Life Onboard Serenity: Packin' For Paquin

UPDATED: Friday, August 4, 2006 15:10
VIEWED: 12774
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Wednesday, August 2, 2006 2:42 PM


seriously though, dont do the showdown thing until tomorrow coz its 1:30, and i wont be able to post


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 2:51 PM


*Pain groans and says*

Do we have to? I'm kinda enjoyin' the view right now.

*Ertia kisses Pain's forehead and says*

I like the view too, but if I don't meet my contact we don't get paid.

*Pain says as he gets up*

Oh alright.

*Pain got up put his pants on, reequipped his holstered pistol, put on his boots, and walked over to his weapons locker. Ertia watched Pain, smiling as she looked at his muscular and fit body. She got up and dressed herself, taking time to tie her hair into a ponytail. Pain opened his weapons locker and pulled out a metal case about two feet long and a foot tall. Pain sat the case on his desk, walked over to his footlocker, opened it, and took out a clean shirt. He put it on as Ertia looked at the case. She said to him as he put on his shirt, mentally taking pictures of his chest and abs*

What's in the case babe?

*Pain walked over to the case, picked it up and said*

Sniper rifle.

*They felt Serenity hit a pocket or turbulence, then smooth out. Pain kissed Ertia's forehead and said*

Guess we should head for the cargo bay.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 3:55 PM


Ertia climbs from the bunk, hoping that the contents of the case won't be necessary. She knows better than to ask Mal not to bring back-up. There was no way he would back down, and that's confirmed entirely when she enters the cargo bay to see Guy and Jayne comparing scopes on their own rifles.

She looks down at her bare feet and wishes again that she'd had a chance to pick up shoes on Three Hills. Her other sneaker had never turned up after the bomb incident. Ah well, they'd be taking the mule to the location, hopefully after the job she could do some shopping.

"Ready there?" Mal asks as he comes into the cargo bay. Behind him, Zoe and Wash carry the box of old Alliance coin and settle it onto the back of the ground mule.

Ertia checks her handheld one more time for the co-ordinates, making sure that the passwords are in order, while Mal talks to the others.

"Fly, you watch Kaylee's back. No unecessary dwiddle-daddle. Get the groceries, anything else we might need, and get back here. Wash, fuel up, flush the air-systems and be ready to go.

"Guy, Jayne, Pain? You three take the hover mule, drop Fly & Kaylee at the market and then get positions on rooftop. I want clear vantage of the entire scenario, dong ma? Keep your transmitters handy."

Then he turns to Ertia, "You feelin' confident?"

Confident? She'd just darn near had her mind f...oh... "Yes sir! Ready to take on the whole gorram moon."

"Saddle up, folks. Lets ride. Be back here and ready to fly in six hours." Zoe starts the mule and Ertia hops on back next to the strong box.

3dp was waiting.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 4:50 PM


*Pain, Guy, and Jayne stowed their equipment in the rear cargo hold of the hover mule. Guy secured it as Pain walked over to Ertia. He kissed her and said*

Be careful bao bei.

*She looked into his eyes, smiled and said*

You too babe.

*At that Mal told Zoe to leave. Pain watched as the three of them left, then turned around to Guy, Jayne, Kaylee, and Fly and said*

Alright lets get this thing in the air. Guy you drive and remember we're to drop Kaylee and Fly off at the market.

*Guy nodded as Pain took shotgun and Jayne got stuck in the middle of Fly and Kaylee. The hover mule powered up and left the cargo bay for the New Vegas market place.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 6:47 PM


The mule rolled through the crowded streets and out into the warehouse district. Finally, they circled a concrete block building and then came to the mouth of a dead-end ally.

"This is the place." Zoe announced, shutting off the engine but keeping the mule pointed out, towards the street.

Mal tapped his com, "Jayne? You there?"

"In position in three minutes." Jayne's voice was labored, it sounded like he was running up stairs. "Pain's headed up to your left. Guy's on the com tower at 7:00."

Mal shrugged, glanced to Zoe and then to Ertia, who stood beside him, eyeing the hard concrete street and thinking about her bare toes. He grabbed the handle of the case, and Zoe took the other side. "Lead the way, Vivi-Annie."


