Male and Female Imponderables--Twilight Time

UPDATED: Friday, August 11, 2006 13:20
VIEWED: 7410
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Wednesday, August 9, 2006 9:14 AM


Ok, we are now on to song titles...from now on, I will take suggestions (email me, it'll be easier that way).

Imponderables continue merrily on their way!

Last thread:

Let's see if we can keep this one a drool-free zone, eh, FMF?
(Kidding, and you know I love you, right? )



Wednesday, August 9, 2006 9:29 AM




Wednesday, August 9, 2006 9:44 AM


*SpaceAnJL lands in a soggy pile*

Drool is a healthy reflex, and a natural response to that sort o' thing. And, anyways, i didn't start it. *points a talon* It was FMF, corruptin' the impressionable.

'Cos I'm real innocent, me, yeah...


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 9:49 AM



Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
*SpaceAnJL lands in a soggy pile*

Drool is a healthy reflex, and a natural response to that sort o' thing. And, anyways, i didn't start it. *points a talon* It was FMF, corruptin' the impressionable.

'Cos I'm real innocent, me, yeah...

I tried to find some lovely of the Adam - but there weren't any really good ones. *FMF stamps foot and pouts*

We are The Forsaken - We aim to burn! and we don't need no stinkin levels!

one of the Forsaken TM


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 9:55 AM


Oh, just him...grinning...does it quite nicely. That little screen cap from 'Jaynestown' for example.

Er...did we have an Imponderable under discussion, or had it degenerated? I had a rather witty and wonderful one to share, but my train of thought kinda hit the buffers, mental Slamtrak, y'know.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 9:59 AM


*blesses the thread with lovely Jayness*

(Even though I prefer Simon)

More animations available at


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 10:00 AM


I am trying to find some lovely of the Sean too !

You notice I do not put the lovely of my Nathan because he is MY NATHAN!


We are The Forsaken - We aim to burn! and we don't need no stinkin levels!

one of the Forsaken TM


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 10:04 AM


How 'bout some naked Nathan then?

More animations available at


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 10:04 AM


Okay, so we have corrupted the nice clean thread. 'Cos it's a burnin' sunset from here...

Simon's a wee bit on the young side for me...oh, Imponderable! Age differences - why are young girlfriends acceptable, and toyboys a joke? I know this has probably been hashed over many times, but...curious. Is it a remnant from when the financial power was all on one side? And why do social conventions still have such a hold?


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 10:09 AM



How old are you? I am 42 and I only draw the line if I would have been old enough to diaper them.

I think 30 is a good age.

Men - thoughts - do you have a problem with older women?

We are The Forsaken - We aim to burn! and we don't need no stinkin levels!

one of the Forsaken TM


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 10:15 AM


FMF - same age as Nathan!

I'm with you on the nappy thing. But Sean Maher is the same age as my little brother, which takes some getting past.

I dated older and younger - older tend to have better conversation and a better sense of self, is all.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 10:16 AM


i don't usually watch the tv show Bones but happened to catch a bit last night and who was there but Adam Baldwin along with David Boreanaz.... it was probably a rerun... but the first time i had seen it.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 10:18 AM


SpaceAnjl - same as Nathan you say? Isn't it a shame then that he has said he prefers older women?

We are The Forsaken - We aim to burn! and we don't need no stinkin levels!

one of the Forsaken TM


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 10:19 AM


Hello, all...y'all are just not right, you know that?

Age differences don't bother me either way. I have dated a few that were a few years older than I, and my wife is ten years no problems. I agree with FMF's "old enough to have diapered them" difference, though.



Wednesday, August 9, 2006 10:23 AM


my wife is six months older than me.... i get to be with an "older" woman for half the year... age makes no difference (within reason)... i do know a guy who is seriously in love with a lady at least twice his age... hey, whatever trips your trigger, eh?


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 10:26 AM


FMF, you can have Nathan ( if you can wrest him away from other interested parties) I wouldn't like to deprive you. Maybe you could get him gift-wrapped for Christmas? Or - a Mal-o-gram.

This would raise funds for Firefly, methinks.

