Male and Female Imponderables--No more Shakespeare

UPDATED: Friday, August 4, 2006 11:44
VIEWED: 18215
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Wednesday, August 2, 2006 10:42 AM


Ok, seeing as the last one got screwed up, I have created a new one.
This is something like the 12th or 13th Imponderable thread...we are doing well! I think we are figuring each other out a little at a time.

Last thread:

Lurkers are welcome to post. Hope to see you here!

Post away!



Wednesday, August 2, 2006 10:46 AM


YAY! I'm number 2!


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 10:47 AM


oooh new thread...shiny

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 10:50 AM


ok silly ,but fun

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 10:53 AM


Deleted because...
... can't remember.

I gotta question.
Do women read in the bathroom? I've met maybe two or three who said they do. So why is reading more prevelent in the male bathroom break than in the female. Only answer I've gotten thus far is, "Men have to relax their brains somewhere." Considering leaving that as the answer. Someone change my mind. Please!

"And it burn burns burns
That ring of fire
That ring of fire."


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 10:57 AM


Without getting into the gross, I, as a male, think it's because we spend more time in the bathroom than the females. In my years of study and research on the opposite sex, that is one of the things I have noticed; that they spend less time in the bathroom (unless, of course, they are preening! )



Wednesday, August 2, 2006 10:58 AM



Originally posted by msg:
ok silly ,but fun


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:00 AM


I always read in the bathroom.

It give men a moment of quiet and solitude to reflect on our day...


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:10 AM


I have an Imponderable...kinda inspired by reading the news today. If I don't get it down, I'll forget about it, so:
What is your heart's desire? Material, emotional, a concept...what? And what would you be willing to do to gain it?



Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:15 AM


I agree with Tristan here, I think guys just spend more time there than women.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:16 AM


So I read in the Uncle Johns Big Bathroom Reader: "Most sought after prize to find in a Cracker Jack box: toy ring. Why: Often used as engagement rings."

Who has actually found the Cracker Jack ring? Not me.
I realize that part of my many problems is the fact that nothing is ever perfect. Not that everything should be. But it seems that every single romantic relationship I have ever ben in lacked something. Those grand moments like the first time you jumped out of a plane or the excitement of graduating never seemed to happen for me. First sexual experience with someone you love is one thing, but what about marriage and children. I cannot fathom the sensation of these things.

Lost momentarily. Stupid brain.

"And it burn burns burns
That ring of fire
That ring of fire."


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:17 AM


My heart's desire is to find that special someone to share my life with. What would I do? Hmm, well I 'll tell you what I wouldn't do. I wouldn't sacrifice my character, beliefs, or friends. But, I would definitely go to great lengths for the right girl.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:22 AM


peace of mind. that's about it, just happens to be a big 'it'


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:30 AM


So, brain working not so well.

Everything mentioned previously is part of my hearts desire. I hope,(as GED mentioned), to find that one woman to share life with. Its not just romance and love, but its also the hope of finding the missing piece that still is a mystery to me. There has always been some sad, lifeless spot that never seems to go away. Even when I feel my face smiling there always is discomfort in my grin.

"And it burn burns burns
That ring of fire
That ring of fire."


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:42 AM


No, I don't read in the bathroom. My whole theory on that is that we sit down a whole lot more than the guys. There's nothing special about sitting. If I have to sit for a long time, it's time to analyze how much fiber I'm getting in my diet.

Men on the other hand only sit approx. 50% of the time. It's almost a novelty. A break. Why not read and relax?

Heart's desire: This is very strange to write my heart's desire after writing about reading in the restroom.

My heart's desire is to have many, many nice horses, the time to ride them all, and the money to keep them and show them how I wish to. Oh, and a man to share my life with. Heh....

The man only comes second because I think that is an easier goal than the horse thing.

Mothering: I think certain things about women make nuturing/care-giving easier. For instance, we've got the boobs and are thusly the food source. Anyone who has spent time around animals (and yes, I am going to compare raising children to raising training animals...if more people treated child-rearing like that, we'd have a lot better behaved children) you quickly see that the animals bond with the primary caregiver. The one who meets those immediate needs. The first few months of a child's life, that is mommy...unless definite pains are taken to allow daddy to be viewed as the caregiver as well. But going and getting munchkin and passing it off to momma to milk is not caregiving (although it is nice that mom doesn't have to get outta bed ).

