Male and Female Imponderables--Till Birnam wood remove to Dunsinane

UPDATED: Wednesday, August 2, 2006 10:49
VIEWED: 11626
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Wednesday, August 2, 2006 6:03 AM


Droppin' in quick fast and in a hurry.

Bein' short staffed cuts in on posting. Like I'm here to work or something, sheesh.

Caught up on what I missed. Lotsa hungry folks out there. Glad to see i'm not the only one.

How do Copilot? Just thinkin' of you. Don't even know why. Sometimes just being present for someone is enough. Talking about things other than problems can keep a person from breaking. Be very careful. The problems will surface, just be ready.

Be back later. Everyone have a nice lunch!

Catch y'all in a bit. Gotta work. How dumb is that?

Observation: Just realized I type the way I speak. Must really pull the chains of some of you more educated folk out there.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 6:13 AM


NVG, it is horrible when work gets in the way of posting, doesn't it? Been happening to me lately. And I, for one, enjoy the way you type...doesn't yank no chain of mine!



Wednesday, August 2, 2006 6:15 AM


Top 'o' the mornin'.... Just popping in to say howdy. Since I don't like Sushi, I have little to say at the moment.

To the 'G's, happy baby making. I hear offspring are wonderful.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 6:21 AM


Congratulations!!I'm so happy for you two, I'm sure you'll make great parents!

PR: I've never tried sushi, but please tell me spider rolls aren't what I think they are...
you don't like octopus? I can manage it fried in small doses, but too much and the rubberiness is eughh!
I am hopeless in the kitchen,I even struggle with cheese on toast, and I refuse to cook meat, I'm just scared I'll kill somneone or blow something up or something...
Woah, goat you are brave to eat all that stuff!
Right now, I would kill for some Ravioli alla panna from Ristorante Italiana in Manchester, it is to die for!

Ged: its the other way around with my parents; My mum loves spicy food, but my dad breaks out in a sweat if its even a teeny bit spicy.

Went to Manchester today, to get books for the holidays. I got some canvases to play with, as I am feeling creative for acrylics. I didn't mean to buy them, I only went into Fred Aldous' (everything the creative mind could ever wish for) for a tube of watercolour paint, but of course, that place is like a treasure chest.
Had to walk through emo/mosher territory to get to Fred's. Usually this makes me uncomfortable as I dress in really bright colours, but today, I got a few of them checking out my shiny new(ish) converse, Bright sky blue with bright pink lining. that reminds me, I need to get a black pair...

I haven't had this much fun since the last time I ate a lightbulb
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 6:27 AM


CP: That is awful, I don't know what to say..
I find it best to just hug the person, and listen to them, be their solid, silent shoulder to cry on. Just be their for him in any way you can, even if its something really small, I'm sure he'll appreciate it.

I haven't had this much fun since the last time I ate a lightbulb
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 6:47 AM


So here is the worst of it. Like us all he has issues with his parents. I play mommy to most of my friends. Yes my irrsponsible arse plays mommy! Okay so a little background I live in sex offender capital of the U.S. Sucks but nobody makes it out of childhood without damage. Sorry letting that out cause this has become my safe haven.

For him however his dad beat him constantly untill he hit his growth spurt. His mom was on drugs when he was born and now....I want to be a good friend but I'm leaving town. I told him to come with but he won't. I don't want to leave him behind me.

An I carried such a torch


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 7:10 AM


So... here's an imponderable on my current dating situation. I went out on a first date last Friday and it went really well. I mean we really connected on a lot of things - we have a ton in common. I called her the next day to let her know I had a great time and we talked for like an hour. Then later that night she sent me a text message and I sent her one back. I was like cool, she's thinking about me. I had hoped she would call me within the next few days of me calling her. I haven't heard from her since I called after the date. I called her last night and left a message and now I'm kind of waiting again for her call. Granted, she is like a month out of a 4 year long-distance relationship, so I know things should be taken extremely slowly.

So my imponderable is, how long would you wait to call someone you're interested in? And how long is too long?

The only thing that sucks about dating is this calling game. Ahhh, such is life though.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 7:37 AM


At last!! I survived ... two days at a house where the dialup was too slow to load our imponderable page, and then a full 24 hour day of traveling. Ugh.....