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 6:52 PM


*Guy lays down in his position and keeps an eye on things, hoping it goes smooth, but knowing from experience that it's not likely*
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 7:09 PM


*Pain made his way to the roof of the building, closing the rooftop access door quietly. Pain looked over the edge before dropping down to his knees. He opened the case and started to assemble the matte black sniper rifle. Once finished unfolding the stock, securing the zero glare scope, and screwing in the twenty inch long barrel with integrated silencer, Pain got into position and said to the Captain through the com*

I'm in place sir, tracking you in my scope.

*Mal clicked the transmitter twice, acknowledging Pain's answer. Mal did this with Guy as well as the three of them made their way to where they were to meet Ertia's contact. Pain watched from his hiding spot, the large bilboard casting a shadow over him, hiding him and his gun from view. Pain looked through the scope, using the adjustment knob to zoom in, and saw two men aproach Ertia, Mal, and Zoe.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 7:26 PM


"Viviane." Ertia corrects Mal with a smile, "From an ancient Earth That Was story, about a boy who became a king and united his people, but in the end he was betrayed by his wife and son."

"Arthur." Zoe answered, "I always liked that story as a kid."

They reach the middle of the ally as two men, dressed in black and heavily armed, approach them.

At a signal, a warehouse door opens on the end and a black van rolls out.

One of the men turns and and slides open the door panels of the van, revealing a wide panel screen, which lights up, displaying a new sock-puppet.

This one wears a painted tunic of red and gold, with a dragon on it. Upon it's head is a crown made from what appears to be the plastic seal from a Blue-Sun soap bottle. "LADY VIVIAN!"

The computer modulated voice is too loud, and Ertia takes a step back as one of the men leaps forward to adjust the volume.

"Greetings, King Arthur of Camelot." Ertia bowed to the puppet, feeling more than a mite silly. "We've come to make trade."

"Yes, so I see." There's a long moment of silence, and Mal shifts impatiently, his duster falling open to display his gun. "First, you must answer the Three Questions."

Mal grunts, annoyed, but Ertia nods, "I am prepared to face the Quest."

"What is the ultimate weapon?"

Zoe starts to speak, but Ertia gestures to her, "Betrayal. Excalibur may take the lifes blood, but betrayal takes it's heart."

The Arthur puppet nods, "What is the Grail?"

"The cup of Christ!" Mal snarls, his patience running out.

"I ask the Lady."

Ertia closes her eyes, long ago conversations late into the night, with fingers flying across keys, creating entire worlds to their commands. "The Grail is that which dwells in us all. It is not a cup, nor the blood within it. It is the spirit of Christ that can only be found by searching."

The puppet nods approvingly. "One last question, Lady."

"I am ready."

"Who is the ultimate betrayer?"

She glances to Zoe; the answer on the tip of both of their tongues- for it is Guinevere who failed the love of the King, and lead to his death at the hands of Mordred.... but that's too easy. And they both know it.

The King Puppet nods slowly.

"The Ultimate Betrayer..." Ertia pauses, then knows what he wants, "Was it me, Deep? Is that what you believe?"

There is silence, followed by a quiet sigh. "Not any more."

"Then you thought it was? You believed it?"

"Kids," Mal's voice is moving past irritable to testy, "I hate to break up this little reunion, but we have business to do!"

The computer modulated voice rings out, "Trey, check the box. Mir, hand the Lady the coin."

The puppet bobs for a moment, and Ertia takes the bag, glances in and then hands it to Mal. Trey checks the box, and nods to the camera.

"Ask yourself, Lady Viviane, if it was not I who betrayed, nor was it you, then who was the betrayer?"

"What aren't you saying? Deep? Answer me!" She starts towards the screen, wishing she could take the stupid puppet and shake it. "There were only four of us! FOUR! You. Me. Diggs. Coop. They're dead! Who's left?"

"Our business is concluded." The screen goes black and Trey slams the van door shut.

Mal and Zoe are already backing down the alley-way, the pay in Mal's left hand while his right rests on his gun.

"DEEP? I know you can still hear me!" Ertia's frustration is palpable. "Tell me what you think!"

The van rolls back into it's garage, the doors closing and Ertia makes a move to follow it, to stop it, only to have one of the men step in front of her, gun pointed directly at her head.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 8:33 PM


"Come on, its still worth more than 20. The chip is part of the character."

