Male and Female Imponderables--Pour Some Sugar On Me

UPDATED: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 13:00
VIEWED: 8955
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006 9:35 AM


Just decided to make my husband's favorite casserole for dinner.
Layers of ground sirloin ,thinly sliced potatos, caramelized onions, and carrots in a mushroom cream sauce:) hmm and as my training let out early I should make bread ... and maybe apple gingerbread cake for dessert.
This school stuff has put me in a fall mood and it's supposed to rain:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 11:08 AM


oooh I just thought of an imponderable... we've talked a great deal about SO and situations involving them, but how about SO's parents?
Would you seriously re-consider getting involved with someone if their family was a nightmare???

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 11:16 AM


Nah. I'm interested in the person not in who her family is. I've joked around before about being intimidated by a SO's large male protector family members, but really they wouldn't be able to scare me off if I like a person. Especially because I already know my intentions are real and I'm not just after some quick fling.

Plus it's not like I've got the sanest family on the block. I suppose everyone has some issues in their family tree. So, I'm not gonna go around judging everyone else on theirs.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 11:18 AM


MSG, if it wasn't for the fact that I was looking forward to an incredible meal this evening, I would call you an evil temptress...but with love!

Parents of the SO...funny you should mention that. The ex-wife's parents weren't a nightmare by any stretch of the imagination...but they did not speak a word of English. As my French is, at best, rusty, you can see how conversations with them would have gone. Add to that the ex not wanting to be bothered with translating anything...well, akward to say the least!
But I did date a girl in high school who's father was a vet, and met me at the door several times with a locked and loaded .45...needless to say, that relationship did not last long.



Tuesday, August 15, 2006 11:28 AM



Originally posted by msg:
oooh I just thought of an imponderable... but how about SO's parents?
Would you seriously re-consider getting involved with someone if their family was a nightmare???

I would wager that this is different for the sexes. I think women have a harder time with in-laws or SO's parents than men. And unless the man steps up and supports his wife/SO, there is bound to be trouble.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 11:38 AM



Originally posted by RugBug:
I would wager that this is different for the sexes. I think women have a harder time with in-laws or SO's parents than men. And unless the man steps up and supports his wife/SO, there is bound to be trouble.

Now that you'll have to explain. I've never thought of it that way. I always see it as the guy being practically on trial. They guy has to be good enough, a provider and a perfect gentlemen to pass the family test. The women almost always seem to get the "Oh she's so sweet. She's wonderful." comments and that's it. Just my experience though.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 3:10 PM


Parents of SO's. In most cases I'd also been friends with parents. Hate to run into them later only to find out they are better off without you. Never really had a problem with an So's parents, (except ex's parents sold weed). Okay, that may have put a little strain on the relationship.

Night everyone.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 5:48 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Ah, romance, so hard to pin down.
Ok, here's the most romantic thing I remember ever doing. Ex of Doom and I were going to go see a movie, but it didn't start for awhile. Close to the theater was a park, a quite beautiful park, with a lake and fields and all kinds of benches and structures and the whole works. And it was moonlit, and we just went for a stroll, completely spontaniously. It was so incredibly romantic to me, so there were lots of stops for kisses. And some stops for sitting on his lap and petting his forehead. It was just nice.
We never really did anything like that again...
The day to day romance, though, was just reaching for each other's hands, holding each other at night, just taking joy in being together. That's what made the relationship worth something.
Ms G, I think now I would re-consider based on family. I tried not to let it sway me one way or the other, but if someone has a nightmare family, I think a bit of that nightmare is bound to be lurking in them somehow. Maybe they're not a truly open person, maybe they repress some things, maybe a lot of different things. I always thought people could get beyond their family if they wanted to. I still think that, I've just realized very few people truly want to. So, with my past experiences now, I would not want to be seriously involved with someone who had major family issues. At least not now; most people my age haven't had the time or will to get through a lot of those issues. When I'm older, maybe it won't be as much of a factor.
I read a book of quotes once that just made me laugh. Actually, it was two quotes in it: "When you get married, you don't marry a person, you marry a family." followed almost right away by "If you want to have a happy marriage, marry an orphan." Not sure it's always true, but probably a lot of the time it is.
Now, a few little issues wouldn't put me off, don't get me wrong. But big big issues are, well, issues. They're problematic.
My last two relationships... Let's just say the parents and I didn't see much of each other. I didn't like them. I couldn't understand how Ex of Doom's parents could have such a wonderful son. To an extent, I still don't understand it, because he was much better than they were, but he still had his issues from how he was treated (or not treated) growing up. Obviously, or he wouldn't have done his little panic run.
Aaaannnd... end of thread. Ok, gonna go eat and get some work done.

