New Recruit and Lurker Welcome Thread

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 8, 2006 03:32
VIEWED: 19962
PAGE 2 of 3

Sunday, July 30, 2006 4:34 PM



Originally posted by SoupCatcher:
Thanks RMMC!

You're most welcome!


Originally posted by SoupCatcher:
My e-mail notification stopped working quite a while ago so it's a bit hard for me to keep up with the number of threads in the main section. I don't really have much to add most of the time but I enjoy ghosting.

Well, at times I kinda have no life, so that explains a lot. I've tried to 'ghost' or lurk, but I keep seeing things that I just gotta put in my 2 cents worth.


Originally posted by SoupCatcher:

There's actually quite a few FFFn old-timers over in the RWED. We've been carrying on variants of the same discussion for coming up on two years now (the decision back in 2004 to split RWED threads into their own section was a really really really good one, we get a mite testy at times ).

I've made a foray there but it weren't the 'old timers' who sent me high-tailing out. Was the troll I encountered. It was my first troll and I said my piece and left. Yeah, I'm a bit of a weenie.

I also tend to stay away from poltiical discussions as I just get all depressed.

Nice meeting ya! Maybe I'll try another expedition there.



Sunday, July 30, 2006 4:39 PM



Originally posted by Pell:

Originally posted by RMMC:
Did ya just pick up the movie on your own, or did some good friend recommend it to ya?

RMMC thanks for the warm welcome.

Our unit doc was telling me about his mission to “convert folks to Firefly/Serenity” and I asked him if I could borrow his DVD. He gladly gave it over and that was the beginning of the end for ol’ Pell. Doc is crazy by the way but that is how I like my friends, makes life loads laughier!

Thanks also to Floralbunny. See you round about.

You're very welcome, Pell. I think I like your doc. Then again, I'm kinda not too stable either. It also sounds like he's doing his part and then some. *waves to all over there*

Enjoy your time here and stay safe there!



Sunday, July 30, 2006 4:42 PM


Hello all. I just signed up. Saw all of the Firefly episodes and loved them. Why does Fox cancel everything good while American Idol even has news coverage even during the summer?

Anyway, I hope to be on these message boards alot.


Sunday, July 30, 2006 4:42 PM


Hello all. I just signed up. Saw all of the Firefly episodes and loved them. Why does Fox cancel everything good while American Idol even has news coverage even during the summer?

Anyway, I hope to be on these message boards alot.


Sunday, July 30, 2006 4:42 PM


Hello all. I just signed up. Saw all of the Firefly episodes and loved them. Why does Fox cancel everything good while American Idol even has news coverage even during the summer?

Anyway, I hope to be on these message boards alot.

Edit: How do I delete double posts on this site?


Sunday, July 30, 2006 4:53 PM


Hi Sindra! Welcome to you and yours! Please let me offer you an Irish whiskey to sip while waiting for FollowMal to come bestow the browncoats (which will fit ya'll perfectly!)

You're not the only cableless one here 'bouts. I told Comcast what they could do in a corner by themselves about three years ago. I only regret it when SciFi runs FF marathons.

And about no more...well never say never. we're trying to get more shiny stories with our BDH's, a campaign which we're call the Summer of Serenity. Go check out the Browncoat Events discussion area for more details.

Well it only took you a few months to find took me a few years, so no worries. The important thing is we're all here now.

Welcome again!



Sunday, July 30, 2006 4:56 PM


I just really found out about Firefly two weeks ago and am totally blown away. Just last week I went out and bought Serenity and the complete series. I have never been this hooked in my life. I have been showing the series to my friends and they are becoming just as hooked as me. It’s sad how I have never really heard about the movie or the show until now. It feels like I have a duty to spread the word now.

If we lived here we'd be home


Sunday, July 30, 2006 4:58 PM


Hi Unholydove! Welcome for! Please accept a glass of Irish whiskey to sip.

Your costume was fantastic! Glad you got to meet Da Man himself! (Even better that he came over to you! Wow!)

