Male and Female Imponderables--No more Shakespeare

UPDATED: Friday, August 4, 2006 11:44
VIEWED: 18111
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Thursday, August 3, 2006 12:51 PM


I'm sure I had the same experience that a lot of kids had, where the only time you heard your full name was when you were in trouble. I was named after my two grandfathers, one of whom I never knew. As I got older, more people used my first two names as one unit, and it bothered me so much that I began going by my initials in the mid '70s. Unfortunately, those initials were "J.R.", and when Dallas came on the air, I was branded for life.

So who is he?
He's my husband.
Well who in the damn galaxy ain't!


Thursday, August 3, 2006 12:57 PM


AS a little girl I wanted to be named Katherine,because I really anted to be called Kat.Now I really like my name ,it's unique and I'm never confused with anyone else.
The only other female Bryce I've ever heard of Is Bryce Dallas Howard & I'm not likely to be confused with her ! Although my mother's maiden name is actually Howard & I being close to her side of the family I always wanted to have my last name changed to Howard.Go figure.


I swallowed a bug.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 1:02 PM


I was fine with my first name. I've always made friends with everyone else named David/Dave. It's just like an immediate bond is formed. In 1st grade there were three of us and we all ate lunch together etc.

My middle name is another story. I've never been a fan. It was apparently my great grandfathers name. Never met him or my grandfather on that side of the family. I am confirmed though and for confirmation I took the name Philip. So I guess that would have ben my middle name given the choice. I pretty much took that to be unique (it worked too the bishop was like "good name. I haven't seen a philip in a long time"). Strangely enough I ended up with a roommate by that name in college.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 1:03 PM


I have a mild touch of dyslexia that really pains me when doing any math but time and money. Might have held me back a smidge in the reading, but not much.

MSG- Please, no. Gotta put up with the theater crowd. Not the bad parents too. Oh yeah, on the special hell thing, gettin' kinda scared. GND seems to be hangin' out and asking alot of questions.

RugBug- Thanks. I like the, "Tell me how it ends" game. He seems to be gettting into the story tellin' alot lately.

Should this thread be "Imponderables: Reading is FUN-damental."?

I resort back to the name game Tristan and I spoke about. Switching first middle, and last names to introduce yourself. As much as I have griped about having all first names, I kinda like it.

MSG- WIsh I would have let my sisters dad adopt me. Kinda touched on a sensative spot there. There may be tears. Really.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 1:09 PM


I'm not quite sure what I wanted to be named, but I've always felt like I wanted to be a boy. Except, I don't want to do something wierd and become a boy.

Anyway, with the toilet, yes, I do read on the toilet. Continuing from toilet to reading, I am an avid reader. I attack Star Trek books with a fever... and then realize that OMG! it's 12:30 in the morning when I have to get up at 6:00.....
I read a Star Trek book in one day, then pick up one of the movie novelizations... and then... read that... and start another one, inevitably get to page 83 or some such, and fall asleep surely as someone used a safe word.

May not be smart, and it may not please you, but you're definitely gonna see what I have to say.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 1:10 PM


Well my father wanted my name to be Alexandria but my mom thought it was too long, but when I heard that could have been my name, I really wanted that to be my name. Thankfully I really like my name now.



Thursday, August 3, 2006 1:32 PM


*jawdrops* holy CROM how am I suposed to keep up????

IIIEEEE *screams and runs in circles*

Between my duties and bb's being a WoW class lead, work, wifely attentions, pettly attentions, and this...gah. the funniest part about the bath episode was it finaly stoped foaming when I stoped hitting the button. Apparently it was something that had to sit for a few seconds before it starts to process the off command. I swear to god that Mrs G just disapeared in front of me under a mountain of foam before she finaly got out in a panic :D

Names: eh, I don't like mine especialy.. I'm one of those lucky guys with a 'girls' name.

GND: Questions eh? :) hey as long as it's light, fun, and enjoyable for both of you...think happy calm thoughts.

Everything else discused: my lord I can't keep track of that many things...brain... overloading....

ZOMG English Premier season START!!! I need my football!


Thursday, August 3, 2006 1:37 PM


Well, even now I can sometimes to for weeks without hearing somebody address me by name (my family and friends pretty much only use pronouns, now), and I don't have any particularly strong connection to the name I was born with. It didn't help that there were 15 other Ryans born the same year within 40 kms...
If I were to be renamed, I'd probably pick something starting with a 'J'. Jacob (big surprise there) springs to mind. Wouldn't mind goin' through life as Jack. Or James, maybe. Jeremy... Meh. Not a problem I can deal with now, though. I'm just glad I didn't get a really twitchy name, like Rasputin.

