Male and Female Imponderables--Dancing in the Dark

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:40
VIEWED: 13390
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Monday, August 21, 2006 9:01 AM


Busy day at work! Not able to catch atm.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Monday, August 21, 2006 9:06 AM


Aw, thanks, NV. Nice group.


Monday, August 21, 2006 9:08 AM


You see RugBug the problem is that guys often think girls they like do look like they should be on the cover of fashion magazines. Lots of women look pretty darn good to us if they're what we're looking for. My bet is that every girl is some guy's type. So, don't you worry. Some guy out there thinks you're a super model.


Monday, August 21, 2006 9:10 AM


Yeah I agree to that. Except us guys are in the same boat. We are expected to have Mal's kinda boy next door looks with Jayne's muscles and still be sweet all the time. It get's kinda hard on us as well.

I mean I weighed 155 pounds all through high school and I am 6'1" tall. talk about a skeleton! No Janye bod here. It took me until my enlistment in the army was up to put on any weight. I weighed 180 pounds when I got out.

And everybody can't look like Mal I am sorry. Not that I would want too anyway. Not my type of good looks.

And sweetness. Well I think we grow into that as we get older. There are things that I put up with now that would have been a blow-up name calling bash and there are things that I do that I would not have thought of before. We either learn it or are never going to have it.

I think the difference between guys and girls on this topic is that you opposite gender types think that we can be trained to be sweet. We do not think that you all can be trained nor do we want to tempt it. If I like a person it is for who they are not who I think they could be.

Wow rmabled a bit here.



Monday, August 21, 2006 9:18 AM


Very welcome SeaOtter.

Ya know RugBug, I wish it didn't have to be that way.

Went here this weekend.


Monday, August 21, 2006 9:34 AM



Originally posted by Zeek:
My bet is that every girl is some guy's type. So, don't you worry. Some guy out there thinks you're a super model.

Of course.

And don't worry about me. Most days I think I look just fine. But there are still those nagging insecurities that creep in....

Kelhkil: I've always thought the standards for men are much less rigorous than for women. You disagree? (I've definitely got a type I prefer, (thinnish but with some hulks, please) but as long as he is a good person, he's got a shot).

Women are suppose to be skinny and have big boobs. Only a small portion of the female population is that way naturally. And the degree of thin-ness that is popular right now is ridiculous. Little lolli-pop girls. It's no wonder so many celebrities smoke. The nicotine keeps them away from food.

NV: Wow, that is just gorgeous. Next time you go, give me a call. A couple hours is nothing, right?

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Monday, August 21, 2006 9:43 AM


KELKHIL, I never really thought about the demands on men being anywhere near what they are on women. I'm a skinny guy too. 5'11" 145lbs. Not much I can do about it. If I eat like a crazy person I just start to develope a gut and the rest of me stays the same. The only thing I can do is put on some muscle, but I'm lazy. I don't really worry about it though.

As far as guys not trying to change women, I'm with you there. If I'm not into a girl's personality then she's got no shot. I'm not going to bother trying to change a person.


Monday, August 21, 2006 9:47 AM


More than welcome. Though it is great horse country, I prefer to walk. Does that make me strange?
GND really loves her horses, kinda surprized she didn't take them this weekend.


Monday, August 21, 2006 10:31 AM


Gosh, must be lunchtime or something. So I'm all alone. Time to do the nasty.

(Takes out garbage, washes out can)

Think I need to smoke now.


Monday, August 21, 2006 10:37 AM


Do not blacken your lungs, for you have friends!

*hugs NVG to show him he's not alone*

More animations available at


Monday, August 21, 2006 10:41 AM



Planning on traveling to meet my friend. Am a bit worried he won't like me I am afraid that stress and prednisone have contributed to 20 more pounds of me than I like. He tells me not to worry, but....

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

one of the Forsaken TM


Monday, August 21, 2006 10:41 AM


just had to get the horrible taste of bleach out of my mouth. Didn't smoke, just ate lunch.
MMM, soft taco's.

