Male and Female Imponderables--The way of the wise

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 8, 2006 03:04
VIEWED: 14474
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Monday, August 7, 2006 9:43 AM


No need to fret SBDB, some are still here. by the way, good lead in. Though confident in my normal underwear habits, I most definately would have to wear something under the kilt. Some days the wind can gust where there was no wind for days. Frightful is the only thought.

Opposite sex? Anything. Nothing.
Depends on the situation really. Too many factors to consider. Just figure it as Christmas morn. The wrapping might be pretty, and the gift may be fine, but how important is the box containing the gift. Just depends.


Monday, August 7, 2006 9:45 AM


Slow thread today....

Ye, Nathan is quite the eye-pleaser. But, I've always said I prefer Mal, mostly because that's who I really have insight into. Nathan seems very nice from different interviews, etc, but the attraction to him is purely physical, while the attraction to Mal is more character based. He's tortured enough to need comfort, but also loyal, strong, witty, daring, brave, sexy, etc. I don't think it's the strong, silent part that I find so attractive (although I will admit to falling prey to the stereotype that showing emotions is showing weakness) but rather the good man underneath the silence that is attractive. Strong, silent and an asshat does nothing for me.

Sexiest underthings on men are the boxer-briefs.

Not really a fan of the kilts...even on Nathan. Truth be told, seeing those picts of him in that kilt bumped him down a notch in my book. But then I saw some other shot of him in t-shirt and jeans and he went back up about 4 notches.

Okay, watched a movie this weekend that has lead to some scary pondering for me: Failure to Launch. If the romantic comedy part doesn't scare you away, the 'Failure to launch' featurette will. So I ask: How do you all feel about living at home well into adulthood? (one guy on the featurette was 38!)

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Monday, August 7, 2006 9:52 AM


Sorry, SBDB, work once more ambushed me and has kept me from posting much...
Underwear...I actually prefer simple, white cotton underwear for general looking...there are very few females they do not look good on. For amusement, I enjoy thongs and things like that. A big turn-off for me as far as underwear goes is the Frederick's of Hollywood ideal; crotchless, with feathers and sparkles and less cloth than there is in a band-aid. I do not find those sexy at all.

As for kilts, every time I have worn one, I have gone Regimental. There is simply no other way to wear a kilt.

RugBug, I had to return home not once, not twice, but three times after I entered the "Real World"; and one of those times was with the ex-wife. It is not fun, I did not enjoy myself, and I hated being a burden on my parents. It is not something I would wish on anyone.



Monday, August 7, 2006 9:55 AM


Over wear - Blokes that wear rugby shirts with the collars turned up. That just says 'public school t**t' to me. Oh, and those nasty Pringle golfing sweaters.

But the celtic type of man, in one of those roughknit fishermen's sweaters? V tasty.

Under wear - Again, with the celtic thing...kilts. Lack of. 'Nuff said.

There are men who can make virtually anything look good - I'm afraid I can't quite see the unikilt thing, even on Nathan (though I could happily take it off him, thankyou very much ) And then there are some guys who will always look like theri mother dresses them. I think it depends on the contents of the parcel, rather than the packaging.

Mind you, I always went for smartly dressed brainiacs, until I saw AB all scruffed up and yummy.


Monday, August 7, 2006 10:00 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:

RugBug, I had to return home not once, not twice, but three times after I entered the "Real World"; and one of those times was with the ex-wife. It is not fun, I did not enjoy myself, and I hated being a burden on my parents. It is not something I would wish on anyone.

There is a distinction, to me at least, between people who have to move home for specific reasons but always have an eye on moving out ASAP and those who move home and plan on staying until they get kicked out or find someone else to take care of them.

Yes, it's expensive to live on your own. Yes, roommates can be a pain in the arse. Yes, doing laundry, dishes and scrubbing the toilet are all unfortunate events that should be faced with the steely resolve and yellow rubber gloves of a grown-up. Avoiding those realities because someone else is willing to do those things for you is just mind-numbingly sad.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Monday, August 7, 2006 10:03 AM


RugBug, I understand now. The difference between needing to and being a leech. Gotcha.

