What makes a Browncoat?

UPDATED: Monday, August 14, 2006 16:29
VIEWED: 1846
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Friday, August 11, 2006 7:21 PM


Must we all be Shiny? I say not. Must we all get along? I say not. Did our BDH's all get along? I say not. Are the BDH's all Shiny? I say not. Did some actually dislike the others? I say yes. I can guanratee I have done more for the future of FireFly than most on this board. No..*jumps into thread to give a big hug to"blank"* from me. If certain people turned this board into a political site...Too Frakin bad. If certain people turned it into a social club... Too Frakin bad. I am a Browncoat...Community I do not need..Firefly I do!...And sex..And Taking Back Sunday...And Tacos W/ Hot sauce!!!!!! Any thoughts?


Friday, August 11, 2006 9:53 PM


I just got done updating my profile. Forgot all about it when I joined this site. Must admit I had a lot to learn. That is why Jayne is my favorite character. He is immature but he grows. Maybe more than some of the others. I need to grow. I have certainly made my share of mistakes here and in life generally. Have watched science fiction since before I could remember. I'm 54 going on 16 so you know I've watched TV when it was still live because they didn't have video tape. Flash Gordon with Buster Crabbe is the first science fiction I can remember. Loved it. Still do. You may have to kill me to take my Firefly away but goes for Flash Gordon as well. The best I've seen is Twilight Zone. Rod Serling was a hell of a talented writer. So I've seen just about everything in science fiction on TV.

I have gone through some hard times. I don't think anybody has it easy. Most of my pain has been selfinflicted so have no right to complain.

When I joined this site I thought "Oh boy a place to have fun". And it has been true to that. When they started the limericks I nearly died laughing. It is good not take yourself to seriously sometimes.

But there have rough times. You will find people who are intolerant anywhere you go. Well maybe not in Nebraska. But that's because you have a hard time finding anybody out there. I originate from that state so I know. I live in Milwaukee now.

So I have learned patience. People have their religious views. Their political views. If they don't push them on me I don't push mine on them. I cheat and don't belong to any church so I don't have to defend it. Pretty clever of me don't you think.

I read through threads at this site where people are arguing religion and it's a waste of time. I have witnessed people argue religion all my life and nobody changes their opinion. Beleave what you want and leave everybody alone. Life is hard, why make it harder. Kaneman you must have needed to vent and I think that's healthy. You didn't step on anybodies toes with this thread. And I for one have no problem with it or you. Were browncoats. I have said this before and will probably say it again. We found a small gem on the ground called Firefly and we picked it up. We are the lucky few. There may never be another episode or movie again but we have this gem and I'm not going to cry because there won't be anymore. I feel blessed to have found this tiny piece of humanity. For Serenity was written not as science fiction but about humans trying their damnest to make it this verse. Science fiction is just the backdrop to me. Joss wrote excellent stories and science fiction allows you more possibilities. That's why I like science fiction. Your not tied to any laws. You can bend time, space, dimension. All of you have made me welcome here and I think this site is it's own gem that I feel fortunate to have discovered. If there is some rough patches ahead I'm willing to ride them through.

Kaneman, us old farts talk to much so excuse my long post. I just felt compelled to get some things off my chest as well. I hope to see you post on the different topics in this site. The fun ones and the serious ones. We have opinions and not two of us share the same one. If people think Flash Gordon was a joke than they can laugh. But it was heaven to a six year old. And I will never forget how much I enjoyed it. You see I beleave there are more gems out there than just Firefly. I where many coats. And I will say it here or anywhere I like.

Damn you to hades Kaneman. Now everybody knows I'm old fart with bad knees and a pickled brain.

Post! Post till I get back!


I mean it Kaneman I want to see you posting on this site. And a limerick. Damn those limericks. I struggled to come with a few, so can you. Now I'm getting pushy. I just want you to know I'm pushing you with kindness.
Princess Aura. My first love at six years old.
Edit: I had Prince originally. Obviously a woman.


Saturday, August 12, 2006 2:14 AM



Here are a couple of the best posts I've read.We are all just folk here. Folk with many different opinions.
Thing is we are lucky (or Blessed if one chooses to look at it that way) that we live in places in the world where we can voice those differences.

There are many browncoats that don't even realize they are browncoats. Part of it may because they haven't seen FF/Serenity. This board and others like it are out to remedy that.

One thing I can say about political or religous discussions is they're not internet friendly. One can say something and six threads down your post has been turned into something else. Some ppl do get what you're saying though.