FMF- I need info, (too lazy to catch up thread). So how much younger is he. And why are you worried. You're great. You're mighty. and You're a Browncoat, (as I hope he is too).


Monday, August 21, 2006 10:47 AM


Awww, don't feel bad FMF. If he tells you not to worry then there's no need to worry! Of course he'll like you. He'd have to be a crazy person not to!

More animations available at


Monday, August 21, 2006 10:48 AM


He is 10+ younger. And I guess I just have a self esteem thing.

Thanks DesktopHippie!

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

one of the Forsaken TM


Monday, August 21, 2006 10:50 AM


You're one of the shinyest folks I know, FMF. He'd be moonbrained not to like you. And if he doesn't, he'll have an angry horde of Browncoats to contend with.


"Oooh, synchronizers!"


Monday, August 21, 2006 10:51 AM


Ah, who cares if he's crazy. I'm crazy and I like ya.
Now where did I leave the pudding cups.
No pudding in them, just the cups.


Monday, August 21, 2006 10:56 AM


FMF, dont worry about it, ask Tristan, he'll tell you age has nothing to do with it. (I take liberty to assume, he is our resident age-difference-happily-married-guy, after all)

As for the looks thing, I have to agree with the guys on here, and I'm in much the same boat. I actually used to be something overweight, now i'm more or less a good weight, cause i eat better. I don't exercise enough, mostly for the above reason of being lazy. Anyhoo, on women, I for one coult not care less what the current styles are, and while ladies of the higher weight classes are a little awkward on the eyes sometimes, I have no problem with them, and it's all in the personality. In the exact same way, people who are in the lower weight classes can be awkward cause ya gotta be concerned about how skinny they are. And again, all in the personality, and the 'look', and I dont mean appearance by that. It's part confidence, part inherant face shape, and a lot of character, and it's hard to describe. Eh, me and women, a crazy subject.

P.S. Rugbug, no I never got your PM, but i'm sorry if I offended you. Religion-y stuff is so hard to describe right.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Monday, August 21, 2006 11:03 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:

Planning on traveling to meet my friend. Am a bit worried he won't like me I am afraid that stress and prednisone have contributed to 20 more pounds of me than I like. He tells me not to worry, but....

And he would be right.

How you feel (confidence and warmth) hit a person first, and more strongly.

Right before you see him, remember all the great things people here have said about you. Get them good and burned on your brain.

Then go meet the new friend (because you too get to decide whether it will be anything more).


Monday, August 21, 2006 12:29 PM



Sorry it was an 8 hour training and our principal is big on running it like he ran his classroom, so while there are jokes and such you have to be quiet and be paying attention the whole time. He will actually single out teachers and say stop doing that or pay attention if he thinks they aren't. That said, he's really usually a great guy just a bit picky regarding meetings ( which he calls "his time")
NV- I think magazines are one aspect, but I'd have to say women are another aspect. For every great supportive woman, there are maybe 2 who will pick you apart in a hearbet and make fun of you or subtly insult you for how you dress/cut your hair/ wear make up etc and so women get constant reinforcement that says " you aren't pretty enough, skinny enough, fashionable enough and because of that no one likes you" Remember that Gloria Vanderbuilt was NOT kidding when she said " you can never be too rich or too thin." Also note that 80% of ten year old girls are or have been on a diet...being on a diet becomes such a constant that you don't even think about it, you are just always careful not to eat much or eat high cal foods especially in public for most girls.

Side note- in 5 separate research studies they gave both men and women drawings of female bodies in various sizes and asked both genders to pick the size of woman they felt MEN would most be attracted to. In every study, women picked a woman 10-18% smaller than the guys did...

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, August 21, 2006 12:33 PM


msg, I love your banner!

You even have the timing down!

(I've been singing along)

Really great!

(and yes, I agree, women are often the worst misogynists)


Monday, August 21, 2006 12:58 PM



Just a little concerned when I hear certain things.
That and I just wanna smack folks upside the head who say they are ugly and are obviously better looking than I.

Thanks MSG for the singalong.