Choo sat back in his chair at a local coffee house. Customers these days. He stared at the well spoken man known as Grey. He sat up straight with his nose slightly in the air. A cliche of days gone by. Unfornatly the two heavies with hidden weapons weren't.

"I'm sorry my friend, but my final offer is 20 platnium."




"....20 or i leave this deal." said Grey.

Choo cursed under his breath. "20 plat 50 silver?"

There was a slight pause as grey digested this notion. "you have a deal Mr. Choo." Snatching up the item Grey placed the money on the table and left.

Choo let out a smilie as they left the shop. "Sucker."

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 8:48 PM


*Pain snarled and said in a low growl, as he saw the man point the gun at Ertia's head*

Go se!

*Pain zoomed in on the man's gun, it was a chrome semi automatic. Pain couldn't see Ertia's expression but he knew she was scared. Ertia was frightened, Mal and Zoe had drawn their weapons only to have the second man draw his and point it at them. The man named Trey who had the gun trained on Ertia, cocked his pistol and said*

Back off or I'll be ordered to shoot you.

*Ertia took a step back, her hands up, as she said in a shaking voice*

P...p..please d..d...don't shoot.

*Trey grinned a not too friendly grin, the gun was still aimed at Ertia's head. Trey was about to fire when his gun flew out of his hand. Trey had a suprised look on his face as he looked at his right hand. There was a bloody stump where his trigger finger should've been. Pain grinned as his bullet found his target. Ertia backed away just as Pain fired a bullet into Trey's head. Mir watched as Trey's body fell to the ground and was about to fire on the three when Guy fired a round into his chest. Mal clicked on the com and said*

Nice shootin' guys now lets get the hell outta here.

*Jayne replied into Mal's ear*

We'll be doin' that jus' as soon as we don't see anyone comin' after ya Cap'n.

*Mal replied as the three of them headed back to the mule, Zoe makin' sure they weren't being folloed*

Lets hope noone does.

*The driver of the van had watched the two men go down from the hidden exterior surveilence cameras. The man floored the gas and sent the van crashing through the garage door, swerving to the van to the right and pointing it towards the three people running. Mal heard the crash from behind them, looked back and saw the van crash through the garage door and slide to a stop. The van was pointed at the three of them, revving its motor. Mal sighed and said*

Oh !

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 9:02 PM


*through the comm*

Pain, I don't have an angle, can you get the driver?
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 9:29 PM


*Pain commed back*

That's a neg the glass is too dark, can't get a good I.D.

*Jayne chimed in*

Aw hell jus' fire at the gorram windshield.

*Pain shrugged and said to Guy*

You heard the man, open fire.

*The three snipers opened fire just as the van made its way towards Mal, Zoe, and Ertia. The three of them were running as fast as they could as the van came closer. The windshield was riddled with bullet holes, some of the bullets had found their mark and the driver jerked the controls to the right, causing the van to turn sharply, scrape the left wall and flip onto its side. Mal, Zoe, and Ertia continued to run as the van slid towards them, turning on its side, its rear end coming towards them. The van came to a halt just as the three reached the mule. Pain had gotten up and tracked the van's movement as he made his way to the other side of the roof. He commed to both Jayne and Guy as he put in a fresh magazine*

You guys think the driver's dead?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 9:34 PM


Probably. Mal, can you confirm the driver is dead?
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 5:38 AM


Ertia swears as Pain's bullet rips through the man's gun hand. She hadn't stop to think how the whole scene would look from above.

The next seconds fly by fast, too fast. She can't even think as Zoe shoves her towards the mule, hears the van bearing down on them, and then the blistering of safety-glass as their marksmen find their targets.

She turns back to see Mal fling open the door van and press his transmitter, "Confirmed dead."

But even as he says it, his eyes are scanning the surroundings. He runs for the mule, giving a clear order. "Let's get out of here."

They pile onto the mule and Zoe pulls out, the soft rubber tires squealing against the concrete. Ertia, sitting behind Mal, leans her forehead between his shoulder blades, drawing from his strength, the adrenalin laden battle fury he's carrying.