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:51 AM



All the women I know do. Also, some of us read in the tub. Its nice to soak, relax and read. But it can destroy a book pretty quickly when you fall asleep.

one of the Forsaken TM


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:54 AM



Originally posted by Penguin:
YAY! I'm number 2!

Okay, nobody step in that. I think something was living in here.

(sorry, Penguin, I coouldn't resist. Nothing but love for you )

So who is he?
He's my husband.
Well who in the damn galaxy ain't!


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:54 AM


Reading about reading in the restroom then writing about it.

Okay, I am slow. Took a sec to understand what I wrote. Strangely I got it right the first time.

Think if you found a rich guy that likes to stay in shape with manual labor you'd be set.

ADD: New sig worked
Me so happy. Love you long time -Full Metal Jacket as aired on NBC, 1993


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 12:03 PM


I do read in the bathroom, but then again, you rarely see me without a book. A lot of the women in my family have this genetic condition where we have a compulsion to read constantly. In fact, if we don't have a book with us, we become severely cranky and irrational. It's a real condition, honest.

EDIT: By the way, cool sig, NV.


"See, this is a sign of your tragic space dementia. All paranoid and crotchety, it breaks the heart."


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 12:12 PM


Maybe I'm the exception to this, but I have never been one to spend excessive time in the bathroom. I tend to take care of business and leave.

I would put a snarky remark here about getting that out of my system when I was a teenager, but since I don't ever plan to grow up too much...

So who is he?
He's my husband.
Well who in the damn galaxy ain't!


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 12:22 PM


Reading in the bathroom is the only refuge I have at work. I have a busybody boss who can't stand it if he sees you standing still for more then five consecutive seconds, and the only place I can both get away from him and be said to still be taking care of my job is in the farthest stall in the men's bathroom. And I bring a book, to wile away the time.

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 12:23 PM


Maybe its the whole bath thing in general - since I know a lot of women who like baths - but I've always been a man who loves a good shower. And, you know, its damned hard to read in the shower. Now, I like hottubs, but again, its hard to read in them, and generally I have better things to do, like drinking mimosas and whatnot.

"Don't put your trust in revolutions. They always come around again. That's why they're called revolutions. People die, and nothing changes." -Terry Pratchett "Night Watch"


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 12:25 PM



Originally posted by BSCPantherfan:

Originally posted by Penguin:
YAY! I'm number 2!

Okay, nobody step in that. I think something was living in here.

(sorry, Penguin, I coouldn't resist. Nothing but love for you )


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 12:26 PM


i got nothing about the bathroom thing...except to say that War and Peace was a catchy little book...

what i just noticed, however, is the date at the top of the site...Thursday, June 22, 2006 13:38.... was that the day of the last big crash ?.... time to rewind the old timex

"endeavor to persevere..." Chief Dan George as Lone Waite, Indian chief


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 12:28 PM



I have that disease too! If I don't have a book or magazine I read boxes, bottles, whatever there is!

one of the Forsaken TM


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 12:32 PM


I have never drunk a whatnot. Have one in the corner though!

one of the Forsaken TM


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 12:34 PM


I don't spend a lot of time in the bathroom either, but I will occasionally read something, and I'll be in there longer.

Have any of you ever spend so much time reading that your legs are alseep when you try to get up? I'm talking 10+ minutes at least.



Wednesday, August 2, 2006 12:37 PM


I forgot - my heart's desire - I'm assuming here that we mean a personal thing, not world peace, etc. (not that those type of things are not worthy too)

- to be able to lose that bit of me that is still too self-centered after years of trying to get rid of it. It would bring me more inner peace, that is for sure. I still find myself looking back on some things at the end of a day, saying, "Oops."



Wednesday, August 2, 2006 12:48 PM


Yes, I deserved that smack, Penguin, and I accept it.

I just caught up on the rest of the old thread, and now I'm hungry! PR, have you used real wasabi or just the stuff that they have here in the states. Most of it is horseradish with food coloring, and not real wasabi at all.
As far as spicy foods, I like them, but if the spice overwhelms the taste of the food, it isn't for me.

One if the Japanese Sushi places around here has their own names for some of their sushi, and they call one of them "the Atomic Bomb". I've never gotten to try it yet, but I am curious.

