Please know this!

UPDATED: Thursday, August 17, 2006 20:39
VIEWED: 2304
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Thursday, August 17, 2006 6:32 PM


hi everyone i signed up for this website only because one of my friends showed this to me, and i hope to show you, based only on fact in the bible, and no bias, that it is not true.

here is what was posted on your site. i could not find the oringinal thread or whatever it was so i am sorry, otherwise i would have responded there.


"The basic gist of my explanation is that there are two separate and contradictory creation stories in the book of Genesis.

"The first creation story documents how all the Gods and Goddesses gathered together and performed the Great Creation, the 7 day create-a-thon, which culminated in Them creating men and women together as equals, and giving them 'dominion over the birds of the air, the fish of the sea, the beasts of the earth,' etc. This is the famous 'Let US create man in OUR image, in OUR likeness,' quote. Its the only time the bible uses the plural in reference to god, so dont try to explain it as the royal 'we' since its not used anywhere else.

"Now skip ahead a bit, and we get to the second creation, in which a single god goes off by himself in secret and creates a man and a woman (nowhere does it say Adam and Eve were the first ones). These poor, less than perfect beings were never given dominion over anything, and were created with the sole purpose of worshiping this single vain god.

"This also explains why when Cain slays his brother Able, there is an entire city for him to run off to. This city is populated by the children of the first creation, who took pity on this poor lost soul and welcomed him into their community, where he proceeded to spread his own 'original sin' throughout the population via his descendants.

"Since the descendants of the second creation have no dominion over the earth, when we children of the original population demonstrate our God and Goddess given abilities we are labeled as witches and burned at the stake by the jealous children of the second.

"The Pagans are the original population, and the Christians (descendants of Adam and Eve) came later with lesser abilities. This is all according to their own bible.

"Theres a lot more to it, and many more examples of the True Gods being above the petty single god (the one who lied to Adam and Eve in the garden - the snake actually told the truth!), but thats the basic gist of the explanation.

"We are the true people. We are the way. So says their own bible."

And, then, here's the verse:

"Then God said, 'Let *us* make man in *our* image, in *our* likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.'" - Genesis 1:26, NIV "

first, i want to make it clear that i am not trying to bash anyone's beliefs. i respect whatever higher order you do or do not believe in. but i wanted to set something straight.

the claim in the original post is that multiple gods and goddesses participated in a "first creation". first, in verses 1-25 of Genesis, God is refered to only as God, singular, except in the one verse, 26, in which it does indeed include the words us, and our. but, the verse begins with: "And he said: Let us make to our image and likeness..." which sets this verse apart because God is talking to himself pretty much. in no other verse does God actually speak, and in no other area in the creation story does it refer to any more than one god. Next, the claim in the orginal post said that there where tow creation stories, one found if you "skip ahead a bit". however, this is not accurate because there is no skipping ahead. the bible goes straight on with the same creation story, going from God resting on the seventh day to the explination of the Garden of Eden. and correct, no where does the bible say that Adam and Eve where the first humans, which is understandable. but so what! it is not like that is a hidden fact. anyone who reads the first two pages of the bible would clearly be able to see that God created many humans. The issue presented about the "single god" who "goes off by himself in secret and creates a man and a woman" is not completely relevant either. first of all, i hope i already established that there was only one God in the first place, and second, the reason God created the garden can be determined from this quote: "And the Lord God had planted a paradise of pleasure from the beginning" (Genesis 2:8). this quote firstly proves that he never goes off in secret, but that he created the garden inthe beginning. next, this shows that God wanted the humans to experiance pleasure in this garden, which disproved the further claims that the humans were for the "sole purpose of worshiping this single vain god", which was stated in the orignial post.

so i just wanted to show you all that it really isnt that way in the bible. whatever you believe in is fine, but i just didnt want you to have that idea in your head, because it really isnt true. and know again that i tried very hard to go by only what is said in the bible and not to bash or use bias. thanks for reading this if you did.