Well, MsG, that's really awesome, have fun with that whole pregnancy thing, you'll make a great mother. MisterG, just have faith in the procreatin' system, you'll come around. And you got someone to lean on in them times of trouble.

And MsG, the pregnancy will both creepify and intrigue your students. As someone who had a wonderful teacher who was pregnant during the year... kids will be curious, but also oddly respectful once you start getting full in the belly. But be ready to be known for awhile as "the pregnant teacher". It's not being rude, just an identifying thing. (Also, if you're timing this right, you could give birth and do the nasty first months during the summer. Good plan.)

Ok, um... redheads, I admit I can find them cute, but just like I can find most other women-folk cute. it's just hair, it's all in the face and the personality to me.

Um... I'm forgetting stuff.

To all our bi folk, good job keep on expanding mating horizons! Keep flyin'.

To copilot: Moving? You're moving!? As for the friend... if you're leaving and all, there isnt a ton you can do if he needs company. But as was mentioned above, if he wants to talk, he will, and if he dont, then dont you start talking. Most like he'll talk on his own though.

Ok, finally back in PST, kinda tired, but I'm gonna have to get on with my rehearsals and stuff. At least I got a copy of Firefly region 2 for my cousin. Hoping she likes it.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 8:20 AM


Wlcome to the Co-dependant world. Really sucks from time to time so watch yourself.

Welcome back Whitefall.

I got some Ben and Jerry's Coffee Heath Bar Crunch in front of me. Payback for all you bungers out there talkin' food and carryin' on about the finer things in life.

Still love y'all. Almost as much as chocolate.

"And it burn burns burns
That ring of fire
That ring of fire."


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 8:41 AM


Welcome back Whitefall! Ahhh, I miss that good ol' PST.

On and as for redheads: Love 'em. I think it's very sexy.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 9:03 AM


CoPilot: Just be a friend. Let his behaviour be your guide. If he wants to talk, he'll talk. If he wants to pretend everything is normal, that's what he'll do. Just be there.

Whitefall: Welcome back! What exactly is PST? All I can come up with is Pyscho-Sexual Tension, which is what me and mine always called the dynamic between Mulder and Scully and could be said of Mal and Inara

GED: Calling sucks. If you called her, leave it. It's her turn and if you call too much, you'll scare her off.

Oh, and yippee on the date. I'm a little jealous...although not really because dating makes me nauseated.

Edited: What's up with the thread title? We've been here before, yes? Tristan, do you need more coffee?

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 9:21 AM


Thanks Rug, yeah I'm gonna let her call me. Well, I guess technically I should have said PDT, as I was referring to Pacific Daylight Time. But I am currently CST, so that's why I used that.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 9:31 AM


DAMN IT! DID it again...This is MrsG...ARGH must change log in
OK this whole thread title shift is weirding me out..Whew I am beat. My cute freind Allie is out of town. She has 5 ( yes 5 this is Utah people try to keep up) 4 boys ages 13, 11, 9, and 5 and 1 little girl who is 18 months. So while she is out of town I am helping out ( these are also the kids I tutor) I go over at 8 am and dad leaves. I fix breakfast, get the kids up, dressed, and fed. Then we get all the beds made and the house picked up from the tornado like state it is in. Then we tutor for a while and the boys go out to play. Then I fix a casserole dinner and fix lunch. After that play with baby girl until boys come in for lunch. Feed and clean up from lunch. Make sure house is perfectly clean and such and all dad has to do for dinner is heat and eat. Dad gets home about 1 pm... Then tomorrow do it all again ( because sadly, by the time I get there it won't matter how clean I left it, it will look like a recent hurricane has passed though.) This is why one kid is plenty!!! Today I had the cheerful surprise that dad let boys have sleep over so there were an extra 5 kids in the house needing feeding and cleaning up after. Then 3 more kids came to play so I started to think WWFMFD( what would Future Mrs. Fillion do) I sent all the boys out to play at friends houses and cleaned up with just baby girl.
OK rant done:)

"There can be only one."