You're wanting to be more active? You picked the perfect place to come to. We've got all sorts of stuff going on this summer. Go check out the Browncoat Events discussion area for more info.

Welcome again!!



Sunday, July 30, 2006 5:10 PM


Thanks RMMC, by the way, everyone loves doc, he has the meds! :)

Hello to all the new folks like me. Your posts are great.


Sunday, July 30, 2006 5:35 PM


Ooooooh, Irish Whisky, Shiny! Thanks for the welcome RMMC.

I think I'll go meandering over to the Browncoat Events area right now. See if there's anything need tendin' to.

Better'n seventy planets spinnin', and the meek have inherited not a one.


Sunday, July 30, 2006 5:47 PM


Man do I feel you...

I saw the movie when it first came out...I really enjoy Sci-Fi...

And I really enjoyed the movie...thought it was a wicket cool time...but then got wrapped up in another fandom (brokeback mountain).

Recently, rented Serenity...watched it twice...

But it wasn't until I watched Firefly that I bought on a whim to give me something to do while I'm stranded visiting my family that I truly, truly fell in love...

I am thinking about having Firefly viewing parties once a week and then showing Serenity at the end when I get back home to Anchorage...




Originally posted by SpaceCoyote:
I just really found out about Firefly two weeks ago and am totally blown away. Just last week I went out and bought Serenity and the complete series. I have never been this hooked in my life. I have been showing the series to my friends and they are becoming just as hooked as me. It’s sad how I have never really heard about the movie or the show until now. It feels like I have a duty to spread the word now.

If we lived here we'd be home


Sunday, July 30, 2006 6:19 PM



Originally posted by FloralBunny:
Darling costume, unholydove.
(Anyone who hasn't gone to look
should know there are three photos)
Some Comicon-goers had promised to post
their war stories when they got home
but there hasn't been much. Any good
stuff to report?

So neat that Joss noticed you before
you noticed him. (I'd have been tempted
to pretend I didn't know who he was,
even though that's been done already!)

Love the jacket. Quite literally shiny.
And where did you get the umbrella?

As a newcomer, have you ever been given
your virtual browncoat by FollowMal?

Been invited up to the galley? I've been
washing strawberries while I read the posts
and they're on a bed of ice, waiting to
be sampled by you and anyone else who's
interested. Come on up the steps and mind
you don't get vertigo.

bun with the colander
~2006~Firefly Summer~2006~
==We aim to exponentiate==
-------Hide the rum!-------

Thanks for the warm welcome!

As far as Comic Con... I had a great time! There were a ton of Browncoats everywhere and about a gazillion Jaynehats. Every time my friend and I saw one we would well out "Jaynehat!!" and point. We got a lot of laughs. We saw a screening of Serenity at the Hyatt which was awesome (except a homeless guy had found a badge and decided to take a stinky nap right next to me!). Then we saw the screening of Done the Impossible and the creators answered questions and showed some of the special features. There were so many Browncoats there! My friend and I were lucky to get front row seats (We sat through a miserable Touma panel to get them, too. Really, zombie indian chickens?? WTF?) On Sunday, there was a SoCal Browncoat meeting, but after going to every day of Con, including Preview Night, we decided to head home after lunch so we missed it. I'm a little bummed that we didn't make it, but I would have slept through it anyway. The Browncoat booth was awesome and I bought way too much stuff, including a Browncoats rubber bracelet that hasn't left my wrist.

Joss was awesome. need I say more?

The umbrella was gotten here: and then I grabbed some acrylics at the craft store and painted it. Not easy by the way!

I forgot to mention, I've only been a fan for a few months but I've already converted someone and am working on my second. Mwahaha.

Virtual browncoat? Nope, not yet!

Ooo, strawberries...............


Sunday, July 30, 2006 6:30 PM


Thanks for the whiskey, RMMC! And thanks for the welcome!


Monday, July 31, 2006 7:58 AM


Welcome, UnholyDove, FanOfRiverTam, and SpaceCoyote! Glad you found this little corner of the 'verse.

