Life Onboard Serenity: Why Cant Things Just Go Right?

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 09:45
VIEWED: 14342
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Friday, August 4, 2006 3:08 PM


Life Onboard Serenity is a chain-story/rpg. Anyone can play! Anyone Can Join! Come on in and make yourself at home.

Previously, On Life Onboard Serenity!

And our latest adventure:

In which:
The job went off with almost no hitches, exept for a bit of shooting and a truck charging at us, so pretty much normal. But then, wolf came back with a bunch of mercs, tried to kill mal, and almost succeeded if it wern’t for those meddling kids, I mean JR hitting him with a boot.

Who knows wattll happen next, but lets follow the rules shall we?

We're open to all authors and writing styles. This thread is just for fun! However, we do ask that a couple of simple rules be followed:

No killing of other author’s characters or of canon characters. In that vein, try to keep canon characters acting like themselves.

Please try to post with consideration for fellow authors and with some consistency to current story lines.

Sub-plots are great and we welcome them, but please try to make them fit into the current stories as much as possible.

Oh, and please keep things as close to PG as possible. If you have a more adult scene you'd like posted, send it to Ertia and She'll put it up on her site.

So…lets get going.


Friday, August 4, 2006 3:10 PM


yay, first post, and smell the new thread smell
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Friday, August 4, 2006 3:22 PM


*wolf was in a dream land, but something kept irritating him, some tingling thing ichting ant the back of his mind, trying to wake him up, NAPALM, the word flashed across his mind and his eyes slammed open. he jumped up and ran towards the bridge, jumped in the front seat and said to wash.*

wolf" wash, i know wat i did was wrong, but help me out here, ok?"

wash" why?"

wolf" coz theres a ton of napalm headed towards this ship and in an hour we're all frizzled."

wash" frizzled?"

wolf" frizzled."

wash" ok."

*they sorted out the controls, when jr ran in and tackled wolf to the floor. wash protested.*

wash" i wouldn't do that."

jr" why not?"

*wolf punched him unconsious and sat him down in the corner.*

wolf" sorry buddy."

*wolf spoke into the enginroom com.*

wolf" kaylee? i need the land lock overide precedure. kaylee? kaylee?"

wash" shes gone out to the town."

wolf" DAMN IT!"

*he ran down to the cargo bay when sybil knoked him out with a frying pan to the back of the head.*


Friday, August 4, 2006 4:05 PM


*to Pain*

try the comm again.
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Friday, August 4, 2006 4:43 PM


*Pain swears and says into the com again*

Is anybody pickin' this up or am I makin' myself look like a donkey's pigu and talkin' to myself?

*Pain depressed the button and heard the familiar noise of static. Pain swore again as a familiar voice came on over the com*

Hello Pain is that you?

*Pain replied*

Wash is that you?

*Wash replied*

Uh I believe it is unless you know someone else named Wash.

*Pain smiled and said*

Ha ha Wash. Can you send someone to pick us up? We're kind of havin' problems with the hover mule.

*Wash replied*

I'd like to Pain but Serenity's land locked right now an.....

*The com went all staticky again as Pain turned to the other five and said*

Well it looks like we won't be gettin' help any time soon. Serenity's been land locked again.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, August 4, 2006 5:00 PM


What is it with us and landlocks?

Well, I guess we have nothing to do but wait
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Friday, August 4, 2006 5:25 PM


Ertia crawled to her knees and promptly vomited over the cargo bay floor as the effects of the multiple concussions struck her. Gasping and wiping her mouth, she looked around, concerned at the mess and the noise.

"I got him." Sybil's voice sounds overhead and Ertia glances up at the catwalk where the beauty stands with a frying pan in her hand. All four of her...

"Landlocked!" Wash's voice echoes from the other direction. "We're completely tied down."

"Port authority?" JR was asking, and Ertia tried to figure out which of the four of him she should be looking at, "Alliance did this?"

"No." Wash answered, "This is a private lock. Illegal."

"Com..thing..get.." Ertia stops, shakes her head, realizes that was the wrong thing to do as the entire bay spins around her. ""

"She needs a computer." Sybil interpreted quickly, "Can you do it, Ertia?"