Monday, August 21, 2006 1:55 PM


Desktop Hippie made it for me...isn't it lovely:)
It just makes me smile everytime I see it:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, August 21, 2006 2:00 PM


Gotta be movin' on. A might tired and a buddy is in town for his grandma's funeral.

Thanks MSG for the help. Sent virtual flowers to GND today, but the first attempt was crap (link failed). I'm cursed.

Hope to see y'all tomorrow.

P.S.- I get no notification from any other threads but this one and the Notification club, and this one ain't too reliable.


Monday, August 21, 2006 3:20 PM


Hey, all!
I will be away from the computer all week...I am in a training class, so I don't have access to a computer. I am missing the lively discussion already!

The good news is that I got a notification from the site! Only one, but it's a start!

When this thread gets too long, please start another one...all I ask is that it retain the Imponderables title along with a random song. And is y'all wouldn't mind, please email me the new link so I can at least keep up!
Thank you!


Monday, August 21, 2006 3:26 PM


A random song.....

Sea of Love

Having my Baby

She Blinded Me with Science

Random enough for you?


Monday, August 21, 2006 5:41 PM


How's about... SUPPERTIME!!!! Sorry, we just did a little promo for YAGMCB, and that's what we did, and all things considered it went ok. The dance team near dropped one of their ladies, so I feel we got off alright.

But seriously... Male and Female Imponderables - Suppertime.


I agree, women are too critical of themselves in general. I figure that if a girl tries to be thinner to attract the opposite sex (whether she knows that or not), she'll attract the wrong sorta guys who are interested in waist size. I dunno. I'm just a theorist.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Monday, August 21, 2006 8:08 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Ok first: YAY! The droolworthy one finally got online and wrote back to me! (Now that I'm back at work.) So a date could very well be in the very near future. YAY!
Insecurities; I don't suffer from them all that much, but they do pop up. If no one is showing interest in me, it makes me wonder what's wrong. If a SO particularly isn't giving me any attention, I start to wonder why. And with my weight having just gone up by, uh, quite a bit, I've wondered if I look that good and I've been trying to get the weight off again, with some success. I think, though, that one of the blessings of being bi is that when I see a beautiful woman (or one that I consider beautiful) I don't think "I wish I looked like her" I think "Wow, I wish I could get with her!" And I, personally, am not attracted to many skinny women (with a few notable exceptions) which just makes me feel better about myself. I'm attracted to girls who look a lot more like me, so that makes me feel attractive. Weird? Yeah, maybe. But it works for me.
And sometimes a woman will kinda sneer at me for what I'm wearing (only when I'm being sloppy, though. I don't follow trends, but I'm fashionable. Does everyone know the difference? 'K good ) and I'll just think "Yeah, well, if I wasn't me I'd be flirting with me so you're dumb!" Or something along those lines. It's fun.
I like "She Blinded Me With Science". Good Imponderable name.

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. - Gautama Siddharta


Monday, August 21, 2006 8:43 PM


*rummages in teacher bag/homework bag (yeah, I get to carry papers home ) and pulls out the container with the hand-rolled chocolate decadence*
*pulls out the roundest, biggest two and hands one to MsG with a warning* Nibble or let it melt in your mouth...(it's that good).
And I know exactly what you mean. *sigh* You'd think that administrators would keep up with the teaching methodologies that they insist that teachers use/do, but no.

Oh well...

PR: Congrats. As someone else said (I forgot, my mind is a sieve): Hope he's a Wash (red hair and all, even).

Tristan: Hope the meetings and etc. are worthwhile (and not like MsG's nor mine ).

Songs -- Act Naturally (I know the song is on the depressing side, but the title could be a suggestion for all to behave like ourselves)


Monday, August 21, 2006 9:16 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Well, I know from his picture that he's not a strawberry blond, but that's ok. He doesn't have to look exactly like Wash. I'd post his picture, but I've wondered if that would be some kind of privacy violation. I mean, obviously it's up online already, but you know.
On another note, y'all are really convincing me not to be a teacher, ever. Also that teaching should be the highest paid profession...