On the topic of baths: I love to bathe. Since acquiring a taste for it at age ten, I've always preferred having a nice, half hour (at least) soak after a long, aggravating day. Showers are only good for removing a day's stink; baths can scour away the stink, the skin it was hiding in, relax tense muscles, and get a body ready for bed all at the same time.
Of course, I'm lucky in that my house has a REALLY deep bathtub. It so deep that even me with my big-ole-belly can crawl in there, fill up on water, and get completely submerged. And on a cold day (which this forsaken spit of red dirt has in droves), nothing like a bath can make you feel alive again.

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 2:01 PM


Well, catch y'all later. Goin' home.

Thanks for the help Imponderablers.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 2:08 PM


Sorry, had to bump.
Just like seein' y'all on top.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 3:13 PM


No others for her, MsG - she is an only. She is still in a family of freaks though, having me and my wife as parents...

For reasons I can't explain, I ALWAYS wanted the first name Alex. Evry story I ever wrote that was a proxy for what I wanted to do - Alex was the main character's name.



Thursday, August 3, 2006 3:30 PM


New first name?

Does "Emperor" count?

"Don't put your trust in revolutions. They always come around again. That's why they're called revolutions. People die, and nothing changes." -Terry Pratchett "Night Watch"


Thursday, August 3, 2006 4:33 PM


Hello, again, fellow least for a few moments. Can't go to bed yet, the sheets are still drying (Yes, we have more than one set, but it sounds funnier that way).

MisterG, welcome to the fast-paced world of pondering. It's ok, this is actually kind of a slow day. You should try being gone a weekend and catching up with two threads that whizzed by

I am happy with my name. In my younger years, I liked the name Trace (pronounced "traes"). I also fell in love with Tristan a long time may not be my birth name, but more people may know me by that name than any other!

Welcome back, LittleAlbatross! Glad to hear you had fun.

NVG, even if you never have children of your own, you are a wonderful father.

Alright, all, I am off to check the sheets. I will see you all tomorrow!



Thursday, August 3, 2006 4:44 PM


Ahh, names... well my first name, I rather like, because it's a traditional irish name (for all my american passport and accent, i dont have a drop of "american" blood in my body) and here in california, i've almost never had someone else named that. i like it in that respect.

My middle name, i've come to respect, though i use to hate it because of the crude jokes that could be... nvm.

My last name, oh god i hate it. And if i told you guys anything about it, with a phone book of california you could find me. it's so damned unique (basically cause my dad's father made it up) that if the terminator comes to kill me.... i'm screwed. (dunno where the terminator reference came from, only saw that movie once a long time ago.)

On the subject of reading logs... yech. So, second grade I believe I was supposed to read for 30 minutes a night. Call me petty, but this really annoyed me at the time. And reading logs have bugged me ever since. Something about a lack of free will, that maybe if i didnt have to do it, i'd want to. Anyways, last two years my english class has required 5 hours a week. Which i guess isnt really that much, but...same principal. Plus i'm way busier... urgh. I've been known to fudge the damn things, no one but TAs ever checks them. And for some absurd reason, history books (which half the time i really enjoy) dont count!

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Thursday, August 3, 2006 6:56 PM


Hi All...

PR: Is it this type of sushi?

(sorry, bit large)
When my brain fries (pretty often) I call it Edo-style sushi ('s how I heard it described once), actual name is nigiri sushi -- and usually the ones that most westerners think of/parody when they talk about 'sushi.'

There are a couple other types -- in Hawaii, there used to be "pan sushi" (think a pyrex cake pan with a thick layer of sushi rice and covered with canned tuna cooked in soy sauce and sugar, scrambled egg slivers, and/or other items that might have been in a maki-zushi), there's a "pressed" sushi, and chirashi sushi

(basically a bowl of sushi rice with the nigiri toppings on top).

Rugbug: Darnit! We can't persuade you to join us? I agree, being with the same kids all day, every day is a lot more than I can tolerate....but that's why I teach high school students.

NV: I agree with the earlier suggestions -- read to the children you're taking care of, make the reading an adventure by asking questions of the pictures, guessing what will happen next, have them create alternate endings... When they have homework, when they're young, show interest in their work, be excited with them on their successes, encourage them to figure things out.