She's tired again, tired with a soul-felt exhaustion. If 3DP had not thought her a betrayer before, he surely thought her one now.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 7:08 AM


*Pain walked back to the metal case on the roof, hoping that Ertia was ok. Pain tapped the transceiver and said*

Alright guys lets pack it up and head home, not forgettin' to pick up Fly and Kaylee.

*Pain heard both men give their affirmatives in his ear, as he bent down and disassembled his rifle, putting each piece back into its respective place. Pain closed the case, got up, and headed down the stairwell to the street below. He was pretty sure someone heard the van crash an would send an emergency wave immediately if not within the next half hour. Pain and Jayne reached the hover mule and started putting away their equipment, as they waited for Guy to show up.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, August 3, 2006 11:22 AM


woah.. i was away for about.. a week? and the storyline has all changed... oh well.. better get writing

*62 ran off the ship jumping off the side to save time following the wolfs smell..*

hes on this planet.. im sure of it thinks 62 while following the trail.. it is getting stronger by the second.

*62 was getting really excited at this point, he was going to find his only real friend he's ever had! It was then it started raining like hell.. the scent trail vanished*

"NOOOOOO!" howled 62 into *62 ran off the ship jumping off the side to save time following the wolfs smell..*

hes on this planet.. im sure of it thinks 62 while following the trail.. it is getting stronger by the second.

*62 was getting really excited at this point, he was going to find his only real friend he's ever had! It was then it started raining like hell.. the scent trail vanished*

"NOOOOOO!" howled 62 into the torrential rainfall

*sniffing he decided to go back to the ship, he wasnt going to find wolf, he was gone.*

*going up the proper way this time, he slightly brushed somthing prickly in the mud.. moving the sludge to one side, he saw a sort of noose..*

*this had to be wolf! only he was this sneaky! but why was he putting a noose covered in barbed wire infront of the ship? this must be a practical joke! his old master did this to him loads of times! feeling overpowerful joy he scampered up a nearby tree to search for him, but he was covered in sloppy meat rinds halfway up.. he didnt care, he was gonna see his friend that cared for him*

*62 didnt know though that the tree was infested with carnivorous bugs and they started to crawl all over him, nipping in place he didnt like to be nipped.. he was so distracted he didnt see a red blade light up the underside of the Serenity in a blood red glow..*


Thursday, August 3, 2006 11:43 AM


There was a large groan of tracks behind Choo as he walked back up Serenity's ramp.

Diving out of the way as the Mule comes speeding in Choo curses his luck.

First they try and shot me, then they try and run me over......

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Thursday, August 3, 2006 11:47 AM


good to see ya back crazy monkey boy.

five minuites earlier

*wolf walked up to serenity and drew his sword, the traps were set, the snipers were everywhere just in case, everyone would be out of the way and mal would be dead, wolf used the light of his blade to see the door control, he opened it up, and walked inside, he shut off his weapon, stood up on the catwalk stairs to the side of the cargo doors and leaned on the rail, he waited.*


Thursday, August 3, 2006 11:57 AM


*the bugs soon ate all the meat and scuttered off to theyre hideyholes*

*he heard the door close and decided to see what was going on. luckily, he found out to use the control panels and let himself in, it was dark inside, but a musky smell hung in the air.. someone was in here, but the smell was odd..*

must be this planet thought 62 thinking nothing of it and scurried off to tell the rest of the crew what he learnt about wolf


Thursday, August 3, 2006 1:00 PM


*wolf watched as 62 ran in jabbering, they hadent noticed him yet.*

62" wolfs nearby, hes on the planet."

*river walked in from the door under the catwalk.*

river" the canine is looking, hunting daddy, the red blade is thirsty, the men are waiting, the wolf has cornered the daddy."

mal" what you talkin about girl."

wolf" i can explain that."

*wolf grinned as twenty highly trained men with 2 desert eagles each walked into the cargo bay doors and pointed their guns at the crew, to keep them in check.*


Thursday, August 3, 2006 1:12 PM


someone else can do my trap, I can't think of one. just don't kill me!
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 1:15 PM


*Pain and Jayne finally saw Guy come running over to them and the hover mule. Jayne looked at Guy and said*

'Bout time ya showed up. We was beginin' to think ya ran away.

