contact said to only bring two people with you, but with our luck or more like bad luck here, it wouldn't help to have some eyes and ears up high.

*Mal turned to Pain and said*

Pain I want you and Jayne to take sniper duty just in case. Dong ma?

*Pain nodded and said*

Yes sir Captain.

*Mal turned to Ertia and said*

This won't be a problem will it?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, July 31, 2006 3:40 PM


Ertia pauses while she thinks about Mal's question. Underneath, she wants to trust Deep, and wants to prove that she, too, can hold to the code, that she's worthy of the hat she wears in the digital world.

But they can't trust anyone, even paranoid hackers.

Finally, she sighs, "Not a problem, sir. I'd rather it weren't a necessity. Deep and I go back a long way."

Mal drops a hand on her shoulder, "I'd rather it weren't, too. We can't be too careful."

"How long until we land on Paquin?" Ertia asks Wash.

He checks his com panel, "'Bout two hours more or less."

Ertia glances up at Pain, "You doing anything right at the moment?"

He shrugs, "Nope, just killing time."

"I gotta work of some nerves," She grins at the hopeful look in his eye, and almost feels bad expressing her next thought, "Wanna get a game of hoop-ball going?"


Monday, July 31, 2006 4:38 PM


*Pain was a little disappointed at Ertia's question, but smiled and said*

Yeah sure babe. Haven't played hoop ball in awhile. I hope I ain't rusty.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, July 31, 2006 6:02 PM


"Just don't take the septic hatch seal this time." Mal answers, his eyes already straying back to the viewing windows.

Ertia laughs, remembering how very nearly disastrous that was the last time. "No, sir. Kaylee picked up some junker parts Three Hills and I saw a hatch-seal in there."

She gives Pain a pat on the back. "I'm gonna round up Fly and Jayne. You go find JR and Guy. Y'all are gonna go down!"

He slaps her rear as she passes, "No ruttin' way, girl! JR, Guy and I are gonna eat ya alive!"

"Hey now!" Wash calls back from the pilots chair, "E and Fly might actually like that idea!"

With a leap, Ertia clears the last steps to land in the galley and taps Shepherd Book on the shoulder where he sits at the table, "Shepherd, we were talking three on three, but I bet if Sybil wants to play on JR's side, we can make it four on four!"

"Well now, I'd be honored to show you youngsters how the game is played." Shepherd Book stands up and loosens his cravat and Ertia grins at him.

"Great! Meet y'all in the cargo bay!"

She stops at the closet to grab the ball and check it for air before pelting into the cargo bay. "Game on! Who's in?"


Monday, July 31, 2006 6:04 PM


where's JR and Guy? Where's Fly? Where's the LIFE?


Monday, July 31, 2006 7:00 PM


They're probably busy or maybe they were kidnapped by the space monkies?

*Pain searched the ship for JR and Guy. He found Guy at the autowasher and said to him*

Hey Guy wanna play some hoop ball?

*Guy thought about it and replied*

Yeah I guess. Who's team will I be on?

*Pain grinned and said*

You'll be on mine. The game will be me, you, and JR against Ertia, Jayne and Fly. Hovever if Ertia gets another person and I can get another person, then we can have a game of four on four.

*Guy nodded and said*

Sounds like fun. So where's JR?

*Pain replied*

Probably in the infirmary with Sybil or somewhere. Why don't we go find them?

*Guy nods and the two men go off to find a third and possibly fourth player for their team.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 5:52 AM


Ertia hands Jayne the hoop from the scrapbin and lets him toss the web-strapping over the cargo-rail, grinning as he misses the first time, swears loudly and tries again.

This time, it hooks and as he pulls the hoop high, she bounces the ball against the floor and then against a crate.

Fly hops to the bottom of the stairs, her usual combat boots traded off for running shoes. "So, who's the team?"

"Pain went to get Guy and JR, maybe Sibyl. If Sibyl wants to play, Preacher's in." Ertia answers, pointing to where Book is sitting on the weight bench changing his shoes.