I appreciate them from a distance, as of fine works of art. (Because my husband is reading over my shoulder and grumbling ) Still, he's threatened to call his new laptop Vera, so maybe he's converting.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 10:28 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
Hello, all...y'all are just not right, you know that?

Was there ever any thought that we were "right" and as a southerner you KNOW its called "being eccentric"

We are The Forsaken - We aim to burn! and we don't need no stinkin levels!

one of the Forsaken TM


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 10:29 AM


Do you have your mutual lists created yet? You know - I reserve the right to Shag ________________ if given the chance?

We are The Forsaken - We aim to burn! and we don't need no stinkin levels!

one of the Forsaken TM


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 10:36 AM


What happened? He see your face?

Boy Toys are cool... if you ARE one.

People are just better at relationships with age because of the whole experience thing. duh... ( except the crabby ones )

When you are young u want to experience more things and you are afraid you will miss out on something. You also fill your mind with all these crazy possibilities and scenarios of what might happen. or worse, what you think your partner is thinking or someone your interested in...

Your cliques start to fade out and they don't get in the way as much.

I was just a relationship dumbass when I was younger. ..and I know there are exceptions out there yunguns, believe me. I guess what I am trying to say is there is just less BS and more lovin'.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 10:37 AM


FMF, ma'am, I heartily apologize. As I am a transplant to the South (but still consider it "home"), I oft times forget the subtle nuances of the language. Eccentric it shall be!

That's a good Imponderable for us to play with!
How easy do you find it to blend into your surroundings. By this, I mean do you adjust well to moves to new locations?



Wednesday, August 9, 2006 10:38 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
Do you have your mutual lists created yet? You know - I reserve the right to Shag ________________ if given the chance?

Was this aimed at me?

We've only been married five months - we don't admit the existence of such things!

Besides, the guys I like tend to be either a) happily married in reality and/or b) the other side of the Pond and/or c) fictional.

That's a weird one. Crushing on literary characters. Not even a visual portrayal.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 10:42 AM



It is not weird to crush on fictional characters - or maybe I AM weird - read Whitney My Love by Judith McNaught- then find me the Hero- WOOOOO HOOOOOO

Tristan - I am glad you will work on the language distinctions! As for do I blend in? Hope so I have lived on 3 continents in 5 countries and 8 states.

Boy am I tired.

PD - are you a member of the Toy Boy association? Because I believe you are 30 and if you are a member I might have need of you

We are The Forsaken - We aim to burn! and we don't need no stinkin levels!

one of the Forsaken TM


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 10:47 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
How easy do you find it to blend into your surroundings. By this, I mean do you adjust well to moves to new locations?


I can get on with most folks most places for at least a short space of time. I've worked with customers for many years, and while I hate 'em, I've learnt to hide it well. I will even admire small children from a safe distance. Mostly, I'm small and female, which translates as harmless. Though I get on better with men, generally. Haven't lived too many places, really. People either really like me, or really don't, often after quite short acquaintance. Guess I'm one of those types.

ed: gotta bail for the night, now. But I will be back tomorrow. Unless the thread gets too long and crashes the hamster-box!


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 11:30 AM


OK crush on fictional character...sadly I tend to like fictional men more than real ones...My biggest ( and still persisting) crush is Wolverine. Not the actor, the comic book character ( yes I know what that says about me)and Spike ( not James Marsters) and I have to say Jayne rocks...although Adam Baldwin's not bad. Check out this quote from Adam "It was never the fame or fortune that drove me to act. It was something I love and enjoy doing it. A lot of people identify who they are by what they do and that's not me. It's what I do but not who I am. Who I am is a parent. I'm a family man."