You can't delete a double post, but you can edit it to say "Ahhh! Another double post!". Just click the Edit selection.

FollowMal hasn't been by recently, but if you'd like a recycled browncoat to tide you over, there's a little stack over here that I've been patching up and brushing off as they... become available. Kinda hard to come by as nobody wants to return them! Nobody that's still alive, anyway.

Help yourselves. Might not fit too well, and don't ask about the stains. Once FM hands out your shiny new ones, you can drop these off in the storeroom for the next vict... er, recruit to use.

I'm pointin' right at it!


Monday, July 31, 2006 8:54 AM


I'm not really new, but what the hell, here's my story:

I fell in love with the show when it first aired, then kind of forgot about it for a while, but eventually remembered, bought the dvd's, started joining forums, etc. Then the BDM came out, and I was active (in some places, not so much here) for a while, but the BDM gave me a kind of closure, I tried moving on, and I found new television interests. But recently I've started getting active again in the Firefly verse, and I got my copy of DTI. I watched it, and realized I'm not ready to say goodbye to the verse, and I'm trying to become active again in the community.

Anyway, I'm Carrie, and I'm looking forward to that Browncoat I'm supposed to be getting.


Monday, July 31, 2006 1:48 PM


Wow! I missed a lot *FMF note to self - no more being away!*

A Shiny welcome to all!

one of the Forsaken TM


Monday, July 31, 2006 3:17 PM


Great report, unholydove. Not likely
I'll ever get to go to one of the cons
so I soak up all the stories and photos.
Too bad no photo of the Smelly Fan. Heh.

Thanks also for the URL for Asian stuff.
Con or not I'd love one of those umbrellas.
I thought at one point that I should go
to the place, wherever it was, that I'd seen
a display of the things hanging upside down
but realized with a jolt that The Place was
on Lilac where the robbery took place in
Serenity. Reality check, anyone? Sheeze...

And I see that DonCoat has been handing out
"refurbs" from the Used storage. No victims
involved. Please. Some of these excellent
garments get a little extra wear during
missions, adventures, or par-tays. So we
have a few trade-ins. All quite innocent.

Greetings and welcomes home and/or back to
FanofRiverTam #21670
SpaceCoyote #21671
Sindra #20704
PurplePenguin #10586.

This evening's buffet features the customary
strawberries, brownies from Ravenhair's recipe,
wife soup, kiwis, pineapple, mangos, chocolate
cake, fresh bao, Protein As You Like It, hot
cheese, Captain's Evil Repeating Bean Dip with
reinforced chips, and anything else the rest
of the crew feel like putting together.

And lots of drinkables.

Please take care not to step on the ShipsCat
or into her dish.

~2006~Firefly Summer~2006~
==We aim to exponentiate==
-------Hide the rum!-------


Monday, July 31, 2006 3:19 PM


Welcome, Spacecoyote! Wow! You sure are catching up fast!

Please accept a glass of Irish whiskey to sip.

And that thirst for recruitment? Good thing! The more folks who watch, the more likely we are to get more. (Yea!!) And the more new friends we all make!!



Monday, July 31, 2006 3:23 PM



Originally posted by RMMC:

Originally posted by SoupCatcher:
Thanks RMMC!

You're most welcome!


Originally posted by SoupCatcher:
My e-mail notification stopped working quite a while ago so it's a bit hard for me to keep up with the number of threads in the main section. I don't really have much to add most of the time but I enjoy ghosting.

Well, at times I kinda have no life, so that explains a lot. I've tried to 'ghost' or lurk, but I keep seeing things that I just gotta put in my 2 cents worth.


Originally posted by SoupCatcher:

There's actually quite a few FFFn old-timers over in the RWED. We've been carrying on variants of the same discussion for coming up on two years now (the decision back in 2004 to split RWED threads into their own section was a really really really good one, we get a mite testy at times ).