"We get Book?" Fly asks hopefully. The minister is lean, but strong, and fairly fast for his age.

Ertia nods happily and bounces the ball through the hoop as a test shot. "Little higher, Jayne!"


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 7:42 AM


*Pain and Guy found JR and Sybil in the galley talking about Mac. They looked over at Pain and Guy as they entered the galley. Pain smiled, nodded at Sybil, turned to JR and said*

So JR are you up for a game of hoop ball?

*Sybil intrigued said to JR*

What is this hoop ball game? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with it.

*JR smiled at Sybil and said*

It's a game where you throw a ball through a hoop. It's a team based game were your team tries to score more points than they other.

*Sybil nodded and said to JR*

That sounds quite delightful. Mind if I watch dear?

*JR smiled and replied*

Not at all Sybil. So Pain what are the teams?

*Pain replied*

Well so far Ertia has Jayne, Fly, and Book and right now I have just Guy here. I'm hopin' you could play on my team.

*JR grinned and said*

Well if that's the case consider me on your team. So who's gonna be our fourth?

*Pain thought about it then said*

Don't worry I know who to pick. Why don't you four go down to the cargo bay while I head to the engine room.

*Guy nodded and said*

Sure thing Pain. You know this is the first time I've played hoop ball in three years. I hope I ain't rusty.

*JR got up, along with Sybil and said to Guy*

I'm sure you'll do fine Guy.

*Guy nodded and left for the cargo bay with JR and Sybil. Pain watched them go and headed for the engine room. He heard Kaylee talking to John, knocked on the doorframe and said*

Uh Kaylee are you busy?

*Kaylee looked at Pain, smiled and said*

Not really Pain what can I do for ya?

*Pain grinned and said*

You up for a game of hoop ball? You can be on my team since Ertia has Fly, Jayne, and Book.

*Kaylee's eyes lit up as she said*

Well count me in Mr. Big, tall, mercenary man.

*Pain smiled and said*


*John tilted his head and replied*

I don't think I'm familiar with the game, mind if I watch?

*Kaylee smiled and replied*

Naw John that'd be shiny.

*Pain smiled and the three of them headed for the cargo bay.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 11:26 AM


wow, all quiet on the posting front. oh wait here comes the gremlin.

*62 crawled around on the ship looking for the wolf, he found the one that played with metal beepy stuff that seemed to be the wolfs mate.*

kaylee" hey there little guy, wolfs not around, he left...again."

*kaylee wiped a tear from her eye and walked down to the hoopball game.*

62" the wolf is gones?GONES!?"

* the creature grumbled away, the mechanic had not been specifical, he would have to find the wolf next time they were planetside.*

im writing this from experiment 62s computer (he lives about a block away) so its not interfering with any of his plans.


smile everybody!


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 1:14 PM


*Kaylee rejoined the group in the cargo bay. Pain looked at her, then back at Ertia and said*

Alright I have my team so what's the stakes?

*Ertia smiled and said*

Winners don't have to do chores for a month.

*Pain thought it over and said*

And the losers?

*Ertia replied*

The losers will have to do the winner's chores silly.

*Jayne threw the ball at Guy and said*

'Nuf talkin' lets play.

*JR replied*

Bring it on Jayne, me, Pain, Guy, and Kaylee will whoop y'all pigus.

*Jayne grinned and the game was on. It was a four on four game with Pain, Guy, JR, and Kaylee versus Ertia, Jayne, Fly, and Book.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 1:20 PM


*as the game starts he passes the ball*

Take it, Pain!
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 1:21 PM


Ertia ducks under JR's arm, catching the backwards bounce propelled to her from Shepherd Book.

Leaping as high as she can, she throws one-armed towards the hoop, only to see Pain's hand block it. With a mock glare, she dashes after it.

Jayne yells that he's free and she scoops the ball and sends it towards Jayne just before she finds herself tackled. She's giggling as she wails, "Hey! there's no tackling in hoop-ball!"