Nope, no leeching here...serious financial crunch in two cases, and loss of a potential job in the no, not by choice.



Monday, August 7, 2006 10:07 AM


Asshat. Ha. Haven't heard (or said) that in a while. Just kinda curious. Went shooting with TNG, her little brothers, and her step dad Saturday. Unless he's had alot to drink, he's not much for long dialogue either. All the time I've known him he's always been that way. Honestly, I can only hope to be as family oriented, loyal, and loving as this man. Kinda funny how he tends to show his love rather than tell.
Played into the sterotype myself this weekend. Went with my kids from work to a training on preparing for grief our community. Didn't hit me until bedtime how traumatized I have been. Denial works for only so long. Just had a drink and cried it out. Felt good, but there always seems to be dead space. I think that may be where alot of the silence comes from.

So far I refuse to watch anymore romantic comedy unless it comes highly recommended.
At home. Been back for almost three years. Wanted to leave again late this year, but that seems all shot to hell now. Though it is tiring living there now with the kids, it feels like I'm actually doing something now. Feels like home again.


Monday, August 7, 2006 10:15 AM


I left home right out of high school and never had to go back other than the usual visits. I moved back after my father died to help my mom & sister, but i built a house near the ranch and have lived there since. After my mother died my sister took off and i rarely see her. The old homestead remains empty.


Monday, August 7, 2006 10:20 AM


Whitefall - Glad to hear it. You probably have advice from a thousand directions! Best of luck on the process.

Underwear - the less the better. Just skin is best. If anything, tight cotton. I'm with Tristan - the super-frilly stuff is distracting.



Monday, August 7, 2006 10:44 AM


no, no no no! the best fun to be had on the london underground is you borrow a small child and and train them, at you silent command, to say 'muuuum! Trevors gone!'

at which point you reply 'oh my god i told you not to bring that bloody snake with you!'

or, you wait until its jampacked, literally sardine tight, and start giggling, and just watch it spread like wildfire, pretty soon the whole carraig will be jiggling up and down with the laughing.

or theres the old ' so that rash? yeah, went to the doctor. is it infectious? yeah, but only on close contact'

ah, the london underground.


In defence of londoners - i've never found them cold, just reserved, but then i like that, and travelling as i have with half my life and a cat in a box on the underground and mainline trains, i've always had people more than willing to help me out, and they haven't been druggies or whatever - one guy was in a business suit, plainly on his way to a meeting, and he carried my duffel to the train that was seconds away from leaving while i pulled my case and tried to talk the cat down fron a hissy fit. He then offered to get me a cup of tea but i said no, as it was obvious the big wad of papers in his hand what something he should have been reading - and he was south london, Greenwich born and bred.

I actually prefer the over developed sense of personal space that londoner have. i got back up to liverpool and the creep here seem to think they have a god given right to touch you anywhere and even grab hold of you. Since i've been back i've actually learned to growl and improved my aim (where high heeled shoes and groins are concerned anyway).

its not that i'm stand offish, its just that people don't get to touch me. only the few I choose have that privelidge. Londoners understood that, Liverpudlians just don't have the class.


Monday, August 7, 2006 10:51 AM


Gotta go.

Be back tomorrow.

'Night 'coats.


Monday, August 7, 2006 11:03 AM


Ooh, tales from the Underground.

So...crowded carriage. Small voice 'excuse me'. No-one moves. 'Excuse Me' a little louder. Someone shifts into the way, with elbows. 'excuse me, please, I really need to get out'. No result. Then, 'I HAVE SOME VERY BIG BOOTS AND IF YOU DON'T GET OUT OF THE BLOODY WAY I AM GOING TO START KICKING' result - people move.

And then there was the day two big blokes decided to mug me. I had had a very bad day. It was not happening. Really. I told them so. At volume and with language unfit for a young lady. I've never seen muggers cower before. Weird.

Or the falling over on the Blackfriars escalator (caught my shoe on the way to work in the city)and being trodden on by three people rather than helped up.

Ah, London. Bloody great cesspool. Sometimes I miss it.