Eurgh, I just got a message from a 40 year old who wants to "meet" with me. On his profile it says what he is looking for is "intimate encounter". Man could conceivably have a daughter my age. How gross!

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. - Gautama Siddharta


Monday, August 21, 2006 9:45 PM


Well, PR, like I always say, teaching's like the Peace Corps: "The toughest job you'll ever love." There are others who claim that teaching is a calling. (If it is, how I got that call is beyond me, since I "fell" into it.)

...and for all the fustrations, it does have its rewards -- just not monetary. The "aha!" moments, the "Hi Miss!" and warmth from students who still remember us fondly. (Heck, I'm pretty sure that it tickles some of my former teachers that I'm a teacher now.)


Monday, August 21, 2006 10:30 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hello Dear Impoderables...

(just realised I still write on the forum like I'm writing a letter sometimes...)

WOW!! Yay!! Happy Day Darlin' PR!! I knew he would get in touch!!! ... (and you knew what I meant about him being a 'Wash'!!) Have fun with the flirtin' gorgeous girl!!

Funny thing - teaching - as a student I loathed and detested school... I was miserable and never met my potential and didn't go to university as it would have been difficult to commit to the kind of level of work-ethics that I knew it would demand, when my heart wasn't in it. Now - 20 years later, I am seriously thinking of going to Uni as a 'mature student' (I don't think they'd accept me as an immature one) to study Theology and History, and then do a Dip Ed. 'Does that seem right to you?'

I think it is a calling too - not a job you aspire to as a career if you like flash cars and holidays in the tropics... but one you know you have to do if you care about the development of the next generation and want to share your insight and patience for those 'lightbulb moments'. I think that being a nanny is a bit like that too... it'll never pay well, but you get love and hugs thrown in!!

FMF - go for it - I keep telling myself that if I don't take a deep breath and just smile and be myself I will never give anyone the opportunity to just love me for who I am. If I am projecting 'Uh... don't know what I'm doing here...I am so fat...I am so unattractive... who am I kidding... why would anyone want to look at me... then all the above will be exactly what others read in me! (I keep saying it... and yet?) I know you are gorgeous - wonderful friend, wonderful mother, wonderful and fun woman! Just relax, have fun and remember, going to meet him isn't actually committing to a life-long relationship... it's just 'going to meet him'. It helps me to ask a guy out (well - it helped me to ask a guy out) to remember that I was just asking him out... not asking him to marry me!! It worked too, although he's seeing someone else we're now friends!

A week without Tristan.... how will we get through it.... Be good Tristan... (I know we will...)

MsG - I had a teacher at college when I was 32 who talked to us like we were primary aged students. My train was late one morning and there were three of us on it and as we rushed into the room, 10 minutes late and appologising profusely, she made a point of getting out her roll book and saying 'lateies' in a most disapproving voice. We had never been late before I might add!!! Nice in other ways - but not when I came to maintaining order - she just had the one style obviously!! I can relate to you and your principal!

Well, hi NVG!! Haven't seen you for a while - it's good to hear about your fun weekend - and thanks to all of you for the supportive comments! It is good to be reminded of our finer qualities every now and again! I think it's a good thing when we can express ourselves in a caring environment like this without the angst of our appearance issues getting in the way!

Love you all! - Magdalena x x x


Monday, August 21, 2006 10:54 PM


Teaching should indeed be a high paid job. The highest of high paid jobs. In fact, let me just say that to my boss!

I think teachers can occasionally get stuck in a groove where they end up dealing with everyone the same way they deal with their students. I know I have a very annoying habit of explaining things clearly and in great detail to people who didn't ask and don't care. The reason I know this is because they tell me. Often.


Remember that Gloria Vanderbuilt was NOT kidding when she said " you can never be too rich or too thin."