I will also say the opposite is true and I have had an actor make me like a fictional character. I adore Alan Rickman and would run away with now I am firmly convinced Snape is hot ( I know I know I'm nuts:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 12:02 PM


h'mmm, blending in, i think i'm pretty good at looking like i belong, which can be a blessing and a curse (less people take you for a tourist, but i went to paris once with my art class at school and wound up getting stopped in the street by americans looking for directions)

although, with new social groups, i always thought i was fairly good at first impressions, but then people would later get to to realise i'm a bit off-the-wall and uncomfortable to be around at times. recently been chatting to some friends and found out they absolutely couldn't stand me at first, but later on came to like me. so i've no idea, really, on that front. guess it depends on the individual people.

as for crushing on fictional characters, hey, cartoon characters, i think EVERY man has had a thing for jessica rabbit


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 1:23 PM


Yep...she's sure a hottie! But Morena has always been my first choice. Here's a little for me and FMF!


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 1:52 PM


Ooh shiny Penguin!


and I did not bring the drool this time Tristan!

We are The Forsaken - We aim to burn! and we don't need no stinkin levels!

one of the Forsaken TM


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 1:55 PM


What happened? He see your face?


Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:

and I did not bring the drool this time Tristan!

don' worry...

we're gonna need a mop soon with those two up there.

Thanks P


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 2:35 PM



Originally posted by Tristan:

That's a good Imponderable for us to play with!
How easy do you find it to blend into your surroundings. By this, I mean do you adjust well to moves to new locations?

I can be shy in large groups where I don't know anybody but when I'm traveling I like to be friendly with waitresses and motel clerks I meet as I'm cruising the highway. Makes the trip more pleasant when I put a smile on someone's face with a stupid joke or any general comment that might pop in my head.

People see my helmet on the chair, next to me, in a restaurant and are pulled toward it. Often ask me how far I've traveled. I don't know why people are drawn toward bikers. We travel the same highways. I guess it's the bugs in our teeth. But I don't discourage them. I have had some nice conversations with complete strangers in restaurants and gas stations in about every state I've visited. It gets lonely on the highway and it is nice to meet people along the way. So even though I haven't relocated from my home town I find I can get along with most people I meet in other locations.

But climate is a different matter. I think I've lived in the cold to long to move south. I notice the heat really bothers me. I usually wait till early fall before I venture south.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 3:02 PM


Ahh, the age difference.... well, from my limited experience in such matters, I'd say age only matters in maturity and the mind. A guy was a junior dating a freshmen, which I first thought was weird..... But after a little while, I got to know the lady in question, and i've got nothing but respect for their relationship. She's just as, if not more mature than most juniors, so what difference does it make.

And I know in adult relationships a 2 year difference is negligible, but not so much in teens. All my freshman friends last year who were 14, I kept thinking '14?! 14!??? But that's... almost... 12!?! which is almost... 10!?'... but eh, whatever, i got over that. Age don't make a difference unless people think it does.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 8:56 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

*Runs through the thread flapping her arms*
I sent it! I sent it! Gah!
And I had an awful night. Gave me a little push, I think. I need to get out of this job and out of my rut in general. So yeah, I finally just finished up the message and sent it. It finally didn't sound stupid.

Age, uh... At this point anyone too much younger than me wouldn't be legal, plus there's a maturity level that is reached, I believe, in the early 20s (sometimes) so younger is right out right now, but might not be when I'm older. As for dating older than me, I wouldn't mind. I almost always have anyway. Right now my limit is set at 6.5 years older than me, because that would make them older than my brother and that would just be weird. Plus the difference between 20 and 30 is much greater than the difference between, say, 30 and 40. It gets less and less important as you get older, I think.
And I have no problem with a woman dating a younger man and simply hate that whole stigma. But anyone old enough to be their SO's parent... That's a bit creepy. My parents are in their 40s and 50s; my dad is 26 years older and my mom nearly 30 (see, my dad liked older women) so, you know, that much of a difference in age would freak me out.

All things, oh priests, are on fire - Gautama Siddharta


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 9:39 PM


ok, i've learned my lesson about not reading to the end of the thread before posting - I posted after Tristan made the new thread and i almost missed the manly goodness.

But nevermind, all it says is that i liked Kinky Boots - thought it was a really sweet little film, not brilliant, but nice.

then i ranted about The New World, and said bad things about Jaimie Oliver.