"Is now!" Guy lets her up and moves to block Jayne's shot, only to have Fly tackle him from behind.

For a brief moment, everyone is laughing, even the normally proper and prim Sybil.


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 1:39 PM


*JR snatches the ball as it rolls away from Guy. Book does his best to block JR and tries to grab the ball. JR pivots on his right foot, spots Pain and throws the ball over to him. Pain caught the ball and manuevered past Ertia. He jumped and thew the ball through the hoop. The four of them yelled in triumph as Pain made the first basket. Pain turned to Ertia and said*

You sure you don't want to quit now?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 2:09 PM


"Quit is a four letter word!" Ertia retorts, recovering the ball and passing it to Jayne. "Go, JAYNE!"

She ducks under Pain's arm and blocks JR's attempt to stop Jayne's shot.


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 2:27 PM


*Sybil watches from the catwalk as Jayne makes a basket and Ertia, Fly, and Book whoop it up. She turns to Choo who had heard there was a game going on in the cargo bay, and said to him*

This is certainly a very interesting game isn't Mr. Choo?

*Choo grinned and replied*

It certainly is. I have to say this game reminds me of one the young kids on Three Hill use to play.

*Sybil smiled and said to Choo*

Please tell me more Mr. Choo.


*Kaylee stole the ball from Fly and passed it to Guy. Guy bounced the ball between his legs as he moved across the cargo bay floor. Book grabbed the ball and threw it to Ertia, only to have it intercepted by Pain. Pain was about to make a shot when Ertia tackled him from behind. Pain craddled the ball as he rolled onto his back. He said to Ertia, who was straddling him and trying to take the ball from him*


*Ertia stuck out her tongue, managed to steal the ball from Pain, and said to him*

What're goin' to do about it?

*Ertia got her answer as she tried to shoot the ball. Pain grabbed one of her ankles and pulled her off balance, making her fall to the floor. Pain quickly snatched the ball back, smiled and said*


WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 4:09 PM


I've had word from our wayward 13. He'll not be able to post for a while so his subplot is on hold.
Fly? Are you out there? Should we head to Osiris after we unload the coin?

Ertia watches from the floor as Pain shoots, the ball tapping the rim before bouncing away. She grins, trying not to think about how good, how familiar, he'd felt underneath her when she'd tackled him. Springing back to her feet she helps block JR's dive for the ball, giving Jayne time to snag it and pass it to Fly.

The wiry gunwoman springs around Guy's outstretched hand and flings the ball with deadly accuracy though the middle of the hoop. Fly gives war whoop, "TWO to ONE!"

"Oh, you are so gonna pay for that!" JR dives for the ball and spins it behind Ertia's back to Pain.

"You got the credits, I got the time!" Fly catcalls, jumping to block Pain's path to the basket.

Ertia's trying to get the ball back, darting in front of him, trying to snag it on the bounce, but his t-shirt is soaked with sweat, clinging to his muscular frame, and she's close enough to see the outline of his pecs as he darts around her... too busy watching his body, she forgets to watch the ball, and he drops it easily to JR, who makes an easy lay-up through the hoop.

"ERTIA!" The rest of her team groans.

"Yer supposed to be blockin', not fantasticizing!" Jayne bellows, and she blushes, realizing that she'd just stood there and watched as they'd scored.


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 5:40 PM


That's fine with me E. 13'll post when he can. I PMed JR and Fly but I haven't heard anything yet.

*Pain shouted*

TWO to TWO! I do believe we're tied! JR shall we beat these four senseless?

*JR grinned and said as he went to block Jayne who had the ball*

Yes Pain we shall.

*Jayne replied as he tried to find someone open*

Y'all jus' jabber away. We'll wipe the floor with ya.

*Jayne spotted Fly and threw it to her. Fly was about to catch it when Guy jumped up, caught the ball, and elbowed Fly in the gut. Guy shouted as he dodged Ertia*

Sorry Fly you left me no choice!