I thought that was Rasputina! *loves Transylvanian Concubine*

More animations available at


Monday, August 21, 2006 11:09 PM



Originally posted by magdalena:

Funny thing - teaching - as a student I loathed and detested school... I was miserable and never met my potential and didn't go to university as it would have been difficult to commit to the kind of level of work-ethics that I knew it would demand, when my heart wasn't in it. Now - 20 years later, I am seriously thinking of going to Uni as a 'mature student' (I don't think they'd accept me as an immature one) to study Theology and History, and then do a Dip Ed. 'Does that seem right to you?'

*comfort* I'm sorry that was your experience in school. But yep, that does seem right to me. Teachers tend to be those who had a really good experience or really bad experience. The ones with the really good experiences tend to want to pass on what they experienced. The ones with bad experiences go in to improve the system.


I think it is a calling too - not a job you aspire to as a career if you like flash cars and holidays in the tropics... but one you know you have to do if you care about the development of the next generation and want to share your insight and patience for those 'lightbulb moments'. I think that being a nanny is a bit like that too... it'll never pay well, but you get love and hugs thrown in!!

What?! No tropical vacations?! *blinks* Does that mean that someone is going to make me fly off these islands to somewhere dreary and depressing? *ponders* Okay, just as long as I can visit those imaginary places (like Colorado, Utah, Iowa, Minnesotta, Oregon, Washington, or England, Ireland, and Scotland) and dropped back here to work the "salt mines" of public school in Hawai`i.


Monday, August 21, 2006 11:53 PM


Is Ireland imaginary? Because that would explain a lot...

I fully approve of mature students. I was totally clueless about what I wanted to do with my life when I went to University. I studied English because I loved it, but I was terrified about how I'd get a job. It took me years to find my niche. I think a lot of people are better off waiting until they know for sure what it is they want to study, for work or for pleasure.

More animations available at


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 1:13 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by Dancingneko:

What?! No tropical vacations?! *blinks* Does that mean that someone is going to make me fly off these islands to somewhere dreary and depressing? *ponders* Okay, just as long as I can visit those imaginary places (like Colorado, Utah, Iowa, Minnesotta, Oregon, Washington, or England, Ireland, and Scotland) and dropped back here to work the "salt mines" of public school in Hawai`i.

Oh? You actually have a job that is meaningful and gives you an influence on the next generation and you get to live in hawai'i??? How do I do that?? I thought Hawai'i was just full of tourists and tourism, surfies surf! Vocanoes and... volcanic-novelty-rock-souveniers...??? Maybe I should look into this teaching thing a little more closely! How I do wish I could get to have the best of both worlds! Thank you for the comfort Dancingneko!

Thanks for you encouragement too DTHippie! You are one shining star of a role model! I have never regretted that I did not go to university as I have still got an active mind and find I do things best when I am passionate in my curiosity to learn! I have a feeling I'll need the theology one day... but the History is definitely my passion and I certainly didn't realise that at the time I was attending school! Through nannying a range of children I have realised that schools in Australia, well Victoria at least, have improved dramaticly and I would love to be a part of that!

Errr... should we be ponderin' anything at the moment...???


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 2:07 AM


History is a great thing to study. I did mediaeval history and archaeology myself - my speciality is castles. I spent the first years at school thoroughly bored with the subject - wasn't until we got a teacher who gave us history in context that it fired up. Why something happens in one country only makes sense when you see what's happening globally.

If I ever go back to study, though, I'm going to do psychology. I'm fascinated by what pushes people's buttons. The fact that the first ad agency on Wall Street was started by Freud's nephew caught my imagination...(btw, did you see the Real Blue Sun thread - spooky)


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 2:35 AM


oohh, Magda, you are soo sweet!


Originally posted by Whitefall:
I agree, women are too critical of themselves in general. I figure that if a girl tries to be thinner to attract the opposite sex (whether she knows that or not), she'll attract the wrong sorta guys who are interested in waist size. I dunno. I'm just a theorist.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon

Gotta agree there. I have so may female friends who are always obsessing about how they need to loose weight, and if I had a pound for everytime I have had to convince someone that they are NOT fat, they DONOT need ot loose weight and they are Gorgeous just the way they are, I could buy out F** and put our BDH's back on the air!
I am one of those women (well, girls) who doesn't really care what i look like. i don't follow any fashions, and I never wear make up (mainly due to laziness), and I exercise only in ways I enjoy, though not, much (also due to laziness) and I eat more or less whatever I want. And yet I still get called anorexic! I give in.