Sybil is helping her to her feet, but she can't answer. Her tongue feels thick and the room is spinning. The throbbing from the back of her head carries all the way to her spine.

"Wolf was trying to get us out of here in a hurry." Wash said, concerned, as JR picked up Ertia and carried her to the bridge.

Settling her in the co-chair, he pulled up the keypad for her.

"Oh. Not good." Wash was looking at the screen in front of him. "We got some kind of heat signature bearing in."

"Shut the cargo bay. Lock up." JR orders Sybil, who runs for the cargo bay."I'll go heat the engines. Ready when you are, Wash."

Ertia stares blankly at the screen. There's too many numbers. They're rolling too fast, scribbling by. They bring the nausea back...what was she..oh...landlock.

Quickly, she logged into Paquin's direct Port Satellite- locks locks locks..why was everything the right combination today? Her fingers trembled as she was forced to type and then retype as her eyes came unfocused and the screen waved in front of her.

Process- transfer;

/:quit: process


There was a beep, a blue light on the com, and Wash yelled, "NOW! GO!"

Serenity surged skyward, the g-forces shoving Ertia back into the seat, and causing her to vomit again. "Sorry...Sorry...Wash..."

"Hey, NOT on the com panel, E."

There was a devilishly bright light below them, a flare of orange and red as Serenity lifted.

Wash grabbed the com, "JR, Sybil? Would you mind taking the second shuttle and finding our wayward babes? Choo? Is the doc conscious? How's Zoe? Ertia's puking all over the brigde. I think her brain got scrambled."

Ertia just lay there, watching the clouds move out the windscreen, and listened to Wash take charge. Then she remembered.

That bastard Wolf.
He was going to pay for this. Everything. "Wolf?"

Wash smiled wickedly to Ertia as he snapped a clip into his pistol, "I can't fly and shoot at the same time."

He hands her the gun, "He comes near that door, you shoot him."

Ertia looked at the three Wash's and the four guns, and waved her hand dizzily, idly wondering if there were three Wolf's and which one she should shoot first.


Friday, August 4, 2006 8:27 PM


Choo tried to steady himself as the ship pitch and yarred all wildly.

"I'm trying my best Mr. Wash. Also can you just carm down, Miss Washburn is fine, and also, were in surgery down here..."

Choo looked across to where simon was trying to stitch Mals deep cut's across the stomach. There seemed to be blood everywhere...

"also, once we've landed the Captains going to need a blood transfusion. Wash is the only compatible person on board." Simon said over his shoulder as he carefully closed the wound. "Can you read me his vitals from the display..."

Meanwhile, over Wolfs sleeping body, River circled him muttering "...bad wolf. Who's afraid of the big bad wolf, big bad wolf, big bad wolf..."

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Friday, August 4, 2006 8:53 PM



Originally posted by Guywhowantsafireflyofhisown:
What is it with us and landlocks?

*Pain replied as he leaned against the mule, pulling out a cigar, sticking it in his mouth and lighting it*

Dunno but I sure as hell ain't likin' them much myself.


Well, I guess we have nothing to do but wait

*Jayne replied*

Oh yeah that's gonna be fun. Hey Pain ya got another one of them cigars?

*Pain blew out a cloud of white tobacco smoke and replied*

Yeah but it's the last one I have on me.

*Pain looked at Fly, who looked at him with a disappointed look, and said to her*

Sorry Fly you'll just have to wait til we get back onboard Serenity so's I can offer you one.

*Fly got up from the ground, walked over to Pain, snatched the cigar out of his mouth, smiled and said*

Sorry but I didn't want to wait.

*Jayne chuckled as he saw Fly take the cigar from Pain's mouth he was about to say something when the familiar sound of a shuttle approached. John looked up and said*

About time someone showed up. I was getting tired of reading Jayne's thoughts.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, August 4, 2006 9:36 PM


Wash soared Serenity out over the city, and set her down on the plains just north of town as gently as he could. "From here we can see anything coming."

Ertia took in his words, but her eyes felet so heavy. She couldn't take the spinning anymore. "I don't feel so good. I've gotta sleep."