So who is he?
He's my husband.
Well who in the damn galaxy ain't!


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 12:50 PM



we've got the boobs and are thusly the food source.

(unless theres an emote for :rotflmao:)


Anyone who has spent time around animals (and yes, I am going to compare raising children to raising training animals...if more people treated child-rearing like that, we'd have a lot better behaved children) you quickly see that the animals bond with the primary caregiver.

In the last thread I mentioned our philosophy of much carrot/little stick - we praise our son when he does the right thing. When he thanked a woman I know for some little thing, I praised him "Good boy!", and the woman responded "What is he, a dog?"
Well. The similarities are remarkable - especially when we started potty training him and he kept leaving little puddles on the carpet like a tall, blond spaniel.


But going and getting munchkin and passing it off to momma to milk is not caregiving (although it is nice that mom doesn't have to get outta bed ).

I'm sitting here feeding him salsa chips and the occational chocolate chip cookie. Does that count?

"Don't put your trust in revolutions. They always come around again. That's why they're called revolutions. People die, and nothing changes." -Terry Pratchett "Night Watch"


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 12:53 PM



Originally posted by GrrrArg:
Maybe its the whole bath thing in general - since I know a lot of women who like baths - but I've always been a man who loves a good shower. And, you know, its damned hard to read in the shower.
"Don't put your trust in revolutions. They always come around again. That's why they're called revolutions. People die, and nothing changes." -Terry Pratchett "Night Watch"

I have always been a shower guy, too. I tried to come up with a way to read a book in the shower, but it never worked the way I wanted, and Dad always complained that I was costing him too much in water. Now that they have e-books, I suppose you could put one into a waterproof enclosure sort of like the shower radios, with a touch screen to change pages. You could even get a wireless connection for it to load new books in when you are inished with the ones it came with. Hmm, I may have just stumbled onto something here.... (wanders off mumbling to self).

So who is he?
He's my husband.
Well who in the damn galaxy ain't!


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 1:19 PM


When I was 15, I made my own book stand for reading while taking a bath. I tested it out, opened up the book, put it on the stand - and PLOP it fell right in the water.

And there went my inventor streak! Poof.



Wednesday, August 2, 2006 1:22 PM



Wednesday, August 2, 2006 3:58 PM


Wow...apparently I was tending and tutoring kids today WHILE I was at my normal job too? Damn I'm good :D

BTW: did I mention I make Sushi? heh

"There can be only one."


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 5:32 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

catching up from the last thread:
SBDB, no a spider roll is not actual spiders. Gawd, that would be gross! It is crab. I'm not sure why it's called a spider roll, except that two out of the 6-8 rolls have crab legs on them that almost but not quite sort of resemble spider legs. They are very yummy.
Ged, I tend to not wait to call someone I really like; I'll do what you did and call them the next day and then expect them to call me. There are a lot of stupid "rules" about calling that I think are, well, stupid, such as waiting three days or whatever. How long is too long? I'd say a week is starting to push it, and two weeks is definitely too long. But everyone (and I mean everyone) has their own ideas about it. So... does this mean you won't be coming up to Colorado to see me?
Copilot, huggles are about all you need, darlin. Sorry to hear you live in such a messed-up area, too.

Originally posted by Whitefall:
To all our bi folk, good job keep on expanding mating horizons! Keep flyin'.