Another thing you can do is model good behavior for homework (if you have any work you take home). Avoid being negative about your "homework." You don't have to be excited about doing it, but your attitude towards your work helps them develop their own attitude towards the same work.

*hugs NV* Thank you, thank you for the positive words about teachers. My co-workers and I definitely appreciate hearing the public appreciate what we do.

To all the bubble bath horror stories: *giggle* Since I don't have any jets in my bath tub, I've never experienced that situation of overloading bubbles...

Guy: Most of the foods I mentioned fall under the "looks can be decieving" category. I guess I shouldn't explain what balut or bagaoong is.

Whomever mentioned tiny whole fish: Was it dried? It could be iriko.

..grew up eating that as a snack...and people I know talk about eating a bowl of rice with a handful of these on top with a great deal of nostalgia. It's described as a type of anchovy.

Reading logs: *heh* I fall under the 'odd duck' parents pushed doing 'reading logs' when I was young, because I read so much. Slowed me down quite a bit, since writing is not my strong point (typing, yes, hand writing things, not so much). Sad part about that though was I was reading in the MS readathon (anyone remember that?) and there was an article on the girl who read several hundred books for the readathon in the local paper.
The other thing I remember about reading as a youngster was the SRA program...I was far ahead of a majority of the students in the short readings. (I was also ahead of myself when compared to myself in long reading sections.) My teacher at the time basically told me that I wasn't going to do any more short readings until I caught up with the longer readings (short readings was a single card with something to read on one or both sides, the longer readings were longer cards folded in half to make a mini-booklet/brochure with the reading on the first two pages and question/answer section on the last two pages.)

*bleh* I give up trying to make small postings. Maybe I'll be able to do it tonight.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 10:52 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

*yawn stretch*
I was kidnapped by my best friend this morning! That was fun. I don't get to see enough of her.
So what were we talkin' about?
TrogMan, glad a few things are breaking free! Also glad my advice yeilded some results! (yes, that was mine! )

Originally posted by Ged:
When I have a SO, we're usually inseparable. I'm just an affectionate kind of guy. Love holding hands, being together and what not. As for other guys, well I don't know. It seems a lot guys in their 20's are looking for fast women - flavor of the week type of deal.


Why must you be in Texas?
I find myself asking that a lot. I need to get myself a Firefly so distance isn't an issue! Gorram gas prices and cost of living and my desire to go back to school
Cute, caring, Buddhist, Harry Potter and Firefly fan... What more could a girl want?
Whitefall, theater kids at my high school were snobs. The snobbiest of the snobs. Mega evil nasty snobs!
I hated my high school.
Desktophippie, I also read on the toilet. But also in the bath, on the rare occasion I take one. The only tub in the house is in my mom's bathroom, which is attached to her room, so I can't just go up there anytime I want for a bath.
On a side note, I don't know how y'all could have "Half Blood Prince" this long and not have read it! I was done with it two days after it came out.
Well, when you're done, come talk to me, We can bounce theories off each other.
Umbrage was removed because she was the one who sent dementers after Harry. Also, she was carried into the woods by centaurs and traumatized (though she survived. Pity).
I never minded reading logs. It was easy homework, as far as I was concerned. I just did what I did and got credit; no extra work involved.
Y'know, I thought I had a pretty good reading capacity and speed... Y'all are makin' me feel average. That doesn't happen much. Browncoats are just really smart and gifted, it seems!
I always liked the name Lily, sort of wanted that when I was a kid. Or Goldie. Mostly, I just wanted some name that could not in any way be made fun of. I'm not sure that even exists, though.
I adore my name, now. Not many my age ahve the name Rose. Though I've had several people assume I was names after my grandmother, which annoys me a little bit. But then I get to counter with "No, I was named after the symbol of the coming Buddha."
Yeah, Neko, that's the stuff!
I gotta get me some sushi.
My mom describes me as a frustrated English teacher at times. I do like getting the language right, and would like to spread the learning. But... Bleh. With what's in place now, I don't think I could deal with it. I would want to go on a killing spree of the school board or something; it would just give me an ulcer. Or something.
Look, I'm finally caught up! Sorry about the disappearing act earlier...




Friday, August 4, 2006 3:03 AM


Mornin' all. Just dropping in and out. Be back Sat, maybe.
Hugs to all.