An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind. - Gautama Siddharta


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 6:01 PM



I like it. I beleave in inventing occasions just to send women flowers. I have mentioned this before, but I like creating the bouquet right at the shop. I look over their stock and start getting ideas how I want it arranged. Sometimes all white or orange. I like them bright and cheerful. Actually serenaded a girlfriend once. Maybe that's why she left. You are lucky there is no sound to these posts. Cats howl when I sing.

Yes. That is my sneaky way of bringing up cats. If I had a cat it would starve to death. I would probably come home and find a note on the door saying "Sorry found a new home where people know how to open a can of tuna." I do like cats though. They are independent. I admire that. Not that dogs are bad. Have had wonderful dogs when I was younger. But now I live in a small apartment and a dog needs space. It would be cruel to keep a dog shut up all day while I was at work.



Tuesday, August 15, 2006 6:10 PM


Hi everyone!

Things sort of exploded at work, so I haven't been around much recently, but I have a few minutes now so I thought I'd jump in on the latest topic.

As far as family goes, I think it depends on how serious the relationship is, and how close your SO is with their family. If I were just dating someone, their family wouldn't be the first thing I would look at. But as the relationship gets more serious, it's one of the many things that should be evaluated.

But I think it really does depend on how close your SO is to their family. For instance, hubby is an only child, he's been living on his own for fifteen years now, and his dad died several years back. His mom has remarried, and is retired. I didn't even meet her until the day before our wedding, though we had talked on the phone. So hubby came very much as a self-contained package.

Me, on the other hand, came with my whole family in tow. I was living with my parents and five siblings when hubby and I started dating. I moved out soon after, but we still lived in the same town, and went over to Mom and Dad's for most Sunday dinners. He met my family (all seven of them!) when we'd been dating for about two weeks. He actually managed to keep all of their names straight, which is quite a task. So I'm sure hubby was taking my family into account from the very beginning.

I got lucky in two aspects, though. First off, hubby worked for Dad before he and I met, so they've always gotten along really well. And second, hubby was married and divorced once before, and his first wife did have a nightmare family, from what I've heard. So any of our oddities, or fights, or grudges, are nothing compared with his first set of in-laws.

Anyway, I'd say it's something to keep in mind, but nothing I'd make a hard-and-fast rule about. Each situation is different.

Glad to be back, everyone! Things are likely to be crazy work-wise for the next month at least (big conference coming up, at which I'm speaking, representing *both* of the companies I'm doing contract work for, and hubby is going for the first time, so I want to show him off to people too -- yes, I am insane, why do you ask?), but I'll try to be around when I can. I miss you guys!


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 6:29 PM


Traveler, I think I may have found your cat!

There's a kitty that's been staying with us for the past few days. We met him a month or so back -- I was getting out of my car, and he walked up to me, rubbed against my leg, and then flopped over on his side with this look that just said "pet me!" So I did, and he followed me up to my porch, where he proceeded to sit on my lap and purr at me until hubby got home. We petted him for a bit, but then went inside, and when we looked out later he was gone.

So this past Sunday, we'd just gotten back from dinner and were walking towards our place, when we came upon the same cat. He repeated the "I love you, pet me!" routine, which we really didn't mind at all (he's quite the lover cat!), but after we wouldn't let him come inside, he eventually left. We figured he was heading for home.

But then yesterday morning, he came back. He hung out all day yesterday, mostly just sleeping on/under our deck chairs. I went outside and visited him a few times (I work from home, and keep the doors open, with screens, when the weather is as nice as it is). He left a few times, but always came back. It was getting dark and cold outside, and he kept meowing to be let in, so I warmed up an old towel in the dryer and put it on one of the deck chairs for him. He seemed only vaguely interested in that, and left for awhile, then came back just before hubby and I were going to go to bed (this must have been a little after midnight last night). He was just lying in the towel-bed and was kind of lethargic, and not nearly as lovey as he usually is.