"NO! Oh, no no no. No sleeping!" Wash shook her shoulder gently, "Come on. We'll get you to the Infirmary."

Wash helped her up and made his way down the stair half-carrying her. When he saw River circling Wolf's prone form, he paused. He couldn't help Ertia, give blood, AND tie up Wolf.

"River? Can you take the tape and tie him up?"

"Tape won't hold. His arm is too strong." River said vaguelly, looking at the exposed wires in his bionic arm.

Ertia raised Wash's pistol, braced herself against him, and fired four shots point-blank into the joint of the bionic arm. There was a hiss, and then the lights went out. With a vicious kick, she knocked it free, sending sprawling obscenely across the cargo bay floor.

"That works." Wash said approvingly.

man! I'm tired! I gotta figure out a way to get paid for this!


Friday, August 4, 2006 9:50 PM


Oh I think I know a way ...Oh you were talking about the job weren't you?

*The crowd that was forming scattered as the shuttle landed in the middle of the street. Pain and the others watched as the hatch opened and JR walked out. JR surveyed the scene and said*

Now what in the gorram ruttin' hell happened?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, August 4, 2006 9:54 PM


Choo watched as wash hurried in with E in his arms. "On it."

"you got any medical training?" asked E as Wash put here on the side.

"nope, sorry, our main doctor is practising his cross stitch on the captain. Besides i did First Aid in the scouts. How hard could it be?" Choo looked over his shoulder to see Wash, the Doc and Mal staring at him. "Sarcasm..."

Meanwhile River stared from the empty roll of tape to the duck tape mummified Wolf (its okay, you can see and breath..) "Mummification can help prolong a persons body decay for quite some time...." she said, before skipping off...

sorry wolf. nothing does seem to be going right for you. :(

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Saturday, August 5, 2006 12:30 AM


well, i do kinda deserve it.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 1:14 AM


could have been worse.

besides, what do you pay that pirate crew of yours too do??

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Saturday, August 5, 2006 3:07 AM


there my pirate crew, they man my ship, be soldiers, and baisicly do the same as the serenity crew but more nasty and they are more tough, each one is like jayne.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 11:08 AM


62 is still in the cargobay..

"err.. little help?"



Saturday, August 5, 2006 11:28 AM


Choo's fingers prodded gently at the back of Ertia's skull and she gritted her teeth as another wave of neausea threatened and the pain rocketed down her neck, and into her back.

"Skull's cracked. Swelling all seems to be on the surface, though." Choo pressed a cold pack to the back of her head, "Hold that."

"Check her pupils." Simon directed distractedly, "See if she can focus."

"Everything's blurry." Ertia slurred, looking at the wall over Simon's shoulder, "Simon? You okay? Yer blurry."

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Choo's hands were in front of her face, and she frowned at the merchant as she concentrated hard.

"Have you always had two right hands? That's fascinating." She knew she needed to focus her thoughts, to concentrate. They were in danger, terrible danger, and the others might already be dead.

"Who's the current Cabinet Administrator?" Simon asks her from where he's working on Mal.

"Stupid hwoon dahn. I din't vote fer him."

Simon and Choo exchange glances. "I think she's going to be fine, but run that scanner over the concussion for me so I can see the screen." Simon directed quitly, "We need to check for swelling in the brain."

"You sayin' I got a swollen head, doc?" Ertia tries to retort, but she's too tired to take offense.



Saturday, August 5, 2006 11:35 AM


Meanwhile in New Vegas

*Kaylee poked her head up and replied to JR's question*

The entire electrical system is shot. I can get it to limpin' if'n I bypass some circuits, but to get her fully flyin' I need my tools from Serenity.

*JR walked over, surveyed the damage to the hover mule and said*

Well the Cap'n ain't gonna be likin' this much.

*JR looked over at Guy, then at everyone else and said*

Alright me and Sybil have been asked to bring y'all back, however someone's gonna have to stay with the mule. So who's gonna go with us and who's gonna stay?

Hey JR, Fly! Where are you guys?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, August 5, 2006 12:24 PM


Somewhere in New Vegas

Sybil frowned, "JR, if Wolf was responsible for the attack on Serenity, it's possible he was responsible for this one, too. I don't think we should leave anyone alone."