Thursday, August 17, 2006 6:38 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

I have one question for you, onepurpose (and I'm not going to bash you, or carry any prejudices against you): Are you a Christian of any denomination (Latter Day Saints included)?


Go to and vote Firefly!


Thursday, August 17, 2006 6:38 PM


Post this in Real world discussions. General discussion is set aside for me. Go to Home, scroll down to real world events. Enjoy hours of religious dialogue and Citizen very amusing limey.

PS. Who gives a fuck. Well, it's true


Thursday, August 17, 2006 6:40 PM


yes i am christian otherwise i probably wouldnt have cared


Thursday, August 17, 2006 6:44 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

"Who gives a f***?"

Well, I can think of at least one obvious profession (which in the 'verse is a Companion, and in our world is prostitutes). So, going off of the definition I found, the person who gives a f*** would be either a pimp or 'whore.'


1. An act of sexual intercourse.
2. A partner in sexual intercourse.

Edit: Thank you for answering my question, onepurpose. Enjoy your stay in the 'verse!

Oh, that's right, there was a point to my questioning. As a Christian, you choose to interpret the Bible the way you described it above. As a pagan (if it isn't obvious from the username), PaganPaul chooses to interpret it another way. Neither is necessarily wrong or right, merely different.

Go to and vote Firefly!


Thursday, August 17, 2006 6:52 PM



Originally posted by yinyang:
"Who gives a fuck?"

Well, I can think of at least one obvious profession (which in the 'verse is a Companion, and in our world is prostitutes). So, going off of the definition I found, the person who gives a fuck would be either a pimp or 'whore.'


1. An act of sexual intercourse.
2. A partner in sexual intercourse.

Edit: Thank you for answering my question, onepurpose. Enjoy your stay in the 'verse!

Oh, that's right, there was a point to my questioning. As a Christian, you choose to interpret the Bible the way you described it above. As a pagan (if it isn't obvious from the username), PaganPaul chooses to interpret it another way. Neither is necessarily wrong or right, merely different.

Go to and vote Firefly!

yinyang, in the real world "who gives a fuck" means No one cares. look up fuck you.


Thursday, August 17, 2006 6:55 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

I would like to take this moment to point out that we are not in the real world - we're in the 'verse.

F*** me? No thank you.


Go to and vote Firefly!


Thursday, August 17, 2006 6:58 PM


As yinyang said, enjoy your stint here in the 'verse. And hey, I dunno if you're right or wrong, Paul's explanation.... I dunno what to say about it. I've always found the bible a little iffy, it doesnt surprise me that it can be bent more ways than one, (as it has been for centuries) and.... well, I'm interested to see PaganPaul's counterpoint.

And kudos to you for talking in a civil, respectful fashion. We're big on that here.

And ignore Kaneman. He's in one of his moods. We dont get a lot of trolls here, but sometimes Kaneman sorta flips out. Lets just say he does not represent us when he's like this.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Thursday, August 17, 2006 7:18 PM



Originally posted by yinyang:
I would like to take this moment to point out that we are not in the real world - we're in the 'verse.

Fuck me? No thank you.


Go to and vote Firefly!

yinyang, you looked up the definition of "who gives a fuck". Are you kidding? Fuck you is a term of Endearment in my book. Well, it's true.

Whitefall, moods? What does that mean my friend. I call an ass an ass. Does that make me an ass? Maybe! Join the revolution.


Thursday, August 17, 2006 7:25 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

If I may be so bold as to point this out, but... Kaneman, you seem to place emphasis on things being true. Is that just the way things are going tonight, or is it important to you?

Again, just curious.

Oh, it's a term of endearment? Well, yes, since the phrase (as defined by means 'go to hell,' my only response is, "I fully intend to, if such a place exists separate from some terrible places on Earth."

And, just a note: I looked up the word f*** all on its own, because the phrase 'who gives a f***' isn't listed in the dictionary website I use and like.


Go to and vote Firefly!


Thursday, August 17, 2006 7:27 PM


If you're calling Onepurpose an ass for defending what he believes in in a civil manner, well yes, I would say that qualifies for you ass-dom.