After discussing the situation for a few minutes, we decided to try to give him some food. We're really worried that either he doesn't have an owner (he has a collar but no tags), or his owner has been out of town for several days. Anyway, we didn't have anything resembling cat food other than some chicken lunch meat, so we thought we'd try that. As soon as we came outside with the cold cut, he perked up and started meowing again. We fed him tiny bits at a time, but he was eating like he was really hungry. After he ate, he was back to his old loving self. He definitely wanted to come inside with us, but we put him back in the towel-bed and told him good night.

This morning he was still there, and he hung out for most of the day today. I put water out for him, but didn't give him any food -- if he does have an owner, I want to encourage him to go back home. He'll leave for an hour or so at a time, then come back. He's been gone for at least an hour this time, and I'm not sure he'll be coming back tonight. If he's back again tomorrow, I'm going to take a picture of him and post it around the neighborhood, see if anyone knows where he lives.

Anyhow, long semi-boring story about a cat, I know. It's just kind of odd is all. He's a wonderful cat, I'm sure someone out there misses him.


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 6:35 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind. - Gautama Siddharta


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 7:06 PM



The collar certainly says somebody owns him. If you can own a cat. I would think they would put up posts about him. But you never know how far they have traveled. He could be from New York.
That would be a stretch. But I have heard stories of the distances some critters hike if they get a mind to.

He may be acting all fuzzy wuzzy now but as soon as you let him in it will be Me Me Me.

Just kidding. Cats get a bad rap for being self centered. But they love ya.

I used to live next to a family that had loads of cats. I would be watching TV and turn to see one of them sitting outside my window just staring at me. I guess I was the first reality show. Tonight man sits watching TV. Stay tune for more exciting action.

Well I really have to go to bed so I will say good night. I wonder what imponderable I find when I return? They seem to go from A to Z and back again.



Wednesday, August 16, 2006 12:21 AM


My ex raised a cat from a kitten, and she hated me - I was competition. She used to bust open the bedroom door and give my spinal acupuncture. Or get in the bed between, and streeeetch out with her claws.

She was however, nicer and saner than the rest of his family.

To wit - control freaks, serial adulterers, alcoholics, drug addicts, kids with ADD and gun nuts. (This was both sides) His parents were divorced, but we had one Xmas with both (alcoholic) father and new girlfriend (she was my age), (control freak) mother and new husband (dopehead and already having affair), bipolar friend of family, gay coke head friend of family, and madly controlling mother of ex-husband all in the house. We drove six hours to get there, and I was greeted at the door with a bag of shopping and a happy smile, since I was a 'good cook'! At least the klepto drug addict brother and his gun-toting loon of a girlfriend weren't there - their eldest son still wouldn't eat with utensils at the age of six.

I'm actually shaking at the memory here. This was supposed to be funny, but it's gone to a dark place. I am so glad to be free of them, I can't express it. They were definitely a factor in my diving over the side.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 2:49 AM


ouch =S *comforts SpaceAnJL* have some tea and jaffa cakes!

in the abstract, it is a kinda funny story, sounds like ideal material for comedy but, can't'a been fun to go through

*offers more jaffa cakes*



Wednesday, August 16, 2006 3:36 AM


Morning my darlings..I am off to another round of exciting training..which should finish by 12...then to tutoring...then back to you guys by hopefully 1:30 or so...Have a lovely imponderables day:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 3:44 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hi Impoderers...

Sorry to just drop in and not really do the ponerin' thing... (Oh, OK ponder... ponder... ponder... ponder...ponder... ponder...) OK - see I did ponder so just a tiny moment left to say 'Hi!' & 'Bye!' - it's been one of those days and I should have already gone to bed but I couldn't without driopping in for 5 seconds to say that - I will catch up late tomorrow night (around this time in 24 hours...)