I've made a foray there but it weren't the 'old timers' who sent me high-tailing out. Was the troll I encountered. It was my first troll and I said my piece and left. Yeah, I'm a bit of a weenie.

I also tend to stay away from poltiical discussions as I just get all depressed.

Nice meeting ya! Maybe I'll try another expedition there.


try the Ad-Hominem attack thread.
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Monday, July 31, 2006 3:25 PM


Welcome FanofRiverTam! Glad ya made it here! Please accept a nice glass of Irish whiskey, if you'd care to indulge.

Ah, the question you've asked is one that just dents the brainpan a bit. But the reason is: they're schmucks.

Double posts: nothing you can do, unless ya want to have some fun. (Hit the edit button on one and post something different. Some folks do SW jokes {this is not the post you're looking for} or various other things.) Double threads are usually taken over by pirates. ARRGGHHH!

Happy posting!!



Monday, July 31, 2006 3:27 PM


I think I started it.
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Monday, July 31, 2006 3:27 PM



Monday, July 31, 2006 3:34 PM


Welcome back, PurplePenguin91!! Seeing old friends return is just as much of a delight as meeting new ones!

Please accept a nice glass of Irish Whiskey to sip while waitin' for your browncoat.

I can understand the closure feeling after the BDM even if that's not what happened for me (I just got more of a bee in my bonnet and found here) but glad to see you changed your mind. This 'verse ain't over...not by a long shot. That, and I haven't sung yet. At least not for that reason.

Welcome home!!



Monday, July 31, 2006 3:34 PM



Originally posted by FLORALBUNNY

PurplePenguin #10586.

What is that? My usernumber? And how do you find that?


Monday, July 31, 2006 3:41 PM


I'm not bun, but...when looking at the responses, put your mouse curser over the name in yellow. It will tell you the user Reg number. :)



Monday, July 31, 2006 3:45 PM


oh cool. thanks!


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 9:01 AM


one of the Forsaken TM


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 3:22 PM


purplepenguin91 wrote:
Monday, July 31, 2006 15:45
oh cool. thanks!
Glad you didn't have to wait for me
to straggle back with an answer...

It's always fun to see one of the
Venerable Four-Digiters show up, but
there must be a cool category for
Early Fives as well.

And for Returning Prodigals who just
couldn't stay away.

~2006~Firefly Summer~2006~
==We aim to exponentiate==
-------Hide the rum!-------


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 6:48 PM


Ni Hao , Shiny 'Verse Fans !

Just want to de-lurk and give a shout to all decent folk hereabouts !

I'm Browncoat by nature , Flan since the promos in the summer of '02 . Eagerly anticipated the premiere on Sept. 20 , 2002 . Lurked about the boards 'til it looked like our beloved 'verse was being threatened by the ' hands of blue '. Sent my post-card to the network that shall live only ' in infamy ' . Never wrote to television
' execs ' before then . Never had a reason to .
' TV Exec ' = ' Idjit ' .

I'll tell you what . All of the newly-minted Browncoats are a source of inspiration to me .
Raise a cup of your favored brew , and repeat in Browncoat solidarity :

" I'm thinking we'll rise again . "

Browncoat Liberty . Browncoat Solidarity . Browncoat Pride .

Never give up . Never give up . Never give up . Never , Never , Never .

Remember , network execs 'killed' Star Trek . Several series and TEN movies later , Trek is looking for an eleventh major motion picture .

Serenity is still flyin' !

Remember , little albatros , Love keeps her in the air . Tells you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens .

Never mind about all the math in the verse . That's for the bean-counters . We're BROWNCOATS , gorrammit !

We're gonna 'choke' the naysayers with their own words !


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 7:23 AM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Guess I should properly introduce myself. I'll do so using my Firefly testimonial from the Virtual Firefly boards:

Well, here goes.

My brother moved in almost three months ago (read: the beginning of May). He bugged me a couple of days later while watching the pilot. It was "Come see Jayne! He's hilarious; you'll love him!" or some such to that extent. I resisted. I was tired, and busy, and most of the things my brother finds interesting I don't. But, I had to go past the TV sometime.