Age differences - i said before, as long as their legal, though i have been out with one guy younger than my brother, and that was a little strange. Most of my ex's have been around the 29/30 mark (even my first when i was 18) so if that stays the same, i could be into toyboys once i'm past that age.

I'm good at forming aquaintences i think, I can make friends with the whole room if i so wish, where i faulter is around the six month mark, not sure why, or what the problem is, when i find out i can fix it. I think my main problem with folks is the one i'm surrounded my now i have very little in common with, so i'm striving to be my self and talk about what i like and not conform, but sometimes i just feel stupid (which i think is their doing) so it makes me awkward. But i'm a great actress, i can put on such a good performance of 'i don't care what you think about me' that i almost manage to convince myself.
And then i come home and i get to be the real me online to you guys, uninhibited (well, except by my own prudery) and happy.

so cheers for that.

oh, and this struck a cord -

I can get on with most folks most places for at least a short space of time. I've worked with customers for many years, and while I hate 'em, I've learnt to hide it well. I will even admire small children from a safe distance. Mostly, I'm small and female, which translates as harmless. Though I get on better with men, generally. Haven't lived too many places, really. People either really like me, or really don't, often after quite short acquaintance. Guess I'm one of those types.

that is almost exactly like me at work, see? good actress!

PR, yey you! well done! and he'll be writing back before you know it.

I think you've all covered the guys thinking of women being good in bed thing.

but, new imponderable - your all talking about women being willing to experiment and have an open mind - but how do you introduce things like that? I mean its awkward, and you no idea how they are going to react.
I mean one SO was trying to introduce new things (positions mainly) but he was so bad at letting me know what he wanted, i felt awkward and inadequet and definitly uncomfortable, and if it ever went well, i fully expected him to start ruffling my ears and giving me dog treats.
He was an idiot in so many ways its unbeleivable, but...
So have you ever shyed away from asking for something that you want?

oh, and i had to share this with you - i was reading in my local paper about these parents, and Mr and Mrs Haine, who are now doing prison time because of their daughters chronic bunking off of school. Good or bad i don't know, but i know that people like that are better off aay from the general populace - they called that charming child of theirs Shlaine. thats right, they called their daughter Shlaine Haine.

that in its self in my book is a punishable offence.

plus, reading it made lemonade back up into my nose, so they need to pay for that aswell...

I suppose i'd better get this one out again, seeing as we're on that road.

Everybody - say thank you Arcadia.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 10:06 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I forgot about the blending in thing! Well, I am a parrot and pick up on lingo and accents completely unconsciously, so if I'm somewhere long enough i start to fit in, at least in that sense. Anything else would just depend.
Ah, trying new things. Yeah, it can be a little awkward, but really you just have to ask, I think. Ex of Doom and I tried all basic positions, plus a few that weren't so basic (not every position in the book, though, because I am not that flexible) an it always went really well. It was usually along the lines of "Hey, you wanna try this?" "Ok, let's try it" and sometimes it went well, sometimes it went really well, and sometimes it didn't work at all and we kinda laughed it off. It's going to be a little awkward sometimes, you just have to embrace and accept that. Trying to get into a weird position might feel awkward at first, but it's fine so long as no one gets kicked in a sensitive place and you get where you wanna go.
The other side of that coin is that sometimes you're going to want to say no. "Wanna try this?" "No, that doesn't sound very fun..."
I'm fortunate in never running across an utter fetish I couldn't stand the thought of. They exist, I just haven't run across them. If there was something someone actually needed to function properly in bed and I couldn't do it, that would be very awkward and probably the end of a relationship, but that's another thing that has to be accepted. Sometimes people don't meld well (in bed or out, really) and you move on. You find something you can't handle (again, in bed or out) you have to admit you can't handle it and part ways.
I'll try almost anything, but there are some things...

All things, oh priests, are on fire - Gautama Siddharta


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 10:17 PM


*hugs PR* Good Job!

Okay. For the rest:

Age: Months younger than Nathan and Alan.
As for dating younger...meh...My experience with younger S.O.s (even by months) have turned me off to dating those younger than me. Older...I can handle a year or two, but right now, I can't picture much older than that. (Yes, I'm picky...)