I love you all my big shiney FireflyFanFamily!! Magdalena x x x x

EDIT!!!!! I did it and you can all see the bestest birthday present ever!! My own shiniest of banners from Desktop Hippie! I love you DTH!! Catch you all tomorrow!! Magda x x x


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 4:40 AM


Good to see you, California Kaylee. It sounds like you now have a cat. Feed them and they're your's forever. (or at least part time. they always know where to go for snacks. )

I basically abducted my poor kitty from the neighbors (it wasn't hard, she was definitely a willing abductee). Only led to two interesting moments, first when they brought over some mail of mine they got by mistake and saw the cat on my couch. The second when I had to put her down.


Originally posted by Zeek:

Originally posted by RugBug:
I would wager that this is different for the sexes. I think women have a harder time with in-laws or SO's parents than men. And unless the man steps up and supports his wife/SO, there is bound to be trouble.

Now that you'll have to explain. I've never thought of it that way. I always see it as the guy being practically on trial. They guy has to be good enough, a provider and a perfect gentlemen to pass the family test. The women almost always seem to get the "Oh she's so sweet. She's wonderful." comments and that's it. Just my experience though.

Certainly, but I'm not sure if I can do it well.

It mostly has to do with Mother-in-laws. I think women are very, very hard on each other. We can be judgemental...more so then men and that judgement never really goes away. For men, once you pass the test, you're good to go. For women, that test is everyday. How does she keep house? Raise the children? Treat her husband. etc We are each a product of our upbringing. We all think certain ways of doing things, usually our's, are best. When someone comes along and challenges those beliefs, there can be conflict. Advice easily becomes criticism, whether it was meant that way or not.

I don't know how many times I've had to say, 'Remember, as much as she (the MIL) drives you batty, she helped, for better or worse, your husband become the man you love,' to friends. I've been witness to bitter, bitter battles between MIL and their daughter in law...and these were in cases where both are decent people with no major issues (like those spaceanjl wrote about ).

Add to that that if husband/boyfriend doesn't side with wife/girlfriend, watch out. Things just escalate.

But maybe my experiences are not common. :shrugs:

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 5:24 AM


Hey all, dropping in to say hi! Been a busy week for me, getting ready for the parents to visit this weekend and I have another friend in town right now! Hope you're all doing well!

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 5:42 AM


RugBug, very interesting. I guess both sexes have their own problems with family members. I think given the choice I'd take the guy's end of the stick though. It's pretty easy to just be a good guy and gain the acceptance of the family. I wouldn't really like the constant scrutiny thing you're talking about.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 6:18 AM


Mornin' to all the Imponderablers.

Cats and mothers in law.

I'll be back in a bit with comments. Right now, just need some coffee.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 6:32 AM


Hello, Imponderable-ers!
Our receptionist is out today, so I drew the lucky straw and am riding the front desk for most of today. I will not have a lot (if any) time to chat today. Know I will miss all of you today!
If this thread gets too long, and I am not around, go ahead and start another one...just use the same title Male and Female Imponderables-- followed by a song title.



Wednesday, August 16, 2006 7:25 AM


I know the terrible affliction of the front desk. But since I get alot of crap done no one really questions me about posting for fifteen minutes or so. Get some funny looks from folks occasionally. Thats what they get for bein' nosy.
See, it ain't polite to read over someones shoulder for a reason
Bet the'd seen a side of me they never knew existed.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 7:29 AM


It's just that there is no time to post...between my work and the work of the front desk, I don't have much free time. On the plus side, the day is going by like wildfire! Heck, on a normal day, it would only be about 10:00...right now, it's already 12:30!
See you all when I can!



Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:00 AM



Must be a pretty busy day for everyone. Think this is the quietest the board has been since I've been here.

Think I'll strip down and run around in the very empty thread. If anyone hears singing coming from the jacuzzi, its just me. Might wanna knock first.