This was a perfectly nice discussion until you started insulting things at random.

As for your moods, I do seem to recall a trollish post averted half way through by you stating that your little brother was on your account or somesuch. So either the person posting at the moment is said little brother, or the one and only Kaneman is really quite a nuisance.

Woot, yinyang, tag!

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Thursday, August 17, 2006 7:32 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Oh, I think this is a lovely discussion still. I find it especially nice that Kaneman and I can talk about a taboo in today's society freely (although a mod can feel free to tell me I need to edit and censor, if they so choose).

Does that qualify me to tag you, Whitefall?


Oh, well. Tag, you're it!


Go to and vote Firefly!


Thursday, August 17, 2006 7:38 PM



Originally posted by yinyang:
If I may be so bold as to point this out, but... Kaneman, you seem to place emphasis on things being true. Is that just the way things are going tonight, or is it important to you?

Again, just curious.

Oh, it's a term of endearment? Well, yes, since the phrase (as defined by means 'go to hell,' my only response is, "I fully intend to, if such a place exists separate from some terrible places on Earth."

And, just a note: I looked up the word fuck all on its own, because the phrase 'who gives a fuck' isn't listed in the dictionary website I use and like.


Go to and vote Firefly!

I love the truth. Not every thing is shiny. I love the truth. Our BDH's didn't all get along! And they lived in the same ship. I have watched this board go from all things Firefly to religion, politics, *Hugs and Kisses*, Troll tagging, and a whole lot of other shit. I say "fuck that", you don't have to look it up, The same twenty people already ruined this board. I enjoy fuckin' with them. If you think I am a troll go back and read my posts over the months. There is a major click who believe they can have anyone tossed into troll country with no repercussions, then go on and talk about politics. I say go to a political forum and wail away. 'till then pompous asses....Fuck off


Thursday, August 17, 2006 7:42 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Did I say you were a troll? I don't remember that.

The truth is relative.

Well, if there are twenty people, you certainly must have sex quite often.

First I'm a dog, then I'm a person, then I'm a donkey? Sweet! I can become other animals!


Go to and vote Firefly!


Thursday, August 17, 2006 7:43 PM



Originally posted by yinyang:
Did I say you were a troll? I don't remember that.

The truth is relative.

Well, if there are twenty people, you certainly must have sex quite often.

First I'm a dog, then I'm a person, then I'm a donkey? Sweet! I can become other animals!


Go to and vote Firefly!



Thursday, August 17, 2006 7:48 PM


Wow...... I'm quite impressed, that there was a great example of profanity put to real use. And I got no problem with that. Profanity without purpose is my issue.

And... I suppose to some extent, you're right, we of the board do have a certain standard of what we consider eloquence that we demand in arguments differing from our own, and that could certainly be called pomposity. But what i mean is, if TheRightStuff1 had posted this same topic, might have said something like this:

"OMG PaganHereticPaul, how could you try to mess up the Holy Bible with your sanctimonious lies! When the day of reckoning is upon us, you and your kind shall be STRUCK DOWN, and George W. shall be blessed for his surveillance of you!!!!!!!!"

(Somehow it seems like TheRightStuff always works in a little Bush into his arguments.)

and that.... kinda is creepy. this post, however, states clearly that Onepurpose isnt looking to convert us or condemn us, he's just looking to correct something that PaganPaul may or may not be right about, and it's something he wants to see resolved.

And it occurs to me I used a lot of "we"'s in this post. Well, sorry, for the most part that's how I, dare i say: we feel about this forum: it's a family, it feels inclusive. And I suppose that involves a certain amount of exclusion, and I apologize for that.

Onepurpose, sorry for thread-jacking.

P.S. Kaneman, that was yinyang making light of your vulgarity. And for the record, I think it was me who called you a troll, but considering you are indeed willing to share actual opinions, that title was unjustified, and i apologize.

P.S.2. Tag, yinyang!