*Guy stowed his rifle in the hover mule's cargo hold and replied*

Sorry got a little holed up in the foot traffic. I heard someone say there was a parade goin' on somewhere down the road leadin' to the marketplace.

*Pain sighed and said*

Great looks like we'll be needin' to find another way to get to Fly and Kaylee. Alright lets get in, Guy you fly.

*Guy nodded, hopped into the pilot's seat and began the start up sequence. Jayne took the passenger seat as Pain sat in the left rear seat. The three of them felt the hover mule lift up off the ground and then felt it launch forward as Guy made his way to the marketplace to pick up Fly and Kaylee. Guy yelled back over to Pain*

How're we supposed to fit Fly and Kaylee in this thing if they've bought supplies?

*Pain shouted back*

We'll find a way.

*As they made their way through a side street the three men felt the hover mule shudder and start to shake. Jayne shouted out*

Is this piece of luh suh supposed to be doin' that?

*Smoke started to pour out of the thrusters as the smell of fried electronics wafted past the cockpit. Pain swore and said*

Guy you better land this thing now. Looks like we've got a problem.

*Guy cursed at the hover mule and said*

Well looks like we'll be in for a bumpy landin', seein' as the controls ain't workin'.

*Pain muttered something in Chinese and thought to himself*

Why can't things just go smooth for once.

Somewhere in the dark shadows of an alley

*The henchman laughed to himself. He had tracked the hover mule for most of it journey and all that tracking paid off. He held the EMP blaster in one hand, opened his com in the other, pressed the send button and said to Wolf*

The three in the hover mule have been taken care of sir.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, August 3, 2006 1:17 PM


I've got that taken care of in my previous post Guy.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, August 3, 2006 1:29 PM


umm, just who is on th ship being my hostage and who isnt? coz ive got a bunsh of mercs holding people hostage.

*wolf received the transmission*

wolf" thanks ramone."


Thursday, August 3, 2006 1:32 PM


On ship:
River, Simon, Wash, Mal, Zoe, Sybil, Mac (wounded in Infirmary), JR, Ertia. And the ShipsCat, of course.

"Wolf? What the hell are you doing?" Ertia steps forward, but Zoe's calm arm reaches out to hold her back, the gunwoman's eyes trained on the men holding the guns, guaging their chances.

Their chances weren't good.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 1:40 PM


wheres mal? coz he's the only one wolfs really after, the mercs and snipers and traps are just to keep the rest of you out of the way, so he can get a clear and fair fight.

wolf" im sorry ertia, you im just doing my job, niska wants mal dead, so i have to kill mal. where is mal anyway?"


Thursday, August 3, 2006 1:44 PM


Uh standing right next to me talking to River, right where you write him being?
Which is how I know that Zoe and I returned to the ship, because we were on the mule with Mal.

Ertia stares at Wolf in disbelief. "If you think we're just gonna let you kill the Captain, you can go houtze du pi gu, chen zue d..."

Zoe's hand clamps over her mouth, silencing her tirade.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 1:45 PM


What Ertia said.

*The hover mule bucked and skipped as it skidded across the pavement. The three men held on until the lifeless mule came to a stop at a vacant cul-de-sac. Guy fiddled with the switches and contols as Pain and Jayne got out. Jayne fiddled with his transmitter, swore and said*

Gorram transmitter ain't workin'.

*Pain scanned the scenery and replied*

Probably got shorted out. I guess that means we have to hoof it on foot to the marketplace and tell Fly and Kaylee. I sure hope Fly has a com with her.

*Jayne snorted, hawked a loogey and said*

Yeah she better. Don't wanna be left on this crapball of a planet.

*Pain sighed and said to Guy*

Guy you stay with the hover mule, me and Jayne will go get help.

*Guy replied as the two mercs started to walk away*

Um ok I guess.

*Guy sighed and said to himself*

Great now I'm alone.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, August 3, 2006 2:05 PM


um this is very akward coz, i gots to go, its about half one in the morning here and ive got to go to bed, (god, parents are annoying) could you guys do a few more traps or some dialogs, or just not post much, coz i got to go and im the one who set this whole thing up, sorry but i cant help it. really sorry, i got to go.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 2:19 PM



Thursday, August 3, 2006 2:38 PM


well, maybe I can get this thing runnin' again

*Guy opens the access panel, and begins to examine the wires, wondering what they do*

well, maybe not.