Friday, August 4, 2006 3:28 AM


Morning my darlings...last day of 5 kids:) Yippee!!
Ok I will be back in about 6 hours so I know there will be nine million posts.

Continue discussion of what name you really wanted:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, August 4, 2006 3:32 AM


Morning to all...

PR - sorry about forgetting who gave me that advice, but thanks anyway! We've talked more in the last two nights than in the last year. I think it is still in the "worse before it gets better" stage, but at least we both agree on the goal - a better relationship and better communication. That is huge (to me).

I'll be gone all weekend to NYC - visiting some old friends for a fun guy getaway weekend. My SO had hers about 6 weeks ago, so here is mine! So, I'll be back and posting on Monday. Then, off to Edmonton for a week for work, but I can still post from there...

One other thing about the name stuff - I go by my middle name, and I have a first initial. Blame my parents - they literally thought that would be "neat". It is such a pain in the a** sometimes - every form in the world is a chore! Oh, well, it is eccentric and therefore noteworthy to some.

Music is good.


Friday, August 4, 2006 3:39 AM


Morning, all!
Today is going to be a very busy day IRL...I will try to drop in here when I can, but it may not be until later tonight.
Try not to go too crazy!



Friday, August 4, 2006 3:51 AM


PR! HP - you spot where that missing Horcrux is yet? And I have an RAB theory to share!



Friday, August 4, 2006 3:57 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I have only vague theories as to the missing horcux. As for RAB...

Select to view spoiler:

I think it is Regulous Black

Maybe we should start a HP thread. Hold on, I'll be right back.
Ok, come here, we'll talk!




Friday, August 4, 2006 4:06 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

I thought I wanted to be Margurite when I was little - I named a shade of pink 'Marguite pink' and then decided it was too posh... so I always pretended to be Marina when we played games. One day my Mum stopped and said "We almost named you Marina... it means the same as yur name, Meredith, but Marina is Greek and Meredith is Welsh" I was so surprised! (Means: child of the ocean)

Then I discovered the Little House books - funny thing is that it was about the time I realised I was an advanced reader - had read and re-read the whole series by Laura Ingalls Wilder by the time I turned 7 and several of the other kids in my class were just starting books over 15 pages long! Then, of course I wanted to be called Laura & it's still a favourite name to this day!

Still I think my parents had really good taste and whenever I meet someone else called Meredith we almost always say how much we like it!

I am just on a real understanding Mary Magdalene phase at the moment - the underrated disciple! Hence my posting name (also I thought it sounded like a name from the 'verse,... is this post the first time I've used my 'real' name on this forum??)

Lovin' you all, but must go to bed now! Mwaaah - Magdalena x x x

"I love my Captain!"


Friday, August 4, 2006 4:46 AM


Morning all!

I've never been a big fan of my name, but whatchya gonna do? :shrugs: I can't imagine being called anything else. But as a child, I did always want to be called Samantha and go by Sam. I had this fascination with having a girl's name and a boy's nickname. I tried to get my name to work for that, but I'm not to fond of Ray which is really the only boy's name you can make from Traci.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Friday, August 4, 2006 5:02 AM


The reading early thing is so great - I read 'I, Claudius' at the age of 7 or so, and I never realised that I wasn't 'supposed' to. Dad had a lot of fun explaining incest and disembowelling. I read anything, anywhere. The only reason I carry a bag is that it is big enough to carry a book and my little notebook of evil.

Perfect evening - warm bubble bath, cold glass of white wine, good book (write faster, Rowling, and d**m your kids!)

My real name means 'consecrated to god', but on balance, I think the god in question might be one of the strange and squid-like ones from the Elder Times. I never answer to my full name anyhow.


Friday, August 4, 2006 5:23 AM



Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
Perfect evening - warm bubble bath, cold glass of white wine, good book (write faster, Rowling, and d**m your kids!)

I guess my name wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the meaning (it's one with a gap between your teeth). I do like my middle name though. It's A'liah (means exalted).


"See, this is a sign of your tragic space dementia. All paranoid and crotchety, it breaks the heart."


Friday, August 4, 2006 5:31 AM


My first name is David... a good, solid name... it's ok by me, but lately I’ve noticed that parents name their kids the weirdest things... some simply sound made up and others seem to have some strange relevance to the parent, but the poor kid is the one to suffer...

I miss good, honest names like Joe... don't see many Joes anymore...