He talked at me some more, made me watch the part where Mal uses the sticky through the "Any one you can walk away from" line. Still a little bored, kind of tired. I don't remember what it was at the time, but I sat down later and popped it in (or my brother popped it in - the details are fuzzy). I'm intrigued, and look - it's the redhead from "A Knight's Tale"! Playing with dinosaurs!

But, the clincher for me (as for a few of my friends) was the moment where Mal lies to Simon about Kaylee's status, and they laugh about it. That was so funny it hurt!

Over the course of the next four days (you heard me, four) I watched all the episodes and the movies. I said I'd watch Firefly until my eyes bled (which hasn't happened - yet). Firefly is like heroin - I was hooked from that first hit. Since then, I have watched the series and the movie nine times (once for every week I've had access to it; I let a friend borrow it for a couple other weeks), with commentary and without. I have found the filk and downloaded it. I have watched all the special features - again, with and without commentary. I have found pictures and pictures and interviews and interviews and articles and articles and bios and bios and reviews and reviews.

In the words of my brother: "You're geeking hard." I admit it. I L-O-V-E Firefly!


Forgive me, for I am new.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 9:03 AM


I just wanted to say welcome to all who are new to this site and have come out of lurking. Throughout the summer I've popped in and out of the picture like Niska but I'm trying to stay back in the action. Everyone is pretty shiny here so feel free to speak your piece. Until next time all fellow Browncoats.


The Bible's a bit fuzzy on the subject of kneecaps.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 9:51 AM



Originally posted by yinyang:
In the words of my brother: "You're geeking hard."

LOL!! I love it, that is such a perfect description!! I've been geeking kinda hard myself...

Welcome yinyang!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 10:09 AM


Hiya, out2theblack! *waves* Nice to meet ya! *offer a glass of Irish whiskey* Please accept a nice glass of whiskey to enjoy.

Man, a longtime 'Coat are you! I never did see the TV promos, just read all the articles in mag's like 'Starlog' and was hyper about it.

I was still hyper, inspite of the network that shall remain nameless and my local affiliate (who kept pre-empting it...not for local sports, but for ruttin' movies!) when it can on.

And, four years later, am still hyper about it.

And I'd like to add a toast: To our BDM's, JOSS, and all the flans, old and new recruits, we are the shiniest folks in the 'verse!



Wednesday, August 2, 2006 10:15 AM


Welcome Yinyang!

Nothing to apologize for in being new someplace. Everyone has been at sometime or the other. Glad you caved in to your brother and found the 'verse!

Please accept this glass of Irish whiskey to sip.


"You're geeking hard."

I like that! I suppose most of us here are guilty of that.

So, come on in, make your self at home, and enjoy!



Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:09 AM


Howdy Howy All!

Quick intro....

My first experiance with Firefly was the commercials they would run during Buffy near the end of the series. (At least I think it was Buffy). I had been a fan of The almighty Joss from the first 5 minutes of Buffy. (When I finally got around to watching it). I will admit that at first I did not watch Buffy because of all the hype people made for it. Usually when a series is praised that highly it is another boring sitcom.

I digress....

When I saw the first commercial I was perplexed. How does one do a Sci-Fi Western? But I was pulled into the 'Verse in minutes. I have always loved the dialog that Joss writes and this was his best! And then it was gone
I was so confused as to what happened to it.

Then out of the blue Serenity previews showed up on the screen. The warm fuzzy memories flooded back. I was so stoked that I saw it first showing opening day not to mention a few more times after.

I just bought the Series on DVD and I have had the Serenity DVD since X-Mas and I an reliving every episode again and again. I just wish there was more.

Well thats me. Nice to know that there are other 'Verse Junkies out there.




Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:20 AM


Hello and welcome, Out2theBlack, Yinyang, and Kelkhil! Glad you found your way to this shiny corner of the 'verse.