Monday, August 7, 2006 11:05 AM


well it's true, i imagine there's alot more fun to be had on the underground, but still, the effect of just a grin, can be quite something (okay so i happen to have a prticularily unsettling grin, but even so)

quite like those tricks though, may have to give some of them a go.

another good one is in the street, just stop and stare at the corner of a roof, when someone stops to ask what you're looking at, shush them, maybe make some veiled comment about scaring it away, wait until there's a fair crowd, then meander off, come back in half an hours time and see if they're still there

the londoners personal space strike me as odd though, although it's probably just a natural reaction to being in such close proximity, physical contact is a neccessary part of the day, jam-packed in public transport, sardine's in a tin and all that, you can't help bumping off've people, so it winds up in things like eye-contact, intereacting with people you've never met, and this extreme unwritten code of when you can and can't touch another person, always strikes me as something a wee bit odd and a wee bit interesting to play about with.

but i can get why it might be a welcome relief when contrasted with other things, not so much a problem i find, but, i can make sense of that.

anyways, another subject, moving back in with the parents, have always known it was a possiblity, i tend to move between rented flat's with varieties of flatmates, sooner or later i'm not gonna have a flat and a set of people to hand, but, not sure ho i'd cope with it, much as i love my parents and all, i don't think anyone involved would cope well with that. s'odd, how much differance moving out makes, but, it makes a hell of a lot.


Monday, August 7, 2006 11:44 AM


Hey all...thanks for keeping it nice and slow today as I was trapped in the training from HELL!!! See I switched to a new district which means I had to go to a 7 hour training which is geared primarily for the newly graduated( and is consequently full of ideas and info I have either been using for years or wouldn't use on a bet), but haven't taught yet. Those who are just new to the district have to go because they cover insurance and such... Thought I would die quietly of boredom. If they had wi-fi I would have brought the laptop and had y'all, but no they don't have it up yet....I think I actually felt my brain dissolve
Fell into my job...funny you should mention it, but I never wanted to be a teacher. I got my degree( well one of them) in criminal pyschology and meant to go to the FBI... but then my mom had this idea for me to make money just after I got married. I could teach under a conditional certificate and get a degree in special ed and I'd get paid better than I was making and it might be valuable experience ( my mom is sneaky this way as she did NOT want me to be in the FBI) So I sign up and low and behold...I love this job and wouldn't trade it for a million dollars a minute!!!

Underwear...ok I love those boxer/briefs they are the same length as boxers, but much more snug fitting. Wish I could talk the husband into them, but he likes plain old boxers, which are cute too:)

If you are going to go regimental with kilts...I beg of you make sure you have a heavy sporrin( not sure of spelling here)and there is no serious wind!

Nathan ( and Mal) are lovely guys, just not really my type...Jayne is really really really my type!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, August 7, 2006 11:50 AM


heavy sporran and a proper kilt pin, and if you're feeling really paranoid and on your way to a burns supper, you can always add the full traditional dirk to keep a bit more weight on holding it down ^^

tend to wear mine with a leather jacket, which has the advantage of being just about long enough to get a little more weight on the upper section, isn't much, but it helps in high winds.


Monday, August 7, 2006 11:59 AM


Fear not, MSG, I wear the "Irish"'s a bit longer and has a lot more cloth in it...the thinnest one I have is made up of 5 yards of material...just around the waist. Quite heavy enough to stay down.



Monday, August 7, 2006 12:16 PM


ok feel much better:)

May I say best part of the ttraining today was when they repeatedly stated...If you have tatoos or piercings, do not tell your students keep it to yourself!

I'm bailing for the gym, but I will be back in about an hour:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, August 7, 2006 12:20 PM


Ok I lied I'm just going to do yoga later:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, August 7, 2006 12:24 PM


I'll bail for the gym for ya, then. Well actuall 2 hours of torture, otherwise known as PT and then work out. See ya all tomorrow.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Monday, August 7, 2006 1:08 PM


that kind of behaviour isn't exclusive to london though - my sister fell over when she was 8 months pregnant, people completely ignored her, stepped around and one guy stepped over her legs. then when she managed to right herself and feel stable again, she was examining the cut on her knee at the same time as trying to round up the shopping that had gone everywhere, and some b*****d guy actually tutted at her being in his way.

she told me and i was ready to go track him down and remove his reason for living. Sadly, theough birkenhead is a backwards culturless little s**thole, its not that small.

but i really was livid when i found that out.