Blending in: I've been mistaken for a foreign tourist on the mainland (continental US to you folks there). Was in a touristy area and one of those hawkers for touristy things handed me something while talking to me in Japanese. *heh*
'Course, that seems to happen to both sides of my family. Dad was mistaken as native Alaskan when he was in the military. Grandmother on my mom's side was mistaken as Chinese (or was it Korean) by a person in the store one day.

As for names...I've known children named Speshul, another named Kismet, one whose mother named "mister" written as Mr (and said child got upset when a teacher called him "M.R."), Abcde (pronounce "ab-ca-dekie"), Malboro, and one whose name was RG (my understanding is that their parents gave her the initials of their first names). In my mind, there's no explaining parent's giving their kids strange names.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 11:38 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by seryn:
PR, yey you! well done! and he'll be writing back before you know it.

He did, too! I just got a response, and he's totally up for it! Gave me his number and everything...

*whew* Things are so much easier after you do them.

All things, oh priests, are on fire - Gautama Siddharta


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 11:53 PM



(Gotta go to Photobucket and get me some of those shiny icons...) gonna kick him into touch if he orders the tamago, then?

Here's hoping this is the start of a winning streak for you.


Thursday, August 10, 2006 12:04 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Heh, he can order whatever he pleases, so long as he doesn't expect me to eat any of it. What one orders, one must eat, and only share if agreed
Man, I'm still so nervous! But also excited!

And yes, I could use a winning streak! Just need a prospective employer to give me a "yes" and I'll be totally happy!

On a completely different note, where's Magdalena?

All things, oh priests, are on fire - Gautama Siddharta


Thursday, August 10, 2006 2:50 AM


Morning, all!
First thing's first...PR, you go! Glad you hit "send" now, aren't you? You will have to keep us updated on that whole thing.

Thanks to the rest of you for the blending-in responses. I am the same way as most of you; I blend in pretty well, and adjust to new places quickly. FMF, I didn't quite hit as many continents, but I have traveled quite a bit. Loved all of it, too!

Ok, the usual cup of coffee and I will be back.



Thursday, August 10, 2006 3:13 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by msg:
I will also say the opposite is true and I have had an actor make me like a fictional character. I adore Alan Rickman and would run away with now I am firmly convinced Snape is hot ( I know I know I'm nuts:)

If you're nuts... then so am I!! I love Alan Rickman to bits and all he would have to do is wink at me and I'd lose all self control!! I love him in Sense and Sensibility... but there is something sexy about him as Snape! Wrong...I know...I know... but there it is... in the Chamber of Secrets, when he indicates that Malfoy is to duel with Harry I just re-run that a couple of times... my former housemate and bestest friend just humours me...

And whilst I drool over Adam Baldwin in various roles it is the character of Jayne that I have really good fantasies about... And although I love James Marsden I'd love a bit of one-on-one with Spike... mind you it's kind of safe to have 'character fantasies' rather than real-people ones, coz I can be a character too... ie: not plump, messy me, but super strength, ten years younger me! I also like to think about having magnetic power over Wolverine (and I do mean the gorgeous Hugh Jackman)... hold him completely within my power... aaaaahhh

About older/younger men - I've dated both and it's fun being with the younger ones - but sometimes you feel the age deifference a bit more than you might in reverse... they can be so naieve and sometimes a bit tactless... Older men - now I'd like to have one of them in my life... Alan Rickman I think has been mentioned...

Anyone else drooling?

"I love my Captain!"


Thursday, August 10, 2006 3:38 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by PhoenixRose:

Originally posted by seryn:
PR, yey you! well done! and he'll be writing back before you know it.

He did, too! I just got a response, and he's totally up for it! Gave me his number and everything...

*whew* Things are so much easier after you do them.

Yay you!! My gorgeous girl! You'll have to give us an update after the date...