Around these parts we like to greet newcomers (and delurked oldcomers) with a gift of a virtual browncoat. Usually the indomitable FollowMal hands out spankin' new coats that fit perfectly, but when she's busy elsewhere, I like to offer a loan from my stash of recycled 'coats.

They may not fit quite so well, and they have a few miles on 'em, patches and stains and such, but you're more than welcome to wear one until you get your own. Just toss 'em back in the storeroom for the next recruit when you can.

And by all means, join the fun here. There's lots to see and do while we hold the line!

I'm pointin' right at it!


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:42 AM


Glad to see so many new recruits dropping by. I encourage lurkers to communicate more. Like to know y'all are still out there.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 7:16 PM


I saw the movie then fell in love with the series. And of course started looking up everything Firefly/Serenity I could find. Besides this place, I like hanging at and making a wishlist of all the fun merchandise.

I'm in Oregon, looks like we have a pretty active PDX Browncoats group so I'm hoping to get hooked up with them.

I do SCA events as a hobby. Swordfighting mostly.

Looking forward to meeting everyone and chatting.



Wednesday, August 2, 2006 7:45 PM


Shiny! More crew!

tasia #19451 de-lurking I assume?
"Use of a sw'what?"
We'll expect to see some photos of
the long 'n' blade-y.

Yinyang #21703 What a classic story
of hook-age. Your bro is right.

Kelkhil #21710 Our newest number on
the thread. Getting on for 22k...

Yep. Grab those coats until the spiffier
ones arrive, and try not to get too
many holes shot in them. From looking
at Captain's coat where Patience shot him
you can tell we lack somewhat in the dept.
of patching skills.

And here are the evening's strawberries,
our best non-alcoholic recruiting tool,
traded in the market for a bag of llama
wool recovered from an old par-tay thread.

Join us in the galley where the golden
light makes us all feel so warm and look
so very good.

bun on the run
~frou-frou sigline~


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 8:10 PM


yep - I haven't participated that much until now. Honestly the site is initially a bit hard to figure out, but I think I have it down now.

Lots of great info.



Wednesday, August 2, 2006 9:00 PM


Wow, someone from my thousand. shiny!
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 5:38 AM


yeah it was back in march or early april I joined, I think.

Then just got pulled back in.

You can't leave Serenity and Serenity doesn't leave you.



Thursday, August 3, 2006 6:10 AM


Hi, just stopped by to introduce myself. I'm one of those people who discovered the 'verse by watching Serenity and then going back and watching the series (not actually that confusing.)


Thursday, August 3, 2006 3:28 PM


Well, here I am...

I've been lurking for about a month. I've been a completely obsessed Browncoat for about a month. I first saw Firefly... about a month ago (I worked nights when it was first on, and feel like I've been in a coma the last 4 years...)

I have to say, this is the show I've been dreaming of since the summer of 1977 (yep, I preferred the scoundrel to the sky walker.) I dreamed of being these people, being with these people (not like THAT! Well, not all of them) for, yipes - nearly 30 years. If Zoe Washburne had existed when I was a teenager, I think I might have turned out... thinner.

I feel like an anachronism in this 'verse. Misplaced, mis-timed, misfired. I tend to live to escape into my mind, and Firefly is the closest to what's in there than anything I've ever experienced.

Also, I have two cats and a closet full of original 'Trek and 'Wars toys that I can't ever find the time to list on eBay. My other great passion is Bruce Springsteen, and I really miss Woolworth's. I guess that sort of sums me up.

I've successfully recruited my boss and his wife, now I'm working on the really excellent young man who works for us. I have no doubt he'll succomb, although he hated Brazil, which I thought would become his favorite movie ever. So I guess we'll see...

I spent my youth wishing Star Trek would come back one day. Spent college waiting for more Star Wars. Hope to spend not too much more of my middle age awaiting the return of the most wonderful universe ever.


Walk tall, or don't walk at all...


Thursday, August 3, 2006 3:42 PM


Well said, and welcome!