"Right. Jayne? What do you say to watching Kaylee's back while she tries to get this thing running. We'll retrieve any tools you need from Serenity." JR thinks for a minute, aware that the others don't know how bad things are on Serenity.

"You guys need to know that Mal's down. It's serious. Zoe, E and the Doc are banged up a bit. If you can even get the mule limping, Kaylee, you head straight for those hills over there. Serenity's just out of sight on the plain."

Kaylee nods and Jayne accepts the spare clips that Sybil hands him. "Wish I had some grenades about now."

Sybil smirks, "You can take that up with E. when you get back."


Saturday, August 5, 2006 1:29 PM


*Jayne grumbles something about not having any grenades when he needs them, as Pain, Guy, John, and a cigar smoking Fly enter the shuttle, followed by JR and Sybil. JR looked at Fly and said as he sat down in the copilot's seat*

So Fly where'd you get that cigar?

*Fly smiled and said as Sybil started the shuttle up*

I got it from Pain.

*Pain spoke up*

More like you snatched it from me Fly.

*Fly took the cigar out of her mouth and stuck her tongue out at Pain before sticking the cigar back into her mouth. Pain shook his head and said as the shuttle headed back towards Serenity*

So JR how bad is Ertia?

*JR replied, still looking out of the windscreen*

Dunno Pain ya have to ask the doc about that.

*Pain leaned back on the bench and hoped Ertia would be alright. John having picked up on Pain's thought said to him*

She'll be fine Pain she's just a little banged up.

*Pain looked at John, then turned his attention back to the scenery flying past the windscreen.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, August 5, 2006 1:34 PM


John climbed onboard the shuttle and they flew back toward Serenity. He wondered what Wolf had decided was th best/stupidest thing he could do and if he'd done it. Probably had. He would have to have a serious talk with him next time they met



Saturday, August 5, 2006 2:05 PM


* river picked up 62 and both his legs, she took him into the engineroom and put him down.*

river" kaylee will fix you trollman, but no scraps for you!"

62" huh?"

best/stupidest, hmm, amazing how often those to things go hand in hand isnt it


Saturday, August 5, 2006 2:07 PM


but dont have that serious talk just yet, im goin to bed, g'night.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 2:49 PM


I'm all for puttin' him out the airlock while he's asleep.... :D

"No swelling to the brain," Simon was glancing at the monitor images of Ertia's skull while he slid a needle into Wash's tourniqueted arm. "You should take it easy, keep the cold-packs on it until the swellings down, but it should heal fine."

"Look at this! I'm always giving my lifesblood for this ship!" Wash blurts, but it's clearly a cover for his real feelings, that he would give everything he could for Mal to be well, for Serenity to keep flying.

"Honey," Zoe's voice was soft from where she was lying ont he counter, "You don't quit whining you're gonna lose more than blood."

Surprised Wash turned his head, a happy grin breaking across his face, "ZOE! You're awake."

"Yeah." The first mate pushed herself upright, "Got a headache larger than Badger's ego, but I'm all right. Mal?"

Simon shook his head, but his words were encouraging, "He's lost alot of blood. Any other man I would say would have been dead by now. But our Captain...He'll come through fine."

"Where's that little mutt?" Zoe swung off the counter and onto her feet, her hand going for her gun, "Is he still alive?"

"Trussed. Turkey." River's voice came from the doorway, "Swaddled. But not like the baby."


Saturday, August 5, 2006 8:46 PM


*Pain said to Guy as the shuttle docked with Serenity*

That's some shiner you got there Guy. You probably should have the doc look at it if'n he ain't too busy.

*Guy shrugged and said*

Nah it's fine I've had worse.

*Everyone onboard felt the docking clamps engage and pull the shuttle in. Pain got up, opened the shuttle's hatch, walked the short distance to the other hatch and opened it up. Pain stepped onto the catwalk and took in the mayhem that had gone on inside the cargo bay. Pain rushed down the stairs and headed to the infirmary, leaving the others to walk around the cargo bay. Pain almost walked into Zoe as she exited the infirmary, clearly angry about what had happened. Wash saw Pain and said woozily*

Hey Pain glad you could join us.