*Guy ran from Ertia, sidestepped Book, ran towards the hoop, jumped and threw the ball through the hoop. Guy shouted out while hanging off the hoop with one hand*

THREE to TWO suckers!

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 7:14 PM


Ertia watches in frustration as Guy scored. "That's it! Y'all ain't seen nothing yet!"

She tugs up her shirt, tucking the bottom edge through the neckline, revealing her slim middriff and a deep well of cleavage. "Bring it on, kids!"

Fly flings the ball in her direction and Ertia bobs between JR's legs to grab it, and flip it over to Book. She darts for the basket and yells, "OPEN!" knowing that Book and Jayne wouldn't fall for it, while the others would.

As Pain and Kaylee move to block her from the ball, Shepherd makes a back-handed pass to Jayne, who immediately passes it to Fly.

Leaping up and propelling herself off a crate with one leg, she leaps high and slams the ball through the hoop!


"TAKE that!" Ertia is laughing, even as sweat runs down her face. She really really really doesn't want an extra month of chores! She'd counted on JR's recent trouble to slow him down some, give them the advantage. Obviously, she'd underestimated!


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 9:02 PM


*Pain wiped the sweat off his forehead with his shirt. Pain said as he took off his shirt, flinging it over near a crate*

Alright no more playin' nice.

*Pain rushes Fly who has the ball. She tries to make another shot when Pain jumps up and slams the ball away from her. Guy picks up the ball, dodges Jayne, and passes it to Kaylee. Kaylee sees Ertia coming at her and throws the ball to JR. JR then weaves between Jayne and Book and makes like he's going to throw the ball to Pain. Jayne takes the bait and swears to himself as JR moves around Books blocking and scores another point for his team.*

*Ertia takes the ball and runs down the cargo bay with it. Guy is distracted by Ertia's cleavage and misses a chance to block her. Ertia passes it to Fly who then passes it back to Ertia as JR is blocking Fly. Ertia is about to make the shot when Pain lifts her up from behind. This suprises Ertia who makes the mistake of passing the ball to Kaylee. Kaylee proceeds to run and tosses the ball to Guy who makes a basket for his team. Ertia says to Pain, who's still holding her*

You can put me down now.

*Pain smiles and says*

Do I have to?

*Ertia smiles and replies*

Yes Pain you do.

*Pain shrugs and says*

Alright suit yourself.

*Pain lets go of Ertia and watches her fall to her knees. She looks at him as he smiles and says*

Hey you didn't say I had to let you down nice and easy like.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 5:31 AM


Ertia takes a quick glance around her. Shepherd Book is tiring, and so is she, if the truth be known. They were down two and their options to pass up the other team were slim.

Twisting around, she grabs Pain around the knees, tripping him to the floor and straddling him. "All right, babe, you win this round. But y'all can expect a rematch!"

"Amen to that." Shepherd Book sighs, dropping his block. Kaylee takes advantage to throw one more hoop, ignoring his "Hey, you cheated!" look.

Ertia starts to get up, then stops, feeling the warmth of Pain's body underneath her, the intensity of his gaze on her body. "How long 'till we land?"

"'Bout forty-five minutes." Zoe calls down from where she was watching the game.

Turning her gaze back to Pain, Ertia whispers, "That's long enough. Care to play another kind of game?"


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 7:13 AM


*Pain smiled, looked into Ertia's eyes and whispered*

As long as it's just the two of us babe.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 10:01 AM


"Hopefully that one will a draw. If you know what i mean. " said Choo quietly as he stepped into the cargo bay and past the happy couple. "traders gotta have big ears you see" he whispered.

Its good to be back. and i'm ready for anything

"So whats been happening while i've been knocked out by some of the doc's hot choclate?" he addresses the crew as they packed up after the game...

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:03 AM


Mal shrugs and addresses Choo, "We'll be settin' down on Paquin about forty minutes. You're welcome to hop off there, if'n you'd like. We've got some business to take care of."

Then he hollers down at Kaylee who's helping Jayne retrieve the ring seal they'd used as a hoop, "Kaylee? Make a shoppin' list! You and Fly are on groceries!"