As for living at my parents home - i'm currently at my mothers house, having moved out at seveteen and never intended to come back, i go out of uni and couldn't afford to remain in london. I didn't particularly enjoy living with house mates, but that was only because i never had housmates that were either comfortably distant (i.e. there was no pressure to pretend we were friends) or was actually friends with.
I think i'd fare much better if i could get to know people than move in with them if we were compatable. I'm desperate to move out - i just want enough space to separate my work from my sleeping area - i.e, have two rooms, a bedroom and a work room, then i don't mind sharing other things, I actually found when i was living alone that both time i felt isolated, and tended to loose whole days at a time to drifting around.
The most perfect for me arrangement i've ever had was actually halls - i had my own space, and could be alone when i needed to, facilities were basic, but enough, and people didn't impose on you (i.e, leave all their washing up for you) (well, one girl did, but when we started throwing anything left for longer than two days out she got the hint) but you could garuntee when you went to the kitchen for breakfast there'd be some lively conversation, and similarly, at any time of day or night, if you wanted company there were always other people around, and the security was good - never felt safe in one of my flats as the fire escap led directly to my bedroom, and i always had visions of waking up to an intruder.

funnily enough that happened to me while i was in college, but it didn't shake me, as as soon as i got out of my room there were two guys already chasing him down - in my flat i was totally on my own.


Monday, August 7, 2006 5:00 PM


8 months pregnant!? holy gorram that's insensitive... I doubt you could make up a more insensitive scenario if ya tried, an 8 months pregnant woman falls and people step over her... well, isnt that... special.

Gotta for the future of humanity with that one.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Monday, August 7, 2006 5:56 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Aaaaah! I missed so much! Stupid eye place with their not finishing my glasses and making me all cranky and tired this morning...
Strong silent types don't really hold appeal for me. I think there are some folk who love a mystery, and some women think that if a man doesn't talk much, he's like a puzzle to be cracked. It's intriguing. I don't like that much mystery and try to go for friendly, talkative types who will hopefully be open and honest with me...
Is it true what they don't wear beneath their kilts? Hehe...
I love boxers. Silk boxers. Mmmmmmmm... And yes, I used to wear Ex of Doom's tee shirts to bed. He wouldn't let me steal his boxers because he didn't have any to spare. They were a little small for my hips anyway.
On women I have to say the whole thong/g-string thing really turns me off. What's the joy of unwrapping something if you can already mostly see it? Leave something to the imagination! Silky bikini cut undies are the way to go. Or lacy shorts.
See, I'm still living at home, but I'm only 21. I have to hope that at nearly 40 years old I would be out of there! I mean, really, who wants to deal with parents all the time at that age? Even living at home, I wash my own clothes and scrub my own toilet and buy most of my food and other such things. But if I run out of food money there is food to eat and the rent is damn good (yes, my mom charges me rent) for getting to live in such a great house. At this point I have no real reason to leave.
Ah, I love to hear tales of ladies bullying bullies! Avoiding a mugging like that, that's great! It really is! Women need to stand up for themselves. Well, everyone does.
And, end of thread. For now. Back to work for a bit...




Tuesday, August 8, 2006 2:51 AM


Morning, all!
Long day yesterday; sorry I didn't post more. Hopefully, today will be less busy.
Seryn, let's hope that tutter got what was coming to him in some other way.
PR, can you see better now?

I'm off for coffee, then I may start a new thread before it takes off.



Tuesday, August 8, 2006 3:01 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I can see better in my contacts. New glasses are as yet unfinished.

All things, oh priests, are on fire - Gautama Siddharta


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 3:04 AM


Arrggh. That would be frustrating! I hate having to wait for new contacts to come in.

Ok, I have coffee, now I am going to start a new thread for us. Be right back.
New thread:







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