*Pain replied as he looked at Ertia*

Yeah thanks Wash. Doc is she goin' to be ok?

*Simon replied*

Well she did suffer a cracked skull, a concussion, and there is some surface swelling, but nothing life threatening.

*Pain looked at Simon then back at Ertia and replied*

Well I'll take your word for it.

*Choo spoke up and said*

Really Mr. Pain she'll be fine. If it weren't for her smart thinking we'd probably be dead.

*Pain smiled at Ertia who was sleeping, then the smile faded as he looked out of the window and into the cargo bay. Pain said to noone particular*

Where's the hun dan at?

*Wash replied still lightheaded*

Zoe went to go have a word with him although not exactly with words, but more like with bullets.

*Pain growled and said*

Not if I do first.

*Pain stormed out of the infirmary and over to the crowd of people looking at the taped up Wolf, none of them being in a friendly mood. Wash smiled and said*

There goes a man who needs a happy hug and I wanna be the man to give him that hug.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, August 5, 2006 8:54 PM


ummm, I was hit from behind
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 8:59 PM


Yes I know but maybe whoever hit you from behind thought you could use a black eye. Or maybe one of the street urchins picked your pocket and punched you in the face for good measure.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, August 6, 2006 5:22 AM


Choo walked out of the infirmary slightly exhausted. Been a looong day. And with most of the crew badly injured, it seemed his ride wasn't going to well...or his stomach.

Choo walked into the cargo bay and saw the crowd form around, what had been Wolf.

"before you all rip him to shreads, what does everyone want to eat?"

Pain spoke up "you offering to try and cook?"

"er...try isn't the most, apporiate of words. But yeah, thought it was about time i tried my hand at feeding you all."

"go ahead," Zoe said. "Just don't make sure it don't kill us as well..."

Choo walked off into the dinning room, passing River who was sitting in the corridor humming "ring a ring a roses"...

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Sunday, August 6, 2006 6:41 AM


* wolf woke up and found he couldnt move, he struggled around and heard voices.*

zoe" hes moving."

*pain gave him a kick.*


Sunday, August 6, 2006 11:00 AM


*Pain grinned and kicked Wolf in the rib cage as hard as he could. Pain replied to everyone while still looking at Wolf*

You know we should hang him upside down from the winch and smack him around with heavy metal objects.

*Wolf's reply was muffled by the tape wrapped around his mouth. Pain tilted his head and replied*

What was that Wolfie? You say you want to be hung upside down and get beaten with heavy metal objects?

*Pain looked at everyone and said smiling*

Hey you heard him. He wants to be strung up and beaten. Who'd like the first crack?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, August 6, 2006 7:28 PM


so what happened then???? you left me waiting....

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Sunday, August 6, 2006 9:03 PM


Then Wolf came to his senses, apologized to everyone, and decided to go to the New Vegas Clown College. J/K of course

*Guy replied*

Why don't you go first Pain? You're the one who thought it up. Plus think about what what did to Ertia.

*Pain did think about it. It made him angry at Wolf for hurting the woman he loved, but then he thought of her laying in the exam chair in the infirmary. Pain breathed out a slow breath then said*

You know I would but I think I'd better be with Ertia.

*Pain turned to Zoe and said to the woman*

You can have first whack at him though Zoe.

*Pain smiled then turned and headed back to the infirmary to be with his bao bei. Pain could hear the sound of the winch being lowered as he entered the infirmary. Wash was still woozy from donating blood to Mal and sat in the corner sleeping. Pain walked over to Ertia, put her hand in his, smiled, and whispered into her ear*

I'm here for you babe.

Meanwhile somewhere in New Vegas

*Kaylee said to Jayne*

Ok Jayne try it now.

*Jayne flipped some switches and waited for the hover mule to power up. The display flickered for a moment then the readout appeared on the screen, text, numbers, and graphs scrolling across the screen. Jayne's brow furrowed as he tried to process the information onscreen. He grunted then said*

I'm gettin' some numbers and words on the display screen. Does that mean this gorram piece of fei-oo is workin'?