My last little bit on this is, and I don't mean the hijack your theard KANEMAN (I'll be quiet after this) Evil doesn't ride the train anymore. He has his own Lear Jet. Differences in the world are a good thing. How I deal with them can be bad. If I try to force my ideas on someone else. That's bad, same if they try to do it to me. The Evil in the world goes beyond just differences of opinion and he always uses frontmen. He will remain behind the scenes and push his pawns forward to implement his plan. He has been here since the beginning of time and will be here after we're gone. One world rule is his agenda.

Now to slide off the "Gloom" part. TRAVELER I remember those shows too. I love si/fi and became hooked after watching the BDM and series dvds. I wanted more so I felt there would be more like me on the www.I came here.

So in the subject line: What makes a Browncoat?
A browncoat to me is an idividual that uses creative and intelligent thought to make decisions. They won't lead or be lead by anyone to quickly. They have a code they stick to and follow. They may be different but the browncoat they have in common.



Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:08 PM


Well...Proud to see the "Browncoats" call in on this one!


Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:18 PM



We are all different. That does not make anyone bad or good. Just know there are people here who care.



Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:25 PM



Originally posted by traveler:

We are all different. That does not make anyone bad or good. Just know there are people here who care.


My point is. I have *virtually slapped* some "browncoats" who have been here to long..This site should be about FF..It no longer is.


Saturday, August 12, 2006 10:06 PM


I know not eveything here is FF. I go where I want and leave if it isn't what I want. I have not been here that long. Started in mid June, so I don't know the history. I know things change.
If it is not what you want I can't force you to stay.

But if you find a thread that means something to you, participate. Start your own threads. I wanted more insite on Zoe and I started a thread on her. I got responses.

The Flash Gordon site I belong to has suffered from spam and hackers so bad it has closed down twice in two months. These are run by private people, mostly with their own money. So it is a gift they exist at all.

Tony LoBoe just got his Flash Gordon forum up and running again. He won't let the hackers win. I am glad to be apart of these sites. Being new I'm just getting know some of the people here. I like them. I'm going to hang out here and at the Flash Gordon site.

Well I will still look for your posts as I wander through here.



Saturday, August 12, 2006 10:57 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

You know, there's a reason there are a lot of different areas to the site. Sure, people usually don't follow the rules all that rigidly, but generally if you want to talk exclusively about Firefly you can go to Episode Discussions, Chinese Translations, or here in General to a certain extent. If you want to talk about whatever, you go to Talk Story. Or here. If you want to talk about Buffy, there's Buffyverse. If you want to discuss the state of the world, there's RWED. There's even a forum for other scince fiction series, and it's not just science fiction discussed there, it can be ANY other series or movie. It's a good setup. Work with it.

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, August 12, 2006 11:00 PM



Your talking to River6213.



Sunday, August 13, 2006 9:25 AM


I don't have anything insightful to add. But Traveler, I love your post. The first one, especially the part about Firefly being a gem that we all found. I really needed to read that. Sometimes I get so caught up in the geurilla marketing, and desire for more of our BDH's that I lose sight of why I love Firefly in the first place.

and ZZETTA13, I just wanted to say that your definition of what makes a Browncoat is great, and I might quote those words in the future.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 10:06 AM


Hello Purplepenguin91:

Thank you for your post. We aim to please.
Our purpose is to share and enjoy.

I have not seen you alias before so if you are new, welcome, and if you have been around I am glad to make your acquaintance.



Sunday, August 13, 2006 10:49 AM


I've watched the show since the beginning, became active online a little over a year ago. But then I've been away for a spell, so I don't really know many people. But, I rediscovered my love for Firefly, and I'm back!


Sunday, August 13, 2006 10:52 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

This site is as much about promoting that u are a browncoat as tslking to other browncoats.

All brown coats share similar interests as well as firefly we should be allowed to connect on all levels


Monday, August 14, 2006 12:49 AM


Hello PURPLEPENGUIN91, welcome back



Monday, August 14, 2006 2:50 PM




Monday, August 14, 2006 4:29 PM



Originally posted by WashsYoungerSexierBrother:
This site is as much about promoting that u are a browncoat as tslking to other browncoats.

All brown coats share similar interests as well as firefly we should be allowed to connect on all levels

Sorry to disagree...The only thing that makes us "Browncoats" is our love of firefly. Nothing else. No Political, Social, or Religious common ground to define us.....Sorry.

PS. What common interests? I'm all ears.......






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