Whoot! go you, PR, good luck with the droolworthy one, and if he does look like Wash, even better!

Off to Greece tomorrow, at some ridiculus time of the morning, so I won't be around for 2 weeks, I will miss you lot. I may start suffering from inponderable withdrawl syptoms!
If I don't get to post again, then:
Bye! see you in 2 weeks!

Don't you lock up something that you wanted to see fly, hands are for shaking no not tying. Soundgarden
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 2:48 AM


SBDB - enjoy Greece, you lucky thing!

So nice to find someone else who stares blankly at the idea of diet and exercise. Mind you, from what I remember, you're a young 'un. The extra weight kinda jumps out at you the far side of thirty. (I'm holding it at bay with a flinty green glare, 'cos I think it has some mates with it.) Comfy in your skin is the only way to be.

Less of an Imponderable, more of a scare-poll - how many of you shiny folk look in the mirror and like yourselves?


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 3:43 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

SBDB... you're welcome! Have the most awesome time in Greece! I have always wanted to go and see Rhodes and visit all that Greek history...*sigh* Bon Voyage Sweetheart!

Space Angel - the honest answer is almost never. Many years ago I was a slim, toned buxom brunette who had flirting down to a fine art! Now I am bigger than I have ever been in my life - 96kg (sorry - I have no idea what that is in lbs... don't think I want to know either...) I have had asthma and that meant Prednisolone which always means a hike in my weight... (I totally understand FMF!!) In addition to this I have had an allergic reaction to some medication which the doctor tried me on and although I seem to be over it - every morning when I get up i have these weird red streaks over my eyelids. (apparently an after-effect of the allergy...???) To be honest I told my doctor (who's counceling me for depression at the moment) that I am sick of taking care to get ready to go out and then looking in the mirror and thinking, "it'll have to do..."

Wow... I think you just opened a floodgate! Don't think I hate myself or that I am suicidaly depressed, just really not happy with my looks right now. I still have an awesome sense of humour, a serious wicked streak, some pretty awesome friends (in the flesh as well as here in the Shiney corner of the 'verse!) and a job I love even if it doesn't pay all that well.

Hmmmmmmm.... well I certainly pondered that one!


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 4:29 AM


Morning all!

Ah, Tristan. Are you doing your licensing classes? They are AWFUL...well, at least mine were. SO BOOOOORING. And I had to go on Saturday and Sunday for 6 weeks. That was a special hell.


Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
how many of you shiny folk look in the mirror and like yourselves?

Some parts yes, others not so much. Overall it's not that bad, I would say. I can stand in front of the mirror naked and not be completely disgusted with myself, which is leaps above what some women can do, so I think I'm doing okay.

SBDB: I'm envious of your trip to Greece. Enjoy yourself!

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 4:57 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I think I look my best naked. I'm thinking of joining a colony
Really, though, I'm serious about thinking I look fine naked. Clothes cover and reshape the flesh, not always to advantage. Everything from my shoulders to my knees seems to look better without fabric squeezing on it.
So yes, I can look in the mirror and like myself.
I wish my chin were a little bit smaller sometimes, but I usually don't notice it.

Well, SBDB, have a blast! And Tristan, try to come back to us alive and whole

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. - Gautama Siddharta


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 5:07 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hello gorgeous Phoenix Rose! Glad I got to see you before I went to bed! It's 1am again - and I need to get some sleep (beauty sleep... he he he ) How did you go with the job application? I'm still sending positive vibes your way!

I liked myself naked when I was 21 too... *sigh* I would like to like myself naked again - but it takes a very special light.... actually no - it just takes an off switch...

Seriously though - I'm not ugly - just a bit disappointed in myself... make sense?

Anyway - Goodnight all you gorgeous people! - Magdalena x x x


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 5:28 AM



Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
how many of you shiny folk look in the mirror and like yourselves?