You've captured the unique feeling of dicovering the 'verse...

Holdin' till you get back, Cap'n.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 4:10 PM


tasia wrote:
Honestly the site is initially a bit hard to figure out, but I think I have it down now.
Yepper. It's like the Sereni-Tree: open a
door and find way, way more on the other side
than you expected.

CAROLJUDE #20837 It's hard to imagine how
many new members we've acquired in a mere
month. (Is anybody listening??) Keep those
new recruits coming into this lovely 'Verse.

KINGKILLER #21748 already. Oh, so shiny.
Spread the word, the love...

Strawberries for all. I bought 'em with
cashy money which turned up in the par-tay
thread, so you needn't worry that I had to
use my Persephonian cosh on some innocent
skull. Or even a semi-guilty one. &¿&

Then come to the galley and bask in the glow.

~2006~Firefly Summer~2006~
==We aim to exponentiate==
-------Hide the rum!-------


Thursday, August 3, 2006 6:45 PM



Originally posted by RMMC:
Hiya, out2theblack! *waves* Nice to meet ya!

Man, a longtime 'Coat are you! I never did see the TV promos, just read all the articles in mag's like 'Starlog' and was hyper about it.

And I'd like to add a toast: To our BDM's, JOSS, and all the flans, old and new recruits, we are the shiniest folks in the 'verse!


Hmm , mei-mei , xie-xie , for the whiskey ! Love that Irish from E-T-W , Bushmills particularly , but Jameson's is fine too ! Not excitable as to choice , just as long as there's some choosin' to be done !

The promos that I recall were set to the Smashmouth tune , ' Walking On The Sun ' . Anybody happen to have the promos on tape ? Or better still , perhaps someone fanvid-ly talented could re-create something exactly similar , so the nameless network could remain infamously nameless . We need something like that on YouTube or iFilm or googleVideo ( No ! How about all 3 ? ) . Gotta call up all the 'Coats in the verse .

I started to try recalling the lyrics to the song , to re-capture the feel of the time , and did a search and found this little snippet :

And they folked out with guitars around a bon fire
Just singin' and clappin' man what the hell happened
Some were spell bound some were hell bound
Some they fell down and some got back up and
Fought back 'gainst the melt down

It instantly evoked that scene on Haven with Kaylee by fireflight , which warms my heart and sets my guts on fire !

And , concerning the shiniest folk in the verse , I second that emotion ! Shiny we are . And so gorram pretty !

Thanks for the BigDamn Browncoat welcome , and now that I'm tipsy with the whiskey , may I have another ? I'll buy this round , here's one for you and all the shiny folk around the fire .


Friday, August 4, 2006 11:39 AM


I'm a new member I only joined a week ago and already enjoying the company of fellow Browncoats.And what's this about Followmal giving new members virtual Browncoats,cause I want one.
After watching Serenity in the cinema when it came out I was instantly hooked,I've now got the Serenity soundtrack,Serenity DVD,Serenity UMD,Firefly DVD Box Set(yeah now that's what I'm talking about),and the Firefly soundtrack.

Go to for more info!

This is about to get interesting...Define interesting...Oh GOD oh GOD we're all going to die.


Friday, August 4, 2006 11:39 AM


Double post oh bugger!

This is about to get interesting...Define interesting...Oh GOD oh GOD we're all going to die.


Friday, August 4, 2006 1:35 PM


Wow, more shiny new folks! I'm sorry for the delay in greeting, but I'm packing to leave on vacation, so I'll also need to be a little brief.

Welcome to the new folks Kelkhil, Tasia, Kingkiller and CarolJude! Welcome to your new internet home! Please accept a glass of Irish whiskey to sip.

Wow, we such a diverse group. I just love it!

Out2theBlack: Thanks kindly for the offer to buy, here's your Bushmills. I take a Tullimore Dew.

Darkfly: I dunno where FollowMal's gotten to, she's been kinda busy the past month or so. you'll get one...just as soon as she finds you.







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