Heheh, that's cute! Where were all the boys like you when I was in high school? Hell, people in general who thought it was shiny would have been nice! Well, glad you're back.
Ms G, sounds like good practice for your own little one!
I don't know about women being better at it. I think more women are better at it, but some men are better at it than some women. But in general, we're kind of genetically programed for it. And, honestly, it literally has to be built in. I mean, it is built in. I mean, we carry the little things, we give birth, we go through all this (and in the meantime it's possible the father has disappeared by now) Ok, I might be backpeddling here now because this sounds really bad. The fact is, it's a lot easier for men to get out of being caregivers because they can run away. It doesn't happen as much anymore, but I'm sure in the days before languange and/or civilization it happened all the time. "Duty done, ok, I'm off now" and a mom was stuck with a big belly, a hard labor, and the responsibility of raising. That might have gotten ingrained. But I know there are good fathers in the world. That was long.
NVG, I've read in the bathroom since I was about nine. Used to worry my mom because I would end up being in there for awhile, just reading. I also used to read while eating and still do a lot. I just like to read.
Getting into an unanswerable question, Tristan! My heart's desire, I suppose, is to be happy and secure in my life. What that would take, I don't know. What I would do to have it I don't know either. Whatever I had to, I guess. Wouldn't sacrifice what made me happy, though. Well, duh. That'd be counter-productive. I think being in a good romantic relationship does a lot for me, though. And having good friends. And I think not having to worry about money would be good, too.
I've found a crappy ring in cracker jack. Really, it was crappy; totally plastic, just one piece. I'm pretty sure. I was, like, five.
BSC, I can tell the difference between wasabi and horsradish, beleive me! They taste completely different (and ahve a completely different texture) and can take more horsradish than wasabi. Wasabi makes me choke.
I like showers a lot, but sometimes I need to soak. It's a very comforting thing, to soak in hot water. I read in the bath, too. Very carefully now; I ruined many books as a child.
OK, so Ms G makes all these wonderful dishes, and MisterG makes sushi? Where do I sign up for that? Seriously, do y'all think you'll need a live-in nanny or something?
And now I'm all caught up. Time to see what else I missed.



Wednesday, August 2, 2006 6:27 PM


As far as bathroom reading, I really don't. However, my mind is not idle either. I usually get some great ideas in the bathroom, since besides that time before I fall asleep in bed, it's really one of the only isolated places to really think. Now that I share a bathroom though, I can't sit there forever anymore and work thoughts through.

Showering vs. baths...I think like most guys, I shower. In fact, I haven't taken a bath in 4 years. The last time was when I was in Italy and the hotel had a tub, but no shower head, so it was bath-time. Of course, hot-tubbin' doesn't count. Anyways, back to homework. Stupid electrons all movin' around an' stuff...

"All I got is a red guitar, three chords, and the truth...the rest is up to you"


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 6:49 PM


Muaha speaking of baths. The last one I took was a bubble bath with the wife a few years back.

I'll let her tell the story because it'll leave you all in stitches....

"There can be only one."


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:05 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

I think this was Tristan's question, but Ged said it so nicely...

Originally posted by Ged:
My heart's desire is to find that special someone to share my life with. What would I do? Hmm, well I 'll tell you what I wouldn't do. I wouldn't sacrifice my character, beliefs, or friends. But, I would definitely go to great lengths for the right girl.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.

...what he said... all of it - even the signature!!

Ah... Except I'd do that for a guy, not a girl. I am still convinced that there is someone worth the wait out there ...

I would move to another state or country but hope that he'd love me enough to stay in, or return to, my own 'safe territory'.

I'd forgive and forget silly arguments

I'd love him for who he is and not for who he isn't and want to make him into that ... seen too many relationships implode that way...

I might even cook for him...

I'd wash his socks and jocks - but I won't iron his shirts if I can help it!

I'd let him see me at my worst, and also save my very best for him too!

Is that the kind of thing you were thinking of - it's definitely spiritual/emotional though it'd be nice to be financially secure too and to work towards your dreams and goals together...

Mwaaah - Magda x x x

{Edit} sorry - behind again - like the gorgeous Phoenix Rose I usually end up readin' in the toilet because I cannot put the book down and I need to go... it's a practical thing rather than a lifestyle choice... and I too read while I'm eating, Darling, but I never let the kids I nanny do that (& I don't do it in company)... it's rude!

Mr & Ms G - in light of the cooking, cleaning and sushi revelations I thought I'd send you my resume - I've been a nanny for 8 years now and have excellent references, don't mind the nappies and the cryin', just hate the cleaning and cooking - though my current employer makes really good sushi too...might have to think about that one...

Mwaaah - again - Magda x x x

"I love my Captain!"


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:22 PM



Originally posted by deepgirl187:
I do read in the bathroom, but then again, you rarely see me without a book. A lot of the women in my family have this genetic condition where we have a compulsion to read constantly. In fact, if we don't have a book with us, we become severely cranky and irrational. It's a real condition, honest.