"endeavor to persevere..." Chief Dan George as Lone Waite, Indian chief


Friday, August 4, 2006 5:33 AM


Morning all imponderers!

As for a name... well I've never really had a desire change my name or have any other name. I used to go by Arthur all the time, then in high school everyone called me Art and it kind of stuck. As for my last name, however, when I was a kid I had this Asian last name and I wanted a "normal" last name. But as I've grown, I've become more appreciative of my heritage and found out that my last name has meaning.

PR, Texas isn't so bad. You should come visit some time!

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Friday, August 4, 2006 5:41 AM


Ahhhhhhhhh! I can't stand it. I have to get through the day and then it's off to my first vacation of the year. I want outta here now!!

I'm not gonna be able to concentrate on work all day. Oh well I got plenty of personal imponderables to ponder.


Friday, August 4, 2006 6:04 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

My best friend was just in Texas for a bit. She didn't have a very good time. Are you sure it's not that bad?
Nah, I kid you, but I might just head down if I ever have money combined with time off. Both would involve a new job, so send good job vibes my way!
Of course, ifyou have money combined with time off....




Friday, August 4, 2006 7:16 AM


Morning all...

Rose, Ged, lol, who was it was talking about PST:psycho sexual tension?

Urgh, Rose to find a job that pays well and is during the day and has lots of time off! <--good vibes? Have to do.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Friday, August 4, 2006 7:23 AM



Originally posted by Dayve:
I miss good, honest names like Joe... don't see many Joes anymore...

Nope, they change their name to Joss.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Friday, August 4, 2006 8:20 AM


Disco, disco duck...


Friday, August 4, 2006 9:10 AM


I see the ducks have escaped the Forsaken holding area...



Friday, August 4, 2006 9:15 AM


First llamas, now ducks...


"See, this is a sign of your tragic space dementia. All paranoid and crotchety, it breaks the heart."


Friday, August 4, 2006 9:25 AM


anyone brave enough to round up and shave those ducks has a great deal of respect about to come their way from me...


Friday, August 4, 2006 9:35 AM


That leads me to an Imponderable! I think some form of this was covered much earlier, but it's a good time to bring it back up:

Does anyone have a fear of an animal that makes other people go "You're kidding?!?"? Examples would be fear of hamsters.

I don't think I do. I have a slight wariness around birds (we have three at the hosue), but I generally love them. I always worry about my eyes around them.

Anyone have something like that?



Friday, August 4, 2006 10:02 AM


Hrmm, other than snakes and spiders, I've recently realized I have a fear of frogs. I've had a couple of run ins with a few frogs in the past weeks and I can't say I've enjoyed them. Most have involved opening a door at night only to have a frog on the doorknob outside so I grab it as I go to close the door. Soft and squishy is not what I was expecting and it freaked me out. ( to the frogs)

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Friday, August 4, 2006 10:05 AM


Frogs. That's a good one. I, of course, am going to have to post a picture of them now...

But it's a cute one, so it shouldn't be that traumatic.



Friday, August 4, 2006 10:06 AM


aside from ducks with a tendancy towards dancing, i can't say as i do, not got any phobia's, which tends to make me feel dreadfully left out of this kind of discussion. very little to contribute


Friday, August 4, 2006 10:07 AM


As far as birds, my grandmother's house was near a lake that had quite a few pigeons, ducks, and geese. If enough of those get together, they can be scary, especially if you are feeding them bread and run out. They get indignant when you stop feeding and can peck around in your pockets looking for food.

So who is he?
He's my husband.
Well who in the damn galaxy ain't!


Friday, August 4, 2006 10:14 AM


*a bunch of blank-eyed pigeons and ducks slowly surround the defenseless old lady...she shakes the feed bag to show that it's empty...the pigeons and ducks move in slowly...*

Yep, I can see how that could be scary!



Friday, August 4, 2006 10:23 AM


Tristan- right wiht you on the bird thing. Grandpa has a bird farm( pheasants and the like) after he's where I learned bird are mean and cruel things. They peck and they can do serious harm if they attack. My grandpa had a parrot named Gimli and he would act nice and try and get you to give him a kiss, but if you got close he would bite you and if he hurt you he would ( seriously) do an evil laugh! Parrots still give me the willies!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, August 4, 2006 11:44 AM


Ok, during the lull...I am going to start a new thread for the weekend. Be right back...

New home:







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