*guy is so busy fiddlin' that he doesn't notice a large man come up behind him with his fist held up, ready to strike*

how's that?
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 3:40 PM


Zoe steps deliberately forward, shielding both Ertia and Mal with her body. "Since when have you been Niska's lapdog, Wolf?"

"Not important." Wolf shifts uncomfortably, "All I want is Malcolm. The rest of you are free to go."

"Like E says," Zoe speaks quietly, and those who know her well know it's a presage to someone dying, "What makes you think we're going to let you do that?"

At a signal from Wolf, a single gunshot echoes and there's the rolling repeat as the bullet ricochet's inside the ship. "Becuase if you don't, we have to kill you all."

"Fine." Mal's voice is tense, cold, "You want me, you got me. They ain't a part of this."

"I beg to differ, sir." Zoe contradicts Mal.

"Stand down, Zoe." Mal faces her as the Wolf watches in bewilderment.

Ertia backs away from the confrontation, startled when her back hits cold metal. The cold metal of the weapons locker.

"SIR! I did not risk everything to get you out the last time just to hand that bastard your heart on a platter!" Zoe argues angrily.

"I'm ordering you to stand down!" Mal barks.

"Can we maybe discuss this whole not giving up thing?" Wash asks tentatively, "Because from where I'm standing, the odds are pretty much against us."

"Against us all. Like wind. Like hands. Pushing." River's voice is pitched, close to one of her fits.

Behind her, Ertia's hand fumbles at the digital lock of the weapons locker, a plan forming in the back of her mind.

I dunno about y'all, but I got no intention of letting anybody take my Captain. If Wolf wanted me trapped, he shoulda done it himself.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 4:34 PM


Pain you forgot about me :dissapointed:

"Where are they" john muttered as they waited to be picked up



Thursday, August 3, 2006 4:54 PM


Eep sorry John! I edited my post to include you.

*Pain and Jayne made their way through the crowds watching the parade. Pain could feel the eyes of the pickpockets, thiefs, scam artists, and the other lowlifes, looking at him and Jayne as they walked past the various alleyways to the marketplace. Pain knew Paquin was known for its sunsets, its carnivals, it bright and pretty lights of its casinos. He also knew about its dark criminal side too. Pain said to Jayne as he briefly looked at one of the floats pass by*

We should be at the marketplace in about five minutes if'n we push are way through this crowd.

*Jayne grinned and said*

I like pushin' folk 'specially if'n they get in my way.

*The two burly mercs made their way through the crowds, various people yelling insults at them, as they pushed and shoved people out of their way. They finally made it to the marketplace and started to scan the crowds for Fly, Kaylee, and John.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, August 3, 2006 7:11 PM


Ertia's fingers pause on the buttons. What was the combination again? Did the numbers on the lock-pad run right to left or up and down.

Oh, of course, 050511. Serenity Valley. Taking a guess, she presses the numbers in sequence as if the pad is layed left to right.

"SIR! I don't think this is the time to try to die!" Zoe was arguing strenuously, and Mal was toe to to with her.

"This ain't a gorram democracy, ZOE! I gave you an order! NOW stand down!"

The lock drops open and Ertia slowly, silently pries the locker open a fraction of an inch, her fingers searching the lower shelf. Finally, she finds what she seeks... Now, she just has to make sure she doesn't screw this up.

Her eyes flare across the room, to Wolf, who's watching in amazement as Zoe and Mal fight, to the half dozen heavily armed men with their guns trained on them, to Simon, who's trying to edge closer to River to shield her, to Sybil and JR, unarmed and silent by the infirmary door.

Closing her eyes, she presses the button on the concussion grenade and flips it towards the door of the cargo bay, hoping that the bodies of the six gunmen will shield the rest of them adequately from the blast...


Thursday, August 3, 2006 8:19 PM


*Kaylee was the first to notice Pain. It wasn't that hard really, since Pain stood 6' 8" it was easy to pick him out of the crowd. Kaylee jumped up and down, waving her arms around as she yelled*

Pain! Over here Pain!