Well, I don't think it's specific to women because I have it too.
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 12:14 AM


[immature brat]
*perks up* Bubble bath? Oooh...*ponders* *makes a "eww" face* *holds nose*
MsG pray tell, what did MisterG do that made it years since he's had a bath?
*ducks flying objects* Hey! That's what MisterG said!
[/immature brat] no particular order to previous postings:

Goat: FYI, surimi is actually "fake" crab meat (a sort of fishcake made to kinda look/semi-taste like crab). I can usually find it in the refrigerated or frozen section with other packaged fish products. [Bah! I can't find a decent picture of it. ](Then again, I'm on a rock smack dab in the middle of the Pacific.)

CP and CaliforniaKaylee: *hugs* I don't hate you guys for your past....My issues with brd ex 1 and 2 are for mindfk and soulf they both did to me. Looking back, I can see how I was partially to blame for the mess since I was young and immature. *shrug* Looking back, I wish I had been able to walk away from both exs when the relationships ended.
(As a follow-up, ex1 ended up in a 'shotgun' wedding and eventually divorced, ex2 also has a child but no real contact with their son's other parent.)

CP: I agree with others, follow your friend's lead. I realize it's hard to just "be there" for a friend -- heck there's times I wish I could do more than just listen to my friends when they're stressed. Just realize and recognize that what your doing may not seem like much, but it's a lot more than you realize.

Whomever was talking about "sashimi roll" (I think it was you, PR, but I'm probably wrong) did you mean temaki ("te" [tay] == hand, "maki" [ma-key] == roll) sushi

NV: Congratulations Uncle! From someone whose going to have a niece or nephew soon (sibling announced that they're expecting).

FMF: *hugs* *digs around and pulls out a couple of hand-rolled chocolate decadence truffles to give to FMF* Eat 'em slow...they're really good. I know NVGhostrider, Tristan, and everyone else is offering to help you *ahem* "deal" with ex-FMF, but if you want on the sneaky-type of dealin's...Well, how scary is a 5'3" asian woman? (Answer: Not very in appearance...)

To whomever pulled out the Ben and Jerry's ice cream (Tristan? NVGhostrider?): Not tempted, nope, nuh-uh....Now if you had pulled out some well-made green tea ice cream (don't buy Baskin-Robbins green tea ice cream...poorly made stuff)...*droo...* Nope, not drooling, no way...*wipes face with very absorbent towel, especially across mouth area*

Spicy: Heh...I'm getting closer and closer to being able to eat true Korean summer kim-chee...and maybe eventually winter. (I've seen those things melt plastic spoons! I kid you not!...and it was physically cool! *shivers*)
I've heard that the heat from peppers releases some endorphins for some people...It must work on me...

I seem to be commenting on foodstuffs, so...Goat -- those snails looked gross (and I've had escargot!) Haven't had raw liver. I've eaten tripe, squid, cuttlefish, what's called 'sweet shrimp' (amaebi that's usually on edo-style sushi and eaten raw), pig (or was it beef) intestine soup, squid lu`au (imagine defrosted, chopped spinach cooked with squid and some coconut milk to look like a thickish soup), natto (fermented soybeans -- beleive me, that's an acquired taste), poi (taro that's been steamed, then pounded with water -- it's been compared to 'purple-grey' paste)...(Why do I think I've just disgusted several of the imponderables here? )

Reading in the bathroom...I usally do it when I have to "meditate" there, or sometimes when I soak in the bathtub. But that's rare.

Okay...once again, it's late, and I'm off to bed.
'Night everyone.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 12:14 AM


bah...double post...(how did that happen? I only hit the button once?)


Thursday, August 3, 2006 12:20 AM



Originally posted by Dancingneko:
I seem to be commenting on foodstuffs, so...Goat -- those snails looked gross (and I've had escargot!) Haven't had raw liver. I've eaten tripe, squid, cuttlefish, what's called 'sweet shrimp' (amaebi that's usually on edo-style sushi and eaten raw), pig (or was it beef) intestine soup, squid lu`au (imagine defrosted, chopped spinach cooked with squid and some coconut milk to look like a thickish soup), natto (fermented soybeans -- beleive me, that's an acquired taste), poi (taro that's been steamed, then pounded with water -- it's been compared to 'purple-grey' paste)...(Why do I think I've just disgusted several of the imponderables here? )

oh, no reason *holds hand to mouth and says* I'm just be over there for a second *runs off to the corner and pukes several times*
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 1:06 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
Ged, I tend to not wait to call someone I really like; I'll do what you did and call them the next day and then expect them to call me. There are a lot of stupid "rules" about calling that I think are, well, stupid, such as waiting three days or whatever. How long is too long? I'd say a week is starting to push it, and two weeks is definitely too long. But everyone (and I mean everyone) has their own ideas about it. So... does this mean you won't be coming up to Colorado to see me?