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 9:35 AM


so here's a nice imponderable to go with my previous ( and annoyingly posted under husbands name) post

Are women naturally better at mothering or is it just centuries of practice? ( this is not meant to be rude to dads, just statistically and observationally most care giving is mom's job...also most laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc..)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 9:53 AM


Thats the worst. Wish I could scrap the "whose turn to call" idea altogether. Guess its her turn. Don't forget a friendly reminder call. Although, kinda depends on how well/long you've known her.

Rugbug- Psycho Sexual Tension. Re-read Ged's previous post with that in mind. Still giggling.

I've been griping about the heat wave. Not because its hot (its actually very cool in Nevada right now) but because the focus has been on how it relates to Los Angeles and New York. People in between have been roasting thier parts off for a month, but the news worries so much about the mouth and a-hole of the country so much.
And our on going military activity. I hope anyone listening will take my advice. If you are interested in seeing some truth about those issues, read Soldier of Fortune magazine. I'd read it since I was twelve. Anything truthful I'd heard from others or seen myself that may have been reported on in that magazine was either true or corrected for accuracy later. Just tired of the crap out there. I hope that anyone who has other truth related information sources will share them with the rest of us.

Good news. My little brother is a new daddy. Eight pounds, twenty one inches, and a girl. Can't stop beaming. Found out yesterday but it just now sunk in.

"And it burn burns burns
That ring of fire
That ring of fire."


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 10:00 AM


NVG, no fair mentioning ice cream! far as the title goes, I used one from the past by mistake. Then I changed it...but every now and then it still pops back as the old one. You should see something about Birnam woods and Dunsinane...
I do not blame the lack of coffee, I blame the lack of thinking.

I am sorry I made a mistake with the naming of the thread. I promise next time to do better! We aren't at the point of needing a new one yet, so hang in there.



Wednesday, August 2, 2006 10:12 AM


Ok, I should have said PDT, I meant the time zone, in california. That PST-PDT thing.

Woot, gratz, UNCLE NV!!! (Take THAT!!!)

Lol, MSG, you have an interesting summer job. But lol at "WWFMFD". That just cracks me up.

EDIT: Are women better mothers? I'd say that maternal instinct is very real, but that does not mean that men cant and arent dads in the same way. However, I do often look at dads (I was in three airports yesterday, glasgow, philly and SF, good sampling of baby folk) and I find a lot of the dads are quick to anger at their toddlers. Not ANGER anger, but they do seem sorta annoyed by the kid. Not a good sign. But of course all the folk I saw could have been horribly jetlagged.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 10:28 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
I've been griping about the heat wave. Not because its hot (its actually very cool in Nevada right now) but because the focus has been on how it relates to Los Angeles and New York. People in between have been roasting thier parts off for a month, but the news worries so much about the mouth and a-hole of the country so much.

You're griping about the heat? Try living in a state with 100% humidity. Oh, and having your power out.


"See, this is a sign of your tragic space dementia. All paranoid and crotchety, it breaks the heart."


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 10:37 AM



Originally posted by Penguin:
Tristan...How come the name reverted back to an old thread??? I'm seeing "Male and Female Imponderables--The course of true love never did run smooth" on the front page...

Just so you know I'm not imagining things!


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 10:38 AM


Like I said, its pretty cool in NV. Just sick of the Ass and Mouth of the US getting all the attention.

WWFMFD. So much for not laughing out loud, looking like a complete psycho.

Mothers. Depends on the case.

Crap, gotta work.

"And it burn burns burns
That ring of fire
That ring of fire."


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 10:39 AM


NV- That is soooooo great!!!! I just love being an aunt! It's so great:)

Not so much s summer job, it's just for this week. The tutoring's a year round gig. Allie has some serious physical problems due to the fact that 4 years ago she was touring a friend's new home and the construction workers had removed the floor and subfloor and put down a sheet of plywood without telling anyone. Allie was first out of the door and fell 2 stories. She fractured her back in 3 places and pulverized her ankles and feet. So I kind help out with kids and homework stuff so she doesn't get swamped.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 10:39 AM


Penguin, I know. When I logged on this morning, it was so much.

I am going to start a new thread. I shall return.

New home:



Wednesday, August 2, 2006 10:49 AM


*heads to new thread*






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