*Pain looked in the direction from which Kaylee's voice came from and elbowed Jayne to look as well. Pain waved at Kaylee as him and Jayne made their way over to the mechanic. Kaylee, Fly, and John were standing underneath a tree that was surrounded by benches. Fly looked at the two men and said*

Where's the hover mule and where's Guy?

*Jayne spoke up*

Well we kinda had a problem with the hover mule. Guy's watchin' over it though.

*Kaylee replied in a worried tone*

What kinda trouble?

*Pain replied*

The electrical kind. We were headin' down here to pick you folks up when the electronics got fried. Even are transmitters got fried. We wound up skiddin' to a stop about a half mile from here.

*Fly looked at the crates John was standing by and sighed. She looked at Pain and Jayne and said*

Well it looks like we're goin' to be walkin'. Jayne would you be a dear and help carry some of this stuff. You know you guys are lucky I brought a com unit with me.

*Jayne grunted and said as Fly handed Pain the portable com unit*

Yeah sure why not. Ain't like I got nothin' else to do.

*Jayne picked up two of the boxes as John picked up one and Fly picked up the last one. Pain made sure they got everything and led the way back to the hover mule and Guy. Pain clicked the com button, selected Serenity's frequency and said into it*

Uh Captain we've had some slight problems with the hover mule. We'll be a tad late arrivin' to Serenity.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, August 3, 2006 8:58 PM


*Guy lays face down in the dirt unconscious with his hands tied*
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 9:47 PM


jezz, you go to sleep for a couple of extra hours and its like no one remembers your on ship....

Choo stands behind everyone eyeing the nine heavily armed men. Smirking he remebered the Alliance made Desert Eagles always seemed to jam at the wrong moment. Looking up Choo then notices the large ball like object flying over head....

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Friday, August 4, 2006 2:34 AM


ok, sory bout that guys, time zones are a drag.

*the concussion grenade hit the soldiers hard, but wolf jumped off the stairs and in front of the crew just in time to be sheilded when they were.*

wolf" E, that was NOT clever!"

*he punched zoe in the chest, she hit the side of the cargo bay and fell unconsius. he ran to ertia and shut her in the weapons locker, he then locked it.*

wolf" well, that was annoying."

*the crew got ready to fight wolf and wolf flexed his robotic arm.*

wolf" i dont want to hurt you, but if you get in my way, i may have to."

sorry about the tight squeeze ertia


Friday, August 4, 2006 5:20 AM


:) NO problem. I'm in the weapons locker...

Ertia twists in the tight space, grabbing the spare ballistics vest and wedging it between her and the vented outer wall.

Unable to bend down, she dug with her bare toes, praying that Jayne hadn't used them all or taken them with him.
A Grizwald...that tiny concealable grenade, just big enough for one. This is the mini-griz, designed to disable a single soldier, or even a single body part. Mal hadn't wanted them onboard when Jayne bought them. He'd said they weren't in the business of leaving maimed and wounded in a bloody trail behind them.

Since that day, Jayne had used them numerous times to open strongboxes, break doors, and on one occassion, cause havoc at a cocktail party. That had been a fun day! She smirks at the memory.

Praying no one is on that side of the locker, she wedges it into the vent, as close to the doorjam as she can manage.

If she's wrong... if she miscalculated... It doesn't bear thinking about. So what?! If she miscalculated, it will all be over very very quickly! No time to worry!

She shoves all of the spare ammo to the back, tossing a flak blanket over it, and then grabs the AK off the rack, slamming a full clip home. As an afterthought, she pulls on the orange ear-guards, then she curles herself as far into the ballistics jacket as possible, the rifle protected between her knees.

Reaching back, she presses the set-button on the mini-griz, curls her entire body into the jacket and ducks her head...


Friday, August 4, 2006 5:45 AM


Everyone on deck is thrown backwards as the weapons locker door comes flying open, hitting wolf in the back and sending him crashing to the floor.

For a few seconds everyone is confused and dazzed as smoke clouds their vision.

"preatty." mutters River as she lays on the floor staring into nothing...