*Kaylee replied in a shocked tone*

Jayne this mule ain't fei-oo. She's a fine machine an' you know it.

*Jayne scoffs and says*

She's gotta funny way of showin' it.

*Kaylee smiled and said*

You're jus' jealous because machine's talk to me an' not you.

*Kaylee closed the access panel and hopped in the passenger seat as Jayne said*

I ain't jealous, now can we stop this bickerin' and head back ta Serenity?

*Kaylee shrugged and replied*

That's fine by me Mr. "I'm jealous of machines".

*Jayne shook his head and muttered something in Chinese as he piloted the limping hover mule home.*

FYI the boxes of food are in the shuttle.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, August 6, 2006 10:02 PM



Choo rummaged through the boxes the others had brought. Lifting up a sealable plastic bag labelled "Protein"

Choo opened it, and found something that looked very black, very dead, and made him want to hurl..

Sealing the bag up he grabbed a couple more things and left the shuttle, not before a THUMP sounded through the cargo bay.

" that a metallic arm you seem to be hitting Wolf with Zoe?!?!?!"

"Getting some frustration out." Zoe said, never looking away from Wolf....

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Sunday, August 6, 2006 10:33 PM


Ertia felt warm fingers close around her own and squeezed back. She didn't quite feel like opening her eyes again yet. Everything seemed to happen through a thick blanket of padded wool.

"So, is the Bionic Armed Bandit still alive?" She heard Simon's sarcastic dry tone and wanted to smile.

Then she heard Pain's warm response, "For the moment. I figured Zoe should have first crack at him."

So that was who was holding her hand! She turned her palm and squeezed his fingers in her own, feeling safe for the first time since she'd ridden out with Mal and Zoe that morning. If Pain was here, nobody could hurt her. that was a silly thought. Lots of things could happen. Did happen. Didn't matter.

She drifted back into unconsciousness, only half hearing Simon's response. She thought she should try to ask if everyone was okay, if they were all right. But she was too sleepy. It didn't matter just then.

LOVED the posts today, guys! Good work. I should be around more over the week, but I'll be gone again next Friday.


Sunday, August 6, 2006 10:35 PM



*as Zoe whacks wolf*

yeah, right there. Get him!

I am modulating nutation


Monday, August 7, 2006 3:16 AM


*still upside down and in half, 62 starts singing*

"no body knows the trouble ive seen .. nobody knows my sorrow.."



Monday, August 7, 2006 7:08 AM


*wolf thought: ow, well i do kinda, ow, deserve it, ow.*


Monday, August 7, 2006 11:45 AM


"Doesn't this seem kind of barbaric" John asked Zoe entering the room.

"Not for what he did"

"I'm sure he had his reasons."

"For trying to kill Mal doesn't everybody."

"Fine go on with the savage beeting"



Monday, August 7, 2006 11:46 AM


*bored of being face down, 62 flips himself over and crawls to a nearby screwdriver and started crawling to where wolf was being held..*

The meaning of life is 62


Monday, August 7, 2006 11:59 AM


wolf" MMMHHHHHFFFF!!!!!!"

*river walked in*

river" you should take off the mouth tape. he is trying to speak."

*john took off the mouth tape.*


zoe" more?"

wolf" yeah, are you beating me with my own arm?"

zoe" yes i belive i am, now, about this "more" you keep talking about."

wolf" there are 11 more ships coming, each with their own crew and captain, i cant belive your beating me with my own arm!"

zoe" will they come at once?"

wolf" no, one at a time, i can help you, i saw them training, i trained with them! i know how they work!"

zoe" why should we trust you?"

wolf" because im the only one who can help you, you survived me, and thats only because i cared if you guys died, i could have just slaughtered you all then killed mal, these guys wont do that, they dont care."

*zoe hesitated, it was true, wolf could have easily killed them all, it was only on his mercy that they survived. she cut him down*

summer is soooo HOT!


Monday, August 7, 2006 12:45 PM


*Pain heard a thud come from the cargo bay. He kissed Ertia's hand and whispered to her*

I'll be back bao bei, I'm just goin' to see what that noise in the cargo bay was.