Ahh sweetie, I may make my way out there sometime, you never know. As for the girl, we played phone tag yesterday, but it seems like she's losing interest in me. She called and cancelled or postponed our second date. We only talked for a second because I was at work, so I haven't deciphered which one it is yet. But I haven't been able to get a hold of her since. Oh well, what will be will be, they say. C'est la vie.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 1:22 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

No, neko, I was thinking of something a little less complicated. It's like a little rice cake with raw fish on top and a thin strip of seaweed wrapped around it.
Sometimes there is wasabi between the fish and rice...
Yeah, that is some nasty food you are describing, there. Liver... Bleh! Tripe... ditto.
You get the idea.

Ged, you're back again! And up early!
I'm sorry this gal's being tweaky. Some ladies don't know what's good for 'em. I myself like a man who actually, y'know, wants to spend time with me; why that scares some people is beyond me. Maybe because it just isn't that common. Seems that way to me, anyway.
There's a question; is it true that all men have a "cave" and need lots of time alone? Or are there actually plenty of men who can be mostly open and like to spend lots of time with someone? (in other words, have I just not been that lucky?)




Thursday, August 3, 2006 1:54 AM



Originally posted by TrogMan:
I don't spend a lot of time in the bathroom either, but I will occasionally read something, and I'll be in there longer.

Have any of you ever spend so much time reading that your legs are alseep when you try to get up? I'm talking 10+ minutes at least.


I was in there for 45 mins once, but my dad beats me at 2hrs+
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 2:07 AM



Thursday, August 3, 2006 3:24 AM


Morning, Imponderable-ers! Thanks for all the responses to the heart's desire question. I also loved the comment regarding the food source raising the child...priceless!

NVG, nice new sig! Um...has anyone told you your head's on fire?

Real wasabi is a pain to find around here....

Penguin, I need that C&H cartoon to hang up in my armory!

Thursday morning. One more day. Off to get coffee...I shall return soon.



Thursday, August 3, 2006 3:41 AM


Ok so here's the bath story. Mr.G decided to surprise me while I was stuck up in another city for a class on giving I.Q. and achievement tests for kids with disabilities. He booked a hotel room in the Anniversary Inn which has lovely theme rooms and such. It had this fabulous, huge whirlpool bathtub. So I bought this bubble bath and though we'd have a romantic bath...well I put the bubble bath in, we strip down and hit the jets....bubble EXPLOSION!! Foam is going everywhere, I can no longer see, Mr.G hits the off and it doesn't turn off...I am panicking and so is he. He hits the button over and over and it still doesn't turn off. He starts to call the front desk and I freak trying to squash bubbles while scrambling for clothes hoping we won't get kicked out when, miraculously, all by itself it turns off... We cleaned up and laughed and decided maybe a romantic snuggle in bed was safer:)

Normally I love baths and I do read in the tub, while eating, anywhere I can, and then some. My dad actually set up a tether rig because I kept reading while hiking and wandering off or falling:)It's nice to know I'm not as weird as everyone says. I figure I've been reading since I was 2 so it's not like I'm going to stop any time soon:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, August 3, 2006 3:55 AM



Thursday, August 3, 2006 3:57 AM


MSG, that kind of reminds me of the bubble bath incident on my honeymoon. The wife and I were staying at a local bed and breakfast (there are a lot of really huge, nice homes in this area) before heading to Florida. They had converted two rooms upstairs into a honeymoon suite, all decorated in Southern charm. The bathroom was large, dominated by a raised bath that was also quite large. We decided to take a bubble bath together, and took our bottle of champagne with us. Now, not having the chance to use many tubs of this stature (I am a shower man, too...have not taken "bath" in ten years), I did not know what all the dials and stuff did. So, after awhile of soaking and washing, we start messing with the dials. Turns out this is a jet tub...and bubbles form when you agitate the water. It wasn't a horror story, as we did not make too much of a mess, but we did manage to create so many bubbles that we could not see each other from across the tub.
Thank you for reminding me of that!







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