When everyone surfaces:
When was the last time you recieved/sent flowers? Mine was at the end of last year. Sent Ms. Questionable a cute little arrangement of daisies in a big smiley face mug. Kinda turned me away from sending flowers. It was a bad time in her office, (Social worker's assistant at that time). Damn FTD forgot the card I sent and wouldn't tell her who sent them, (paid cash). Big uproar in the office. Law enforcement was called. I guess she got a death threat from some parents.
Next time I buy flowers they will be hand delivered.
No room for error.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:05 AM


aaaaaaaaaaah back from training and all nice and relaxed:) At least I got lots of my boxes unpacked ( sadly I have many more boxes to unpack)

Mother in laws- not crazy about mine as she is somewhat distant , can and has held grudges for any thing she sees as a slight,and also very critical of my sweet husband, but she's not around much( lives about 6 hours away by car) so it works fine...if she were here, I doubt it would go so well.
My husband, on the other hand, got a mother in law that thinks he can do no wrong. She's always fussing over him, making his favorite meals, telling me I should wait on him more, etc...If we had a fight, there's no way I'd run home to mother. She'd be on his side

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:07 AM


Whoa should have knocked...then again I wouldn't have seen naked NV...I'll be in my bunk!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:07 AM


Wow, talk about a gesture of kindness backfiring!

The last time I received flowers was two months ago. Got thirteen beautiful white roses from a friend. I get flowers from students of mine sometimes. Chocolates too :) Teaching adults is fun. No angst, just gifts!

I tend to give flowers to my Mum or my female friends more than to guys. Cliche, I know, but true.

More animations available at


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:14 AM


Last time I received flowers was on my birthday, so little over a month ago.

Now, last time I received flowers from a guy....dusts off the calendar...maybe 1992? Haven't received flowers too many times.

NV: that's quite the tale of backfiring.

I once tried to send my mom flowers for mother's day (all she ever wants for mother's day is a Gardenia corsage) and they never showed up. Called flower company and they were like "uh, we forgot." Thankfully my mom and I have a good relationship, but could you imagine the ramifications if we didn't?

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:19 AM


hmmm desktop are you sure you like teaching adults?? I usually need several trips and large shopping bags to take home all the loot my sweet little munchkins bring me each year:) Mind you large portions of it are somewhat odd or poorly homemade, but I love every piece and have a large windowsill display of stuff they've made me:)

as for flowers my husband's big on randomly showing up with flowers instead of buying them on standard occasions and I like that better:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:30 AM


ok had to post this pic of camera tests of Morena when they were still working the bugs out of Inara's costume

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:33 AM


Yeah, I like teaching adults. They tend to be so much more fearful than kids, and they can be so much more proud of themselves when they get it right.

The best job I ever had for free goodies was, believe it or not, insurance claims handling! We only got gifts at Christmas, but we got loads of goodies from every loss adjuster, lawyer and contractor we'd ever dealt with. I went home that Christmas with eight bottles of wine, chocolates, a writing set and loads of other stuff. It's one of the few things I miss about that job!

More animations available at


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:33 AM


I got the wifey (wifey???) flowers last week. I was out with the little one and we saw some flowers in a cooler at the front of the store. So I let AL pick out the ones she thought were pretty and we gave them to the Mrs. that afternoon.

When we were dating I used to buy the Mrs. flowers alot. Mostly because I would have give them to her at work and she would get soooooo red in the face. It was good fun!

Not so much anymore. With college, the little one and all the other bills. Kinda hard to come up with xtra. But when I do I try to pick her up something nice.



Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:40 AM


Alright, back from eating the crappiest lunch in a while ( nachos, crappy ones at that).

So much for keeping my thoughts pure today. Thanks MSG for a good reason to return to the darkside.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:40 AM


Desktop- I know just what you mean. With special ed the kids have been told they are failures and have failed so many times that getting them to even try is hard, but oh so very worth it.

I always say teachers get their true paycheck from that one moment in time when the ah ha light goes on in their student's eyes and in that moment ( even if it's just for a second) that student is powerful. They have learned and they are smart and they can do least that's what I do it for and from your comments I'd bet it's the same for you.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:52 AM



Originally posted by msg:

I always say teachers get their true paycheck from that one moment in time when the ah ha light goes on in their student's eyes and in that moment ( even if it's just for a second) that student is powerful.

Ah, I loved that part of teaching. But, apparently, not enough to keep me in the game.

So Morena has always had short hair? or was that post Firefly, pre Serenity? She's gorgeous as usual, with or without long hair.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:54 AM


Does mother's day count? Cause that would be the last time.