Ertia tugs Pain into his bunk, ignoring the glances of the others as she drops in and pulled the hatch closed.

Silence surrounds them for a long moment, then a distinct, "Mwarwo?" came from the bed.

"Shipscat! This ain't suitable for your delicate sensitivities!" Pain scoops up Shipscat and deposits her into the corridor before shutting the hatch again...


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:22 AM


walking into his cabin Choo grabs a couple of things for a quick trading session planet side. The usual stuff. Cornellious Statue, E-T-W replica globe, a bit of old spaceship here, strange looking device there....

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 12:02 PM


*wolf watched serenity under the cloking device*

wolf" hmmm, paquin, useful, barely any witnesses, no interference...yes. good."

*wolf turned around and faced his new crew.*

wolf" who here wants to cause some mayhem!!"

*the grizzly crew cheered*

wolf" then get down there and set up the plans, NOW YOU UGLY DOGS OR ILL SPACE YA ALL!"

*the crew hurry up. as the silent ship sped past serenity and landed on paquin, wolf looked out of the main window and rubbed the mark brandedto the back of his neck, PM, pirate master, the mark of one of niskas captains, wolf got 60% of the plunder but he was baisicly a slave. but it was the life that had been set out for him.*

*the crew set up all the traps and set ups.*

you guys can dodge some of the traps but at the end only wolf, john, kaylee and mal can be at the finale. so you can miss some but eventually everyone but those people get stopped.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 12:08 PM


I feel all special now

John walked toward Kaylee "mind if I come shopping with you got nothing else to do planetside"




Wednesday, August 2, 2006 1:10 PM


*Shipscat saunters off to the galley, mad that the big one threw her out. Pain smiled and said*

I don't know ho.....

*Ertia's mouth was on his, her arms wrapped around his neck. The rest of what Pain was going to say vanished from his brain as he picked up Ertia. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulled her mouth away from his, and said to him as she looked in his eyes*

Less talkin' more takin' clothes off.

*Pain smiled, let Ertia down and said between kisses*

That shouldn't take long, seein' as you didn't let me pick up my shirt.

*The two of them headed for Pain's bed, clothes falling to the sides as they passionately kissed each other.*

25 minutes later....

*Ertia and Pain laid in his bed, their bodies sheened in sweat. Pain brushed some sweat soaked hair away from Ertia's face, smiled and said*

So does this mean you forgive me?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 2:12 PM


yeah well, your part of the wolf/kaylee/three hills backstory arent you.

*as wolfs men prepared their various surprizes for the crew wolf wondered, ok, there'll be there in oh about twenty minuites, let them do their trading pick them off one by one, non-fataly of course, they are my friends after all, corner off mal, kill him, apologise to rest of crew, run away, give niska mals spine and dismembered head as proof. seemed simple enough.*

when your comeing back from your various planet side jobs you each fall into a induvidual and imaginitive trap (come up with them your self my brain aches.) then me and mal have showdown in rainy place, with john and kaylee watching, but please postpone showdown thing until i say coz its one in the morning and ive got to sleep soon. thanks


smile everybody!


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 2:22 PM


Uh, no?


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 2:29 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:

So does this mean you forgive me?

Ertia thinks for a long moment, pushing away the vague feeling that someone is trying to god-mod the story. "There's nothing to forgive, Pain. You did what you had to do. What's going on with me, it's not you who betrayed me. In fact, you've never given me reason to doubt. I just...
It's not easy."

"I know, bao bei." Pain wraps his arms around her and she nuzzles close.

The telltale rumble of the ship as it rolls through atmo catches their attention, and Ertia grins, "Guess we'd better get ready to roll!"


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 2:30 PM


LOL! i've just hada pretty rough day today, tidying, cleaning, being a perfctionist, anyone else had a hard day?


smile everybody!


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 2:33 PM


dont worry, im joking, you do wat ever you like, but can anyone think of some cool traps cos my brains all achy today.


smile everybody!






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