*Ertia laid there in the exam chair unconcious as Pain got up and headed out of the infirmary and walked into the cargo bay. He noticed that Wolf was on the floor and said*

What's Wolf doin' on the floor? Did you beat him hard enough to make come off the winch's hook?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, August 7, 2006 12:52 PM


wolf" oh, hi pain."

*wolf grinned sheepishly*

wolf" hows ertia?"

summer is soooo HOT!


Monday, August 7, 2006 1:09 PM


*Everyone took a few steps back as Pain walked over to Wolf. Pain looked down at Wolf, and said in a not too friendly tone*

Oh she's unconcious with some surface swellin' on her head, but she sends her regards.

*Pain's hand moved to his gun as he continued to say*

However that's not what you should be worryin' 'bout. What you should be worryin' 'bout is: What's Pain goin' to do to me for hurtin' his woman?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, August 7, 2006 1:20 PM


wolf" umm, would it help to say im sorry?"

summer is soooo HOT!


Monday, August 7, 2006 1:53 PM


*Pain's hand didn't move from his gun and was about to say something when Jayne's voice came over the ship's com*

This is Jayne, Kaylee's managed ta fix the hover mule and we'd be appreciatin' it if'n ya opened the cargo bay doors now.

*Fly walked over to the console, hit the button for the doors, walked over to the com, pressed the button and said to Jayne*

Doors are openin' now Jayne. Welcome home you two.

*She looked over at Wolf, then at Guy and JR, and said to them*

Move him out of the way so that the hover mule has a place to park.

*Pain said to Wolf as Guy and JR dragged Wolf over to a wall*

I don't think sorry's goin' to cut it Wolf.

*A cloud of dust rose as the exterior cargo ramp hit the ground and the hover mule limped its way in. Jayne landed it on the ground none too softly as he cut the power to it. Him and Kaylee got out of the mule, saw Wolf up against the wall, still taped and made their way towards him. Kaylee spoke up*

Why's Wolfie all taped up and missin' an arm?

*Pain grinned at Wolf and said*

Why don't you tell her Wolfie.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, August 7, 2006 2:01 PM


kaylee" whats he talkin' about wolf?"

wolf" im sorry, i really am, but, i got a mission, from niska, i tried to kill mal."

*the last words were a whisper. tears welled up in wolfs eyes as he saw the look of disgust on the woman he loved face.*

kaylee" but, why niska."

wolf" he saved my life, when i was in the war, i got mortally wounded, he took pity on me and healed me, he gave me my arm, my old one was amputated, i was gonna die, and he saved me, sorry."

*kaylee ran to the engineroom with tears streaming down her face.*

wolf" kaylee."

*he was fighting back tears.*

summer is soooo HOT!


Monday, August 7, 2006 2:06 PM


im goin to bed, so could ya just leave me on the floor crying? thanks.

summer is soooo HOT!


Monday, August 7, 2006 5:31 PM


You got it Wolf.

*Pain walked back to the infirmary to be with Ertia, leaving the others to do what they wanted. Pain stopped and turned to John and said*

Perhaps you should go and cheer Kaylee up.

*John replied*

Shouldn't Simon be the one to do that?

*Pain replied*

He should but you can read his thoughts can't you?

*Pain left before John could reply, walking into the infirmary and standing by Ertia. She was still unconcious as he put her hand in his. He let go long enough to get a chair and sit down, taking her hand in his once more. He smiled at her, watching her sleep as he did so.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, August 7, 2006 8:26 PM


*applaudes* wolf that was that my arm?

Choo looked up from his cooking to see, what looked like an upper torso.

"Ah!" Choo said loudly, catching the crawling 62s attention, "you must be 62."

"thats me. Now forget i was here, or i'll whoop you ass."

Choo looked down. "With no legs?!?"

"Technicality. Thats all."

"good". Choo pulled out a fancy looking pistol. "Any idea what this is?"

"er...a very strange spatula????"

"a silenced EMP gun. Good Night." Choo pulled the trigger...

------62= this program has performed anmd illegal operation and must shut down. do you want to send and error report?

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 12:26 AM



another life in the day of 62.. why do i allways get shot in someway?? i havent caused anyone mortal harm... yet






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