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Friday, August 4, 2006 6:05 AM


* 62 jumped up and ran to the weapons locker, helped ertia out and then grabbed his uzi, he jumped over to wolf and prodded him with the bayonet.*



Friday, August 4, 2006 6:18 AM


*wolf was blown to the floor, 62 poked him, he span round and grabbed 62 by the throat in an instant.*


*wolf threw 62 up in the air then drew his energy sword and hit him like a baseball. 62 flew through the air, his legs however flew the other way.*

wolf" ERTIA!"

*he grabbed her by the neck and lifted her off her feet, simon punched him in the back, wolf span round and punched him back, in the face with his robotic arm, simon went spinning through the air and landed on the catwalk, unconsious.
wolf then hit ertia against the wall until she was knocked out then dropped her, she slumped on the floor.*


Friday, August 4, 2006 6:22 AM


uh, choo? Anytime, baby!


Friday, August 4, 2006 6:52 AM



wolf turned around to find Mal with a pistol aimed at him. Blood was running from a cut on his forhead

"This is between you and me. Leave my crew out of this..."

"Oh how cliche" said Wolf

"I know" said Mal, raising a flare gun from behind his back. Mal pulled the trigger and Wolf's chest exploded in a mass of hot fiery red. Pushing his smoldering body to the floor...

better E?

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Friday, August 4, 2006 7:05 AM


*wolf lifted himself off the floor.*

wolf" ow."

*mal is undestandibly confused, wolf grabbed both mals guns and bent them in a circle. he threw them away.*

wolf" mal, im not an idiot, i tried to shoot jayne once remember."

*wolf opened his shirt*

wolf" body armour."

*wolf punched mal in the stomach with his metal arm, a bump appered on the other side.*

mal" ow."

*mal stumbled away, winded and severly bruised. wolf continued to walk towards him*

wolf" im sorry but if i dont kill you, niska will kill me."

*wolf drew his katana and activated the lazer device, a red glow surrounded the blade, he swung the sword.*

mal" arrg!"

*the cut was long and deep, acrss mals chest, wolf swung again, making a furiously bleeding X shape on mals chest.*

wolf" im sorry"

*as he raised his weapon, someone knocked him out, jr had hit him with his boot from across the room.*


Friday, August 4, 2006 7:15 AM


Choo bent over the knocked out wolf. "better put you too sleep big fella."

Pulling out what seemed to be a small silver tube with a blue light on the end Choo raised it over Wolfs forehead and pressed a button. A blue glow and a small veering noise made Wolfs eyes to stop flickering and enter a deep sleep.

"JR, you better wake the doc, Captain Reynolds doesn't look so good."

"understament...of the year..." muttered Mal

"I've seen worse." said Choo. "Much worse. Now hold still until we can get you to the Infirmary."

sorry wolf. guy in a leather jacket sold me that. never did get his name...

"Everyone alright?" asked Mal as he heard a few moans and groans come from the deck....

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Friday, August 4, 2006 7:17 AM


Meanwhile somewhere in New Vegas.

*Pain repeated his message then said to the others*

Huh the com doesn't seem to be workin' and if'n it is noone's replyin'.

*Kaylee grabbed the com and said*

Let me try.

*She pushed the button and said into it*

Hello is anybody there?

*All that returned was static. Kaylee sighed and said*

I ain't gettin' a reply 'cept static.

*Jayne grumbles as he readjusts the weight of the boxes. They make it over to the hover mule and see Guy laying in the dirt, unconcious with his hands tied. The five of them rush over to him, Fly, John, and Jayne setting the boxes of food down. Pain and Jayne unholster their pistols and make sure the area is secure, as Fly cuts the rope from Guy's wrist, turns him over, smacks him some and says*

Guy! Guy can you hear me! Guy!

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, August 4, 2006 12:23 PM


well, that was wild.


Friday, August 4, 2006 1:18 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:

They make it over to the hover mule and see Guy laying in the dirt, unconscious with his hands tied. The five of them rush over to him, Fly, John, and Jayne setting the boxes of food down. Pain and Jayne unholster their pistols and make sure the area is secure, as Fly cuts the rope from Guy's wrist, turns him over, smacks him some and says*

Guy! Guy can you hear me! Guy!

*Guy's eyes slowly open and he winces at the light*

"Why do I feel like I just spent a week lost in a wine cellar?"
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.






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