I realised I didn't answer the fitting in bit on my last post - so yes, I fit in with most people! I guess I am very blessed, but I've worked with actors or all ages (actor), intellectually handicapped kids (primary-teachers aide), with teenagers (youth group leader), as a nanny & babysitter, visiting elderly people and working as a lay preacher in a congregation with an ageing majority, lived in England & briefly in New Zealand, worked in retail and done a mission trip to the Philippines and can honestly say that I have friends of all ages all over the world! I have a broad range of interests and enjoy hearing other people's stories so I think that naturally makes me enjoy meeting people and trying to see things from their perspective. I can probably count on one hand the number of folks I have met and havent' taken to... and I am usually right about my instincts. (eg: one guy put me on edge and kept turning up at my work for no apparent reason... I kept declining his offer to give me a lift at the end of the day and knew I was completely right about my instincts when he turned up parked in front of my house... and I hadn't ever told him where I lived!! )

*on a totally dofferent subject - I have always found that if you are feeling mutually sexy and you say something like'want to try something a little bit different...?" then it's a good way to make a suggestion. I have also never had any problem saying "I don't think I'm ready for that..." if someone suggested something I couldn't see myself enjoying!"

And when I was 22 I dated a guy who was 19 - he was so sexy and hot and we had a lot of fun enjoying everything from Billy Joel concerts to shopping at the market on a Sunday and, of course, the sex!! but get him together with some of his/my friends and he was too embarassing - just kept putting his foot in his mouth! Don't know if he was tryin' too hard or just didn't realise how silly he sounded... it was a terrific 6 months though...

"I love my Captain!"


Thursday, August 10, 2006 3:41 AM


mmmmmmmmmmmm Alan Rickman... sorry got distracted. Morning all.
Blending in/Socializing- I am a profoundly social person. It sometimes drives my husband nuts that in any situation with people I will immediatly begin bonding with the people around me. Be it movie theater lines, grocery shopping, whatever. I love people and I get along with everyone.

PR- so happy for you! Told you:) SO post your resume on Monster and a bunch of other jobs will follow
I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, August 10, 2006 4:01 AM



Originally posted by msg:
SO post your resume on Monster and a bunch of other jobs will follow.

But don't include your signature picture...might give them the wrong idea! lol


Thursday, August 10, 2006 4:06 AM


speaking of signatures...felt the need for a change:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, August 10, 2006 4:23 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

I love it MsG - hope you're havin' fun with the practicin' to make 'em and we're all crossing our fingers for you!

Thanks for mentioning Alan Rickman - it is so nice to find a fellow appreciator of all things Alan... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

Also I have that habit of bonding everywhere my best friend is rather more reserved than me and just sort of smiles and humours me as I share my life story and ask them for bits of theirs... Also whenever I engage someone with a baby in conversation she pretends to time how long it takes me to say..."I'm a nanny"!

Love you - Good night - Magda x x

"I love my Captain!"


Thursday, August 10, 2006 4:33 AM


but babies are such fun how do you not bond over/ with them. As for Alan...come on he is so hot. I can't believe when I read the books now I just think Snape is kind of attractive ( I blame Alan)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, August 10, 2006 4:38 AM



Thursday, August 10, 2006 4:38 AM


MSG, I like the new sig! Again, I hope all goes well for you two. It will be a beautiful baby!

Alan Rickman. See, as a male, I never found him attractive in that drool-inducing way. I like him because he is a very talented actor and I have enjoyed all the things I have seen him in...but my man-crush instinct does not go off.



Thursday, August 10, 2006 4:41 AM


Gaah! Snape, Spike, Jayne...y'all are my kinda pervie people!

Am borrowing a box since my hamster-box crashed, so will be back later in the week.


Thursday, August 10, 2006 4:52 AM


SpaceAnJL- eeek nasty rotten hamster box. Hope you get it fixed soon 'cause we will miss you:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, August 10, 2006 5:56 AM


SpaceAnJL, you should think about upgrading to gerbils. They are usually higher-strung and don't require as much food to keep them going.
We will miss you!

Got a bit quiet in here...I think everyone is over slinging mud in the god thread. Oy.

I've got nothing to ponder today...just kinda tapped out.
Any of the Imponderable-ers going to DragonCon?







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