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Thursday, August 17, 2006 7:51 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


Wow...... I'm quite impressed, that there was a great example of profanity put to real use.


I try - and I'm glad to see that it was successful.

Hmm... what animal should I become next? I know!

I am now a duck.


Edit: Tag, you're it (for the eight or ninth time, I do believe)!

Edit2: I also offer my apologies to Kaneman, because I think it might have been implied that I thought you were a troll.


Go to and vote Firefly!


Thursday, August 17, 2006 7:53 PM


I actually took forever to post that, what I meant was Kaneman's vulgar but opinionated attack on the sorta elite thing. Gotta give props where they're due.

However, nice job with those reconfigurations, yinyang!

*throws bread crumbs*

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Thursday, August 17, 2006 7:55 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Ooh, bread crumbs!


Go to and vote Firefly!


Thursday, August 17, 2006 7:57 PM



Originally posted by Whitefall:
Wow...... I'm quite impressed, that there was a great example of profanity put to real use. And I got no problem with that. Profanity without purpose is my issue.

And... I suppose to some extent, you're right, we of the board do have a certain standard of what we consider eloquence that we demand in arguments differing from our own, and that could certainly be called pomposity. But what i mean is, if TheRightStuff1 had posted this same topic, might have said something like this:

"OMG PaganHereticPaul, how could you try to mess up the Holy Bible with your sanctimonious lies! When the day of reckoning is upon us, you and your kind shall be STRUCK DOWN, and George W. shall be blessed for his surveillance of you!!!!!!!!"

(Somehow it seems like TheRightStuff always works in a little Bush into his arguments.)

and that.... kinda is creepy. this post, however, states clearly that Onepurpose isnt looking to convert us or condemn us, he's just looking to correct something that PaganPaul may or may not be right about, and it's something he wants to see resolved.

And it occurs to me I used a lot of "we"'s in this post. Well, sorry, for the most part that's how I, dare i say: we feel about this forum: it's a family, it feels inclusive. And I suppose that involves a certain amount of exclusion, and I apologize for that.

Onepurpose, sorry for thread-jacking.

P.S. Kaneman, that was yinyang making light of your vulgarity. And for the record, I think it was me who called you a troll, but considering you are indeed willing to share actual opinions, that title was unjustified, and i apologize.

P.S.2. Tag, yinyang!

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon

Tag is done. I like to refer to that as monkey in the middle. Now I get to pick the game. Dodge ball one on one. Enjoy your time at! Hook line sinker...Let the games begin..


Thursday, August 17, 2006 8:00 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


I like to prefer that as monkey in the middle.

Oh! Monkey!

::is now a monkey with a reeeeealy long tail::


Hook line sinker

More fishing? But... I don't like... fishing...

Oh, well!

::climbs a tree::

Well, I guess tag is over for now. It's beddy-bye time for the monkey (which is me)!


Go to and vote Firefly!


Thursday, August 17, 2006 8:04 PM


but... but... but... if kaneman is gonna join our merrymaking in a game of dodgeball (though i'm not sure how to play that on forums), what are we gonna do in terms of arguing?! Oh well, there's always RWED.

*oww, my nose!*

Never was that good at dodgeball.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Thursday, August 17, 2006 8:04 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

::puts a Band-Aid on Whitefall's nose::

All better! See ya later!


Go to and vote Firefly!


Thursday, August 17, 2006 8:13 PM



Originally posted by Whitefall:
but... but... but... if kaneman is gonna join our merrymaking in a game of dodgeball (though i'm not sure how to play that on forums), what are we gonna do in terms of arguing?! Oh well, there's always RWED.

*oww, my nose!*

Never was that good at dodgeball.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon

Rules are simple. I will chase you around hurling darts... you will run and try and dodge..Get that you fucking cyber nerd. Sitting around Fingering yourself watching porno. Eat shit you fucking geek. West coast must be gay! And I can tell your a whore ask me how slut! Don't bother you fucking cunt. You four eyed slut...FUCK YOU.


Thursday, August 17, 2006 8:39 PM


That was easy!






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