I do. Then again I don't put many demands on myself. So, I guess I've met my own low standards. Hooray!


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 5:29 AM


**lurker warning**

I'm back... inching my way in one toe at a time... will catch up sometime...

Did I read right - FMF has a man? woo-hoo!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 6:01 AM


Mornin' Imponderables.

Good to see ya M4P.

Sorry about the classes Tristan.

Mags, had no idea of your age until yesterday (not that I took notice ).

Not too much to say at the moment. Left home angry. Does anyone else here have a problem being right ninety percent of the time and realizing that those who are wrong will never take heed of your warnings. I can't stand being right.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 6:12 AM


Well Mal4Prez

I haven't HAD him yet!

giggle snort

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

one of the Forsaken TM


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 6:29 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
I can't stand being right.

Risking the wrath of NV:

The problem is not that you can't stand being right. Isn't it more that you can't stand it when other people don't listen when you know you're right?

M4P, welcome back. Was wondering what had happened to you.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 6:56 AM


Here's the lowdown folks. Sister called cussin' at my mom this morning because her documents never reached her in Mexico. She can;t get back for her already extended court date and she may be facing federal charges. She has not filfilled a single thing in her case plan for social services. I'm not trying to get rid of the kids, but they do miss their mother and she does need to be with them. She is angy at my mom despite me telling them that she'd probably never recieve her papers in the mail if she had them sent straight to her. I told them to have them sent to an American office in Michuacan, but no one listened. Chances are someone else has her identity making it ten times harder for her to get back. I ain't one for hittin' women but I may take a two day trip just to bitch slap her and bring her home.
Just shit sick of all the crap. And more to think about. She AND her boyfriend my try to cross "else where". In which case, if she makes it home and he is with her, I have the sneaking suspicion that they will try and take the kids to wherever. Tryin' real hard not to revert to my old way of thinking, but disappearing some waste of space is not beyond me. Can't stand feeling like this.
That, and I may be becoming a functioning alcoholic. So no alcohol this week. No real problem with that, (went sober for a three year stretch), just worried as for the reason behind drinking in the first place


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 6:59 AM


too busy second guessing myself to ever be right ^^

as for looking in the mirror, well, aside from swapping my face for john cusack's i can't think of any way i'd want to change it, i like the way i look ^^



Tuesday, August 22, 2006 7:01 AM



how many of you shiny folk look in the mirror and like yourselves?
When I get cleaned up, put make up on, do my hair, that sort of thing, then yes. I have to say I am pretty happy with the way I look, clothed, naked, in a bikini (now that I sewed one myself that actually friggin fits!), whatever. But on days like today, when I've been working from the moment I get up in the morning until the moment I go to bed for the past few days, I look especially crappy, and I can't say I like it, lol. Working from home means not only do I get to work through "commute time", but it also means I don't have to worry about what I look like, most days. But I'll shower today and then it'll all be good.

'Course, that doesn't mean that I don't hate my body. I think there are plenty of people who like the way they look but still hate their body or something about their body. For me, it's the illnesses -- autoimmune by definition means my body is attacking itself, so I can't help but hate my body. The joint pain is at a yearly low right now, but if past autumns are anything to go by, I'll catch some bug and the joint pain will flare up again, mostly likely meaning that I'll have to go back to working part time, rather than the full time plus I'm pulling right now. It's very depressing when my body can't keep up with my mind, and it's even more frustrating when my mind is clouded by the illness.

Oh, and the amount of hair I lose in the normal progression of the day has more than tripled and held at that level for more than three weeks now, which means that I have an alopecia areata spot starting up. It's been years since my alopecia was bad, and even though I know that it won't ever be as bad as trying to get through middle school with half of my hair gone, it's still not something I'm looking forward to.

Gah, sorry, just wanted to vent. So yeah, I hate my body for its insides if not its outsides. And I hate doctors for not giving a about how I feel, because they think I don't "look sick".

Anyway, I'll return you to your previously scheduled Imponderables.


You can't take the sky from me...






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