The funnier story is the imaginary flowers I sent to my brother and his wife just back in July. My Dad's a dork and decided that my brother and his wife needed flowers for their first anniversary. Being a dork he's alsot constantly strapped for cash. So, he asked if I wouldn't mind going in on them with him. So, I said I'd take care of the whole thing. Which meant I called my brother and informed him to thank our Dad for the lovely flowers that would not be arriving at his wife's office for their anniversary. Is it bad that I lie to my Dad regularly? It's just easier than trying to convince him that his kids are more well adjusted and know more about the world than he does.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 10:29 AM


ok just to truly torment NV

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 10:36 AM



Wednesday, August 16, 2006 10:37 AM


So very..


Already have bad stuff in the brain. Don't make me go home. I gots bills to pay and kids to feed. Oh the sweet torment. Must find clean thoughts.
Think about baseball. Yeah right, I'll be asleep in a matter of seconds.

Okay, so what do y'all think about when trying to be incognito with the uncomfortable pants?
I really have nothing. Not a big sports fan. And everything I have an interest has some psycho-sexual connotation to it (cars, shooting,doing adrenaline pumping dangerous stuff).

May need help if MSG can't keep her awe inspiring pics to herself.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 10:41 AM


Crazy sinful woman.


Oh lord, please forgive me. For I am a sinner and should know better.

Or at least I know better but continue to sin.

I am truly Forsaken!


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 10:47 AM


Easy. Just go to the 'Global War on...' thread and read Citizen's reply to one of my posts. It involves a 60 year old woman smeared in vaseline.

More animations available at


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 10:51 AM


I have almost the exact same outfit...hat and all. One of my favorites.

'Course, I look nowhere near as good as Ms. Baccarin in it.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 10:58 AM


Rugbug- oh yeah right don't look as good 'cause you're a gorgeous, long legged, blond with a great smile and stunning naturally it wouldn't look as good (rolls eyes)

NV- ok I'll stop ...but I have tons more pictures where those came from and I am prepared to use them when you least expect it

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 11:07 AM


Oh really have the wrong image of me. Not that reading your description isn't fun, it's just fiction. For real. I do have a firm grasp of reality, I promise.

I want to see ton more pictures, but for the sake of NV and his need to provide for the family, I will refrain from requesting more.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 11:10 AM


Oh crap. I'm sure you wouldn't have bought it if you didn't look good in it.

DTH: Battle has alot of sex involved in it. Even if its a battle of words. And Citizen is just hilarious with his presentation.

So I have changed my prerequisites for a woman I'd date/marry/whateever.
They used to be: Better looking, smarter, and richer.
Now they are: Picks up her feet when she walks, hands that like to work, and punches like a man.

I think those qualities seem to fit the mate I'm looking for a little better. As for the prior qualities, they still stick, but only after the latter.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 11:16 AM


ooh good description NV

OK Rugbug...we have all seen several pictures of you so either you own no mirrors or you may need to see your eye doctor immediately. I have to say I spent all my teen years praying I would one day wake up and look just like you. Please note that , sadly, never happened. You are absolutely, jaw droppingly gorgeous!!!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 11:22 AM


ok NV close your eyes...these are for rugbug

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 11:36 AM


Do what now?

Ohh, close my eyes. Now ya tell me. Actually all these pics are quite sweet. Okay, the last one might loosen the jaw a bit.

I figure it this way:
A woman who picks up her feet when she walks is tryin' to get somewhere. It may not be terribly important or purposeful, but she means to get it done.
When a woman has hands that like to work, it usually means she likes to work. If the skin is a little tough and calloused, good grip; means she can work hard, make money, get stuff done 'round the house.
And punches like a man is for my benefit in several ways. If she can take care of Herself whilst I'm not around then I have less to worry about. That and if I get outta line she can throw me around for the infraction.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006 11:43 AM


NV, I liked your last post. Interesting take. Although cut her some slack on the 'punches like a man' thing. I used to be able to punch like a man...back when it was necessary (defensive against a mean brother) but since I haven't used that particular skill in AGES...I have reverted to punching like a girl. But I can still take care of myself.

Also, NV, I feel particularly sexy in that outfit. Bare shoulders is a good look for 95% of the women out there.

MSG: Thanks for the pictures. It's so cliched to say, but Morena looks much better with the longer hair.

(And the plain fact that I weigh probably 40 lbs more than Ms. Baccarin gives her the advantage. )

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw






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